So called Secrets

What the Daily Bhaskar made of Sheela’s book!


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Secrets of Osho ashram revealed

Rajneesh’s student and disciple Sheela belongs to Vadodara, but lives in Switzerland. Sheela remained in a prison for 39 months after she was charged for doing a fraud of 55 million dollars.

Nearly 20 years after coming out of the prison Ma Anand Sheela recently released her new book ‘Don’t Kill Him! A Memoir by Ma Anand Sheela’. In her book, she has unveiled many mysteries of Osho and his ashram.

She has mentioned about Rajneesh’s greed towards wealth and physical relationships a lot of times in her book. However, Sheela’s supporters allege that such things about Osho has been mentioned only to promote the book.

Click on this slide show to know what Sheela says about Osho…

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59 Responses to So called Secrets

  1. bodhi vartan says:

    The fact that she never went to see him after she came out of prison says it all. If she did it all for him she could have gone and put it all before his feet.

  2. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    sheela agaiin !!!
    when there is important news to discuss –

    ha ha ha ha ha – lokesh will enjoy this – hes one of the few clones who arent dirty old men he told us before
    so we can expect an indepth and impartial overview of sex in the ashram when he was young and not old like now, looking like papaji

    ha ha ha ha – lurid tales of sex and money – thats what sells books and makes sannyas news editors happy !!!!
    those were the days my friend… we thought theyd never end

  3. prem martyn says:

    A lot of people when they came under the spell of the empty space known as ‘the reply’ in Pune 1,2,3,4,and even 5, actually were incapable of forming an opinion worth reading.
    This was a direct result of either too much sex, or not enough, the second of which was potentially more disenchanting than the first. Number two also lead to having more opinions of one’s own in private, ending in dinner alone and serial monotony, a disabling condition that plagues many religious seekers to this day.

    In a bid to remedy this terrible state of affairs, which disturbed many monotonists, Osho came up with his last meditation ‘ The Right of Reply’. This meditation would be open to all without discrimination, and with only minor attention to detail, such as punctuation and spelling, so that there could be no arguments over who was ultimately right or wrong or just a bad spelor.

    However , and this in an extarordinary twist of fate, Osho did not foresee the internet in any of his discourses, which for someone blessed with more kudos than a I pad 6 , now seems, with 20/20 hindsight , a detail triflingly overlooked.
    But such are the wages of sannyasinners , for all who would risk their libidos on the ups and downs of their roller coaster lives. Some sannyasinners were so over indulgent , they became bedridden, and unable to involve themselves in even the first stages of the infertilepublic hoo hah surrounding their so called meditations.

    Thus was born the ‘Right of Reply’. In a further twist of fate , however , Osho gave no instructions on what and who would say what, when or where. From this imponderable, spiritually insightful oversight or lack of legacy, was born a coterie known as the ‘Guardians of the Inflamed’, formerly readers of one of the UK’s most liberal left-leaning newspapers with a stalwart tradition of publishing. In Osho circles they are known as the 3 Wise Men, for they bring Spiritual Gold , Frankness and Mirth to blogs wherever they go. And unlike the camels upon which those Nestorians astrologers travelled, they are literally trained to never get the hump, not even after spending all night engaged in monotonous furtive activity, such as actually reading anyone else’s opinion.

    To them we owe a huge debt of ineptitude and thanks.

  4. sannyasnews says:

    The lack of nuanced thinking lately on SN is a concern for Editors.
    Sannyas sort of “worked” before 1981, but clearly something went wrong when Osho allowed Sheela to take the whole thing to the States. She claimed to know “American ways” but in fact just behaved like any other rich Indian in India itself where money can buy almost anything.
    “Sheela” herself is not so important, but what happened around her for the communes and for those involved is. A Dictator cannot rule without those who choose or are cowed into supporting her or him, so it involves everyone who was a sannyasin during those times, and certainly those who were communards. There has not been a real Osho commune since 1985.
    These events in Oregon in 1985 in which Amrito nearly lost his life to Sheela’s madness cannot be forgotten, and may act as an explanatory tool for what is happening now.
    Things in the past, and in the present, are never as black and white as those with semi-fanatical tendencies like to emotionalise about. In fact careful objective thinking does not come easy to man, and is relatively rare, and quite often persecuted.

