Whosoever and “not being a Person”

Osho is not a Person

In December, 2011, Anando, Osho’s last Secretary, wrote to an old Indian sannyasin called Swami Chaitanya Bharti. one of who’s jobs earlier had been a photographer in the ashram, and he had many original Osho photos. Bharti claimed enlightenment, during the nineties, and moved to the name Gurudev, and then to his present appellation: Whosoever.

Oddly enough, in her letter (page 18 of the book ‘Osho is not a person’ by Whosoever) she seems worried about the archives around Osho in the west being deficient, and asks for a copy of Whosoever’s archive, and offering to pay for it.  Also surprisingly as she was a member of the 21 people who were appointed by Osho at his death to protect his legacy, she says she is “not happy” about the “official” Osho website, Osho .com because there is very little information about “Osho the person” !

She then goes on to explain that a Danish librarian, Peire Elvers will be in charge of the archive, and which they hope will end up being housed by Oxford University in the UK.

‘Whosoever’ replied in a quixotic manner, and one does not know whether anything came of Anando’s initiative but his reply is worthy of record.

He says to Anando in the midst of a longer letter:

“It is a surprise that you being so close to him for so many years still see him as a person!  My beloved one, let me tell you: he is not a person – and he never was. “
Whosoever goes on:  “it is because we ourselves identify with our own body-mind and assume ourself to be a person, that is why we ‘project’ on to him personhood”

Whosever goes on,  “We are not a person, which we are accustomed and conditioned to believe. We are in fact an omnipresent impersonal consciousness, functioning through a particular body-mind”.

Whosoever then winds up by saying gracefully it is fine for them to meet and transact a copy of his archive for Anando’s plans,  but indicates that the esoteric reason for this interaction is basically that they meet, and this is a kind of cosmic trick to enable them to do so!

Here is a picture of Osho with Whosoever earlier in life.

Sannyasnews felt this information is not widely known so give it space, and also wish to recommend Whosoever’s Book “Osho is not a Person”,  available from Viha Connection.


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13 Responses to Whosoever and “not being a Person”

  1. shantam prem says:

    In Islam, It is forbidden, to imagine Prophet Sahib in a human form. Even others are dealt strongly and some time violantly, if they try to create caricature.
    I won´t say who so ever but Chaitanya Bharti is trying to create similar world around Osho, it becomes easier to bring bodyless master closer to the masses.

    Osho is not a person, than who he is?

    Priestly mind can create all kind of esoteric interpretations. There is nothing new. Humanity has a long tradition. Religions are surviving on such beliefs..

    There is no God..but Buddha´s statue, kind of esoterica!

  2. Lokesh says:

    For a start, anyone who uses speech mannerisms like ‘My beloved one.’ always puts me on guard, unless it is a family member and even then I would really wonder why they’ve stopped calling me by name and using such weird language….probably taken something. Of course this is also the parlance of saintly personages, so maybe Whosoever is one of them. This could certainly be the case taking into account the following….Whosever goes on, “We are not a person, which we are accustomed and conditioned to believe. We are in fact an omnipresent impersonal consciousness, functioning through a particular body-mind”.
    That may well be true. Oddly enough I overheard my wife say more or less the same thing to a friend over breakfast this morning. I live with her and can assure you she is not self-realised, even though H W L Poonja declared her to be a Buddha at a packed satsang in Lucknow in 1982. The point is, we’ve all heard this kind of talk before and it is more than likely some of us have said it to others.
    Osho was not a person. Well, he was and he wasn’t and the same goes for all of us. Osho often explained how the word personality originated from persona, derived from Latin, where it originally referred to a theatrical mask.
    The point here is that we are all operating from behind a mask. And, as Whosover declares, who we really are is an omnipresent impersonal consciousness. He is correct in saying that. I’ve more than glimpsed it myself and agree totally with his declaration. As it is I don’t live in that state all the time. I’m too distracted by the world, but not to the extent that I completely forget who I really am for more than a year on end.
    Osho told me that my name meant Lord of This World. Who is the Lord of this World? Consciousness. That named served as a Koan in my life for many years. Many a sleepless night burning midnight oil as I hacked my way through the jungles of Maya in search for the answerless answer. Once upon a time I was a very otherworldly young man, to the point of being imbalanced…I am a speck of dust on the end of a light beam heading for the centre of the universe in a kilt. No longer. Now I have abandoned sugar lumps and only use honey, it’s biodegradeable. Cosmic consciousness would not have created a body for me to inhabit were it not necessary to live in this world in order to comment on SN. Consciousness has created billions of bodies to inhabit on our world alone. Why is that? I reckon consciousness wishes to experience the world of limitations and that is why it made us. Brilliant really, if you think about it. Consciousness is pretty smart stuff.
    Now we have all these enlightened ones telling us we are not our bodies. It is healthy to be reminded of that. On the other arthritic hand there is no need to sweat it. Besides, if you are diagnosed with terminal cancer you will almost certainly get a terrible shock on the level of how very much identified with your earth suit you are. Help! Why me? Just when I was really getting the hang of things!
    The most successful religions are the ones who can create the highest abstractions. Hinduism is right up there. Hello my name is Swami Ganapati mahasamadhi and I’m your holy mother. Sanskrit is a whole language in many ways dedicated to the inner and also a literary and scholarly language in Buddhism and Jainism. Only Buddhism can compete with Hinduism in terms of abstraction. I’m the Dalai Lama and I don’t know about that. Personally I’m more inclined towards Mahayana Buddhism myself. Like Osho, I like big vehicles. ‘Scuse me. Darling, I seem to have misplaced my dorje. Ehm..where was I? Ah yes… So, as far as saying Osho is not a person – and he never was goes it doesn’t really rank as being that far out and plus we don’t know if Whosover lives in a permanent state wherein he is permanently aware of that or not. For all we know he might just be another parrot. Squack! As the regulars have witnessed on SN recently there is a whole new flock of noisy parrots around.
    So where does that leave us? Well I don’t know about you but after midnight on Ibiza I do so very much enjoy a cup of tea. Or should I say consciousness enjoys the illusion of there existing an actor on the stage of life drinking from an imaginary cup? Easy is right. Celebrate your non-existance, man.

