Swami Rajneesh has Heart Attack

Many think this guy Swami Rajneesh is another “copy” of Osho, and in that sense nothing original.  Others say that despite the cloning, his presence has a certain authenticity.  Others that they just dont understand why he calls himself Rajneesh.  Anyway this brush with mortality may leave him a little different one assumes. Here is a report from one of his disciples.

On 11 April our beloved Rajneesh was rushed by ambulance to hospital with a severe heart attack.
Doctors took him into emergency operation room and unblocked one of his 3 main artery of his heart. the heart surgeon managed to unblock the artery and surgically inserted 2 stents to keep the artery open. this operation was successful and saved his life. He was then paced in ICU for 8 days for post operation stabilizing and observation. he is now out of all danger and back home recovering.

Swami Rajneesh was alert and watching throughout these critical days. he has been telling us many times that he will soon have a huge opening which could be very dangerous for his life.  The body is very fragile when such massive explosions happen which could cause heart failure or death in many instances.

Swami Rajneesh laughs and tells us that finally his descent has begun and a new period has started. Although his body is still fragile and recovering his whole being seems much more radiant and alive than ever before. he says he has become twice as strong and vital. He has been waiting since long time for this to happen and is celebrating this event. He says he was not going to die or going  anywhere till he completes his promise to his master OSHO.

We all know Swami Rajneesh has been dedicating his life towards sharing OSHO free for the past 7 years and not charging for anything. his hospital bills have come to over 48,000 US$ and we are struggling to collect the amount for the hospital.

we would urgently like to ask friends who wish to offer some donation or small amounts which all add up to contribute and help us pay these bills. those who wish to help us please email ma anand soma:


Swami Rajneesh will not be active on Facebook for a while but will be receiving each of your messages verbally though me daily


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130 Responses to Swami Rajneesh has Heart Attack

  1. Parmartha says:

    I wrote a short commentary some years ago on this guy’s first book, “Tears of the Mystic Rose”

  2. mini kang says:

    For any sannyasins who is open and sensitive maybe these words of OSHO himself may open your heart and look in mystical ways at Swami Rajneesh.
    Swami Rajneesh always says that he has imbibed his Masters love

    Have you observed ? sometimes you come across a couple, a wife and husband. Who look alike.
    They talk in the same way, they walk in the same way, they smile in the same way.
    There is a deep affinity. What has happened ?
    They are not brother and sister,
    so why are they so alike ?
    they love each other and they love deeply.
    When you love someone you are vunerable.
    The other changes you, and you go on changing
    the other, by the time life comes to an end,
    if wife and husband really love each other,
    they will be almost alike.
    It has to be so. Love transforms.
    Naturally, this kind of state is infectious.
    Seeing me, being here in my presence, looking into my eyes… even watching my hands, you can feel that they are the gestures of a silent man.
    Slowly, slowly you become infected, contagious; moreover, around a silent man there is a certain energy field created…
    .A man of silence moves with
    a certain field of energy around him, and if you are receptive, his vibe starts touching your heart.
    Have you noticed? A husband and wife, if they have really been in love, non-possessive, non-jealous -
    and if they have helped each other to remain individuals and they have deep respect for
    each other – living a long life, for fifty years together,
    you will be surprised to know…
    it is a well-known fact noticed down the ages
    that they start looking almost the same.
    Their voices, their eyes, their faces, their gestures…
    they become so harmonious with each other. Certainly, between a master and disciple the phenomenon is a millionfold greater…
    In this state of freedom the master and disciple can come closest, and naturally energy flows from the higher to the lower. It is just like water coming from a mountaintop towards the valley. Lao Tzu has actually called his philosophy of life “the watercourse way.” When the master and disciple are so deeply in tune, because they are not in any bondage, both are meeting out of their freedom — and an authentic master never thinks himself higher than the disciple, although the authentic disciple can conceive of the master as higher than anything — energy flows slowly to the depths of your being. Meditation becomes almost a by-product; silence happens on its own accord. Your heart itself starts dancing with the master….It is enough that you enjoy the song of the master. Your enjoyment will bring you closer. It is enough that you enjoy the dance; it will make you dance. It is enough that you love the celebration, the very idea that life is celebration.
    And then slowly, slowly there is a melting and a merging. A time comes when it is difficult to find
    who is the master and who is the disciple.
    Masters and disciples, if they have lived long enough in tune with each other, become almost alike —
    without any effort of trying to become alike, because that would be forced and that would be false and that would be hypocrisy. Just dancing together, sitting together, being silent together, a merging is bound to happen.

    • bodhi vartan says:

      Mini K, when I was younger I used to sometimes piss girls off by mimicking them on the dance floor. It would start as a joke and then get uncomfortable. You can feel when the change happened. If I persisted then their hostility will come up and if I didn’t stop they would run off, with their energies all messed up. Funny that. Hehe.

      Mimesis is an imposition and misrepresentation of the self and it inherently contains violence.

      One thing I did notice about Swami Rajneesh is that he is not wearing a mala which means that he is accepting total personal responsibility, and that is “a lot” to take on.

  3. roxana says:

    maybe this page should be called blog and not news .. since the first words the so called journalist wrote one can tell he his utterly personal, sarcastic, hateful and disrespectful opinion on swami rajneesh… why do people find it normal to attack another human beeing just because they don’t agree with one’s way of beeing …copy or no copy that does not matter it is everybody’s freedom to ne however one wants to be .. and one can call himself however one wants to call himself .. especially since his name was changed by osho from rajnish to rajneesh…it seems though people are interested in swami rajneesh but in a judgemental way..if you want to be fair first read his book “tears of mystic rose” in which he talks all about his journey with his master…or look at one of his videos on youtube..or better yet come join the commune is building for all lovers of truth in mexico and dance with him.. we are all human beeings we all deserve love and understanding and i think beeing sarcastic and arrogant about a person that only expresses his love for osho and had a medical trouble just shows that maybe one should keep silent instead of spreading personal opinions that are filled with prejudices…you yourself in the text say that some say this some say that .. why yoiu listen to other peoples gossip..or maybe it is just you that says this …it is no problem we all have freedom for opiniion but then assume it and don’t make it sound as if it’s an absolute truth and you have authority for a conclusion,,life is alwaysd changing maybe be more open and have the curiosity to meet him and interview him if you really are interested in him..so this way people can make an opinion on themselves without you influencing them.. ok?

    ok thank you for letting me share my opinion

  4. Anand Pushya says:

    Such an outpouring of love, nonstop for Rajneesh’s recovery. He has dedicated his life to Osho’s vision….who else can claim this? It has been a path of sacrifice and total dedication….He has my love and total respect…. The path is winding and hard, and to endure so much criticism seems to have taken it’s toll…..Take it slow and easy from now on dear friend….you who have given so much and asked for nothing, can now rest, it is way overdue!! Love always !!! In gratitude, namaste, Pushya~~

  5. roxana says:

    oshogossip.org seems more suitable than oshonews.com

  6. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    hi parmartha –
    we are old friends from medina commune – but when i see you refering to rajneesh as “osho imitator” and “copy, clone ” it seems the insult is just too old and ridiculous to get upset about any more

    i know swami rajneesh very well having been living around him continually these last three years
    you know me and i am telling you rajneesh is absolutely authentic – and anyone who takes the time to see his videos on you tube or to read his books will know that there is nothing false about him – he really is continuing our master the former rajneesh’s work

    i remember in the distant past bhagwan tellng us that after him there would be eight rajneeshs ha ha –
    devotees carry the light body of the master when the physical body of the master has died – and that light body can work through the devotee – i certainly hope what bhagwan said was right – such a short life – if he can manage to come eight times then lucky for us all

    i was there in the ashram in poona when bhagwan shree rajneesh our master gave swami rajnish the name rajneesh – i dont what there is to understand that rajneesh uses the name our master gave him – most of us sannyasins do that

    it came about bhagwan had been receiving many letters from sannyasins complaining about swami rajnish – the old slander of “imitator” – they were asking bhagwan to tell rajnish to change his name – bhagwan said yes – he should change his name – he should spell it with “ee”
    so thats how rajneesh came to be called the same name as his master rajneesh – hs former name rajnish had been given to him by his parents at birth

    anyway parmartha you know me well from old times also in london when i was your supporter for the first printed newspaper sannyas news – making paid adverts for video bhagwan discourse shows in london – you know i am not a deceiver – what i tell you is true

    love dhyanraj

    • Parmartha says:

