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148 Responses to Silence

  1. Lokesh says:

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I’ve come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    ‘Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
    That split the night
    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    And no one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence

    “Fools”, said I, “You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you”
    But my words, like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed
    In the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls”
    And whispered in the sounds of silence

  2. shantam prem says:

    Like a cancer grows…..

    Sometime Silence
    grows like Malaria…
    better will be to
    make it happen like

  3. bodhi vartan says:

    Silence only makes sense in contrast to sound. The zen emptiness of the gaps between the words is only created when the gaps are actually in-between words, and not free-floating in the ether.

    I don’t see the silence as the problem but the music to noise ratio.

  4. Anand Newman says:

    I hear you..
    Sound of one hand clapping.
    Anahata naad..

  5. mini kang says:

    Ancient Pond
    Frog jumps in
    Plop !

  6. SCIFI says:

    OSHO movie

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  7. sannyasnews says:

    This idea of having a silent entry was Prem Martyn’s, though not in the present context. Thanks for that.
    The previous thread sometimes seems out of hand, and the combatants arraigned like knights on the plain.
    The line between humour and abuse can be very fine, especially when different cultural humours are involved.
    My faith is all those whose lives have been genuinely moved by Osho and his energy inwardly know there is a bond of silent communion between them, and that discussion should always start and return there. The last sentence would be my definition of satsang.
    Many of us have never met each other except in cyberspace but if we were to do so in real space, I suspect that we would all sort of get on, in the same way as we all did, especially in the early days of Poona one. (Parmartha)

    • satyadeva says:

      A timely response, Parmartha, and last night thoughts along generally similar lines came to mind…

      Attempting to view these shenanigans at least relatively objectively, we’re being provided with a living demonstration of how ‘religious movements’ disintegrate, splinter into factions after the death of the original Master: arguing, even potentially warring factions (“soon the gloves will come off”, says devotee spokesman Dhyan Raj!)…

      As always through history, it’s simply down to ‘my version of the Master and his teachings is more true, more authentic, altogether ‘better’ than yours’. Which could be – theoretically – a useful sort of debate, I suppose, except that it so easily stimulates and generates the ‘old enemy’, chronic negative emotions:
      dislike, contempt, anger, hatred, leading to mutual abuse and incipient violence, possibly even to actual assault and worse, who knows?

      The absurdity of it all, of course, is that – presumably – all sides are actually looking for ‘love, life and truth’, yet finding, at this point, “something completely different” (yes, ‘Monty Python’ (famously brilliant 70′s tv absurd’satirical comedy series comes readily to mind!).

      It’s there before our very eyes, in the history books, the newspapers, the tv news: religious hatred turning into violence, into death-dealing conflicts, through the generations, doing its bit to turn this man-made world (on a God-made Earth) into a living hell. And we’re now, in microcosm, in the same bloody boat…

      I suggest that we take a good look at our stupidity here, whether it’s self-importance, chronic self-righteousness manifesting as an overwhelming wish to ‘prove’ (an utterly hopeless enterprise, surely?) that ‘our way is the right way’, that ‘we are totally right, you are totally wrong’, ‘we are clean, clear and righteous, you are hopelessly degenerate, unspiritual, dirty, disgusting, doomed to Hell (of course)’…With all the humourless lack of balance and puritanical zeal implcit in such stances…

      Why not look inside and see this inner fanatic, puritan, zealot, righteously indignant hater – not forgetting the ‘I don’t give a flying fuck-er’, the ‘escape into nihilistic humour-er’ and the ‘I know I’m stupid but I don’t want to admit it – er’ and the fundamentally shaky ground of being from which they arise? We’re all – presumably – looking for ‘the Good’ – and maybe we should really stop and see our and others’ vulnerability, before we choose to ‘enjoy’ descending further into the mire.

      For a change, how about not claiming ‘Ah, but I have ‘realised something’, I do know what’s true’, and facing up to how ignorant of truth one actually is? Emphasing that for once, for the sake of a little humility….

      Otherwise, what are we playing at, what fucking use is all the meditation, for example, if all it leads to is insults, threats and worse? Or are we inevitably bound for our particular version of hell on earth, just like many conventional, so-called religions?

      • Lokesh says:

        Some salient points, SD. I can’t help but notice that even within sannyasin breakaway groups, who are supposedly based in a search for love, peace and understanding, there exists a need to create an enemy, a villain or villains to fight against. The basis of this appears to lie in the need to give substance to your life, belief system, spiritual ideas etc. If one has the need to create an imaginary enemy it should ring an alarm bell in your head that there is something fundamentally lacking in whatever it is you have an investment in.
        Once more I return to Osho’s views on non-seriousness. Whenever you get serious about something nine times out of ten it is an indication that your ego is identified with that something. This is normal behaviour in the normal somnabulistic society, governed in general by automatic reaction. For the seeker after truth it is quite another thing and therefore one can use seriousness as a tool that signals you are on some kind of an ego trip in one form or another and it might be the best course of action to simply drop it and move onto higher ground.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          ha ha ha ha – yes pllokesh – now you return to osho in his views on non seriousness – your latest weapon to put down those who support osho as egotists – with stories about insubstantial lives of others, their imaginary “belief systems”, “spiritual ideas” – their “imaginary enemies”

          the enemies are very real who continually work to block rajneesh every day, making up lies to persuade facebook and youtube to delete his books, his videos, his sharing of his master osho

          ah well – i suppose i had better take your wise recommendation to move to higher ground – ha ha ha ha ha – why fight in the gutter with a glaswegian eh ?

          and yet lokesh – its difficult for me to pass by on the other side of the road with my head in the air while people such as yourself beat up my master osho and his disciples arun and rajneesh – what kind of sannyasin would i be to allow such a thing without speaking out ?

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha ha – did i scare you satyadeva? mentioning to frank that if abuse on rajneesh is continued the gloves may come off ? – do you think i am going to leap out of the computer screen with my bare knuckles bashing him up ? ha ha ha ha ha – imagining “actual assault and even worse” ha ha ha –
        dont get carried away lad – i was joking with frankie poo – its simply that i dont like to ignore efforts to rubbish osho or rajneesh – of which you know there have been many on the previous threads – even though sometimes dressed up as humour – the intent to harm has been there

        • satyadeva says:

          Well, that’s a relief anyway, Dhyan Raj. But you and other Swami R fans have shown so little humour here – notwithstanding your tedious “ha ha”‘s – that it didn’t cross my mind until someone suggested it to me that you might be joking.

          You see, I wouldn’t necessarily rule out anything from sources resonating with more than a vestige of ‘fundamentalist’-type rage (yes, that’s how you and your ‘fellow-travellers’ often come across); humourless violence would be a sort of logical progression (as I outlined earlier today), simply par for the course, wouldn’t it?

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            fundamentalist rage satyadeva ? – im sorry if you imagine that in me – leading to humourless violence ? now satyadeva you seem to have a vivid imagination of me that is far from the truth –
            where does this “fundamentalist rage” come from ? – what are you describing in my comments as fundamentalist or rage ? –
            because i speak up for osho and dont make cruel comments and jokes about him – is this fundamentalist ?
            because i counter hateful attacks on rajneesh and speak the truth – this is rage ?

    • Lokesh says:

      Right on, Parmartha. I often think the same myself.
      Being a Scot, who grew up on the streets of Glasgow, I always enjoyed the social banter that is so much part and parcel of that city, wherein it is mutually agreed upon that it is alright to poke fun at one another, often with a pointy stick. To this day I still enjoy to visit my old home town and look up some old pals so that we can sit around a few pints and tell each other how full of shit they are. It’s a healthy practice as there is little space left in which to take oneself seriously. If it does get serious it is best to seek cover, as hell hath no fury like a serious Scot. Every general in the British Raj’s armies knew that and that is why the Scot’s regiments were often frontliners on the British Empire’s battlefields. When the fuzzy-wuzzies saw that lot coming over the hill with bagpipes wailing they often beat a hasty retreat.
      My number one rule for posting comments on SN is that if see myself becoming overly serious I immediately delate what I have written, for I know that it is my ego talking. One of the greatest things that Osho had to impart were his views on maintaining a non-serious approach to life. I’m with him all the way on that one.

  8. shantam prem says:

    Oh My God…Lokesh will delete around 95% of his comments…

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam, simply put, I couldn’t be arsed. Anyway, I made them all ùp as I went along. If I’m not careful I might begin to contradict myself. Come to think about it, isn’t that part of Osho’s legacy?

  9. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    well parmartha – thank you for reminding us all of the silence we shared with our master osho in satsang and of our common consciousness – sorry to say i jumped in here to adress comments directed to me personally – i would have prefered to remain silent in honour of silence – but the silence was already well and truly broken on this page before i came in and i find the judgemental minds on display as usual

  10. SCIFI says:

    My therapists, my people who are preparing meditations for you, are just doing the primary groundwork. They are just preparing the ground. The ultimate and final touch I have to give.
    I have my own ways to sow the seeds in you: through my words, through my silences, through my eyes, through my gestures – just through my silence, just through my presence; it has a living field of energy.
    And unless you have a living awakened being amongst you, all your therapies and all your meditations are just futile exercises; they won′t help much.
    For Piyoosh I would like to say, Go back to Goenka. This is not the place for you. And you have to leave right now. I am tired of idiots of all kinds. For thirty years I have suffered from idiots and I have tolerated them, but now I have decided no idiot will be allowed here.
    You took twelve years to decide to take sannyas; I don′t need even twelve seconds to take it away. You are no more a sannyasin. Return your sannyas papers, and you perfectly know the door. Just get out this very night, and never come here again. Go to hell – with anybody, Goenka, or find some other idiot. There are many in India.
    I exist only for those who can understand me and who can be totally with me. A man who knows nothing about me, who just within twelve hours of his sannyas starts finding that what I am saying is wrong, certainly cannot be allowed to be here. A single rotten fish can destroy the whole lake. So you will be very compassionate to all these people by leaving this place forever.
    And I am always surprised… if you have found Goenka to be right, then why are you here? When somebody finds something that is helping his growth, he remains there. And if you have found Goenka to be right and still you have not remained with him, how are you going to remain with me, whom you find wrong just within twelve hours?
    No, don′t waste time. I am not interested in collecting crowds and retarded people. Just go to Goenka and tell him everything that I have said. And if he has guts, bring him here, so I can show you that he knows nothing about meditation as far as experience is concerned, that he knows nothing at all of what enlightenment is. All that he knows is a poor technique. But a technician is a totally different thing.
    A technician can work with electricity, but that does not mean that he is Edison, that he has discovered electricity. Don′t ask the poor technician about electricity – don′t ask any question about its intrinsic character; don′t ask of what it consists – he is not an Edison. But he can do perfectly well: you don′t need Edison when one of your bulbs goes out; just any idiot can do that.
    The same is the situation about meditation. There are technicians and there are realized people. Unless you find a realized being, all your efforts are in vain.

