Gratitude to Osho – after 35 years

A positive sign of the changing times

While most of my contemporaries were earning degrees in university or becoming alcoholics, I was off in India in search of that most vague of commodities: ‘The Truth’. After a decade I returned to Europe in the early eighties. Not with the answer to the answer but with a disease that nearly gave me a permanent out-of-body experience. After being in such close proximity to death I decided for a while to focus on more down to earth matters, like finding a decent place to live, accumulating money and having love affairs with cars that consumed a lot of petrol. Life went on and I had some good times and some terrible ones. I suppose you could say I’ve led an interesting life.
One thing that happened during those times was that I drifted away from Osho, both on a physical level and a psycho-spiritual one. I’d had enough of the yogic lifestyle ( I practiced dynamic and kundalini religiously every day for years and scrubbed stairs with toothbrushes for weeks on end in Koregaon Park) and I now wanted what most people want in life: a bit of security. Not being a particularly materialistic person, this required most of my energies.
Meanwhile, on a more subtle level, the burning question – Who am I? – continued to flicker in my heart. In 1991 my wife travelled to Poona, to do a few groups, and then up to Lucknow, where she met H W L Poonja, who made her most welcome. When I picked my wife up in Ibiza Airport after her latest sojourn in India, I saw immediately that something wonderful had happened to her. She was radiating a light that even a blind man could see.
‘You have to go to Lucknow and meet Poonjaji,’ was the first thing she said to me. I groaned inwardly and thought, oh no, not filthy India and another bloody guru.
Two months later I was sitting at Poonjaji’s feet. I could write a book about what I went through in the two months I spent in Lucknow but what I want to share with you today will not require such a drawn-out process.
It was during my time with Poonjaji that I reconnected with Osho. This came about for a number of reasons. The main ones being that the transmission I received from Poonjaji would not have been possible had it not been for Osho preparing the ground and secondly: there were many ‘insiders’ from Poona in Lucknow and very few of them had anything good to say about Osho. I listened to many accounts about what had been going on behind the scenes during the last years of Osho’s life. I suspected that at least some of the scandal was true. After a month of listening to this and that I sat down and, for the first time in a decade, invoked the spirit of Osho. It came to me what a psychological wreck I had been when I first sat on Osho’s porch in early 1975 and how thanks to the master’s guidance I was returned to a state of wellness. The only thing that Osho ever took from me was my ignorance and in return he gave me his valuable time and almost infinite patience via the twin channels of being a friend and mentor. As I sat in Lucknow recalling all this, it struck me like a thunderbolt what a wonderful man Osho was and how blessed I had been to have received so much of his undivided attention. From that day on, I ceased to listen to the gossip and will forever hold Osho dear to my heart.
It was round about then that Poonjaji gave me a good talking to. He called me forward in satsang one morning and, after establishing that I had little desire to be born again said, ‘You stay here, remain silent, don’t gossip and mind your own business.’ All things considered, those might not sound like pearls of spiritual wisdom but if you practice those four simple instructions the rewards can be phenomenal.
Stay here: The best place to be if you want to disengage from the mind.
Remain silent: It is only in silence that the gentle words of truth can be heard. In silence you grow.
Don’t gossip: Well…not unless you want to feed the chattering monkey in your head anymore than you are already doing.
Mind your own business: There are many good reasons to do this. In my case it is a simple recipe that helps me live a peaceful life.
My point is this. I distinctly remember Osho saying that, if the need existed, he would guide his sannyasins to other masters when he was gone from this world. You yourself may have heard this, because he said this on more than one occasion. My question is this, why is there so much opposition within the sanyasin community to this happening? Instead of viewing sannyasins as ‘traitors’ and ‘ex-sannyasins’ for becoming involved with other masters why not encourage sannyasins to do this because the need exists? That way this ‘them’ and ‘us’ attitude that has developed will fade away and a socio-spiritual experiment that was based in unity will not deteriorate into one of separation where the walls go up if something new develops. And something new has developed because the good news is here and it is this. The real master lives in your heart. All others simply show you the way. This is the truth. How do I know that? I’m not quite sure, but I am certain that if I bow down to Osho and Poonjaji and give thanks I am bowing in the right direction.


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567 Responses to Gratitude to Osho – after 35 years

  1. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    The real master lives in your heart, thanks for sharing that Lokesh

  2. Forest Gump says:


    Nice to hear about your pilgrimage. Seems like, this is one of those rare times and inspirations when you have opened your heart with gratitude, certainly admirable. I feel, Love is “love”, it doesn’t have any label on it. It’s an opening that can lead us towards anything that can help us to grow inwards. Awareness arisen out gratitude has this kind of beautiful expressions.

    I wonder, where does Lokesh get inclined when he portray an image of Anti-Osho or Anti-Sannayas. I guess the answer lies in the heart; otherwise this wonderful expression would be last thing to expect from you.

    My heartiest best wishes and love.

  3. prem bubbie says:


  4. prem bubbie says:

    Don’t you get it, get it at all, Forest? I will spell it out for you, forest since you are so thick headed…. He NEVER has portrayed Osho in a negative light, in all of his postings… nor I. As I have repeatedly stated… just kicking you so-called sannyasins so hung up on minutiae, in the ass and the head(interchangeable). Why, Mr. Gump are you hung up on your own stupidity? You say “MY heartiest best wishes and love”. You wouldn’t know love even if Buddha showed you.

  5. Lokesh says:

    Bubbie…you hit the nail right on the head.

  6. shantam prem says:

    I was looking many times a day for this article to appear and made a thought to post my comment after the five.
    When i have read this at 20.15, there was not a single comment. few minutes later first time comment from Ma Prem janny.

    i must applause her for using the sannyasname, when few big mouthed brave hearts are hiding behind the fictitious names.

    During these few hours, i have saved my thoughts generated by this Bhakti Bhakti piece of Lokesh.

    May be Lokesh is feeling bored to see so less comments generated by this sugar piece, may be out of this or out of self applause feeling he has
    forgotten the gentlemanly behaviour by writing a one liner, “Bubbie…you hit the nail right on the head”

    In my eyes, this is utterly non chivalrous.
    Gumpy has offered you, My heartiest best wishes and love.
    This you have not even acknowledged and that fucker who was pissing on that best wishes, You say hitting the nail right on the head.

    It is insulting to those carpenters who really hit the nail with a single stroke.

  7. Dilruba says:

    Gratitude for this sharing of yours .. Lokesh ..

    When l came to Poona .. Osho was not there physically .. but somehow l knew .. it was a calling .. l quit my job in Bombay .. when l was 24 .. even if it meant l was gambling with my life .. l had nothing to loose .. and was not bothered about gaining either .. l worked on & off for 7 years in the ashram .. in ’99 took a break n while working at the Lao tsu gate .. and doing dynamic daily at that time .. that energy is tremendous … l went for Vipassana (S N Goenka ) … after l came back to work from the Vipassana.. some sannyassin friends told me .. Osho had said Goenka’s technique was wrong but l told them how can any meditation technique be wrong .. in fact ..l felt that it was in Osho’s energy that l went for Vipassana .. but lam ever grateful to all the sannyassins who took care of me even in those fragile / vulnerable moments .. l was going through .. its been 11years since that .. there were few who thought l went cuckoo .. and l would not recover .. and there are still that think lam cuckoo .. but somehow Existence has been kind to me .. lam grateful even for the cuckoo-ness now .. one has to go ahead .. there is no choice .. one thing l know the Master is not the body .. once one knows that .. how can anyone .. identify him with any – body / any -thing ..

    l wish all seekers n sannyasins the very best ..

  8. Dilruba says:

    Bubbie .. l see your compassion .. shining through .. thumbs up to that

  9. Forest Gump says:


    So, was this just an another “Mind Bomb” thrown in raw that just exploded and by hitting the nail right on the head?

    Awesome…You are right “Connected to Osho doesn’t ring a bell for you”..Although you don’t mind bowing down to Osho or Poonja Ji to show your brand new panties to public on the back.

    You have consistently proven that you are an acute show off.

  10. Forest Gump says:


    You are such a piece of junk, I wonder, how you got attracted to Osho at the first place, I guess, you missed meeting your homosexual Guru Lokesh earlier and got little misguided and inadvertently went to Osho .

    Now, it’s evident that from your personality that what Lokesh has done to you, You certainly represent the alter ego of your Guru Lokesh aka Luka Ji Maharaj author of a non-eloquence “Mind Fart” oh sorry..”Mind Bomb”

  11. Forest Gump says:


    You are talking about “Buddha”, when your head is still in “Fuddha”.

    In case you
    don’t know the meaning Fudda here is the link for your convenience:

    ..Wandering souls like you, starve to be born, but immediately starting kicking and hurting in the womb itself.

  12. prem bubbie says:

    I’m starting to think Shantam PeePee and Forest Slump are one in the same… If not, You guys are the dumbest fuckers I have ever come across!! When you read anyone’s post, do you substitute your own words as you read? If so, you guys are extremely talented, There is Tourette’s Syndrome, Ventriloquism and dyslexia…. mix it all together and that’s what ails both of you… BTW, Shantam, read ALL of nimrod Gump’s accolades…. check out his final paragraph, then read his response to being corrected by Lokesh… nice guy aye? Now who’s really uttering the trash…. jackass!!!

  13. prem bubbie says:

    “Homosexual Guru Lokesh”….. This is Gump’s brilliant piece of poetry written especially for me and Lokesh. A simple minded, cry baby, who just can’t handle being set “straight”… pun intended!!! Your hatred has altered this thread.. if you can’t handle a little heat… get out of…. Shantam Pee change his diapers, it can’t handle both of your piss!!!

  14. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam P: why the “play by play” with regarding Lokesh’s article, “I was looking many times a day….” “When I have read this at 20:15…” “…first comment from Ma…” Who gives a fuck? So narcissistic of you… Psycho dude from hell. If I want the play by play action with a countdown, I’ll watch futbol. or the space shuttle astronauts fucking up a simple repair job to the space station.

  15. prem bubbie says:

    Quick, I need a scotch with a nitrous chaser!!!!

  16. Forest Gump says:

    “Quick, I need a scotch with a nitrous chaser!!!!”

    But you have only 5 bucks from your Daddy for being such a good boy and flattering your Guru. Go get some country wine.

  17. Lokesh says:

    You know, of all the ideas that Osho promoted, his concept of a non-serious approach to life definitely ranks in the top three.
    Taking oneself seriously is the cause of so much trouble in the world. In its own way this blog is a microcosm of the greater stage that is our world. It is so easy to see when people are taking themselves too seriously and how that seriousness is a shadow of the ego. A simple one line commment addressed to Bubbie…the content of which is wide-open to interpretation…and we have a seemingly intelligent man like Shantam Prem finding an excuse to project all manner of negative nonsense. It is really none of my business what has brought Shantam to such a place in his life but I can’t help wondering why he does not wake up to his condition. Perhaps I am mistaken and he is simply a stupid man like Forest Gump. They certainly seem to share an affinity…birds of a feather…

  18. Lokesh says:

    Jenny and Diruba…what to say? Good to hear both of your comments.
    Diruba, what healthy forest would be complete witout the call of the cuckoo? Besides you don’t sound the least bit cuckoo to me. But then again…

  19. Forest Gump says:

    Dudes like Lokesh are really working hard to claim to be recognized as “awakening ones”, may be even enlightened, another show off…Who knows that who is stupid and need empathy?

  20. shantam prem says:

    When compassionate Zen Masters of few, show their presence, main theme gets distracted.

    A well written article with HEART has got the taste of Bubbie and now.. it looks like that sport in some part of Spain, where tomatos are thrown over each other.

  21. shantam prem says:

    Gump, likr your brother Bubbie, you are also jumping Now like a Chimpanzee over the fence.

    Looks like, Gathering of more than one person and Police force is required.

  22. Forest Gump says:


    Whatever it is, jumping or pumping, I am enjoying it. It’s such a great entertainment.

    No matter what, it’s like finding friends and foes in the virtual buddhafield, where everything is so organic.

    Bubbies remarks never hurt me and its play that I play with him with total heart.

    There is a different game with Lokesh. He thinks he is being beacon light to other seekers whereas I am sure he find his own guidance here.

    Bringing Osho to discussion purifies. Osho has been known for converting negative to positive. It’s not incidental that he is often referred as Masters of masters.

    My love to you…

  23. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, i comment of yesterday was too harsh, but if i want to write with honesty than it is good to write the reactions too.
    After all, powerful words and actions are suppose to touch the feelings and emotions.

    This sentence is the ending of one post
    ( You say “MY heartiest best wishes and love”. You wouldn’t know love even if Buddha showed you)

    At least in my eyes, it is one of the crudest, brutal and worst kind of curse.
    Does not matter, who wrote this to whom.

    It pushes the mild good smartian in me. And your appreciative one liner for that writer, immediately after the above sentence…sorry from the heart for collateral hurt.
    One similar sentence, i think many people have heard from the mouths of animal activists.
    ” You will forget the taste of meat, if your child is butchered like a chicken.”

  24. Lokesh says:

    Point taken Shantam.

    Unfortunately there is much truth in Bubbie’s closing comment in regards FG, a person I make a point of not taking seriously because much of what he says comes from that most fickle of forces, youthful folly. FG is host to a particular brand of arrogance and conceit that is almost unique to young people. I’m not so old that I cannot remember that I was young once and according to my partner also very arrogant. I accept FG for what he is, but I leave him to Bubbie to deal with because I can’t be bothered. It really is kids stuff and Bubbie has enough energy for that sort of thing whereas I don’t.
    Life manifests in myriad ways through us, sometimes in extreme case taking the form of a Hitler or a Joe Stalin. On the other extreme we have holy men. Sandwiched in between you have people like ourselves. If life wants to play at being Shantam Prem or a FG or a Bubbie that is fine with me because they are not causing harm as far as I can see. I don’t have any big judgements going about it, but if someone is stupid or arrogant I might mention it. It really is no big deal. As far as personalities go they are by nature transient so why get hung up on who someone is and why get hung up on your own point of view?.
    As far as this blog goes it is, In the end, all just words and at most words either try to describe the truth or at worst distort it.

  25. shantam prem says:

    I agree with you Lokesh and more so after reading the last few posts of Gump. Like Bubbie one will never know, who the real person is behind, but from the words and expressions, Bubbie seems to be more experienced person than Gump, who, looks like has not got few good hits on his bumpy mud pot, fire has not burnt Him yet, arrogance born out of thoratical knowledge is still intact.
    If the Sangha was still intact, such people need to clean the stairs for years with their tooth brush like the generation before did.

    What so ever may be the differance in our approach, i salute with my heart, your life journey.
    Danke, Thankyou, Merci, Gracias, Shukriya for sharing this at Snews.

  26. Anand says:

    The good news is that inside all of us here shines the light of Osho.

    Sometimes we forget and send of mind blasts and Bubbie is the real master of this.

    But most of us have been cleaning toilets in the ashram or the ranch for months at a time or worked under Deeksha’s or Sheela’s regime to come out 20 years after Osho left as interesting individuals, who have a lot to share of our interesting life’s journey with Osho.

    From this point of view I am happy to see Swami Lokesh back here and not Luke something.

  27. shantam prem says:

    It is one of the easist thing to beat Saddam´s statue once the dictator is disposed.
    Sannyasins have the simlar habit to Beat Sheela, once she was out of power. In her case it is even more pathetic because most of the time she was following the dictates of Her Bhagwan.

    Present day management has different dictates from their Osho. One thing is clear, preists gets always a different version of commandments than normal folks.

    Just imagine present day system at the ashram again gets a 180 degree turn. Thousands of people will come out at facebook etc. to claim, they were saying this all the time…it is all on the reord!

  28. Anand says:

    Personally or me the years with Osho in Pune 2 (1987-1990) were the most amazing years. The culmination of the Pune 1 and after the Ranch, it all came together back in Pune for some precious not to be missed years.

    And I remember very well how beginning of the nineties big chunks of our beloved friends left Pune and went to Lucknow. For me I decided one master is enough for this lifetime and started to bring the experience of being with Osho and living in this sannyas family into the world.

    But I am happy to hear about Lokesh’s journey.

  29. Lokesh says:

    Anand, you say,I decided one master is enough for this lifetime.
    I also felt like that and as I stated at the beginning of this thread I groaned at the thought of going to see another master in India.
    What I have to add to that is this. When I first sat down at HWL Poonjaji’s feet I had the distinct impression that I had been placed there by forces that were beyond my know and ken. That my limited ego self that had bought tickets etc, had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I was sitting in front of that man. It was a truely extraordinary experience that really does fit in to that favorite saying of Osho’s: ‘Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.’

  30. frank says:

    bowled out first ball by LBW punyaji…
    nice one….

  31. frank says:

    you are right,
    life is a misery to be lived and a problem to be solved…

    i`m still cleaning my own toilet after more than than 36 years….

  32. frank says:

    remember one flew over the cukoo`s nest..?

    anand = nurse ratchett

    bubbie,lokesh, macmaharaj,swami chuddies,the indian,and frank…

    medictation time!!

  33. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Why is there so much negativity on this blog in response to Lokesh’s eloquent and heartfelt sharing of his journey?

    Remember that this is a PUBLIC blog and any seeker can read it. Surely they would be put off by the back-biting and bitchiness that flows here…

    Gurus and masters can point the way but in the end it is down to us to find the light. People adore being told what to do and seem never to have been educated to think or even feel for themselves.

    Shantam Prem, the Sangha IS still going strong whenever two or three are gathered together and please get my name right! (Whoever she is!)

    Love and Light.

  34. Anand says:

    Shantam: when I arrived in Pune 1 there was a ‘regime’ and they were Laxmi, Arup, Sheela in the front office accompanied by other characters like Vidya and not to forget. Italian Deeksha the dragon lady in the kitchen..quite an initiation to begin with.
    The we had to do groups decided by Osho in person and there were waiting the lions like Teertha’s encounter group, Somendra, Turiya and sorts.

    Then after we had sorted ourselves out a little the ranch came with the gang of Sheela and the no-sleep working hours there, cleaning, construction etc. When you ‘misbehaved’ on the ranch their ‘punishment’ was Dynamic Meditation.

    So the latest version of ‘regime’ like Amrito, Jayesh and Yogendra seems like a holiday to me.

    Lokesh: I have no problems with people being on their own path with Osho or beyond Osho. The contrary I find it very interesting.

  35. frank says:

    i guess that anyone who wandered in here by accident would need to know it`s just what the police call “a domestic”.

    it`s more clear cut than every other,that is every other sannyas sharing site, which are all moderated by their own nurse ratchets…..

  36. frank says:

    moderation was something anand demanded here on sannyasnews,by the way…
    in the name of osho of course….
    despite himself being a new arrival and having contributed nothing but abuse at bubbie at the time….
    do you want these kind of feeble “minds”,pathetically pretending “no-mind to control you…?

    luckily,the owners of sannyasnews did not bow to these kind of people who boast about their spiritual and therapeutic experiences but run like frightened little girls to daddy when they see their shadow…..

  37. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    I’m not talking about “moderation” or control, but a little self-censorship might not go amiss….

  38. frank says:

    you are right,love,
    i`ll tone it down a bit..
    no more jokes about religion or religious people,i promise….

  39. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    it’s not the “jokes” but the backbiting and bitching which aren’t really very amusing

  40. frank says:

    i don`t think anad and bubbie should be banned,but it would be good to tie them together naked with rope and left on a desert island,with only forest gump for company….

    it would be a win-win,all round…..

  41. frank says:

    i get your point,but there is something about anand,which blokesh himself was at length to point out that just screams :”bitch”

  42. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Poor Anand, don’t mock the afflicted!

  43. frank says:

    you are right,
    surely i must have something better to do with my life than bitch about bitches.
    i`m off to search for enlightenment…
    see you in 36 years or so…..

  44. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Nowhere to go, nothing to do x

  45. frank says:

    too right,
    nowhere is better than nowhere!

    you come into life with nothing
    you leave with nothing
    so what have you got to lose?

  46. Lokesh says:

    Frank: medictation time!! Very funny.
    Your last comment presents me with the perfect opportunity to quote some lines from my second book, hopefully published before Christmas.

    Wiping sweat from his brow with the end of a printed prayer scarf, Angus sighed and said, ‘I think I’ve got it. We are born into this world alone and must one day die and leave alone. It’s true isn’t it?’
    A hint of mild irritation flitted across the swami’s calm features. ‘My young friend, if you truly believe that, you are labouring under a misguided notion.’
    A hole opened up inside Angus’s guts, as if something terrible had just been revealed to him. He stammered, ‘Wh…Wh…What do you mean?’
    Raising his right arm, the swami placed a firm hand on Angus’s left shoulder, gazed unblinking into his eyes for a few moments and then said, ‘The idea that you come and go anywhere is perhaps life’s greatest illusion. Try and realize that it is not you who moves from dream to dream, but rather the dreams that pass before you, the immutable witness. That is who you really are and nothing can affect your real being − this is the absolute truth.’

    Right Frank…back to the drawing board.

  47. Chinmaya says:

    During those days, punishment was really very hard.

    Once, Osho forgot as to when He is to finish his discourse, I continued sitting listening in Lao Tse Hall, for 3 hours and 20 minutes. I stood in queue at 6.40 pm and at 6.45 gate was closed for entry, before the start of discourse. It means 3 hrs 40 minutes had passed, my bladder was full. So, I left in-between, next day, I was asked by Tathagat swami, to stay outside for one week; and listen Osho by sitting outside since I left previous evening before Osho completed his discourse. Entry to Ashram was Rs.5 and a coupan of Rs. 5 to go in Lao Tse Hall.

    I used to stay back next door to Ashram in Sundar Ban. Real Master is/was Osho. Easy come easy go in any organisation does not serve inner purpose. Later, Swami Gurudyal Singh told that I should have pissed there itself and should not have left in-between. Hahahaha

  48. frank says:

    good stuff,lokesh, wasn`t really my comment(come from nothing go to nothing)
    it was eric idle`s lines as the cheeky jewboy who is being crucified on the cross next to brian in the last scene of “the life of brian”.
    that movie,especially the last scene is one of the pinnacles of western culture in 2,ooo years….
    don`t expect
    “life of mo,kris,or bud” for at least another 20 centuries…

    also,i expect you have heard dylan`s not dark yet..

    “i was born and i`ll die here against my will
    it looks like i`m moving,but i`m standing still”

    not a bad effort,too.

    do you know dylan`s “not dark yet”?

    “i was born and i`ll die here against my will
    it may look like i`m moving
    but i`m standing still.”

  49. frank says:

    shit,i`ve turned into an automated bob dylan quote generator.
    i obviously missed my meds…
    excuse me.

