Statement from Swami Rajneesh Re Samadhi

Sannyasnews are happy to post Rajneesh’s statement here, but hasten to add that it does not mean we subscribe to all his views.


the greatest master of master
and his vision of love and compassion and his dream of 10000 Buddhas
is poisoned once again by the circle of 21 baboons.

As the inner circle of 21 baboons continue to misuse their powers
i am announcing to the world of sannyasins at large
that i have decided to take the matter
of our beloved master, Osho’s samadhi
to the courts.

Banning is the lowest form of blackmail
this is an ugly and childish form of emotional blackmail
that is simple barbaric primitive and manipulative
reward and punishment.
This crude and ugly method is a stupid way to make a sannyasin into a donkey -
a carrot and stick method of reward and punishment
to create fear of banning to control others.
Obey us and we reward you…do not obey and be punished.
Control freedom of expression
banning is to control the freedom of expression
to control the rebelious spirit
these are the ugly ways of people in borrowed power to dominate the individual and the rebel
using fear to control.
Banning is using fear as a way to control and humiliate those who do not obey
and to publicly ostracize individuals who refuse to fall in line with authority.
Banning also serves those in authority to create fear in others
and to show their power and control over others freedom
who live in fear of similar punishment.

Creating divisions in sannyasins
Authority is always manuplative and creates divisions by use of fear -
this creates divisions amongst sannyasins
who are always looking over their shoulders at who is watching them
and their behaviour and actions and words about those in power.
Are sannyasins school children in a nursery school
or rebels seeking the fire of truth in a mystery school.
Sannyasins are being reduced to herds of sheep, and cowards,
who dare not speak or express themselves freely

Trespassing into anothers spiritual freedom
– no one has the right to interfere into anothers freedom
spiritual freedom of the individual is most precious.

individual versus the organisation

No organisation has the right to judge condemn and ridicule an individual.
Freedom is the ultimate value.
Freedom of the individual comes first
freedom of expression a birthright

Spiritual versus mundane matters
Osho gave a clear mandate to take care of mundane matters
and not to interfere into spiritual matters
what are mundane matters and what are spiritual matters
is the decision between use or misuse of power.

As the inner circle of 21 baboons continue to misuse their powers
i am announcing to the world of sannyasins at large
that I have decided to take this matter of my freedom to enter the samadhi at present denied to the courts.
Wrongly ban whosoever you wish from your imprisonment resort
Osho’s samadhi is not the Resort’s personal property, and you need to respect fundamental rights.
It is my constitutional right
to be free to enter the samadhi of my beloved master Osho.
No one can be barred from entering a samadhi.

Swami Rajneesh

tears of the mystic rose

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142 Responses to Statement from Swami Rajneesh Re Samadhi

  1. Prem Abhay says:

    Can I come too?


    click on “osho resort” to read about a banned buddha

  2. shantam prem says:

    As the inner circle of 21 baboons continue to misuse their powers….

    No, they are not misusing their power as the institution called Inner circle has dies long ago.

    The need of the time is to resurrect this. It is important for the mother earth to have again a dancing, celebrating, singing, loving, meditating Buddhafield…
    21 baboons have done enough of their share in harming the work. Few have already gone upstairs, rest should give the push to their soul for reviving the inner circle.
    Samadhi is just a part of this whole magnificant mystery school and Rajneesh is one of us, so i hope he will leave the titel Osho for his master.

  3. Kranti says:

    ” Osho’s samadhi is not the Resort’s personal property, and you need to respect fundamental rights.
    It is my constitutional right ”

    Who is the babbon here.. saying saving samadhi is his constitutional right.. This guy Rajneesh is crazy..

    He is just trying to become famous by arguing..

    He argues against Inner Circle

    He argues against therapy

    He argues against meditation itself

    See videos where he calls meditators as idiots

    He says the only things needed is dancing and vertical movement of energy kind of stuff.. asthough it is like climbing some staircase …

    He says tere is no need to do meditation…Now he says these things about Samadhi

    No intelligent sannyasin need support from these Rajnessh’ guys opinions.. No wonder they banned him..

    If meditation is for idiots as he says then banning is for intelligent people..Why not.. It is ridiculous that whatever he says is right and what others say is wrong

    He saw the way Osho spoke against al people , systems and he is trying to do similar stuff in his own way.. It looks imitate Osho in so many ways..

  4. Kranti says:

    Inner circle just banned him..Osho would have hanged him..

    Now that he has his own following and master image why doesnt he shut up and help people with awareness..rather bringing constitutional rights as though constitutional rights are sacred and perfect..Those rights itself framed by few political idiots..

    Ridiculous these guys.. Osho talked against politicians and governtments his whole life..Now guys like Rajneesh and harri om are foolishly talking about court , government and fuckin constitution

    Sannyasnews.Let us ne concious..Please dont publish these kind of opinions.. It is insulting osho himself..

  5. Kranti says:

    Sannyasnews.. Let us be fair..

    Please publish positive aspects of Pune resort ALSO for the next three or four threads..if this site is unbiased – It is not that they dont have positives -Then we will see ..

  6. Prem Abhay says:

    SannyasNews does not have the courage to subscribe to the truth, I hasten to add.

    Kranti you say “Inner circle just banned him..Osho would have hanged him.” This is gutter language Kranti, especially knowing what has happened to Swami Rajneesh. The reality is management systematically attacked him (including physically) and Osho told them to let him back into the ashram and leave him alone. You are out of touch with the facts on this one.

    Kranti and others you are ignorant of the basic argument from Swami Rajneesh. Your responses miss the point. Hence I will explain things simply to you because you are to emotionally involved to read what Swami Rajneesh is writing. Here it goes…the practice of banning, as with other measures such as physical assaults (for example the ones on me) have twofold effect.

    The first effect is the people that pose as a serious threat to their power are removed from the power structure. They then have little involvment with the people and the resorts functioning. Hence cannot influence the other people who are associated with the resort, and they become out of touch with the facts on the ground. They are effectively slandered and pariahed. That deals with the problem of current threats to their power. However there is another problem: there are many other people that want to stand up against what they see is wrong or questionable managerial conduct, however they have yet to do so. To these, the violent way the banned buddhas have been dealth with serves as a warning to them. This is the second effect.

    The total effect is a functioning dictatorial religious movement. This is what we have, and you as an outsider have not got a clue. You are a workaholic. Go to Pune and work your way into the power structure. Find out the hard way, else step back, gather some facts, and read what Swami Rajneesh has written with a quiet and non-reactionary mind.

    The central text is to do with access to the Samadhi. Again your arguments are devoid of intelligence. Swami Rajneesh is a long time Osho devotee. As with me, he would like to visit the Samadhi of his Master. As with me, he cannot because the criminals in power will not allow people like us around…because we are too dangerous.

    Unlike most countries that are ignorant of the importance of a Masters final resting place, India is not. Your ignorance is like those countries that do not protect and preserve the sacred. In the Indian constitution there is protected the fundamental right for any devotee to visit the Samadhi of their Master. It is there for the very reason that Swami Rajneesh is exercising this right. After the Master leaves the body factions and fighting develop. The authentic disciples get discarded in the midst of battle. Hence this protection is legally mandated to stop this ugly process. I worked for a year in the Samadhi. Swami Rajneesh is a long time devotee of Osho. Who are you?

    Kranti you say “Osho talked against politicians and governtments his whole life.” This is again the sought of ignorant conditioning that creates a belief system (a religion). He revealed the truth of everything, whether that be an individual seeker, politicians, or a particular government.

    Kranti as I read what you have written you spiral deeper and deeper into darkness. “Sannyasnews.Let us ne concious..Please dont publish these kind of opinions.. It is insulting osho himself..” This is why people have drank contaminated drinking water (that would have no doubt made many people seriously ill) for years and years. My voice was shut down at every turn. Here you go trying to shut down another voice that says the same type of thing. You are unaware of the ramifications of what you are saying; however the effect, if successful, is extremely harmful to the Osho movement. You talk about bias. The truth is not biased. You are a fool. You have a criminal mind like Jayesh and his gang. Go join the mad biased club.

    The last thing you say is “Then we will see ..” You are so blind that there is no chance of you seeing anything other than Jayesh’s deluded vision, atleast anytime soon.


  7. Prem Abhay says:

    Kranti, if my prediction is right you and others will object that people like me are the ones that are fighting. Swami Rajneesh made this point very clear in his statement. I have also made it clear. I will restate it here for those who are slow to learn. I and others are standing up for ours (and others) freedom, and to have the truth revealed. When I say factional fighting I am not talking about authentic groups and individuals that have the courage to take a stand against injustice and criminality. It has not so much to do with religion as you may think. There may be external factions that are politically motivated. However there is also an internal battle being waged between Western proxy dictators and scheming Management Team India grovellers.


  8. Heraclitus says:

    Osho is everywhere. He is in the trees, and in the flowers, and in the sky and on the earth. He is in your room and on the road. No-one needs to go anywhere to be with him and his flavour, except “in”.
    All this stuff is just political and also about old Indian beliefs that somehow samadhi’s have some special force, etc. All superstition, and nonsense.
    This fellow Rajnnesh is clearly not well ion some way, but of course he attracts followers. It is the human condtition to have and want leaders, and many “leaders” in human history have been deranged.
    Look at the videos of the Nuremburg rallies of 1933. . So many people in ecstasy worshipping Hilter. And yet Hitler visited total madness upon those poor same people and untold suffering and tragedy over the succeeding years to 1945.

  9. beloved friends at sannyasnews

    this is the core issue i am hammering…pay attention

    osho gave a clear mandate to the inner circle
    to take care of mundane matters
    not to intefere into spiritual considerations

    what are mundane matters
    and what are spiritual considerations ???

    this will decide the powers of the inner circle
    and what is their authority
    what should be their role
    and where to draw the line

    is banning celebrating his birthday a mundane matter ? is celebrating his enlightment day a mundane matter ? is banning masters day celebration a mundane matter ? is remembering 19 january a mundane matter ? is the samadhi a mundane matter ?
    is breaking the podium a mundane matter ? is barring and removing all osho photos from the resort a mundane matter ? is banning wearing the mala a mundane matter ? is singing osho songs a munane matter ? is banning prem joshua milerapa dhyanam giten satyapriya sarjano harideva neelam tathagat keerti premabhay and hundreds of our beloved devotees and lovers of osho a mundane matter ??

    these are spiritual considerations !!

    and osho has clearly mentioned that the inner circle
    is not to interfere into spiritual considerations nor is it to discuss philosophy

    they are simply to do their functional jobs
    and take care of practial matters…
    fullstop !!! and fullstop means fullstop !!!

    they are creating their own philosophy and guidelines based on their own unconcious ideas with their narrow judgmental opinions…and that too all are divided and fighting as16 of the orignal inner circle have been removed or displaced or left in disgust

    the inner circle are not masters
    nor caretakers of his vision and his messsage

    so let us not make them into highly elevated powerful people in control of osho legacy
    which is for the larger humanity and for millions of seekers down the ages

    before you post all your blah blah blah …
    discuss and clarify your stand on these important issues and primarly what are the real powers of the inner circle and if they are misusing their mandate

    this is the point…so be clear what is the issue
    are they misusing their borrowed authority ??

    always with love swami rajneesh

    and to add…my name is simply swami rajneesh
    my website is known as oshorajneesh
    as my masters name always comes before mine

    the clear statement on my homepage is :
    ” dissolved into your lotus feet
    o my beloved master osho ”

    my book tears of the mystic rose has no author
    and simply states rajneesh reveals osho…
    as it is a love story of a disciple
    dissolving into the love of his master

  10. Dear Kranti

    You said that “No intelligent sannyasin need support from these Rajnessh’ guys opinions”

    Please let me know if you have come across any intelligent sannyasin of Osho.

    Either there is no intelligent sannyasin of Osho – Otherwise Osho would not have chosen Ma Sheela or this 21 members of Inner circle. The Orange robe rajneeshpuram and Maroon robe inner circle just shows the quality of people which Osho have chosen.

    OR Osho was not intelligent enough to choose the people for these key positions.

    OR Intelligent sannyasins are there but they were not interested in these mundane works. I count Swami Rajneesh among one such intelligent sannyasin. In fact, in my opinion He is one of the most intelligent sannyasin alive in body.

    Here by, I challenge you or any one else to prove me wrong in this point.

    I have stated three reasonings, Please read them well before answering.

    If you think that there is someone intelligent than your master was stupid to chose other stupid people
    OR His Zorba The Buddha approach has failed as intelligent sannyasins are not interested in the mundane work.

    Swami Amitabh

  11. shantam prem says:

    Please, read the above story and see the face of a prophet!

    Many many of the people in the spiritual business have same kind of sweet aura, they may not go into such extremties but few screws are always loose.

    “Sannyasnews.. Let us be fair..

    Please publish positive aspects of Pune resort ALSO for the next three or four threads..if this site is unbiased – It is not that they dont have positives -Then we will see ”

    Kranti, why someone is not writing for the postive contribution of Resort?..

    When you see the other ashrams all over India including the gurus poped up in the last 15-20 years, resort is still a heaven but when you compare it with the vision and efforts taken by Osho..than i will say..resort is a toothless tiger, poisonless snake. milkless cow..
    And the blame solely goes to the two man team who tunred the collective heritage into personal interptation.

    Still… if i have to spend one hour with Jayesh or Amrito or Rajneesh..without doubt it will be with Jayesh or Amrito.

    Rajneesh..he is one of Oshodhara kind of people, a bit more refined…
    We are living in such a vacuum and desire to relate with someone on higher level is so strong, that once you open your shop, few hundred will definately think, yes..he is one of the most intelligent guru.

    Osho is exceptional but few can say about Osho the same what i want to say for the spiritual preachers, that, “They are the dildos for the being”.

  12. Alok john says:

    Kranti is right as usual.

  13. Kranti says:

    ” Kranti you say “Inner circle just banned him..Osho would have hanged him.” This is gutter language Kranti ”

    It was my language of reaction ..Osho would have dealth with people in his own way… Check with facts from Anthony… I am aware Swami Rajneesh had issues decades ago.. But i hate to see others hiding behind that and showing as though everyone is being treated violenetly..

  14. Kranti says:

    ‘ I worked for a year in the Samadhi. Swami Rajneesh is a long time devotee of Osho. Who are you? ”

    Such a Egotic , Holier than you statement…

    I have been in Love Osho for 17 years and didnt even feel the need to go anywhere except listening to my master.. So in your language i may be infereior

    This is a PRIME example of what is happening with most people…People can not simply digest few people running the show.. they also want to be special …They want their share of the cake..Most of the reactions are coming because of that..

    Very few people like Shantam want to see a Heart Oriented approach and they react from heart.. Others simply hide behind them and create fuss to become special

    Ofcourse Abhay i dont consider you in that category..somehow you have communicated the true motives of lot of people who react..

  15. Kranti says:

    ” Unlike most countries that are ignorant of the importance of a Masters final resting place, India is not ”

    This is height of ignorance

    I dont even know what to say seeing a westerner misunderstanding so much about India… I am saying this as an India.. there is nothing special about India when it comes to these samadhis and all.. Please dont glorify this country for its spritual aspcts.. 99% of it is crap and extreme pshycholoical sickness..We indians are already paying the price for allowing all nonsense in the name of spirituality

    Osho said of all the nonsense , spiritual nonsense is the most dangerous..because it has no upper limit.. India is a prime example of that

  16. Kranti says:

    Shan tam..I totally agree with you that we have idealogical diferences and people are hurt .. I stand by that side when the view points are coming from heart and they are directed at some balance they want to see

    But i dont need a guy like Rajneesh’s opnion to back up my views..

    And i still feel people talking about constitution and involving government and all is height of ignorance..

  17. Heraclitus says:

    Osho is everywhere. He is in the trees, and in the flowers, and in the sky and on the earth. He is in your room and on the road. No-one needs to go anywhere to be with him and his flavour, except “in”.
    All this stuff is just political and also about old Indian beliefs that somehow samadhi’s have some special force, etc. All superstition, and nonsense.
    This fellow Rajnnesh is clearly not well in some way, but of course he attracts followers. It is the human condition to have and want leaders, and many “leaders” in human history have been deranged.
    Look at the videos of the Nuremburg rallies of 1933. . So many people in ecstasy worshipping Hilter. And yet Hitler visited total madness upon those poor same people and untold suffering and tragedy over the succeeding years to 1945.
    Have any of you guys who seem to play tennis here about being for and against the Resort Authorities ever considered that both sides may be mistaken.

  18. Kranti says:

    Just to say i will rather kill myself than taking Indian Government help.. This is the bgovernment who insulted Osho to no extent.. because of US influence..

    US governtment reactions are understandable in a way..But what India did to Osho sheer crime.