  11. shantam prem says:

    Osho Sannyas
    Welcome to
    Religion of the Brahmins…

    Do you have quality
    To Teach?
    We will refine it!

    • swami rajneesh says:

      shantam phaji…
      i saw on your facebook profile a beautiful photo of
      guru nanak dev ji with your message :
      “ Mythology or reality, it is a spiritual theme, what is the role of ill gotten wealth in the evolution of human soul and civilisation…
      This story from the life of Guru Nanak is inspiring.
      He did not accept the invitation from the rich landlord and moneylender because his earning was blood money of simple, innocent, hard working people…”

      as a child especially after my mothers vimmi ji punjabi movie – nanak nam jhahaz hai ( a triple diamond jubilee superhit movie ) i was always moved deeply by the images of guru nanak dev ji and have become close to hundreds devoted sikhs
      i still recall the airport security fences were completely broken down and hundreds of people rushed to the airplane when we landed in amritsar
      my mother and our family were privileged to be allowed to enter the most sacred inner chambers where the guru granth sahebji is placed and welcomed to the golden temple for celebration of nanak nam jhahaz hai
      i would like to ask you if guru nanak dev ji would be charging 3000 US$ for mystic rose or any meditation offerings ??

      perhaps you will state that these are modern times ??
      then why does the sacred golden temple even offer every devotee free langar food and prasad ?? and all daily gurubani recitles and entrances are free and all people of any race or religion are openly welcomed with love and acceptance ??

      i feel the same…as our master has left us his loving vision and meditations out of his compassion and they should not become a tool for business exploitation of innocent new seekers
      we as disciples should offer out of love and gratitude and learn to be humble to accept donations out of love and gratitude also

      “ they say free meditations are not valued “
      i state the seeker ( even after he or she pays ) is not valued and is only viewed as a commercial exploitation by therapists
      i feel that OSHO egoistic elite therapists are charging high group fees to justify their so called spiritual understanding and to project themselves as masters
      this way they can act like masters and bring OSHO down to their level as being just another therapist master…but with deeper insights…and more experience…
      this is the clever deception as newcomers look upwards to them and feel that OSHO therapies are the real path and OSHO therapist are those who know the way

      i feel that 1960’s – 1980’s were innocent hippie spiritual seekers moving towards fashionable trends of finding a guru and seeking enlightment
      this 21st century a young new generation are arriving who are far more intellectually and mature and hugely exposed to internet and other instant audio visual media and a vast array of spiritual books
      as the times are changing a new generation of seekers are turned off by the crass commercial exploitation of so called religious or spiritual teachers and masters

      perhaps what I say is of value today…
      as we have to move with the pulse of these changing times

      i understand that offering out of compassion and love is the way forward and accepting donations is going to become the new way
      no more gurus but enlightened beings who offer friendliness
      and an open compassionate spirit
      as a friend and fellow traveller towards all who seek the truth

      i am certain that this is the pulse of today…
      and humanity is tired of exploitation and materialism
      and is seeking innocence
      and the way back to humility and values of the human heart

  12. shantam prem says:

    All kind of rascals hide behind the spirit of patriotism…
    who hide behind the veil of silence?

  13. shantam prem says:

    No need to fight man, just drop it.
    in the end we are all one.
    You are a prisoner, I am a jailor; you are single, I am happily married; you are poor, I am rich; you are looking, I have found:::::
    Does it matter?
    after the show, we are all one..
    No need to fight man..Just drop it!

    PS- Dedicated to Shri Lokesh Ji

  14. Parmartha says:

    It comes to me that most of us here would describe ourselves as a “seeker”. I know ten years back Satyam Nadeen started a line that those who felt too should call themselves “finders” and mentioned it in his books. These finders were supposed to be those who felt they had gone through the door to some kind of enlightenment, and it seemed, one had only to go through it to gain it.

    Of course there are, presumably a few here who consider the seeking game ended for them in a different way. But not in enlightenment, but what they would consider a return to “normal” life. I met a few of those in my time who I knew in the seventies and eighties, we chat in the street, “yeah well man, I gave it up, I sell wine now, or set up my own business and that is my life now.” “Or, yeah, man, I think maybe I was caught up in the wrong movie, but took a long time to see it.”

    However I suspect that those using this board are of the seeker type, and that gives us a common bond which should not be heavily threatened by disputes, etc. I suspect that 98% of human beings never really become seekers, for whatever reason. So that’s the basis of a pretty strong bond. Also why not look for those things further we have in common, even if in our different ways, love, or certainly respect for Osho and the whole enlightenment tradition.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      you are right parmartha – we have a commomn bond – osho has touched our lives – what i dont understand is why some who comment here seem to find it clever to ridicule and put down our master osho and any who are his devotees – is this a seeker of truth’s way ? –
      i dont find love or respect for osho in calling him a dead cunt for example as martyn did, or saying about our master “I don’t give a hoot about his ashes, his books, his discourses or the losers who are so deluded that they actually believe they are doing Osho’s work or somehow bringing his vision into the world” as lokesh did

      now it would be nice to think we are together in support of our master – but i can’t swallow this kind of abuse of our master and his people and think that these are osho’s people –
      this is not the way of a disciple to the master is it ? what sort of seeking is this ? it certainly isnt love of or respect of the master is it parmartha ?

      • Parmartha says:

        Martyn does not seem to post for some days.
        I think that Lokesh just likes to humourously provoke, it does not mean he actually believes what he writes at all!
        Actually knowing you both a little I would think you might well “get on”! You both have that entrepreneurial streak and lateral thinking streak!

        • prem martyn says:

          You might have to move from meditation to mathematics or even prayer for that last thought of yours to come out as an equation or miracle. Did you train in Kiss and Make up ? Would you like to, as I have a weekend training coming up for Healing the wounded online blogging spiritual antithesis into the radiant light of utterly ensconced Togetherness.

          I always worry in case my thoughts go public here , and get misinterpreted for non spiritual purposes, but luckily I know its only between a few friends in common, so I shouldn’t worry about their effect should I , (in case I’m not moderated in time ?).

          There is a sub text to my remark above , as in all remarks , one has to read into it the secret code for advanced users.

  15. SCIFI says:

    Lokesh : As I sat in Lucknow recalling all this, it struck me like a thunderbolt what a wonderful man Osho was and how blessed I had been to have received so much of his undivided attention. From that day on, I ceased to listen to the gossip and will forever hold Osho dear to my heart.

    • Lokesh says:

      Still holds true, SCIFI. Thanks for posting that.
      Few weeks back I was having a very difficult time in a worldly situation with someone I’d mistakenly taken to be a fiend. I looked for a source of inspiration to lift me above the psychological quagmire I’d alowed myself to be dragged into. I was in my studio at the time and looked at a bookshelf. I picked one of Maurice Nicholls Psychological Commentaries, an in depth interpretatation of Gurdieffs work. I opened the book at a random page and it happened to be a chapter about self-justification and how most of us are busy with that. I was also at the time. It seems self-justification is a trap and therefore I refuse to indulge myself in that process to any great extent and try to justify any of my comments here on SN.
      One thing I will say is this. I think that the main reason I can make fun out of Osho and his life is that during the seven wonderful years I spent with him I never for a moment doubted that I loved the man. He was, amongst many other things, a king joker and thought nothing of poking fun at revered personages such as Gandhi and Mother Theresa etc. We all laughed along with the old boy, because it was devilishly good fun. Now we have a group of sannyasins who cry foul if a joke is made out of Osho or if some bit of scandalous nonsense is smeared on the holier than thou image these fools are projecting onto Osho. This is an image that will never truely fit the old boy. Osho was not a saint. He declared that he wasn’t your uncle because he was not ‘nice’. He was an absolute rebel. He was a human being, just like the rest of us, albeit a truly exceptional one. My time with Osho drew to an unexpected close, due to some extremely difficult challenges that life produced for me to overcome. Thanks in part to Osho I eventually rose above the shit I had to wade through for some years. I found, when I reached the other shore, that I was free of the need for a spiritual master, but I will forever hold dear to me the memory of all the fanatastic people who helped me become free of them, Osho will doubtless hold a central place in that group of individuals.
      Somehow there is a misconception that once involved with a master it must be for life. Perhaps it is for some, but not for me. The real master is not the one who has the most disciples but rather the one who helps create the most masters in their own right.
      Being a man Osho gave me the title of Swami. I think it is extremely important to note that the word Swami means master; it means striving for the mastery over one’s smaller self and habit patterns, so that the eternal Self within may come shining through. Knowing Osho as I did I am hundred percent sure that if Osho had a wish for all of his friends it was for us to allow the eternal Self within to come shining through. That’s why you won’t find me towing the party line or putting Osho up on some lofty pedestal to worship. The bleating herd of sheep is a place I no longer belong to. How could it be when Osho put so much effort into making me realize that I am a lion who has fallen asleep and dreamt he was a sheep. I woke up to the fact and now there is nothing I enjoy better than to roar with laughter at all the other lions who are still dreaming they are sheep. What else can I do? Cry my heart out at the pure tragedy of it? Not my way. I prefer laughter any day of the week. One reason I enjoy Sannyas News is tha there are a few very witty people commenting here, that coupled with a few first class idiots is, for me, the perfect combination for a good laugh in the whacky world of enlightertainment.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        the “first class idiots” as you call them are also lions lokesh – thats why your arse is getting bitten – imagining that others are sheep who are “putting osho on a lofty pedestal to worship” is simply your projection lokesh and untrue – you want it to be true perhaps to feed your imaginary superiority

  16. shantam prem says:

    Being a man Osho gave me the title of Swami…..

    There are many instances where Lokesh ji think, doctor created the pharmaceutical company just for him.

    Pardon me, Osho did not give the title Swami to the chosen few. He gave to all those who have third leg between their two legs!

