Stuttgart Osho Centre Puzzle

German media reports on alleged murder-suicide at Osho Ketan Meditation Centre

In the early morning of February 28th, a tenant living at Osho Ketan centre in Stuttgart, Germany, was concerned about the unusual quietness in the house. When she stepped into the center leader’s room she saw massive blood trails and fallen objects, clearly indicating a fight, and called the police. No weapons were found.

Osho Ketan Meditation Center

Osho Ketan Meditation Center in Stuttgart situated on ground floor of this building

Since then there has been no trace of Laya, the 59 year-old center leader; police suspect she is the victim of a violent crime and is also searching for her car. One day later, the dead body of her partner Sitaro (who had moved in with Laya only 4 weeks ago) was found 200 km south, in Winterthur, Switzerland. According to a police spokesman he committed suicide and the Swiss forensic police is examining the vehicle. Apparently Sitaro, who was 46 years old, had a history of violent offenses and was a peace activist against ‘S 21’, a highly disputed controversial railway and urban development project in the framework of the Trans-European Networks.  It has been reported that Laya also took part in those demonstrations.

Latest reports reveal that Sitaro almost strangled Laya during a dispute about a year ago. She took him to court and he was not allowed to come near her. He went to India for a few months “to find himself” and upon return appeared a changed person. Laya offered him a second chance.

One doesn’t know more about Laya and Sitaro and what happened between them that night.

In the German media:

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8 Responses to Stuttgart Osho Centre Puzzle

  1. prem martyn says:

    Well, first off one must of course address the shock and terribleness of what must have been very terrible.
    Imagine , God forbid, if someone had been in a similar situation , what would they have done? Would they put themselves at risk and actually confess ……to having posted a re-pasted German centre-right populist newspaper article to a sannyas community newspaper, as by one of the UK’s top fair minded super sleuths? I think not.They might then be revealing the nature of national railway projects that are currently provoking local protest civic action from communities that have no influence over policy.

    In fact it all makes sense, picture the scene of the crime: An area of outstanding natural beauty, filled with nothing much but silent mornings. A stretch of land that passes through southern Germany, Switzerland and Northern Italy. Anyone attempting to run a high speed high profit making railway through areas like that would have to be nuts. Especially if other studies had shown the feasability of upgrading existing underused lines.

    One can only come to one conclusion in this subtextual report and that is : Be very careful of protesting against things because as you know, most people who try to voice civic concerns, are actually anti- progress , anti-capital, pro motor car, loonies with serious issues. Seen one, seen them all.
    Anyone who understands what these street corner haranguing populist newspaper seller nutter types are like understands that they are only bringing you the pure news without any underhanded staining type print.Oh yes. And if you have never met someone who is definitely prone to unresolved newspaper booth-itis, then I recommend reading any article from the Socialist Workers Party Newspaper with a VERY LOUD VOICE. They famously avoide(ed ) sub text and went straight for the jugular. If anyone could have used a newspaper as a hammer for forming public opinion it was they… or Gemany’s own version of The Sun… as for the Stuttgart paper , well I only do a limited amount of research without pay…..

    Vive la Societe du Spectacle et les textes de Sub.

  2. prem martyn says:

    What is the Capital value of the Society of the Spectacle… well from my armchair viewing of that film by the manic depressive voice of Guy Debord, some gems stand out.

    That progress is defined by imbibing the images and language of corporate planning, which includes everything the Social Democratic Spectacle State defines as beneficial.. and which causes endless turmoil by…. removing the self-determinant aspects of life and accessible value .. anything from your emotional life to the ability to run a workplace according to scaleable virtues (a la sannyas communes and Osho’s essential intent).

    By thus using language and imagery and the mass identification with them to create virtual identities of worth .. anything from progress to status and the status quo, the Society of the Spectacle apportions itself all the efforts of combined daily life and re-defines and re-sells them back to the mass according to X factor type gloss.Where fame, for example. is solely of itself equated with a virtue in itself for a dispossessed anonymous populace. Sex and the libido and the fully impregnated ‘ways of seeing’ determine the outcome of these re-packaging measures which take away innate value and criteria,such as ‘freedom’ and sell them on as privileges of those who have achieved society’s approval. And we are then informed that a cold dead virtual life, of daily grind, missing meaning, stripped and made barren can be reclaimed only by achieving some compromised standardization. If you dare to look elsewhere, such as in ‘religious enquiry’ groups for an alternative to the family and social approval…. and worse if you actually attempt to practically foster the easyness of a naturally inspired , status-less life, then you will pay the social democratic price of invalidity or pointlessness.

    By further reducing even anti-conformism as something that was already historically achieved and is thus of course part of contemporary life the spectacle further deals the double whammy… Of course we (the unidentified majority) know all about rebellion,we repackage youthful vitality to you daily via the products of consumption. But don’t mention how those products are paid for by stripping the producer , and the same consumer of the goods, of their own identity and re-forming it to consensual approval. This is the pernicious way, contrary to the bombast of N. Korea, or the sedition of Putin.. but it achieves the same authoritarian results. Financing of the military state et al which is then sufficiently justified as being part of human nature. A repetitive cycle which Osho tried to release and redefine through the power of a language and pragmatic application. This then is the promise of what could be which is so attractive, to those like us who wish to see the evolution of the constraints , at least from our personal narrative. Whether this is achieved socailly or not is not the decider of its worth. We just move to a different drum because we are obliged by our re-visted natures to so do.
    I am not validating the lagacy of Osho’s sannyas as standing against all this but rather as a barometer for example.

    Next: What happens when the the framework for society is based on legal intercession with it’s officers who act as supreme representatives of the new God of methodical legal edicts, and who are the new law abiding moralists for order and truth.

    Well you get this….and all its replications….

    And if you think all that is a wank I tested it out on my girlfriend first last night… the thesis that is.. not the wank….and she nodded and said ummm..ohhh. Tea ? which I took as a sign of unbridled approval.

  3. bodhi vartan says:

    I was talking with some friends yesterday and this subject came up. Somebody wondered what particular ‘exercises’ Sitaro might have done at the Resort …

    * * *

    Unfortunately we know too little to form any opinions one way or the other but from what I see, as the man had propensity for violence … why was she letting him back in? The drama could never have been stopped by the protagonists – they were locked in a deadly embrace. I would look to the other people in the house and their responsibilities in the sad affair …

  4. Lokesh says:

    ‘He went to India for a few months “to find himself”’ I once made the same mistake. I actually found myself. It looked a bit like flourescent green bubble gum stuck to the heel of my rubber soul.

  5. shantam prem says:

    Moral of the story-
    Don´t go to India to find yourself…Remain lost where ever you are.
    Indians also don´t go anywhere…
    But yes…Go where money is greener or some calling of love are tickeling your soul..

    Moral 2
    Sannyasins are human beings too, They are not alien nor angles..We are the average people among other average.

    Moral 3
    If you have an Indian name “Post it” on your white skin. Take it away. It does not help like Insurrance policy against unforseen events.

  6. vps says:

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