      Sorry Dhyan Raj, did not know you were involved. Personally I have an open mind, I hope that came across in my commentary on his first book which is linked in the first post.
      One wishes him the very best in his recovery, and that fully out of respect to you, and what you maybe going through by way of anxiety around Rajneesh at this time.
      Thanks also for your explanation of the derivation of his name.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        thats nice parmartha – thank you for that

        what people dont know perhaps is that rajneesh now has nine books available for free download – those who like to criticise him could inform themselves better and make more informed judgements as he has exposed himself so thoroughly

        i was hanging out with him in goa for a year living in the bedroom upstairs from his – seeing his videos of his talks on his tours i thought it was worth transcribing them – rajneesh wasnt interested in this telling me that it was a waste of time we have a commune to build and anyway what he said was all rubbish

        i did it anyway – sitting in the bedroom with the headphones on typing out his spontaneous talks – i certainly didnt think it was all rubbish what he said – for me it was and is invaluable stuff – simple to understand explanations of what concerns seekers of the truth

        finally he also read some of what i had transcribed and agreed that perhaps it was worth it to make books from it – soma did the layout and now some very beautiful books have come into existence that almost didnt see the light of day

        tears of the mystic rose was his first book

        now there is “go in go in gone”
        “yo gotta groove in”
        “dissolve into love ”
        ‘live to die or die to live”
        “stop drop dead”
        “i to i”
        and “sannyas, a love affair”

        as well as four picture books of quotes “dewdrops”, “chill in nirvana”, “tranzendance” and “vertical herenow”

        as you reviewed tears of the mystic rose – perhaps you would be interested to review these books also – as you may be aware there is a lot of misinformation and blackballing of rajneesh going on in the sannyas world – and every effort is being made by certain quarters to prevent him being known as he is to sannyasins – and yet people dont know anything about him only rumours – in these books he is fully exposed – i am sure critics will find everything they need to make informed judgements rather than the uninformed ones currently in vogue


        love – dhyanraj

  7. Pourani says:

    Hello there,
    I am writing to share my own experience about Swami Rajneesh. …
    Being in Love with our master Osho and him helping me days and nights by opening my eyes to the truth of life!!
    I did not know Swami Rajneesh till 2 years ago, and he got introduced to me by a dear friend….
    By looking into his eyes I dropped the whole “I” ,,,,, and became no one!
    My heart put me in a position that I needed to meet him face to face and not from the distance,……to make sure the feeling is right!!!
    It all happened by itself and there I was,……. I was at his balcony and looking into those beautiful eyes!
    I was crying of emotions and the full moon was shinning. I could not believe the real feeling of this heart connection.
    He then asked me if I have any question to ask and my answer was a warm smile and said no question. He said you traveled from one far country and you have no question????? I felt and I got all my answers by looking into the eyes that brings the same loving energy of our master Osho!
    The same night I had a vision of our beloved Osho, a group of people sitting in front of him and he looks into my eyes gives me the nicest smile and says did you get all your answers today???…, you should always trust your heart!!
    Swami Rajneesh the beautiful presentce of our beloved master on this universe has survived the heart attack!!
    He did not leave us behind because he is still responsible for so many sannyasins!!!
    My question is Buddha is Buddha!!!
    How can one, question the presentce of Buddha!!!!!????
    Why people always wait until the man is gone from this earth and then start realizing what golden gate they had and they did not appreciate!
    The gate of Buddha is open and we have such a great loving Presentce and not loving him enough??!!!
    Swami Rajneesh has been delivering the love of our master Osho from his beautiful heart to who ever is ready to accept…..No price but” price less”!! Free of any charges, free of any conditions, no nothing!!!!
    For how much longer people want to go on, and call him ” This Guy”….
    He is the golden gate to the land of Buddha!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much

    • bodhi vartan says:

      Pourani says:
      >> My question is Buddha is Buddha!!!

      That is not a question.

      Your post reminds me of the film Kumare [2011] (about a fake guru) which we spoke about here before. I actually haven’t been able to watch it when quite early in the movie I saw a true seeker being confronted by the wrong ‘information’ and I couldn’t watch any further. I am not saying that you are seeing incorrect information. What I am saying is that you are seeing a reflection and confusing it with the subject itself. All sannyasins are reflectors. Or at least they should be.

  8. prem martyn says:

    The Klingons are out cap’n or maybe it’s the Mysterons from Captain Scarlet and we are being strung a line from the Thunderbirds puppets.

    If you see how he ‘OR’ gloated on Sudha’s (tantra therapist death ) video in a meeting in Italy, then you’ll understand this guy is just very displaced.
    And as you know I’m no fan of the religion as therapy as sannyas brigade, but there is a litmus test of those who are bonkers and have followers who want soft words at difficult times when their own chum has been less than gracious in the death of someone/types he was disdainful of for years. And if he wants a fight and isn’t scared of one then those who follow him should welcome the dirty washing, without having his sanctimonious followers to prettify the world for him as yet another salvationist with defined proscribed behaviour limits as defined by his image and behaviour for others to imbibe hook line and sinker by his rote example. Icoonoclast.

    Now then, let’s talk about censoring. …The fact that he was roughed up in Pune speaks volumes about what shit religion does for fanatics. Which is why we at Suntripe news enjoy taking the piss out of everything and nothing and ourselves and each other, it’s something religionists can’t do.. and certainly not for laughs.

    Hope he gets better soon.

    • satyadeva says:

      Yes, Martyn, that disdainful little speech about Sudha was truly disgraceful, utterly disrespectful of a beautiful person who’d helped many (including myself) and who for me, exemplified much of what’s good in sannyas, indeed in life itself.

      Frankly, he came across as an arrogant, vain little shit, snidely using another’s suffering in the face of death to promote his own claimed spiritual superiority over both her and ‘all therapists’.

      I’m definitely no supporter of ‘therapist as priest’, but at the time, I thought and still think that whatever he may (or may not) have attained, realised, I’d take someone like Sudha over him, any time.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha – satyadeva – judge of osho
        - rajneesh had very good reasons for tearing the therapriests up and exposing their game – a hypocritical exploitation in the name of osho
        no one ever became enlightened from therapy – it is just playing mind games – if it is allowed to dominate the sannyas movement then osho’s work is degraded

        if as you say sudha suffered at death – why was she suffering ? death is the natural fulfilment of life – where we enjoy seeing the body mind emotion disappear leaving only the consciousness we gathered

        and do you know the venom sudha had given rajneesh for years? – much like the venom you and others here are pleased to give him – should he accept that and say nothing – at that discourse where he spoke of sudha he was under attack from miasto her base – the therapriests have done all they can to prevent him speaking – and he should be nice to them ?

        • satyadeva says:

          First, Dhyan Raj, as I said here earlier, I’m no fan of ‘priest-therapists’, so I’d agree that therapy should simply occupy its place and no more. But it’s also easy to become blase after one has apparently ‘gone beyond’ the need for therapy, easy to downgrade its significance, to term it mere “mind games” – whereas for many – including myself – it’s been an absolute life-saver at times.

          To continue…

          dhyan raj:
          if as you say sudha suffered at death – why was she suffering ? death is the natural fulfilment of life – where we enjoy seeing the body mind emotion disappear leaving only the consciousness we gathered

          Let’s see how you face up to it, before you start parroting and preaching at others.

          dhyan raj:
          and do you know the venom sudha had given rajneesh for years? – much like the venom you and others here are pleased to give him – should he accept that and say nothing –

          So how come OR waited until she was no longer around to choose to speak so snidely and disparagingly about her? Unimpressive, or what?

          Whatever the relative validity of his case, he was absolutely out of order to so insensitively and gloatingly denigrate a much-loved person who contributed greatly to others’ lives, inside and outside, before and after sannyas. As I said, he came across as an arrogant little shit. And it would take a hell of a lot of contrary evidence for me to alter this view, which was already pretty negative due to his ‘copycat’ appearance and behaviour, not to mention his foolish idea that ‘only dancing is needed’.

          So that’s where I’m coming from. Tough if you can’t abide to take it on board.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            yes satyadeva – i was speaking from my own experience of going to death – and you assume i am parroting – i have faced death – there was suffering on the way as the mind body ego desperately tried to cling on to a miserable life – but once i relaxed and accepted there was no way then death was a very beautiful experience – ha ha ha – all that rubbish that you think you are simply leaves you – what a relief ! no girlfriend no job no home – no burden to carry – no goal to strive for ha ha ha ha ha – all that remained was the eternal consciousness floating free -

            i am sorry if speaking about myself as dhyanraj offended you – it seems you must be feeling yourself inferior and it threatens your sense of yourself having an identity – all identities are temporary satyadeva – i know it – ha ha ha ha ha ha

            i am not interested in whether you alter your silly views about rajneesh or not – ignorance loves to remain ignorant – what business is that of mine – why would i want to change you ? –
            i respond to you because someone has to counter these stupid ideas being broadcast around about rajneesh – if no one who knows him says anything then people will believe the continual negativity ignorantly being put about and think it is truth – which it isnt

            • satyadeva says:

              Ok, Dhyan Raj, if ‘near-death’ was your own experience, no problem.