  17. Cali Kush says:

    Beuatifully said Lokesh!

    I’m inspired by your path to self mastery & your insight that the most important message of Osho & all the other Buddhas is to allow the eternal self to come shining through despite of all the bullcrap life throws in front of us.

    And I appreciate you reminding us of Osho’s unique viewpoint of finding humor in life & not to take myself, or life too seriously.

    I was very saddened to read the bickering & senseless arguing of those that were blessed enough to be in the presence of the master while he was alive.

    I was not fortunate enough to Meet Osho while he was in the body, nor have I had the experience of being part of a commune of people that love Osho. But I do consider myself a sannyasin, despite not being formally initiated.

    I am now forced by life’s circumstances to make a pilgrimage to Nepal & India to have an experience of buddhafields, Osho style. Something my heart has been yearning for, but something my ego would not allow me to do until my financial security came crumbling down.

    I was a bit disheartened reading the comments on this blog & how some sannyasins seem to be such assholes. All the years at the feet of the master but no different still from the typical jackasses I meet in daily life?!?

    But your above post Lokesh, & experiencing the words of other sannyasins on this blog has brought a greater understanding of life & the world of neosannyas.

    I am grateful to you all here for that!

    And I am still excited & looking forward to experiencing the Buddhafield of Tapoban & the other branches of Osho’s spiritual tree in India (I’m definitely skipping Pune tho lol). I am also very excited to finally be able to be around people that sincerely love Osho like I do.

    My only experience of interaction with Osho lovers is through this blog. Los Angeles Is a tough place to meet Osho lovers, IMO. So many charlatans & phoneys in this shining capital of superficiality. So I never bothered to searching for others.

    Thank you all on sannyasnews for BEing yourselves & for teaching this younger(40) traveller a beautiful lesson on interacting & relating with others!


    • Lokesh says:

      Thanks for what is a clearly heartfelt response, Cali. If you are ever in Europe do try and check out Ibiza. It is a truly remarkable place and just keeps getting better and better year by year. Contact me if you decide to fly to magic island. I know of no other spot on the planet with such a remarkable collection of diverse and fascinating people. Plenty of sannyasins in the hood to keep you company. Happy trails.

      • Cali Kush says:

        Ahhhhhh Ibiza!

        I love dancing, electronic music & beautiful people! I’ve always dreamed of dancing the night away in Ibiza, minus the happy pills. But hey, nothing wrong in partaking every so often though. =]

        One day I will be able to visit the magical island of Ibiza. Sheeeiit if i can find a way to make a good living on the island, i would definitely live there.

        First things first though, I need to get rid of all the crap I’ve accumulated in my being. Need a taste of silence in the Himalayas to help rediscover my inner flame.

        Thanks for the invitation to contact you! I will make my way to Ibiza before I leave this body. That’s for damn sure!

        Peace =)

  18. shantam prem says:

    There is no doubt, Lokesh shined like diamond, but one should not forget the process. Seven productive years are not less a time for a Scot to spend in India..
    in my opinion, sense of gratitude requires that people who got so much from there, find the way that others on the way could also get the equal benefit. This is the way, humanity has always believed in; generation next always get something better.
    Look at the apple. Kids have better version of IPhone than the late founder!

    But with Osho, it is another matter. Too many wise cooks have burnt the Omlate!

    • Cali Kush says:

      Thank you for your comment shantam prem!

      Please all you older, wiser, sometimes cynical sannyasins, remember that there are younger people like myself in need of the fragrance of Osho who were not fortunate enough to imbibe in the experience of being around the master.

      You have the capabilities to spread the fragrance of roses to the next generation of sannyasins, or you can spread the fragrance of shit! It’s your choice, not your responsibility.

      I understand that it’s my responsibility to discover & cultivate my own inner light. But at the same time, those who are ahead of me in spiritual growth, especially those who were lucky enough to be in the presence of my master, have the capability & aptitude to help expediate or retard the transformation of others.

      I hope my comment is not taken as a complaint but rather as an opportunity to view things from an outsiders perspective. And a call of action to help those that are fumbling in the dark but still have rays of sunlight in their view.

      Thank you.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        yes cali kush – you are absolutely right – sannyas news is a window on osho and his sannyasins also for those who have never met our master
        to abuse our master and his people here is doing no one any favours – even if it is dressed up as being funny, clever, and free – it does a lot of harm and only suits those who have an interest in seeing osho fail in his experiment to transform humanity

        soon all those who have been fortunate to have been with osho in the body will be gone – we are all old now – and it is up to us to share our experience with our master with the new generations of sannyasins who will continue to come

        • Lokesh says:

          DR says, ‘it is up to us to share our experience with our master with the new generations of sannyasins who will continue to come’
          Well, I’ve been doing that here on SN for some time now and all he does is complain about it.

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam, that is ‘crazy’ diamond. The song runs just so;
      Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
      Shine on you crazy diamond.
      Now there’s a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
      Shine on you crazy diamond.
      You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
      blown on the steel breeze.
      Come on you target for faraway laughter,
      come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
      You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
      Shine on you crazy diamond.
      Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
      Shine on you crazy diamond.
      Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
      rode on the steel breeze.
      Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
      come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

  19. prem martyn says:

    Down at the online SN pub we have learnt to be best mates, by singing in gibberish to our favourite opponents thus making the editors and ourselves fulfil the mission of not clinging onto alien bigotry.. and cherish our similarity according to the P’ar’mA’thara bonds of kinship

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  20. SCIFI says:

    Eckhart Tolle says : Swami Rajneesh is a mediocre joker …. nothing else !!!

    • satyadeva says:

      Where’s your evidence, please?

      • SCIFI says:

        The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

        • atikarmo says:

          i asked this question in 2009 India Rajneesh tour:

          question – can you say something about ekhart tolle ?
          he has a very different experience of enlightenment
          rajneesh – ekhart tolle…who is he ?
          questioner – somewhere out in germany
          rajneesh – firstly enlightenment is not an experience
          you are here…and here is the experience…
          these are two…separate…there are still two…
          who is experiencing the enlightenment ?
          either you are there or enlightenment is there !
          i do not know about this ekhart tolle
          i only know osho
          i do not know all the masters
          neither i am interested in anybody right now
          i do not know who is ekhart tolle and whether he is enlightened or not
          i have to meet him to know…
          as far as i know a german becoming enlightened
          will be the greatest miracle on the earth !
          he can keep his enlightenment…i am not enlightened…i am simply in love
          i am in love with osho
          why go for that stupid title enlightenment ?
          i am dissolved into his love
          i am not searching anything…my search has stopped
          to me to be a devotee is enough
          i am simply a devotee of osho
          you can stick to the word enlightenment
          if he is enlightened…beautiful…let him dance and celebrate
          whosoever is enlightened let them dance and celebrate and enjoy
          i am dancing and i am celebrating !
          if it reflects enlightenment…very good…
          if it does not…very good…why compare ?
          what expressions they carry after their enlightenment
          whether they are whirling or simply going into silence
          or dancing or singing
          these are outer expressions of inner stillness
          what is creating the expression comes out of truth
          an enlightened being is so individual…so unique…but the inner is the same
          in indian enlightenment…everything is perfect
          you see indian cows on the road…the bus does not work and when it does…
          the bus driver going in the wrong direction
          asking the way with no satellite navigation…
          in india you ask the roadside chaiwala the way…
          you ask the chaiwala which way to go to kuchwada
          this is indian enlightenment…
          everything is perfectly ok…they accept everything…
          go extra fifty miles wrong direction…come back
          they reach somewhere else…does not matter…
          no tension here in india…it is normal…
          india is beautiful…because everything goes wrong
          you have to pull your hair out and become bald…and you look enlightened
          there is no other way
          in india nothing goes right
          everything goes wrong continuously everyday
          the tap not working…flush not working…
          cockroach walking here and there…everything is wrong everywhere
          slowly slowly you give up perfection…
          and you live to learn to live in the moment
          it is perfect
          because there is no trouble today it is perfect !!
          that is a good day
          the day you do not have any trouble is perfect
          when i used to meditate sixteen hours a day
          actually the real reason i was sitting sixteen hours a day under one tree
          was to not get myself into trouble
          it was just to avoid trouble !!
          i eat one meal a day they ask me why
          because if i go to ask for food some trouble will happen
          just eat once and close your eyes
          one jug of tea the whole day…
          find a tree…close your eyes…no trouble…
          maximum some dog will come and piss next to your tree…
          so you fix it that the dog does not come !!
          india is a perfect place to find a tree
          close your eyes sixteen hours a day
          hope for the best…and sitting sitting sitting
          the only thing will happen is you will become enlightenment…
          this is how they have reached…
          half of the people have given up the struggle
          so hot here…too hot to go out
          just find a tree sit down there…have a bottle of cool water
          eat your simple meal…and that is your day
          close your eyes…cool down…
          that is why i cannot believe a german has become enlightened…
          i do not know ekhart tolle
          neither i am interested to know anybody
          osho has spoken on nanak…buddha…kabir…meera…raidas…patanjali…
          how many people do i need to know ?
          just know yourself…
          six hundred books of osho you need to read
          enough of this nonsense
          how many books are you going to read ?
          and what you are going to do with all your knowledge ?
          osho never gave you books to read
          he showed you the way to live…
          you can start reading one book after the other
          but when you will be dancing under the sky full of stars…no words will help you
          even the word samadhi and enlightenment will disappear
          so forget about this reading and all this people
          when you are here to read yourself ?
          dive within you
          and stop all this reading…adding more rubbish
          then you have to remove all the rubbish out
          if you have to read some rubbish
          read the rubbish of osho…at least that rubbish is pure…
          it is pure but it is rubbish none the less
          it is utter rubbish if you do not know how to live it
          you have just taken the words
          there are so many pundits nowadays repeating oshos words
          his words are rubbish unless you know how to live it
          and once you live it you will understand
          he has spoken no words
          but utter silence…total stillness…
          words have became an excuse to keep you sitting for a while
          truth cannot be spoken
          it needs to be felt
          it needs to experienced directly…face to face
          so do not get stuck in words
          and i am saying…get rid of oshos words too
          he has not uttered a single word !
          if you want to know the real truth…
          osho never spoke
          all those words that have been recorded
          have been recorded out of deep inner silence
          some words have appeared around his silences
          but if you do not listen to the silence of the master
          then those words are going to take you astray
          so stop reading
          ok ?
          questioner – i already stopped
          rajneesh – thank you…and for you…then just read my book !!
          my book is so full of lies…it has so much rubbish
          all full of lies
          from the beginning to the end…lies…
          my whole book is rubbish but i make you read this rubbish
          because perhaps this rubbish may inspire you
          that there was a master who has spoken six hundred books
          and nothing happened after that…
          no disciple appeared
          so i delivered my book !!