    • Lokesh says:

      PM says, ‘lack of nuanced thinking lately on SN’.
      I’d take that as a major understatement. I just had Dhyanraj, the chap who believes himself to be performing Osho’s work, inform me that he has, and I quote: ‘just been playing with his cock’. I’ve no idea why he has chosen me as a personal recipitent of such a personal confession, but it does make me very aware of something that I realised quite some time ago. Osho forbade most Indian sannyasins to participate in therapy groups. I reckon the main reason behind this is that they are extemely sexually repressed as a people. Give them a little freedom on that level and look what comes out of them. A regular old pandoric can of worms. India never really underwent a sexual revolution like the one that began in the West when Elvis started to move his hips and got the libidinous ball rolling, until it eventually exploded in a celebration of free love during the sixties era.

      PM, in an earlier post, on a SN peacekeeping mission, you suggested that Dhyanraj and I would get on well with each other were we to meet. I beg to differ. To me the man comes across as the type of moronic simpleton I would steer well clear of in actual life.

      As for Sheela’s book, I’m sure I would find some of her personal revealations to be of interest, but I’m not so hard up for reading material that I’d order it. I’m sure a copy will appear in the hood sooner or later. I still think Sam’s(no relation to the old geezer chucked out of the resort recently)’Life of Osho’ is the best written and all-encompassing account about the old boy that I have read to date.

      • mini kang says:

        By the way Swami Dhyanraj is British and took sannyas directly from Osho in 1979 in Chuang Tzu hall.

        • bodhi vartan says:

          I wonder what Swami Rajneesh’s views are, about boys and girls flirting ……..

          • bodhi vartan says:

            As it regards heavy flirting, the way I understand it there are four camps promoting Osho …

            Veeresh: Grab ‘em before they get through the door.
            Resort: Grab ‘em as soon as they get through the door.
            Swami Rajneesh: If you are repressed come to me. Bring a hairbrush.
            Swami Arun: Ignore them, they are Indian, Pakistani, Nepali… let me tell you a story.

            It must be said that female sannyasins are just as predatory but the male victims tend to complain less.

            • prem martyn says:

              —which one of those dreams are you likely to be left with BV ? Or are you more interested in scoring with your archery these days ? If you fancy a date , is that because the event is mostly hysterical ?

          • swami rajneesh says:

            flirting is very healthy and playful…juicy !!
            keeps the blood circulating…and vital…

        • Lokesh says:

          Thanks for this piece of what you obviously deem to be important information. Tell me, Mini King, what exactly does this information mean to you and why do you feel it is necessary to inform SN readers about it?

  5. shantam prem says:

    It is said quite often in the west, ” People get what they deserve.”
    Is Osho´s sannyas was an exception or is an exception?

    • bodhi vartan says:

      shantam prem says:
      >> It is said quite often in the west, ” People get what they deserve.”
      Is Osho´s sannyas was an exception or is an exception?

      The quetion is, if you were a master would you have liked yourself as a disciple?

      In Osho’s case it is hard to say. It is too early. Soon most people that “knew him” will be dead and that will create a different dynamic. I personally find it surprising, but I see some new sannyasins thinking that some old-sannyasins have something, when in fact I think that new sannyasins are purer because they were less repressed than we were, while growing up.

      When Osho was alive the whole thing was absolute madness. It will take 50-100 years before we know how it will pan out. Osho is so vast, anyone can pick up a thread in (let’s say) 20 years time and run with it. Swami Arun reckons that Osho hasn’t had his Vivekananda yet, to which I agree.

      • Cali Kush says:

        Or could it be possible that Ozen Rajneesh is Osho’s Vivekananda?

        I see a lot of similarities between the two. That’s my personal opinion.

        But hey, what do I know. My only experience of Osho & his sannyasins are from what I’ve heard & read.