  50. prem bubbie says:

    Frank, you and jenny seem to be ready to exchange bodily fluids. and frank, before reading anymore of jenny’s postings, it might benefit you to be able to read what’s posted by aiming your little wiener AWAY from the computer screen. Otherwise, go visit a tiitie bar, who knows, you might run into a middle aged ex-ma with saggy boobs that you can take home.

  51. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam D. Bag…. the truth does hurt, too bad you get so pissed off, and yes, you and Forest Mo’ Hump, wouldn’t know love even if it came from buddha… otherwise we’d all be enlightened!! Lokesh, I beg to differ…. Shantam P is not “seemingly intelligent”, have you not read any of his postings? A closeted fanatic is more accurate.

  52. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny, you must be a newbie or a wannabe sannyasin… Since there was an Osho sannyasin community; Backbiting, bitching, vicious gossiping, power trips, partner stealing, thievery, unprotected sex, prostitution, drug dealing…. (anyone else want to add) were quite the norm for the sannyas community. so, please get off your denial, or high horse!!! Idiot!!!

  53. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny, would you like Frank’s phone # and address? His girlfriend gave it to me just the other night!!

  54. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Prem Bubbie:

    Patronising or what?

    I’ve experienced the wide spectrum of delights of sannyas in Pune, the Ranch, Boston, Hawaii and Ibiza, and London of course. It wasn’t exactly the “norm”. Just because all that went on then doesn’t mean that it has to carry on in this moment.

    Perhaps it’s YOU that needs to visit the tittie bar as you seem to get so excited about a woman posting on here. The very idea!

  55. shantam prem says:

    Almost with most of the people i meet, i am polite and courteous but with someone like Bubbie, i find no harm to address as asslicker.
    Sorry, if it offends your sensibilties Ma Prem Jenny.

    The way pig headed He is, it is impssoible for him to digest what is contrary to His belief of spiritual upliftment.

    May be someone should open a school for such adoloscent adults to teach, even tomatoes have 3000 varities, every variety has its own timings, own style own level of nourishment, what to say about Human beings.
    i will try to find also, how many varities of pigs exist.

  56. shantam prem says:

    Ma Prem Jenny, who so ever you may be, young or old, beautiful or ugly, at least you are courageous enough to use your sannyas name, even it is fictitious, it is a sannyas name.

    what astonishing me is, why someone, specially those who call themselves rebels, beyond religions and so on, will use fake identity while writing at sannyasnews.
    When there is a desire to express, why not stand with it. There should be even a sense of gratitude that one is capable enough to share something with the grace of Master.
    It is easy to understand, why someone uses fake names to write comments at pornographic sites. One can also understand why sex offender will feel burdened by name, fame and identity in pursuit of a kick but …

  57. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, this post is for your consideration. Most of it was written around half an hour after the first reading of your article.

    It is beauty of life to see funeral and the festivals on the same day. Some homes are mourning the departure of their loved ones, others are celebrating the arrival.
    The anxious look on the faces before the operation theater..

    Lokesh you have put your heart into the article; Emotions of Bhakti and gratitude. May be it is inappropriate to say, because of Osho´s death, Shri Poonja ji could get a shade of international limelight during His last years. Even if a man like him has no hankering for name or fame, but 15 minutes of fame is rationed for everyone.

    In India it was a usual thing. A couple waits for decades for their first child. So much love and intimacy between them but God is not blessing them with a child.
    Woman´s biological clock is tickling. She starts persuading her husband to get married again with sentences similar like, ” A child is needed to continue the family name. A child is needed to lit the funeral pyre, a child is needed to be the jewel of our eyes. I trust your love, and because of this love it is my duty to ask you to get married again,”

    Loving husband is morally and emotionally bound not to accept this proposal. He gives the examples, ” Queen of my heart, in God´s kingdom, to be late is possible but never” does not exist. Look at Mr. Sharma/verma/ SIngh/ Jain, they got their child after 29 years of marriage.

    Years pass by like this. Loving couple visit this and that holy place for the fulfillment of their desire. rituals and doctors(infertility clinics have recentlycome), but no avail.
    One fine day, wife threatens to take her life, if husbad still says No to the second marriage.
    So with the due pressure from wife and parents, 50, 55 years old husband brings a 20 plus woman from a poor family. First wife treates the younger one as sister. Family and neighbourhood showers flowers of respect. There is an aura of sobriety and dignity around the senior wife.
    And finally God has listened their prayers. within a year, a little child has arrived.

    Will this husband will not feel even deeper love, respect and gratitude for His first wife.

    as in real or reel life, Child has two moms. Bari (elder) Mummy ji and Choti (younger) Mummy ji.

    The writer acknowledges the article for this story to develop.

  58. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Shantam Prem:

    Why do you think it is fictitious?

    I was given the name Ma Prem Jenny by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in 1978 in Pune.

    It means God’s gift of Love is Grace.

    There are those on this blog who know me… or used to anyway!

  59. shantam prem says:

    i had no doubt it is your name graced by Osho.
    My intention was even if it is fictitous… it is a sannyasname… and i am in love with Sannyas(neo).
    These names bring music to the ears.

  60. frank says:

    ma prem jenny walks into the jackass saloon cum tittie bar, a notoriously rough yet strangely cosmopolitan dive patronised by
    suddenly a drunk from his dope farm in the hills down for some tittie action which he hasn`t had since 1984 launches an obcene and unprovoked tirade and lunges at the hapless and innocent lass who has never been in a place like this before,only to fly past her and into the wall of the toilets,where he slides slowly down the wall mumbling “douchebags” as a large blob of crystal meth ouzes from his snout…
    “please accept as many apologies as there are types of pigs for this man`s friends behaviour please madam” offers an intelligent and courteous turbaned gentleman who is drinking iced tea at the bar……….
    then the polite gentleman corners the hapless girl who only came in for a glass of water, and starts to mumble and lecture incomprehensibly about god,children with what appeared at first impression to be thoughts but were,on closer inspection just random collections of meaningless drivel……

    “curiouser and curiouser” thought jenny…..

    (to be cont.)

  61. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Sounds a bit like Goa!

    How lovely to be called a “hapless and innocent lass!”

    This is fun!

  62. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Sounds a bit like Goa…

    How lovely to be called a “hapless and innocent lass!”

    This is fun!

  63. Ma Prem Jenny says:


  64. frank says:

    enjoy it while it lasts,i hear rumblings fro the toilet
    `tis the mad hatter………

  65. prem bubbie says:

    “… you are enough to use your sannyas name, EVEN IF IT IS FICTITIOUS” SAY WHAT??!!! All of your ranting against those using fictitious names… shantam P, you actually have the balls to post that statement… Talk about being a hypocrite!!! or are you also smitten by the presence of an old female sannyasin- with saggy boobs!!!

  66. prem bubbie says:

    “Courageous enough…”

  67. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny, I’ve already said that I visit tittie bars… care to introduce me to your friends?

  68. prem bubbie says:

    you’re a riot Frank n’ furter!!!

  69. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    prem bubbie:

    I’m sure you don’t need my help with the tittie bars..

    Be a fiction unto yourself and enjoy

  70. prem bubbie says:

    “Even if it’s fictitious it’s still a sannyasin name”… who are you the “amazing kreskin”? How about these names: Sw. prem pussfella? Ma prem pratittie? Sw. anand michelangelo? Ma prem pyramidscheme? What say you o glorious, most fabulous, extreme exalted one Shantam Primadonna?

  71. prem bubbie says:

    Now you know why(again), i get on your case!!!

  72. prem bubbie says:

    If you clowns are the best examples of osho’s idea of “a new man”…. The earth is in deep shit!!!!

  73. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    …a rose by any other name…

  74. prem bubbie says:

    frank, why would jenny walk into a tittie bar? To work? to play? To slobber down a few drinks so she can forget her past, while glaring at the girls with those nice ripe round melons? A reminder of her sannyas past……

  75. prem bubbie says:

    …with thorns… keeping it real, sister!!!

  76. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    prem bubbie:

    You need to read it again:

    ma prem jenny walks into the jackass saloon cum tittie bar………. the hapless and innocent lass who has never been in a place like this before…..the hapless girl who only came in for a glass of water

  77. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    I think he meant it as a allegory for this site x

  78. frank says:

    not many people have been in a place like this before…..
    only the chosen few…..

    a tiitty bar cum ashram cum resort full of one-legged enlightenment seekers in an ass-kicking contest .. ….


  79. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Come, come, whoever you are.
    Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.
    It doesn’t matter.

    Ours is not a caravan of despair.
    Come, even if you have broken your vow
    a thousand times.


  80. prem bubbie says:

    “… a thousand times”. make sure you leave a tip on the inside of her thong, before leaving.

  81. frank says:

    nice poem.
    but i wonder if rumi ever got glassed in a tittie bar by a guy suffering from speed psychosis..
    i dunno….

  82. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny- i read it twice before posting my comment. what the fuck, everyone’s comments left here are gibberish and mumblings anyway…. from frank’s(the “dead poet society” reject) to Shantam- Mr. Mumbles- Prem- Hindu tainted scribble. Why not just jump into trash can full of discarded mind waste? Only if you can handle the stench… Can you?

  83. prem bubbie says:

    Frank–you keep hitting on Jenny—- is your mind wanking just to much for you, and need a hand?

  84. shantam prem says:

    One of the most senstive TV report about the Bouls of Bengal. Interestingly, Osho´s quotation is also part of this.

    To watch this video is free of cost, it is to remind people who like rimming in the Tits bar, they must not think about their limited budget.
    It is just a guess. Ass lickers can also inherit the property earney by their respectful catholic father.

  85. frank says:

    to be honest bubbie,dont tell anyone,but i`ve always had a bit of a thing for alcohol and drug crazed tittie bar frequenting
    ex-cult members with liver problems…
    the coarse language and the smell of stale sweat drives me wild….
    you seem such a regular guy,so no-nonsense, down to earth and zen,and i could use some zen flesh and zen bones tonite,know what i mean,big boy?
    how about it,rambo…?

  86. prem bubbie says:

    it’s RamBLO to you –tiny!!!

  87. Anand says:

    Frank: I wonder what you offer here and to life?
    Dirty jokes and sarcasm?

  88. Forest Gump says:

    Let’s see what Osho says about titties:

    “A child has been taken away from the breast prematurely, and that remains a wound. So all civilized countries are obsessed with breasts. Even an old man, dying, is obsessed with breasts, goes on searching for breasts.” -OSHO

  89. Anand says:

    So the arrival of Ma Prem Jenny has got the testerone level up on sn. Frank, Gump and of course Shantam got really excited on the possibility to talk to a real woman here.

    Guess why real women leave this forum very quick again? Ever heard of sensitivity in language and style?

    But you guys come out of the doldrums of some red light area with infantile fantasies of ‘titties’. That beer you are drinking in those dark holes is fogging your brains and Shantam needs to get away from those Aldi shops and invest in some higher quality organic tea.

    My guess: Ma Prem Jenny is virtual and one of Lokesh’s creations to fool with you.

  90. Forest Gump says:


    Why are you including Gump into Tit perverts? Gump said nothing in desperations.

    However I am inclined to your thoughts that Jenny may be a creation, who appeared as soon as the article written by Lokesh appeared. Nothing hurts to buy/create characters on Sannayas News or Amazon to get some better reviews, He knew that his old buddies here will kick ass, and there got to be someone to protect his “so called eloquence”.

  91. Forest Gump says:


    Really loved the video you posted, “Bauls! The Singing Mystics” is one of my favorite books of Osho. Its good see them in real life on the video. Thanks for sharing.

  92. Anand says:

    sorry Gump, my error….I meant to write Bubbie of course,
    our brain farting super pig.

  93. prem bubbie says:

    For a moment i thought you finally got things right A. Anand. Gump is included even though he claims not to say anything nasty about titties…. You’re as subtle as the Ganges gumpster!! It’s called being passive aggressive, a manipulator: your cohorts Shantam D. Bag and Anand in the Ass share the same traits… You kind of pretend to be gentle and sweet, but with a little verbal “nudging” your real qualities of aggression and manipulation sprout wings and launch you sky high or better still nose dive you all into the ground— ALL in the name of Osho; bunch of punks hiding behind him, advancing your lobotomized neo-nazi- sannyas cause…. Just a bunch a second rate punks.

  94. prem bubbie says:

    “Gump said nothing in desperations”. Know Gump is speak in the third person….. what a wack job! Now everyone be prepared for Gumpster with the Brain Lumpster speaking in tongues – in the third person!!! “Gumpster getting angry. gumpster no tit pervert! (that’s a good one!) Gumpster getting tired. Gumpster getting old. Gumpster going on a crusade. Gumpster is worn out!!!!

  95. prem bubbie says:

    chivalry is dead– Anand…

  96. Lokesh says:

    If you are in need of a little inspiration look no further than this vid. If this does not bring a tear to your eye call a doctor…you are dead.

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  97. Lokesh says:

    Hey Jenny, do we know each other? I knew a Jenny in Poona One….quite well as it happened.

  98. Lokesh says:

    SP Checked the link to the Bauls. Watched the first 5 minutes and will return to it.
    I remember well Osho’s discourses on the Bauls…everyone got fired up and imagined themselves to be singing and dancing mystics. At the time I ran a discotheque in Koregaon Park with my two partners. It was called Caravanserai. We had a resident rock band, their name was ‘Bhagwan’s Bauls’. Ah yes…I remember…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  99. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, Nick Vujicic´s inspiring videos are on the net for long time.
    If someone watches his life stroy, one fact comes above all the others, ” His connection with God and Jesus Christ”.
    Once he felt this connection in his guts and bones, he could climb mountains without the legs, despondency was turned into the light, the infectious happiness all around.
    A very idiot person will dare to tell him, ” religions sucks” or have you seen any video from Osho?

    I want to ask few of the gentlemen here or in the ashram, have you ever felt any emotional bond with something, what to say about woman or a child, just a cat or a dog?

    In the nature of the things, every body has his role to play, even those mustard seeds who have no oil in them, yet they need to be reminded, how dry, rotten and juice less life becomes, whenever they take central stage.

  100. Satya Deva says:

    Lokesh, that’s an utterly mind-blowing, profoundly touching, astounding clip. Thanks so much for putting it on here.

    It immediately kinda gets things into proper perspective…even the ‘very important’ inter-personal issues charcaterising what goes on here…

    I’d say seeing and hearing this guy should be on the curriculum of all schools – and (why not?) all adults…

  101. shantam prem says:

    Anand, thanks for giving the tip for Organic tea and downgrading Aldi food.

    Sorry, i cannot take this suggestion. I like to live and eat among the masses.
    Basically, whenever a woman mentions about Bio food, GM, herbal tea and how the world will get destroy in 2012 and they are drying the pulses for those days,” i ask myself, how beautiful it is to be alone.”

    sometime i want to ask such people, ” when was the last time you have cumm.”?

  102. shantam prem says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    after Nick Vujicic´s inspiring videos. Please enjoy the dance performance by kamlesh Patel.

  103. Satya Deva says:

    Again, something that cuts at the roots of any ‘world-weary’ cynicism…

    Thanks, SP.

  104. Satya Deva says:


    Frank: I wonder what you offer here and to life?
    Dirty jokes and sarcasm?

    That sounds just a bit too ‘holier than thou’, Anand…

    Just a bit too precious…

    (Btw, just curious:
    How many years did you spend in Poona? Not 36, surely?!)

  105. shantam prem says:

    when i read Frank and Boobie, i remember my childhood friends with whom i had always a fight.
    Kamu and Bengali, two boys were roudies of the street. If the other boys will not integrate them in the street Cricket, they will run away with the wickets or simply Piss at the batting line.
    You have to fight with them physically. Good old days.

    When i remember Jayesh and Amrito, the suited booted gentlemen in the robes, i think about those municipal commisonares, who order all the trees to be cut from both sides of the street, as many more people are on the way. We need space for their cars!

  106. frank says:

    in the line of his duty,and not as a result of any personal interest,a very moralistic preacher was being shown round a brothel that had a reputation for specialising in exceptionally deviant tastes.
    first the reverend adamant was shown into a room where there were many titties on show,men were drinking beer and raucous language was being used.
    on being shown out of the room he was so shocked,he involuntarily mumbled:”i`m fucking disgusted”
    he was shown into the next room.all sorts of strange contraptions were being used on all sorts of misshapen shadows in the dark.
    again adamant left the room
    ¬i`m fucking disgusted”he uttered,shocked to the core.
    more and more rooms he visited with increasingly depraved acts being performed,until he came to a room,where,in the corner,he was astonished to see a large black man with his penis immersed in a large bowl of yellow liquid.
    “what on earth is this man doing?”cried anant in a deeply shocked tone,bordering on panic.
    the black man replied:
    “i`m fuckin dis custard”

  107. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Hi Lokesh,

    Yes we did know each other in Poona, rather well! I’m not one of your “creations”, sorry Anand! ( I knew you too in Ibiza, but not so well, camping at your place when Mango was born, can’t remeber the date)

    It’s wonderful to be called “virtual”, I’ll add it to the epithets!

  108. Lokesh says:

    Hi Jenny, starting to get it. At first I thought you might of been Mango’s mum in NZ., Anyway, good to hear from you.

  109. shantam prem says:

    I think i must take the time to check at London telephone directory, how many Franks or Martyns live at SOHO, the sleezy sex industry area.
    LIke OSHO, SOHO has undergone considerable transformation. It now is predominantly a fashionable district of upmarket restaurants and media offices, with only a small remnant of “sex industry” venues in the west.

    But for few people, die hard sex fanatics, SOHO or OSHO remain the same.

  110. Anand says:

    “The universe is breathing through all of us. ”

    That kind of explains it all for me.

    SD: 1975-1980 and 1987 to 1990 permanently.

    Shantam: be happy with Aldi, but it is the lowest quality of food you can buy in Germany and you look a bit blown in your face, maybe the beer?

  111. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    That was Janey.

    How well did you know her?!


  112. Lokesh says:

    Yeah, I knew Janey well….haven’t seen her since she went to NZ. This is not very bloggy though…Facebook…Luke Mitchell.

  113. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Over 500 results! You’re not the actor or the killer then?

    This might take a while…

    Try me: Jenny Silkstone


  114. Satya Deva says:


    “The universe is breathing through all of us. ”

    That kind of explains it all for me.

    You mean, there’s a rightful place for all of us, however superficially unpleasant or disgusting we might be?!!

    Simply because we exist?

    Why bother, then, to criticise anyone?

  115. shantam prem says:

    Anand, you know from facebook, Lokesh as Luke Mitchell, you know my blown face(not because of beer but side effect of slugish lever and financial betrayal), what about you?
    Be sure, your identity will not be forwarded to Ashram, sorry resort database.

  116. Satya Deva says:

    Because there’s even a rightful place and role for the critic, however mean-spirited, smug or psycho-spiritually complacent he/she might be?!!

  117. Satya Deva says:

    No names mentioned, of course, Anand….

  118. shantam prem says:

    “The universe is breathing through all of us. ”

    Be happy with Aldi, but it is the lowest quality of food you can buy in Germany.

    Two statements in single post.

    Sweeping and absolute statements, while judging the other people, business organisations or religions is a hellmark of long time Pune visiters, too much Osho discourses in the brain pen drive.

  119. frank says:

    well,shantam,osho and soho share more than 3 letters.
    some history too.
    in the early eighties,sannyasins (mostly female)were famously(for the locals,at least)very visible in the soho area of london on account of the large numbers of sannyasins working in the peep shows,strip clubs etc down there.
    it was an easy way to make money fast to get to the ranch,which was very expensive for uk people then with ithe weak pound.
    a very good reputation as reliable workers and very popular with the punters too.

    meditation in the marketplace…
    neo-jaina meditation……!

    so “titty-bars” are in the collective unconscious of the sannyas movement……
    many of those people are fulltime therapists and even enlightened now…
    sitting staring at a wall and blissing out at how much higher you are than the aldi masses is great…
    but shakin your booty at `em for hard cash is another way to go too,and so it went…..

  120. Anand says:

    only tried to help….

    Funny world: everybody likes to criticize me and others here, but is unable to take feedback themselves. Kind of a one sided mirror indeed.

    SD: and what names do you want? and what for?

    SD: if the universe created us, why and to whom complain about anything? This is called Leela.
    That is why I love Bubbie so much, he is my favorite.

  121. shantam prem says:

    I hope this is a reliable history, to be appreciated as history and not here say.
    I feel appreciation for these Mas too, they were using the base energy for higher self. In general also, i have high regard for sex workers (not to be confused with Pimps, human traffickers)
    In my list, they have higher marks than hollywood/bollywood mass hysteria.

    this is my comment in Times of India.

    Shantam prem (Freiburg;germany)
    24/08/2010 at 06:34 pm

    Give sex industry- world´ss one of the oldest profession, its due recognition. It requries legal status. Let women be a master of her destiny, her body and spirit. But no, it won´t happen that easily in India. Priests, politicans, police and pimps have ingrained vested interests; and public- in feudal democracy, she listens to al the other P´s.

  122. Anand says:

    Shantam, I like the word you created: ‘lever’, a mixture from German ‘Leber’ and English ‘liver’. Quite genial!

  123. shantam prem says:

    Good to point this Anand.
    With my Hinglish, i think in Gerlisch.

  124. frank says:

    actually anand,i owe you an apology.
    i have maligned you incorrectly.
    of course,you did make some interesting and significant contributions here at sannyasnews when you posted transcripts of osho having dental sessions in 1989 that had not been seen before.
    you never said where you got them from,nor continued the story at all…….
    the last you said was that you were going to check “with your sources”…
    any developments?

  125. Anand says:

    Frank, I do not know what is interesting and significant. This might change for one person to the next.

    Anand is a virtual character, so I am still creating him and no idea, where he is going next.

    About the dental sessions: you guys got so excited about it, that I thought I better take a good look at them. I personally did not found them that exciting, but you have a good memory.

    Osho once said to me: everything happens at the right time.
    I liked that.

  126. shantam prem says:

    Anand, you seems to be a very important disciple. Osho was giving you private tuitions, just like the way he was doing it with Lokesh.
    May be it was during the time, “Pune College of Inner Sciences” was newly opened and vice chancelor was giving after the classes notes.

  127. frank says:

    you say you did not find (the transcripts)particularly exciting.
    yet you posted these quite lengthy tracts completely unprompted,out of the blue and no connection with the subject matter being discussed at the time.
    it appears you had an interest in making these pages available at that time.
    if you found them so uninteresting,for what reasno did you post them?