    • Lokesh says:

      What, you think Eckhart’s opinion is worth something? My auntie Agnes says Swami Rajneesh is cuddly, although I don’t have a you choob link to back me up…so there!

  21. shantam prem says:

    Cali Kush,
    If you are Nepali by origin, you are in a position of advantage. Swami Arun has given his best to create Osho´s interpretation in a very fitting way in harmony with the psychological landscape of the country.

  22. shantam prem says:

    Indian law minister deleted a paragraph or so from the confidential report given by the premier investigative agency. Supreme court´s observation is that Mr. Minister has changed the soul of the report.
    It reminded me of Osho´s Ashram in Pune. To preserve their continuity a small group has done the same through their cosmetic surgery!
    And wonder is the elites who have spend decades around Osho are not willing to break their silence…When such people teach silence; it is nothing more than grave digger´s silence or silence of the husband!

    Silence is after all not just has also thousands and one faces!

  23. shantam prem says:

    Maneesha, Osho´s question readers is busy in creating alternative hospice.
    Why not one such home for the Enlightend ones?
    I don´t think every enlightened one will be able to get disciples for old age caring, and the population of such human white tigers is increasing every day; thanks to Osho´s words;
    Enlightenment is easy, it is your birth right. Get one before the stock lasts!

  24. chetna says:

    “What, you think Eckhart’s opinion is worth something?”- No, we prefer Swami Lokesh’s one!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      ekhart has no opinion chetna – its just some more misinformation bandied about for a cheap laugh on rajneesh – ha ha ha ha haha – i am laughing ha ha hahahaha – cheap laughs – aren’t we amusing and witty here on sannyas news with our dennis the menace catapults – this is what being one of oshos rebels is really about !! – ha ha ha ha

    • Lokesh says:

      Thanks. Chetna. I knew I could count on your support.

  25. prem martyn says:

    AD 1194.
    The search for the TRUE and Very CROSS…
    Frank don’t muck about. …and put that copy of the Templars and Knights Invading phrase book down …we’ve only got half way to the Crac des Chevaliers and you can’t go off pretending to look for a holy relic now… we have got a lot of healing to do still .. mulberry leaves , web of spider, — and ….
    ..and when we get past a little local dificulty and convert the few locals hereabouts , I promise you will be able to rest in the Lord..
    Frank…. Frank !
    …leave her alone…she doesn’t need to see your Norman reliquary….quick here comes Moses…scarper…

  26. prem martyn says:

    Do you know I spent almost a year offending Shantam, questions over my real identity,demand for photos, being accused of all sorts of fictitious non swami nesses, then insulting him loads about his culinary habits and yet here we are, around three years later..which is a bloody long time in my book for any consensual activity, and there is all the familiarity of old die hards still at play…. I wonder if either I will be here in 3 more years from now or whether we all still will be debating the ground rules like we have in the last tweek or so…
    because if anyone has grown some consciousness over the last two million words, could they seal it up and send it in for examination. We like our realisations as fresh as possible here on SN, and Spring is in the air…
    off I go …
    bOing Boing boiNg

  27. mini kang says:

    this stillness…
    out of deep silence
    is the state you are searching
    just deep silence
    utter stillness
    the whole space is buzzing with aliveness
    the more alive you become the higher your peak…
    the deeper the silence that falls upon you
    the deeper the state of stillness
    it is such a simple message
    the simplest possible message that can be shared
    pure innocence…
    just a simple being…
    not knowing anything…full of wonder…
    a childlike innocence
    and yet so much awareness
    such a heightened state of consciousness
    that everything comes to a stop…
    follow this inner message in everything that you do
    whatsoever you do…be total
    complete each action in its totality
    and you will feel utterly fulfilled and still
    each and every act of the day…the smallest act of the day…
    gives you a totality and a freshness and an innocence

    ozen rajneesh speaks about silence in his book zero

  28. mini kang says:

    this silence
    is the search
    how to dive deeper and deeper
    into the state
    of utter stillness ?
    deep silence
    such a simple message
    and so much talk about silence
    how to reach it…how to drown into it
    can you understand how ridiculous it is
    have we gone so far away
    that we have forgotten
    how to listen to our inner being ?
    have we lost this simple state of innocence
    and gathered so much rubbish
    that we need to learn
    how to be still and silent ?
    the message is very simple
    but nobody wants to understand the simple message
    the simple does not suit the ego
    you are a powerful person
    you can move the world
    you can do so much
    sitting silently…doing nothing
    how the world will move ?
    maybe it will stop spinning and collapse

    this ego of becoming…of doing…keeps you away
    from the simple innocence of your inner being
    again and again i will say to you
    that your entire search for truth
    is hidden within you
    it is within you
    in the deepest state of silence
    and utter stillness
    it reveals itself to you

    from ozen rajneesh book GO IN GO IN GONE

  29. SCIFI says:

    GLokka is frustrated soul. wasted 32 years chanting OSHO osho osho osho …than anti Osho osho osho osho and now he is trying to give justification to life that too here on this board by promoting Ibizaaa travel Ltd. look i am very happy and this n that … ..huh !!!

  30. SCIFI says:

    this 5 to 7 people are all seekers but one thing i wanna know ….. is your mind chatter stopped. Atleast , have you gain control over mind …. when u want to think , u think and when dont want to think … can stop mind. Anybody ????

    • Lokesh says:

      Since when did they allow internet connections in psychiatric hospital locked wards? I’m going to have to get on to my local MP, Colonel Bagshot, about this. It’s an outrage! It’s also a nuisance as I am in the process of packing my duffel bag in preparation for a flight to Bangalore in order to visit my master, Gandhooji. Time to post a photo of the true master on Caravanserai for all those who have forgotten what a true spiritual master looks like.

      • SCIFI says:

        gLokka bring some new photo. dont bring yr past agn n agn !!! are u Scizo ??? ALL THE BEST.

        • Lokesh says:

          Gandhooji has nothing to do with the past, for his is the light that illuminates the world. Besides, there might be new recruits amongst the many knew arrivals here at SN, during the last week for some mysterious reason. You have to understand, SCIFI, not everyone is as far advanced along the spiritual path as you. You are obviously a Bodhisatva of the hghest order. Did the nurse forget your medicine today? Ooops….I mean, I bow at your feet oh holy master.

          • SCIFI says:

            no Lokesh , nurse forget your medicine. i am not Bodhisatva. I am Nothingness aka Master Shunyo aka SCIFI …… lot of blessings my dear student Lokesh. Love you ……

  31. shantam prem says:

    Without the status quo loving elites, life is always chaos and yet alive as jungle. I don´t think any writer of oshonews or any well known therapist/facilitator will ever try their writing skills at sannyasnews.
    Yet I think, this little site is a virtual essence of Osho Ashram. Provoking, conflicting yet in harmony.
    Without typical OSHO USP, any one with brain and money would like to spend their time in the fitness and wellness centres.
    No guru is much better than the Chicken soup guru!

  32. Fresch says:

    This sanyas news is such an inspiration. And it’s becoming better and better. First all dark past history stories were discussed here in great detail and honesty. So, at least people here do not bother to talk about them any more. And if somebody is still interested he can read from past discussion.
    I just noticed that when OIF, Neelam and Keerti had their ”fight” they were not able to handle it ”at home”, but like divorcing parents, they went to court, then to out side newspapers, OIF even paid for advertisements against Neelam in Indian papers. Then there is this interesting fight happening that Italian osho festival did not accept therapists from Koln.. And all this stuff is out in the open.
    The funniest thing I find about it, that they have published this negative stuff on –pages as well. Huuhhhh.
    They could have done this fight here and saved much money. That would have been healthier.
    Osho’s words to be kept, as ”gold” does not sound very flowing to me. Also, as a free sanyasin and not to be allowed to quote my master as I feel feels not freedom, more like a religion were priests know better…or just strange and stupid. And what if many sanyasin would be making money on osho’s work. Good and healthy. Exactly what should happen; more sanyasins making living spreading Osho’s word. Then people would have motivation to do it. And more people would hear about osho. If needed.
    So, what do I do? I do not connect such people any more. But do my own thing. I do a lot to stay outside of any organizations in my so-called ”normal life”. So, it would be insane to try to be part of some osho cult organization.
    However, because i love drama, it’s interesting to follow (from the side, not in it) where it’s leading.. Also, I will love to visit even Poona (perhaps, if time is right for me) when they go to the next level from resort to hopefully something else…now it feels like an Osho meditation center in Indian city…so even Himalayas are more exotic for me right now. I always love Poona, so I hope somebody takes it still further..but if not, it’s ok.
    Well, this is really not my central point in life any more. What i really wanted to share, after reading this blog like 6 years, that i just love you gays here. Also, I felt that now when Rajneesh people and this one new sweet person came in to discussion that this blog is really going to the new level. Now we are ”fighting” about current issues and people are sharing their pains. Also, many are an inspiration for sharing what ever is happening in their life. There has been even some real time process following, insights, heartfelt teasing…wow! At the moment I do not even want to name any persons especially because the combination of this soup is really out there (not far out any more).
    Thank you SN.

    And thank you all sweet fellow travellers. You are so so sweet..

    • prem martyn says:

      You mean my calculated vitriolic sabotage hasn’t worked….blast , I’m joining Osho’s Hells Angels ….
      I knew that I was being too nice…

      Hugs Hugs? isn’t that for girls and ladyboyz—-

      and seeing as you raise the issue of being inhabited by disembodied gurus ..I’m sending you clips from my training video from years ago on how to go about getting very up close and personal with one… the film’s song, All of Me, is good too, to get in the mood

      The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

      The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

      the whole film is watchable in parts on YTube

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        The whole work of the buffoon is to prove himself the wise man, and to ridicule everybody else, to make a laughingstock of everybody else — not knowing that he is simply becoming a buffoon himself. it is not wisdom; wsdom is compassonate It is simply an effort to prove: “I am wiser than you, and the easiest way to prove it is to laugh at you.”