    Abhay talks so highly about India when it comes to samadhis.. India is good only in protecting samadhis not living master.. India gave so much trouble to Osho and sannyasins wearing orange cloth were not allowed entry..

    None of this politicians had guts to sit infront Osho when he was alive.. Now they keep his books in parliament and talk about him prudly Where are all these guys when Osho was in body? Infact Indian govertment keeping Osho books in parliament is an insult to Osho

  19. Kranti says:

    ” Have any of you guys who seem to play tennis here about being for and against the Resort Authorities ever considered that both sides may be mistaken.”

    Heraculitus.. It is always possible.. Thats why forums exist. Otherwise it would be obivious that someone is right and another is not right..Unfortunately things are not that straight forward.. I am aware we are not trying to achieve anything great by posting messages.. It just helps to debate and polish our own views a little bit

  20. Prem Abhay says:

    Heraclitus your poetry is a well written deception. Osho as a living breathing presence was here on this earth for just few short years. Of course I can only assume that he had a beautiful and powerful presence – the energy of a great enlightened being that creates a buddhafield. I never met Osho however I have sat with many people that claim to be enlightened. Whether they are or not is irrelevant. Some people have a powerful yet subtle presence and seekers are drawn to sit in their presence. If I or the ‘Master’ has left a sitting, there is a fading cloak of subtle vibrations that quietly slips away. However, while in the energy field of the ‘Master’ the presence is tangible, especially if I am able to go deep into meditation.

    When you say Osho is in the trees and flowers and me, it is true only in that Osho is ultimately consciousness. Though this may be the case the energy field that centres on the body fades away once the Master leaves the body. Osho said it would take ten years for his energy to no longer be felt. Osho never contradicted his position that marble can contain the energy of a Master for longer than any other physical element. Hence Samadhis and temples are made out of marble. Osho also said that in certain confined spaces (even a building with an enclosed roof), the energy can reach new heights. This is what happens in Osho’s Samadhi. Your views are ignorant.

    Heraclitus it is your view that the Samadhi is nonsense. From your view it would not matter whether the Samadhi was there or not. However Osho established the Samadhi – call it what you like. You therefore have no authority to do anything to it, despite your ignorant views. It is none of your business if an Osho sannyasin wants to visit Osho’s Samadhi. Even if you went there you would not be able to feel the subtle energy because your mind would be too busy denouncing the truth of it. You are a fool.

    Heraclitus though there are tyrants there are also normal human beings and Masters. You are unable to tell the different because you are less conscious than a normal human being.

    Swami Amitabh I have some unfortunate news for you. It is obvious from the above postings by Kranti and Heraclitus that they are not intelligent enough to give you an appropriate response. Ironically you should not have requested or expected an intelligent response based on their ill-informed and stupid comments. This is a black mark against your intelligence. Anyhow I shall try and answer on their behalf as your question has merit.

    Swami Rajneesh is not quite accurate when he speaks of 21 baboons. There were 21 baboons in the beginning. The number of baboons has gone up and down over the years. Even a few years ago I would say the number was down to nearly half. Then Jayesh rushed in a few appointments to make up the numbers so the tree would not look so bare.

    In the beginning there was a mixture of nice baboons and nasty baboons. The nasty baboons got together and pushed a few nice baboons out of the golden tree. Few other nice baboons got scared and swung off to another tree or two. Few little nasty baboons that were just little bubbie baboons when Osho was in the body had grown up a little. They were allowed to climb up and hang out with the nasty baboons. Now what we have is a tree with nasty baboons. There are of course always more or less baboons in the tree. It is hard to maintain 21 nasty baboons when there is so much fighting to be done.

    Now I will get to the point. When Osho made a golden tree and hoisted up 21 baboons he gave no further instructions. He did not even tell the baboons how to choose a new baboon if one for some reason or another was no longer there. This was who Osho was. Osho was the sort of person that always opted for more rather than less freedom for his people to choose – whether that choice be right or wrong.

    Osho was at the top of the power hierarchy, but he handed out power more than most. A dictator like Hitler or Jayesh or Kranti for example opts for more and more control, till the point that there is only control and no individual freedom. Osho was not a dictator, he was a Master. Hence Osho opted for less and less control, till hopefully the point where there is no control and only individual freedom. Of course the limitation to this is that the will to power of some people (not Swami Rajneesh for example) always tries to slide humanity back into darkness. Osho was always trying to slide humanity towards the light.

    Harri Om argues that Osho should have used more of his power to prevent less of the likely trouble from unconscious power tripping religious extremist nutcases. Where the line be drawn on the amount of freedom granted to people that are by definition lacking in ability to exercise their right to use this freedom is a judgement call. Osho, like Shahriar, is a theoretician, an idealist, and a philosopher through and through. Harri Om, like myself, takes a more pragmatic position as a practitioner, a realist, and a philosopher. This is where the difference lies.

    It is important to understand that a person cannot try and copy or imitate a Master in this exercise. I will give a simply example. Back in Pune 1 people got seriously sick (I have heard some died) from TB and the like. Now when I say that a similar pattern is happening at the Pune Resort (Pune 2.5) some of you may use the historical reference to argue that I am wrong and Osho is right. If you argue this you perhaps have no idea of the historical situation – the practical difficulties and hardships that faced Osho and his people in the undeveloped Indian landscape. Pune 2.5 is utterly different to Pune 1. For the sake of a few dollars do you think that Osho would have chosen not to buy a few filters for the Pune 2.5 resort if he was still around? This is the point. We want Osho to be a great Master because we think we are so smart. When Osho left the body we want to be smart like him so we try and think like him rather than thinking for ourselves and having a bit of common sense.

    Osho gave a lot of freedom and it might be argued that he was responsible for the situation at The Ranch. Some of the closer disciples might have a sense of knowing that there was no way Osho could not have known what Sheela and her gang were up to. I have also argued this position. However the United States law enforcement agencies came up with next to nothing on Osho. This was because Osho (the human being with a body and an ability to talk) had to this mundane world done nothing wrong. Whether or not he could read your mind as an open book is part of a world that most of us are yet to know anything about. So in this world the practical truth of the matter was that Osho was responsible for The Ranch, but new nothing of the evil intent of Sheela and her. Only a fellow Master could put Osho on trial and convict him guilty or not.

    This is what we are left with. Whether you think you are enlightened or not there are responsibilities in this world. There are causes and effects and your actions (or lack of them) can harm yourself and others. Whether you think you are following the vision of your Master is no different. You cannot possibly imitate or copy a Master, especially someone like Osho. Yet we seek to do so because our spiritual ego still desires what the Master could not provide whilst in the body.

    Many of the baboons currently in the tree think that they are acting according to Osho’s wishes – probably even to the extent that it is as per the Master’s instructions that people get sick and possibly die from contaminated drinking water. Whether your intentions are good or not does not change the reality of a situation. Maybe you will get less time in jail than what Sheela deserved, but it does not change how you have hurt others. This is why the approach of giving a more or less unconscious crowd more or less freedom to make and learn from mistakes is immensely important. In part, in the presence of a Master ones own consciousness gets elevated to higher levels, and hence there is more chance of jumping out of unconscious patterns that have bound us to the repetition of deep suffering. It is risky business being a Master; not for the faint hearted I would imagine. Yet so many baboons are out there that eagerly undertake the task. (It reminds me of what Maitreya said a little way back in the SannyasNews collection…immense responsibility).

    The decisions that a Master makes, just like the words that they utter, is beyond our capacity to understand. Hence we should stay within the confines of our own deflated ability to understand and comprehend the world. The same goes for Osho’s books.

    So this is my response Swami Amitabh. Osho was not lacking in intelligence. Intelligent people were there. However noone would have learnt anything if unintelligent people were not thrown in the mix. Osho was the sort of person to put a lot of people in charge and then sit back and watch the fireworks. This was who he was. We cannot judge him because our reality is of this world – the same reality that has courts and criminals, the innocent, and the victimised.

    I will also add that plenty of intelligent people were not hoisted into the power structure. Maneesha is one example. As you point out Swami Rajneesh is another. It is just that such people have so much love and sensitivity that is all. One needs a bit of a thick skin to play power games with evil baboons.

    Not even 21 evil baboons would ever have been a match for Osho, if he so chose.

    I remember having to listen to Yogendra speak to a group that unfortunately included me. I never new I had such patience. Anyhow he did the usual trip of trashing Osho’s words by saying that Osho said that if ‘he had to choose between Zorba and Buddha he would have chosen Zorba’. Of course Osho has also said that if he had to choose between Zorba and Buddha he would have chosen Buddha. Swami Amitabh it is not Osho nor the concept of Zorba the Buddha that is the problem.

    It is not that Osho was too much Zorba and too little Buddha. It is that he was total in his trust that our harmful conditionings would be healed through his presence, his wisdom, and his offering to us of our total freedom. We proved however that we are not yet conscious enough not to indulge in licentiousness in the name of freedom. Osho elevated so many of his beloved sanyassins, even Sheela and her gang, and the current baboons. Funny thing is many of us not only don’t know it, but openly criticise him – a proof he did not elevate us enough.

    The problem is not with Osho’s vision. The problem is not even with our sleep. It is like asking why the jungle is not a paradise. The jungle is the jungle. Paradise is paradise. Reality is what it is. It is for us to know our own reality. Then we will know Osho and have no further questions. A Master’s presence can help us know our own reality. Osho is in plain terms dead; so is the energy that radiated from his body. This energy-field and discourse that fitted with each gathering gave us the best chance for a better tomorrow.

    With him gone even his unedited discourses can no longer be matched to the need that they filled. Now we have edited compilations that make a mockery of his insights. His presence is no longer with us to shower us and raise our spirit. We have 21 or less crazy baboons swinging in the golden tree. The road ahead looks a little dark, yet I am an optimist. I suggest you use your own intelligence (and not borrowed knowledge) to make decisions that you can be responsible for and that therefore have a reasonable chance of working out right. Also, if you want to seek guidance from a Master I hope it is not Jayesh or any of his baboons.

    Finally, when I say ‘us’ and ‘we’ I am talking about humanity.

    Hope this is of help Swami Amitabh. If not then I do not like your chances.


  21. Kranti says:

    Amitabh..Let me try.. Dont take it seriously

    ” Either there is no intelligent sannyasin of Osho – Otherwise Osho would not have chosen Ma Sheela or this 21 members of Inner circle

    People like Sheela always existed around masters

    Here you are assuming that Osho didnt have options.. The problem is we are trying to judge Osho from our angle..

    My understanding is Someone like Osho operate from compassion not through usual judgements we tend to make.. For him until things went beyond limit Sheela was like any other sannyasin..

    And when he chose 21 people and ceated an organism he experimented ..They are intelligent ..What is the problem.. They operate within certain limits..Do we mean to say another set of 21 people would have done things differently?

    What kind of perfection we expect from those people..What is the criteria you have for deciding what is intelligence?

    So it is not good arguement that Osho didnt have any intelligent people around him and so he didnt have option

    ” OR Osho was not intelligent enough to choose the people for these key positions.”

    Again Osho has his spontaneous way and there is no way we can judge him like this.. More importantly he was human..he can choose people..But he can not give you written guarantee that everyone will behave in a manner we expect them to behave

    We cant even judge the limitations within which a Inner Circle operates leave alone judging Osho himself.. If osho is not intellient then what are we doing here ?

    ” OR Intelligent sannyasins are there but they were not interested in these mundane works. ”

    It is obivious.. The conflict of briging your awareness to everyday mundane things is the only challenge we all have… Sitting inside a room and talking about ‘ awakening ‘ and ‘ peace that passes understanding ‘ and all easy..Bringing awareness to mundane is the challenge..Thats where the society around you test you to the core

    ” I count Swami Rajneesh among one such intelligent sannyasin. In fact, in my opinion He is one of the most intelligent sannyasin alive in body.”

    I dont know..

    But if he cant be intelligent and that can be declared by you with certainity then so many people can vouch for the intelligence of numerous sannyasins.. This last declaration of yours seems to be a kind of contracdictions

  22. Kranti says:

    ” It is obvious from the above postings by Kranti and Heraclitus that they are not intelligent enough to give you an appropriate response.”

    Abhay forgot to add ” ONLY I AM INTELLIGENT ENOUGH “

  23. Kranti says:

    ” Osho, like Shahriar, is a theoretician, an idealist, and a philosopher through and through. Harri Om, like myself, takes a more pragmatic position as a practitioner, a realist, and a philosopher. This is where the difference lies ”

    I dont think Shahriar would like to be part of this elite group of Osho , Abhay & Harri Om..

    It is good to see people equating themselves with Osho and even seeing where they are better than Osho.. We are growing …. I liked the cofidence of Abhay..But the problem is when he thinks he is good enough to be equated with Osho he denies others sannyasins can have basic intelligence..

    He not only chose an elite grour for himself but gave me one group out of compassion

    ” A dictator like Hitler or Jayesh or Kranti for example opts for more and more control”

  24. Kranti says:

    Anthony / Shantam

    This is for you..

    Have you noticed the change in language of Abhay..From some one who was interested only in water contaminations facts has become more and more like Harri Om in language..

    And at least from the forums we know Abhay is the one subjected to violence and Harri Om is the one refusing to reveal his identity due to fear of being attacked .. Isnt it ironical?

    And when Harri Om is active in posting Abhay is not active and vice versa .. Like what i said in another forum a Harri Om posts Abhays comments in Oshoworld..

    You understand now?

  25. Krishnananda says:

    I have heard there are no longer Osho’s remains in the Pune Samadhi, is that true?

    And about no energy in Samadhi… in fact if you are a little sensitive, you will feel it. I even felt strong vibes at Yogananada’s samadhi at LA. Different people have different feelings.

  26. swami says:

    Osho loved rajneesh, he communicated directly with him, read his beautiful book, the mystic rose, available free to download online.

    Rajneesh is a fine fellow, let him go to the courts, lets see what will become of it. I doubt if it would be possible for banned sannyasins to be allowed to enterthe resort to access the samadhi, but another idea would be to release some of Osho’s flowers (ashes) and to allow the building of another samadhi at a location that would be related to Osho’s life and in a place that would be accesable to all. Not in another centre, like Taboban but just a simple samadhi.

  27. Heraclitus says:

    Abhay, contrary to what you think, I lived with Osho when he was alive and also have been in the Pune samadhi a number of times.
    I never quote Osho. It is a silly thing to do. You seem to do it a lot. Why not rest your life on your own experience?
    Osho was often mistaken, make no doubt about that, so quoting him is additionally useless, and particularly as Osho often and deliberately contradicted himself to fox people like yourself.
    Many poor behaviours existed around Osho when he was alive, and also now he is dead. You wont experience those poor behaviours if you really own yourself and find your master within, whether it be in your room or on a high mountatin. And Osho will be there if you allow it. Dont be dependant on any samadhi, be a light unto yourself.
    Those people immediately around Osho physically were always a strange lot, and that includes when he was alive. Just power sourced egoistic people, who basically needed and need to play out their control and domination politics. People who oppose them today are exhibiting the same characteristics, as basically they want to replace them!

  28. shantam prem says:

    Kranti, you have figured out nicely. Abhay and harri Om, are as close to each other as two eyes, two ears, two nostrails and two holes between the thighs…

    Abhay..if it is not true, please request your friend to show his/her face. If he is not like Brad Pitt, may be like Angelina Jolie!

    My old friend Swami has written,”Osho loved rajneesh, he communicated directly with him, read his beautiful book, the mystic rose, available free to download online.”

    Mama Mia- I think God loves Hugh Hefner. he communicates directly with him. Dear god has blessed him with few of the the most beautiful women on the earth. See his beautiful magazine playboy. Much of the contents are free online.

  29. shantam prem says:

    People who oppose them today are exhibiting the same characteristics, as basically they want to replace them!

    May be it is true for the friction of sannyasins, who are getting nourishment from their ambitious mind.

    But most of the sannyasins have withdrawn themselves from the whole monkey business going on in Pune. When sannyasins revert back to their original name, it is enough protest. It is disillusionment with the working model imposed in the last 10 years.

    Normal citizens, when they protest, for example just a year ago it was in Pakistan. People simply want the restoration of the democracy where equal opportunities exist.
    In context with Osho and the future of His work, it will be appropriate to restore the institution of inner circle to take care of day to day working of the ashram. rest of the programmes should run the way they were in His life time. these twenty people should do brain storming, they should scratch their and others head, meditate, cry laugh. fuck but in the end come on the decisions which have the taste of no mind.
    It means throw the resort signboards in the dirty stream running inbetween the Osho teerth park.
    His work was to create an international contemprary mystic school. he did it. and let it be respected as His signatures.