  128. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Prem, you obviously haven’t realized it yet because over in India sarcasm is probably seen as being funny but over here in Euroland it is generally viewed as being the lowest form of wit. Or maybe you get a kick out of making yourself look crass and stupid? It’s that mystery again.

  129. frank says:

    sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit
    ,but on the bright side it is still a form of wit.and in germany,you take what you can get!!

  130. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, my sarcasm is justified.
    I will never be sarcastic to those very few people who were sitting at the feet of Buddha, Jesus, Nanak etc.
    They took the message humbly on behalf of the coming generations, where as thousands and thousands around Osho….just for personal gratification.

    Surely, i wish to withdraw the names, but the contents are valid. I stay with them.

    And also i am sure Jesus, Buddha etc. are not making fun of Osho in the heaven as Osho used to poke them here on earth publically.
    May be they will have compassion on such a brilliant Master, whose movement is shrinking faster than Amazon forest.

  131. shantam prem says:

    Recession…down turn, shrinking export market, fall in GDP; looks like these terms are used by the mind oriented scholars.
    And (Neo) sannyasins are not scholars. They believe in here and now, just like the daily wage earner.
    20 plus 20 plus 10 are 50 euros, who says there is recession… down turn…..

  132. prem bubbie says:

    “Anand you seems to be a very important disciple”. Shantam sleezebag wrote, Are you still trying to win friends? Talk about boosting an ego or as us street kids used to say… “Soop up job”. hey stupid ===Osho gave many private darshans…. Yet again, dim wit Shantam tries to impress with his mumblings and babbles. Did you ever graduate high school, chump change? Stick with your hindu fanaticism, that’s more impressive!!!

  133. shantam prem says:

    One of Osho´s talks given during His last years was churning in my head.
    In this talk, Osho visualises a world where religion is a matter of personal choice. Husband goes to Mosque, Wife feels to be in Church. All the family members have their own preferences and family is still intact.
    Such diversity brings colors, joy, richness rather than conflict.
    And this talk was not in some Mumbai public ground. Osho was addressing, as He used to say, ” My People.”

    And than what happened?

    His own people who were like Bouls…are exiled to Siberia by so called Zen-ists.
    Bouls are still singing their songs of longing and oneness even when no gathering is taking place, but Zen.ists; they have put a new door at their English garden!

  134. prem bubbie says:

    Frank said, “sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit”.. I think not… but your writing sure comes close…. The F & A tag team(Frankie Chuckles and A. Anand) or for a better chance of selling some of your hen house memorabilia, T & A. Has a ring to it , No?

  135. shantam prem says:

    The ass licker has just written yesterday, he does not read my posts.
    Yet, he is the first to shake his tail at the smell of Tandoori Chicken.

  136. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam , what would benefit you financially instead of Osho’s talks churning in your head, try some heavy cream, at least when the churning is done, you can sell that butter, call it organically produced by an Osho sannyasin. the way things are, you’d sell a lot, at rip off prices too, lot’s of sannyasin buyers for churned sludge!!!

  137. shantam prem says:

    It is not a joke, heart chakra got the extra beats, the moment i thought to write, “Lokesh, have you seen inbetween the complete Video, ” Bouls of Bengal.”
    How were these 42 minutes of sounds and visuals for you?

  138. Anand says:

    Shantam, when I arrived in Pune in 1975 it was quite normal to attend evening darshans with Osho on the back porch of Lao Tzu house (where the Rolls is parked now and which was open at that time) with about 8-1o other sannyasins (or non-sannyasins) andOsho normally stated the darshan with the question:…and what about you? and with a chuckle.

    That was the time before photographs were taken and before sannyas diaries were created. So no special treatment, just how things were at that time.
    You might want to read Krishna Prem’s book ‘Osho, India and Me’ about the early days.

    Frank: as far as I remember last summer we had a conversation going here about Osho using laughing gas and believe it or not, there is still unpublished Osho material in the hands of different sannyasins.

  139. Anand says:

    Frank: it is my understanding that things just happen without any particular reason… and purpose….
    so why not let it be.

    I see being here as fun and entertainment and Bubbie got it right as well….

    Shantam, sorry to hear about your lever problems.

  140. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Prem, any chance you get you are labelling people as being an ass licker, fart brain etc. These are schoolboy expressions usually passed around in playground toilets, that is, if the lads aren’t too busy having a wank. On the other hand you speak about enlightened men as if you were one. Bit of a contradiction there.
    Overall you are extremely identified with this site. Your first reaction to my post was like some mongrel pissing on a lampost in case anyone invades his territory.
    As it says at the top of the page..’I will be known through my sannyasins’. If that is so would you say that allowing yourself to get into extreme shit-slinging matches on this site to the extent that you get completely identified with the stench is showing a fine example of what an evolved spiritual being you are. Really man, I’m curious, what is it see when you look in the mirror? You feel proud of what you are doing here, or what?
    You say, ‘Bouls are still singing their songs of longing and oneness even when no gathering is taking place,’ Yes I am sure those wonderful people are, but what exactly does it have to do with your life? Listen to your song it goes like this…The ass licker this the ass licker that ad infinitum.
    Known through his sannyasins…in your case this has got to be a very sad joke..

  141. shantam prem says:

    Human forget fullness has no limit. Every other week or so, i am asking the readers and critiques to write an article, start a thread or so, including you, dear Lokesh.
    So the question of private territory does not arise.

    On the other side, i have noticed thousand and one times, how majority of those people simply slipped away from Osho, once He stooped giving personal attention. May be these people were pissed off, once the work went on expansion phase.
    It is somehow a hard fact, neither easy to swallow or spit.

    And yes.. not overly identified with this site, but surely with OSHO, from O to O.
    For so called liberals it may look like a Christian or Hindu fanatic in a sannyas robe. from my side, i have never worn a T shirt with the text, ” Religion sucks.”
    The interactive format at sannyasnews, i find much better than writing for imaginary readers. This gives a good background to collect my thoughts for the editor of my book, “Notes of an Osho´s Disciple.”

    To keep the fire of iterative inflamed, one needs to put wood pieces. i try my best not to put the wet sticks, they create smoke rather than fire, and it can offend other people. I will also feel the same. To err is human and most probably, this trait stays with enlightened person too.

    PS—The word asslicker i am using only and only for Bubbie. Just reciprocating the street love with a person.. who calls me affectionately Shantam Pee Dowg.

  142. shantam prem says:

    Known through his sannyasins…in your case this has got to be a very sad joke..

    It is very much possible. How a student can be the examiner of his own test.

    But this much i am sure.

    If i have to be you, i will prefer to be me.

  143. Forest Gump says:


    Not that I am in a position to offer advice, but I have a feeling that’s turning into an expression as I write, that It seems you are taking too much toll on you and your health to fulfill certain obligations towards beloved master Osho and I understand that there is a extreme joy in this. But maybe grounds are too hard in this slum to build a temple.

    There is a life outside this virtual world, if you explore little bit, Osho movement is not shrinking, it’s spreading in a different way, and more people are admiring Osho and his work than any other time. It’s taking its own existential course and one thing I learnt from Osho that if you manage to find your own dimensions, some time in awareness, sometime in joy and sometime in gratitude, is more than enough to create jolt in the surrounding environment to change and come in harmony. There is no fight, no struggle….

    Much Love….

  144. Forest Gump says:

    Please stop calling me “Young”, it’s too flattering

  145. prem bubbie says:

    I think there’s a much simpler answer to Shantam P. and Forest D’s. infantile critique of Lokesh. After I pointed out something in Forest’s Passive Aggressive comment about Lokesh’s thread both felt that he didn’t pay them homage for Forest’s post. Instead Lokesh replied to my posting and they went berserk… What little infants, Uncle Lokesh didn’t pat them on the head and said “Thanks”…. What kind of meditations do you do S.P. and F.G? If there is narcissism in your hearts certainly all of that meditating would have brought it up to the surface for you to see and remedy. Which means that either you pretend to meditate to the world or you’re suffering serious brain damage and no amount of meditation would be of help. Which of the two is it, boys?

  146. Forest Gump says:


    It seems all the negative words and abuses in English literature have been stuffed since your childhood. Have you heard of “Vish Kanya” in east, the Poison girls; they used to bring up with small doses of poison on daily basis. They were used to take revenge to bite person to death.

    It’s evident that all of your Swami Ji Daddies have been dosing you with the poison of profanity and then left you alone to spit it on public.

    Otherwise there are many other ways to convey thoughts, but No, your daddy asked you to become a “cat in the chickens”.

  147. Lokesh says:

    For about five years I’ve been working with words professionally. During that time I’ve learnt one or two things. For instance how easy it is to manipulate people with words. Take this wee article that I wrote at the beginning of this thread. Although based on real impressions and events that did actually happen, it is simply a short essay I dreamt up one morning when I felt like writing something like that. Another day, it could be a wee story set in quite a different tone, provoking an entirely different sequence of responses and reactions.
    I believe Osho was very aware of the power that words could have upon people and that is why he employed the use of them so much in his life. At times it seems that it is a widely held believe in sannyas-dimension that it is a sin to think about things. Yet Osho was definitely a man who thought a lot about his discourses, even going so far as to consult the notes he’d written on a clipboard to keep himself on track. Ultimately his was a message that could only be conveyed in silence but he made a lot of noise before that could happen.
    Still our identifacation with words persists, even though Osho always said that the message was contained in the space between the wordssssssssssss…..I can hear him hissing like a snake as I write. We do well to examine our relationship with words…and how identified we are with them. A few choice words or phrases here and there and you can be provoked into anger or being a big softie fawning with loving emotion.
    Another thing I’ve learnt about words is how we give ourselves away identity-wise by the ones we choose to communicate with. Shantam Prem is a prime example. He uses a confusing mix of flowery metaphors to cover up the fact that he doesn’t really have that much to say on a creative level. He is in effect a confused man who is almost on par with Forest Gump in the personal unawareness stakes. He really does not have a clue what he is about half of the time and there is little to be learned from him as he steers his sickeningly erratic course through these blogs.
    The one thing everyone must acknowledge about the likes of Frank and Bubbie is that they stick to their guns. I enjoy much of what they write to the point that I think, those are men I could have a good conversation with. Not that I agree totally with everything they say, I don’t, but I do appreciate how they say it. For all his piss and vinegar only a fool could miss the fact that Bubbie, after all is said and done, has heart. Frank is funny and witty and actually lends some pretty interesting insights…someone I can learn a few new tricks from…not bad taking in to consideration the fact that I am a lazy old dog..
    So taking it back to the caption about Osho being known through his sannyasins, it is, at least as far as this blog goes, the so-called dissenters who have the most inspiring things to say, as opposed to the goodie-goodies who just spout the same old shite that sheep like them have been spouting for as long as I can remember.
    I’ll leave you all with a relevant Osho quote that people like Shantam would do well to study and learn by heart for he has become the kind of revolutionary that Osho is referring to here, a stupid person fighting for power. As for the rebels…well, at least we know who we are and that is why what is going on in Koregaon Park is of so lttle interest to us.

    To be rebellious is to be against power.
    To be revolutionary is to be against those who are in power
    and to make all the efforts so that one can be in power.
    A rebellious person is one who says that power is not life.
    Life can go by without being worried about the power and the power structure.
    Let, stupid people fight for power. The rebel lives his life, but living is very responsible.

  148. shantam prem says:

    What is going on in Koregaon Park is of little interest to us…

    Very fine.

    Every restaurant how so ever refined it may be.. cannot cater all kind of customers.

    Moreover people like you lost the interest in Poona, once their 100 ml. water evaporated in the heat.

    Do you think tourists in Ibiza fight for land laws or will waste their time in Mayor´s office.

    Shantam Is writing for the people , who call Osho Their MASTER, SAD GURU
    and Categorically not for the people who think Osho as friend, mentor.

    I think.. Lokesh.. you are mature enough to understand the differences between different relations in social,legal and religious context.
    It is like Wife and children get the assets and liabilities over the estate after the death of the Patriarch, and not the Concubine or the buddies.
    It does not really matter, in the broader scheme of life.

    Millions of people in the western world care not even a cent for any spiritual organisation, they live very ethical, moral and honest life. Are these people have less worthy or meaningful life than people who chose Abc´s quotations for any reason. i don´t think so.

  149. Dilruba says:

    oh how l wish woman / man was not so intelligent .. none of this would be !

  150. shantam prem says:

    I think it was in 1989.
    The peak time for Buddha Hall. Even master was heard saying, ” No where in the world such kind of gatherings are taking place any more.”

    During one of these evenings, Osho addresses His people with…… MERE HAMDAM, MERE DOST, MERE MEET…..( i am not sure, in the same order)

    I think..those few indians in the vast international gathering, must have felt a chill in their spine and tears in their eyes..
    Many of the rest bowed down with utter humility, once Osho translated the meaning-
    My fellow travelers, my friends, my beloveds…
    (hardly a small percent of feelings convey these words in comparison to the Hindi words).

    This discourse is worth listening for the people who are the disciples and want to continue on the similar lines.
    I think just one or two days later, Osho thunders another talk for the people, who treat Him as FRIEND…
    I hope my senior colleagues will enjoy to listen that too.

    I will try to find the exact discourse and the link to them.

  151. shantam prem says:

    A joke for you. Translated from Hindi

    Husband, ” Do you had any boy friend before our marriage?”
    Wife goes into a pensive state. Impatient husband says bit loudly,” Do I understand YEs from your silence?.”
    Disturbed wife says , ” stupid. i was just counting how many.”

    I “know”… you will laugh louder.

  152. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Is writing for the people , who call Osho Their MASTER, SAD GURU.

    There you go again, making boundries, ‘them’ and ‘us’. You think that your are special but the only thing that makes you special on this blog is your boring and transparent spiritual rhetoric and your need to create an institution in order to imprison yourself and those of a similar mind-set.
    Suggested reading ‘Cutting through spiritual materialism’ by Chogyam Trumpa. You don’t even need to buy the book you can simply make a meditation out of the book’s title.

  153. Dilruba says:

    to whomsoever this may concern … this one of OSho’s jokes .. which l want to share

    The psychiatrist leaned back and placed the tips of his fingers together ..
    while he soothed the deeply-troubled man who stood before him…
    “Calm yourself, my good fellow,” he gently urged….
    “I have helped a great many others with fixations far more serious than yours…
    Now, let me see if I understand the problem correctly…
    You indicate that in moments of great emotional stress you believe that you are a dog…
    A fox terrier, is that not so?” ….

    ” Yes, sir ” mumbled the patient…
    ” A small fox terrier with black and brown spots…….
    Oh, please tell me you can help me, doctor. If this keeps up much longer…
    I don’t know what I’ll do….” The doctor gestured toward the couch….
    “Now, now,” he soothed…
    “the first thing to do is lie down here…
    and we’ll see if we can’t get to the root of your delusion ” ….
    “Oh, I couldn’t do that, doctor,” said the patient….
    “I’m not allowed up on the furniture.”

  154. Satya Deva says:

    shantam prem:

    I think it was in 1989.
    The peak time for Buddha Hall. Even master was heard saying, ” No where in the world such kind of gatherings are taking place any more.”

    In that case, SP, “master” was mistaken, as there were certainly other ‘such gatherings’ going on in the world at that time (and before and later)…

    So, wipe away your tears, there’s no need to get quite so sentimental, ok?!

  155. shantam prem says:

    If you don´t understand my Language, you spoiled brats of uni poler world, open your eyes…world is getting multi poler.
    Rules of the game are going through tremendous change.
    As it is used quite often in Britain, with a single generation of quick earning, you can become rich, but it does not bring class.
    ( I am referring to the high school passed spiritual importers, who behave like investment bankers)

    If people have seen the report, ” Bouls of Bengal”, they can mark how few Japanese women were speaking in Bengali, because through their guruji, they were drawn into it.

    My above comment is not for such kind of sweet souls. In my eyes, they are earning through their labour of love.

  156. shantam prem says:

    I have relied upon my memory to mention Osho saying like this.
    Once i have found the discourse, i will take your above comment.

    My wish is to write the life and times around Osho´s culminative years with maximum honesty and transparancy. If there is interptation failure, i am thankful to the people who will correct this.

    For example, If Anand points a finger towards my interptaion or the factual mistake, it will have more weightage than those who were doing important work some where else.

    Again i say and with my understanding from Osho, Whether Ants or the elephants, everybody is moving with their speed towards the awakening. Few will be awake on Monday and few on Saturday.
    Yet…on this mysterious journey called life, everybody has the right to judge when these awakend sleepers pick up Cricket bat instead of their walking stick.

  157. shantam prem says:

    Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (Paperback)
    by Chogyam Trungpa

    In the process of ordering this book, i want to know from Lokesh and company whether the writer likes to bow down before Buddha, that Buddha who died approximately 2575 years ago.
    Whether the writer also wear a sticker on his robe, ” Religion Sucks.”
    And more over Whether He was growing His roots in his spirutual practice or was he sliping also once in a while to some Amma ji or Papa ji for fastest possible growth.

  158. Lokesh says:

    Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism – Chogyam Trungpa
    The now classic Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism is the record of two series of lectures given by Trungpa Rinpoche in 1970-71. “First discussed are the various ways in which people involve themselves in spiritual materialism, the many forms of self-deception into which aspirants may fall. After this tour of the sidetracks along the way, the broad outlines of the true spiritual path are discussed. The approach presented is a classical Buddhist one—not in a formal sense, but in the sense of presenting the heart of the Buddhist approach to spirituality. Although the Buddhist way is not theistic, it does not contradict the theistic disciplines. Rather the differences between the ways are a matter of emphasis and method. The basic problems of spiritual materialism are common to all spiritual disciplines.

  159. Lokesh says:

    SP Just the way you phrase this question shows something about tou, quote: ‘Or was he sliping also once in a while to some Amma ji or Papa ji for fastest possible growth?’ Why don’t you include ‘SOME’ Osho. Have yo any idea what an arrogant self-image you are projecting by speaking like this?
    Anyway, I’ll answer your question. By saying, quote, ‘fastest possible growth’ you imply many things, like there is some ‘thing’ that has to grow. I believe that such ideas are flawed. which brings me back to Chogyam Trumpa’s classic text.
    In this modern spiritual classic, the Tibetan meditation master Chögyam Trungpa highlights the commonest pitfall to which every aspirant on the spiritual path falls prey: what he calls spiritual materialism. The universal tendency, he shows, is to see spirituality as a process of self-improvement—the impulse to develop and refine the ego when the ego is, by nature, essentially empty. “The problem is that ego can convert anything to its own use,” he said, “even spirituality.” His incisive, compassionate teachings serve to wake us up from this trick we all play on ourselves, and to offer us a far brighter reality: the true and joyous liberation that inevitably involves letting go of the self rather than working to improve it. It is a message that has resonated with students for nearly thirty years, and remains fresh as ever today.
    So, Shantam, remember how Osho was talking about ‘letting go’? Well now, what do you think he was referring to?
    I’ll tell you one thing. It had nothing to do with cultivating a polished spiritual ego.

  160. shantam prem says:

    You refer a book and i meditate just over the title, it is not polite for me.
    So i have ordered the book.

    On a very personal level, i am the only Osho sannyasin in my whole clan. Now when the obvious signs are not there, someone will ask me once in a while, am i still Osho Freak?
    Mothers of my both children are not sannyasins. The first one was sannyasin than came back to the original name and now she is married to a Muslim man.
    Both the children are baptised in the respective religions of their mothers, Catholic and Protestant.
    My elder son(15) is a agnostic or atheist.
    Four years before i was with him to Pune. by seeing people in the ashram, he remarked, ” Why they are walking like Homos? (Slang word for German teens, when something is not cool)

    My relation with hundreds of relatives and friends have not been spoiled because most of us understand the values of personal beliefs and choices, like our choices for inner or outer wears.
    And when Osho´s vast examples are used to help people to find radical solutions, when traditional approach is not so interesting, a wonderful bonding takes place.
    Yet… the value of Sangha( literal meaning is gathering of like minded people) does not get diminished. Even drug addicts can also feel more at ease and intimate In their Sangha.

  161. shantam prem says:

    But still conflict arises, specially in the situation when someone tries to persude the other about Amway products or when some big belly like me sing the praise for Herballife.

  162. Lokesh says:

    Even drug addicts can also feel more at ease and intimate In their Sangha.
    What is so special about drug addicts?
    I found a nice paragraph to paste in.

    In the early days of Poona One many of the people at ground zero were hippies who’d come to the end of the psychedelic experience and were ready to take a step towards the thoughtless state which is not an experience but an experiencing. In many ways Osho was a hippie philosopher but unlike the hippie dream which capsized in a sea of unsupportable excess his dream worked – up to a point…. Osho saw a church forming around him and seeing as how he wasn’t the churchy type he got around to demolishing it. What a carry-on ensued, Rolls Royces, Rolex’s, let me feel your chakras darling, hey! why don’t we poison the hillbillys?, oh goody lets get addicted to drugs, no enlightened master ever did that before even though good old Gurdieff liked his cognac.


  163. shantam prem says:

    How much you know about His last years, the refinest time of His work?
    Have you taken the efforts to go through the video archives of those discourses.

  164. Anand says:

    Great lecture Lokesh, but funny do you realize that lecturer has to go too. Great intellectual understanding and intellect is that has to go. It’s twisted. isn’t it?

    By the way as far as I know, Shantam is not a Hindu born but a Sikh (?).

  165. Anand says:

    Great lecture Lokesh, but funny do you realize that lecturer has to go too. Great intellectual understanding and intellect is that has to go. It’s twisted. isn’t it?

    By the way as far as I know, Shantam is not a Hindu born but a Sikh (?).

  166. shantam prem says:

    For the biographical reasons, Anand
    Shantam was born and brought up as Sikh by his Hindu grand parents who were following the Sikh belief, as it is commonly said in India, ” Sikhs and Hindus have the relation as nails and the fingers.

    During 1984-87, i was wearing turban over my uncut hair and Mala. During the Pune Phase, my friends motivated me to cut the hair and smoke a cigarette to drop the conditioning.

    In one of the classic Hindi Story. German Military implants their infiltrator in the Sikh regiment during second world war. The double agent develops a meaningful friendship with a young Sikh solider. during one of their meeting, German offers him a Cigarette. This was enough for the young solider to figure out the infiltrator, as British army was well aware that Tobacco products are taboo for Sikhs.

  167. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    shantam prem:

    You say,

    …i have noticed thousand and one times, how majority of those people simply slipped away from Osho, once He stooped giving personal attention. May be these people were pissed off…

    How can you generalise in this way?

    I doubt there were even 1001 who got his personal attention and actually spoke to him. Did you know them all? They got what they needed at the time and either stayed or carried on with their lives. There is little point in judging or trying to explain their behaviour.