  33. shantam prem says:

    Just saw a cut piece at facebook; Palika Bazar Delhi of all kind of quotations.
    The below quotation is from Osho. but when I read this, I felt like acknowledging the master writer with; Osho, when in the body!

    ” I would like marriage to disappear completely from the world, and with marriage, divorce will disappear. With marriage, prostitution will disappear. With marriage, most of the work of the priest will disappear. With marriage, almost ninety-nine percent of the psychoanalysts, therapists, psychiatrists will disappear. It is marriage that is creating all kinds of psychological perversions, repressions, guilt. ”
    Osho, when in the body!

    Readers don´t have any obligation to take the words of the writers in their face value. Mostly books are for the beach readings.
    but when Master-disciple bond is there, then words have different significant. There is emotional investment and also an obligation to live those words…

  34. shantam prem says:

    One particular photo on this page is for Lokesh!

    Greatmen don´t die. They remain alive in the photo frames!

  35. Fresch says:

    Thanks Shantam. I can see that in my self; when I think that I am looking for my sangha, community I still have been looking (like more than 20 years uuhhhh in spite of all primal) long lost family. And without the freedom, it just not real. Family is not real, sangha is even less not real. But a marriage. ..from which you get divorced after the honeymoon is over. and then angry…:)I also feel it’s necessary to question osho. Even Christians allowed questioning their fate as a vital part of their path. So, for me it would be a bit childish not ever to “doubt” or what ever to project on osho. Osho is a mirror any way so; at least I want to see a rainbow, not just pink colour. That is boring.

  36. Fresch says:

    A short story. My sister, who is also a sanyasin, when she got disillusioned with osho and sanyas she painted osho’s picture really ugly on the wall. I thought it was healthy and actually really fanny. Latter she is still doing some meditations and reading osho …or whatever, living her life. I mean if we start punishing people it get’s… uuhhh. Like it is now. not very, i support all creative flowing actions… they do not have to be correct all the time

  37. Fresch says:

    I been doing dynamic for few years regularly, but now I have been feeling it’s over ..too. Two nights ago I was dreaming about doing dynamic on the beech. I woke up thinking how could I do it without people calling for a police. I know my friends are too lazy to participate, putting a sign of meditation, music and my dog sitting beside is not enough reason/excuse that it would be ok enough for people not to start worrying what is going on… so, I went for a long walk with the dog and I was just breathing the sea, enjoying not having to be angry or sad, jump or torture my hands up…and I was just melting. For a second or two. That is something.

  38. Fresch says:

    I almost forgot to tell the best part of it. When that 1-2 seconds was happening, two swans were swimming from the behind the rocks.. I cold not believe it. And I tend to “forget” these methapores..Because I do not believe in them, actually

  39. Fresch says:

    I have had some time with osho and meditation. But I cannot say my path would be good for somebody else. Because it’s very dangerous path and I am not even sure I to manage it my self. I know osho has helped me to be more creative, this much I can say…much more creative in everything; my life, love and work. But it’s not happiness at all. I would not call it happiness. And I really cannot say to somebody, do what I am doing or what I did. Because this “creativity” does not mean happier love life, more money and more friends. Or even more silence what so ever.

    Some things that I still wonder. Viveca was osho’s girlfriend, yes. So it’s her picture, the only picture at moment, left in Poona resort. Why? This one woman, only her personal picture?

    An other thing is also fanny. In this last year at court Jayesh and Amrito gave a statement in the court that when osho was dying he said “I leave you my dream”. They said that before also. Like we all know in that video from Amrito. But NOW they said osho turned his head to jeyesh and said to HIM (?) “I leave you my dream”. I always wondered it already before, if Buddha’s last words had been “ be light to your self”. Why would osho’s last words be “I leave you my dream”. If he wanted to wake us up from all dreams… pls comment

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      yes fresch – was in buddha hall hearing amrito read out this statement – i leave you my dream – it didnt ring true – did osho really say something silly like that at the last ?
      and it still seems very odd today , considering what amrito and jayesh have been up to these years – getting rid of all those who love osho from the ashram and making it into an expensive resort, claiming ownership of all things osho and attacking sannyasns who share their master osho as he asked us all to do

    • Lokesh says:

      ‘Why would osho’s last words be “I leave you my dream”. ‘
      Because he was dying? People say strange things when they are just about to leave this world.
      I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.
      Humphrey Bogart
      Why not?
      Tim Leary
      LSD, 100 micrograms I.M.
      Aldous Huxley (Author) to his wife. She obliged and he was injected twice before his death
      Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies.
      Voltaire when asked by a priest to renounce Satan.

      • satyadeva says:

        I’ve always understood this as simply referring to ‘Osho’s Vision’ (whatever that was/is), as the two words can at times be interchangeable, as in Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream…!”

        • Lokesh says:

          Maybe the real message was the space between the words…duh.
          Or how about. ‘When I am gone I hope there may still be courageous people in the world to criticize me, so that I don’t become a hindrance on anybody’s path’?
          Or, ‘I had always wanted not to be a Master to anybody. But people want a Master, they want to be disciples; hence, I played the role. It is time that I should say to you that now many of you are ready to accept me as the friend. Those who are in tune with me continuously, without any break, are the only real friends.’

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            so you wouldnt be a real friend then to osho would you lokesh – as you have proved again and again in your comments about osho “How can anyone call Osho master of masters or the awakened one, taking into consideration all the daft stunts he pulled?” in previous pages of sannyas news – and as its 32 years since you left osho

            if you want to criticise your master so he does not become a hindrance on your path then why not criticise pappaji your master?

            if you want to rubbish your masters disciples then why dont you rubbish mooji and my old friend premananda (known as dhyan david when he was with osho) – why pick on osho’s disciples ?
            you can see premanandas satsang videos on the internet – plenty of cheap laughs for you there – and peace and love mooji could also use your piss taking abilities couldnt he ?

    • sannyasnews says:

      The whole thing is unlikely. Famous last words are a bore.
      The “story” of Osho’s death bed scene was clearly “written” by someone and then read out.
      Fresch you are perfectly right that anything to do with dreaming is nonsense in zen terms. And Osho basically just commented on Zen for all the past year of his speaking life.
      Maybe Fresch you comment back about Osho’s caretaker/girlfriend. Her name was Vivek by the way. I was not aware there was a picture of her in the Resort?
      Thanks for your post, is reasoned and even sensible, not qualities on overload here.

  40. shantam prem says:

    Fresch, Dogs barking on the garbage bin near Burning Ghat, Koregaon Park, Pune are more reliable than any one saying, ” Osho said like this or that.”
    If you get the copies of Osho Times published just after Osho´s departure,
    ” I leave you My Dream” punch line was used in generic terms pointing towards His people, it is wonder now one man says, it was for him personally.”
    Self appointed successors, spiritual or worldly simple suck!

  41. Fresch says:

    Also, this “not being allowed to quote osho” without the priests in between, does not mean anything to me (except that I feel shamed for them). I would not be doing it any way. I am not interested to quote osho. . Quoting is is arbitrary.. Arghh.. as you know it here, nobody is interested to do it here.
    I rather share from my own, perhaps twisted, experience. Or tell stories or jokes my friends have told me. And even if I told their jokes in the worst possible way, they never tell me not to do it.

    martyn, you always have very good links..loved it

  42. Fresch says:

    Satyam, I was in Poona too when osho left..then I was also interpreting this “I leave you my dream” as for all of us. It’s the most ridiculous thing that he would have left his legacy to jeyesh. But that is not my point Shantam. My point is why would osho want to leave us any “dreams”, he wanted us o wake up.

  43. shantam prem says:

    Why humanity is so focused with the birthdays of their religious mentor, even when happy birthday Bud was born 2557 years before. Should not it be the same with Osho, if not on the countries level, at least on certain places, He nurtured and created Himself..

  44. mini kang says:

    Swami Rajneesh has ben receiving so much love and support
    from friends all over the world, and he says…

    the past few days i have felt and seen the beauty and grace of giving…
    it offers deeper ways of connecting towards other human beings
    and a renewed purpose to your life and daily actions
    the very act elevates the heart
    and offers an intimate experience of compassion and love…
    a new song and dance in your life !
    this is the greatest reward !!!

  45. shantam prem says:

    Fresch says,
    But that is not my point Shantam. My point is why would osho want to leave us any “dreams”, he wanted us o wake up…

    I hope some awakened or semi awakened being will take this question.
    My answer will be the last, and most probably will get stolen by others!

  46. prem martyn says:

    Osho’s last words were because, he (like the rest of us will ) ran out of time….so that’s why they were his last…
    if his last words needed to be any more enigmatically significant as in the Zen tradition (of which I know only what I’ve been told by Osho) he might have said …
    ”…and another thing …..”

    dreams themselves are actually great things to leave people, as they are open to interpretation, are full of surreal non sequiturs, are filled with colourful experiences, definitely unexplainable, involve beginnings as ends of beginnings/ or maybe or …., within layers upon layers of narrative, can be lucid , liberating and, or , poetic and possibly completely ……bonkers.
    (& Very different from nightmares so there’s no worries about scary endings ).
    And if you have the accompanying music, can resemble baroque indulgence a la Mozart opera.

    Dylan said ..’I'll let you be in my dream if you let me be in yours’
    Which is a fairly useful approach for the current state of affairs in the Sannyas dream world.

    The other nice thing about dreams is that there is no authorship directing the narrative, but the narrative is plentiful and has kaleidoscopic momentum and even so, this lucid sensation of liberation transfers over seamlessly into this reality. Ever felt that from a dream ? Sure we have, now.

  47. shantam prem says:

    Here is one cut piece from
    Look deep into your heart.
    Listen to the still small voice within.
    And remember one thing:
    life is fulfilled only through longings, never through ambitions.
    Life becomes blissful only through the heart, never through the mind.
    Mind creates science, the heart creates religion.
    Mind can give you better technology, better gadgets.
    The heart gives you the real, ultimate values:
    love, bliss, truth, freedom, awareness, God.
    And a life without these values is valueless..

    The words God and religion, I think Osho has used these words in positive connotation thousand times more than otherwise.
    It is another fact, people who get mental constipation due to these expressions do their best to delete such words..

    Take or leave it. Accept Osho as Spiritual master or religious preacher!