  30. Anthony thompson says:

    well, we have the big baboon speaking, the impersonator, the one who profits from his master´s image, the one who considers himself the chosen one… the slow walking noone, showing off his meditativeness… HE, the swamiji… writing here.

    some cflarifications for everybody´s pleasure:
    Banning was implemented by Osho, according to his likings and people who bothered too much. Swamiji rahneeshi would have been banned in a split of a second. the only reason he was accepted was because he was a harmless nut, crazy, as many you could see around.

    Now with his megalomanic tendencies he writes a poorly written book declaring thatO osho signed him as hi successor… great!

    Now he declares the samadhi a world heritage and demands constitutuional rights… is it serious?
    and then the two faced abhay- harri om defends all his religious giberish because ” he looks a lot like Osho”, you know!

    Kranti who would have expected it… you turned to be the most intelligent guy in this forum.

  31. shantam prem says:


    Core issues you have pointed are exactly the core issues. There is no doubt about this.

    just one point is too much for me. that is
    Master’s name comes before your it is oshorajneesh… therefore it will be oshojayesh, osho shantam, osho kranti.. oshoswami, oshosadhna and millions and millions.

    This is a bullshit logic. Brother of Osho is also having the same logic that is why monkey looking family of oshodhara..all have osho before their names…

    Swami and Ma.. he has given prefix before the name, with the approach take it or leave it.
    So my request is..when you speak about the core issues,please take care that you follow the core issues.

    Rest i have no objection. Whether one is operating at 6th chakra or the crwon chakra… whether one fucks or sucks…it is all private and personal. but those who come on the high streets,a decrom, some protocol is always required.

    There is one fucker in the throabing spirtual market in Panjab., whose disciples write MANAV(human) with their name.
    Sushil Manav or Sushila Manav!
    logic..our guruji says because we are human beings so we write with our name human being..
    I will suggest to their guruji.Inspite of cultural, color, linguistic differences, one core issue bind us all and that is we all shit, once or twice a day….
    why not than
    Sushil ¨Shit or Sushila Shit !!

    There is a limit of human political mind entering the relms of spiritual purity.

  32. Anand says:

    Banning has been used as a political weapon against rebels. I think it is only fair that the banned people unite and check into all legal possibilities to revoke
    this banning. Since the place is a resort now, it should follow all laws like other resorts. It is not a personal property. I think a legal challenge by ‘all banned sannysins united’ will be successful.

  33. Kranti says:

    Mahakhasyap is the only one who understood Buddha.. Buddha transmitted the light without speaking a word.

    Mahakhasyap didnt start a circus like Oshodhara..He could have started a Buddhadhara..And he also didnt write a book bragging Buddha chose him as the successsor through direct communication etc..

    Osho says there is no other mention of Mahakashyap afterwards..he simply disappeared.. Now all these guys are opening website and staring out like their eyes wil pop out of the screen anytime…

    Thank God these guys are not showing some SMS sent by Osho to them..declaring they are the chosen ones.. If Osho had even gave one photo pose with mobile ..Then that would have happened..

    The reason why i respect number of people who lived close to Osho is that they dont do these things.. Even people like Sw Keerti and Sw Arun never do the kind of things these guys doing by staring out of website ..they are so ordinary and beautiful..The only thing that comes out is love for Osho

  34. Kranti says:

    ” I think a legal challenge by ‘all banned sannysins united’ will be successful. ”

    Anand.. Sometimes good intentions are more dangerous than bad intentions.. Once you let the political / legal dogs in to support you , need to maintain them for your life..If you guys are ready go ahead and do it..After that Osho will be used like the way they use other names for their own political advantages. YOu will see every cheap indian magazine discussing Osho and also re-visiting all the negative things so that they can seel ore magazines for few months

  35. Kranti says:

    Anyone who taks about government and legal systems is out of touch with reality..They just dont know what those rogues are capable of..once you let them in..

    We have already seen one legal battle giving negative publicity leave alone immense pain and financial drain to all..Let us be concious and not talk about those kind of actions

  36. It would have been better if people would have meditated and then answered from their clarity and meditative state.

    But the unfortunate part is that very few Osho Sannyasins meditate or know any thing about meditation.

    Those who have tried to answer my question should realize now that there is no need to defend Osho. I am sorry, seeing the responses I Quit, because I am not interested in intelluctual discussion. Meditatem have some clarity and till then I will wait.

    Instead of discussing about Osho, I think the issue here is Osho Samadhi. This burning issue of Osho Samadhi is thousand times more important than defending Osho mistakes.

    It is a good news that some one has thought of opening the Osho Samadhi for all. It should have been done before. But now we all have to be united and there is no need to waste energy.

    This intelligent decision simply shows how much unaware and insensitive we have become.

    Instead of supporting the good step taken by Rajneesh we are discussing unnecessary things.

    wake up now

  37. no attention span nor any intelligence
    to follow the thread of discussion here

    this is the core issue i am hammering…pay attention

    osho gave a clear mandate to the inner circle
    to take care of mundane matters
    not to intefere into spiritual considerations

    what are mundane matters
    and what are spiritual considerations ???

    this will decide the powers of the inner circle
    and what is their authority
    what should be their role
    and where to draw the line

    has osho’s vision become …
    ” the interpretation of osho ”
    by the drunkard and chain smoking amrito

    let me read your intelligent responses
    love always swami rajneesh

  38. shantam prem says:

    no attention span nor any intelligence
    to follow the thread of discussion here

    let me read your intelligent responses
    love always swami rajneesh

    Rajneesh, you are already putting yourself on the higher pedestal.

    The issues what you are pointing at are very relevant. If a sannyasin from Osho^s life time, does not feel the pinch of them, it will show the dumbness nothing else.
    if a Sannyasin from Osho^s life time, feels the pinch but does not raise the voice, he should also check his humility or cowardliness.

    i appreciate your success in a short period of time, but when i see few people sayinfg yes to your yes.. i wonder these babies are osho^s sannyasins or yours.
    There is no harm in having one^s own followers, but refute with an intelligent logic of your adding prefix osho with your brand name.

  39. frank says:

    its the worlds fastest growing sport,more than 300 million fans worldwide,its no-holds-barred,it`s brutal,its bloody and its very big business……

    cage fighting.

    it will generate loads of cash for everyone,no need to go out and waste time hustling a load of old osho books that no one wants to read anyway,and,most important of all,
    it will give the world a great chance to witness what `intelligent sannyasins` are about.

    just stick amrito,jayesh,that fat indian guy,rajneesh,abhay,harri om in the cage,lay your bets,crack open a beer and enjoy the enlightentertainment.


  40. frank says:

    and just to spice it up a bit,you could have them screaming osho quotes at each other as they pummel each other.

    i am sure there must also be legions of the banned queuing up to have a go.
    it would be cathartic too.forget about all those dynamic and aum meditations,thats just play-acting.
    here they will really mean it and feel it,for real.

  41. Anthony thompson says:

    i thought you british girfriend had killed yyou or something
    what about some haykus on sw. rajneesh… we desperately need them.

    I think I need to re-quote myself
    well, we have the big baboon speaking, the impersonator, the one who profits from his master´s image, the one who considers himself the chosen one… the slow walking noone, showing off his meditativeness… HE, the swamiji… writing here.

    some cflarifications for everybody´s pleasure:
    Banning was implemented by Osho, according to his likings and people who bothered too much. Swamiji rahneeshi would have been banned in a split of a second. the only reason he was accepted was because he was a harmless nut, crazy, as many you could see around.

    Now with his megalomanic tendencies he writes a poorly written book declaring thatO osho signed him as hi successor… great!

    Now he declares the samadhi a world heritage and demands constitutuional rights… is it serious?
    and then the two faced abhay- harri om defends all his religious giberish because ” he looks a lot like Osho”, you know!

    Kranti who would have expected it… you turned to be the most intelligent guy in this forum.

  42. oshobob says:

    hey, willya look at that, frankie’s back in town…

    the Barb from Britainia laying down some good ol’ Kultural Kritique — a bit rusty and flaccid perhaps, from all that lounging around with his northern England girlfriend, but back he is nonetheless…maybe this could be the beginning of a burgeoning Resurrection Revival on all fronts…Two-Ton Tony, Rockythustra…?

    Of course, frank, you will have to pen a ring-name for Swami Rajneesh, he has well deserved scars of proud-flesh — battle tested, bruised, beat-up, and banned. But still going strong — the guy definitely has some guts, you gotta give that to him. Everyone loves these comeback stories — reality mimicing Hollywood in a way. The Gong Show returns. Round One.


  43. ok…here is the truth of why the website was named

    it was to provoke directly and actively oppose the inner circle and their claims to trademark and ownership of the title osho and their threats to shut down or remove any one who used the osho as a prefix or otherwise

    as you know oshoworld has won on this matter

    the name osho connects all in the world of osho
    hence the us courts also decided with a clear and reasoned judgement that everyone was free to use the name osho otherwise the inner circle wanted to trademark osho as a sole property and trademark

    infact i had coined the term and name oshoworld
    when i had met keerti after he left poona ashram

    i had wanted my website to be
    but all such websites names were taken

    now i feel that http://www.oshorajneesh is perfect
    as i too share my dance and celebration
    my love and gratitude for my beloved master osho

    all who know me simply call me swami rajneesh
    and remember only my wesbite is oshorajneesh

    read my book with an open heart and you will find that
    i am simply a dissolved devotee of my master osho

    i share my love for each sannyasin i meet and have only tears of gratitude to offer

    you can fight me as much as you want…
    i accept defeat as i have already won
    in my love for osho

    i only fight those who oppress and try to dominate
    the freedom of sannyasins…whom i love and care for

    always simply rajneesh

  44. oshobob says:

    Swami Rajneesh, I have supported you on this forum in past threads, both for the traveling jugernaut of meditation events you lead, and your right to call yourself oshorajneesh, if that’s what you want to be called (Shantam Prem has some very rigid thinking on that name prefix ‘osho’, for some unknown reason…maybe he should spend more time reading my online history of that word on my website, and less time with his nose in the “pornos”)…

    But as to your focus here on whether the Pune Resort management should be dealing with mundane or spiritual matters — a good question, but, uh…., correct me if I’m wrong — isn’t banning someone from the Resort a very functionally mundane matter? A security issue — whether justified or not. Very mundane. Happens all the time all over the world, from family households with domestic disputes, to private companies trying to maintain a trouble-free environment at their factories, to countries like the USA with their Homeland Security Dept. trying to filter out suspected terrorists at airport customs.

    Looks to me like this whole “banning” thing is a concocted drama to break up the central cult image phenomenon that Osho never wanted in the first place.
    Designed by the Old Man himself, most probably.

  45. shantam prem says:

    Thanks a lot Rajneesh for your clarification and the reason behind using Osho.
    Anything which proveks the doctor financer team is perfectly Ok.

    Now please, share your prospective; Why for heaven’s sake, Amrito. Jayesh team has gone so adament in the last few years to destroy each and every step taken by osho.

    I am, like many others wish to know your opinion,Not keerti’s view or Satya Vedants or Shunyo, or Anando’s view, when it happens that on the surface, Osho was the master but deep down.. It is Jayesh and Amrito, who became masters of the master.
    Why this tragedy happend and how we can bring the system back on the line.
    These two people and their cronies need to be impeached…. this is my feeling, one can see in the posts of last few months.

    with love


  46. shantam prem says:

    PS-there are many spelling mistakes in my above post. Some time it is no fun to spell check.

  47. my beloved oshobob

    i was banned for walking slowly
    and judged as an immitator and troublemaker
    pretending to be enlightened

    i have lived this way wherever i have gone for
    the past 28 years after my first explosion happened
    as i have spoken in my book

    strange as i was in the state of vipassana
    which is they way of life of a meditative sannyasin
    all buddhas disciples walked with awareness meditatively as a way of life for 30 years or more

    osho always insisted that one should walk with awareness and act with awareness and live with awareness in each and every small act

    this is meditativeness in reality

    in his words…act like a buddha…live like a buddha…
    each and every act conciously like buddha…slowly slowly your inner being will be transformed into grace

    hundreds of sannyasins wrote against me to osho that he had it announced in the buddhahall that swami rajneesh was the model sannyasin of the ashram !!

    osho knew of my walking in the state of vipassana
    and also changed my name
    from rajnish to rajneesh himself….
    perhaps he knows something these judges do not !!

    28 years of sannyas…and now another 18 years have passed…i have remained silent mostly in the himalayas…deepening my meditativeness…
    naturally i have grown deeper into my states of conciousness and awareness…of course my actions will resemble a man of awareness !!!

    and did osho say that no one will become enlightened
    so where is his dream…of awakened disciples ??

    i have declared my awakening…
    and that there is more depths to dive into…
    that enlightment is just the beginning…
    now i am truly a devotee of my master with open eyes
    grateful with tears of gratitude towards my master

    no i am not his succesor…infact…
    he has found success in my awakening !!

    i am a nobody…so i can fail…
    but osho is the master of masters..imagine his failure
    imagine a master with no awakened disciples
    what a poor master…what a failure it would be for him…

    now enough of this seriousness…

    always with you rajneesh

    i celebrate…i dance…i sing…osho osho osho !!!

  48. Anthony thompson says:

    again I re- re copy myself endlessly:

    well, we have the big baboon speaking, the impersonator, the one who profits from his master´s image, the one who considers himself the chosen one… the slow walking noone, showing off his meditativeness… HE, the swamiji… writing here.

    some cflarifications for everybody´s pleasure:
    Banning was implemented by Osho, according to his likings and people who bothered too much. Swamiji rahneeshi would have been banned in a split of a second. the only reason he was accepted was because he was a harmless nut, crazy, as many you could see around.

    Now with his megalomanic tendencies he writes a poorly written book declaring thatO osho signed him as hi successor… great!

    Now he declares the samadhi a world heritage and demands constitutuional rights… is it serious?
    and then the two faced abhay- harri om defends all his religious giberish because ” he looks a lot like Osho”, you know!

  49. Prasanto says:

    Fun-tastic !





    Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude forever to
    Osho Osho Rajneesh Rajneesh Osho shsohsoshso

    Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi – Swaha.
    Gone – Gone – Fully Gone – Awakened – Hallelujah.

    We are ALL Bhagwans.
    Give me any name …

  50. beloved shantam

    i wish to make it very clear that i have deep regards
    and love for each and every sannyasin
    just the reality that a person has taken sannyas
    is enough for me to accept him or her wholeheartedly

    we must remember there are now 7 billion people in the planet and only a small small fraction of 1 million have opened their hearts and fallen in love with the vision of our beloved master osho and are making efforts in their own way to understand and walk their inner journey and fulfill their dream

    i state that each and every sannyasin is priceless
    and should be given every support for their inner growth as they are all rare and chosen individuals

    on this note here are many issues that i do not wish
    to discuss openly about amrito as i have to give him that right to his buddhahood and his freedom

    what i am objecting to is that a person is power should not be able to destroy or deny anyones elses freedom…this is not acceptable to me

    it has always been know that power corrupts
    and total power corrupts totally…

    the one in power needs to be more concious and more alert and far more compassionate in his actions
    as his action affect and alter lives and thereby can interfere ufairly into others spiritual freedom

    as amrito is directly responsible
    for all the mis-interperation of oshos vision
    and he is directly affecting the lives of thousands of seekers by ways of his unconcious and insensitive actions on lovers of osho i have to object to him

    unfortunately i have to state that amrito is a heavy drunkard chain smoker and totally unconcious
    he is suffering from huge inner guilt of not reaching
    that no one respects him
    nor feels that he has attained wisdom
    he always wanted to be the successor of osho
    and his vision…he needs more love…and attention

    deep in his unconcious he hates osho
    and wants to be free of all his past devotee experiences that make him look childish today
    which make him look immature in the eyes of other newcomers and sannyasins…silly and stupid
    as he wants to be respected and looked upon as a man who is enough unto himself…
    that he needs no master…
    he has the diamond on his own right…

    this is my loving and silent view about him
    and i do not discuss other hardcore matters
    that i know of him in public

    jayesh has no real interest in power or the money
    he is simply interest that the financial side of the ashram remains in flowing
    and lives in bombay in taj mahal hotel or oberois
    remote unaffected and uninterested

    it is amrito who is power hungry and dominating
    in the way of creating his own guidlines to dominate his opinion on all that moves in the sannyas world

    this the the first time i am expressing myself on this forum and i feel that i have said too much
    and apologise for my judgements on amrito
    he too deserves buddhahood and love from all…
    he once was a most loving devotee of osho !!

    but…he is interfering into others freedom
    and he is misusing the mandate given by osho…
    hence…this issue stands open here…

    love always rajneesh

  51. mr anthony thomson

    osho’s samadhi is the discussion
    and how his vision of love is being affected
    and how his lovers and sannyasins are being affected

    this is not a platform to vomit
    vomit in your bathroom in private

    if you really want me to comment on your vomiting
    it could be painful…really sharp and sword like…
    so….really want to take me on ??