    Every person on the spiritual path is completely different (and paradoxically all the same).

    I wonder if you will write your book and publish it. It’ll be a great learning, or unlearning experience for you.

  168. Chinmaya says:

    Hindus are always multi-dimensional. This is just like a mixed vegetable. They do not have one path to walk on with one holy book, Ramayan, Geeta, Vedas, Puran, Ashtavakar Geeta, Hanuman Chalisa.
    And now all the nine Planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are also their Gods and Godesses. And they virtually worship them. What should one believe, practise and live practically. One will go mad.
    Every God or Goddesses has its own historical, social and cultural story and personal character. Somebody (God/Godess) has eloped away with somebody’s wife and somebody had sexual relation with the wife of other God.
    In fact, this is a religion for convenience and does not contain any such element leading to religiousness, as Osho says, always, the religiousness. They are fanatics within the periphery of rites but strangely, none is ready to believe in each other pattern of life with one ideology with one God prevailing in Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western and Central India. There are many hundreds groups like Budhists are Hindus, Jaina are Hindus, Parsi are Hindu and they say Sikhs are Hindus, Scheduled caste believing in Ravidass, Kabir etc.etc. are Hindus……Nobody understands what does Hindu means. Oh God, please prevail and bless them wisdom.

  169. shantam prem says:

    Every person on the spiritual path is completely different (and paradoxically all the same).

    If i am a book writer, this quotaion of yours, Jenny, will be on one page and the opposite to it will be left empty.

    Not a word more, not a word less.


  170. Lokesh says:

    SP You ask, Have you taken the efforts to go through the video archives of those discourses.

    No, and I never will. I’ve mentioned it before but you have obviously forgotten. For the most part I find Osho’s discourses to be boring. I have many of his books in my home but rarely refer to them. The reason for this is that there is too much dross to wade through in order to get to the pearls. Anyway, you have obviously taken the effort and it does not appear to have done you much good.
    As I look up from where I am sitting there are three photographs on the kitchen wall. One of them is of Osho drinking from a bowl. It was taken during his big straw hat period. That photo does more for me than a whole library full of Osho books. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Osho’s transmission had nothing to do with words because as far as the truth is concerned words can only try and describe it at best and at worst completely distort it.

  171. Lokesh says:

    Anand you say; It’s twisted. isn’t it?

    I say:
    Come on let’s twist again like we did last summer
    Yea, let’s twist again like we did last year
    Do you remember when things were really hummin’
    Yea, let’s twist again, twistin’ time is here

  172. Satya Deva says:

    Ma Prem Jenny:

    shantam prem:

    You say,

    …i have noticed thousand and one times, how majority of those people simply slipped away from Osho, once He stooped giving personal attention. May be these people were pissed off…

    How can you generalise in this way?

    Spot on, Jenny, this was a ridiculously misguided comment by SP.

    I was fortunate enough to receive 9 darshans from Osho, but I can assure SP that whether he was personally available had nothing whatsoever to do with whether I remained or ‘left’.

    My only ‘regret’ (not really an appropriate word) is that I hadn’t ‘evolved’ enough to really appreciate what I was being given, at the time.

    Nevertheless, I’m happy to have edited the first edition of The Mustard Seed (on Jesus), which he once implied was “enough”, after I’d ‘confessed’ I hadn’t been meditating much recently…

    If there was one thing he wouldn’t do, it was to lay a guilt-trip or re-inforce one’s own. Which was quite a liberation in itself….

  173. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, Before you would have punched your last comment on the key boards, better was to read the gem of the sentence by Jenny-
    Every person on the spiritual path is completely different (and paradoxically all the same).

    If you have digested it, let me know.

    Talk about emptiness or word lessness but don´t forget that you are one of us, whose limited memory floppy is full till the last MB ts.

    Things can be deleted, to add something new, but No.. like most of us(it can be shantam too), you won´t do.

    It is all fine.
    Just because someone loves a country does not
    make him constitutional expert, but it can add a feather in the broader and compassionate interpretation.

    But what to say about a man who is not willing to open the constitutional amendments book 1987-1990.
    Just don´t try to bring your expertise in that branch of affairs where you have no experience.

    Lawyers don´t do. Doctors don´t do.
    And i am sure, you are not a quack type.
    Just Little bit inflated ego is not harmful, on the contrary it brings air in the flat baloons.

  174. shantam prem says:

    If there was one thing he wouldn’t do, it was to lay a guilt-trip or re-inforce one’s own. Which was quite a liberation in itself….

    Satya Deva, This is so true…so true.

    I can say, here Osho is Like Beloved Amma and her one of its kind sharing.
    Embracing each and every one, who comes in her range, No caste no creed, no religion does not even ask to use Deodrant stick before hugging her.

    Osho in His unique way, inter grated All the possible spiritual paths and people in such a harmony that every thing he touched or endorsed became divinity up to date.

    Unfortunately this vastness of the jungle like feeling started shrinking because doubts and fears creep ed in.
    Once unity in diversity, the typical and unique Indian trait went in the hands of….

  175. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    RRRRRRRock and RRRRRRollll!!!

  176. prem bubbie says:

    Now Shantam P. is also writing in the third person…”Shantam is writing for the people…” First it’s Forest G. now Shantam P. Is it you Mr. Sw. Shantam that is using fake names to post here? Shantam, I think , is also Forest G. You’ve slipped up pal, gave yourself away…. more proof you’re no very bright!!

  177. Lokesh says:

    SP Your last comment is so convulted I have not the faintest what you are waffling on about. Perhaps this is of no concern to you as it sometimes occurs to me that you you simply write for the sake of it and are not really host to a sincere desire to communicate.
    This closing comment of yours: Just Little bit inflated ego is not harmful, on the contrary it brings air in the flat baloons.
    Is this yourself you are talking about? Really, it is none too clear, which in itself sounds like you.

  178. shantam prem says:

    People who watch the movie till the end or read the novel till the last page, do they become better human beings, more entertaining guests and so on.

    No.. it has nothing to do with this.

    But yes..they can tell the story or narrate the climax better than those, who left during the intermission!!!

  179. prem bubbie says:

    “The rules of the game are going through tremendous change… Britain… it does not bring class…” Up until now, you’ve been raving about India and how it’s changed and on the forefront of capitalism and spirituality… What happened? A sudden change of heart? Now, it’s Britain and the West…. Make up your mind boy!!! You turn one way for positive attention from others, then another, now finally another… You’re running out of cards to play with bro. When your cards run out there’s always the funeral pyre to jump into–gracefully!!!

  180. prem bubbie says:

    Chinmaya- How about comets and asteroids? Will they suddenly worship those things after one strikes the earth(again) and wipe out most human beings?
    maybe they’ll name it Kali jr. “Crack pots”– as said by Osho, many a fucking time.

  181. prem bubbie says:

    You can ask Julia Roberts or Madonna what it all means!!!

  182. shantam prem says:

    There is a Poona 2 joke. During this time Osho has spoken maximum numbers of non veg jokes. As it was heard, , He was not speaking with intellectual types but with His own people.

    I cannot find this in the Osho´s joke book, ” Take it really seriously”, so i narrate in my English for Lokesh and Bubbie´s consideration

    Monthly Old women´s gathering in suburbia Cafe has got a complaint. They are talking too much about the Panis in vulgar language, it offendes the other guests.
    So to make matter clean they write their problem to other fellow club members in different countries.

    English ladies club replies, ” we call “it” Gentleman.”
    It stands up when the lady enters.

    French call this Curtain.
    It rises when the show begins and falls when it ends.

    Australian call this Chewingum.
    It is hard and juicy in the bigining, soft and tasteless after a while.

    And from where the Bubbie comes from, they call it Anecdote.
    but forget to mention the reason.

    So during the nect meeting one of the lady brings dictionary to check the meaning.
    It says- A little story which spreads from mouth to mouth.

    So keepin in mind the valid criticism about my using the filthy word too often for our Bubbie, from now on wards i will refer him as

    Al is a shortform of the adjective used upto now and also it reminds Al-Quida. Most of his comments have the style similar to this notarious organisation.
    I hope readres will find this name Al-Bubbie less offensive, yet to the target.

  183. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Shantam Prem,

    I think you mean penis. It did rather ruin the joke …

  184. frank says:

    talking about penises……
    check this out anand and bubbie,i`m addressing a hapless,innocent damsel on the subject of penises and she`s all ears….
    you could learn something here,boys…

    the story is,,,
    a man went to chudda-baba,a little known but very enlightened individual somewhere jungli….

    master,how can a disciple ever hope to become enlightened,like the master?

    chudda-baba replied.

    a man weht into a public toilet.
    as he stood at the urinal,he noticed a black man standing next to him.
    seeing the size of his dick he asked him,”how could i get my dick to be like yours?”
    “well,it`s simple really,man” replied winston “just hang a fairly heavy weight of metal on the end of it for a few weeks,that`ll do it”
    “really?that`s it?”
    “sure man”
    “wow thanks,i`ll do it”
    3 weeks later,john meets leroy in a cafe,where he is drinking an irish coffee,surrounded by attractive women,
    “how`s it going john?” asks leroy
    “well,replies john,pretty good actually,it`s gone black already”

  185. Anand says:

    Yes Jenny, it’s only rockn’roll, isn’t it… and yes we did the twist too in the sixties, so twist and shout!

  186. shantam prem says:


    For generations this idiom is used in the sense of famous Buddist saying, “Charevati ChareVati”, move on move also means, Things cannot be rushed. To do a thing properly takes the time it takes, from building empires to building friendships or growing the fruits of inner wisdom.It is a metaphor to illustrate that somethings take a while to achieve and that you shouldn’t get impatient.
    It means that to do something great takes time.Does it also takes time to turn inner Endarkenment into light, is there some kind of Laser surgery developed into this branch of human search?Also one can ask, what is the need to develop mega cities like Rome, London, Tokyo, Mumbai and others.
    Was human beings not happy in the villages?We all have heard life in the villages is simple and healthy, people communicate more with each other.
    Life can be lived with organically grown food. In Cities you fed yourself like the animals in the cage with Aldi or wall Mart brands. Also we hear, in villages crime rate is less. No big streets of prostitution, no drug cartels. in mega cities we live and die an anonymous life.Than why the need was arisen to go on working for centuries to develop the Romes of human civilisation.
    Is the Rome deviation from natural laws of life?Do the village dwellers must start a movement to take bricks after bricks away from the mega cities. Do we need a movement to purify our life by turning investment bankers into shoe makers, into farmers.This idea looks far fetched. Villages and cities have learnt to co exist side by side. For the survival and for prosperity to grow, they need each other.
    People fed up from city life have the chance to move back to the villages or from the middle city dwellings to the periphery of the city, so that villages are not far away for evening walks.Now a question arises, do Osho´s vast estate has the possibility to be developed as modern day mega city, more in tune with nature yet all the technological comforts, the way development took place around Buddha or Mohammad, Krishna or Christ, the ancient mega cities.

    After all, Buddhism, the most attractive tourist destination right now, was also not developed in a day?

  187. Satya Deva says:

    SP, it’s not clear what you mean there…

    Are you running a sort of guessing game?!

    Prize for the winner?

  188. shantam prem says:

    what i mean is Barry Long is an ecological village,
    MM is a hamlet… Osho estate has the potential to be a mega city.

    MAy be SD, take some time to visit India or atleast buy the novel ShantaRam… you will learn to appreciate the juice hidden in metaphors. India breathes in them.
    Osho, a villager by heart, the child of a town cloth merchant with a vision of Global reach,
    without looking to the roots, one cannot enjoy fuly the spread of a Banyan Tree.

  189. shantam prem says:

    Many people who spend their whole life in trailors feel misfit with the idea of construction work taking place around them. They feel uprooted.

    Many such people were drifted towards Sannyas, thinking this man Bhagwan is a saviour like a Ghetto king. Their Martin Luthar King.

    Once they found out, this black guy has an ambition of while soul ike President Obama, frustraion creeped in.

    And so came in existance.. a new breed similar to

  190. Lokesh says:

    SP I don’t know if Osho mega city will happen. To be frank, I really don’t think it will. But I think you should sit down and write a book about all this. I’m sure the outcome would be fascinating.
    You say, Now a question arises.
    I’m curious out of what is this question arising?

  191. shantam prem says:

    Can you imagine what can happen if people who are at the steering wheel at Osho Vaitcan have the linguistically and emotional knowledge to Understand what Osho is saying in Hindi?
    Can you visualise the impact?

    Sometime life is not a simple equation like half glass full or half glass empty. Think about Afghanistan.
    An Afghan running a corner food shop and thinking to buy another shop and a geologist who has seen trillion dollars worth of minerals and metals under the grass gazing fields..

    Can someone tell, who is feeling more richer or more frustrated?

  192. shantam prem says:

    Loeksh, Now i am trying to find out, where i have written, “Now the question arises”?

    It is like to shop in another branch of the same super market and to ask oneself, Where they have the yogurt. It must be here somewhere near the milk or the quark!!

    The other day, after making two rounds, finally i asked the store clerk, where you keep the garlic Baguette. He asked his senior, and the guy walked with confidence. pointed with his finger the shelf few feet away and spoke like a Zen Master, ” Look with open eyes.”

  193. shantam prem says:

    Books Books and Books.
    Thanks God, for a first timer to publish a book is not that expansive as making a movie. In that case, we will have less books and moreover of the kind Warner Bros. and Sonny entertainment.

    Now with the youtube.. one can see how in few minutes people are telling a better story than the Bollywood dramas. Many times in xxx movies, one can see more photogenic figure and face than AKJ´s of Hollywood business.
    Same is about blog writing. Many such writers convey better idea than the highly paid column writers.

    I write at sannyasnews, my short movies are at YouTube, i perform in the street theater can give immense creative joy… but status, respect, prestige and similar feelings?
    Moreover how much you earn out of this?
    Just to write these words make my chest heavy, it is like i must open the window for more air.

    Yet…. putting the thoughts in a book format, i am getting into it.

    For me it will be a bunch of flowers at the Buddha Hall podium.
    And for my mother… finally she can feel her son has done something socially visible in his 47 years of life!

  194. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Shantam Prem,

    you make me laugh, you really do!

    Writing a book, like any creative endeavour is an act of love. You are revealing yourself and making a stand. First you need to know what you want to express and in the doing may understand more.

    It’s not about pleasing your mother, making money or gaining status. You do it because the spirit within you has to express itself. That surely is its own reward.

    Oooh! the terror of the blank page!

  195. shantam prem says:

    Jenny dear, the spirit within is happy to express itself with the company of us all at sannyasnews.
    in Osho´s metaphor, snews is not a palace of a king where one needs prior appointment, it is mysic´s hut, everybody can come in, including the donkey as Osho heard saying.

    Let me reveal one secret…
    I have fetish for beautiful quota ions which arise spontaneously…

    So when i read your quotation yesterday… you can imagine.. what i wanted to do with the woman writer??

    surely, it will be more than you ever got till now..
    Fetishes are like this…

    PS. Idioms like thousand and one times, metaphors like making the mother happy and similar punch lines are like collective ironies. Take them literally..and they close themselves. Feel their poetic expressions and one can see romance in the eyes… fingers just playing over the stockings*

    But as we are all unique, for many romance is illusion. Screwing is reality.

  196. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    which quotation was it?

  197. Anand says:

    Lokesh you write:
    For the most part I find Osho’s discourses to be boring. I have many of his books in my home but rarely refer to them. The reason for this is that there is too much dross to wade through in order to get to the pearls.

    The years with Osho from 1987 to 1990 until he was leaving his body, were the culmination of his life and teaching. I feel incredible blessed to have had the opportunity to sit with him in Buddha hall during those precious years. Interesting that you find Osho talks ‘boring’.

    Every now and then you make statements like this. This is in your line when you said, ‘Osho was a drug addict’.

    You also said: Osho’s transmission had nothing to do with words because as far as the truth is concerned words can only try and describe it at best and at worst completely distort it.

    This says it in a way better, since it makes the point, that it is not what Osho says, but the silence between his words, the gap. One of the things Amrito likes to mention in Pune all the time. Listen to the gap between the words. Of course it all starts that you listen to Osho first. In this regard I found the Osho MP3 talks incredible valuable, since it gives the possibility to have Osho talks available and easy to carry at any point in time and space. A real treasure.

    This is from Krishna Prem’s book ‘Osho, India and Me’:
    For the first time I began, just began what working with a Master means. He once said: “A Master follows you like a shadow”. I don’t understand how, but he is always there, with me, guiding me. I am beginning to hear him more and more clearly.

    We are all busy with our daily and mundane affairs, but there are these moments, where we connect again with the mysterious silence and love of Osho.

    And our minds go ratatata….ratatata….

  198. Lokesh says:

    Osho – ” Man is imprisoned by words.”

    Anand. The first Osho book I ever read was ‘The way of the white cloud’. I was young and impressionable and at the time that book changed my life.
    I’ve been working on my second novel for three years. It is now ready to be published. I have a few ‘spiritual’ chapters, in which wise characters speak about deep things. At points I reached the limits of my understanding on certain matters and had to refer to various spiritual books for inspiration. It was rare for me to find much in Osho books that were of much use to me, and if I did it was eaither pot luck or the result of a tedious and long search. Other masters have written much denser texts than Osho. They are packed solid with goodies. Osho’s books are not, for the simple raeson that they are transcripts of spontaneous discourses. In terms of output they are truly remarkable…historical even. But in terms of information and a concise delivery much of Osho’s books are rambling to say the least.
    I attended over 2000 discourses. I loved every one of them. Transcribed, Osho’s discourse are only a pale shadow of what it was actually like to be there with him when he delivered those talks.
    Osho’s jokes really sum it up perfectly. Most of them were not particularly good, or for that matter very funny. But what was absolutely hilarious about his jokes was who was telling them and how they were delivered…absolutely brilliant. Transcribed into books most of those jokes are duds.
    You say: The years with Osho from 1987 to 1990 until he was leaving his body, were the culmination of his life and teaching.
    That might be true. I was not there and therefore cannot comment on that. But I do take into account that it might also have something to do where you were at during this time. Osho, like a dear friend, was an excellent mirror of our inner condition.
    At first I was attracted by Osho’s words but eventually it was the energy field that he created that I loved and what Osho had to say was no longer so important for me.

  199. Anand says:

    In the context of working for a book I understand the points you made. I am working on a project myself and it takes a lot of time to find the right material I am looking for.
    For this reason I am not reading much Osho, but listen to his audio talks, where somehow the transmission of silence still works perfect, at least for me.

    ‘The Way of the White Cloud’ was Osho’s first book/ series of talks directed to the Western crowd. My first book was ‘I am the Gate’ and it made me an Osho disciple in an instant.

  200. Dilruba says:

    At this moment l remember Osho saying ” lam a Love Affair ” .. how True … my affair has ended .. but you guys .. transported me to my courtship with him ! my first discourse was ” lnvitation ” … mostly guests leave after the programme is over .. but probably since this one is an inner one .. which ceases to get over …

  201. Chinmaya says:

    Oh dear Anand,

    Simple as it is to start reading or listening Osho.
    His words are like ocean water, same taste everywhere. Somebody started with his book A and somebody started with his book B and somebody with book Z etc. they became his disciples and started living a nice life.

    I had noticed personally, during 1974/ 1975, the father of Guru Preeti Hari, ( she is now, a preacher and has her Ashram in Karnal in India and in London) had abused Acharya Rajnesh (now Osho), but later this man became his firm disciple.

    Osho says, oh dear friend, just try to maintain a relation with me, in any manner whatsoever, then, I will see, where you go. Then, it is my duty to lead you till enlightenment.

    Anand dear, I have noticed in this blog, you have always a positive approach. Good luck with love.

  202. Anand says:

    Shantam says: …i have noticed thousand and one times, how majority of those people simply slipped away from Osho, once He stooped giving personal attention. May be these people were pissed off…

    I have my doubts about this. Osho was a magnetic force and attracted huge amounts of so-called seekers.
    At the beginning of Pune 1 with small numbers around him, he was able to give more personal attention to the people visiting him in personal darshans.
    This was changed and dropped later on and his personal attention was mainly with people physically close to him like his household and secretaries etc.

    During Ranch time he stopped talking to the public for many years. But his influence became more global through his published works and the sannyasins being word travelers spreading his message and meditations. And this seems to continue up to today.

    I do not believe anybody will be able to follow all these personal stories and sannyasins are spread all over the globe and my experience is that they carry this light of Osho in their hearts. It is for me quite a difference to relate to sannyasins then to non-sannyasins, something inside clicks easy and is connected.

    And I look at all the people who came back from Gangaji, Papaji, Amma and Oneness university…there does not seem to be this family and community feeling between them. And for this reason probably you find those often coming back into the world of Osho,b because in the world of Papaji for example you are pretty much left alone with your your emptiness.

  203. Satya Deva says:

    On the other hand, Anand, that very ‘family’-type quality could well be just an ‘excuse’ for people to hang around, it might actually prevent some from moving on…

    I recall one spiritual teacher saying he thought many sannyasins he came across had “a family problem”, which is why they were attracted to this ‘large community’ thing.

    And that what a lot of them needed was to learn to be on their own, not lean or rely emotionally (as that’s what he was getting at) on the group.

  204. Satya Deva says:

    And I look at all the people who came back from Gangaji, Papaji, Amma and Oneness university…there does not seem to be this family and community feeling between them. And for this reason probably you find those often coming back into the world of Osho,b because in the world of Papaji for example you are pretty much left alone with your your emptiness.

    Well, how many friends do you need then?!

    1, 2, 3, 10, 50, 100, 500?

    All very comforting no doubt, but still a bit of ‘back-to-the-womb’ in some (or many?) cases, perhaps?

    Be careful, Anand, you just might have written an apologia for a pattern of ‘stunted spiritual growth’…

  205. frank says:

    anand,if the resort thought police ever find out about your thought crimes and you get kicked out of your so- special family,
    you could join the israeli army….
    they have got an amazing feeling of togetherness and family…
    they stick by each other,too.
    they don`t “ban”and give the cold shoulder to
    old friends of years for spurious reasons,for example….

  206. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    I think you have to be Israeli first, and the “thought police” don’t actually exist. Paranoia!!

  207. frank says:

    no,just jewish…

    the thought police dont actually exist?
    you really are an innocent damsel..!!!

  208. prem bubbie says:

    You truly are a basket case Shantam P. Now wearing the cloak of a history professor….. AN amazing stew simmering in that head of yours….What planet are you from?