        I love reading all the gossip & stories on here. The fighting is entertaining too but…

  6. shantam prem says:

    “Osho forbade most Indian sannyasins to participate in therapy groups. I reckon the main reason behind this is that they are extemely sexually repressed as a people. Give them a little freedom on that level and look what comes out of them…”
    Shri Lokesh

    Can Lokesh tell, what Non Indians have reached after participating in the groups. With time, sannyas became a movement consisting of Anglo Saxon majority(I don´t know whether Scots are also Anglo Saxons, I will check wiki later), its top leadership is still in the hands of such bunch of people, tell me few points which are praise worthy, which provide new solutions to the old problems?

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam enquires, ‘Can Lokesh tell, what Non Indians have reached after participating in the groups.’
      I can only speak for myself. After participating in twenty or so groups in the ashram I reached a point where I felt that I no longer needed to participate in therapy groups.

    • mini kang says:

      I am a korean girl and went to the Resort as friend of korean Sookhi, who is Amrito’s girlfriend.
      I was warned at the Resort management meeting that indian men are sexually repressed, but in my time in the Resort i met indian men who were warm and friendly and seemed sincere in their approaching me.
      Actually it was mostly americans or european men always chasing me and openly demanding sex in the first 10 – 20 minutes.
      I think that indians may be inexperienced, but at least they are sincere in their relationship. Whereas american and european men are indulgent and exploiting young girls in the Resort. They change girlfriends everyday if possible, and just exploiting relationships.
      The older men in the Inner Circle are lusting after every new young korean or asian girl that enters. I know of many perverted sexual abuses of these girls in the Lao Tzu house. As a girl it is not possible to openly mention what perversion takes place there.

      • satyadeva says:

        But you don’t seem to realise, mini kang, such behaviour was always the case, pretty well the norm back in the day, ie when Osho was alive.

        Did you read my response to Swami Rajneesh yesterday where I put it to him, not for the first time, that to imagine all this has ‘suddenly’ happened due to the ‘management’ (ie his ‘enemies’) is simply not the truth? It’s always been going on in sannyas, one of its more or less defining features has always been more than an undercurrent (far more) of irresponsible promiscuous sexual shenanigans. Great fun if you’re into it, but not so great if you’re not, as you and many others, especially female, have experienced.

        But this area doesn’t seem to be Swami R’s forte, as he’s chosen not to respond both times. He rarely does when put on the spot.

        (Also see my comment in same post, on his “bar” outrage).

        • prem martyn says:

          I have known women who were more into playing games than me, name and address supplied …, there’s a lot of subtleties and nuances involved, but it’s just the old games under new management.. once bitten twice shy or three or four.. i’m not into protecting those ‘predatory’ numbskull usurist girls from blame not even slightly…neither statistically, in terms of indefinable numbers, nor interpersonally…
          ‘if it don’t feel like love .. it ain’t love…’
          Oprah Winfrey
          it’s not so much the act of sex it was the convoluted self justifications, which I agree with Lokesh were ‘designed ‘ tangentially perhaps , to provoke investments in meditativeness via Osho as the sine qua non of love…quite a lonely path really for some people at various times…

          je ne regrette rien…I’ve been much more stupid in my own world , than any borrowed one, rest assured…

          water under the bridge an all that….
          feels like we need a confessional box sometimes here
          ave maria….

          • bodhi vartan says:

            prem martyn says:
            >> but it’s just the old games under new management..

            Err … it’s the oldest game on the planet. You’d think they’d have academies for it … “This is the way to do it”, “Not that way” instead of the pretense going on.

            I think for as long as people wear clothes the game will carry on.

          • Lokesh says:

            A friend who sometimes visits the Resort told me the following. She knows a sannyasin woman and two friends who are HIV positive. Somehow they bypass the Resort’s AIDS test and have unprotected sex with as many men as they can….for revenge. It seems they were all infected with HIV after a one night stand with a sannyasin man.

      • bodhi vartan says:

        mini kang says:
        >> I am a korean girl and went to the Resort as friend of korean Sookhi, who is Amrito’s girlfriend.

        This is the problem. You weren’t there for yourself, you were there for somebody else. Your friend should have warned you that sannyasins are very much into flirting … and that is really all that it is, flirting. It can lead to sex (if both parties agree) but most of the time it’s just flirting. If you don’t like flirting go somewhere else or conduct yourself differently, but don’t go to a restaurant and complain that they serve food.

