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The Top Ten Osho Books, by Nityaprem

The Top 10 Osho Books Nityaprem writes, I always find it difficult to recommend an Osho book to friends. There are so many of them, and they are so varied, that choosing is hard. So I thought for my own … Continue reading

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What Does Osho Mean To Us Today? By Nitya Prem.

Nitya Prem writes: In a bit of a homage to the Love Osho podcasts I thought I’d post an answer to one of their closing questions, and see if it might raise some debate. For me, Osho was the centre … Continue reading

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Osho, Computer Games and Spirituality, by Nityaprem

Nityaprem writes from his considerable experience of creating and and playing computer games, saying, ”This is maybe more interesting for younger sannyasins, but it’s a topic I care deeply about and would like to see get a bit of exposure.” “Well, … Continue reading

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Osho Through the Eyes of Gemini Chat AI – Nityaprem reports on and assesses an experiment

Nityaprem writes: In order to see what today’s hip professionals may find out about Osho, I thought I’d ask Google’s Gemini Chat Artificial Intelligence a few questions about his views. Chat AIs are built from an enormous text database to … Continue reading

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The Very Best and Worst of Sannyas News, Volume Two

Lokesh introduces his latest compilation… Finally, after several months of work, the second volume of Sannyas News has now been released on Amazon. It was quite a challenge compiling and editing the manuscript, and it was also a lot of … Continue reading

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