  209. prem bubbie says:

    Anand, I see that you find it most gratifying going back and sucking on your mother’s teat!!! You seem to say that it’s very healthy for all who feel like it to go ahead and do so. The point of all of the critique going on here is to grow the fuck up and stop crawling to mama and her big boobs and stand up and walk away on your own. Now, why do you and other oldtimers find it so hard to do so? The newbies and wannabes I can see the struggle, but come on man move on!!!!

  210. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny, Where you actually a sannyasin? At any time… or just plain ignorant, stupid…. oh yes, in denial….. Yet again a dopey damsel!!! I know it’s possible to shake your tiiies with one’s head up the ass, you still need to look in the mirror to see how they swing!!

  211. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    see above

  212. Anand says:

    Frank/ Jenny: no I agree the thought police actually does exist and is called Yogendra. Surely he is following all of our blogs here. Always good to know what is going on.
    No incident that he took of Shantam from his facebook friends list last year. Not sure why that came as a surprise to Shantam…..

    and remember Bubbie, I am walking alone and doing my slave labor in Costa Rica and Guatemala now. Did the Oregon brain fart police give you a Sunday off?

  213. Lokesh says:

    ‘Any relationship that is created because of the fear, because of the inner hell of being left alone, cannot be satisfying. Its very root is poisoned. My sannyasins are people who embrace their aloneness and in that aloneness find God. Being a sannyasin has nothing to do with being a member of a spiritual club.’
    Does this shed any light on the current debate or did I invent this quote? The first to guess the correct answer wins a ticket to southern Pakistan and a visit to Taliban HQ in Diboomba, where they will receive instructions about how to bring Osho’s work to a wider global audience.

  214. shantam prem says:

    The wheat plant or the rice, if you stretch too much it will come out from the earth.
    Similarly Nobody stretches a tree and it takes it shape, its growth.
    Few people may think, Banyan tree is so huge and spreads equally in all the directions, It must have gone to the Fitness studio!
    What i want to say is one cannot create a five star hotel at every corner of the coastal line. Similarly every body else also cannot do.
    Nobody has tried to stand at down town to sell or spread Osho. His global audience is created by His own efforts, the magic of His vision and the effort to create one of its kind ashram.

    Because due to one or many reasons people who could not see the flowering around Osho during 1987-1990 are denying like a frog in the well who could not imagine how an ocean can exist.
    Though it is a fact, frog will remain a frog whether in the well or ocean.
    does the difference in experience has no value?

    An old saying in many formats can be used, “People who have more than one wife, sometime simply get confused, to whom the children belong.”

  215. frank says:

    being taken off someone`s facebook friends?
    shit,man,these guys are more ruthless than i thought.


  216. Satya Deva says:

    and remember Bubbie, I am walking alone and doing my slave labor in Costa Rica and Guatemala now.

    Around Osho-type communes? Or genuinely ‘alone’?

    And for how long?

    And where after?

    Come on, Anand, we are the Thought Police…

    And you’re under close observation….

  217. prem bubbie says:

    Anand, you schwine, we have vays of making you talk– the way we want . Spring time for…… in germany —or is it India?

  218. shantam prem says:

    Just few months before arriving to Pune for his final abode, Osho has spoken series of Hindi talks in Mumbai.
    After years, he was speaking in His mother tongue.

    The name of the series, He had chosen from the Gala of His favourite Singer, Mehndi Hassan.

    “Konpale Phir Phoot Aanyi.”

    Very Rough translation means, “Again Flowers are sprouting ”

    Osho has taken poems from many poets and have given them immortality in the process but without acknowledging the writer.
    This time He has mentioned the name and recited the first couplet
    कोंपलें फिर फूट आईं शाख़ पर कहना उसे
    वो न समझा है न समझेगा मगर कहना उसे
    On the branches flowers are sprouting again.
    S(he) has not understood neither will understand, but tell him(her) despite this.

    Without exaggeration, this poem has become the reality during the last phase of 1987-1990.

    I may be even fool er than before. fatter definitely i have become yet being the eye witness of this whole thing, neither fear nor greed, can make me budge to change my witness account.
    And for the sake of truth and honesty, my simple plea is to remind His people, not to accept anything less than the complete picture.

    It is not a question of imposing Osho to the world, but keeping His commands intact at the Pune level.

    Any axe on the roots is counter productive.

  219. Chinmaya says:

    Very well expressed by Shantam Prem, the truth and reality of the time. Bravo.

  220. frank says:

    well,guys,it`s time for me to come clean.
    anand is indeed,as he stated,virtual.
    that is because he is actually a creation of mine.
    i invented him as a character originally to lampoon the absurdities of a guy hanging around osho fro the beginning,not getting it for 36 years and ending up as a cardboard-cut-out cliched sannyasin “my beloved”"it`s all just mind”indignance about ex sannyasins,we are the best guru family etc etc.
    however,no one seemed to get the joke..
    it seems that headspace is unparodyable…
    everyone took him for a real guy,so unfortunately i had to just go on breathing life into the ridiculous glove-puppet neo-frankenstein i had created,,,
    until now…
    phew,,,,it`s a real weight off my chest,i can tell you…..

  221. Forest Gump says:

    This is in response to question on // Aug 29, 2010 at 10:05 am

    I feel, Osho or any other enlightenment master as a matter of fact, is like a musical instrument, a hollow bamboo flute, It depends on the person, how he plays it, if it get into the hands of wonderful musician, it sounds wonderful, If it gets in the hand of rookies, it sounds terrible.

    Osho, being such a versatile master (instrument in this context) is being played in many ways. One tune may not sound great to you or me, but may be wonderful to many others. I think, life around the master is beautiful and perfect once we start to listen to natural sound that floats through the hollow bamboo (master). But who knows, it may stand true to me and only me and may sound stupid to many others.

    Commune/Resort has its own standing that you and I and many other may not agree. They have the power and legal rights to control Osho’s work, but at the same time, existence sneaks in and provide everything one need in path, like all the Osho discourses are available on

    Osho has always mentioned about small communes and centers so that Buddha fields become wide spread with its own aroma and own tune. He always denounced the idea of having Vatican like a place that controls the entire churches, communes and centers. Now if we observe, small group of Osho people are becoming wide spread with its own aroma and tune. If one likes that tune, go for it, otherwise there are other orchestras to listen.

    The point is, new people getting to know Osho, “no matter how”, is more than enough. Rest of his journey is existential; there is no generalization to it.

    I feel, our duty if there is one, at our personal choice, to tell people about Osho or may be give away his books, discourse CDs or may be form a small group of Osho lovers in the neighborhood, meditate together, is a Buddhafield much more powerful than any other place. At the end, every efforts point to us, if we find our growth, it’s worth it.

    Osho Commune’s popularity going on decline is the cause of growth on many small buddhafields around the world like Osho Tapoban in Nepal, Osho Dham in Delhi, Osho Nisaraga in Dharamsala, Not to mention about a few self style groups like Osho Dhara and Cocom in Goa. There are around 250 Osho centers in Russia opened within a last few years. The overall outcome is positive.

    People tired with centuries of dumb spirituality, may take refuge in Osho as a philosopher, guide, teacher, master. I have strong feeling that he will be greatly admired by more and more people in the coming time.

  222. shantam prem says:

    Frank, Yogendra, the obedient brother of the big boss has a right to take me off from his facebook friends list.
    Thanks God.. me or my children are not being followed by some hit man.
    I am utterly greatful to them. Differances apart, they are sweet and meditative people with their own good intentions.
    May be in many other Vatican’s ruthlessness will be exemplary.

    And also we are living in an age of media scrutiny. End of a small fly like me can crumbble the whole empire.
    So live and let live.

    One thing is clear, elephant white or brown, has two set of teeth. One for showing another for chewing.
    Unfortunately.. The organisation around Osho has not proven different.
    So it is easy to understand why people like Frank say, ” Religion Sucks”

  223. shantam prem says:

    Osho wil be admired more and more. Khlail Gibran is already being admired by the whole world.
    It is not a question how many centers, ashrams communes, they will be always be in friction of a percentage of churches temples and other such places.

    Main thing is how much trasparant they are in their accounts and organisational structure. How much love, how much honesty and caring is radiating from the people behind these places.
    If people on the leadership position have the integrity of the soul, Osho´s work is done.
    If it is only the gold color over the iron ring, Little fire sooner or later will show the hollowness and it will bring shame to Osho.
    if it is covering the brutality, greed and lust under the robes of meditation and love, some wind sooner of later will expose us.
    Nos. of organisations has no meaning, brave and intelligent world is watching the deeds not the bricks and the cement.

    In sum… One needs to remember Bulle shah who has said, ” Does not matter how many temples or masques you break… just don´t break a heart full of love, there beloved (Allah) resides……

  224. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    True say

  225. shantam prem says:

    During my few travels to Pune from my home town in the trains, it was taking around 30-33 hours.
    People open themselves in such long journeys. Many times one meets the people of different faiths and few times they try to defend their faith from the misunderstandings of the opposite faith.

    I had only one question to them. I am not looking like you. If the train passes through the area of your people´s domination and riot start, in the name of our little friendship, will you defend me or will let me be killed by your people.
    From my side, i assure you. I will not let my people to kill you. They have to kill me first.

    In the end of the day, it does not matter what one reads or listens…but how one acts. As a common man or as a man in authority.

  226. Forest Gump says:


    “Their hollowness bringing shame to Osho” is least of our concern, nothing much we can do about, other than yelling and shouting on a tiny stage like sn, where handful audience participates just because they are given opportunity to do the catharsis.

    If we are not satisfied with the direction of our journey so far, which find its “only knight in shining armor” at 17 Korgaon park, May be its time to open up as curious child and seek what’s there before forming any opinion. All I am saying is that resort is not the end of road.

  227. frank says:

    by your own description,
    you spend a few hours talking about religion on a train with others who “have faith” in india and quicklly the subject is murder,mass violence and your willingness to participate…

    says it all really.

  228. Forest Gump says:

    Someone told me many years ago, if you want to be rich, spend more time on making money than retrieving the lost money. Not that I became rich with this Mantra, but I find it valuable in many other contexts.

  229. prem bubbie says:

    “… but keeping his commands intact at the Pune level.” Orders from headquarters, in the afterlife. I know you’re serious shantam, that’s your problem and you can’t see that…. Keep writing your gibberish, mumblings and babbling posts. “His commands”… give me a fucking break….. ONWARD OSHO SOLDIERS

  230. Dilruba says:

    Shantam ..whatever l say is after seeing the complete picture .. and lam sure you have a different complete picture …

    Even during Gautam Buddha’s life-time .. there have been similar occurrences .. Osho comes closest to him .. ofcourse there is absolutely no comparission lam making … this is the only way l can show you my complete picture …

    The branches have surely spread around .. but has it stopped any of the seekers from finding the truth … no it hasnt …now l ask you … where is the Vatican of Buddha ?

    anyway its chareveti …chareveti for all of us ..

  231. prem bubbie says:

    Muslims admire Mohammed all throughout the world; Christians admire Christ; Buddhists admire Buddha…. Don’t me shit, shantam… just because it’s Osho… you just don’t get it…. do you have trouble going through metal detectors at airports? I take it that’s why you stay in India and travel by train…. That thick cast iron head of yours keeps you in your closet.

  232. shantam prem says:

    Resort is not the end of the road..
    I enjoy my meditations in few of the most aesthetically made churches on the earth.i also know few people have misused their authority in these places too.
    May be Frank can tell what happened to him. He is creating identity after identity…somebody must have done something to him.

    Sitting alone or with just few in a vast capacity of space is just splendid.
    If the life takes me into Muslim countries.. i have the option to bow my head with others in the Mosque.
    There is no issue left on this front.

    But ashram at 17, Koregaon park Pune will remain in the heart of the heart, and its importance..its power..

    can you ever forget the girl who taught you the meaning of 69!
    Rest is repetition in its unique way.

    Jithe jaye bahe mera sadguru so than suhava Ram Raje…..
    Where my master has sit, that place is not less worthy than the kingdom of Ram

  233. shantam prem says:

    Anand is creation of Frank..
    Who knows Frank and Al bubbie are the balls of Mr. Blair.
    Once in a while they jump out from the pants to write public urinal kind of Graffiti at sannyasnews.

    This SD calls criticism !!

  234. prem bubbie says:

    Gump dump: you’re a strong advocate of rajneesh and yet you can’t even see he’s trying to become king of the resort and of india in general… yet you turn around and claim things are becoming more “decentralized” as per osho’s vision and wishes… Kindly explain your bi-polar views of osho and rajneesh… Shantam: he’ll need your help in explaining things, your gibberish thoughts will fill-in his jigsaw puzzle of lunacy.

  235. shantam prem says:

    Two balls long seprated meet in the church hall. They start skratching each other.
    By chance priest sees their innocent act in a bad light, therefore sends them home.
    It must be 35, 40 years before.
    Since than these two balls named Frank and Bubbie are spreading the rumour they were abused by the priests.

    Moral of the story_never come in between people´s desires. Once interupted the anger remains for ever.

    That imprinted priests in their brain shows the whip every where.

  236. Dilruba says:

    Shantam ..whatever l say is after seeing the complete picture .. and lam sure you have a different complete picture …

    Even during Gautam Buddha’s life-time .. there have been similar occurrences .. Osho comes closest to him .. ofcourse there is absolutely no comparission lam making … this is the only way l can show you my complete picture …

    The branches have surely spread around .. but has it stopped any of the seekers from finding the truth … no it hasnt …now l ask you … where is the Vatican of Buddha ?

    anyway its chareveti …chareveti for all of us ..

  237. Dilruba says:

    Did Jesus ever visit Vatican ?

  238. Forest Gump says:


    I respect your opinion and find myself in total harmony.

    I guess, it just depends where we want to put ourselves. When India was partitioned there were two kind of people, one who loved the their place became stubborn, fought for the country not to be partitioned, some became martyr, some converted themselves and stayed in Pakistan, and other who accepted, moved on and came to India.

    I guess, when it comes to spiritual journey, the stubborn logic may not be applied and acceptance becomes the virtue.
    Remember once you posted this song:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  239. shantam prem says:

    Who knows in his next life, Jesus was the founder of Vaitcan?

    How one can be sure about any thing?

  240. Forest Gump says:


    I am not in favor or against these groups. Not until I go and spend some time with them. The only person I have met in these groups is Swami Arun and found him totally genuine person; I felt very beautiful energy around him.

  241. shantam prem says:

    Gump, in my opinion this analogy of India Pakistan does not fit with the context of Osho.

    Let me try this one.
    Ashram at Pune can be compared to Nankana Sahib.
    Though Golden Temple is a symbol of Sikh Path. There are gurudwaras( The Master´s door), near and far away places.
    Yet.. whenever a sikh makes His prayer.. he longs for the service of those places of Pilgrimage, which have been left in Pakistan.
    If you understand Panjabi.. listen Ardas..
    If this does not make you appreciate my point.. please let me know.

    Do you have the idea during Christmas..Almost in every main church of thousands and thousands of cities, a candle is being brought from Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus.
    People than burn their candle and take this home.
    Any sub intelligent Bubbilie Frank can see there is no difference in the fire of Bethlehem candle or any other candle. Than why this drama?
    Some time people need emotional intelligence to understand the meaning.

    I hope you get my point.
    I am not expecting this from western lobby.

  242. Forest Gump says:


    I acknowledge your point and but what if (In a hypothetical situation) if Pakistan start charging thousands of Euros to the pilgrims and Guruduaras in Pakistan remove the Sobha’s Singh’s creation of Guru Nanak pictures, make only little portion of Guru Garanth Sahib available to public just to pretend and keep things going because they think, people would still come out of emotional attachment, further ask Sikhs to act more practical and not to wear turban and get hair cut.

    One may protest for a while; other may find his refuge in Anand pur Sahib(another Guruduara), few may do Ardas at home. Ultimately, choice is personal.

  243. shantam prem says:

    Being the son of an Indo Pakistan refugee(Frank´s family has not played any role in the division.They are non violent people simply sucking the benefits and securtiy provided by stron Uk Military and political brass), Your analogy of division of India in 1947 is remarkable to the point that people built their life with new energy and resiliance. Small refugee shop keepers of that time are running flourishing businesses all over the country.
    Did you intend to say Osho world or Nisarga or other names in the same line as successful refugee establishements?

  244. shantam prem says:

    Dilruba, before we go further into Buddha´s vatican,
    Just type Buddha´s Tooth at Google.
    read few pages from 42, 100 results.

    If you go to Bodh Gaya for sight seeing. Please ask few of the visiting japaneese Girls, whether they have come there in search of Bihari Chai wallas.

    Who knows some Osho tarot reader in Tokyo has predicted, ” Go to Bodh Gaya. There you meet your soul partner in deep brown man who will be making chai.”

  245. Forest Gump says:


    You asked:
    Did you intend to say Osho world or Nisarga or other names in the same line as successful refugee establishments?

    Yes, I think so, but it will take some time, I don’t care if it happens in my life time or not. I am happy to see small gardens flowering; At least I have places to explore when it’s time for me to go for a pilgrimage.

  246. shantam prem says:

    After reading your above mail, Gump, i remember after a long time, famous Pune stick used by each and everybody, ” you are going too much into mind Swami/Ma”

  247. shantam prem says:

    Above mail means. 12.28 AM

  248. Forest Gump says:

    Swami Ji,

    OK, I don’t have the habit developed yet to spending too much on chatting. I am kind of tired now, so it’s time for me to catch you guys later when” I am in not in too much mind”, I guess, If this sentence is taken literally as I write, there is little chance that I come back. Good Night..

  249. Forest Gump says:


    BTW, that post at 12.28 AM is an analogy to what’s happening in the Resort. Raising Prices, Dropping Osho’s Pictures, Mala, only a few books publishing, Dropping Osho times, Dry Environment, indicate the same kind of scenario.

  250. shantam prem says:

    Where ever you will move… my shadow will be with you. sometime by remembering me, yours tears wil flow.. my tears will come to stóp them.
    in any direction you will turn your face, my shadow will be with you.
    If you will be sad, i will be sad too. whether you see me or not, i will be around you……

    Thanks for the song´s link.

    If you love someone totally it is enough unto oneself.

    Someone will say, it is all sentimental. Fool´s paradise. It is all barrier on seekers path?
    An Inner child can ask, ” How you know this.”
    The judge will say pensively, ” Just read in Buddhist Book.”

  251. Dilruba says:

    Shantam .. l read in my school days that Buddha’a tooth
    was preserved in Srilanka .. but after l read the wikipedia now .. came to know about one more place …

    and about japanese girls meeting bihari chaiwalla’a or non-bihari chaiwalla’s … this is a fiction …

  252. Satya Deva says:

    In response to Forrest Gump’s post of 9.54pm -

    Well said, young man!
    I actually think you’ve hit the nail more or less on the head there, FG, what you say makes general good sense to me.

    (Probably for the first – and last?!) time?)….

  253. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Prem, if swami Gump says, ‘I respect your opinion and find myself in total harmony.’ You can rest assured that something is amiss in your view point.
    Gump has a crystal ball. He says, ‘I have strong feeling that he will be greatly admired by more and more people in the coming time.’ And for once he might be right, but unfortunately it might not be such a good sign as he imagines.
    Quite recently my wife was on a Bangkok to London flight. Next to her sat a beturbaned Sikh. He was reading an Osho book.
    ‘Good book?’ she enquired.
    ‘Yes.’ he replied. ‘Osho great Indian saint.’
    A sign of the times. In the early days Osho attracted a lot of rebels and genuine seekers. Nowadays his appeal is to the masses. People who don’t understand very much. With a little advancement they turn into people like Gump. They soon think Osho’s understanding is theirs and begin parroting his words.
    Osho has gone mainstream. Seasoned seekers are no longer so interested in Osho because much of his work has become a part of popular culture. The sexual revolution peaked in Poona one, partly because aids had not exploded on to the scene. Young people these days need no encouragement to go forth and have lots of sex, they are already doing it with multiple partners like rabbits.
    The rave culture of the eighties and early nineties had a lot to do with sannyasin culture. Unfortunately, the energy was supplied by MDMA but they still danced till they dropped. It is all old hat now.
    You have people on street corners with placards hanging round their necks. ‘FREE HUGS’ The days of orange robed sannyasins giving ridiculously long hugs is long gone, but people all over the world hug each other a lot more these days.
    All these changes in society came in part thanks to sannyasins and Osho’s instructions to ‘Help my people there. He did a great job. He changed the world and helped make it a wee bit better place to be in. No little accomplishment.
    When I was a kid I fought for the right to wear my hair long. Now we have longhaired right-wing politicians. When I look at them I think, little do they know.
    Now we have fools like Shantam Prem wasting endless hours writing gibberish and making statements like, ‘It is not a question of imposing Osho to the world, but keeping His commands intact at the Pune level.’
    Commands! What next? He’ll be coming down the mountains with ten commandments and if you don’t obey them you will be sent to hell where you will be roasted alive and tortured for all eternity but don’t be worried, he loves you.
    Someone asked me why I bother to write on this blog. I replied, ‘It is great practice for trying to communicate with people who are absolutely stuck.’

  254. Satya Deva says:

    shantam prem:

    what i mean is Barry Long is an ecological village,
    MM is a hamlet… Osho estate has the potential to be a mega city.

    Which doesn’t actually mean a lot though, SP.

    The point is whether individuals – including you and me – actually bother with ‘the spiritual life’ (and your and my conceptions of what this is might well differ!)…

    Your views often appear almost those of a sort of politician, someone who really believes he knows what’s good for ‘everyone’ , always ‘counting the votes’ – and we all know where politicians are at, don’t we?!

  255. Lokesh says:

    Satya, I reread Gump’s post that you referred to. On a superficial take it sounds okay. Very little that is original and mostly plagerized, but still okay.The old-school language is there but really it is all old, oft repeated hat grounded in a world view that is no longer cutting edge but in my opinion quite blunt. He states, ‘if we find our growth, it’s worth it.’ This growth thing is an ego trip…worth it to who? The ever expanding monster of ego who is quite capable of absorbing spiritual ideas to make itself ever more powerful. People like Gump are a long way off from getting down to the real world of spirit. There is no need for growth, because the truth is already complete. This whole spiritual search is utter bullshit, because that which is involved in the search is a complete fiction. Osho knew this and said it many times. And that is where many sannyasins are stuck…bliss states…higher and higher…feeling the master’s energy….it is all nonsense and nothing but a refinement of the ego.
    Gump is fairly typical of ‘new seekers’ full of zeal and he ‘feels’ things. Don’t mention the fact that he thinks about things, because that is against his religious creed, even though he is completely identified with his thoughts. People like Gump are fickle and it only takes a little scraping on that veneer of spirituality he wears so proudly and off he goes reacting like a wally.
    As Dylan once sang, ‘There’s something happening, but you don’t know what it is, do you Mister Jones?’
    The goose is out because it was never in.