              But more gratuitous bullshine in your second paragraph: Your referring to yourself in the third person still looks like self-importance to me. But, fair enough, if seeing through and beyond your personality has become a reality for you then ‘who am I’ (if you’ll forgive the cliche) to argue the point?!

              You have to realise that it’s perfectly understandable that people should hold negative attitudes towards OR as he’s done himself no ‘spiritual PR’ favours by certain features of his appearance and behaviour. I’ll list these, to make it clear, despite having already referred to most of them today:

              Deliberately taking on the appearance, even the persona – eg, way of speaking, gestures – of the original Master (to say this has all been ‘unconscious’ is too disingenuous for me to swallow).
              Making what appear to be profoundly shallow statements re the methods he advocates, demonstrating singularly unimpressive ‘master’ credentials.
              Appalingly disrespectful public behaviour regarding Ma Yoga Sudha, after her premature death from pancreatic cancer.
              And also, which you might not yet be aware of, by how he used to come across on here, a few years ago, especially when challenged: as a thoroughly objectionable character who liked to call anyone who disagreed with him a “baboon”. Frankly, as a first-degree arsehole.

              You see, he has a lot of ground to make up there…

              But, perhaps he’s also a ‘good guy’…At least, for those who are attracted towards him. Yet his supporters are deluded and showing dangerously ‘cultish’ symptoms if they imagine ‘everyone’, ie all sannyasins and fellow-travellers ‘should’ follow him. Can’t you see how bizarrely misguided, how ‘totalitarian’ even, is such a belief?

              However, at this point, I’m pretty certain he’ll not feature significantly for me, so ultimately I don’t actually give a damn.

  9. Lokesh says:

    Oh-oh Parmartha, looks like you are stirring the pot of Brian stew.
    I perceive this guy Rajneesh as being harmless and he serves a social purpose by setting the stage to play masters and disciples. Good.
    According to Pushya the guy has ,quote, ‘dedicated his life to Osho’s vision.’ Well that would mean that Shantam and he would get along like an ashram on fire, but they wouldn’t because there exists as many versions of Osho’s vision as there are people who were touched by him……a lot!
    In my view people like Rajneesh belong to the old paradigm put in place throughout the ages, whereby people believe that having contact with a guru, sage etc can help one achieve salvation. I’m in no doubt that having contact with a great master like Ramana this would have been highly possible. With someone like Rajnesh I doubt it. yet we have the likes of Purani declaring, quote, ‘By looking into his eyes I dropped the whole “I” ,,,,, and became no one!’ Well bully for Purani, but I can’t help but suspect it is just a phase they are going through, Afterall the same thing can happen when looking at a rose, beloved friend etc. It passes.
    The actual report is written in a language originating in the sannyasin scene. It all sounds a bit twee today my beloveds.
    As long as there is a need for an outward manifestaion of the inner self gurus, spiritual masters, Osho clones etc will keep appearing. That is cool with me. Many of us have been through the process and are now free of the need for guru projections. In my case I reached that freedom thanks in part to Osho, Poonjaji and the thousands of wonderful people I’ve had the good fortune to meet in my life. I met Rajneesh briefly in LA one sunny Saturday afternoon, but was not particularly impressed with the guy. I do wish him a speedy and full recovery as I’m in no doubt he is a source of inspiuration for some people and that can’t be bad.
    I’ll leave you with something that I picked up from Poonjaji and what it does for me is speak of the new pardigm that is evolving right now.
    ‘Just as a bird leaves no trail in the sky as it flies, the true teaching leaves no trace in memory. The teaching must have no teacher and no student. If the teaching comes from the past, or memory, or concept, it is preaching not teaching. This teaching never was. It never will be. And it never is.’
    Ha ha ha. I can live without Osho’s vision or anyone else’s interpretation of it. Some obviously have difficulties in that department. Life is like that.

    • prem martyn says:

      The venerationsits of Veeresh, Arun, Rajneesh, Osho, all spin a line for their own needs….they remind me of the 1980′s Premmy’s and guru maharaji,( the podgy baby faced one, not the beatles one….)
      anyway when one sees this almost military socialization, they make you want to think that somehow they live eat piss and shit with the light divine in their every disciplehood move..

      and why Lokesh has to ingratiate his own sense of self by defining on SN what Ramana was or wan’t says more about Lokesh than Ramana, which would be good if we got what the subtextual inference was…
      is it …..

      ”I see supreme, not just your average ‘goodness’ therefore I behave ‘goodliliy’ and therefore you can respond with mutuality to this ”goodness”, even though I wouldn’t for a moment imagine you have to, but I like to hear myself say so, because Osho although alive in my presence ,was less significant to me than Ramana, who wasn’t , but who should have been, …. and oh, bother.” ?

      if that’s the case and it would require semantic exchange unlikely to provoke or promote minute by minute ‘goodness’ by its efforts , at least in written form, then what is it that makes everyone want to stride out with a bosom guru tucked under their arm on display without warts an all. Does enlightenement whilst living on the planet mean things could get messy after all and even despite one’s efforts. Oh bother, now I want my money back.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      there is no true teaching – moving to nomind and the explosion of consciousness that results is not a teaching
      it is possible for a living master who is rooted in consciousness to be helpful for those who can relax in his presence and melt into the energy field surrounding him

      it has nothing to do with interpretations of osho’s vision – ha ha ha – how peoples minds judge rajneesh – ha ha ha – as they did osho when he was in the body
      of course those old masters like ramana who have long left the body are the real deal people say – never having met them and fantasising great things about beings who are no longer any threat to their sense of identity – the living master is always feared and rubbished – and he is the one who has a possiblity of helping now

      any sannyasin of worth will support rajneesh – but see how things are – they would rather he didnt do his masters work – ha ha ha ha – poor sannyasins – imagining themselves to be superior to all including osho – whose vision they do not need – ha ha ha ha

      • satyadeva says:

        Dhyan Raj:
        any sannyasin of worth will support rajneesh

        You mean, support he who declares ‘only dancing is enough to realise the Divine’?

        You have a strange concept of “worth” indeed.

        You’re clearly as judgmental as those you judge as such.

        So why don’t you just get on with your Osho Rajneesh and forget trying to foist him on everyone else.

        • swami atmo says:

          “You mean, support he who declares ‘only dancing is enough to realise the Divine’?”

          what are you gonna say about guy who declares:

          “I insist so much on dance. Dance to orgasm. Let the whole energy become dance, and suddenly you will see that you dont have any head…And when you dance there comes a moment when your body is no longer a rigid thing, it becomes flexible, flowing. When you dance there comes a moment when you melt and merge with cosmos, the boundaries are mixing. Watch a dancer – you will see that he has become an energy phenomenon, no longer in a fixed form, no longer in a frame. He is flowing out of his frame, out of his form and becoming more and more alive. But only if you dance yourself you will know what realy happens. The head inside disappears, again you are a child.”

          will we support him?

          • satyadeva says:

            Yes, Atmo, we’ve all heard and read this before – and enjoyed practising it for many hundreds of hours over many years – haven’t we?

            So, what’s new? If it were really that easy then thousands of sannyasins
            would already be ‘realised’.

            • swami atmo says:

              Anybody can reach a divine if he can be total in any action…Meditation is learning how to be total…Dance is learning how to be total…All the methods were given by the masters are just helping you to be total for a single moment and if you realy was total in that moment then you’ve got a point – you’ll immidiately reach the divine and you will even stop to think about realisation.

              In that sense Rajneesh(or someone else who declares the same thing) is absolutely right: dancing is more than enough to reach divine…Any action in which you can totally forget about yourself is a direct door to divine.

              It doesn’t mean that you will come to samadhi experience immidiately but such divine moments leave a track in you and finally in this life or next life final explosion will happen, but the seeds of it were growing in that divine moments when you enjoyed in dancing.

              And Osho also declared that the most people become enlightened when they die, very rare person survive after enlightenment. He said many of my disciples has become enlightened when they die, their death just opened the last door to divine.

              • satyadeva says:

                but such divine moments leave a track in you and finally in this life or next life final explosion will happen, but the seeds of it were growing in that divine moments when you enjoyed in dancing.

                Yes, but what about the vaaaassssst gap between those “divine moments” and “finally in this life or next life”? You make it appear so easy, when in fact it’s the most difficult, most demanding thing anyone could ever embark upon. I’m talking about what amounts to ‘death of the person’, by the way.

                How far are you in this process? Are are you just a beginner (like me)?