    • Lokesh says:

      Seeing as how it is a Sunday and quotes appear to be what it’s about here today on SN, I’ll chuck in my rupees worth in the form of a quote frpm H W L Poonja.
      ‘The teacher is pushed to speak and has no responsibility for what is spoken. Simply. you live as a free man, an immaculate, empty man. This is the best teaching that one has to give somebody. Sit absolutely quiet. No Thought. This is the best teaching, which no one can reject and all can benefit from.’

  48. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    this silence
    is the only learning
    this silence…
    is the message
    go deeper and deeper
    into deeper states of silence
    and come to that silent centre within you

    when you go into silence
    slowly slowly these walls…
    this boundary of separation…
    begins to disappear

    silence expands you
    and your being becomes vaster and vaster
    and spreads out of this body…
    this mind and starts expanding
    and you are become a vastness

    the smaller you are the greater the misery
    the vaster you are the more the bliss…
    the more the space…
    the more the expansion…
    and the sense of being one with all that surrounds you

    such a simple message

    swami rajneesh – die to live and live to die – page179

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      my mistake sorry – thats “die to live or live to die” swami rajneesh’s book – transcribed from spontaneous talks on his world tour 2010 meditation camps in latvia, portugal and spain

  49. Fresch says:

    Thanks for the comments.

    Do you see how lovely you all are..

    I can see I am taking some things too seriously and being too fanatic. Intensity is good, but not when I overdo it. Also, my mind loves stories and imagination..

    Gap is good, if i just could stay there


  50. Anand Newman says:

    Swami Rajneesh,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and views here.
    Everyone likes to offer things for free. Its possible with electronic media like Osho Radio for example. How can we offer meditations and special events for free? It may be possible in Golden temple because they have proper channels of funding. On one side you are criticizing charging $3000 and on the other side you want go the other extreme which is Free. Don’t you see both are wrong.

    Its high time that you people who want to do Osho’s work come together, reconcile the differences and work as one team. Who knows when we leave this world, you are still only talking about establishing ashrams. I don’t know if you have opened one to begin with.

    Coming to your attire, it may be good for an Ashram in Jabalpur, but you are sitting in North America and what good it does to your body and others. The new man especially from Americas cannot relate with old garb anymore. America has somehow managed to assume the leadership role in the world today. Good or bad, American president is the most known person in the world now . That’s why Osho chose this place for his work, but you know the history. But what you are doing to revive that is not leading anywhere. When things doesn’t work, you need to change. May be its time you need to take a new avatar, a new name, a new movement, a new way to reach out to new people out there.

    I repeat, before fixing things external, fix your house first. Stop talking bad about fellow therapists, they have a role to play too. World needs people like you in 1000 ways, but you seem to be secluding your self by your own dramas. Come out of it man.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      buddhas should care about dressing to suit you should they newman ?- it is surprising how people often feel they have the right to tell a conscious person what he should be doing – as if he does not have a right to live life in his own way but should follow the desires of unconscious people
      a buddha goes his own way newman – he wouldnt be a buddha if he was a follower of the worlds idiots

      • satyadeva says:

        Don’t know about anyone else, but personally I don’t like this term “buddha” for an ‘enlightened’ person, esp when bandied around by westerners, who tend to enjoy feasting upon the ‘mystical glamour’ of the ‘mysterious East’ and its oh, so mysterious, so ‘out-of-the-ordinary’ spiritual teachers.

        Using the word can easily lead to an ineffable sense of superiority over the rest of mankind, that often not so subtle sense of being ‘apart’ from the ‘ignorant herd’, a sort of ‘superiority-by-association’ with the particular “buddha” in question. With all the attached self-importance this implies…

        And not only superior to the masses, but also to most other spiritual teachers of course, who aren’t usually termed “buddhas”, by others or even by themselves.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          poor satyadeva doesnt like me to use the word buddha – as it makes him feel inferior and unimportant

          • satyadeva says:

            That’s a very mediocre response, DR, and so far off the mark I just had to laugh out loud (you know the drill: ha ha ha ha ha etc!).

            Though projecting that on to me might well indicate that you feel superior and important by using the term “buddha”…

            Actually, in the context of how you’ve come across up to now, not ‘perhaps’, almost certainly….

            • Lokesh says:

              SD. I say that DR has been coming across up until now as someone who fell out of his pram and landed on his head. The guy is damaged goods and there is no perhaps about it.
              Osho and many other gurus often attract elements of the lunatic fringe.
              DR thinks he knows it all from the bottom to the top. Classic overflowing teacup. I point out to him that his ‘ha ha ha’ number comes across like some adolescent style of writing, which it does. Rather than simply drop it he increases it, just to proove…what exactly I don’t know. Such a small thing, so what to say of biger issues? Majorly stuck and becoming very boring fast.(always good for a bit of mudsling but that is about it) That is the thing about being stuck…mould sets in and then it begins to smell rotten.

            • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

              oh – sorry satyadeva – did i get it wrong – ha ha ha ha – i had thought your projections of the feelings of superiority of those who use the word buddha ( an old term used to indicate those who are awakened or enlightened ) somehow pointed to your own feelings of inferiority in not being a buddha
              now i see i was wrong and it was me who was projecting all along and not you – thank you for your valuable insights
              love – dhyanraj

              • satyadeva says:

                Thanks so much for this invaluable lesson in insincere sarcasm, Dhyan Raj. As you see, I’m learning fast…

                As I wrote earlier, I look forward to hearing directly from Swami Rajneesh himself – rather than wading through your reliably ‘unenlightened’ thoughts – as to precisely how he views himself:
                “living buddha”, ‘mere devotee’, ‘enlightened devotee’, ‘enlightened’, ‘nearly enlightened’, ‘fractionally enlightened’, or ‘just had a couple of average realisations, not much to shout about really, (sorry)’…

                For the sake of precious clarity, so that there’s no confusion whatsoever.

                As for your saying you’ve “found” and no longer have to “seek”, please clarify that too, if it’s not too much to ask.

                What exactly have you “found”? I suspect, from what I’ve read from you so far, that it’s a sense of having located your ‘path’, the way that feels right for you. If so, pretty good going. Not forgetting the meaning and purpose you clearly experience around Swami R, as his chief spokesperson, right?

                But is there anything other than a significant increase in hope, the imagination of some future bliss, some future ‘showering of a thousand petals’, some future ‘enlightenment’?

                Bringing it further down to earth, are you free from fear, from mood, from negative emotions, from unhappiness, from chronic thinking, and so on…?

                What exactly have you “found”? No use claiming something if you’re unable or unwilling to describe what it is. Otherwise, people will suspect you’re not quite ‘the full shilling’….

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  ive found you satyadeva – whos imagination about other peoples lives and experiences is unbounded and who will never be satisfied with or understand the truth

                  ooh dear – i see another “fundamentalist rage” coming on – where did i put those chamomile tea bags?

                • satyadeva says:

                  Dhyan Raj:
                  to speak further about private spiritual matters which cannot be spoken of only invites misunderstanding doesnt it?

                  Well, just to say you’ve “found” Osho, then Rajneesh, is nothing special, is it? Many thousands can make similar claims.

                  If you can’t or won’t say, or try to further elucidate what you’ve “found”, DR, then I’m afraid it looks like a case of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’: you being the emperor, the rest of us being the small boy who saw the truth, that the king was naked, the fine clothes existing only in his imagination.

                  It’s really quite incredible, you know: you come on here claiming so much, while pouring scorn on your critics and virtually telling all sannyasins they’re a load of misguided wankers – while providing not a single shred of evidence that you’re any further ‘spiritually advanced’ than anyone else! In fact, you often give quite the opposite impression.

                  If you can’t back up or even attempt to describe what you’ve “found”, then better not to have mentioned it in the first place, as it makes you appear rather ‘precious’, in an unappealing, ‘holier-than-thou’ mode, or worse: devious, some sort of self-deluding liar.

                  I do wonder why Swami R apparently chose you as his chief pr man, as you seem to be prone to clumsy errors of judgment. And you never admit you might be wrong…Too fragile, I suppose….

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  ive never told you that i am “further spiritually advanced” – ha ha ha
                  make up your own evidence for your own story – why ask me for it ?
                  i wouldnt say most sannyasins are “misguided wankers” satyadeva -
                  ignorant tossers is more the truth

                • satyadeva says:

                  Well, Dhyan Raj, you’ve pretty well asked for so-called ‘misunderstanding’ by claiming you’ve “found” – while refusing to discuss what this ‘finding’ actually means.

                  By claiming you’ve “found” (and no longer have to “seek”) you are, by implication, putting yourself ‘above’ the mass of “ignorant tossers” you like to call “most sannyasins”, are you not?

                  Or are you too foolishly “ignorant” yourself to accept such an obviously logical conclusion?

    • swami rajneesh says:

      beloved anand…love the newman

      i have been offering all my OSHO meditations camps events for free
      in the past 6 years over 90 meditation camps travelling all over the world
      this has been my way of expressing gratitude towards my master OSHO

      i simply cannot conceive of charging any money or a making a business out of such a vast great gift and vision OSHO showered on us all and for the coming generations
      call me a dreamer…that is me living my dream…
      and my reward is in celebration of my master OSHO…

      call me a dreamer…but I am not the only one…
      as many more are being inspired to my way and also begun offering OSHO free…
      this is my going to be the fire…the new way…sharing OSHO free !!
      and i have experienced so much joy and received so much love that i simply do not deserve such a great reward…as i am moving out of my heart and expressions of love towards my master OSHO

      you know I am a madman…a divine madness is showering…
      OSHO has awakened me and i sing and dance and celebrate…
      our free OSHO commune is going to be the finest development in the world and free…based on donations only…
      that is my dream to materially realize…sangham sharanam gacchammi…
      which our dedicated team is working to create our offerings…
      we already own 2 large properties…with all architect works completed
      50 acres in goa with river and forest surrounding
      48 acres in playa del carmen cancun mexico with lake and forest
      and both projects have been conceived and more are on the way…
      it takes time and huge funds as land development building laws and licenses are very complicated to obtain with 30 – 40 government department permissions paperwork and licences…
      remember rome was not built in one day…
      and neither the poona resort which was bought 39 years ago and developed slowly over the past 25 years

      the entire OZEN cocom project mexico…
      total structures designs has been directly designed by me…with all architectural studies and plans completed by me and our inhouse architect designers engineers
      this initial project concept alongwith government approvals and licences have already cost 450,000 US$ which shows how much support a
      nd funds donations we are receiving out of love…
      remember OSHO himself received millions in donations
      and remember he was also offering free all his meditations…

      we will fulfill our dream…
      of atleast 8 free OSHO communes worldwide…
      as i have been offered donations of properties in europe…russia…brazil…nepal…and the list is growing…and the fire is spreading…

      as to my attire…
      if you judge a man by his clothes…then alas…
      do you expect me to wear a suit and tie like the president ??
      or are you offering to be my clothes designer advisor ??
      remember i was a fashion designer for haute couture evening wear !!!