  52. Anthony thompson says:

    babe. Are you threatening me? the awaken one threatening a poor scholler.
    Come on! i could never reach your heights… of course not.
    Osho was never worried about where would he be worshipped, or weather anyone would opay him respects. His over reapeated answer was ” I do not care” realated to what happened after his death.
    It is up to symbol worshippers like yourself who are worried of “where” they have to go to pay respects to their dead master.

    Do you think that was Osho´s vision… people kissing marble floors. In which way that has anything to do with waking up and living meditatively?

    That is simply attachment to form. Do you want to feel connected to your dead master. well, feel this moment and there you are… thou art that.

  53. Kartar says:

    Dear Rajneesh. Good luck in your court case.

    Here is something you may find useful and is one of my personal experiences.

    Find a situation that may be troubling you and that you have been trying to work out. Think about it and “Do Nothing”. Think about it again, and “Do Nothing” again. Relax all unnecessary activity. Take a walk on the beach or anything that is relaxing, enjoy the moment – then think about the situation. Still “Do Nothing” at all. Keep walking keep enjoying.

    When this situation actually appears in your life, continue to “Do Nothing”. In about a week you will notice the changes that have taken place without your interfering at all.

    Or try this.

    In the midst of confusion, conflict, or even unwanted circumstances, stop and honestly ask yourself, “Where did all this come from? Who is the Master of these circumstances?” Stop and find out now.

    This quote sums it up:
    When we find the Master, we can rest and do nothing. the Master does all.

    Hope this helps in some way.

  54. shantam prem says:

    I wonder whether you are right now in Europe, North America or India, where ever you are, it is a very good feeling to have you here in this platform.

    It was may be two years before, i have written you the mail under the fictitious name, Prem Taru and you replied it too.

    Sometime when our vested interests seems to be in danger, it becomes difficult to take honest stand but in this process we harm our own being.
    Once the attachment to be in the ashram droped, it became easy to take stand, keeping in mind that we are on the journey of truth. I was not banned but felt that i will enter the ashram only when so called management committee will be impeached by the vast sannyas community.

    Just few posts above Anthony Thompson’s psychological observation has found in you the
    Megalomaniac tendencies.
    They may be there, may be not.

    I am curious whether with the same force, Anthony can say about Amrito or Jayesh, that these two people lack Emotional Intelligence, that their joint effort has degraded one of its kind Buddha field into just one of the thousands health spas..
    One thing is for sure, in the last two years, you are the only sannyasin who has achieved a stardom status in the sannyas scene. This high profile status is legendary.
    The big names in the game, who were cleaning Osho’s toilet or doing secretarial work or boring His teeth or providing him recreational medicines in rhe name of prescriptions stuff, have been left far behind because of their dishonest approach, selfish attitudes and cowardly submission towards the two men’s team.
    In this context, whether you are awakened or not…is not my business. If you are awakened it is even better, one is less in the Q and as He mentions many times like…it is birth right of all of us.

    My appreciation will go many folds, if your star status create a momentum to bring back the legacy of Osho on the right track.
    Only and only Osho’s vision, His dictates, His commands should rule the 17, Koregaon Park, Pune.
    Nobody should put even a small dot on His living creation of mystery school.
    People who want to have their own versions of Osho, must go for it, the earth is big enough to accommodate them all.

  55. shantam prem says:

    I feel it is a right time for me to bring in open the three letters communication i had with Dr. Amrito.

    Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:54 AM
    subjectA loving letter

    hide details May 3

    Beloved Amrito and Jayesh Sir,

    I feel a vast majority of Sannyasins, who joined Osho´s caravan like you in His physical presence, are feeling alienated by the activities at 17, Koregaon Park, Pune. Most of these people have simply become indifferent, not because of cowardliness but mostly out of politeness.
    In spite of all the adverse opinion about Him in the main stream media, we the people became His people. He is always happy to have us, His misfit people; the most educated and intelligent disciples a master could ever get, the kind of global disciples not Buddha could get nor Jesus.
    I understand the sincerity of your intentions but somehow the heady decisions of you have gone bit too far, they should have been on the contrary, FAR Out.

    Masters and dictators are autonomous entities, everybody else need a system of cheque and balance.

    You both can have the alibi of being his closet disciples therefore take it as granted to dismantle the Buddha Hall, the only place on this earth where on every square meter maximum number of seekers saw their inner journey taking wings. When we look back, you both have changed the very DNA of His work. Photos, books, music, hugs, names what not. Just to avoid the mosquitoes,
    you have closed the windows opened by Him.It is a great loss to the human race. If you are really sure about the concept of Meditation resort without any devotion to His energy than why in Poona, why not in Florida or Hawai. Best will be in the partnership with Donad Trump. let we see how many Lindsay Lohans or Paris Hiltons join the meditations.
    I request you to restore the original version of His work, if not not before His 20th anniversary of leaving the body , than at least in your life time.
    Let the place be run by His 20 people in a transparent way,The people who are basically equal in stature to you therefore cannot be rubber stamp of anybody else other than Osho, just like you. I hope once His “workshop of creating Buddhas” ( i don´t mean those half cooked, Satsang givers) is run as it is mentioned in the documentary,” I leave you my dream”, it will be a spring of global spirituality in the age of ipods and face books.

    With love ( Really)

    Shantam Prem

    PS- I know you are not like the great leader in North Korea,Chavez in Venezuela, Ahmedinijad in Iran or Zardari
    in Pakistan, therefore you will not feel offended by my suggestions and to punish me in any form. Best will be if i get the opportunity to work in the inner circle, you will restore in the near future. Osho Loves the people with the backbone and specially if it is stretched by Him.

  56. shantam prem says:

    toiqbal singh

    dateFri, May 8, 2009 at 11:40 AM
    subjectRE: A loving letter

    hide details May 8

    Beloved Shantam Prem,

    Please see below….

    From: iqbal singh []
    Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:25 AM


    Subject: A loving letter

    Beloved Amrito and Jayesh Sir,

    I feel a vast majority of Sannyasins, who joined Osho´s caravan like you in His physical presence, are feeling alienated by the activities at 17, Koregaon Park, Pune. Most of these people have simply become indifferent, not because of cowardliness but mostly out of politeness.
    [Amrito] Yes, over the years the number of people who stayed compared with those who drifted away was always amazing. And Osho was very clear about this: It is a mystery why people come, and a mystery why people go. You will never understand the reasons so simply put your energies into those who are coming not those who are leaving.

    In spite of all the adverse opinion about Him in the main stream media, we the people became His people. He is always happy to have us, His misfit people; the most educated and intelligent disciples a master could ever get, the kind of global disciples not Buddha could get nor Jesus.
    I understand the sincerity of your intentions but somehow the heady decisions of you have gone bit too far, they should have been on the contrary, FAR Out.

    Masters and dictators are autonomous entities, everybody else need a system of cheque and balance.

    You both can have the alibi of being his closet disciples therefore take it as granted to dismantle the Buddha Hall, the only place on this earth where on every square meter maximum number of seekers saw their inner journey taking wings.
    [Amrito] I think the key to all these misunderstandings is one question I never hear asked: What was Osho’s wishes in this regard? As it happens the new auditorium was Osho request, first mooted by him in the 1960’s by the way, because the old one was illegal and unsafe and would need to be taken down. His decision. Not ours. And for your information, the place where he spoke the most, where he gave sannyas to thousands of seekers was Chuang Tzu which he himself redesigned, and the spot where he sat, one that most people would want to preserve, in the same way people want to preserve Buddha Hall, Osho had turned into a cleaning cupboard. Similarly when asked by Laxmi to preserve his Woodlands flat as some kind of dedicated space, he said no. And when asked if the sannyasins could turn his birthplace into some kind of dedicated space, he also said no. So please try and understand that the job we were given was to implement his wishes, not the wishes of others.

    When we look back, you both have changed the very DNA of His work. Photos, books, music, hugs, names what not.
    [Amrito] This is just not the case. We went to extensive lengths for example to find out if our habit of putting photos of Osho on every wall in the Meditation Resort was a request from him. It turns out that this was not the case. This was our doing, not his. And most often we had turned his photo in a kind of wall paper, not an opportunity for awareness. In fact such was the unawareness about this, was one huge photo that was placed at the gate for six hours in 1990, was still there by default 10 years later and no one knew why. And when it was removed it took about six weeks before anybody even noticed. And every single night, as he specifically requested, we have the Osho videos playing, so anyone who wants to imbibe his spirit can, just as he has asked.

    His books are more available and read around the world by a factor of about 100 plus since the time when Osho was in the body. Music? We have exactly the music Osho has asked for. Hugs? What has ever said anything about hugging? Names, you keep the name you wish to keep, we keep the names we wish to keep. What is the issue here?

    Just to avoid the mosquitoes,
    you have closed the windows opened by Him.It is a great loss to the human race.
    [Amrito] The doors have always remained open.

    If you are really sure about the concept of Meditation resort without any devotion to His energy
    [Amrito] Firstly the concept of the Meditation Resort is from Osho. His choice which he articulated in public which we have implemented. And devotion? Our only interest is to make sure that when new people come they understood Osho’s basic message that everyone has to walk the walk themselves and Osho wasn’t going to do it for them.

    You are saying we have changed the very DNA of his work. Now how would understand his statement about the evening meeting, when he very specifically told the old timers who said that they assumed he didn’t mean that they needed to go every night because they had read all his books and listened to all his talks? He answer was that these were not detective novels that you pick up read and throw away, but that “every time you go, your understanding will go deeper and deeper. So, now, after 20 years of doing exactly that, either we were asleep or our understanding has gone deeper and deeper just as he says. In which case, everything is going to change of course, with that deeper understanding.

    Do you think we understood the following when we first heard it? No way:

    “I want you to drop all games – worldly games, spiritual games, games that the whole of humanity has played up to now. These games keep you retarded. These games hinder you from growing into consciousness, into your own ultimate flowering. I want to cut away all this rubbish that prevents you.
    “I want to leave you alone, absolutely alone, so that you cannot take anybody’s help, so you cannot cling to any prophet, so that you cannot think that Gautam Buddha is going to save you. Left alone – utterly alone – you are bound to find your innermost center.
    “There is no way, nowhere to go, no advisor, no teacher, no master. It seems hard, it seems harsh, but I am doing it because I love you, and the people who have not done it have not loved you at all. They loved themselves and they loved to have a big crowd around themselves – the bigger the crowd, the more they feel nourished in their egos.
    That’s why I called even enlightenment the last game. The sooner you drop it, the better. Why not just simply be? Why unnecessarily hurry here and there? You are what existence wants you to be. Just relax.”

    Osho, Om Mani Padme Om, Chapter 9

    And when it shown in the Osho Auditorium last week, it was received by people who really understand this. Not by the shocked audience when it was first spoken. What to do? Osho is an alive current, still moving as that understanding goes deeper. It is not some fixed thing stuck in the past. Osho? The past?

    than why in Poona, why not in Florida or Hawai.
    [Amrito] Yes, I am sure Osho would love to have his Meditation Resorts all over the planet.

    Best will be in the partnership with Donad Trump. let we see how many Lindsay Lohans or Paris Hiltons join the meditations.
    [Amrito] Are you mean spiritually inferior beings? Sorry, not Osho’s approach. He never judged any of us like that.

    I request you to restore the original version of His work, if not not before His 20th anniversary of leaving the body , than at least in your life time.
    [Amrito] Yes, the past is very attractive, but not Osho’s proposal.

    Let the place be run by His 20 people in a transparent way,
    [Amrito] Again, it is your mind which mentions transparency. It was his request that this be done in secret. The exactly opposite.

    The people who are basically equal in stature to you therefore cannot be rubber stamp of anybody else other than Osho, just like you. I hope once His “workshop of creating Buddhas” ( i don´t mean those half cooked, Satsang givers) is run as it is mentioned in the documentary,” I leave you my dream”, it will be a spring of global spirituality in the age of ipods and face books.
    [Amrito] Of course it will. And that dream that Osho is leaving is only just at beginning. You will see.



    With love ( Really)

    Shantam Prem

    PS- I know you are not like the great leader in North Korea,Chavez in Venezuela, Ahmedinijad in Iran or Zardari
    in Pakistan, therefore you will not feel offended by my suggestions and to punish me in any form. Best will be if i get the opportunity to work in the inner circle, you will restore in the near future. Osho Loves the people with the backbone and specially if it is stretched by Him.

  57. mr anthony thompson

    listen child…just take sannyas first…
    first crawl…then learn to walk…then start running…

    you say proudly that you are not an osho sannyasin

    and all this blah blah blah…thou art that mumbo jumbo
    no guts to take sannyas and drop your ego huh ??

    intallectual mental emotional masturbation !!
    do the real thing
    take sannyas
    and start with dynamic

    experience walking the path…walk your talk…
    then speak to one who has walked conciously
    for the past 28 years

    just being polite my friend as you are going to become a fresh and juicy sannyasin soon…understand ?
    and welcome to the real world of osho sannyasins

    love to you rajneesh

  58. frank says:

    there`s nothing quite like the rough and tumble of spiritually advanced hard men and bare-knuckle advaita fighters ruckin` about who`s more enlightened……

    come on,let`s see who`s really the guv`nor here…..
    two ton tony,
    the doppelganger

  59. Prem Abhay says:

    I agree with Anand in that the people that have been wrongly banned from Osho’s Pune space should get together and take legal action to retrieve their lost freedom.

    Kranti you say that Abhay is active when Harri Om is not. You do not get the fact that Harri Om was sick of trying to wake up a bunch of fools. He or she or it or them is gone…to Italy I suppose.

    Kranti you think that I am arrogantly saying that only I am smart enough to shed light on what Swami Amitabh is asking. You do not have a clue what he is asking, and to date I have not heard anything that comes close to explaining how a supposed Master created murderous cult followings. Of course this is my subjective opinion. Let others be the judge.

    Kranti and Shantam and Anthony have attained to wisdom and worked out that I am Harri Om. You have not the intellect to pick through the finer differences in perspective that we come from. So of course I am not surprised. You would anyhow not know the difference between an angel and a Hugh Hefner supermodel.

    Heraclitus you say I quote Osho, and that his contradictions are to outsmart me. If he never contradicted himself on an issue than saying so is neither quoting Osho nor contradictory. Also, your ignorance of the value of the physical presence of a Master shall mean you shall not receive such nourishment.

    OshoBob I have met many a nice person that has been banned and deemed a danger to Osho and his vision. Why is that? What would it be if the United States gave all the terrorists free reign on US soil and sent all the good honest US citizens to Pakistan and Afghanistan? This is what has happened with the Osho movement.

    Frank…never heard of him but instantly like the sound of him. Instead of a free ticket for a front row seat why not come and join in. Have you read about the friendly meetings I have had with Dhyanesh and his gang of well dressed thugs. Yes you are right this is not a game, it is for real. Just thought I would warn you before you entered the cage. And one last hint, work out who your friends are first.

    Swami Rajneesh wins the round against Shantam on the “oshorajneesh” topic.

    Anthony you repeat the same statements because you think that they are scathing and witty and intelligent. This is the height of arrogance. Noone responds to them because they are superficial musings.

    Anythony yes you are a poor scholler. After you repeatedly request a response for nothing more than vulgarities, Swami Rajneesh has responded to you. Your reply is abysmal; not even fit for a poor scholler.

    Osho Abhay

  60. Prem Abhay says:

    Concerning Amrito’s responses to Shantam, the point about the most sat on space being turned into a cleaning cupboard is fine. As Amrito kept on repeating, this was what Osho himself decided. However from this it does not follow that the Inner-Circle has the right to turn Buddha Hall into a cleaning cupboard.

    Of course when Amrito gets into trouble he either throws in a good quote, or says that it was secretly Osho’s wish (even to carry things out in secret). Good one Amrito. Was it his secret wish to have people for years sickened by consuming contaminated drinking water at the flash new resort that Osho requested built? He may have openly stated his wishes for this or that, but to say that he wanted the underlying reality to be the opposite seems a little strange. This is what is happening at the resort. It all sounds right, though a little secretive.

    The reality is that the beautiful resort is a façade for negligence. Why would I then believe that Amrito’s conduct in any other area is any different? Why did Amrito never respond to my reports and mails? Yes he agreed with me about my views in a phone conversation…can’t hold him to that can we! Aside from that he sent me an email warning me not to come to Pune. I can only suppose that he sent me few more warnings after I arrived…cheers to you and Dhyanesh and all the gang! Amrito’s language is flowery and appears sincerely from the heart. This is a deception that is harming visitors and sannyasins alike. Let it continue and we have a dangerous new religion. I suppose that is what Osho secretly wanted was it Amrito?