                • swami atmo says:

                  I am always a beginner and i dont want to be an expert. I’m just trying to convey that enlightenment is not a process but total stop of all processes and you can stop them only here now. You can stop them being total in a dance. If you can be total here now – explosion of samadhi can happen. No matter when – because there will be no time. But if you’re gonna just think about it, especially if you’re gonna think that it is something difficult – then you will stay in your mind. Quantum leap into divine is always here now, there is no future. Just dance totally and you will see – may be you will become so satisfied and forget about enlightenment idea.

                • satyadeva says:

                  If you can be total here now – explosion of samadhi can happen. No matter when – because there will be no time.

                  How many sannyasins (or others) have done just this over the last 40-plus years – and ‘exploded into ‘Samadhi’?

                  But the point really is whether you’re able to ‘hold’ any so-called ‘explosion’. That’s no small matter, it requires many years of ‘purification’ and one-pointedness for the vast majority.

                  Atmo, my feeling is you’re just ‘whistling in the wind’. If Swami R is teaching you this sort of false expe\ctation then ultimately he’s not doing you a lot of good.

                • swami atmo says:

                  “Atmo, my feeling is you’re just ‘whistling in the wind’.”

                  Ok, your feeling is your birthright

            • swami atmo says:

              my personal experience of being on rajneesh’s camps – this is true, dancing is a very precious method and very easy. But rajneesh offers many other methods too: normal osho meditations, walking in vipassana, sitting in vipassana…If he would realy mean that the dancing is the only way why he explained dinamic, kundalini, nadabrama? But this is the way of a master…if he will tell you that dancing is not enough – you will not be total. Osho did the same thing: when he talked about tantra he said that the tantra is the only way, when he talked about zen he said zen is the only way, when he talked about love he said: person who can love doesnt need meditation, when he talked about artists he said artist doesnt need meditation etc…

              when master is successful to make you be total in a single moment – you reach the divine…no doubt…but mind comes back and try to get profit: where is promised enlightenment? where is my disciples? where is my rolls royses?

              divine is here now for everyone…you can not reach it…you can just lose yourself ans stop to prevent your being from divine…dancing is realy easiest mode to lose your mind with his longing for realisation

              • satyadeva says:

                How old are you, Atmo?

                I ask because frankly, we’ve heard all this for the last 40 years. And the way you go on is as if you’ve suddenly discovered something.

                Besides, there’s far more to it than just having an experience of ‘no mind’ through dancing (or anything else), isn’t there? Far, far more….

                • swami atmo says:

                  I am five years old. I was born 5 years ago meeting rajneesh. Before this meeting i was just an embrio. Everything i express i came through it on rajneesh camp. It is my experience as i feel it, it is not an information to hear nor for 40 years neither for 40 seconds, but something that i experienced in rajneesh presence. You can argue pro or against – but experience is experience, it should be lived. So please, dont make conclusion about what rajneesh says before you tasted it.

              • Lokesh says:

                Asking Atmo’s age is a relevant point. I wondered the same about Dhyanraj, but figured he must be in his early teens.
                Atmo, what you are descibing here on SN is nothing new although it is clearly new to you. Many of us regulars here on SN are over 100 years old and it is therefore that we appreciate your enthusiasm but your philosophy is more suited to a sannyasin kindergarden. You say for instance, ‘Osho did the same thing’
                Somehow drawing a comparison between Osho and Rajneesh. What you don’t take into account is the tremendous energy Osho somehow managed to generate. His meditations were great, but doing them around him was the real deal. I don’t think that is quite the same thimg as what is happening around Rajneesh.
                Atmo you go on to describe your experiences, reinforcing what you say by using such statements; ‘but experience is experience, it should be lived’
                This makes you sound like an amateur, a beginner who is parroting something you heard without really thinking and questioning what you say. No problem, most of us have been there and done that also. My point is that is not all there is to the journey and you come across as someone who has just discovered something new when to many here it is old hat.
                I don’t think any of the commentators on SN really hold anything serious against Rajneesh…he is not that important. What Rajneesh provides us with is an opportunity to have some fun and joke around a bit. Look a little beyond the exterior appearance of most of the apparently negative comments and you’ll see that what is behind much of what is being said is done so in a mischievious and playful spirit. No harm is being done and many of us have a good laugh. Lighten up and don’t take the one you believe yourself to be, who is having all those spiritual experiences, so seriously and that way you’ll be able to enter the playful spirit that SN is very much a platform for. It is, of course, entirely up to you.

                • swami atmo says:

                  “Atmo, what you are descibing here on SN is nothing new although it is clearly new to you.”

                  Yes, for me every moment is new, all experiences are new for me every moment, thats why i dont care how old this information. In a terms of information nothing’s new from the buddha times.

                  “Many of us regulars here on SN are over 100 years old and it is therefore that we appreciate your enthusiasm but your philosophy is more suited to a sannyasin kindergarden.”

                  May be for you this is philosophy, for me it is existence, i am sorry. Sun doesnt care how many times have you seen sunrise before. It is just shining…But actually words i read here dont show that this “philosophy” has become a part of your being, so accept me as reminder

                  “What you don’t take into account is the tremendous energy Osho somehow managed to generate. His meditations were great, but doing them around him was the real deal.”

                  Yes, i feel the same. Osho’s meditations are great but doing them near rajneesh is the real deal.

                  “I don’t think that is quite the same thimg as what is happening around Rajneesh.”

                  Osho said: first jump and then think as much as you wish

                • swami atmo says:

                  “My point is that is not all there is to the journey and you come across as someone who has just discovered something new when to many here it is old hat.”

                  Life is always new…this is exactly what i am trying to do – rajneesh’s wind can blow away your old hat and you again will feel it new.

                  “I don’t think any of the commentators on SN really hold anything serious against Rajneesh…he is not that important.”

                  I dont care about rajneesh, you can be pro or against him…it is not a point…a point is you keep judge person who can become an opportunity to feel osho’s energy again. May be he will become, may be not, who knows…But until you didnt taste it you know nothing and all that you say is just an issumptions…You keep repeating: i know it for a long time…it is old for me…it just shows that you gathered information which did not transform you. Because once you transformed you know nothing at all. Before leave the body osho said: “only few understood me, others just attached to my words”. How do you think – are you one of those few who understood. Because among old sannyasins i can not meet a single person who says “i’ve been with osho but missed a point” everybody pretends they understood something.

                  “What Rajneesh provides us with is an opportunity to have some fun and joke around a bit.”

                  Joke is very good, especially if you keep a distance…But may be if you will have a little bit courage to come closer you would discover a better joke inside yourself – much more alive, much more funny, much more juicy and this joke will transform you again. Attempt #2.

                  “No harm is being done and many of us have a good laugh. Lighten up and don’t take the one you believe yourself to be, who is having all those spiritual experiences, so seriously and that way you’ll be able to enter the playful spirit that SN is very much a platform for. It is, of course, entirely up to you.”

                  I enjoy every comment i write here. You can call it serious or playful – i dont care. If you can accept an energy of my comments – accept, if you think i am too serious – please show me your playfullness – because i like to see it, not only hear about it. But actually i dont understand the pleasure to create “playful” meaningless blablabla, i can find many other subjects in my life to be playful instead of chatting in internet, so of course if i leave comments i do it not to be playful but to bring my vision. This vision is absolutely serious but not out of mind.

      • satyadeva says:

        Dhyan Raj:
        there is no true teaching – moving to nomind and the explosion of consciousness that results is not a teaching
        it is possible for a living master who is rooted in consciousness to be helpful for those who can relax in his presence and melt into the energy field surrounding him

        Sounds as if that’s come straight from the ‘Sannyas Handbook’.

        Count the cliches….

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          satyadeva – whats up ? – do you now imagine something wrong with dancing ? ha ha ha ha – yes dancing is a simple way to raise energy up to no mind – too simple for a complicated mind to understand perhaps

          poor you – now you are afflicted by dhyanraj”s way of expressing himself – straight from some sannyas handbook you say – yes satyadeva truth remains the same – and to express it can look like a cliche – particularly to those who have no interest in truth and for whom sannyas is just another mind ego game

          • satyadeva says:

            No, Dhyan Raj, it would seem you’re deliberately choosing to miss the simple point, ie that to declare that ‘only dancing is needed, nothing else’ is patently utterly absurd, except for a small minority of people, at a particular stage.

            Btw, I’ve enjoyed more than my fair share of Osho dance-based meditations and other similar stuff since the early 70′s, so you’re not talking to an ‘absolute beginner’, despite my daily experience of being up to my eyeballs in unconsciousness and ignorance.

            As for your second paragraph, well, it’s just gratuitous bullshine. Calling someone’s arguments evidence of a “mind ego game” is typical of someone who can’t adequately respond (except, as you say, in cliches) – with referring to yourself in the third person adding that ineffable flavour of pseudo-spiritual self-importance.