    • swami rajneesh says:

      “Osho forbade most Indian sannyasins to participate in therapy groups. I reckon the main reason behind this is that they are extemely sexually repressed as a people “

      this was the most blind biased racist judgment…
      that all indians are sexually repressed !

      so was indian OSHO also repressed ?
      how about buddha mahavir nanak krishna kabir raidas patanjali
      and the hundreds of known indian enlightened masters ?
      all sexually repressed ??

      such utter bullshit has been spread by sheer inferiority complex
      of western seekers…against asians and indians

      OSHO never gave therapies for indians as they are naturally acclimatized
      to meditation and move directly inwards easily and do not need silly groupies…he also did not recommend therapies for japanese or most asians seekers

      what the west does not understand is the deep cultural differences
      asians and indians have meditation and spiritual expressions from their very childhood as part of their upbringing
      and in their social media and culture…
      being brought up hearing about spiritual beings and familiar with buddhas and enlightenment masters as part of their daily life influences

      the west is totally unfamiliar with meditation and the inner journey
      and only brought up living under materialist influences

      the east aspires towards enlightenment as their goal and dream in life
      and understands sex and sexuality to be a physical chemical bondage
      translates celibacy as the coming of maturity…
      and the beginning of spiritual growth…
      sex moves towards a spiritual yearning…
      for moving upwards…towards enlightenment

      the west culture has never dreamt of enlightenment…
      is totally alien to their blood or cultural upbringing…
      for the western man the end of sex is the end of their life…
      searching medical advise on how to improve on their sex life
      there is an obvious difference…which makes the western seeker feel inferior and hurt when coming across indians and eastern people

      when sex declines in the west…
      it moves towards drugs and pornography
      when sex declines in the east…
      it moves towards religion and spiritual growth

      the east need to learn the outer from the west…but can live without it…
      the west needs to learn the inner from east…fullstop !!

      that is the balance OSHO was speaking about…
      but remember the inner is eternal…the outer will fall and die…
      and for seekers of truth…however painful it may sound…
      the fact is the west needs to learn from eastern wisdom…
      and not vice versa…

      • satyadeva says:

        I disagree with you, Swami Rajneesh, it’s my observation that Indians are generally far more sexually repressed than westerners. I honestly doubt whether any western sannyasins would agree with you here.

        Why quote the numbers of enlightened people to support your case? For a start, most of them lived in bygone ages where things appear to have been rather different, and anyway one can easily say that they’re the exceptions rather than the overwhelming rule.

        But you’re right to highlight the major cultural differences between East and West, which is pretty obvious common knowledge anyway, of course. Yet wouldn’t that very fact suggest that people from both areas require different sorts of processes when embarking on a ‘spiritual search/enquiry’? What immediately comes to mind is the ‘therapy issue’, where you appear to downplay its role in preparing people for meditation, regarding it as of minor value, ‘toys for children’ I believe you called it. So there’s a strong feeling that your acceptance of therapeutic initiatives is mainly ‘cosmetic’, as you don’t really believe in their value.

        Which is why my feeling so far is that you’re not really a teacher for the West, although no doubt you can help some ‘beginners’ at some level, as I don’t doubt you’ve had a few ‘realisations’, nor that you emit a certain presence.

        • swami rajneesh says:

          yes i view therapies clearly
          as games and toys for children…
          just playful entertainment…
          therapies are just outer games…

          the real seeker does not seek knowledge
          by doing therapies and groups…
          adding more knowledge through learning…

          the inner search…is towards meditation…
          seeking states beyond the mind…

          this thirst magnetically pulls the seeker
          towards experiencing inner spiritual glimpses…
          the mystic expands into love…and celebration…
          the real search is for innocence…

          the western mind is egoistic
          and knowledge is becoming his burden…

          seeking wisdom is dropping this rush towards learning and accepting the silence of not knowing…
          the west needs masters and mystics who show the way inwards…who show the way back to innocence…
          to experience inner trust and gratitude and grace…

          hence only devotees
          dive deep into the mysteries of enlightenment…
          a certain courage…a divine madness…of no mind…

          dropping the mind is needed to move inwards…
          and who is a beginner ??
          innocence is the beginning…
          and the very ultimate end…