    Osho Abhay

  61. Anthony thompson says:

    Rajneeshi. to call anyone child is a deficiency trip… to say that I cannot state my opinion because I am not a sannyasin is simply stupid and certainly of an arrogance and cultist mentality beyond words.
    I have meditated for more than 20 years , and have been a psychotherapist for more than 35, and I can tell from the other side of the street when someone has psychological problems, such as megalomaniac tendencies and deficiency trips related to uncoscious imitation patterns… your case babe.
    Still you did not answer if kissing marble floors and looking for a place to pay respect to a dead master is what you understand for Osho´s way.

  62. Dear Anthony

    Osho is dead as well as very much alive.
    All depends upon your receptivity, intelligence and sensitivity.

    Let me make it very clear, When Osho was still in body, then also He was dead for most humanity but alive for millions of Sannyasins. Its all depends upon your inner state.

    For real seeker of truth, Osho is alive and vibrating in every Osho Sannyasins heart. One can still communicate with Osho.

    The Case here is OSHO SAMADHI

    As per the Indian constitution law, No one can be stopped from entering inside the SAMADHI of a Spiritual Guru.

    If that is the case, then why Osho Sannyasins are not taking this issue further and make available the Samadhi space for every one??

    This is really a important step and a quantum leap for Osho Sannyas World

    Swami Amitabh

  63. Kranti says:

    Everyone was crying that Pune doesnt explain why they are doing certain things.. Going by Amrito’s reply to Shantam there is so much clarity why things are done in such a way…

    Now i am surprised no one is ready to listen or talk about that except Abhay who simply refused it and that too because Amrito didnt reply him directly ..

    To me Amrito’s replies are profound and beautiful.. It clearly explains what Osho wanted…

    Even after this we keep crying that things are not the way they are supposed to be then we are more interested in seeing things the way we want and it also means we dont trust

    It is very easy to put Amritos replies in the context of Osho and His approach and see that He is true and he replied from his heart…

    If we have guts we should see directly what he replied rather than keep crying like a baby

    As long as we had not received replies and explanation then i can understand …But even after receving clear explanation if we refuse to accept what any one can do?

  64. Kranti says:

    It is beautiful opportunity to bring balance by having a new thread based om Amrito’s reply.. I have requested Editors already

    Let us be truly concious Osho diciples and make Osho laugh and smile sitting in heaven and drinking His tea ..

    Let us not vomit like other religious people..( Sorry for judging )

    When Amrio explains let us listen..In previous thread Krsihnananda said no one listens to anyone ..including Osho ..

    Let me understand how a Amitabh listens to Amrito with his meditiveness rather than from his mind..

  65. Kranti says:


    I have respect to your awakenings.. Please enlighten me on the below points if you are willing to…

    When you can have strong views & interpreations about Threapies and Meditations why others should not have their interpretaions about what Osho said..

    Osho himself had such respect and use for therapies..although he used them to help people.. a sort of clearing ground for meditation to happen..His own meditations like Dynamic and Mystic rose derive out of therapies.. He used everything to transform and create a platform for people

    But you speak against whatever Osho used as tools ..I saw your videos where you call meditators as idiots.. You might have used words to hit people in certain context.. If that is alright then there 1000s of occasions Osho used words from that angle.. We can not hang on to those words and interpret

    See! you have such a strong views and your own way of approaching awakening…

    If you have sat in a remote place with meditativeness and only gave people Dynamic meditation and understandings which gave us Osho, then i can understand..

    When you can call meditators as idiots why so much fuss about Samadhi?

    There seems to be lot of contradictions.. What you want to give for yourself you want to deny for others..

  66. shantam prem says:

    The the other month, i have send the Amrito’s reply as a new thread. May be editior did not find it worth as a new thread.

    In simple terms, as i see in the super markets, one can buy chicken wings in one shelf, chicken breast , chicken legs and liver also have their own packaging . Chicken Salami, chicken burgers…twenty different variations of chicken..
    where is that complete Bio Chicken, the delicious one.

    My stand, (even though i am just one of the billion small fishes in the ocean) is, for honesty sake, sell the pieces but don’t stop that which He specifically mentioned and designed.

    Let people get the complete chicken, and read His recipes book and they can decide themselves, what they want to cook today and for how many people.

    Amrito^s approach is like that father, who has been arrested the other week, for the reason, he kept his two daughters in captivity for years
    because he was afraid, outside world will corrupt them.

    Still i wish let Amrito’s letter become a new thread, and he joins too.

  67. shantam prem says:

    Anthony brother,

    I have meditated for more than 20 years , and have been a psychotherapist for more than 35, and I can tell from the other side of the street when someone has psychological problems, such as megalomaniac tendencies and deficiency trips…..

    Tell honestly i have asked few hours ago also….

    what you say about those who are on the staring wheel, not just in Pune but in Delhi also.?

  68. shantam prem says:

    PS- i wish to say publically thanks to Anthony for sending me a nice green piece of Buddha Hall podium marble.

    Twenty minutes later, this pieces was submerged in the lake near by.
    What one can see and find in Princess Diana’s dead limbs!
    Better to give them an honourable send off.

  69. shantam prem says:

    Abhay…This issue with Harri Om can be cleared in a minute, just he need to take away his Burqa.
    His approach is not chivalrous at all.

    Swami Rajneesh wins the round against Shantam on the “oshorajneesh” topic.

    I don’t think we are dealing here to win or loose. ..
    An issue was raised and Rajneesh dealt and replied with dignity and suitable logic, and in few minutes air was clean.

    It is a thumbs up for the power of communication.

  70. Prem Abhay says:

    Kranti I did not ‘refused it’, I refuted it. I draw in the point of Amrito not answering my queries because it is an important example of a systemic practice. Even if my efforts only help to give Anand confidence to go to Pune resort and not have to filter and boil the water, that will be enough for me. However Anand if you read this I consider your decision very wise. However it points to the sad reality that sannyasins cannot trust what is going on at the resort, yet still they come.

    Kranti to say that Amrito’s response is beautiful and we should all shut up and kiss his feet is to also say that you do not believe I know what I am talking about. You are welcome to your opinions of course, however it is important to understand that this is your position. You reject what I am saying. What I am saying about Amrito’s reply to Shantam and what Amrito is saying to Shantam are mutually exclusive views.

    You say why are people not debating Amrito’s response. What about the courage that Shantam has revealed about himself? This also should be mentioned.

    Let’s have a closer look at Amrito:

    [Shantam] I feel a vast majority of Sannyasins…are feeling alienated…Most of these people have simply become indifferent, not because of cowardliness but mostly out of politeness.
    [Amrito] Yes, over the years the number of people who stayed compared with those who drifted away was always amazing. And Osho was very clear about this: It is a mystery why people come, and a mystery why people go. You will never understand the reasons so simply put your energies into those who are coming not those who are leaving.

    [Abhay] Amrito stands behind Osho (“Osho was very clear about this”) and refuses to delve into Shantam’s question. He dismisses it at the outset as according to Osho.

    [Shantam] You both can have the alibi of being his closet disciples therefore take it as granted to dismantle the Buddha Hall
    [Amrito] I think the key to all these misunderstandings is one question I never hear asked: What was Osho’s wishes in this regard? As it happens the new auditorium was Osho request, first mooted by him in the 1960’s by the way, because the old one was illegal and unsafe and would need to be taken down. His decision. Not ours.

    [Abhay] So Osho first mooted it in the 60’s. When did he request it taken down? I do not believe that he ever did. Also, it was the Pune Municipal Council that stopped you further destroying Buddha Hall, so what law are you operating under? You say that it is unsafe. The tarp material was wearing out. I should know because I was perhaps the last one to spend much time up on top of it…cutting down trees. I am not aware of anyother safety issues. The person who designed the complex visited Pune, inspected the site, and said that yes the tarp is wearing thin and will not last much longer. You say it is His decision, not ours. I do not believe you.

    [Shantam] Buddha Hall (is) the only place on this earth where on every square meter maximum number of seekers saw their inner journey taking wings.

    [Amrito] (T)he place where he spoke the most…was Chuang Tzu which he himself redesigned, and the spot where he sat, one that most people would want to preserve, in the same way people want to preserve Buddha Hall, Osho had turned into a cleaning cupboard. Similarly when asked by Laxmi to preserve his Woodlands flat as some kind of dedicated space, he said no. And when asked if the sannyasins could turn his birthplace into some kind of dedicated space, he also said no. So please try and understand that the job we were given was to implement his wishes, not the wishes of others.

    [Abhay] As I remember Anando explaining it to me yes you are right that the old space was turned into a cleaning cupboard. The whole area was totally changed and the building extended. It was a major construction project that allowed for building of Osho’s new bedroom and on-suite. He later turned it into his Samadhi. His decision, not yours. So what was Osho doing when he asked for his ashes to be placed under the bed, and his people could come and meditate there? He said yes to a dedicated space. So please try and understand that you are not correctly informed of his how to implement his wishes.

    [Shantam] When we look back, you both have changed the very DNA of His work. Photos, books, music, hugs, names what not.

    [Amrito] This is just not the case…

    [Abhay] Amrito here argues that pictures were ‘our’ idea not his, and that they are remain by default, and people do not even notice when they are missing. Amrito have you not heard the voices of the masses of Osho sannyasins. Somewhere along the way people did notice. Amrito even knows how long it takes for people to notice when a particular picture is taken down – 6 weeks in fact. Amrito how did you work that one out? Apparently pictures just appear and stay their by default. Again that seems highly unlikely considering the resistance to your actions of removing them. You say they just become wallpaper and do not promote awareness. Obviously they are wallpaper to you, and obviously they are not to many others. You are not very aware of other peoples position on this one.

    [Amrito] His books are more available and read around the world by a factor of about 100 plus since the time when Osho was in the body.

    [Abhay] So you like mathematics do you. Availability times 100. Quality divided by 1000. You work it out.

    [Shantam] Just to avoid the mosquitoes, you have closed the windows opened by Him.It is a great loss to the human race.

    [Amrito] The doors have always remained open.

    [Abhay] Great, thanks, shall see you there tomorrow. Hope to see Swami Rajneesh there too.

    [Shantam] If you are really sure about the concept of Meditation resort without any devotion to His energy

    [Amrito] Firstly the concept of the Meditation Resort is from Osho. His choice which he articulated in public which we have implemented.

    [Abhay] Why was the central filtration system for the new water treatment system underneath your swank new auditorium/restaurant/hotel complex never turned on? Why did you send a sannyasin engineer away to investigate further the issue of new filters when the engineer made it clear that this was a waste of time. The engineer said to you that the test for whether or not the filter was worn out and needed replacing was straightforward. You sent him away to recheck, and wanted him to go to the manufacture. Why did you do this? Are you an engineer? Were you just implementing Osho’s wishes? If so, was Osho an engineer? The engineer never got his request granted.

    [Amrito] And devotion? Our only interest is to make sure that when new people come they understood Osho’s basic message that everyone has to walk the walk themselves and Osho wasn’t going to do it for them.

    [Abhay] This is a pitiful response.

    [Amrito] (Osho’s books) were not detective novels that you pick up read and throw away, but that “every time you go, your understanding will go deeper and deeper.

    [Abhay] That is why these compilations divide the quality by 1000 times.

    [Abhay] Amrito then provides a discourse quote and says that ‘no way’ did we understand it first time around. Amrito you are over extended on this one.

    [Amrito] And when it shown in the Osho Auditorium last week, it was received by people who really understand this.

    [Abhay] Again you are overextending yourself.

    [Shantam] …than why in Poona, why not in Florida or Hawai.

    [Amrito] Yes, I am sure Osho would love to have his Meditation Resorts all over the planet.

    [Abhay] This is my fear. The mental and physical harm to visitors of the first resort is immeasurable. Amrito the megalomaniac wants to replicate this the world over. Of course the majority of people believe the resort to be what it portrays. I know that it is an ugly façade that hides negligence and criminality.

    [Shantam] Best will be in the partnership with Donad Trump. let we see how many Lindsay Lohans or Paris Hiltons join the meditations.

    [Amrito] Are you mean spiritually inferior beings? Sorry, not Osho’s approach. He never judged any of us like that.

    [Abhay] Amrito is giving a clue here to his spiritual superiority complex. Again he tries to back it up with standing behind Osho.

    [Shantam] I request you to restore the original version of His work, if not not before His 20th anniversary of leaving the body , than at least in your life time.

    [Amrito] Yes, the past is very attractive, but not Osho’s proposal.

    [Abhay] This is Amrito shutting of Shantam with a simplistic view of Osho. Again he hides behind his opinion of what Osho wanted.

    [Shantam] Let the place be run by His 20 people in a transparent way,

    [Amrito] Again, it is your mind which mentions transparency. It was his request that this be done in secret. The exactly opposite.

    [Abhay] It is difficult to refute you on this one. However was it his request to keep it a secret that for years people have consumed seriously contaminated drinking water at the swank new resort? This secretiveness is why Amrito and the gang have gotten away with their sham…so far that is. However the lies that they hide behind are slowly being revealed. I do not believe you when you say that Osho requested you operate secretly.

    [Amrito] …And that dream that Osho is leaving is only just at beginning. You will see.

    [Abhay] Yes we shall.

    [Amrito] Love

    [Abhay] How does love and cruelty go together?

    [Abhay] Love and Truth and Compassion and Justice and Freedom and Responsibility

    [Shantam] Best will be if i get the opportunity to work in the inner circle

    [Abhay] You have my vote.

    Kranti can you also request that my reply be added to the thread…just to make sure there is no bias.

    Osho Abhay

  71. shantam prem says:

    Great Abhay…

    I am loving your analysis of this two letter communication.

  72. Prem Abhay says:

    Shantam I am sure Kranti will too.

    Shantam you showed immense courage to send this letter to Amrito – and insight and humour by your queries.

    Shantam why you are asking me about the Burqa Harri Om used to wear when he or she or it or them tried to wake a few idiots up? I am sure you will agree that it would be a violation of privacy to take off someone else’s burqa.

    A further note to Osho pictures in general: If it is true that it was ‘us’ that put all the pictures up, then it is also true that it is Osho that did not get ‘us’ to take them down. So the question is why did Amrito take them down? This is the general pattern of over-extension of his authority (even as vice-chair to the Inner-Circle administration) in the name of his idea of Osho’s wisdom and wishes.

    Osho Abhay

  73. Kranti says:


    Except few points you didnt reply him.. you just talked about water contamination again for the resort question.. water contamination is one part of the issue for which you dont know the solutions taken… You can not apply that a generic answer to the concept of resort

    Basically you tried to fit his replies into the framework you are developing.. I will wait to add further since i asked for new thread

    If editors are unbiased they should post it.. Then i will answer your post point by point… If editors dont show keeness to bring balance i will bow out of this forum..

  74. Kranti says:

    ” Kranti to say that Amrito’s response is beautiful and we should all shut up and kiss his feet is… ”

    Did I say tat Abhay? All I said let us listen to those view points with receptivity… This is where I differ when it comes to reactions..

  75. anagara says:

    The title of this thread is : The samadhi issue goes to the court .
    But noone seems to be concerned about the possible implications .
    If the samadhi is , like sw. Amithab mentions in his post , open to everybody according to indian law then does it mean any tom dick harry passing by can enter there and stay as long as they wish ,perhaps take a good nap or whatever the indian law allows in this kind of places ?
    Does it mean that the crowds of ( mostly ) indian tourists visiting Pune can endlessly stream in and out of the samadhi and therefore in and out of the main gate as well since at the moment there is no other entrance ?
    If the case is refuted , then does it mean that the samadhi is not really a samadhi and therefore the management can do whatever they please with it ,including for exemple moving His ashes to somewhere else or remodeling or whatever ? ( I’m not saying that they have such intentions ; in fact I don’t think they do, but that ‘s my thing )
    It seems to me that in both cases the sannyas community stands to lose something ; it’s a kind of catch 22 .
    If sw Rajneesh or somebody else has more information on this matter ( like for instance the nature and substance of the court case ) I’ll be glad to hear it .
    Fortunately ,having heard about the track record of indian courts , it’s likely that the case will drag on and on and nothing will ever come out of it other than the sound of money going down the drain .