            Perhaps OR should find another spokesman as you’ve done him no favours today.

      • Lokesh says:

        Smug is something I do not dig and if you don’t dig you won’t find any gold.

    • Parmartha says:

      Devoting one self to Osho’s vision…. has been said of many…. but as you say Lokesh what does it mean ???
      One could argue that if someone arises from a tradition, respectfulness of the Master one once had is paramount. But building one’s own tradition and style and words from such a base might be for the best, and certainly less confusing for most seekers.

  10. shantam prem says:

    Good good, finally sannyasnews is getting traffic and new writers.

    • prem martyn says:

      yep its in safe hands now , i’ve just written my retirement notice…
      what’s that chorused sigh of relief i hear …

      ps if the catholics have wrapped up divine love for sale, and the governments have got world domination down to a tee, and the consciousness guru’s have got all the revelatory energies of liberation sown up for posterity….is there anything left for me to market in my retirement ,, maybe a stall selling wind up toys ?

  11. Parmartha says:

    SN seems to have taken a wigging about this post. But it is news, SN used the text from an official within the Rajneesh movement precisely, and unlike many sister sannyas/Osho sites offers a space to discuss which they do not.
    Devotion of any kind does find discussion difficult, and one does not want to undermine some of these people’s “faith”. But there are other more discursive paths that are equally valid.

  12. Lokesh says:

    To tell the truth I know little about Rajneesh, except that he blocked me on Facebook and a few snippets of gossip. I did read his book…a few pages was as far as I got.
    It is therefore that I asked my son about him over lunch this afternoon. He met rajneesh socially a few times in LA.
    What did you think of that guy Rajneesh? ,I asked.
    Not very much, he replied. He used to sell watches, was very vain and generaly uninteresting.
    Well, as you can easily imagine, I was shocked by my son’s judgemental attitude. Where did I go wrong? Perhaps it was Osho’s doing. You see my son met Osho in 76 for the first time at the tender age of six. He claims he was deeply touched by Osho’s energy, due to being a wee laddie. Well, I never!

  13. mini kang says:

    Just to inform you about Swami Rajneesh ” facing mortality ”
    i was with Rajneesh though out this.
    After the heart attack he was simply calm and went back to his room for 3 hours till we forced some doctor to come and see what happened to him.
    He was laughing and said that he has already died many times and OSHO has always brought him back into his body, so not to even worry about him.
    When doctor came he was surprised that even Rajneesh suffered heart attack he was relaxing for 3 hours in such a severe critical condition.
    Doctor called emergency ambulance and Rajneesh was laughing his way to the hospital unconcerned.
    Throughout the ordeal Rajneesh was totally unconcerned and not even realizing that it was a very severe heart attack that could have killed him as the surgeon said 1 of his main artery was 100 % blocked !
    Before during and after this entire 10 days he is still laughing and joking and does not even seem concerned about his mortality.
    Infact he says that he is now even more determined and stronger than before.

    • satyadeva says:

      Very impressive.

      But please inform Dhyan Raj and your other colleagues (and yourself) that all that doesn’t mean he’s ‘Osho’s successor’ (as there ain’t gonna be one), or the chief standard-bearer of ‘Osho’s Vision’ (that mysterious, ethereal entity that no one seems able to pin down and define), or indeed, a great Master, or even a worthwhile teacher.

      And even if he were, or becomes, such a teacher, he isn’t going to be for ‘everyone’, because in this life, it’s not a case of ‘One Size Fits All’, is it, including spiritual teachers, their energy (ok, call it ‘Shakti’ if you really have to) and their teachings? No single teacher is suitable for all.

      And to imply that OR is an exception is plain bullshine. So please don’t come on here and say anyone who doesn’t want to follow, or who objects to, or doesn’t rate OR has to be some sort of a mug. Because to suggest that is itself the signature of a fool.

      • mini kang says:

        You people keep calling him Osho Rajneesh !!
        He had already made it clear earlier in Sannyasnews that only his website was named OshoRajneesh and everyone can see the photo of OSHO and Swami Rajneesh side by side clearly
        1. It was also to defy OIF claims of OSHO trademark
        2. And to make it clear that Swami Rajneesh is a devotee of OSHO as his Master…stating ” Dissolved into your Lotus feet O my beloved Master OSHO
        3. He has even changed his name to OZEN RAJNEESH and all his websites to OZEN RAJNEESH since over 1 year.
        Seems you just want to call him Osho Rajneesh and say he is calling himself Osho Rajneesh !!??

      • swami atmo says:

        “But please inform Dhyan Raj and your other colleagues (and yourself) that all that doesn’t mean he’s ‘Osho’s successor’”

        Please inform yourself and your other colleagues that on a question about successors osho answered: “Why to be my successors if you can be me. Be so empty that i can make home in you, that your emptiness can absorb my emptiness, that your heart can have some dance with my heart. It is not succession, it is transmission”

        Osho also told many times that only disciple create separation between him and master. When separation disappear – master and a disciple are one, disciple becomes a devotee.

        So Swami Rajneesh just declared one simple thing: “I’m no more, i dissolved, and separation between me and osho disappeared.” This is a very simple phenomenon, much more simple than all the bullshit you and your jealous colleagues wrote here.

        • satyadeva says:

          Yes, Atmo – very Eastern, the sort of “simple” approach that can really screw up westerners. Same as relying upon dancing alone as a ‘spiritual method’.

          Swami R presents himself as the ‘true preserver’ of Osho’s lineage, the self-appointed ‘purifier’ of a ‘degenerating movement’. Apart from such naivete, he would be more impressive if he could stand on his own, rather than attempt to look like, talk like and behave like Osho. I find him eminently unlikeable, whatever spiritual realisations he might have had.

          • swami atmo says:

            It is not a question of East West North or South, it is a question of disappearing. Disappear and you will see – is it simple approach or difficult. Will you look and behave like osho or like dr amrito. This “simple” approach was offered by osho and i find it realy simple, as osho said: truth is very simple all difficulties live in unconscious mind.

            Until you have not this experience of be noone – how can you judge?

            “I find him eminently unlikeable, whatever spiritual realisations he might have had.”

            It is another matter… nobody has the right to force anyone to love rajneesh, there are many people who finds Osho unlikeable and we can not blame them for it – it’s very honest approach and honest statement. I see the sense in it and that’s perfectly ok. But if you are trying to find faults in unlikeable person – it is not honest i guess…

            • satyadeva says:

              It is not a question of East West North or South, it is a question of disappearing. Disappear and you will see – is it simple approach or difficult. Will you look and behave like osho or like dr amrito. This “simple” approach was offered by osho and i find it realy simple, as osho said: truth is very simple all difficulties live in unconscious mind.

              Until you have not this experience of be noone – how can you judge?

              Atmo, I – and no doubt very many others – have already experienced this sort of phenomenon.

              So what?

              Or: What else you got?!

            • satyadeva says:

              But if you are trying to find faults in unlikeable person – it is not honest i guess…

              But his “faults” are a significant part of why I find him unlikeable!

        • Lokesh says:

          Going by Swami Rajneesh’s followers comments I have to conclude that it is not only news for sannyasins that is shrinking it’s their brains also. They are becoming simple in the head.

          • frank says:

            yeah,all we hear is radio gaga!

          • swami atmo says:

            “Going by Swami Rajneesh’s followers comments I have to conclude that it is not only news for sannyasins that is shrinking it’s their brains also. They are becoming simple in the head.”

            Yes, falled out of the head in some other part of the body mr Lokesh, you have to conclude something like this, otherwise you will have to create some meaningful answer, not just label and judge using banal patterns.

            • Lokesh says:

              Atmo, Osho was very much an intellectual who used his brilliant mind big time. Going beyond your mind is one thing losing it is another.Thanks for stating; ‘he said artist doesnt need meditation’
              Being an artist I don’t totally agree with that, but I understand why it was said and what context it was said in.
              For me meditation techniques are like medicine and some times medicine is needed. Best is to lead a meditative life.

              • swami atmo says:

                I totally agree…but please follow thread of conversation…i just said that osho also uttered things which contradict idea that meditative techniques are obligatory…no matter what is reality…but osho said such things…so i just say satyadeve should not judge rajneesh only because rajneesh said that dance is enough

      • it looks that you´re worried about “rajneesh being a teacher to everyone”, lol who cares about that, do you really think anyone thinks that He will be a teacher to everyone?… no one is worried about that who wants to gather in his presence does it who does not want does not do it why do you people keep on pointing the finger to him?… and with such nonsense arguments lol…. sorry to say but that comment sounds really ridiculous.. is there really something that peaces you about Rajneesh?