  3. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    unfortunately OIF stored a lot of material related to osho in bobs storage facility in new jersey – the stuff they had illegally removed from india in their attempt to control and copyright everything relating to osho – early movies and videos, artworks, manuscripts and thousands of photos and documents
    then OIF man in new york klaus steeg/pramod neglected to pay the rent for the storage and the whole lot was sold for a pittance at auction – ten or fifty dollars i think it was – and the whole valuable archive was lost to the world of sannyasins
    OIF efforts to buy back the material from the non sannyasin who bought it at auction failed as whatever large sums they offered him he would not sell
    probably anando had been roped in to try and replace what had been lost with what material could be found in the hands of old sannyasins

    i saw a video of whosoever speaking last night for the first time – teaching that the point of spiritual consciousness could be found easily on waking – the consciousness that first arises – the amness that comes before the i am ( as i remember )
    the quote from him above ” “We are not a person, which we are accustomed and conditioned to believe. We are in fact an omnipresent impersonal consciousness, functioning through a particular body-mind” has the ring of truth to me –
    the enlightened ones have an awareness of this consciousness which is common to everyone and move to living in this consciousness – “the buddha” – disidentifying with the bodymind – which still continues while the individual is in the body
    thats why osho could leave the message behind on leaving his body “never born and never died” and changed his name from a personal one “rajneesh” into an impersonal “osho”

    the body mind may have a personal identity which will die and which we identify with thinking it is who we are, but the buddha or awakened consciousness that we really are has not – and is eternal

    anyway on my first observation of whosoever he seems well enough – although he charges one or two lakh rupees to hang around him for some days and get these simple teachings first hand
    for me of course hanging around rajneesh i found him a bit dull at first sight ( it was only a ten minute video – my whole experience of him till now) perhaps if i met him i would find him mad enough

    i have heard that he has told the people around him that when he pops his clogs they should go to rajneesh – the people who know, know rajneesh for what he is and respect him

    • Lokesh says:

      Dhyanrage has heard that Swami Chaitanya Bharti. has told the people around him that when he pops his clogs they should go to rajneesh – the people who know, know rajneesh for what he is and respect him. That little snippet of gossip can only mean that Swami Chaitanya Bharti is definitely not enlightened. Oh well, another one bites the dust.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        mm – in fact ive no idea if whosoever is enlightened or not – i never met him –
        i was thinking of someone else really when saying those who know rajneesh who i did meet – swami brahma vedant from gujurat – really a beautiful man – a sannyasin of osho who became enlightened while doing dynamic meditation i heard – and again later under a tree in his ashram in gujurat – hes not very well known since he speaks in gujurati not english

  4. Preetam says:

    Sannyasins are very creative in avoiding seeing our reality and very Intelligent with abandoning the collective liability through leaving it on Meditation. It divides world in two pieces, what is not a true fact and making Meditation a myth.

  5. avinashi says:

    the arrogance of Whosoever of being so close to Him which he is projecting for Anando also says everything, as if physical closeness with master is something very special, not all but in most cases it proved just ego enhancing and proved barrier in their growth. I have met unknown osho sannyasins who are far more understanding, graceful, loving and intelligent then these so called CLOSED JOKERS (actually they remained close). They use non-sensible words and language which is absolutely un-osholike in spirit as osho always used simple language. Yes but they are good for entertainment and to laugh at.

  6. shantam prem says:

    Whosoever, whatsoever, wheresoever, whysoever who is body, who is consciousness; send all such wise people in mixed Sauna.
    Most probably, common man will prove less restless, more at ease.
    (They are lucky in Asia such hot and cold test does not exist).


    • bodhi vartan says:

      Whosoever, whatsoever, wheresoever, whysoever, needs a nice long cold shower. People really …

    • dominic says:

      Thx Shantam…aah yes the famous lama Karmapa Nzimi..
      From soggy bottom rinpoche to 105 yr old sucky sasaki’s zenstick (leonard cohen’s teacher). Hasn’t he gone micro soft yet? Scroll down the sweeping zen page to young turks video.
      So inspiring how eager beaver, teachers are, to stiffen their resolve on the Path of Excitenment. To offer vigorous initiation to young devotees with their vajrina sword of ruthless compassion.

      Alternatively having swallowed some nondual prozac there’s nobody here so it’s god’s fault!
      Perhaps he just needs a good goddess in his life to turn things around.
      You know…put his xbox away and stop generating all this sex and violence. God, he’s such a teenager….

  7. shantam prem says:

    Let us say, there are 10 enlightened Osho disciples.
    Ask the sub disciples of these 10, who they think are fake.
    Other nine names will come so fast; the way two year old child repeats alphabets, ABCDEFGH..

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