      i have lived in the mountains of himalayas wearing just my cotton lungi
      and cotton shawl…with slippers even in snow…past 22 years…
      i have travelled to – 20 to – 40 degrees russia siberia baikul lake in the same cotton attire and feel it refreshing and totally comfortable and suitable for me…
      should I follow the dictates of what is fashionable…what are other peoples opinion about my attire ?? or with what i personally feel comfortable wearing…
      i feel terribly restricted to wear any upper garment…
      and suffocated with upper garments… like in a prison…

      and i am not disclosing what i wear under my lungi…
      that is my private trademark !!!

      i have no house to fix…as yet !!!
      the time will come…and i will always be open and available
      when the commune is ready to take suggestions and complaints…
      as i have already planned a “ hyde park “ kind of area in every commune
      for any opposition to voice themselves out of freedom…and be heard !!!

      i myself always hear complaints directly and offer solutions directly…
      i have always remained openly available and am easily approachable anytime as i have lived and seen that individuals are crushed in organisations…which i detest and will not encourage or allow…
      as freedom is the golden rule around me…

      even if someone declares enlightenment i have planned to create special evening events where all sannyasins gather and allow the declared enlightened one to speak and for people to listen and absorb…whatsoever the expression…
      the very beauty of the declaration and acceptance will create a sense of freedom…and a rebellious spirit of fearlessness…

      the person may be enlightened or not…that is not the issue…
      the issue is the freedom of expression…
      and it will offer many beautiful surprises…
      we all need drama and theatre…
      you see so many different movies…do you complain ??
      just watch listen and enjoy…!!!
      and if it moves you beautiful…if not also beautiful…

      have you read the book of mirdad ??
      the young mirdad was secretly the enlightened master in disguise…
      and when revealed the shock surprise…and the silence…
      the grace and beauty and sudden zen like thunder…
      that to me is mysticism…

      and about a new name…avatar or whatever…
      over a year ago i changed my name to OZEN rajneesh
      way back in hongkong 1990 i already had my OZEN name seal prepared…and if you look at all my signatures for the past 7 years have been OZEN rajneesh…

      perhaps i offer you to join…my drama…
      come dance and celebrate…my drama…

      • Cali Kush says:

        Hello Swami Rajneesh!

        You say “rebellious spirit of fearlessness…”

        And i totally agree & resonate with that rebellious spirit! That is one of the main vibes of Osho that attracted me to him so much.

        I am an older/retired Gang member from Los Angeles. unfortunately during my younger days Gang banging was one of the few outlets for a rebellious Asian teenager in the u.s of a.

        I know how it is to be continuously attacked & judged by others. So I respect & admire your abililty to be yourself, that I don’t give a fuck attitude of yours… which I had so much of in my youth, but as I got older started to get stripped away because of my need to compromise & fit in to the society at large.

        I also completely agree with your mission to spread Osho for free! No point explaining myself about that. I grew up in the west so I understand the mentality of private ownership quite well but I also understand that the universe is abundant & everything in creation is FREE!

        So swami Rajneesh, I would like to experience One your free communes. I’ve checked your web page but no opening date info there.

        Can u provide on this thread, more information regarding the opening dates of the commune in Mexico? as well as the price per day cost of staying in the commune similar to what tapoban lists on their web page? (that would be awesome though if you really are serious about letting people/sannyasins stay at the commune for free)


        • swami rajneesh says:

          for cali kush
          we are starting commune construction in few days
          and should be partially open in 12 months…
          most delays are due to cumbersome government paperwork and building laws and licenses…but we are doing everything to move ahead as swiftly as possible

          we had already started offering free OSHO meditations and mystic rose…born again…no mind…groups and therapies in playa del carmen…for 6 months…and our small initial project team have now started to focus on the commune construction and development project now

          entrance and all meditations will be free…groups and therapies and even trainings will be free…all based on donations from the heart…
          food will be offered at affordable cost price…

          stay will depend on the situation and availability of space but we will make every effort possible to provide accommodation for bag pack travelers and young seekers who live on 10 US$ day budgets…

          our team is dedicated to see how we can accommodate everyone…without excluding anyone for any reason…even money will not be a consideration if the person is sincere and wishes to participate…i have spoken at great length to our people to be creative to find ways to make it possible…our team can brainstorm…that will be the creative thinking…how to create space and openings…for everyone…

          i myself am always available directly and it is my dedication and dream to offer OSHO to all

  51. Lokesh says:

    A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

    • swami rajneesh says:

      vi·sion·ar·y (vzh-nr)
      1. Characterized by vision or foresight.
      a. Having the nature of fantasies or dreams; illusory.
      b. Existing in imagination only; imaginary.
      a. Characterized by or given to apparitions, prophecies, or revelations.
      b. Given to daydreams or reverie; dreamy.
      a. Not practicable or realizable; utopian: visionary schemes for getting rich.
      b. Tending to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form; idealistic.
      n. pl. vi·sion·ar·ies
      1. One who is given to impractical or speculative ideas; a dreamer.
      2. One who has visions; a seer.

      • Cali Kush says:

        Hello Swami Rajneesh!

        I don’t want to pester you, but can you please respond to my request of information about your commune in Mexico?

        I just want to know your estimated opening date & the planned per day cost of staying in your commune for Osho sannyasins, as I could not find that info on your website.

        Thank you in advance!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      lokesh – a political zealot preaching against osho, his lovers, and his movement of sannyas

      • Lokesh says:

        Dhyanraj, by now you have pretty much established the fact that you are not playing with a full deck.
        I was up in the Ayodah area in the early eighties when rioting took place around some holy spot between Muslims and Hindus. Muslims get the label of being extremists today. But I have seen the damage done by Hindu fundamentalists also.
        I reckon you, Dhyanraj, have quite a bit of the Hindu fundamentalist in you, probably based in your background and childhood. Basically you are hijacking Osho as a convenient cause from which to wage your personal crusade. As a disciple of Rajneesh I am surprised he does not steer you off of your present course as it is a destructive one…nothing good can come from such an imbalanced stance as the one you are holding right now. Also as a disciple you are broadcasting a mind-set that reflects badly on your teacher. If I were a young person in search of a spiritual teacher I would certainly be put off of Swami Rajneesh when I saw that his exteneded family of friends and disciples was peopled by misguided fools like yourself. You speak as if you know what Osho’s vision is, yet I doubt you ever sat down and had a conversation with the man, while looking into his eyes. The only hope for you is that through becoming so utterly lost the chance for potentially finding yourself is there. Good luck with that. Get well soon.

        • prem martyn says:

          I have secretly come to love Dr DR. In fact I reckon he is better than either that other top living Osho disciple who he claims he is a disciple of or even my previous guru Paramahathahaha.

          If anyone dares touch my dear doctor’s orders here, then there will be hell to pay. I might have to pay for some heavy duty typeset and bold lettering plus a large order of print space for a discount on the usual rates of outrage and indignity here on SN. Ps if anyone wants to enjoy freedom of speech in Mexico please contact
          Senor Pancho Villa
          El Refugio de los Zapatistas
          Monasterio de Rajnosho
          near the Alamo Fort.
          Mexican welcome Centre

          • frank says:

            change of address

            all enquiries to:

            chief disciple mahatonto clone ranger,
            c/o brian doppelganger rajneesh,
            no.2,lineage fantasy villas,
            osho cocoon,
            brian damage road,
            via de delusione,
            parrot city,
            benny hill county,
            hahahaha land.

            • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

              hello from ha ha ha ha ha land – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

              and osho yet again spaketh to his benighted oshoites as itteth no good to spake onceth as ignorant tossers will not understandeth plain and simple wisdomm unless he reppeateth for 35 years and even then mosteth of said tossers willeth not get it

              “The whole work of the buffoon is to prove himself the wise man, and to ridicule everybody else, to make a laughingstock of everybody else — not knowing that he is simply becoming a buffoon himself. it is not wisdom; wisdom is compassonate It is simply an effort to prove: “I am wiser than you, and the easiest way to prove it is to laugh at you.”

              of course in playing with said ignorant tossers i am in like to become them it seemeth – you laugheth at me and i laugheth at you

  52. shantam prem says:

    why to use the term Buddha or awakend ones..
    Why not Starbucks!

    Why not steal the most happening names, the powerful brands; when one is any way shameless to rob others heritage!

  53. prem martyn says:

    Beloved Parmartha ,
    I’m applying to the Patent Office tomorrow morning in case something happens and we get left with a confusing dream legacy here on SN.

    I have always enjoyed the fact that you have been my guru , because of your sense of fair play, playful absurdity and a welcome to all comers. I also hear your new commune has found an ideal home at, of course, the famous Lord’s cricket ground in London.
    Apparently though, I have heard that you want each person to compulsorily juggle and hold in themselves contrasting views of the same match, AT THE SAME TIME … just so that we learn how to bowl from both ends in ourselves , so to speak. Original and daring, it’s just like you to dream something like that up, Master P.

    Could this however lead to being stumped before getting a fair shot at the wicket and the game being called off due to match-fixing and scratched balls ?

    And as for showering the fans from the air with WW2 type propaganda declaring that ‘Opposition Iz Uzless, ve know your game Tommy’ is definitely not cricket is it, beloved P, even though it’s a dashed good idea to invite the men in the trenches to play a game of companion football together , eh ?

    Master (and online master bloggerer) Beloved P or BP as I like to call you, being as you are so dashedly British and occassionally seek to pour oil on troubled waters..Is it possible that now at last we can call ourselves Parmy’s Barmy Army as a sign of devotion to your way ?
    Ps.It looks like that linesman of yours wants to redress the outer boundary before the main match. He left his whitewash pot near the position of Deep Cover, but we found it and gave it back to him.