          • satyadeva says:

            Swami Rajneesh:

            yes i view therapies clearly
            as games and toys for children…
            just playful entertainment…
            therapies are just outer games…

            the real seeker does not seek knowledge
            by doing therapies and groups…
            adding more knowledge through learning…

            Again you show your lack of genuine appreciation for the value of therapeutic initiatives, Swami Rajneesh. It’s as if you’re making a grudging, ‘cosmetic’ gesture towards the actual needs of many westerners as a precursor of, a preparation for true meditation.

            It’s not about seeking and gaining “knowledge”, it’s actually primarily about releasing fear and the life-denying effects of fear on the mind and body. With respect, you need more education in this area as you’re revealing your (typically Indian) lack of personal experience in the field. You seem to be clued up regarding the overwhemingly materialistic nature of western life, the western mentality, while refusing to adequately recognise how impoortant it is to provide practical help for those who have been damaged, a little or very much, by having been conditioned there.

            So your understandable sense that therapists have occupied too prominent a place in the sannyas world is one thing, but to downgrade such resources too much would be virtually ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water’, a most ill-advised policy.

            And I’m not disagreeing that the real spiritual search is another matter entirely, just that I disagree with your ‘casual’ approach to what is very useful, vital even, to ‘beginners’ (and some others).

            Swami Rajneesh:
            hence only devotees
            dive deep into the mysteries of enlightenment…
            a certain courage…a divine madness…of no mind…

            Depends what you mean by “devotees”, Swami R. Perhaps you could tell us what the word means for you, as frankly, in its normally understood meaning it would apply to very few in the western world, mainly women.

            I suspect that again you’re trying to transplant a very eastern, Indian approach onto the western mind, which might well be totally inappropriate.

            • swami rajneesh says:

              satyadeva says :
              // Depends what you mean by “devotees”, Swami R. Perhaps you could tell us what the word means for you, as frankly, in its normally understood meaning it would apply to very few in the western world, mainly women.
              I suspect that again you’re trying to transplant a very eastern, Indian approach onto the western mind, which might well be totally inappropriate.//

              only women can be devotees ??
              this is the ego of the male disciple !!!
              all disciples male or female are feminine…in the spiritual realms

              certainly all indian masters are transplanting eastern wisdom into western minds…perfect !!

              • satyadeva says:

                Here you demonstrate a huge flaw in your overall viewpoint, Swami Rajneesh, a major blind spot in fact.

                Unless you fully grasp the nature, tendencies and proclivities of the vast majority of western minds, conditioned as they are by a totally different culture to your own, for example, then you haven’t an earthly hope of helping most westerners beyond a certain basic level.

                It’s just not helpful to casually put this down to “the ego of the male disciple”, it’s a simple fact of the nature of the vast majority of western (and who knows, maybe eastern) men. You ignore this aspect of reality at your peril, as if you imagine you’re going to be able to change them into fully=fledged devotees like yourself then you’re on a loser, you’re deluded, you’re going to be bitterly disappointed. What brought you to wherever you are is not likely to do the same or similar job for vast numbers of others.

                If relatively few became ‘real devotees’ while Osho was alive, how come you think you’re able to manage any differently?!

                This is something I’ve long suspected about you, now confirmed: a fundamental cripplingly naive view of those you seem to regard as your main ‘constituents’ – all those young, “innocent” (your term) people.

                To me, on such (and other) evidence presented here at SN, you seem in your big plans and ambitions to be rather over-reaching yourself, over-estimating your knowledge and indeed your capacity. Perhaps your close proximity to massive wealth – notwithstanding your rejection of your immediate background – has contributed to making you think you’re more ‘significant’ than you actually are.