  256. Dilruba says:

    Life is so paradoxical .. only seeing every moment with freshness .. can l see the faceless truth

  257. Lokesh says:

    Yes Diruba, that is how it is but it would seem that some people need to project a face on truth…especially if that face has a long beard, bald head and hypnotic eyes and I’m not talking about ZZ Top, even though I am a great fan of those southern rockers.

  258. frank says:

    did you hear about the time on the ranch when osho went out in his rolls with zz top playing at full volume.

    “give me all your loving
    all the hugs and kisses too
    give me all your lovin`
    dont give up until we`re thru…”


  259. Dilruba says:

    Well Lokesh .. l need to ZZZZZZZZ now … siesta

  260. Lokesh says:

    Frank, I never heard about that but it is good to hear about it now. I love The Tops. My fave track is ‘My Head’s in Mississippi’.


  261. anugrah says:

    One of osho sannyasins since long time swami Niketan left his body in usa. Most of his last 20 years he lived in pune and travelled in india .

  262. shantam prem says:

    To be healthy is one thing, to become health professional totally other.
    There are people who are not happy to be General practitioners, they spend their life to study one part of the body or to invest years long concentration to develop new medicines.
    And then there are happy go lucky chaps, who boast about their stamina because of some herbal Paste.
    For me these types are the most irritating ones because their limited brain cannot think beyond their periphery, for every disease, they have one solution. Herbal Paste.

  263. shantam prem says:

    Anugrah, does late swami Niketan has facebook page?

  264. Satya Deva says:

    Yes, Lokesh, I do appreciate where you’re coming from with your comments on FG’s earlier post.

    But I guess most people might well just not be ready to face the naked truth, that you have described. Frankly, I’m not at all sure I am…

    It’s as if a considerable amount of ‘de-programming’, not just in terms of beliefs and values, but in the living of them, has first to happen, before most are fit to face the reality…

    The problem though for sannyasins might well be the possibility (probability?!) that there’s no one around to put them right, so they might just go on indulging themselves and imagining they’re growing spiritually…

  265. Satya Deva says:

    And SP, what on earth are you getting at now?!

  266. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Well, there’s always meditation………..

  267. shantam prem says:

    Your views often appear almost those of a sort of politician, someone who really believes he knows what’s good for ‘everyone’

    SD, this is a criticism worth taking note off. It is not attack, gives some window, some benefit of doubt to the other by saying Often appear….
    as what often appears is colored by our own eye sight and the unseen colored glasses we all wear. In Psyho jargon it is called conditioning.

    Once someone spends time around Osho(does not necessarily means a short man with long flowing beard), one thing one learns is to accept each individual´s uniqueness.
    There is no tailor made clothes, but insitution where one can learn how to tailor one´s own clothes.

    This is what Osho´s mystery school has developed on the lines.
    Every kind of stuff is available.. nobody is there to tell what suits you. You try, try try and grow.

    The present resort is also working on the similar lines. Undoubtedly without a bodily master it is one of the most dignified place for any self confident and motivated seeker.

    What pushes me to write is just one fact, People in charge have no right to curtain the inventory. They have no right to impose their kind of music or activities.
    Sannyasins have the right to chose whether they want to participate in Kirtan or in disco or in both.
    So was the life and times around Osho.
    Disco was integrated at the insistence of Osho because He was for giving equal opportunity to all.

  268. shantam prem says:

    You or anybody else can not offend me by saying i am appearing like a Politician.
    I LOVE politics and appreciate right kind of people in the game, who offer innovative and humane solutions.

    Top in my list are Dr. Manmohan SIngh, Mrs.Sonia Gandhi(she has installed the best values in her son, the next choice of India´s PM), Nick Clegg

    Bottom line has many but the top three will be Pakistan´s president Mr. 10 percent Zardari, Tony Blair, Ahmedinizad(he is preparing his country for the blow of pre-emptive strike)

    But never ever my heart opens for those white colored people who don´t make their hand dirty yet enjoy all the benefits generated by such people.
    A very mediocre or anarchist person will ignore the importance of Politics in present civilisation. It is because of so called nice people´s reluctance and passivity, world has many power hungry bigots in this branch of action.

    here it will not be irrelevant to mention that few of the best Osho Books are dealing with the issues of social and political problems and the lack of will and intelligence to tackle them. He was constantly criticised by the vast Guru lobby for distracting from peace, prayer and Parmatma kind of usual stuff.

  269. shantam prem says:

    Someone asked me why I bother to write on this blog. I replied, ‘It is great practice for trying to communicate with people who are absolutely stuck.’

    I feel PITY for such writer.

  270. shantam prem says:

    SD, Once you have mentioned about a cricket match between England and Pornostan. Here is the latest score.

    Bookies earned 20mn pounds from Pak’s tour to Eng:

  271. shantam prem says:

    I think it is a common observation that few times in their life, many children develop the habit to pluck leaves from the trees or home plants.

    Few adults also do, sometime without even being aware, Simply pluking a flower or the grren from the gardens of other people.

    When the time comes green turn brown and simply falls. One does not need Al-bubbie with a stick to go on hammering the fences or the plants or the trees.

  272. shantam prem says:

    I was thinking Like most of the people in his age, Lokesh will enjoy the retirement years with the gem of a wife, but looks like he has seen some lucrative cash in the Crane service business. Helping people who are absolutely stuck. Communicate directly with the boss on toll free no. of sannyasnews.

    I will treat that person also as my master, who will lead me on the path of making money.. i hope Lokesh will reciprocate the generosity, as i offer Him a suggestion. Rent a kiosk before Glasgow church.

    A paragraph from Wiki-
    Christianity is the largest religion in Scotland. At the 2001 census 65% of the Scottish population was Christian. The Church of Scotland, often known as The Kirk, is recognised in law as the national church of Scotland. It is not an established church and is independent of state control. However, it is the largest religious grouping in Scotland, with 42% of the population. The other major denomination is the Roman Catholic Church, the traditional Christian church of Scotland prior to the Reformation, which claims around 16% of the population, and is especially important in West Central Scotland and the Highlands. There are also around 15,000 each of Baptists, Episcopalians and conservative Presbyterians, with smaller numbers of Quakers, Pentecostal, Gospel Hall. The only churches to witness an increase in attendance are independent churches, which include the popular evangelical wing.

    and so on

  273. Dilruba says:

    Politics is not different from life … the politicians are also from the same world .. l come from .. we are all politicians in our own ways … & we do get what we truely need .. only some feel they can do more / deserve more

  274. shantam prem says:

    Scotland has a relatively high proportion of persons, 28% of the population, who regard themselves as belonging to ‘no religion’. Indeed, this was the second most common response in the 2001 census after The Kirk, outnumbering even Roman Catholics.

    In Indian census presently going on.. i will also cross, “No religion.”

    It is interesting to note that a couple of multi religious belief in Mumbai wanted to register their new born with
    “No religion”.
    They could not do it. Every clerk and official showed his helplessness. Computer programme does not accept ” No religion.”
    No need to say, on many levels of evolution, me and my country are few decades behind the west.

    Any body can guess how many decades or centuries it wil take to have French kind of naturist beaches in India?

  275. shantam prem says:

    Like every sphare, people of all walks of life, saints and sinners co exist together. It is the personal choice, free will or destiny i cannot say.
    Just in Pune, there is one Mr. Suresh Kalmadi, incharge of common wealth games, The Mr. 10 percent of India, on the other side, Pune has Mr. Aurn Bhatia, an upright officer and a gentleman who can dare to take bull from the horn.

    Interestingly enough, in election politics. Mr. Bhatia has almost negligible chance to win in India.

    Democracy implanted over feudal mind set!!

  276. Dilruba says:

    Shantam .. every time before rainy season .. my left ear would go deaf till the rains stopped .. for the past 5-6 years … this year l had a fever in the end of May … and my friend Swati suggested this herbal paste ” Chyavanprash” … so l started having it … and now the deafness before the rainy season didnt happen … l dont know whome to thank .. Swati or the makers of Chyavanprash .. so l thank both

  277. shantam prem says:

    Evrything in the name of Auerveda is available in the west, but “Chyavanprash” i have not seen yet. I want to share its taste with the friends.
    If you could go into the archievs of Aaj tak TV channel, there was an interestting debate about Ayuerveda and modren medicine.
    Dr. Batra, one of the finest heart surgeon was also in this debate. In his very composed way he was pointing, all these pathies can be complimented to each other. One works where other fails, that in his research and clinical hospital, he wants to give due space to differant school of healing.
    It was nice to hear, when he said, ” not for some obvious reasons, may be becasue his friends offer complimentary packs, he regularly takes Chyavanparash.”

  278. Lokesh says:

    Satya, your 12:38 pm post was a good one.

  279. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, atleast one thing you forget my brother.
    i just take it from your article-
    While most of your contemporaries were earning degrees in university or becoming alcoholics, you were off in India in search of that most vague of commodities: ‘The Truth’.
    Six years in Poona non stop during those days when infra structure was quite poor.
    No body in India at that time have heard about bottled drinking water from Nestle and Pepsico!

    I am trying to imagine what many wise people back home were thinking about this frolic of youth and how to take out the stuck wheels!
    Was there some letter from grand mother or the local priest which made you pack your bags for return journey.
    Most probably, it was the right time from within.

    Same jakob´s path will be pilgrimaged by many others, in their own age, in their own time.
    I remember once i read in some interview by a woman coming back to India from USA , ” i was wondering my whole life from continent to continent in search of myself. After years of travelling i felt one day, ” how so ever í may try, it is not possible to run away from the roots.”

    This woman has the maturity and the journey to say one day, ” roots are within.”

    Before this thing called Ego whithers away, why not play with it. it is also not bad to get syphillis once in a while for this pricky pricky thing, called ego-so small yet erect all the time.

    Buring the candle from both ends, Osho encourages us With His words, with His blick; gaze and glance and gestures.
    Command is not a right word.

    Jai Ho Osho

  280. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Satya Deva

    One of the best descriptions of the Ineffable, of The Moment I’ve come across on these videos. Listen to the Listening.

  281. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, I’m not quite sure what you are on about. I’ve mentioned it before. It helps when communicating to use a common language. What are you saying?
    Like what am I supposed to make of this? It is also not bad to get syphillis once in a while for this pricky pricky thing, called ego-so small yet erect all the time.
    I’m sorry, it is none too clear what you are trying to say.

  282. Lokesh says:

    Jenny. I followed the link and ended up watching a Mooji talk. Likeble kind of man, isn’t he? Interesting website. thanks for posting it.

  283. Forest Gump says:


    This is response to your comments at // Aug 30, 2010 at 9:19 am

    For me, Journey (Living an ordinary life) is the destination.

    There is no difference between Zen’s koan “The goose is out” and a Hindu priest saying “Yeh tou Sab Maya hai” (It’s all illusion).

    I wish you knew Hindi to see, how Osho banged the thoughts of this kind of priest once in his Hindi discourse.

    Here is the link to the same discourse, for the interest of those who understand the language:

    ( You may need a plug in from Veoh to watch ,so install it, it’s not a virus)

  284. Forest Gump says:


    This is response to your comments at // Aug 30, 2010 at 9:19 am

    For me, Journey (Living an ordinary life) is the destination.

    There is no difference between Zen’s koan “The goose is out” and a Hindu priest saying “Yeh tou Sab Maya hai” (It’s all illusion).

    I wish you knew Hindi to see how Osho banged the thoughts of this kind of priest once in his Hindi discourse.

    For the interest of those who understand the language, Google the video for “Jo Bole hari Katha Osho”, you will find it. Once you open it, it may need an update to your browser watch, install it, it’s not a virus.)

  285. Forest Gump says:

    Here is the link to audio of Osho discourse “Jo Bole hari Katha”

  286. Forest Gump says:

    Here is the link to video of Osho discourse “Jo Bole hari Katha”

  287. Satya Deva says:

    SP and Dilruba, politics in this world is fundamentally about POWER.

    Please bear this in mind when you make your comments.

    If you really believe you can combine full or at least adequate participation in politics, which necessarily involves power struggles, deals, lying to convince people – and fooling yourself by imagining you know what’s best for everyone…

    With living ‘the spiritual life’ ( I believe you’re pretty much a ‘beginner’ really , are you not? It’s ok, so am I! ) then you really are in for a major shock…

    Unless, of course, your self-delusion runs so deep you really believe your own propaganda….

  288. Lokesh says:

    Shantam,something for you perhaps.

    Khushwant Singh, eminent author, historian and former editor of the Times of India, has described Osho as “the most original thinker that India has produced: the most erudite, the most clearheaded and the most innovative”. In his view, Osho was a “free-thinking agnostic” who had the ability to explain the most abstract concepts in simple language, illustrated with witty anecdotes, who mocked gods, prophets, scriptures and religious practices and gave a totally new dimension to religion.

    ‘The ability to explain the most abstract concepts in simple language.’ You would do well to learn by your master’s example on this level, unless of course you are not really interested in communicating and your words are some warped form of catharsis, something which you have already hinted at in an oblique comment earlier on in this thread..

  289. Lokesh says:

    Forest Gump, you say, ‘For me’. Now which ‘me’ is that?
    Is it the one who said, ‘You are such a piece of junk, I wonder, how you got attracted to Osho at the first place, I guess, you missed meeting your homosexual Guru Lokesh earlier and got little misguided and inadvertently went to Osho .’ Or was it that the ‘me’ who said, ‘Dudes like Lokesh are really working hard to claim to be recognized as “awakening ones”, may be even enlightened, another show off.’ And all on the same thread within the space of a couple of days. My,my Forest in must be crowded in there with all those mes wanting to say their bit, but hold on…let’s take a few notes….now it is….wait for it…….’There is no difference between Zen’s koan “The goose is out” and a Hindu priest saying “Yeh tou Sab Maya hai” (It’s all illusion). Don’t tell me you have a zen master in there hammering at the inside of your skull in an effort to make you wake up. You poor thing.How do you sleep at night? Let me guess…deeply, because your exhausted after another day of playing host to the multitude in your busy head.
    Well, the small conselation is that you are not alone, you are behaving like just about everyone else on the planet.

  290. shantam prem says:

    Problem may be in your inner computer Lokesh. it has not the uptodate version of Innersoft Osho, the primary version of late seventies is still routing the programmes.
    It is also very much possible you have the latest gadgets from Papa Apple.

    But this site is not being operated and fuled by the later´s disciples
    To accept this simple fact is may be below your pride.

  291. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva .. lam ok with being a beginner / any thing you want to call me .. and what shock are you talking about ?

  292. Satya Deva says:

    Now, SP, do I detect a smidgeon of jealous “pride” in your own little self there?!!

    Surely not…

    Mind you, some of that quality might come in rather useful during your, er, ”political career’….

  293. prem bubbie says:

    S.PEE> you posted 6 times in a row, save yourself the trouble and copy and paste these posts for your future sermons, it’s all the same worn out jello anyway.

  294. Satya Deva says:

    Dilruba, if you can read ok it should be clear enough, I’d have thought…

    Try again?

  295. shantam prem says:

    As i have seen Sheela few years ago, she is not willing to accept Bhagwan as Osho. She will not use this word Osho. “She does not know Osho”, she said, in my only personal interview with her.
    The big dining hall cum sitting area of her old people´s home is full with Bhagwan´s books and photos, but not a single book spoken by Osho after the Ranch period.

    Though she is very muchin her heart with her people, she lives a quite healthy and busy life, she may have even touch the pinacles of inner height but as far as boss cum master´s change in strategy or vision is concerned, she is living in denial.
    i presume there are many people of that generation who are unable to look at Osho´s final and purified version of talks and the development around.

    It is not just a generation gap.. it is imprudent in its mild form.

  296. shantam prem says:

    Al-bubbie thanks for couting my comments and taking the trouble to find out, they all have the same non sense.
    Thanks again for investing your time.

  297. Lokesh says:

    Sheela? Shantam Prem, are you now employed as a deckie on dredger?

  298. prem bubbie says:

    admit it shantam, you are also going by the name Forest Gump… Why did you use that name? Is it a way of telling the world you’re a retard inside, and can’t say directly and only through a pseudonym? Lokesh: Nice to see you picked up on S.P and Gumpster the Dumpster -diver. One can’t make out heads or tails with S.P. and Gumpster talks posts things only a mentally impaired person can post. Closeted Indian politicians I suppose.

  299. prem bubbie says:

    S.P. That Mr. Softee outfit you wore for many years severely constricted the blood supply to your head, resulting with……

  300. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva … you come again !

  301. prem bubbie says:

    Please… “Gumpster posts things…” not “Gumpster talks posts…” Sorry, got caught up in S.P’s whirlwind.

  302. Lokesh says:

    Thunder boomed and lightning flashed when Osho was asked for his ten commandments.
    He said in a hypnotic voice that sounded like there was too much treble on the mike, “You have asssssked for my Ten Commandmentsssssssssss. It’sssssssss a difficult matter, because I am against any kind of commandment. Yet, just for the fun of it, I write:”

    1. Never obey anyone’sssss command unless it is coming from within you alsssso.
    2. There is no God other than life itssssself.
    3. Truth is within you, do not sssssearch for it elssssewhere.
    4. Love issss prayer.
    5. To become a nothingnessssss is the door to truth. Nothingnessssss itself is the means, the goal and attainment.
    6. Life isssss now and here.
    7. Live wakefully.
    8. Do not sssswim – float.
    9. Die each moment so that you can be new each moment.
    10. Do not sssssearch. That which issss, issss. Sssstop and sssssee.

    Do not swim – float….I knew I was doing something wrong!

  303. shantam prem says:

    Oh Palanhare…. ….Bhakti ko Shakti do……..
    Oh Saviour….. grace the prayer with power……

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    Please enjoy the touch of melody. Sub titles are in one of the Europian language.

  304. Forest Gump says:


    In your response to your comments // Aug 30, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    You are just pissed off because I didn’t give you pat on the back.

    No only that, you are also jealous, jealous of everyone including Osho.

    You just want continuous endorsements and praises. Poor little child you are.

    Shantam is right, your biological brain need an update to latest version so that you may stop acting like Grand Pa of this forum and grow your childish brain to act like a friend.

  305. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh.. take some effort.. millions of such diamonds are hidden in the talks given during 1987-1989.
    MAy be you can try for fun sake some Gibrish medittaion at the end of the Zen discourses, chunk of frozen mind may melt in you or your class mates of that time.
    (Oh yes…the mid still remains as always..shantam Pee dowg is a living proof!!)

    When Mr. Punja ji was doing Raman Maharishi´s POOJA, Amma was thi´nking whether to chose Sandalwood deodrant or the rose flavoured,
    OSho in His sick body was sharing His discourses morning and evening, just like river is giving her last rush before merging in the Ocean.

  306. Lokesh says:

    Forest Gump, You are just pissed off because I didn’t give you pat on the back.
    Don’t flatter yourself.

  307. Satya Deva says:

    Satya Deva:

    Dilruba, if you can read ok it should be clear enough, I’d have thought…

    However…to spell it out:

    You can not combine significant political involvement with living ‘the spiritual life’, they are utterly incompatible.

    (Note I use the word “significant”, ie giving your life to it, not messing around with a single, temporary issue, for example).

    And if you think you can then you’re gonna be well shocked…

    (Unless, of course, your idea of ‘the spiritual lif’ is up the creek….)

  308. shantam prem says:

    Shantam pee is the same as Forest Gump.. the way Anand was the creation of Frank or or or
    Let gumpy says what he feels so, i assure you Al-bubbie the ghost writer, i am not that clever to operate two identities.

    with the same name i write here or write my comments at Times of India.
    The same shantam prem has written few comments at some xxx site.

    Why to pretend.. why to cheat.. why not to be just oneself..with all the human flaws and virtues.

  309. Satya Deva says:

    Like my spelling…Should be ‘life’ there!

  310. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Prem, you are doing enough gibberish for everyone on this blog.
    The other day, a sannyasin friend of mine who owns a restraunt invited everyone round for an event. I think the fact that she advertised that the evening would begin with half an hour of gibberish meditation was the reason that not a soul showed up.

  311. Lokesh says:

    Forest Gump, with friends like you I would not need enemies. I’m not in the least bit interested in your friendship. save it for your pal Shantam.

  312. Dilruba says:

    Life is life .. not spiritual or otherwise .. and that includes all .. Satya deva … by using this word shock .. you cannot
    give me a shock dear … to me life includes everything … fundamentally or otherwise

  313. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:
    When Mr. Punja ji was doing Raman Maharishi´s POOJA, Amma was thi´nking whether to chose Sandalwood deodrant or the rose flavoured,
    OSho in His sick body was sharing His discourses morning and evening, just like river is giving her last rush before merging in the Ocean.

    You are rather partial, are you not, SP, to making these spurious comparisons?

    As if it matters one tiny jot what any single teacher might or might not be doing in relation to another!!

    You know, you remind me at times of an English woman sannyasin in London, who once declared to me, out of the blue, proudly yet rather defensively, that she was the follower of the “best Master and part of the best spiritual movement”.

    I hadn’t been arguing with her and her comments seemed a means to reassure herself – to ‘boost a flagging ego, if you like – rather than to win a point, as it were.

    You made a kind of similar comment recently, re Barry Long, Mother Meera and Osho – which struck me as just juvenile crap.

    As if numbers of ‘followers’ (terrible word!) actually mean anything…Just your political mind operating…

    I submit that one single true ‘seeker’ is worth more than many thousands of half-hearted or deluded ones.

    (Btw, you do realise that Meera, whom you seem to enjoy denigrating – why, I don’t know, considering your complete ignorance of her and other matters…although perhaps it’s simply to cover that ignorance?! – gives darshan to around 800 or so people every week? Perhaps that might impress your silly, competitive mind…?)

  314. Satya Deva says:


    Life is life .. not spiritual or otherwise .. and that includes all .. Satya deva … by using this word shock .. you cannot
    give me a shock dear … to me life includes everything … fundamentally or otherwise

    This simply indicates to me, Dilruba, that you don’t really understand yet what ‘the spiritual life’ is…

  315. Forest Gump says:


    In response to // Aug 30, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    But you did show up to know the fact. Existence helps the poor souls, no matter how afraid they are.

  316. Dilruba says:

    Pray tell me Satya deva !

  317. Lokesh says:

    Forest Gump, I have no idea what you are talking about. Listen, why don’t you and Shantam get together and have a wee pow wow, but not for too long, because everyone would miss winding you up.
    Wind ‘em up and let ‘em go. Yeehaw!