    Yours devotedly..
    Swami J Strapp.

    • Parmartha says:

      I like that: Parmy’s barmy Army”. ! Nice one Prem Martyn.
      You will need a good and safe box on for the next time I bowl to you.
      Actually cricket is a love of mine, and not a bad game. Five days in which no-one wins has always seemed a great invitation to meditation.
      But in the name of accuracy I am also as much interested in tennis, football, darts and swimming!

      • satyadeva says:

        Thank God for some cricket news – any latest scores, Parmartha? The county season is now well under way…

        Just wondering when the, er, ‘unofficial’ Indian touring team (managed by an elderly Englishman, I hear, chap with an Indian name, Raj or something!) is scheduled to play its first match – any idea? Where’s the venue – Poona or Lord’s? Someone said it’s in Mexico (don’t believe that for one moment)…

        Rumour has it the tourists are fielding a bunch of eastern Europeans – extraordinary business, eh?! Any truth in that story, old boy?

        Meanwhile, I hear the ‘Indian Board of Control’ (managed by an Englishman, a retired doctor with a bit of a drink problem – what’s the world coming to?!) is questioning whether the ‘unofficial’ touring side is actually good enough to represent the country…Dodgy captain, they’re saying, chap called Raj Knees…Certainly sounds suspect…

        Anyway, let’s hope everyone comes to their senses and puts cricket first…

        Just off to polish my new balls…and oil my, er, ‘bat’….

  54. Anand Newman says:

    To me SR (OR) is nothing different from the naked sadhus Osho used to tease in his childhood. Only difference is they were naked and SR is half naked.

    Telling everything free and asking for donations is the new age way of robbing people.

    SSD, thinks SR/OR is the only Buddha in this forum, alas!! And the whole world is full of idiots!!

    People who declare ” I am mad” are nothing different from self exploding fanatics.


    • atikarmo says:

      yes yes yes aint it great Anand oldman!(sorry you sounds like it:-)you seems to be theraPISSToff!why o why fellow buddha?(must makes you feel good:-)

      Never felt mad after a good meditation?Come onnnn!must be!And swami rajneesh is very sure fanatic to make this ashram happen..unstoppable!

      ps..he exploded already 5 times;-)

      • satyadeva says:

        Never felt mad after a good meditation?

        Feeling “mad” after meditation would indicate that it’s not really been ‘meditation’ at all, just a sort of therapy.

        Most enjoyable, that ‘high’, that enhanced well-being – but real meditation is surely another matter….

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          now now satyadeva – dont get “holier than thou”
          ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

          • satyadeva says:

            Not a bad attempt at a poem, DR, nicely worked internal rhymes (“now now…thou”, “Satyadeva…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”), not forgetting the (somewhat forced) alliteration (“holier…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”).
            Clever use of seven “ha”‘s, by the way (one for each chakra, of course) completing the religious motif.

            Well done, boy. You have all the makings of a future School Captain.

            PS: Carry on keeping an eye on Frank, he’s a known troublemaker in the Commune, er, I mean Staff Common Room. Any problems, let me know, won’t you?

            • satyadeva says:

              PS: Ever considered the priesthood? It’s crying out for bright-eyed young chaps like yourself. And I do think you’re made of ‘the right stuff’. So do all the staff in fact.

              I’ll arrange a preliminary talk with Mr Martyn, the Careers Master. Only the other day he was assuring me there are many new opportunities opening up abroad, particularly in the, er, ‘Indian spectrum’. Might be ‘just the job’, a real ‘find’….

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                thanks satyadeva for the “young chap” –
                i dropped out of any idea of having a career in life and in fact never had a “job”
                when i was 16 and left school i decided i was retired from then on – why wait to be in my sixties to retire eh
                as i started out retired and therefore old and wise in a young body, now my body is in its sixties the consciousness has gone in the other direction and now i am a child again – ha ha ha ha – too young for a job !!

                • satyadeva says:

                  Peter Pan, eh?

                  A mixed blessing, I’d say. Which also might go a fair way to explaining the somewhat childish nature of a number of your comments here.

                  Besides, to say you’ve never had a job is disingenuous, isn’t it, DR, given you’ve run a jewellery business for many years?

                  (What’s so wonderful, btw, about a presumably healthy enough man never having had a job in nearly 50 years?).

            • Arpana says:


              Clever use of seven “ha”s, by the way (one for each chakra, of course) completing the religious motif.


              Quip of the week. (Snigger. LOL. )

              Are you, have you been a kids school teacher.?

        • atikarmo says:

          yes please explain ow great master satyadeva what REAL meditation is?Let me learn from seems so wise..hahahahaha

          • satyadeva says:

            It’s like this, atikarmo:

            If you’re as immature as you sound, then you’ll just have to wait until the time’s right, until you grow up a bit. Pointless to ‘cast pearls before swine’…

            Meanwhile, enjoy the active Osho stuff, it’s a great beginning, especially when you’re relatively young and full of energy. But feeling “mad”, however ‘alive’ that might be, simply indicates you have, as an old song says, “a lot of living to do”, experience to gather.

  55. chetna says:

    “Telling everything free and asking for donations is the new age way of robbing people.”- I so agree. Someone has to pay in the end, right? Offering a product that does not exist yet is also new age marketing.

    Also I cannot stand free riders. Of course it is beautiful to help, not to be obsessed with money but not to pay for anything will be a place of no exchange. Wasn’t Osho in early days quite clear that people should pay for meditations and entrance an affordable fee?

    When I went to a University and didn’t pay for it, I took so lightly. My second Uni was my sweat and tears and I studied so intensely for it, when was paying my living and studying. So paying is not that evil within the reason of course.

    I think people who pay for Mystic Rose thousands or some Tantra groups are idiots. First of all to think that a group will fix you so quickly is immature and secondly one must differentiate between exchange and rip off.

    • satyadeva says:

      Good sense there, Chetna.

      Swami R – although no doubt with the best intentions – seems perhaps to be reacting to his own mega-wealthy background, as well as to exorbitant fees charged for some programmes.

      It’s generally accepted that people don’t value – and/or devalue – what they don’t pay for. Not a hard and fast rule though, as, for example, other highly appreciated teachers don’t charge (although they accept donations and make a lot of income from selling various related goods).

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        seekers of truth dont deserve to be filtered by how much money they have got to give those who are sharing osho
        some are rich, some are poor – and a poor sannyasin may well be one who is more sincere in his search – and who may contribute in non monetary ways to the work
        sincerity has nothing to do with money in the bank – and a seeker who is intelligent may well not find it in his nature to go exploiting to get rich –
        why should this be a reason to exclude him or her from something like osho’s mystic rose meditation – which when osho was in his body he asked us all to do – and was free when i did it

    • Lokesh says:

      Chetna says, ‘I think people who pay for Mystic Rose thousands or some Tantra groups are idiots.’
      Perhaps they are just loaded and money is no problem. I see plenty of that where I live. Last year some Arab prince gave an 80,000 euro tip in the Pasha discotheque. Naomi Cambell is spending over a million on her birthday party on Ibiza this summer. To some people 50,000 euros is the equivelant to 5 rupees in an Indian peasant’s financial reality. Like much else in life, it is all relative. I highly recommend reading a beautiful book titled ‘The Soul of Money’. Most enlightening.

      • bodhi vartan says:

        You are spot on there Lo-Key … which reminds me of the Nasrudin Hodja story where the Hodja is selling a gorgeous Persian carpet in the market for 100 rupees and a friend says to him that the carpet is worth much more than that to which the Hodja shyly admits that, “100 the largest number I know”.

  56. SCIFI says:

    To ,
    Swami Rajneesh , Dhyanraj and All.
    All are claiming here to help each other and love and this n that but nobody is giving atleast somewhat clarity about their own progress.
    Nothingness , Enlightenment etc. are far away things. But all want to know …. atleast who have stopped unnecessary chattering of MIND. and what they feel ? What types of thoughts and situation they encountered…… Anybody ? Or we have to assume thet all are doing only gibberish bla bla bla ..

  57. Parmartha says:

    126 responses to “silence”. ??!
    I am reminded of an old Indian story of what happened when Kabir met some other enlightened master.
    According to “those who know” the existence keeps enlightened masters apart as they are so rare and existence never needs two in one place. However on one occasion Kabir met some other enlightened master on the road, but there were no “verbals”. They simply sat in silence with each other for an hour or so, and then moved on…..

  58. frank says:

    times have changed.
    enlightened ones these days like nothing better than a good ruck and a jolly good jihad..
    spiritual matters are usually decided by a beer bottle over the head and a glass in the face.
    its a glaswegian model.
    and i think you`ll agree they know a thing or two about religious warfare.

    the gangs of neo sannyas
    (gang means path in dutch)

    sunni asins
    hard-core neo-hindus
    white rogue brothers
    bombay sapphire boozists
    90% proof resortists
    gin-soaked guidline givers
    14th clone adventists
    geriatric gropists
    the rapists
    th red-bottmed baboons
    militant meditators
    illuminated imitators

    you name it,they`re all at it
    and the gloves are off…

    “celebrate everything”

    • satyadeva says:

      you name it,they`re all at it
      and the gloves are off…

      Would these “gloves” be batsmen’s or wicket-keeper’s gloves, Frank? Or, heaven forbid, both?!

      Surely the ICC or even the MCC will have more than something to say about all this?

      Please keep us posted from the er, ‘front line’ (of the popping crease).

      • frank says:

        sounds like sam was trying to play the field a bit too much and got caught out.
        or maybe he went for a quickie single and got his short leg caught in the slips?
        he tried to bowl a few maidens over,but at his age,i`m surprised he could make it to the crease at all…..
        sounds like he got the `rub of the green` for quite a while, and he obviously managed to knock his balls well over the boundary quite a few times.
        not a bad innings,84.
        he could still make a century.

        • satyadeva says:

          Now that’s what I call a cricket report for the ‘electro-magnetic’ age, Frank…

          (E.W. Swanton would be turning in his grave, of course).

          Extraordinary thing is, I hear that apparently Sam still uses linseed oil on his, er, ‘you-know-what’….

          Still, let’s face it, cricket needs ‘characters’ like Sam these days, even one-off (the wrist) chaps like old DR seem to appreciate his market value. Great for the fans, great for the, er, ‘sponsors’ and their promo purposes – a ‘win-win’ situation, eh?

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