  76. first to my friend mr anthony thompson

    in the wisdom of the east one’s age
    is that of his years in sannyas…
    so once again my child…

    you state that you meditated for 20 years…
    but none of your responses show any contemplative or meditative responses but childish and imature reactionary emotional outbursts

    you say my book is trash and poorly written…
    i would love to read any book or chapters you have the courage to express and write to evaluate your wisdom

    in your terms – my kissing marble floors and looking for a place to pay respect to a dead master…

    you have no intelligence nor understanding
    of meditation or the world of mysticism

    osho is not a dead master !!
    a master never dies…
    hence his insistance…
    never speak of me in the past

    the body that died was rajneesh chandra mohan

    osho never died

    never born never died
    osho is alive…watching…a seer…
    osho is alive and present herenow

    this is truth and the wisdom of an enlightened being

    hence your childish statements show your lack of inner understanding…like your thou art that statements…pure mumbo jumbo blah blah blah

    you have not taken sannyas
    you have not entered the mysteries of sannyas
    you have not tasted the blessing of sannyas
    and the joy and celebration of surrender to the greatest master that ever walked the face of this earth
    you have never been a disciple or a devtee…

    what can i say to one who has never tasted
    the love of a master….
    the highest form of love that happens
    between a master and a disciple

    whenever i express these states
    i am speechless and in tears of joy and gratitude
    towards my living master osho

    and thus kissing the marble floor wherever he placed his lotus feet would be a sign of my gratitude
    a sign of my awakening and realisation of his infinite compassion and the ultmate truth
    i am truly blessed if i can kiss the marble floor…

    but you need a heart full of gratitude to absorb these words and experiences of the inner explosion of love
    of light of bliss of enlghtment

    so again my child…take sannyas and dive in to experience a new awakening into his love…
    osho osho osho…a million times osho…

    i send you my love…
    i feel your time for sannyas is near…
    take the dive and be blessed…

    yours rajneesh

  77. beloved kranti

    firstly…have you read tears of the mystic rose ??

    please note carefully…as is mentioned in my book…
    that osho never walked out of his bedroom ever
    except in his last days he actually walked to the multiversity and announced that there should be
    no more therapies and that therapies should only be available for 3 days and that too lightly…

    he finally suggested that meditation camps be offered on a monthly weekend so that original meditation were valued again versus superficial tharapies

    there is a vast difference between therapies
    and core meditations like dynamic kundalini nadabhrama gourishanker natraj ect ect

    i completely support and insist that osho meditations are scientific and the way inwards…and only offer core osho meditations in all my events and camps…
    remember purely orignal osho meditations only
    nothing more is needed…i insist that all one needs is to go deeper into any of these freely offered core meditations…and then move into meditativeness

    hence there is nothing knows as ‘”doing a meditation”
    these are just outer devices to create an inner state of meditativeness…then living this meditativeness
    in your day to day life…is the only way
    i clarify again…not meditation but meditativeness

    in that particular youtube orgasmic stillnes talk you mention…i was joking and humouring ma vitesha who always jokes with was our joke about meditators

    i do not endorse therapies and particularly the claims of therapists to be the elite…osho therapies are just being misused by therapists who act like they know

    the moment you accet therapy you are clearly defining that you need to add more to yourself…that you are not enough unto yourself hence you need these therapies

    remember you are enough unto yourself
    and one only need to learn the simple knack
    how rediscover what is already hidden within you

    therapists insist that change is necessary
    i insist that no change is necessary just an inner dive
    change is outer change
    transformation is inner tranformation

    transformation is very simple…
    just energy moving vertical upwards…

    change is horizontal and transformation is vertical

    therapists are extorting and charging innocent seekers to make money for their own businesses and profit and are making a business of osho’s work

    this is pure exploitation of innocent seekers by cunning therapists…who are totally unconcious themselves…just watch any therapist and their day to day life and any of their simple action…
    they have become the new age priests

    i am not against therapies…
    just this money exploitation and mis-information
    about the real values of these therapies…

    core osho meditations are more than enough…
    and they are for free and freely available to all

    love to you always rajneesh

  78. Anthony thompson says:

    Rajneeshi. If you would read spanish with pleasure I would share something with you… in the meanwhile you can read my blog defending YOUR master from HIS ex- disciple calder at:

    I am not even a sannyasin, but I do not like the lack of honsety and lies… as well as i do not like the lack of truth…that is why I do not like you… I do not have anything to hide. I think you unnecesarily confuse people who are naive.. and you are an embarrasment to sannyasins with your imitation trip.

    You accuse me of mumbo jumbo when you ramble about masters never dying, so on and so forth… just Indian mythology… consolations for followers. I lnow you, I have seen you, I have been in your land doing research for more than 10 years.

    i would like to ask you also, in the same way that you refute me for not being a sannyasin To how many of osho therapies have you gone to? for how long?
    because i assume you have experience about it… otherwise I could say the same: if you have not gone at least through six years of therapeutic work you have no right to talk about soemthing you do not know.

    I think you are just angry becase from the time you were the slow walking harmless cookoo people were suggesting you to get treated.

    if you think meditation is the medicine for everything, you are just being naive and ignorant… in the same way that people say therapy is the cure for everything… each tool is realated to a specific area of development… the rest is just mythology.

  79. so mr anthony…
    great researcher of indian mythology

    clearly suggests here that osho left behind
    just a indian mythological consolation
    for his followers !!!!
    whom i presume are also naive ??

    osho never born never died
    a consolation for his naive followers

    he also states that he knows me…absurd !!
    do you even know yourself…??

    and he has the right to become my judge…
    just read what you write in all these discussions
    and other discussions…egoistic knows all researcher

    my slow walking harmless cuokoo image
    was answered by osho
    when he sent a message for me to be the first to
    enter and walk through his new chuang tzu bedroom
    into the vipassana walkway
    stating i was the vippassana man of the ashram

    if you have the honesty and integrity the next time y
    ou come on your indian mythology research trip
    come face me directly
    and we will see how much you perspire…

    again i maintain that meditation is the only medicine

    always rajneesh

  80. Dear Kranti

    You are imitating the master by speaking too much.. too many posts.. Osho words are gems and guiding seekers but your post are misleading the topic.

    I again say the topic here is OSHO SAMADHI COURT CASE.

    2ndly, I didn’t knew Rajneesh was joking when he said “Those who meditate are fools”.

    But some where this statement is right and I think the person who has fallen into the meditative state will understand the beauty in this statement.

    As long as we are practicing meditation, it simply means that we are not conscious enough to be aware in day to day life. We still need the help of a meditation TECHNIQUE to learn the knack of meditation.

    As long as the meditator is present, there is no actual meditation happening. People who claims that they have meditated for 20 years should know well that only things that matter is how many times they are into the meditative state.

    Intelligence, Sensitivity, Compassion are by products of Meditativeness.

    One who is not in a meditative state cannot have clarity or intelligence.

    Remember there is a big difference in a meditativeness and practicing meditation. And the difference is so big that no fool can comprehend it. One has to fall into meditativeness to know the difference.

    Real meditation starts when you do not need the technique but your actions become meditative.

    with lots of love
    Swami Amitabh

  81. Kranti says:

    Swami Rajneesh

    Thanks for the clarification. I understand the context in which you said that those things..I am greatful

  82. Kranti says:

    Swami Amitabh

    Yes , I do post little more .. Didnt imagine that is imitating Osho.. If only imitating Osho is that easy!!!

    Anyway thanks for the details on meditativeness.. I understand that a little bit from my own experience.. When i responded to Rajneesh it was more specific to what he said in a video and he has now clarified the context in which he said that


  83. Kranti says:

    ” One has to fall into meditativeness to know the difference ”

    Thought Osho said meditativeness will be there when you are not..

  84. Anthony thompson says:

    rajneesh. do you know what is a metaphor? do you take literaly the ” never born never died?
    I saw you in the ashram many times… with pleasure I will see you next time.
    you did not answer about your experience with therapy… because you can judge something you do not know… of course… you are the swamiji.

  85. do you know the actual reason why all osho photos
    have been banned from the resort ??

    a member of the inner circle yogendra
    also known as darcey o byren
    statement in the new york times

    someone comes in and there are like 1,000 pictures of this dead guy and they’re like
    ‘Whoa, get me out of here “

    this is the real reason…
    osho our bearded master looks like a cult leader
    and is not the image for a resort where friends meet !!

    now ; question asked to amrito…
    When we look back, you both have changed the very DNA of His work. Photos, books, music, hugs, names what not.
    [Amrito] This is just not the case. We went to extensive lengths for example to find out if our habit of putting photos of Osho on every wall in the Meditation Resort was a request from him. It turns out that this was not the case. This was our doing, not his. And most often we had turned his photo in a kind of wall paper, not an opportunity for awareness. In fact such was the unawareness about this, was one huge photo that was placed at the gate for six hours in 1990, was still there by default 10 years later and no one knew why. And when it was removed it took about six weeks before anybody even noticed.

    beloved amrito
    please go through extensive lengths
    why you chain smoke and are found drunk every night

    a great opppurtunity for awareness and unawarenessand of your unconcious habits

    you are the head of osho hypnotheraphy
    can you not atleast dehypnotise yourself
    before you decide to lead hundreds into hypnosis ??

    wake up to this new stark reality


  86. mr anthony
    the indian mythologist researcher asks

    rajneesh…do you know what is a metaphor ?
    do you take literaly the ” never born never died ?

    yes literally yes…yes…yes…i have know it !!!

    so you say osho was just placing a metaphor
    and there is no enlightment…
    nor the reality of the awakened being…
    realising his soul…
    the awakened conciousness
    that never dies and its ultimate truth…
    to declare – the never born never died -
    the awakened one…bhagwan…osho…

    truth sounds poetic mystical and dreamlike
    but is far more real
    than your experiences of the world that you live in

    you have missed the point completely
    and missed the essential core message of osho
    of your eternity…the treasure of your buddhahood

    a pity all your research…finally will lead to death…
    alas alas alas…my compassion…always rajneesh

  87. frank says:

    there was a young man called rajneesh
    who looked just like,well…rajneesh
    many said he was an imposter
    but i nominate him for an oscar
    he`s an actor who found his own niche

  88. Dear Anthony

    Master never dies.. It is true.
    But for that WE have to first realize oneself. Otherwise all such knowledge is only intellectual. It applies to me also.

    But still, In case you want to research then here are some incidents which might help u
    1) Swami Vivekananda meeting with Pavhari baba and appearance of Sri Ramakrishna continuously for 21 days.
    2) How “Shiva Sutras” Originated
    3) On Buddha Purnima, meeting of 500 beings in mount kailasha and descent of Gautam Buddha.

    There are many more incidents like this.. and I truly believe that exploring all these is just a waste of time. Real thing is to realize oneself and explore one’s inner nature.

    In case, If you really care to explore Osho, then I suggest read “Tears of The Mystic Rose” passively.

    It is freely available in

    Book is really amazing but many things are said in parables. May be someone like you explore the mysteries which are indicated in the mystical book.

    I Wish, Ma Kranti also reads this scrap and read the book.


  89. shantam prem says:

    Rajneesh Pyare,
    I wish to hug you for the reason that with your high profile status you are bringing the core issues on the surface. Another possibilty was to have your own people, which i am sure you can have in thousands and enjoy the dividend of your (supposed) awakening.

    This is also remarkable, when many other elites are hiding behind the murky silence, calling it meditative trans.
    I think most of us did not even think that WORK and TEACHINGS will be distorted in such a stupid way and will be defended by the utterly mediocre logics.

    I say it again and again, Authorities are showing utter lack of Emotional Intelligence, they are living in fool’s paradise, and the result is that muliplax is running below the capapcity. and not just popcorns are being eaten by the bored sellers.

    It seems things need to be sorted out via court intervention and i am sure, not everybody on the earth
    has a price tag.

    another possibilty is that people in authority suddenly get a awakening,” yes yes, we were screwing good but the wrong place!”

    PS- don’t look for the second meaning in the above statement.

  90. Anthony thompson says:

    i read the book… bumbo jumbo.
    Enlightenment… a lot of myth around awakening. never met an enlightened master who really was who he said he was… and I have been to many, Krishnamurti, nisgardatta maharash, papaji, papuji, u. g., etc, etc, etc….including Osho whom I love an admire.

  91. Dear Shantam

    There is no meaning in your words. It is pure Gibberish.
    Your energy is moving in wrong direction(Sex). That is the only meaning I can deduce from your words. I might be wrong…

    Dear Anthony
    Its going to be difficult for any one to recognize an enlightened one, If the person is too much in the head.

    At least first one has to come down from the head to heart.

    The head can never know the importance of Osho Samadhi. But the loving heart feels and vibrate in tune with Osho energy (present in Osho Samadhi, Buddha Hall or in Maulshree Tree or in any where else).

    any ways for your kind information, UG, Nisargadtata were not enlightened as per Osho


  92. Anthony thompson says:

    of course not, amitabh. Osho was ” more” enlightened because he was YOUR master, ist it? bullshit and self-complacency

  93. Dear Anthony

    What do u mean by saying “he WAS your master”
    IF Osho is my Master then He will always be my Master.

    Yes, your statement is bullshit, but you are not. You can grow.

    Swami Rajneesh has already invited you, do not miss the chance. Read the book “Tears of The Mystic Rose” one more time. At least you can give one more chance to yourself.

    By the way, Osho was Master of Masters and Master of Thieves too. There is nothing wrong in it. He stole many hearts away.


  94. beloved shantam prem

    it is becoming clear to me that you have passion
    and a certain inner fire with your line of questioning and absorbing and responding
    this is the way of a seeker of truth
    question absorb and respond

    these debates are a great learning and maturing
    and create the rebellious spirit
    to express his inner silences into words

    osho always questioned authority
    and this sharpened his sword…
    his passion for truth became his expressions
    and compassion became his actions

    the sword and the lotus

    gratefully yours rajneesh

  95. Anthony thompson says:

    Amitabh. it is common for a disciple to think that HIs master is better, more wise ” more” enlightened than other masters… that is all. it is like small child who thinks his father is the best.
    again this rajneeshi swamiji is just like any other guruji of the hundreds I have seen in india, claiming exactly the sqame and with the charisma of a tuna sandwich… his only speciality is his imitation… and the resources he has to put that out.

  96. Dear Anthony
    What you are saying has truth. Every disciple thinks His Master is the best. I feel you have gone to many masters and lost your trust on the way.

    It is sad but it also shows that you are still seeking. No matter at wrong places but searching and I admire that quality of yours.


  97. Prem Abhay says:

    Kranti there were just a few trivial points that I did not reply to. By my count I made 16 replies, 2 of which mentioned water. Also, in one of these two replies water was mentioned in the context of general negligence at the resort. If you need help with the maths then I suggest you use a calculator.

    Kranti you say “All I said let us listen to those view points with receptivity…”

    No you did not Kranti. You made your position clear: that Amrito had expressed a comprehensive view and was writing from the heart. This is your bias Kranti. Hence your repeated effort to cry bias is a little hypocritical.

    Anthony I am amazed that one would require six intensive years of therapy before being capable of adequately making an informed opinion of therapies. Do you think Osho new anything about Osho therapies? Did he do any of them? You are just hung up on how many years yew have wasted as an academic and therapist.

    Anthony says: Enlightenment… a lot of myth around awakening. never met an enlightened master who really was who he said he was… and I have been to many, Krishnamurti, nisgardatta maharash, papaji, papuji, u. g., etc, etc, etc….including Osho whom I love an admire.

    Anthony, do you see the contradiction in what you are saying? You have never met an enlightened person who is enlightened. Why then have you any interest in enlightenment? Where is your interest coming from? Is it that you think it is a nice idea to play with intellectually?

    Anthony, from the other side of the street it is clear that you have a personal dislike towards Swami Rajneesh. This dislike comes out in your base language, your repetition, and your lack of clarity. It is contradiction that your mind is seeking to understand enlightenment yet it carries on with childish vulgar intellectual games. Perhaps this is part of the reason Swami Rajneesh calls you a child. It is anyhow part of the reason why I agree with him.

    Osho Abhay

  98. Anthony thompson says:

    abhay. I said it myself that I dislike rajneesh and I said very clearly why… read my previous posts.
    regarding enlightenment. certainly I have been a seeker and a researcher…nowadays, though it looks more like eastern propaganda than an absolute truth. However, My feeling is that enlightenment is a kind of metaphor, not a description of a very specific state. actually I never met any enlightened teacher who was what he said he was…including my beloved Osho.

  99. Prem Abhay says:

    Anthony it does not look like Eastern propaganda, it is. I meet so many innocent Western seekers looking for the essence of yoga and buddhism and mysticism. They think they will find it in India. In my opinion only in few places they will find. For the most part it is an ugly scam. Better it is to find the truth in the West. This is the way things are heading. Eckhart Tolle and others are the beginning of a shift in awareness towards the West.

    Anthony did you read my responses to Amrito above? You say in the next thread that Amrito makes a lot of sense. What sense do you make of my responses then?

    Osho Abhay

  100. Anthony thompson says:

    I am not into devotion… I am nobody´s disciple. i do not care about outer symbols, podiums, samadhis…
    so the way the resort is going fits perfectly with me… regarding the contaminated water, I never got sick. regarding banning and harassing people. That was done under Osho´s command when he was alive. I have many testimonies from my research about how he conducted as a mafioso in these matters… so i did not like it even then…
    However I love and admire the old man. he was human, very much so…
    I do not agree with banning..

  101. Prem Abhay says:

    Anthony I suppose you have testimony from Sheela – including after she left prison – saying that she did it all for Osho? I also have testimony from people like Amrito, and they are utter lies.