  318. Lokesh says:

    Meanwhile, in ring three, we have Diruba and satya Deva slugging it out. Oooof! I do believe that one was below the belt but seeing as how there is no referee nothing will be done about. Now if this were Iran….

  319. prem bubbie says:

    “… I am not that clever to operate two identities.” For that matter you’re not that clever to operate your “one” identity. Shantam.

  320. Dilruba says:

    D’ling Lokesh dont make assumptions

  321. prem bubbie says:

    F.G. Existence doesn’t give a flying fuck about whether they’re poor souls or enlightened ones…. I hear Shantam’s voice speaking, again!!

  322. Dilruba says:

    Bubbie .. with you on this one

  323. prem bubbie says:

    Where’s rajneesh? Hey mon, got any promos going?

  324. shantam prem says:

    SD, comparisons are not being made to put someone down. It is just to tease in a friendly way, some one like you.
    Just think about a wife, hopefully it is not yours, as you seem to be a regular guy on this level…
    so this wife..always find some strange perfume whenever husband comes home.

    Once she mentioned this to the friends over the dinner, since than the friends are teasing…

  325. Forest Gump says:


    I am talking about
    “an hour of gibberish meditation was the reason that not a soul showed up.”

    I want to me wind up, so you could profess the Grand pa talks to your disciples?

    OK, this is all your now, But Remember, I may come back out of my ordinary life and kick butt.

  326. Lokesh says:

    Diruba….Please don’t ask me to give up my assumptions….they are all I have left. If they go…well…I don’t even want to think about it.

  327. Dilruba says:

    ok Lokesh .. dont worry .. be happy .. la alalala

  328. shantam prem says:

    what a jewel of a sentence Bubbie..

    Existence doesn’t give a flying fuck about whether they’re poor souls or enlightened ones….

    To write adjective with Prem Bubbie will make me ashamed.
    Thanks God it is not written by Ma Prem Jenny…

  329. Forest Gump says:

    I want to me wind up = You want me to wind up

  330. Lokesh says:

    Forest Gump, Remember, I may come back out of my ordinary life and kick butt.

    God forbid. But doesn’t this contradict your previous statement: ‘For me, Journey (Living an ordinary life) is the destination.’

    Oh…yes..I forgot…you have a multifrenic personality disorder. Stat away from halucinogens.

  331. Forest Gump says:

    OK, Bubbie, I sense that you have a screwee relationship with the existence, and so you know it because it gives flying to you who is born out of whim.

  332. shantam prem says:

    Existence doesn’t give a flying fuck about whether they’re poor souls or enlightened ones….

    Newspapers make a quiz show..Readers have to find out from more than 15, 20 Masters, whose influence could make someone write this quotation?

    If Bubbie, you are near my town at this moment, i spend my last money of the month (around 55 Euros and few cents) to buy you a drink.

  333. Lokesh says:

    Oh Oh, Bubbie has run for cover now that Gumpy has pointed his big gun in Bubbie’s direction.
    Can Bubbie turn the tables on Colonel Gumpy or will he beat a hasty retreat?
    Read on and find out.

  334. Forest Gump says:


    I am afraid that you are having trouble understanding my sarcasm to you. Anyways I got to go for a while, so you guys have fun…

  335. Lokesh says:

    Aha! A surprise alliance has been offered by Shantam Prem…methinks Colonel Gumpy is in trouble.

  336. Lokesh says:

    I knew it, faced with the new alliance, Colonel Gumpy has disappeared into the woods with his tale between his legs and he still doesn’t know that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Some people never learn.

  337. Forest Gump says:


    Sarcasm is all, I can offer to you for now. I wish I were in a position to offer you more of it. But I really can’t hang out for more time. So type in whatever, I will reply you, later.

    Don’t let that 55 Euro go away..You don’t have to screw around for a dope at least for a day.

  338. shantam prem says:

    Just read.. at
    It is a joy to do Gibeerish together.

    The mind is a coward, and has to be a coward because it doesn’t have any substance. It is empty and hollow, afraid of everything. And basically it is afraid that one day you may become aware.

    That fear keeps people away from meditation, makes them enemies of people like me who are trying to spread something of meditation, some way of awareness and witnessing. They become antagonistic to me – not without any reason – their fear is well-founded.

    Mind is really afraid to come close to anything that can create more awareness. That will be the beginning of the end of the mind. That will be the death of the mind.

  339. Lokesh says:

    Shatam Prem: people like me who are trying to spread something of meditation.
    You’ve got to be joking.

  340. Lokesh says:

    All you are spreading is too much butter on your ten slices of toast every morning.

  341. Lokesh says:

    By the way, thanks for the laughs that some of you provided this evening. In particular Colonel Gump and Shantam.

  342. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    (I think he was quoting Osho actually)

  343. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh bhai.. read the quottaion again…
    Osho´s name is clearly mentioned..
    i am not trying to spread the medittaion..
    I am just a simple consumer…

    The complete Zen series of 1989.. Zen, Jokes and Osho leading the Giberish.. is available at

    If there is a is under your Lotus feet.

    Osho..Jai Ho

  344. prem bubbie says:

    F.G. wrote:”…I sense that you have a screwee relationship with existence…” and what kind of relationship do you have with existence? a platonic, intimate, homosexual, bisexual, FWB, cash only, no credit? Pay as you go? A pawned one, that’s it!!!

  345. anugrah says:

    shantam, swami niketan is not on facebook , but his picture is in my facebook wall and also bigprem’s wall
    he was swami who bough a jeep and spoke little gujrati , but was born her in milwakee in usa and lived most of his life in koregaon park till may 2010 and then came back to usa .

  346. Forest Gump says:


    The sense that brought this thought because your continuous rant doesn’t seems to define a healthy or harmonies relationship with your own existence. You are always so pissed off. I wonder, how people would have been keeping up with you if you really exist the way you are or you might be bipolar, very nice to the outside world, but bring up only crap here to relieve you from the head excrete.

  347. Lokesh says:

    Shantam Prem, you and dear Jenny are right ,I missed the beloved master’s name at the end of a quote which I actually thought you had penned. I suppose in a way this reflects the high quality of your writng here on sannyasnews. And therefore it is that I bow down at your lotus feet and humbly beg your forgiveness for this terrible blunder I have made. My soul is guilt-ridden and I’ve dug out my mala after twenty years and have bedun doing Japa yoga. Unfortunately the only mantra I know is ‘Hail Mary’ but I figure that if I can keep it up for a year my soul will be purified and one day I will be able to return to a spiritual life and concentrate once more on my growth as a humble sadhak.

  348. Dilruba says:

    Wow .. interesting to read Lokesh’s comments ..
    All the Best Lokesh … my sincere wishes

  349. Satya Deva says:

    FAO Dilruba (updated version) –

    Satya Deva:

    Politics in this world is fundamentally about POWER, the usually bitter struggle to grab some, or the tenacious clinging to it after it’s been achieved.

    Please bear this in mind when you make your comments.

    If you really believe you can combine full or at least adequate participation in politics, which necessarily involves power struggles:
    cutting deals behind others’ backs,
    plotting to undermine or overthrow perceived enemies, lying to convince people to support you,
    polishing one’s inevitably false public image to appear what you’re not to the gullible public –

    and, not only cheating others, but worse – for anyone ostensibly ‘seeking the Truth’ – fooling yourself by imagining you know what’s best for everyone…

    If you truly believe that any of this stuff fits with the awareness and aspirations of a meditator (or ok, even a ‘bhakti’/devotee), with living ‘the spiritual life’, then you truly don’t know what you’re doing, you have your backside and your elbow more than somewhat’ er, ‘confused’ (to put it mildly).

    No use, Dilruba, your quoting convenient received cliches like ‘All Life is One’, and so on, you need to get down to realities and wake up your evidently slumbering intelligence and discrimination.

    Unless, of course, your self-delusion runs so deep you really believe your own propaganda…

    In which case, you’d hardly qualify to be called a ‘meditator’, would you?!

  350. Satya Deva says:

    FAO Jenny:

    Thanks a lot for the link you posted here yesterday, that’s much appreciated.

    Haven’t had time to watch it yet, but I certainly will today.

  351. shantam prem says:

    Humble sadhak… No Lokesh.. this is not part of your trait.
    Rock in the middle of Ocean has its own beauty and grace.

  352. shantam prem says:

    SD, do you live the way you write?
    A long nose of medittator with deep contempt for people who are engage in Poltics.

    Have you tried to Live in Col Gaddafi´s Libya.
    Oh..yes..meditators can feel the bliss even in concentration camps.

  353. Satya Deva says:

    SP, that’s actually none of my – or your – business, is it?

    Because neither you nor I can do anything about it, except possibly wring our hands in what amounts to phoney anguish – phoney, because it has no existential reality for us.

    So for us, it’s merely ‘news’, ie largely another form of ‘entertainment’.

    It might be different for us if we lived there and were directly affected by what goes on.

    Very diverting, of course – you might wish to read more and certainly think more about it all (judging by how you appear at SN), ponder what it all means while you sit by your trusty laptop day-after-day-after-day…but what’s it got to do with you clearing your own space, on the road to being a ‘light unto yourself”?

    No, SP, don’t try to pull that one, please.

    And I strongly suggest to you that you decide whether you’re a ‘seeker after Reality/Truth’ (a ‘meditator’, if you like), – or just another ‘commentator’-cum would-be politician-cum wannabe-’social reformer’…who’d kinda prefer some ‘free sex’ and the occasional mass ‘celebration’ along the way…

  354. Dilruba says:

    Listen dear Satya Deva .. l thank you for the energy you are putting .. but cant you see yourself .. dictating to me .. what is that … and please understand what lam saying too .. for example ” my need to meditate .. has made me understand that l already have what l need to have .. and that is a life …so l enjoy life …

  355. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:

    Oh..yes..meditators can feel the bliss even in concentration camps.

    If you think meditation has anything much to do with “bliss” then you’re suffering a further delusion, SP…

    As Lokesh has pointed out here more than once.

    Another example of misunderstanding…

    Haven’t you Indians learned anything around Osho?!!

  356. Satya Deva says:


    Listen dear Satya Deva .. l thank you for the energy you are putting .. but cant you see yourself .. dictating to me .. what is that … and please understand what lam saying too .. for example ” my need to meditate .. has made me understand that l already have what l need to have .. and that is a life …so l enjoy life …

    Great, you enjoy life…

    But you avoid the issues re incvolvement in politics vis-a-vis meditation (in the broadest sense of the word, ie as a way of life).

    Perhaps you should make yourself clearer here….

  357. Dilruba says:

    POLITICS IS A PART OF LIFE ….. Satya Deva … l simply know that … All human / animal / plant life are governed by the power of nature .. and politics is a man-made device for administrating man’s well being

  358. Dilruba says:

    after lunch nap .. the call of nature … catch u later Satya deva .

  359. Satya Deva says:

    Just lost all my reply – so here goes again…

    …and politics is a man-made device for administrating man’s well being


    This statement might have come straight from the mouth/mind of some rational-yet-idealistic 18TH OR &19th century European political theorist, mimicking an ancient Greek of the 5th century AD…

    All very ‘reasonable’-sounding IN THEORY, but it begs so many questions…

    For example, what first comes to mind is what an utter failure this civilisation’s politics have been and are!

    We are very likely coming to the end of more than two millennia of ‘trying’ and look where we are:
    Ready to commit global suicide, in an assortment of ways: nuclear/environmental/economic…

    And do you really believe that the way ‘politics’ has been organised up to now has any hope whatsoever of saving the situation?

    For God’s sake, it’s one of the CAUSES of the God-awful mess!! (Created by unconscious people who also ‘really believed’ it would work – primarily for their persoanal advantage, to serve their vested interests, of course).

    Dilruba, you seem extremely naive in this matter, I’m afraid.
    But if you believe in ‘politics’ as a noble calling, I suggest you actually ‘walk your talk’ and give your life to it. Then you’ll discover the extent of corruption there – in others and perhaps, who knows, in yourself…

    And you’ll learn the difference between theory and practice.

    And how the political life is simply, IN REALITY, incompatible with ‘the spiritual life’.

  360. shantam prem says:

    Mahesh Yogi was giving his whole life, full page advertisements of flying yogis bringing golden age, becasue politicans have brought mess to the world.

    Why not create a world body where south Indians Amma´s rule the world with their hugs and sandlewood fragrance.

    They distribute monthly food tokens as Parsad… Indian disiciples work in the Lungi manufaturing unit, white in the sale and distribution.

    Few hours of work, one husband/wife for everybody… all live in peace and prosperity.
    Om Om Om Shiva Shiva Shiva… Om Om Om

    “Why not jesus why not God” a littel child asked.

    “No darling. we are liberated”, answer the father.

  361. Satya Deva says:


    POLITICS IS A PART OF LIFE ….. Satya Deva … l simply know that … All human / animal / plant life are governed by the power of nature …

    Ultimately, yes, Dilruba, of course…

    But then you go on to imply that in view of this, man-made politics, ie the human world (let’s just call it ‘the world’) is of the same source – and is therefore somehow necessarily , by definition, ‘right’ and good – of ‘divine’ origin, even…

    In creating this link, however, you ignore the obvious fact that man has consistently broken away from, or remained ignorant of, his/her divine source/origins, has been stuck in mass unconsciousness and has therefore been largely subject to the self-interest – including the profoundly pathological – of whoever has held the means of power at any given time.

    Yes, our source is one thing – but our minds (beliefs, values, conditioning) – are, and are becoming, ever more materialistic – un-natural.

    Another way of putting this is that the Earth, our beautiful home, and the World (the man-made ‘problem’) are two different things, not one.

    Politics as we know it, belongs to the latter, and will inevitably cause nothing but more problemes.

    The only hope (if there is any hope) is in individual consciousness, the ‘spiritual life’. To imagine that you or anyone can make any profound, lasting change without an inner spiritual ‘revolution’ is just delusion, it’s like running before you can walk.

    Here endeth this afternoon’s lesson.

    Let us pray….

  362. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva .. everything / nothing is in its purest form today … but this moment is enough .. how else would it be in this present day … if it hadnt started at all … it is natural for our mind to fear failure … the global suicide will happen .. maybe … and unconciousness – conciousness are also inseperable .. lam walking my talk .. not in your sense ofcourse … l dont need to join politics .. and l dont believe in politics / any other thing … l just live a simple life ..

  363. Lokesh says:

    In my entire life the only politics that I became involved with was the politics of ecstasy and even that has become a thing of the past.

    Politics is a disease, and it should be treated exactly like that. It is more dangerous than cancer and if surgery is needed it should be done. Politics is basically dirty.

    No prizes for guessing who said that.

  364. Satya Deva says:


    Satya deva .. everything / nothing is in its purest form today … but this moment is enough .. how else would it be in this present day … if it hadnt started at all … it is natural for our mind to fear failure … the global suicide will happen .. maybe … and unconciousness – conciousness are also inseperable .. lam walking my talk .. not in your sense ofcourse … l dont need to join politics .. and l dont believe in politics / any other thing … l just live a simple life ..

    OK, Dilruba – perhaps I’ve misunderstood you…

    Here’s where it started:

    Politics is not different from life … the politicians are also from the same world .. l come from .. we are all politicians in our own ways … & we do get what we truely need .. only some feel they can do more / deserve more

    Never mind, my ruminations can apply to Shantam Prem then…Or rather, SP’s tendencies….

  365. Satya Deva says:

    Politics is a disease, and it should be treated exactly like that. It is more dangerous than cancer and if surgery is needed it should be done. Politics is basically dirty.

    No prizes for guessing who said that.

    Tony Blair, perhaps?!!

  366. shantam prem says:

    What makes me laugh cry or simply distrust the sannyas thinkers, is there tendency to use SELECTIVE QUOTATIONS of Osho to prove a certain point.
    Sometime these people ( just read the other day, (Sadhna´s blog(the spokes woman of resort) are so dumb stuck in their limited agenda that they will not hesitate to use codes of civil laws in the criminal cases…

    To make my point clear, during the last week i wanted to find some Osho quotation about Master-disciple, so i typed this at Google.

    Few sites were nicely made but on the left hand side, one can see rajneesh`s chuckling photo.
    I could not read the quotation further. How one can eat the food, when one sees waiters fingers dipping in the soup.
    and few sites had only a certain kind of stuff, rest is not touched simply discarded.

    A sincere and intelligent seeker on the path must use his own discretion to find the suitable thread and the stuff for him. The temptation to chose for others; may be few people are born to be direct sales person.

  367. shantam prem says:

    The power loving woman Ms. Clara Bruni married to a hard core politican President Nicolaus Sarakozy has given a statement in favour of a woman in Iran who is condemned to dath by stoning.

    Iranina media has branded ms. Bruni As prostitute and one news paper has issued a “death” for her too.

    Medittaion and clara Bruni, i don´t know.
    Yet.. with her stand.. I will not hesitate to call her
    Amma Clara Bruni. God bless you.

    Read more: ‘Prostitute’ Carla Bruni deserves death: Iran newspaper – Middle East – World – The Times of India

    shantam prem (Freiburg;germany)
    31/08/2010 at 05:16 pm
    The way Iranians are speaking, i am afraid pre-emptive strike from Israel is not far away.

  368. Satya Deva says:

    This Iranian/Muslim atrocity stuff yet another example of that ‘unholy alliance’ of politics and so-called religion.

    With the stoning case just about summing up where this lot of psychopaths are at.

    Israelis not a lot better really either…

    This world is truly a shit-house (as Barry Long once said)…

    (Note: I said “world”, not “Earth”).

  369. Satya Deva says:

    Politics is a disease, and it should be treated exactly like that. It is more dangerous than cancer and if surgery is needed it should be done. Politics is basically dirty.

    No prizes for guessing who said that.

    Second guess:

    The Rev. S. Deva perhaps…?!!

  370. shantam prem says:

    This world is truly a shit house !!!

    The famous toliet paper sellers are-

    (10) …800 people buy enviornment friendly tissues every week. (figures provided by SD)

  371. frank says:

    i`m no hardline mullah,but you`ve got to admit that bruni is a bit of an old tart.
    also,her plastic surgeon should definitely be stoned…
    or maybe he was already……

    but seriously,shantam prem,are you alright?
    you seem to have really gone into a kind of irreversable rant…
    have you overdosed on past-its-sell-by-date economy pork sausages from aldi,or something?
    calling for nuclear strikes in the middle east on the times of india site?
    i know you come from a culture where religious mob violence
    is one of the most popular forms of entertainment,and whenever you have religious discussions on trains in india,there`s nothing you like better than to consider the possibility of a good fight to the death in the name of religious honour,but..chill out a bit,man…
    you`re heading for a heart attack,or something….

  372. shantam prem says:

    Frank Aka Anand,
    I am not imagining something.
    Read the world press, every month or so there is an article about Israel´s preparation for pre-emptive strike.

    Even Al queda is ready for this.
    Al Qaeda Already Gaming Out War Between Israel and Iran

  373. Lokesh says:

    Before Shantam does have his heart attack ther is one thing he can help me with, and all the rest of you for that matter.
    I’m on a fact-finding mission.
    During my time with Osho I only heard about one sannyasin who Osho declared to enlightened. He was a friend of mine at the time. It is a good story but no need to go into it, at least not now.
    What I want to know is, how mant sannyasins have you heard about who became enlightened? I don’t need daft answers, I need facts about how many sannyasins have been declared to be self awakened, realized etc. You know what I mean.
    All information on this point will be much appreciated as it will help me form another wee article. Okay, thanks.

  374. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, israel’s pre-emptive strike is old hat. Four years ago I hung out for a couple of days with a couple of Israeli army officers on the coast of Thailand. One of them was in charge of info gathering on two neighbouring countries the other had something to do with Lebanon. They told me that for some time the Israeli military has been in a state of preparedness in regards attcking Iran if it looked like they were getting close to developing atomic weaponry. They also mentioned that although willing to go it alone they were quite sure they would have American backing.
    Invest in steel helmets now. Big boom boom on horizon.

  375. shantam prem says:

    from the same TOI article-

    Seems like Ahmedinizad´s islamic democrtatic regime has clear agenda,” How to make enemies across the world and bring suffering to one´s own people.”

    Agree (5)
    Disagree (0)
    Recommend (2)

    We are meditative people, we watch the world with our closed eyes..and through this light of cynicism we torn apart each and every one who is playing their role in the world.
    (Spiritual Mensch)

  376. shantam prem says:

    The way mild good smartian the way i am, helping people is not a way to salvation, just as simple an act as saying hallo.

    Who was the man you heard Osho calling Enlightend?
    I can imagine, who it can be.
    Want to know from you and your impression about this.

    Because facts like Enlightend people is not as simple as saying, 95.6% women in the developed countries shaved their legs.

  377. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    You’ve probably come across this one already:

    I can remember Osho saying about 8 people were enlightened at the ranch. One was a ma who worked in the legal dept. Can’t remember her name of course. Another one was a beautiful old Indian guy i worked with in the Press Office who broke his leg later at the ranch. Can’t remember his name either but I loved him.

    I’ll think harder…

  378. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    (Osho talking about his grandmother)

    The day my Nani became enlightened, I remember – I have noted it down, it will be somewhere – it was the sixteenth of January, 1967.

    I say without hesitation that she was my first sannyasin; and not only that, she was my first enlightened sannyasin.


  379. Lokesh says:

    Shantam you say, Because facts like Enlightend people is not as simple as saying,
    Why not? Or at the very least explain why it is not that simple. After all Osho stood up and said ‘I’m enlightenede, didn’t he? So if someone becomes enlightened one of the first things that person would quite naturally do is tell the good news.
    If you do not wxplain why it is not so simple you will make yourself look like an even bigger clown than usual.
    Facts please.

  380. Lokesh says:

    Jenny, that is helpful.

  381. shantam prem says:

    This enlighend gentlemen shanti kristian and Shreya, may be the live in” are in the process of worshiping the Padukas(the sandles) of Shri Bhagwan of oneness university.

    Just saw the web site-

    Enlighenment in our time- Botex for the poor, Silicon for the rich.

    And for men–This does not make it big, just make it disappear. I mean IGo, Ecome is equal to Income

  382. shantam prem says:

    Fact please, what is the name of your friend who became enlightend?

  383. Lokesh says:

    Jenny, thanks for providing that link, most helpful and shed some light on what I was about…………also throws a spanner in the works.
    Shantam, run along to the toilet and keep listening to the sound of one hand wanking.

  384. shantam prem says:

    Jenny, The old Indian guy in Ranch you are refering to,most most probably is Swami Anand Maitarya.