  14. frank says:

    “osho imitator has close brush with mortality”

    was that the same close brush with which he liked to get his ass beaten by his disciple,shakti?
    kinky devil!
    i always thought he might go too far…

    i have heard that brian rajneesh had had “osho” tattoo-ed onto his dick.
    OIF claimed it was a copyright infringement,albeit a very small one.
    mind you,his lawyers said it would never stand up in court.

    and when is he going to get the bald-patch grafted onto the top of his head?
    if a job`s worth doing,its worth doing well……

    but seriously,
    unconscious brian-haters should think twice about badmouthing him…
    he is capable of extraordinarily powerful siddhis..
    for example,at the very time that he has written that he was immersed in deep meditation,deep in the himalayas,i saw him in the flesh in an irish pub in london!
    anyone who has read “autobiography of a yogi”will know that being able to be in two places simultaneously is a power granted only to the very very enlightened.

    btw brian was writing here on sannyasnews a while back.
    you disciples might be interested to hear that his expression “therapriest” with which he attacks therapists, was one of my neo-logisms,coined on here some years back.

    so your brian not only ripped off osho, but me as well!

    how low can you go?

    • Lokesh says:

      ‘Was that the same close brush with which he liked to get his ass beaten by his disciple,shakti?
      kinky devil!’
      Thanks, Frank, for reminding me of that sordid incident. Yes, I find it difficult to fit hair brush spanking into Osho’s vision, but then again Osho’s vision, as we are witnessing, is fairly allencompassing.

  15. shantam prem says:

    “Listen kids, you really don’t need any person to worship or adore.”
    “What nonsense you are saying. You have spend your whole life behind your guru,”, retorted one young chap.
    “That is why. What we have done, there is no need for you people to do the same.”, Swami Snow White ji said in a clear tone.

    If Buddha is not here, some Dalai Lama will do. It is a human need to adore and worship someone higher and better.
    It is another fact, that some one higher and better will also say, ” I am just like you. An utterly ordinary man.

  16. prem martyn says:

    Frank you should seriously consider reincarnating out of compassion for us and the fact that big P needs help to muck rake around this patch of allotenment … i do my best but have not the gravitas needed for sowing decent dissent nor for moving shovel fulls of insight towards a heap of comic compostness.

    Religion NEEDS people who don’t believe in it Frank..
    ..like you Frank…

    Some people think reincarnation is a UK used-vehicle hire company.. prove them wrong Frank…

  17. prem martyn says:

    Dear fellow posers, er posters

    I’ve been thinking along the lines promoted by Bodhi Vartan about outer space-isms…could it possibly be that our editors are actually visitors from a dark star, considering all the negative energy they have attracted here on this post and were they in a film with a big black helmet …or is that Dharm Parther i’m thinking of ?

    in case anyone else is thinking these thoughts , do please donate your own unwanted thoughts to Help a Meditator, by ringing in now. Its your call that counts.
    and remember…Every thought contributed helps to save a true seeker from mindless ego games, ( which is a bit of a tortology really.)

  18. prem martyn says:

    Theraposts = healing insights on SN

    Theraposter = online heckler

  19. roxana says:

    oh frankie boy not only that swami rajneesh is getting famous nowadays his dick is on peoples lips as well…

    wel well look who’s a kinky devil after all frankie : why are you interested in rajneesh dick ?

    and funny you say that oif is satisfying your kinky curiosities since they been suckin on osho legacy for so long like a bunch of prostitutes they think they know all about it

    but no problem :) truth will come out soon and oif and the likes will be left with a bitter taste in their mouth…

    anyways nothing wrong with your kinky fascination .. just be open and welcome it

    anyway i think rajneesh would also enjoy your lil joke on oif and osho copywright, id give you that…

    • Lokesh says:

      Roxanna’s comment is difficult for me to swallow, let alone digest. Does she know about Shakti’s brush with the master?

      • prem martyn says:

        it’s all hairsay…
        you’d have to comb through the details and tease out the truth

        my master as opposed to your master as different from his or her master implies a choice of me/mine yours /thine unless its a religion of course in which case we are fools to even consider such an idea as choice.. of course suddenly religious ‘feeling’ and experience changes everything into veneration and all the rest of the remaining losers….

        why doesn’t someone explain the rules as it gets more confusing each day….

        mine all mine mine mine mine mine mine all ….haaaaa at last …..mine

  20. shantam prem says:

    After reading the arguments from both sides, my inner judge has come on the conclusion that Mr. Rajneesh has all the credentials to be treated as one among the few other Indian Saints in the lineage of Osho.
    Surely, male ego of the Western seekers will find it impossible to accept…!

    • bodhi vartan says:

      shantam prem says:
      >> Surely, male ego of the Western seekers will find it impossible to accept…!

      It has nothing to do with ego. Swami Raj is just not complex enough to represent Osho. Osho was fire. This guy is not even lukewarm. When Osho was around he didn’t want to mix with sannyasins, thinking that he was somehow special. Even now he wants to be different from the rest us … what is the word? ah yes, SUPERIOR, because he can (badly) mimic Osho. I don’t need to meet him, if he wants he can can come and meet me. I’ll be down at the bar partying, probably with you Shantam.

  21. Bhakta says:

    It is strange to me, that people have such a profound understanding of Rajneesh without even meeting him once… It is definitely a solid proof, that somebody’s son have met him socially and found him uninteresting. Go to Jabalpur, there are still many old people there, who have been acquainted with Osho when he was living there. They didn’t feel anything special about him. Think about your master Osho – do you really think that wherever he went, everybody was falling to his feet immediately? They didn’t even want to talk to him! For years nobody bothered… Was he unenlightened or people were unsensitive?
    Leave aside personal attitudes, here are some facts:
    1. Since 2007 Rajneesh has done dosens of meditation camps in many countries. He didn’t take profit from any of this events, only the travel expenses. Do you know many group leaders doing that?
    2. Since 2008 he was constantly fighting with OIF on copyrights, Samadhi issue, banning of sannyasins. Do you think it has nothing to do with you? I am banned myself and my center was closed by Vatayana, so it is my fight too. Are any of you banned? You don’t want to go to Osho’s Samadhi? You don’t want to see the podium anymore? Don’t you think it is a service for you too, that somebody is opposing Pune authorities and claiming simple things that we all sannyasins deserve?
    3. Since 2010 Rajneesh’s olny intention is to create a free Osho commune. No gatepass, no groups fees, no banning, affordable prices for food and stay. Sannyasins have nowhere to go! Pune is expensive for many, many are banned, and many sinply don’t want to go there anymore. Miasto, Uta, Humaniversity? Get a cocktail, find a chick? Indian ashrams are all empty except for Delhi. Suppose one has only 300, 400, 500 $ a month. Where to go?
    Rasjneesh’s vision is simple: all Osho’s legacy free, all meditations free and an opened space for all sannyasins to meditate. And he has really put a lot of effort into making it come true. Forget enlightenment and gurus – don’t you think it deserves some respect from your side? Please, just think.

    • bodhi vartan says:

      Bhakta says:
      >> Forget enlightenment and gurus – don’t you think it deserves some respect from your side? Please, just think.

      An Elvis impersonator can only sing old Elvis songs. No new songs will ever be accepted by the Elvis fans. A free commune? Really? Count me out. I like luxury.

    • Lokesh says:

      Bhakta asks, ‘Do you think it has nothing to do with you?’
      She goes on to declare, ‘Sannyasins have nowhere to go!’
      I find that to be a very limited perspective. To the point that I wonder what on earth she is talking about. What exactly is it that sannyasins are doing that they need some special place to go? I live in a place where I reckon there are hundreds of sannyasins living in the community. Once in a while a few of us come together, along with non-sannyasins at some social event or other. Apart from that they just get on with their lives, be they a gardener, DJ, artist, musician, yoga teacher, carpenter, therapist etc. This idea that sannyasins need some special place to go is pure nonsense. Osho was very specific about taking what we learned from him to the marketplace. If you think you need a special place to go you missed the whole point of the exercise and need to go back to school, because you have failed miserably.

      • bodhi vartan says:

        >> ‘Sannyasins have nowhere to go!’

        The ones who say that, are the ones that nobody wants around, and the reason that the Resort has created a blanket exclusion because it doesn’t know how else to manage the situation.

  22. bodhi vartan says:

    The only thing I have against Brian is that he doesn’t tell dirty jokes. Apart from that I wish him speedy recovery.

    Why do muslims fly planes into buildings? They’re dying to get laid.


    • Lokesh says:

      I don’t have anything against Mister Rajneesh either. I would not seek out his company. I see him as just another fish in the tank, who just so happens to enjoy being spanked on his bare botty with a hair brush. Different strokes…

      • bodhi vartan says:

        shantam prem says:
        >> Technology has made it possible to copy paste words, spoken or written in a friction of a second. To control such things is childish, equally childish is to take credit that we are offering it free and therefore doing great service to the Master’s cause!