    The banning is not the issue. The issue is why the people were banned. Have a look at some of these people and their testimony – including mine. Swami Rajneesh for example was banned by the establishment and Osho reversed the decision. If Osho banned someone then I am of the opinion that it would have been with good reason. It is the wrongful banning – the banned buddhas – that I am objecting to. Also, I have had first hand experience of the violent way a banned sannyasin is treated by hit-man Dhyanesh and is well dressed team of payed thugs. Maybe Amrito or Jayesh did not know that Dhyanesh was a thug. Ok so perhaps this is not the best example of trying to point out that the connection between Osho and the actions undertaken in his name (including banning) is not necessarily straight forward.

    You may not be surprised that I have already worked out that you are not into devotion. Have you ever meditated in Osho’s bedroom? Amrito says that Osho is also not into devotion, and that he always declined the opportunity to create dedicated spaces out of historical places Osho stayed at or visited. However what are his ‘flowers’ doing underneath his bed? Also, Osho said put the ashes under the bed and my people can come and meditate their. Some people will call it devotion, others will call it gratitude, you will call it meditation.

    Look forward to Anthony and Kranti’s response to my refutation of Amrito the drunkard baboon.

    Osho Abhay

  102. Anthony thompson says:

    abhay. I did not get it from sheela, but veeresh, somendra and others, including prem isabel and anando herself… in the old days, when the man was vey much alive. it is amazing the wander that a charming conversation can do to people.
    I am sorry, I also love osho but wanting to justify all because of that love is simply childish.
    I can state what i like and what i do not. I like dhyanesh… he is a mafioso, but i like him… he is sincerely a mafioso… a mafioso that has managed to keep the place in place at times when the police wanted to flat the ashram with a bull dozer. he payed, brived whoever could to keep it there…mafioso.

  103. Prem Abhay says:

    Yes Dhyanesh has bribed the police to save the ashram from being bulldozed. I do not believe that is the case. Dhyanesh is a mafioso in the literal sense of the word. He is the strong-man for a criminal organisation.

    Like Dhyanesh, Jayesh has saved the place with his own personal resources. Apparently he paid the taxes one year and got into trouble for undeclared financial transfers into the country. I wonder how much money went the other way?

    I remember Anando responded to Neelam’s criticism of the latest Samadhi controversy. She used her close experience within Lao Tzu house to seemingly criticise Neelam and throw her support behind the resort. However why did Anando leave the Inner-Circle (around 2002)? Anando’s response to Neelam was for one reason only. She saw that the problems at the resort (including the underlying reason for her leaving the Inner-Circle) were escalating and going to reach a breaking point. She needed to tell the world that she no longer had anything to do with the running of the Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, INDIA. If she did not, when the truth comes out she may find herself as a defendant rather than a witness.

    Anothony one has to look a little deeper then polite correspond to know the truth.

    Osho Abhay

  104. Anthony thompson says:

    Man, anando left because she was tyred to be in India… and running business… she just wanted to run groups be in europe, she had been in india long enough. she goes every winter to enjoy herslef.
    the rest is just conspiracy theories.

  105. Prem Abhay says:

    Anthony you just further reinforce the fact that you are only able to gather superficial gossip about what is going on. I can just imagine you at The Ranch. Man Sheela is just the greatest and I love her even though she isn’t enlightened. Man you aint got a clue.

    Osho Abhay

  106. shantam prem says:

    My feeling is Anthony, you are perfect in protecting your skin, well versed in carrying armor around you, i wonder whether you sleep also with the bullet proof vest.
    Leaving the water issue aside, Abhay and many others are pointing towards the dust, everybody sees but nobody complains.

    reason is simple, the survival instinct.
    You can ruthlessly analyse, Rajneesh, what harm it can do to you but you will think hundred times to use the same tools for ashram authorities….
    please, make a self analysis.

  107. Prem Abhay says:

    Yes whether consciously or not most people refuse to acknowledge the obvious out of fear of the consequences. This is why Swami Rajneesh’s insight at the start of this thread is so important. The way he and I have been treated is the warning. I was the most recent warning to the sannyas world to put-up or shut-up.

    However we can move forward. Kranti has proposed to reply to my demolition of Amrito’s deceptive position. Anthony is not of shy mind and has said that Amrito is also speaking the heart-felt gospel truth. So Anthony and Kranti, for the second time I ask you to respond to my critique of Amrito.

    Why am I asking for this response? I have left little more than a few shrubs in Amrito’s finely crafted garden of devious deception. Also, I have in doing so used basic known facts. These facts stand in direct contradiction to Amrito’s position. For example either the Pune Municipal Council wanted to remove Buddha Hall or it did not. Either Osho was of the view that no special space should be created out of where he lived or sat (or slept), or not.

    Amrito says he has created a beautiful oasis like resort. I say it is a filthy, run-down, and littered with negligence. Agreed I do not have the food and water contamination reports to prove a large part of my case. However many sannyasins are commenting in recent years about the place looking and being more and more run-down. The unfortunate reality is that in India the new can quickly become the old and decrepit. The old ashram is getting older and it amuses me to note that the new resort is become the old resort. Management Team India may be able to get away with contaminated water, but they still have to pump the filthy stuff around the resort. So anyway they still have to start replacing some pretty basic stuff.

    Looking forward to Kranti and Anthony destroying my criticism of Amrito’s flowery filth.

    Osho Abhay

  108. Kranti says:


    First the positive aspect of what you posted

    ” Anthony it does not look like Eastern propaganda, it is….. ”

    I really loved this post of yours.. It has touch of honesty and truth

    Seriously none of us know what is enlightement and we dont know what will happen after enlightenment

    There are even schools fighting between gradual enlightenment , suddent enlightenment , enlightenment in stages , temporary enlightenment etc etc

    Let us declare from roof top that Osho is enlightened and all.. he doesnt need our certificate anyway

    But I totally agree with you that people like Eckart tolle , Adyashathi and Mooji are doing a terrific work.. Very direct no nonsense approach ..

    As i said Indian sprituality is mostly crap..Even if we want to say anything abot enlightenment why dont we just say what a Buddha or Ramana or Osho has said and stop there

    Everyone said the enlightenment does not happen to a person.. the complete disapperance of the person is enlightenment

    The Awareness which takes form has no birth and death..not the body or personality

    In that sense what Osho said was clearly a metaphor and Anthony is right

    Every Indian gets hurt when it is pointed out .. the irony is we are Osho diciples and he spent his whole life destrying myths and here we are arguing who is enlightened and who is not enlightened..

  109. Prem Abhay says:

    Kranti you avoided the question completely.

    Osho Abhay

  110. Kranti says:

    ” No you did not Kranti. You made your position clear: that Amrito had expressed a comprehensive view and was writing from the heart ”

    I said let us listen to other side also as everyone had been expressing only one side and the fourm has certainly lost balance..

    On a personal basis i do like Pune way although i also dont agree with few aspects like banning ..But i whatever i come across ( except your water cotamination issue ) is not backed by facts..

  111. Kranti says:


    I didnt avoid any question.. Once i left the forum yesterday so much has happened.. So many posts.. I need to grasp what is happening here..there is a new thread also..

    Inspite of that i posted what i liked about your view on the enlightenment myth.. I really liked that post of yours and so replied to that one

    You made a quick judgement again that i avoided the question

    I will reply to your questions in the next forum..But i would like to tell you those will be my opinions only..not great conclusions..

  112. Shahriar says:

    “I am not into devotion… I am nobody´s disciple. i do not care about outer symbols, podiums, samadhis…
    so the way the resort is going fits perfectly with me… regarding the contaminated water, I never got sick. regarding banning and harassing people. That was done under Osho´s command when he was alive. I have many testimonies from my research about how he conducted as a mafioso in these matters… so i did not like it even then…
    However I love and admire the old man. he was human, very much so…
    I do not agree with banning..”

    Anthony why do you call Osho the old man? Why are you nobody’s disciple?


  113. Anthony thompson says:

    gees! you know what the problem is with people who lately join these discussions… I already discussed those things a hundred times before… go back to old posts all the answers are there…. in detail.

  114. Shahriar says:

    Don’t you think it would be easier to reply, or at least tell which post it is?

  115. Alok john says:

    nice limerick, Frank. Thanks

  116. Kranti says:


    The older posts were too many.. Even Anthony will not remember.. while searching for theses questions also search how Anthony uses his PHD to attract girls half his age..

  117. Kranti says:


    You raised a good point..didnt see your post earlier

    I also put that question initially

    The first thing that will happen is two politicians will try to give pose for photo infront of samadhi and all cheap magazines will talk about Osho.. One Very cheap magazine will try to enlighten people who Osho really is.. half baked readers will gossip around tea stalls in street corners ..resulting in Osho being reduced to cheap entertainment for few months..Ofcourse the court case will drag on for ten years with lawyers making money and Osho name being heard in courts.. asthough he had not gone through when he was in body

    All these guys who talk about court , constitution and govertnment dont know what they are talking about and are degarding Osho and putting whatever left is at risk .

  118. Anthony Thompson says:

    a joke is a joke shariar. shared with funny friends here.

  119. for the record – question is from ma prem bubbie

    Swami rajneesh,
    Why have to decided to try to look like Osho?
    I mean it’s obvious you are posing like Osho,
    even wearing those sunglasses like Osho did.
    You web site “smells” like Osho,
    When did this obsession with Osho’s appearance start? Maybe you just had too many mirrors in your house and got fixated on your looks, kinda like an anorexic does when they look into the mirror and see themselves as fat all the time. You, I think kept seeing yourself as Osho!!! Will you consider psychotherapy?
    I think you need it. Ciao Bella

    beloved prem bubbie

    firstly this is not a question but your own prejudice
    with a judgment and a sarcastic remedy

    it seems you have made me your disciple
    and become my master

    self judge…self trial…self verdict…self judgment…
    and punishment declared

    sounds like you are a dictator
    or a highly opinionated egoistic therapist

    anyway i always remain open and available
    for all questions and remain grateful for this opportunity before you hang me at the gallows !!

    your question has two sides to it :
    inner immitation and outer impersonation

    regarding inner immitation :

    please read my book tears of the mystic rose
    where i have revealed a secret transmission
    received from my beloved master osho
    in a mysterious happening in the buddhahall
    infront of thousands of sannyasins
    just before osho left his body

    only a devotee can understand the mystical gifts
    of transmission of a master
    and its effects on the inner being
    and the alchemical spiritual physical transformation that takes place

    my inner being has merged and dissolved
    into the grace of my master
    and the ways of my expressions and actions
    and meditative gestures indicate
    and radiate the very truth of it
    that i carry the fragrance and love of my master

    i have been ridiculed for walking slowly like osho…
    infact that i float gracefully and glide while walking…
    for my hands being shaped like his
    and for gesturing in his manners…
    for my eyes and eyebrows
    looking looking peaked and alert like his…
    for my similar original name being rajnish…

    but inspite of hundreds of complaints
    and letters from sannyasins directly to osho
    he had it announced in the buddhall
    that i was the role model of the ashram…
    and that my name was to be changed
    from rajnish to rajneesh

    the last few sentences he announced was :
    perhaps you may come across a man like me

    so hereby i announce it for all you blind judges..
    that osho is my master and he has decided
    about my immitation or so called acting
    and has mysteriously envisioned
    my coming role perhaps as a master ??

    i have lived exactly this way for the past 28 years
    whether in the poona ashram or while travelling
    all over the world or in isolation and silence
    for 14 years in the himalayas

    i have remained the same styled persona
    in my private bedroom bathroom kitchen
    and am totally at ease with myself
    in a relaxed and settled blissful state

    i dislike using or borrowing osho’s words
    but…here goes…osho…

    Have you observed ? sometimes you come across
    a couple, a wife and husband. Who look alike.
    They talk in the same way, they walk in the same way, they smile in the same way.
    There is a deep affinity. What has happened ?
    They are not brother and sister,
    so why are they so alike ?
    they love each other and they love deepy.
    When you love someone you are vunerable.
    The other changes you, and you go on changing
    the other, by the time life comes to an end,
    if wife and husband really love each other,
    they will be almost alike.
    It has to be so. Love transforms.

    Naturally, this kind of state is infectious.
    Seeing me, being here in my presence, looking into my eyes… even watching my hands, you can feel that they are the gestures of a silent man.
    Slowly, slowly you become infected, contagious; moreover, around a silent man there is a certain energy field created….A man of silence moves with
    a certain field of energy around him, and if you are receptive, his vibe starts touching your heart.

    Have you noticed? A husband and wife, if they have really been in love, non-possessive, non-jealous -
    and if they have helped each other to remain individuals and they have deep respect for
    each other – living a long life, for fifty years together,
    you will be surprised to know…

    it is a well-known fact noticed down the ages
    that they start looking almost the same.
    Their voices, their eyes, their faces, their gestures… they become so harmonious with each other. Certainly, between a master and disciple the phenomenon is a millionfold greater…

    In this state of freedom the master and disciple can come closest, and naturally energy flows from the higher to the lower. It is just like water coming from a mountaintop towards the valley. Lao Tzu has actually called his philosophy of life “the watercourse way.” When the master and disciple are so deeply in tune, because they are not in any bondage, both are meeting out of their freedom — and an authentic master never thinks himself higher than the disciple, although the authentic disciple can conceive of the master as higher than anything — energy flows slowly to the depths of your being. Meditation becomes almost a by-product; silence happens on its own accord. Your heart itself starts dancing with the master….It is enough that you enjoy the song of the master. Your enjoyment will bring you closer. It is enough that you enjoy the dance; it will make you dance. It is enough that you love the celebration, the very idea that life is celebration.
    And then slowly, slowly there is a melting and a merging. A time comes when it is difficult to find
    who is the master and who is the disciple.

    Masters and disciples, if they have lived long enough in tune with each other, become almost alike —
    without any effort of trying to become alike, because that would be forced and that would be false and that would be hypocrisy. Just dancing together, sitting together, being silent together, a merging is bound to happen.

    regarding outer impersonation :

    if i wear a maroon lungi
    i am called an impersonater of acharya rajneesh
    if i sit on the floor and speak
    they say i immitate acharya rajneesh days
    if i sit on a chair and speak i am immitating osho days
    if i stand still and look around
    it reminds them of me immitating osho
    if i walk slowly it reminds them of osho
    if i close my eyes and move my hands
    it is immitating osho

    is the moon a safe place these days ??
    do they need a guru impersonater there ??
    is there freedom to moon walk float and glide there ??

    sorry to say…
    but i cannot help you here…on these fronts

    unfortunately for osho i have a waist length hair…
    and an acharya rajneesh impersonater
    would have to shave his head bald

    i hate dyeing beards…
    which acharya rajneesh had done black every month

    i hate hats…
    especally those stupid wollen hats which fit a queen

    i detest boxy rolls royces
    which i feel are only fit as coffins for a funeral

    i find totally ridiculous
    his obnoxious sense of gaudy flashy robes
    and would not be caught dead
    in diamond emerald and saphire rings
    nor wear flashy wrist watches if i was blind

    and thankfully
    i am not oshodhara on a drag queen parade

    you say:
    You web site “smells” like Osho,

    yes certainly my wesbite smells like osho…
    who else but obviously him !!!

    you say:
    even wearing those sunglasses like Osho did.

    sunglasses are my passion since my california convertable driving days on the beach and osho
    loves my outer relaxed zorba the buddha style

    you say:
    When did this obsession with Osho’s
    appearance start?

    my obsession with osho began
    from my previous life…and was reborn for him !!

    you say:
    Maybe you just had too many mirrors in your house and got fixated on your looks, kinda like an anorexic does when they look into the mirror and see themselves as fat all the time.

    i do not own mirrors and everyone complains
    about my unkempt dishevelled and wild look

    you say:
    You, I think kept seeing yourself as Osho!!!

    i do not see myself as osho…
    i have dissapeared and only see him

    you say:
    Will you consider psychotherapy?

    the thearpist will go completely insane like me

    you say:
    I think you need it. Ciao Bella

    I know exactly what you need my baby bella…
    get the drift ?? ciao boobie bella !!!

    now enough for today ???!!!!

  120. Prem Abhay says:

    Anthony, the big boys got left Osho’s dream, what is left for Anando the medium?

    Anthony, have you read Shunyo’s book. I seem to recall (don’t have the book with me) that there was an Inner-Circle for managerial stuff, and another Circle of close disciples. Shunyo was not in the original Inner-Circle. Maneesha was not in the Inner-Circle. I seem to recall both these close disciples were in the second circle (of around 12 or so people I think). Was this Osho’s spiritual Inner-Circle and the other one was Osho’s managerial Inner-Circle? If so, why do not the spiritual Inner-Circle bring a stop to the antics, or at least bring transparency to the secretive regime?

