Clive (who hasn’t been an active part of the SN team for quite a while) has just paid another £45 for site security (part of the deal with the web hosts) for which he should be reimbursed (especially as he went out of his way to do this via a very tricky hospital connection process that took up a lot of time, while waiting for news of the outcome of his partner’s operation).
Any contributions would be most welcome, very much deserved.
Please forward to:
Good News!
£45 has been received today, so no need for further donations.
Many Thanks!
So Osho wanted that this place of wisdom and enlightenment goes on.
Jai Osho!
Satchit declares to the world, “If I would not share my energy here SN would be dead long ago.”
The above post from his holiness is so full of energy it obviously attracted…erm…this response.
Rumours are rife that Satchit will soon be supplying an article for SN. Right now in USA they are building extra super servers to cope with the hundreds of millions of hits this article will produce and the Rolling Stones are putting back the release of their new album so as not to be eclipsed by the brilliance of Sri Sri Sathit’s mind-blowing article. Who said SN was dead? Jai Satchit!
I am impressed by you, Loco.
You are a mind reader.
I can assure you, I have better things to read than people’s minds.