                • swami rajneesh says:

                  i have already travelled to over 360 cities in the west and 37 countries…
                  and had vast experience with western people…
                  having also lived in
                  the usa…uk…hongkong…

                  i have held over 70 meditation camps in the western world…
                  and responded to thousands of western seekers and their personal questions and issues…
                  understanding their inner needs…
                  i have found the west to be thirsty for an actual taste of the inner state of no mind…rather than information or therapies to improve their mental understanding…and intellectual cosmetic patchup…

                  with exception to being in poona ashram…
                  and living 14 years in silence in manali himalayas…
                  most of my outer life has been in the west…

                  my entire childhood has been influenced by the west…education in the best british public school…
                  and lifestyle influences of the indian movie industry and such social circles

                  i am certain you cannot match my lifestyle…
                  west or east !

                • satyadeva says:

                  Swami Rajneesh:
                  i have found the west to be thirsty for an actual taste of the inner state of no mind…rather than information or therapies to improve their mental understanding…and intellectual cosmetic patchup…

                  Once again you betray a total failure to grasp the point of therapies, Swami R. Not exactly surprising as you’ve never experienced any of them yourself.

                  In the first instance, it’s not primarily a question of improving “mental understanding” or getting an “intellectual cosmetic patch-up”, nothing of the sort. Briefly, as I’ve said here recently (did you bother to read it? Doesn’t appear so) the bottom line, the basic purpose is to relieve the individual of fear, of psycho-physical poison, the accumulated effects of which can limit people, to a greater or lesser degree, from going more deeply within, of experiencing what you term “No Mind”. That, plus the consequent expanded awareness of one’s robotic patterns.

                  You are so utterly ignorant of this area that it beggars belief you can bring yourself to make such sweeping, derogatory – and misplaced – pronouncements on it all. Your arrogance in this and other respects tends to give the lie to your claims of being just a ‘humble devotee’. And you expect experienced sannyasins to take you seriously? The reception you get at SN should have taught you something by now….

                  I have plenty more to say to you, about this recent post of yours and other things, but another time….

                • bodhi vartan says:

                  SR, over the six months I have met people from the Resort, Arun’s people, Humaniversity people, even blissed out enlightened ones but I haven’t met any of ‘your’ people. Are they scared of our hallowed isles? I’d love to debate them … or whatever you people do (hehe).

            • swami rajneesh says:

              therapists play the role of master and god…pretending to know know it all…

              can you atleast justify OSHO resort charging 3000 US$ for mystic rose ??
              then you will understand why i term therapists as blood sucking parasites !!!

              • satyadeva says:

                What makes you imagine I might agree with that ridiculous charge? Do you think I’m on their side on all issues just because I criticise you a lot?

                Of course the costs of therapies should be fair and reasonable, that’s basic common sense, basic justice.

                But whether you’re justified in thus branding all therapists is another matter. You’ll need far more evidence than that. One example doesn’t prove the rule.

              • bodhi vartan says:

                Why do you care what the Resort charges? If you can undercut them, then there is a business for you. But you want to do it for free …

                I am a young lady and give sex for free but at the same time worry about what the whores charge …

                Do you see the paradox? You should be a zen master.

                • swami rajneesh says:

                  a zen master cuts
                  with one stroke…
                  offering OSHO free is my zen stroke !

                • bodhi vartan says:

                  Oshoism is not meant to be free, it’s meant to be expensive. The best cannot be free. Ferrari are not free. It doesn’t make sense. Maybe I am wrong. We shall see.

              • ekantam says:

                Yes! I deeply Thank Swami Rajneesh!!! For Spreading and Sharing Osho and his Message!!! FREE!!!

                Sometimes I’ve noticed.. that people, Who Charge for THERAPIES Have A Busines Approach! In their Minds!…)

                All the Economics are Based on a First Postulate, stating:
                “The World Resources are Scarce”, …

                Hence, “Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem…”

                But Share Love inside!, , -it Doubles!)))Grows!
                So, Love, has a differnt quality, Meaning!!!…)))

                • bodhi vartan says:

                  It looks like FREE is the way to go. Ok mate, I challenge you. You come to London and show me how to do it for free. And I am not going to interfere, I might even support you.