    Osho Abhay

  121. Anthony Thompson says:

    abhay. lets better discuss in the next thread.. it is far more weird..we can witness rajneesh psychotic episode…

  122. Aman says:

    Swami Rajneesh,
    Osho Meditation Resort is a place of gathering for Meditation and Transformation.
    Meditation Resort is a device and all devices needs to be care, maintenance, organization, and so many other things. All devices work perfectly well unless one don’t get identified with device.

    I was in Poona for 7 years and I never seen “the inner circle of 21 baboons”.

    Osho gave sannyas to everyone who is willing to take but he never allowed any idiots near to his physical body only few chosen one stayed with him so as he left his body all who were not chosen few, started to sprout like mushrooms. It is really fun to observe all these actors.

    Best wishes for your winning with your constitutional right to be free to enter the Samadhi of your beloved master Osho.
    It will be really a fun for the Resort’s visitors to see every morning “A slow walking guy with some of his disciple, entering from main gate to lao tzu gate and to Samadhi.” May be they will do one hour Meditation.

  123. Swami Dhyan Anurag says:

    Strange!! I see very strange thing happening here. People are fighting over their own opinion. Nobody is even aware enough to see what he/she is writing. Everybody is making judgment whether OSHO was right or wrong or he should have not done this or that, even though several times He Himself told that whatever is done with awareness is right. If OSHO was also making mistakes then there is no point arguing what Swami Jayesh or Swami Amrito is doing or what Swami Rajneesh is doing.

    As far as OSHO commune Pune is concerned, I feel that by mistake the current inner circle has done very good thing by throwing the Swami Chaitanya Kirti, Ma Neelam Swami Rajneesh, Swami Chaitanya Bharti, etc. Now there are so many centers opening all around and people are able to express their love for OSHO. OSHO was not able to get people from south India because of language. Now there is big Commune coming up in Mysore, Karnataka, only Osho Meditation Commune in South India. Had it been just OSHO Commune Pune, OSHO lovers who are having less money would have missed all the beauty, love and creativity that OSHO is expressing through His sannyasins. It does not matter whether these people who have opened communes at different places are enlightened or not, because even Swami Jayesh and Swami Amrito are not enlightened (in fact I do not know). OSHO has clearly mentioned that there will be explosion after his death and his words and work will spread faster and this is what is happening. Somewhere I feel that, He is behind whatever is happening.

    Commune is dying because love is slowly disappearing. It so obvious because too much of Dos and Don’ts. I went there twice. When I went there first time, I didn’t feel anything. I found everything mechanical there. I thought may be something wrong with me. So I meditated more and then went once again, and I felt that it has died more than the first time. After that I never visited there. In fact what I have experienced dancing in my house, I never experienced in commune. And depth I reach to, while sitting on the Asaan I use, I never reached while sitting in front of OSHO Samadhi. Anyway, inner circle has named it as meditation “Resort”. One day it will be just a resort-a place to hang out and fuck around on the name of meditation.

    I really do not understand why these OSHO Commune people do not allow people to meditate in front of OSHO Samadhi. Do they think that by doing this they are helping us to get enlightenment? They should clearly mention there motive. At least those who want to meditate will not get misguided. I think they do these stupid things to get attention from OSHO lovers. The best way to deal with them is to stop getting bothered by what they do, stop visiting commune. Of course visit sometime because anyway it is resort, a recreation place, as we visit other resorts. Go there dance, drink (OSHO never said no to it, but never recommended for seeker), fuck and come back home and meditate. Now even drinks are available at commune. That’s all!!

    I really do not understand why we OSHO sannyasins are so desperate to sit in front of OSHO Samadhi, which is nothing but the dead ash. If we cannot feel OSHO in living beings, do we think that we can find Him in His dead ash? And if we can feel Him in living beings, again why do we need His ash. More than everything, several times He Has said that He will be available whenever and wherever His sannyasins are celebrating. Then why His Samadhi? I think only those would like to visit His Samadhi who think He is dead and want to make their belief strong whenever it is shaken by the those who are immensely in love with OSHO.

    As far as name is concerned Indians have been christened after the name of GODS. And also, if OSHO can choose different names, why can’t we? OSHO Himself gave different names to His sannyasins, stage to stage on his/her growth. So, I do not understand why people have problem, when Swami Rajneesh writes “Osho Rajneesh” (which he does not). We should have our freedom to choose name for our-self, at least in India where there was never a concept of patent that is used to protect our false ego for certain duration of time mentioned under the law of patent. It is good in business world where there is lot of competition and everybody is fighting to keep there heads visible (otherwise they will not feel that “they are”).

    It is surprising to know that OSHO commune people have problem with Swami Rajneesh walking style, because he walks slow ( LIKE OSHO as if it is patented to OSHO). They say that he imitates OSHO. I do not understand why do they have problem when Swami Rajneesh imitates? If he is imitating he will fall in ditch. Give him freedom to fall in ditch. Existence has given us freedom to fall in ditch but it seems inner circle people are too much concerned about our well being. (or concerned about their well being?) And not only inner circle, others also had problem and still have. It seems people used come to commune to see others as if it was not a meditation commune it was zoo. And then these people will complain OSHO that they gave up everything for Him or mediation but no transformation happened. It seems Swami Rajneesh has given right name to inner circle people “Baboons”.

    One more thing I observed that we react immediately when somebody professes that he is enlightened. Why? The reason is: our ego gets hurt.
    And even if he claims that he enlightened, let him claim!! Why do you have to worry whether he is or he is not? The question should be whether I am enlightened or not. But no!! Since we are handicapped and incapable let us pull down others legs who are on the path!!
    Nobody dares go to these people who claim to be enlightened. Simply they will stand far and bark like a gutless dog. It’s so simple!! They never even think what are they going to loose by going to Him. If He is not enlightened (do we really know?) we loose nothing or if he is enlightened (do we really know?) we loose nothing!! We simply complain, complain and complain.

    Meditation is all about expansion. Are we expanding? (who cares about meditation!! eat, drink, fuck and sleep!! Rejoice!! )

    I use to think that “we are the people of love”. But now it’s all gone. Can’t we see that we are fighting brothers of a family? With grace of GOD I had the opportunity to be with Swami Chaitanya Kirti, Swami Chaitanya Bharti, Ma Neelam, Swami Rajneesh. I have no idea whether these people are enlightened or not but these all people are amazingly beautiful flowering of OSHO. I found that love is flowing out from them. I bow down to these people from whom I have always received and still receiving.

    Inner circle is creating division among OSHO people. It so simple to understand because when you allow some people to commune and you do not allow to some, then it means there are two kinds of people. It is immaterial to know the basis on which they are doing this, but others who are in the commune will develop certain kind of fear or ego. Inner circle cannot give justification to everybody. And everybody knows well that inner circle is not OSHO Himself. People come to OSHO commune because they love OSHO not inner circle or their rules and regulations.

    Be aware. We were seeking before OSHO came to our life. He is not all. Keep moving. If we keep on moving it is sure that we will get living master like we got OSHO, otherwise we will waste our time, opportunity and energy shouting and fighting over OSHO’s ash like Hindus, Muslims Christians and other religions. This way we will kill OSHO before time. Mother bits her child saying she doing this for child’s well being, similar way we all are hurting OSHO (can we really hurt Him or we are harming ourselves) on the love of our love towards our Beloved Master. It seems we have got derailed from the actual track of Self Realization”.

    Lots of Love and Peace
    Dhyan Anurag

  124. Kranti says:

    “This place here has gone far beyond being a commune. The commune was an alternative society I have dropped the idea of a commune too.

    “Now I want this place just to be a paradise — a holiday resort where you can relax, have a massage…soon there will be swimming pools, larger gardens and lawns. You can play on your instruments whenever you want, at whatever time you want. You can do your own thing.

    “This is not a commune, this is simply a gathering of all kinds of misfit people who cannot fit anywhere else. Here they can celebrate their misfitness without losing respect and honor and dignity.

    “This place has to leave in you a memory of sheer enjoyment, of silence and beauty. And people who are non-interfering with you, are happy in your happiness. Nobody is jealous, nobody is competitive. Nobody is even comparing.

    “But it all depends on you. I have created the space here. Now how you use it, is up to you.”

    Osho, The Hidden Splendor, #21

  125. Krishnananda says:

    ….. I guess , Its up to you to use it wisely.
    Turn it into a bar.. or turn it into a meditation paradise. …

    Looks like Kranti prefers the first option. :-)

    Anurag’s post is appreciable, a valid concern.

  126. MahaDeva says:

    let enlightened people
    enter the resort
    and give them the opportunities do do their thing
    instead of entertaining foolish childish socalled therapists

    let this resort become a place of creative arts
    instead of being a mentalhospital
    withall kinds of sickening expensive useless psychotherapie

    let people come and produce their projects..
    creating communes all over the world
    and help them to realise

    ´the dream´





  127. beloved friends on sannyasnews
    and all sannyasins worldwide

    during the past 11 months
    i have travelled to over 42 cities worldwide
    where i have been warmly welcomed by osho lovers

    i remain deeply grateful to all
    who arranged and invited me and have met me
    during these osho meditation camps and events

    i do not deserve so much love
    and have received so much more in return…
    as i am only sharing
    what my beloved master osho
    has compassionately poured into me

    i am simply expressing my deep gratitude
    towards my master osho
    in these ecstatic events that are happening

    after extensive travel the past 11 months to 42 cities
    which is an exhausting one city per week…
    this is the first month i have some time for myself…
    just resting in a forest by a river in the himalayas

    strangely i was gifted a new laptop
    by my dutch friends as mine crashed in russia
    i discover sannyasnews had placed
    the samadhi court issue on this forum…
    and here i am caught posting views for the first time

    i wish to thank all of you who have
    loved criticised hated ridiculed or judged me
    as freedom of expression comes first

    i want to thank sannyasnews
    for offering this open forum with diverse views
    and for keeping it free
    and allowing freedom of expression for all

    sannyasnews is exhibiting more maturity
    acceptance and freedom to express openly
    than unfortunalely those who carry the greatest treasure and message for our humanity of freedom
    and of osho’s enlightened vision…

    thank you all…
    anthony bubbie oshobob heraclitus shantamprem premabhay amitabh kranti alokjohn frank anuragh satya dhyanum meera keerti pavitro krishnananda
    amrito and the inner circle and all silent readers
    for participating in these vital discussions

    it has been a great learning curve for me
    as the real world and living situations are my teachers
    and keep me alert to generate more awareness
    and enhance my ablity to respond moment to moment

    hence you are all instrumental for my growth

    i am preparing for coming
    meditation camps and events…
    which will take all attention for the next 3 months…
    hence adios my friends…

    with gratitude and thanks
    i leave your sannyasnews forum

    but i’ll be back !!! ….rajneesh

  128. Heraclitus says:

    So, good fellow,
    did you ever intend to take legal action..
    Methinks not!
    Your forest sounds like a good samadhi to me.

  129. Swami Dhyan Anurag says:

    hello what is the conclusion regarding
    the inner circle manadate here ?

  130. chetna says:

    Hello all, I have heard that it is not allowed now to mediate in the room where Osho’s samadhi is. Is it true?
    I would be graful if someone who knows for sure could answer. Thanks

  131. shantam prem says:

    It is not true Chetna.
    Only the name has changed. It is not called Samadhi any more but Osho Ma Tzu

    and normally there are three hourly meditations other than 21 days Mystic Rose.

    Without doubt, it is one of its kind cozziness at His Samadhi. Nice for meditation and a little refreshing nap too.

  132. chetna says:

    Thanks God

  133. meera says:

    the coziness of the white sheep

    a nice nap.. hahahaaa…sleep ..little brother of death

    MA TZU
    is a totally different calibre

    he will throw you out of the 3th floor ..
    jump on you
    and shout…

    GOT IT ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  134. amano says:

    Hi everyone, Rajneesh is doing the right thingh
    he knows how it feels like to be outsider in our own home…guys, lets be real… people who are banned ,most of them have done very small human errors which we all do them in daily life……..only diffrence is some of them do it openly . No one should be banned from osho resort for small errors .
    according to me people who did voilance or hurt someone physically or people who are anit osho , anti sannyas , but that is not the case . i have met lots of banned sanyasins who have not any harm to anyone .but are truely victims of this so called inner circle or managment team………..i have heard even that someone got banned for huging on the main gate ……swami who was huging was doing the act was involve and women who offer huged was not banned ……….lots of injustice to innocent sanyasins, i am glad someone raise his hand agianst this kind of unawareness

  135. This is absolutely right that someone like Rajneesh dared to put forth the foibles and faults getting its seed into spritual soil created by the greatest Buddha ever walked on this earth.

    This is not just to get amused at what the Inner Circle has become the victim of, or mock at what is being heavily commented upon them…

    Rajneesh’s attempts, I think, are something through which not only the Inner Circle but all of us have to learn the lesson of not getting into the affairs especially when the Master is not in the body…

    Rather, we should be more understanding to these things and remain open from all the corners so that the approach The Master might be using to reach us should not get hindered…

    For me, Rajneesh’s statement on the Osho’s Samadhi is not just a mundane matter…

    It’s something to be understood from its intrinsic dimension…

    when a Buddha is gone, everything starts getting degenerated, dismantalled…and consequently message given by Him becomes trite and heckneyed…

    We should welcome Rajneesh as for me …He bears the Light that our Master Osho spreads on us…
    With him, we are not going to be anyone else than OSHO…

    It’s just a matter of eyes…eyes out of Awareness…

    And it has been my love for Osho which brougt for me the Rajneesh which resulted into

    Swami Dev Nartan

  136. says:

    I agree the Resort management is rotten,and probably more rotten are the rich influent indians of Pune city who try(or maybe already have) their hands on it……
    But this new Rajneesh,differently from the old one,seems to have the same intelligence of a 10 years old guy……

  137. amano says:

    That is right what said in his comment that resort management is rotton and probably more rotten are rich influent indians of pune city who try their hands on resort…….i like what you wrote untill that , but please to rajneesh has same intelligence of 10 years old guy is not a right statement you would not call rajneesh like that if you would have red his book

  138. Deep says:

    Kranti // Oct 3, 2009 at 3:56 pm
    Mahakhasyap is the only one who understood Buddha.. Buddha transmitted the light without speaking a word.

    Mahakhasyap didnt start a circus like Oshodhara..He could have started a Buddhadhara..And he also didnt write a book bragging Buddha chose him as the successsor through direct communication etc..

    Osho says there is no other mention of Mahakashyap afterwards..he simply disappeared.. Now all these guys are opening website and staring out like their eyes wil pop out of the screen anytime…

    Thank God these guys are not showing some SMS sent by Osho to them..declaring they are the chosen ones.. If Osho had even gave one photo pose with mobile ..Then that would have happened..


    Dear Kranti..
    no doubt you are very witty, charming and have a very god sense of humor..
    I just Love reading your posts..
    They have a light of practicality and wisdom and comon sense in them..
    Keep Rocking..

  139. manoj says:

    i love uo bhagawan oshorajneesh
    please show me the path
    manoj from lucknow

  140. Priyatama says:

    Who is this stupid and sick guy Kranti…………. He degrades even the normal and beautiful words like Meditator and Osho……..
    One thing Kranti said right abt himself is that he can run a massage parlour ……………. LOLZ :D
    He needs to try his own therapies seriously and sincerely or he can come to Swami RAJNEESH …. you can treat your sickness…….. And that guy Amrito … i saw him in the osho death video he looked confused him self coz he talked something he dint know abt :-D
    actually had no clue abt he practiced his dialogues well but u know………. there was no soul in what he talked looked more like ………a drama………… very sad to see as a Lover of Bhagwan ……………. as to what ppl are trying to make of his teachings

  141. talal says:

    im not sanyassin yet but inow i will take it in aday
    i dont now mutch
    but i read tears of the mystic rose book
    some saing its not truth and some obaying it
    i dont care about wats rote
    i just felt love in my heart in that book
    i never read abook like that some thing like magic
    osho said feel with your heart
    and after love nothing important….
    with my love to master swami rajneesh
    and all osho lovers

  142. rideforever says:

    It’s clear that swami rajneesh is sincere, sincere enough to put himself in the firing line, to take risks.

    This is good. Not perfect, but good. (I am not sure about taking OSHO’s name, but, like I said not perfect !)

    Kranti, you are just hiding. All the stuff that is happening in Pune is really stupid, OSHO (trademark) … wtf is that ? So you took down the pictures of OSHO so that the tourists would like the place more ? What else will you take down ?!!!

    Just leave all the stuff there just as it was when OSHO left, and take yourself down.

    But that requires guts – do you have them ? Do you have the humility to recognise your own fallibility ?

    Luckily OSHO is distributed everywhere on the internet, so nobody has to come to Pune X (trademark) or whatever you are calling it nowadays.

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