        The Master’s cause is to be puting His vision in front of people’s face and into their lives. By offering it for free all that happens is that you are leaving it on the side of the road and hope that somebody might stumble on it.

      • bodhi vartan says:

        Lokesh says:
        >> who just so happens to enjoy being spanked on his bare botty with a hair brush

        Oh matron!!! Which side of the brush? because with a Denman you can do some real damage ..

  23. shantam prem says:

    IKEA in Germany has a very famous slogan, ” Wohnst Du noch oder lebst Du schon.”
    Roughly translated it means, ” Are you still surviving or you are living.”

    It fits quite well with the attitude of Osho Management in Pune, where boss and his five fingers have simple agenda, how to keep property ownership in hand. What sannyasins do outside with Osho’s work is beyond their concern.

    Technology has made it possible to copy paste words, spoken or written in a friction of a second. To control such things is childish, equally childish is to take credit that we are offering it free and therefore doing great service to the Master’s cause.

    Now some enthusastic disicple has taken the free for all game even further. 21 days Mystic Rose free of cost. What cost few thousand dollars at Osho Pune or may be half at other places, Socialist version of Mystic Rose is available Free..

    No wonder, people coming from countries belonging to Ex. Soviet block will say Osho Yahoo Hurrah!

    Is this not desperation born out of good intentions?

  24. shantam prem says:

    Osho was very specific about taking what we learned from him to the marketplace…

    Dear Lokesh, is there any other spiritual master/teacher/inspirational author or orator, who has said something different.
    Be in the world and not of the world has become such a cliche as Brazilian wax on Porn star’s body!
    Trend is spreading like wild fire.

  25. Lokesh says:

    Shantam says, ‘Technology has made it possible to copy paste words, spoken or written in a friction of a second. ‘
    Maybe so, but nobody will waste a second copy and pasting Shantam’s words. So he can rest assured anything he says will not be spreading like wildfire.
    ‘spreading like wildfire.’ Now, that is what you call a cliche.

  26. shantam prem says:

    Mister clever like fox yet wise like Elephant-
    Let me repeat the complete paragraph from where you have borrowed few words for your commantary-

    Technology has made it possible to copy paste words, spoken or written in a friction of a second. To control such things is childish, equally childish is to take credit that we are offering it free and therefore doing great service to the Master’s cause!

  27. prem martyn says:

    The latest from George Cloney on that medical diagnosis…

    ‘ You cannot be serious the… the…. intrafibula reticular diagnosis was meant for the guy in bed 38, and you gave the tylemazol atrazeme tablets to Zany Rajneesh , do you realise that with his condition this could result in a perpendicular atricular ventraculation…

    ”Well hell , no doctor I just took the diagnosis from the bleepy noisy thing at the side of his bed and decided he needed monitoring with an IVO asap followed by an IOU… of 48million units”

    ‘Oh great great, this hospital has got a reputation to maintain and you say the IOU wasn’t given before the OAP thromascular contusion ? Well that will only cause further, extended, ……

    ”You mean …”

    ‘ Precisely, further miming and chronic copycatying, potentially resulting in an acute attack of shadow puppetry on the ward .. it could spread like wildfire ‘

    ….’and it’s also.. quite cute and quite free for anyone on ER, OR, ZR duty tonight….’

    (..cue music , mad dash of trolleys ,doctors and nurses dancing all over the emergency room….people in bandages and on crutches dancing, dancing, dancing….)

  28. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    ah poor dear – is rajneesh upsetting you and you wish him dead like osho? – ha ha ha ha ha – but that would be `imitating` ha ha ha ha ha

    • satyadeva says:

      Have you noticed, by the way, Dhyan Raj, how in your writing you yourself tend to imitate the style of speech of OR?

      Including the rather smug little ‘laughs’, of course…

      What’s he teaching you – acting?!

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ~poor little satyadeva – now he has two rajneeshs to irritate him !!

        • satyadeva says:

          Nice line in ‘Clone Humour’, DR.

        • satyadeva says:

          The mistake you’re making, I think, DR, is to take criticisms of and distate for Swami R as somehow anti-Osho. They’re no such thing, they’re simply anti-Swami R.

          He might well be offering and/or planning otherwise unobtainable facilities and experience for many, but that doesn’t necessarily place an ‘obligation’ on anyone else to regard him as some sort of utterly authentic ‘channel’ for Osho (or ‘Osho’s Vision’ – whatever that might be).

          Furthermore, I wonder whether you realise how you’ve contradicted yourself:
          Last week, you asserted that you had no right to change me or my views, to try to make me come around to accept your version of Swami R. (If that’s true for me then it’s surely true for all, isn’t it?).

          But you also declared that all true (‘worth their salt’) sannyasins should recognise him as the ‘real deal’, the one to carry on Osho’s work with the utmost authenticity.

          That’s the voice of a deluded missionary, one who’s found something/someone that suits him and then imagines it/he ‘should’ suit everyone – and anyone who disagrees has to be an ignorant fool, a complacent arsehole or a dastardly enemy.

          Swami R is simply not my cup of Indian tea, thanks. And you know why

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            heres a quote from osho for you satyadeva – it seems relevant to todays attitudes among some sannyasins to the existence of rajneesh

            “LEARNING, REAL LEARNING, WISDOM, COMES only when you are transformed. It is not an additive process — you cannot just add, go on adding knowledge to you. You will have to go through transmutation — that is hard.

            THE EASIER WAY IS TO DENOUNCE. Whenever you face the challenge — somebody has become wise — immediately the shortcut is to say that, ‘No, it is not possible. In the first place wisdom never exists. In the second place, even if wisdom exists, it cannot exist in this man. I know him well, I know his faults.’ And then you start magnifying his faults, and you start condemning him.

            IT IS NOT JUST A COINCIDENCE that Socrates is poisoned, Jesus is crucified, Mansoor is murdered. It is not just a coincidence that all the Buddhas are denounced, all the Jainas are denounced. When they walk on the earth they walk continuously in danger — because there are so many who feel their egos hurting.

            JUST TO THINK THAT SOMEBODY HAS BECOME ENLIGHTENED IS DIFFICULT. It is easy to denounce and to say that, ‘No, in the first place enlightenment is impossible — it never happens, it is just an illusion, God does not exist. Samadhi? — is nothing but auto-hypnosis. This man is deluded, he has not become enlightened. We know him well, we have known him from his very childhood. How can he suddenly become an enlightened person? He is just like us, pretending. He is a pretender, a deceiver.’

            This is our ego choosing the cheaper way. Beware of it. THE DESIRE ARISES IN EVERYBODY TO CONDEMN, TO DENY. So whenever a person like Buddha is alive we condemn him, and when he dies, we worship in guilt”.

            The Discipline of Transcendence
            Vol 1, Ch #7: Living the dhamma
            am in Buddha Hall

            • satyadeva says:

              Yes, Dhyan Raj, I’m already well aware of these tendencies of the mind.

              But you see, I – and I’m almost certainly far from the only one – are simply not attracted to ‘your man’, Swami R. Whatever ‘realisations’ he might have had – and actually I don’t doubt that he’s had a few, or even many – I’m not interested, I don’t really care, I’m just not bothered. I know he’s not for me and I don’t like him either (for the reasons I’ve listed at least twice before).

              And I don’t trust this word “buddha”, as I’ve already said. It’s the sort of term bandied around by people – often westerners – determined (or desperate) to lend the object of their devotional veneration a sort of unassailable, unchallengeable aura. I’m sceptical as to Swami R’s ‘buddhahood’, even if he’s ‘realised’ far more than I ever will.

              My view is anyone who tries to claim his or someone else’s way is a ‘must’ for ‘everyone’ – in this case, all sannyasins, it would appear – is completely and utterly misguided. For example, you have found, it seems, a renewed meaning, purpose in your life through your association with Swami R, but what’s good for you isn’t necessarily right for me, or very many others.

              So I think you should beware of claiming too much along the lines of ‘Swami R has come to rescue sannyas and sannyasins’. I think you’ll find many sannyasins have moved on and are engaged in their own very individual ‘searches’ and/or relying on their own authority, using what they’ve learned from Osho and other teachers since January 1990 and before. Swami R is just another teacher, valuable for you and others, not necessarily for all.

