• the rioters were young guys. bored. like all teenagers they need some edgy action. that was the best night of their lives so far,for sure. that was their way of getting to live in the moment,live dangerously and feel totally alive. for sannyasins to wheel out irrelevant osho quotes to grab a headline is pretty [...]

  • Osho’s intellectual ‘weakness’, if we can call it that, was in his tendency to generalization. Any man who reads 100,000 books is bound to generalize. He was painting with a very broad canvass to speak to his huge crowd of listeners. For example, Osho said (quoting from above): “But that’s how existence functions. If you [...]

  • Unlikely to have been meditation Chetna. Any old sannyaisn worth his salt will tell you that formal meditation is just the beginning of the road, bringing meditation to all and every one of one’s activities and even sleep, yeah, now that’s something else. I am sure that Osho would have started to discourage formal meditation [...]

  • the british empire was a mass murderous usurous inhuman business,run by a lot of hypocritical psychopaths,of whom hitler was a great admirer. no question about that. have the perpetrators got their just karmic retribution,because a few wannabe gangsters nicked some trainers from jd sports,and burnt down some properties (of mostly immigrants) (the…[Read more]

  • “In Late Victorian Holocausts, Mike Davis points out that here were 31(thirty one) serious famines in 120 years of British rule compared to 17(seventeen) in the 2000 years before British rule. Not surprising, since the export of food grains had increased by a factor of four just prior to that period. And export of other [...]

  • “bobby with truncheon…symbol of law and order for hundreds of years…..civilised…” its all complete bollox. when the brit police force started out in 1820.they were attacked by a mob. i dont think they were saying: “i`m terribly sorry,after you old chap.lovely day,a spot of rain later ,oh dear…” and the met deliberately places well-spoken and [...]

  • “Life expectancy rose further in Britain in the late 19th century. By 1900 in Britain it was about 47 for a man and about 50 for a woman. (That does not mean of course that people dropped dead in their late forties. The figures are skewed because death in childhood was still common in the [...]

  • alok john, during the british industrial/colonial age “lower classes”were not much better off than slaves… for example,the factory acts of the mid 18th century generously reduced the amount of hours that children could work to 12 hours a day! and you want to karmically blame them for the starving in india? that`s weird. osho may [...]

  • Actually I am quite sympathetic to what Osho says above. In 1900 England had the highest per capita income in Europe–I checked. Presumably some of this was loot from the Empire. Contrary to what Parmartha says, I do not think it was just the elites that benefited. Throughout the 19th century the English elites were [...]

  • Piece in the London Times today ’bout Pune Resort. Unfortunately you have to pay to read it online. I wonder if interest in meditation goes up in an economic downturn.


  • I know Arnhem quite well…that is the Dutch city which manufactures the most tough guys per head of population in Holland. A Dutch Glasgow, so to speak.

  • Given the misunderstanding you are definitely now a candidate for choosing your own name, if as it seems you dont like Martin! Maybe there is a Sanskrit translation for a “Vegan who eats cheese”! I even once thought you were a fruitarian when I knew you back in the eighties, but do correct me if [...]

  • This all seems to be political chess by some Indian Sannyasins. They basically want to take over the Resort (Ashram) and spread rumours and stories convenient to their cause. Okay, so maybe Osho International has changed it’s mind, they should be pleased as it was this “sale” that they seemed so implacably opposed to. Let [...]

  • Chetna: Osho did leave some instructions as to how to progress his work. Unfortunately they never reached the public domain. However one of the instructions may have been that they should not reach the public domain! In his life he was always changing things, and old sannyasins are uniform about the fact that many things [...]

  • This might interest readers, Osho predicting the sort of computers that Steve Jobs produced.


  • It may be a surprise to commentators here, but Osho was briefly a supporter of Gandhi and the Indian independence movement. Part of what he says here sounds like something from 1946/7 when biographers say he was most closely aligned to that. I dont buy the stuff about karma for the Brits just cos they [...]

  • Sarovara writes how sannyas name giving procedures were suddenly changed by Osho International….   sometime in the past decade….  you were to choose your own name…. He says: ” Then came the time when it was decided that people could choose their own sannyas names. I was invited along to a meeting with Amrito for Osho Centers and [...]

  • Parmartha posted an update in the group Group logo of CaravanseraiCaravanserai: 12 years, 6 months ago

    Alok and others go on about better sites, one is also UK based called:


    Yep, lots of middle brow articles of mediocre standard, but not a single concession to interactivity.
    So what do those folk like Pennie, etc who often criticise SN say when they confront another news site who is too scared to even have a free…[Read more]

  • dharmen posted an update: 12 years, 6 months ago

    Sannyasnews is run by two guys in London with what ever time we have to do that. it is has no comercial interest, we do so, so sannyasins past or present, of what ever flavour can express their views and talk to one another. If some times you have to wait for a comment to appear its because we have other areas of our lives that need attending to.

  • More Mysteries from Osho International ! After making a controversial application to the charity commissioner in Mumbai, to “gift” valuable property valued at more than Rs8 crore to an obscure trust in Delhi, representatives of Osho International Foundation (OIF) have failed to show up at two hearings conducted by the charity commissioner’s…[Read more]

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