                • Arpana says:


                • bodhi vartan says :
                  // It looks like FREE is the way to go. Ok mate, I challenge you. You come to London and show me how to do it for free. And I am not going to interfere, I might even support you.//

                  i have already travelled to holland germany italy spain portugal austria belgium and offered 30 meditation 7 day each camp free !!
                  i was invited many times to london for offering our free camps…but the good old queen of england immigration service did not like my beard and we could not get a visa !!!

                • bodhi vartan :
                  90 meditation camps offered around the world for free…


      • bodhi vartan says:

        swami rajneesh says:
        >> so was indian OSHO also repressed ?

        At the beginning, categorically yes. But he soon learned ‘the game’. Most Indian males refuse to learn the game, constantly walk with their tongues hanging out, and refuse to take no as an answer. And I am not talking about India, I am talking about the UK. Am I a racist? Probably. My lot, the Greeks, are marginally better but often embarrass me with their uncivilized behaviour.

        • swami rajneesh says:

          so bodhi vartan claims :
          that OSHO was sexually repressed…in the beginning…and soon learnt the game…

          bodhi vartan knows the beginning of OSHOs life…
          astral travel or akashic records ??

          • bodhi vartan says:

            Oops you started talking Chinese there. One thing about real masters is that they expose their total humanity so we can see that they are nothing special. Yes I know everything about Osho’s life, everything he wanted me to know. The rest is just hearsay.

          • shivamurti says:

            How would any of you possibly know if Bhagwan was sexually repressed. One would have to be in^the room, in his life with Him, to be able to say anything, and as soon as you would say anything it would be heresay. 2nd knowing what I know of illusionary existence there is nothing that is absolute, if you believe otherwise Existence has fooled you, and has fooled you. And whether he did or did not anything 3rd Who Cares??? Bhagwan’s words are the only thing that matters!!!!

  7. Lokesh says:

    Shantam I often see things happen to people that I have no convenient explanation for.
    Coincidently I was just recalling this morning how Osho explained that in this world one never really knows what is a blessing or a curse. One must simply take things as they are. In relation to your question I’d say that your question suggests that you have not been doing your homework, because if you had the question would not arise.

  8. prem martyn says:

    I had a series of nuanced thoughts recently on the subject of sex,… well less nuanced more ….’ fifty shades of grey ‘, but that could be because of my age and hair colour.

    Next week, we will all be singing from the same hymn sheet ‘a whiter shade of pale’ followed by the question ‘ Dulux me or are you doing a therapy grope ?

    (for a metaphysical translation of these in-house jokes that are way past their sell-by dates please contact a member of the United Kingdom’s Society of Snobbish Olde Public Schoolboys )

  9. shantam prem says:

    Bodhi Vartan,
    I think till now you have not been to Pune or it has changed during last few weeks?

  10. Cali Kush says:

    Just wanted to share a beautiful thread of Osho quotes, 333 pages long!

    I’m sure that many of you are familiar with David Icke. Maybe some of you are even posting on that thread.

    Nevertheless, I’m curious to know peoples opinion of David Icke. Please do comment…

    Gracias :)

    • prem martyn says:

      wrong forum there me ol easy rider… you’ll need the cold blooded reptile house at London Zoo, for further enquiries…

      Osho is more Burning Man festival, less English Nut House brigade…
      and no i won’t be arguing the opinion for the next 47 pages with any D. Icke wannabes , just in case they are watching (parmartha does leave the front door open , and it’s a terrible nuisance, )

      Good luck with the quotes…take three a day after meals…

    • bodhi vartan says:

      The best way to read Osho is by reading a complete book and not through quotes … there was a method is his madness. Especially with the Pune 2 material …

      I don’t mind David Icke, he is a bit of an old hat now, and getting too repetitive. I particularly don’t like the people who like him. They are not Osho type people.

      • Cali Kush says:

        Appreciate the comments!

        I’m not a David Icke fan myself & I’ve read enough Osho books and listened to just about every discourse I could get my grubby lil hands on.(thanks oshobob, your website WAS the shit man!!!)

        I enjoy reading the quotes on that thread & revisiting words of Osho with my current state of being every now & then.

        Figured some others would like to do the same ;)

      • Arpana says:

        Is it ok by you if we do both?

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