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                satyadeva – i have never heard rajneesh say that his way is a “must for everyone” – thia is entirely your idea that you have made up to use against him – is it so difficult to stick to the truth?

                of course you have every right to live your life in your own way – why do you believe that rajneesh would deny you that right? nothing could be further from the truth

                • Lokesh says:

                  Dhyanraj is firing big guns by using…’Nothing could be further from the truth.’
                  This great koan has been passed down over the centuries and has been credited to the great Japanese zen master Hoo Flung Dung. Suzuki interpreted it to mean that even though nothing is the ultimate truth it is not in one’s best interest to place all your bets on one gee.gee, especially if it doesn’t exist.

      • bodhi vartan says:

        >> What’s he teaching you – acting?!

        That is the joke of the year. I laughed all the way to bed with it last night, and I am still laughing now.

  29. prem martyn says:

    SD spot on …….one thing one cannot fake is mirthful laughter… Captain Scarlet of Thunderbirds Rajwash cannot imitate that part of Osho’s nature or produce its effects…..

    but Dhyan Raj is trying hard…to play catch up and he’s welcome to play…our game here, …it’s all good knockabout stuff.. just I would never play his or his mate’s one , and part of the blame for that piece of theatre rests with Osho and his style too.

    If he hadn’t have sponsored pedestals, chairs and winged costumes there would have been less style to hang onto for people to get confounded by. Buddha hall evenings were a training in themselves for what was expected of meditation… so many clones .. so little time eh ?

  30. shantam prem says:

    Who is this person with the name rivering change?
    Never seen such stupid comment.
    why so much hostality against Rajneesh?
    If you don’t like him than avoid or ignore or give reasonable logic but why to be so cruel?

    • bodhi vartan says:

      shantam prem says:
      >> why so much hostality against Rajneesh?
      If you don’t like him than avoid or ignore or give reasonable logic but why to be so cruel?

      I am going to be straight with you and say that when I first saw Swami Rajneesh (on YouTube, six months ago) my first emotion was anger. I worked on the anger, I tried to read his book (I only managed about half of it, the part before he became enlightened) and I also tried to give him as much leeway as pos. because he has Osho’s complete library on his site. But the anger keeps coming back.

      Why anger? Anger because his behaviour is attracting my attention. It is actually demanding my attention, forcing me to look, and then letting me down. I imagine if your child died and the woman next door started dressing up her child like your dead one, because …

      shantam prem says:
      >> People around Rajneesh are happy and enjoying their life and have found some meaning to be creative around him, wonderful. …

      Osho’s techniques are very powerful and bring up the emotions that they do. When applied quite often the experiencer associates the resulting emotion with the applicator, but it is a wrong association. Swami Rajneesh has fallen in same trap as the (good old) therapriests. People around Rajneesh are confusing the channel with the source. It’s ok tho. They know what they signed up for.

      • prem martyn says:

        how much did you get paid for working on your anger, or are you part of the govt Big Idea training scheme and they threatened to cut off your allowance if you refused to kow tow to a higher power ? Did you put up a sign saying
        d Anger Men at Work ?

      • atikarmo says:

        Be glad bodhi vartan..rajneesh gives even you a present!angertrigger..be thankfull..its growth!But you probably missed this time with your anger..dont worry it will come back for experience:-)Keep mirroring..keep mirroring:-)

        And very nice imagination you have about the dead child..sure dont wish you had this in your life so why this twisted comment?Maybe you can do a little bit better then this?

        And please explain the channel and the source o wise man?

        We certainly DONT know what we signed up for..life does its own thing and is full of surprises:-)As Osho says..not knowing is the…(lets see if you learned something and can finish this one ok?good boy)

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      i have heard that rivering change is the false front used by israeli swami seemo to make his silly comments in hate of rajneesh here and in facebook -
      he must be feeling ashamed of himself and cannot stand by his comments with his own name and face

  31. shantam prem says:

    People around Rajneesh are happy and enjoying their life and have found some meaning to be creative around him, wonderful.
    I think they should not promote him through aggresive direct marketing.

  32. Anand Pushya says:

    Sannyas is about Love~~Sorely lacking in these comments….Goodbye~~

  33. Anand says:

    ozen rajneesh speaks about his heart attack:



  34. Atikarmo says:

    Very good satyadeva..very clear writing..you can rest the case about swami Rajneesh then once and for all!

  35. Lokesh says:

    Dhyanraj is probably suffering from some sort of inferiority complex, hence his continual need to write ‘ha ha ha’ because he isn’t sure of what he said is actually funny, his need to use upper case to emphasize his points because he feels they are not well enough written to carry the message and his overwhelming need to be right. Such is life in one’s early teens. Like all else in life it will pass.

    • atikarmo says:

      Again a self reflection of pour old lokesh..it says everything about you..suffering of inferiority complex and his need to write bad stuff here.Basic meditation rule..what you see in others is the perfect mirror for yourself!I know..that hurt sometimes and its not easy..maybe thats why you stopped meditating and put your rubbish on others..

  36. frank says:

    I`m just going to take the liberty of popping in the original thera-priest ref.
    extract from a rap I did `04 I think …

    ….your religionless religion is a drop-dead-ender
    time to recognise your own agenda
    you becoming a satsang junkie
    your mind jumpin up an down like a friggin monkey
    you sittin in a line with no-brain no-mind flunkies
    you tryin to stay in your tree
    but you skinny dippin in a lunar sea
    mind rubbish pilin up on the grounds of diminished responsibility
    wakin up an goin back to sleep is your main ability
    wakey wakey just say no to thera-priests
    keep your own money feed your own beast
    preacher teachers fleece sheep as they bleach
    as enlightenment stays well outa reach
    don’t sell your soul to a leech
    get some self-respect at least
    get yourself to a resort with a beach
    read yourself some freidrich nietzsche
    meditate celebrate imaginate
    don’t be a thinkin celibate
    raise your vibrations to a higher rate
    love your fate don’t be an ingrate
    cos you gotta get a life unto yourself…

    big bhagdaddy with the bling bling`s gone
    he sung his song and moved right along
    you scrapin scrapin scraps from his empty bong
    to get some stuff for you to fly upon
    no need to hang in no ashram
    no need to beat no spiritual meat
    better get down onto the streetless street
    out in the world where they turnin up the heat
    forget the chosen few ubermensch elite
    we almost invisible,keepin it discreet
    we deep in the maya an out in da Buddha `hood
    nirvana is samsara….mmm good…

  37. frank says:

    wisdom is sold in the desolate marketplace where none come to buy.

  38. anand says:

    i found an interesting quote by osho:

    “Now he is writing that he was my bodyguard and he knows every secret. He has never entered my room, not even once; there was no need. Someday he will repent what he has done, but then it will be too late; the people who are reading his book will be convinced of whatever he is saying. This can
    happen to anybody. And I don’t want it to happen to anybody.

    Teertha was hoping…. He was the first therapist to join the ashram; naturally, because he was the first, he became the chief therapist without any formalities. Nobody had told him that he was the chief therapist. It was just by coincidence, because he was here before anybody else — the other
    therapists came later on — that he managed to become the chief. And there was no harm in it; somebody had to take care of all the therapy groups.

    When the commune dispersed he saw clearly that I cannot be in America — for fifteen years I cannot enter America. And in India the American government is pressurizing the Indian government that no
    foreign sannyasins should be allowed in.

    Seeing the situation, he thought it was better to open an institute of his own in Italy. There was no harm in opening the institute in Italy. I had to tell my therapists that wherever they were they should continue to create institutes, communes, because all European countries have banned me. I cannot
    enter into Europe, I cannot go to America, and foreign sannyasins cannot come into India.

    Now there was no need to accept me as his master; there was a chance of becoming a master himself. So Teertha has become a mini-guru. He knows nothing about enlightenment. He has never meditated. Here he was involved with his groups, which have nothing to do with meditation. And I have told these therapists, “You should meditate,” but it was against their egos, because they were therapists. Thirty or forty people were joining their groups, and they were the leaders.
    To meditate with the same people was against their egos, so they never meditated.

    People must have been asking him, “Is your institute Osho’s institute?”

    He said, “I have not been Osho’s disciple….”

    Then what was he doing here? What was he doing in America? And the same has been done by Somendra, by Rajen, by a few other therapists — they are all therapists. Finding an opportunity that they can become mini-gurus…. But for that they have had to deny that they had anything to do with Osho.

    There were many reasons why I told you to drop the malas, to drop the orange clothes: First, so
    that you can enter this country; otherwise you cannot enter this country. Second, you will not be known to the world as my disciples, so there will not come any moment to deny it. I am simply trying to save you from telling lies, and making you absolutely independent even while you are here. You
    come here as friends — more than that seems to be risky. I will continue to do whatever I can do for you. I see not only your present — but possibilities in the future.

    All these people are lying, and I don’t feel it right to contradict their lies — they have been my disciples, I have loved them and I still love them. It is below me to contradict their lies. If their spiritual growth happens somehow, they may realize by themselves.”

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