The Ring Of Truth?

22/10/2020 in The World

Frank questions the validity of current popular socio-political theories arising from various responses to the Covid-18 pandemic.

In the last months,since the Covid emergency, many newagers, including, of course, Osho sannyasins, have bought into and are propagating for various of their own reasons, a swathe of insane and fraudulent “conspiracy theories”. Many of these theories originate and are being deliberately engineered and pumped out on social media by far-right propagandists, particularly Qanon, as well as other various sources.

There`s a lot on the web about it. This is a relevant clip from “The Guardian”:

 Here`s a link to a more detailed examination if you`re interested:

This isn`t just something I`ve read about in the papers and online,though. I have fallen out with quite a few people as a result of all this.

Therefore,I can agree with the author that amongst the reasons for this are certainly: financial self-interest (for example, amongst wellness industry people who benefit from dissing science and orthodox medicine), attempts at perceived `rebelliousness` (I`m not a sheep/you can`t muzzle me with your masks), underlying racism (BLM are terrorists funded by the elite cabal), having freedoms curtailed , the satisfaction of being in a gang with special knowledge (“I have awakened and seen through the Matrix”, ”they want to inject you with the mark of the beast”), and other plain ignorance and gullibility born of misplaced idealism fuelled by unaddressed projections that can create a desire for a showdown with the forces of evil/Babylon/The Matrix that will usher in a new age of Light. Getting into this stuff is presented in familiar terms of `awakening`,`awareness`, `consciousness` etc.

Thus, many of our fellow-travellers are now unknowingly or knowingly spouting far-right, Trumpian lies and fabrications that have apocalyptic Christian overtones mixed in with the old Hari Potter yogic-powers siddhis stuff, and believe that the truth is out there courtesy of random online chancers who are riding the wave, getting rich and famous as their Youtube/Facebook clicks go up.

I would also say that, generally speaking,  people on this wave follow the standard basic psychology of fascism, (of which Qanon is most definitely a propagandist form.)

That is to say:
Uniting around a central idea, purpose and/or charismatic leader, the subscribers turn feelings of depression into aggression, inferiority into superiority, ignorance into arrogance, shame into pride.

I also suspect that many so-called seekers and wellness freaks had already lost the plot before the emergence of the virus and the rise of Qanon, by investing too heavily in bogus (already fascistic) gurus, authoritarian teachers and leaders, highly questionable `healing modalities`, quack remedies, dodgy diets and a raft of `spiritual practices` that nullify basic intelligence and disable critical thinking, thus leaving themselves ripe for the harvesting.

What do say, SN punters?
I`d love to hear your opinions and experiences.



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