• Many anaesthesiologists believe that the potential dangers of N2O are so great that it should no longer be used at all for routine clinical anaesthesia. Osho inhaled dozens of steel cannistaers of the stuff, yet it is never mentioned as a contributing factor in his death. Why not? Because it would have seriously undermined his [...]

  • those gringos must have been pretty annoyed at being badmouthed in public by a brown injun woman only 15 years after the end of segregation in the US.

    i guess that must have been like walking into a redneck bar and calling john wayne a faggot…….

  • its true that the american govt may have got seriously pissed off at some shortass smartass brown guy telling them they were monkeys…. but just one more thing…… my inner columbo reminds me of a certain millionaires wife (real columbo material,here) who turned out to have a (possibly very long)history of poisoning,a poison lab,finally…[Read more]

  • As to motive I agree with you, Dharmen.

  • I find it hard to understand why people find it so difficult to believe that he was poisoned in jail and this killed him. Motive of US government was great anger with him and racism. L wrote “Seeing as how the old boy claimed to have been a victim of thallium poisoning why did he [...]

  • Motive: Osho had stuck a giant finger up at them. The Ranch was audacious, it was almost a country within a country, a lttle Indian gurus kingdom inside the land of mighty America. When you visited the ranch you went through check points just like border entry points, you were checked more thoroughly than any [...]

  • If this suggestion that Osho chose euthanasia would be true then it is unlikely he would have self administered the means, which means, technically someone killed him. I can’t imagine euthanasia (for Osho) sitting so well with many Indians and I think it is unlikely they would be able to make room for it. I [...]

  • Okay, Dharmen, two little things. First motive. Please explain why the American government would want to poison Osho. Seeing as how the old boy claimed to have been a victim of thallium poisoning why did he have none of the very distinct symptoms of such a poisoning. Osho himself said that a lie is okay [...]

  • Not so sure about that Lokesh, unless you give no credence to Osho own words on being poisoned see The Signature of Poison/ Osho’s death . Of course this opens up the old chestnut of what did Osho die from. Was he poisoned? Was his body poisoned by Nitrous Oxide use? Did he just die? [...]

  • He was murdered in jail, says Alokjohn. I don’t believe that because it does not make any sense.

  • Parmartha posted an update in the group Group logo of The HumaniversityThe Humaniversity: 12 years, 5 months ago

    Alok, etc,
    I have met at least five people who definitely should not have been exposed to Humaniversity therapy. one spends long periods in a mental hospital even now. I have also met a number of people who clearly seem to have benefited from it.
    The Humaniversity may be a degree more professional now, but it clearly needs to be much more careful…[Read more]

  • It’s been conjectured that Jesus was administered belladonna during his crucifixion. The bit about ‘forgive them, for they know not what they do’ may have been brought about by hallucinations. A significant teaching within the Christian canon may have been influenced by a psychotropic. Gurdjieff said something about it being wounded vanity that…[Read more]

  • “forgive them for they know what they do?”

    poor old jesus,he must`ve drunk so much homebrew wine,he forgot his lines.
    paralytic,i`d say…..

  • “Forgive them for they know what they do”. Wasn’t that an indication of more or less total human unconsciousness from Jesus on the Cross?

  • In the above extract Osho says “… but this is my deepest longing: that Sheela and her group should be forgiven, and if any punishment is needed the (Courts) should give it to me.” In a sense his wish was fulfilled. Sheela and her gang got light sentences considering the gravity of their crimes, but [...]

  • Those words of Osho are highly interesting. At first glance, they appear noble and praiseworthy. At least he is assuming some sort of ultimate responsibility. It seems the words of a very honorable and loveable father. But, for Devil’s Advocate heck-of-it, let’s examine the words a bit more carefully. Osho is releasing responsibility on his [...]

  • “i am responsible for what happened ,because you are fast asleep”
    i tried that one one my girlfriend…
    i got a black eye.
    disciples will believe anything!

  • I think he had to take decisions without anything in the past to guide him. So he was bound to “make mistakes.” He was an Indian man who became enlightened in an Indian culture. The western sannyasins (I include Sheela among these) were a type of person he had never met before. In fact I [...]

  • maybe it was a device he devised to show that devices dont do what they`re devised to do?

  • I remember being in discourse with Osho in Oregon when he spoke these words below. I remember feeling at the time an enormous shift, though even now I could not fully define it. But it did mean to me then and now, that an “enlightened Master” could be mistaken and could own his mistakes.  And even [...]

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