    He died( leaving the body is too boring) at the ashram in pune during 1987. I think OSho was giving discourses on Khalil Gibran´s prophet at that time.

    Swami Anand Maitarya´s smadhi is in the garden of Lao tzu house. The way Osho has explained the custom, samadhi is being enacted when person dies in Enlightenment.

  385. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    Lokesh, enough already!!

    In June 1984, Osho meets with 21 disciples and declares their enlightenment. He lists sannyasins who will continue his work after his death, and sannyasins who will become enlightened before or at death. Later, Osho says this was a joke. Osho explains that disciples dying within the Buddhafield radius of 24 miles will die enlightened.

  386. shantam prem says:

    Meaning of Enlightenment in the Military dictionary-
    The bravehearts who sacrificed their life so that shop keepers, office clerks and seekers etc. could continue their vocation in peace.

  387. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Shantam Prem

    Yes, Maitreya it was, he was a lovely person. Thanks.

  388. shantam prem says:

    OMG Jenny, the link you have submitted is a treasure.
    Osho´s life journey from His own books.

    Hundreds and hundredss of unknown sannyasins are engaged in sharing tits and bits of Osho.
    I can just laugh (cynically) when Anand Aka Frank wrote the other week, ” Ashram managers are brining Osho´s talks on youtube and dealing with publishers/distributors and so on.”

    Here among us we have Satya Deva, who edited the Mustard seeds during the time there was no organisation, no computer dictionary and such labor of love went in the air and touched the hearts who were open to receive.

  389. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:

    This world is truly a shit house !!!

    The famous toliet paper sellers are-

    (10) …800 people buy enviornment friendly tissues every week. (figures provided by SD)

    Lavatory humour, SP, just lavatory humour!

  390. shantam prem says:

    Lokesh, May be you find the contents below useful for your article.
    After Osho´s departure a good crop has come out of Blossomed Roses. How much fragrance they have, how many Watts of enlightenment surrounds them, i am no where to judge, yet for their group of people these names can be next to Osho.
    Here i try to remember the names of Indians,my fellow seniors of Ashram days. who are now on public platform-speaking, silent sittings and intensive groups.
    Many of them can be seen by google search.

    Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Chaitanya Bharti(gurudev), Narendra Bodhisatva, Arun ji.
    Swami Purnananda(Baba); the chief coach of Samdarshi.
    Akhil Saraswati and Ma Divya, same age group as Rajneesh.

    Team of three at Oshodhara, who use the title enlighenment as the prefix Doctor, Advocate.

    Other than that there are few names more, like Chaitanya Keerti(oshoworld), Satya Vedant, Dharma Jyoti, Yoga Neelam(Osho Nisarga)
    these people take meditaion camps, share Osho as seeker to seeker. simply say they are facilitator, nothing more.

    In my eyes, difference between meditation camp facilitator and others are as the difference between group leader and Tantra Group leader.
    The participants in Tantra, expect something More, something Extra.

  391. frank says:

    enlightenment is just a cosmic carrot to wave in front of religious and spiritual donkeys to get them excited………
    like 2 for 1 offers on blood sausage in aldi…..

    another question could be,
    how many sannyasins have been enlightentertained?
    stand there and have the nerve to tell me its not 100%……

  392. Dilruba says:

    latest video

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  393. Dilruba says:

    Jenny Dear thanku .. ihad to stop reading only to share this ” It is almost like lighting one candle by another candle.

    You can go on lighting one candle by another candle:

    Millions of candles you can light.” – OSHO ….

    l bow down a thousand times & more to OSHO …
    with only tears of joy …

  394. frank says:

    how many enlightened osho disciples does it take to change a lightbulb?
    none,the light has always been on.

  395. frank says:

    cricket has been the byword for honesty and fair play for centuries,but within a couple of years of india becoming the world hq of the game,it becomes the most corrupt sport of all time….

    all these indian guys enlightened?
    10 lakh rupees to one anna says:
    NO BALL!!!

  396. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Satya Deva,

    Your post:

    Satya Deva // Aug 30, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    The problem though for sannyasins might well be the possibility (probability?!) that there’s no one around to put them right, so they might just go on indulging themselves and imagining they’re growing spiritually…

    Osho gives advice to sannyasins who will miss him

  397. shantam prem says:

    in the above list of awakened, i forget to mention one more name, living here in Germany. Bhaskar Perrinchary.
    During his more than 27, 30 years he has almost equal no. of people coming and going from his community.
    I don´t think this is a less achievement. To get the full attention of one European is almost equal to 100 people back home. We, Indians are by nature easy to lead and easily contented.

  398. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Is he a Oshos’s sannyasin?

  399. shantam prem says:

    Frand, Now it is your turn. How many people are there in your Cricket team?

    Frank plus Anand is FRAND
    Martyn, frank and Anand is MAR FRAND

    Prem Martyn, Frank and Anand is PRe MArFrand!!!

  400. shantam prem says:

    Bhaskar was an Osho Sannyasin. In late seventies he came to Germany with his girl friend. As it was the custom of that time. Osho mentioned something like,
    ” Go and spread my work”.
    Since 20 years he is on his own.

  401. Dilruba says:

    You are right Frank … but without electricity what use is the light bulb ?

  402. prem bubbie says:

    here we go again. Now you wankers are obsessed about how many people osho declared to be enlightened… . P L E A S E ! !! Jenny, remember all the hoopla over the “CHOSEN FEW” those “Special” people osho declared during late ’84 at the ranch. I noticed back then many ma’s were concerned and worried that they weren’t “Chosen”, their jealousy, their gossip…”what makes them so special” crap… get a life Jenny, Shantam PEE pee… So fuckin’ obsessed with minute details and stupid trivia. all of that turned out to be osho pulling everyone’s leg…fast forward to the present… Still obsessed… If you are truly enlightened you wouldn’t even give it a passing thought!!!! Fools!!!

  403. prem bubbie says:

    How many sannyasins does it take to screw in a light bulb? They can’t ,because they can’t see clearly!!!

  404. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Prem bubbie,

    I am not interested in enlightenment.

    I was merely helping Lokesh in some research.

    See above.

  405. Dilruba says:

    Dont worry Bubbie its not possible that all can see clearly at once .. so play around a little more .. till then

  406. shantam prem says:

    Jenny, the way you answered Bubbie, ” No Sir, i was not drunk while driving.”

    It’s Always Something

    One day the Pope came to Washington for a visit. President Obama
    took the Pope for a cruise down the Potomac on the
    presidential yacht.

    While they were sitting and chatting on deck, the wind blew the
    Pope’s high hat off and into the water.

    Being the gentleman that he is; Mr. Obama quickly hopped overboard;
    tip-toed across the water and retrieved the hat.

    He tip-toed back across the water, climbed aboard the yacht and
    placed the hat back on the Pope’s head.

    The Pope thanked the President and they sailed on.

    The headlines in the papers the next day read:


  407. prem bubbie says:

    S.P. where do you get such tacky stories… I pity your grandchildren when they sit on your lap and away you go…… A great way to fall asleep…

  408. prem bubbie says:

    Jenny, If that is/was the case… why hang around osho… that was/is – only, yes, ONLY reason he did what he did, and for being here… Another who has wasted 35 years in what? Meditation? What is meditation? DUH!!!!!!

  409. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    But remember, your letters are ninety-nine percent bullshit, and I don’t want to be drowned in bullshit. So write only that which you feel is absolutely meaningful, essential, and write it in as small a way as possible, because I don’t want to hear your opinions for five hours a day, every day. I am already crazy; what do you want?


  410. shantam prem says:

    A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression that
    he just cleaned the whole house.

    Al-bubbie is someone who, after spending few months as guest worker at Rajneeshpuram
    gives the impression that
    He is beyond every one. Real 100 watts bulb.

  411. prem bubbie says:

    “NO Sir, I was not drunk while driving”…. shantam P. May not have been drunk, then again, without the keys you might as well crawl. Crawling is what you bozos are still doing!!!

  412. prem bubbie says:

    Keep quoting osho, Jenny; it does no good…. shantam Pee Brain quotes all the time– still a pee brain/fanatic… rajneesh, gump, anand. quotes are for idiots, fools, parrots, bullshitters, manipulators, politicians and “Religious” preachers…. Great company you keep!!!

  413. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    All that is left is the essential core of religiousness, the inward journey, which only you can do. I cannot do it for you, nobody can do it for you.

    So now there is left only the essential quality, the most fundamental quality of religiousness.

    That is meditation.

    You have to go inwards.

  414. prem bubbie says:

    Strange you say “… after spending a few months as guest worker…” Most of the oldtimers posting here have spent years at the ‘shram and ranch and still are stuck in their stupidity and superstitions. Denial, denial, Denial…. as the dog chases it’s tail.

  415. prem bubbie says:

    Keep jiggling your boobs, no “wonder bra” can make them firm again!!

  416. Dilruba says:

    Boobie this one is for you

    A teacher was reading a rule against students ragging fellow students ..
    ”Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time. Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will incur a hefty fine of $180. Are there any questions?”
    At this, a male student in the crowd inquires, “Er… How much for a season pass?”

  417. anugrah says:

    Prem bubbie , you are man of understandings , but problem is understading wihout action are no understadings my friend. learn to write something beautiful sometimes

  418. prem bubbie says:

    Anugrah- you mean quoting osho? Fool!!!

  419. anugrah says:

    that is what i meant that you are man full of wisdom, you proved it

  420. Forest Gump says:

    Ten commandents of Bubbie, The COCKMEAT SUCKER

    1. Do unto others as you would not do to yourself.

    2. Never take blame when there is a scapegoat, but always take credit whether it was your doing or not.

    3. Hit and quit is acceptable.

    4 Always make fun of what you don’t understand.

    5. Steal from the penny jar.

    6. Agree on arrogance–lack on empathy

    7. Dine and dash is an acceptable form of acquiring sustenance.

    8. Run all rice burners off the road.

    9. Never return a vehicle with a full tank of gas. (Stolen or not.)

    10. Exploit the weaknesses of others.

  421. Dilruba says:

    Lokesh .. Sw .Tyohar …. born in Israel has a commune in Brazil

  422. shantam prem says:

    Defination of Priest-
    A person who quotes scriptures all the time but has no time to follow them.
    MAy be past life railway enquiry clerks become priest:

    Thanks God.. we have no priests in the world of Osho.(lol)

    But yes.. we have upgrade version.
    In No other religious or spiritual school, people are so concerned about enlighenment as with Osho.

    Little girls walking on catwalks in the living room with Mama´s sandles!

  423. Dilruba says:

    Sw.Satya Tirth .. lndian by birth has a commune in Japan .. and now lives in Osho’s place of birth ..

  424. Lokesh says:

    Diruba. Tyohar’s commune is in Costa Rica. I atteneded a couple of satsangs of his in Amsterdam and found them to be absolutely farsical. He came away with some pretty far out comments and I asked, ‘How do you know this?’ He replied, ‘From the innermost core of my being.’ It was real Oshospeak and sounded very hollow. I also sat down to dinner with him a couple of times in a mutual friends home. There he came across as an unassuming and nice guy. I’ve visited his community in CR and there I have to take my hat off to the man(I always wear a hat in sunny countries due to my shaved head). His community is a very beautiful one. I doubt very much that the man is enlightened, but who cares? He is doing very creative work.
    The person most endangered by being strangled by the images demanded while playing the role of guru is the guru. I think Tyohar may have woken up to this aspect of the guru game, as last I heard through the grapevine he was saying he no longer wanted to be a guru and wanted to focus more on his real estate business. It might be true might not. I wish him the best.

  425. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, you say, In No other religious or spiritual school, people are so concerned about enlighenment as with Osho.

    I think you are mistaken there, on a number of levels that would take more time to explain than I have at my disposal right now.
    Basically the idea that, quote, ‘people are so concerned about enlighenment’ is flawed. How can anyone be genuinely ‘Concerned’ about enlightenment? Due to the nature of the enlightened state this is impossible. What people are concerned with who believe they are ‘with’ Osho is the spiritual world, replete with, mystical experiences, blissful states, spiritual growth, strong emotional bouts of ecstasy brought on by the act of surrender etc. The thing is, none of this has anything to do with spiritual enlightenment, which due to current social trends in a small section of society has become some kind of warped ‘must have’,
    All of these things that are being passed off as having to do with the enlightened state, no matter how wonderful they are, are in fact bogus, a sham, a con that will never deliver the goods because in order to experience them someone has to be there to experience them and that is not possible if a person wakes up to reality. What has happened to many people in the sannyasin community is that they have become over-identified with the finger pointing at the moon. They are now worshipping the finger and sucking on it like infants desperately in need of sustenance, sucking on a delicious nipple. Nothing right or wrong in that, it is simply a case of what is being what is, but it would be wise not to confuse that lovely finger with the enlightened moon it is pointing to.

  426. Dilruba says:

    Lokesh .. sorry … for wrong information …. he was my friend on facebook … last year … l was new to the virtual world then .. l did make a lot of friends .. l went on adding everyone l knew but then one day deleted my account … then had a fresh account .. then made friends with only strangers (persons l never knew or heard of ) … now lam again adding the people l know personally .. its fun .. so l enjoy now .. facebook has interesting features like .. hide abc / xyz ….
    thanx for sharing anyway … sometimes lam annoyed with myself for using this word ” thanx ” but cant help myself

  427. shantam prem says:

    Everybody who goes to universtity does not intend to be a professor later on. People have vaired amount of reasons to go to different school of thoughts. Few are attracted by the Chrishma of the master, few His vision or few because atmosphare looks coozy.
    There is nothing wrong in all this.

    Why someone push others for the ardous journey of Himalyan peaks, many us want to enjoy the scenery , fresh air or they ae on the honeymoon trip.

    An openhearted and broad minded organisation in this time must accomodate different segments of seekers, specailly Osho´s.

    This contempt leads no where when someone takes the job of pulling the thumb out from the mouth of others,
    “Look look you are wasting your life. use your thumb for something better.”

  428. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:
    Thanks God.. we have no priests in the world of Osho.(lol)

    Please confirm above statement is soaked in irony, SP. Thanks.

    Top Osho priests are – or certainly were – the therapists, of course…

    Another top source of confusion in the ‘movement’….

  429. Satya Deva says:

    That’s really the problem though, SP.

    So many attracted to ‘sannyas’, but there for reasons which ultimately have little to do with true spirituality…

    Being part of a ‘club’, a substitute family even, having a Sanskrit name (how exotic!), imagining one is ‘special’, ‘sex-drugs-rock’n'roll’ lifestyle, legitimising – even ‘sanctifying ‘- a drop-out lifestyle, getting into (and often stuck in) endless therapy, getting into ‘blissed-out’ states (another sort of drug)….

    I reckon you’re one of them, SP…

    With social reformer-cum-political commentator pretensions into the bargain….

    Don’t you ever feel a bit of a fraud?!!

  430. shantam prem says:

    Thanks God.. we have no priests in the world of Osho.(lol)

    Thanks SD for seeing the irony soaked in (lol)

    On one point i must differ, Most of the therapists are not priest types. They never claimed more than want they know. They also came to Osho as seekers and were sharing their expertise with gratitude.

    Basically therapists were giving a peferct make up products devloped in the west for Osho´s east.

    The Priests in my opinion are the people who create their own guru trip.
    And as i have mentioned in the list submitted yesterday, Many meditation facilitators are much more senstive and wise than the guru types, call it Dolano or rajneesh, Tyohar or Samdarshi.(using these names in generic forms).

  431. shantam prem says:

    For me a person is a perfect idiot who is so much focused about True spirituality as a collective concept.
    True sprituaity can be a process or end of a process of self refinement and dissolvement, a very very private affair.

    If someone has really cutlivated the roses, He will not be focused just with the petals and the fragrance, in thrones also he will fee beauty.

    The earth is not just a shit pot, it is also a Lotus paradise.
    Same is about an individual.

  432. shantam prem says:

    Don’t you ever feel a bit of a fraud?!!

    It is very much possible.
    I am in a course send by the integration department of Germany. and using this time to write my private stuff.

    I must be a fraud.

    The course teacher was just near me few minutes ago. He has seen what i am doing. He has not complained. What is required from this 3 hours course, i have made it clear in 20 minutes.
    Life moves in this way. Look busy do nothing or that much what is really needed.

  433. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:
    The earth is not just a shit pot, it is also a Lotus paradise.
    Same is about an individual.

    Remember, the “shithouse” comment referred to the dysfunctional, dishonest world of man, not the Earth, SP.

  434. Lokesh says:

    Yes, Satya, you put it well. In writing what you do to Shantam, it is my opinion that you are wasting your time. A better example of an overflowing tea cup you will not find. I do admire your persistance. Faced with such kind of people I soon give up and realize it is none of my business to wake up people who are so attached to their somnabulistic mind set.

  435. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva .. True added to any word looses its Truth somehow

  436. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:
    On one point i must differ, Most of the therapists are not priest types. They never claimed more than want they know. They also came to Osho as seekers and were sharing their expertise with gratitude.

    Basically therapists were giving a peferct make up products devloped in the west for Osho´s east.

    How can you know this if you never did any ‘sannyas’ therapy groups, SP?

    My experience is that the ‘clients’ treated the therapists as virtual ‘mouthpieces’ , ‘mediums’ even, for Osho…

    And the therapists gladly took that exalted role upon themselves…

    Leading to much confusion.

    Glaring example, which I’ve mentioned here before, perhaps, was Somendra (now ‘enlightened’ Michael Barnett), actually pretending to ‘ask Bhagwan’ what he thought of something, or someone, then relaying the ‘answer’ to the starry-eyed’ group: “Bhagwan says…(etc.)”

    Utter priestly crap!!

  437. Satya Deva says:


    Satya deva .. True added to any word looses its Truth somehow

    Kindly explain further, Dilruba, I don’t see where this fits into the current discussion.

  438. Dilruba says:

    SD : … ” So many attracted to ’sannyas’, but there for reasons which ultimately have little to do with true spirituality…”

    How does one know that … everyone is a potential …
    … now l will continue after my nap … SD

  439. shantam prem says:

    Somendra, Teertha, Sheela´s examples are rotated many times, the characters of a long gone era.
    And what so ever may be their deeds or trips, Living energy of mystery school segregated them sooner or later.

    At least with Osho.. and His mystery school, it has to be made very clear there is no mouth piece of Osho. Find your answer yourself from the vast collection of His talks.
    Organisation offers complete freedom and enviornment to go through your inner process. Mangers job is simple to take care of your needs, securitta arrangement and others don´t steal your things or interfare in your path.
    Here Indians need to be taught a lesson. Visiters are coming for their meditation and not for you(us). if mystery of love brings two people together it is Ok but don´t over impose yourself on them.

  440. shantam prem says:

    I was tyring to find out the words of SAtya deva, where he said, How Osho accepted every body without any commandments or guilt oriented trips.

    I wish SD that you follow such simple way of life.
    Have you ever seen Osho judging people whether they come for true spirituality or for other reasons?

    Why to judge in a bloody Hindu Guru Ma´s ways. Looking the Tits of Mas is no true spirituality, focus on third eye or the toe fingers is true spirituality.

    People who have gone deeper into the life around Osho, one thing many have marked, It was a complete miniature world around. Jealousy, envy, lust or greed…every single fibre of human inner world was there in its exposed form.
    Rest was left to individual, how s(he) finds the way full with slippery ice.
    Definitely programme was not designed for people who need wheel chair pusher all the way.

  441. shantam prem says:

    Loesh´s parting comments-”Faced with such kind of people I soon give up and realize it is none of my business to wake up people who are so attached to their somnabulistic mind set.”

    have somebody given you the contract to wash the Graffiti away from their walls?
    Very childish and arrogant attitude, i find this.

    Now a days, people don´t request at Hotel´s reception to wake them up at a certain time.
    Almost everybody has Mobile with alarm button inside.
    World is becoming adult but not those people who think they are awake and others are sleeping.

    So.. whether you come back here or not….
    May the winds of love and compassion take care of you….
    Whenever you read some Irish prayer… think some friends wish for you and others.

  442. Satya Deva says:

    Dilruba // Sep 1, 2010 at 11:28 am

    SD : … ” So many attracted to ’sannyas’, but there for reasons which ultimately have little to do with true spirituality…”

    How does one know that … everyone is a potential …

    Because it’s so transparently bloody obvious, that’s why§

    Have you no eyes or ears, Dilruba?!!

    Take a look at the short list of bogus reasons I gave earlier (10.39am) if you’re still in the dark.

  443. Satya Deva says:

    Sorry, Dilruba, but this and your earlier statement re politics is leading me to believe you’re rather naive.

  444. Satya Deva says:

    shantam prem:

    I was tyring to find out the words of SAtya deva, where he said, How Osho accepted every body without any commandments or guilt oriented trips.

    I wish SD that you follow such simple way of life.
    Have you ever seen Osho judging people whether they come for true spirituality or for other reasons?

    Why to judge in a bloody Hindu Guru Ma´s ways. Looking the Tits of Mas is no true spirituality, focus on third eye or the toe fingers is true spirituality.

    Great example of a man claiming to be ‘on the spiritual path’ using Osho’s compassion to justify his own self-indulgence.

    Typical of quite a number of so-called ‘sannyasins’, so well done, SP, for demonstrating my point so clearly!

    As for your latter comments, well, they’re nothing but misplaced, ignorant bullshine – in other words, business as usual for SP, the woosy windbag of Sannyas News!

  445. Dilruba says:

    Satya Deva your comment at 10.39am ..this not out of context … l couldnot read the after that … to tell you l didnt find the need to read further … but share what l felt …

    maybe lam naive … but naive-ness is also a natural smartness isnt it ?

  446. shantam prem says:

    “Looking the Tits of Mas is no true spirituality, focus on third eye or the toe fingers is true spirituality.”

    When someone wants to paint through the words, extreme situations and examples born out of it, Like Nunn and the prostitute, “Saints and Sinners” kind of words, are well established norms.

    And here i am not writing a fiction or doing a job for Ruppert Muddoch´s media empire, every single sentence is born out of gratitude for Osho.
    and i am not feeling ashamed to copy cat the style of Osho.
    And still every metaphor is mine. They are not borrowed from other sources, and if the maxims and idioms are used to clear the picture, there source is aknowledged.

    Have you ever read somewhere or from the disciple of some other master, writing like this-
    “Why to judge in a bloody Hindu Guru Ma´s ways. Looking the Tits of Mas is no true spirituality, focus on third eye or the toe fingers is true spirituality.”

  447. Dilruba says:

    Satya Deva your comment at 10.39am ..this is not out of context … l could not read after that … to tell you … l didnt find the need to read further … but share what l felt …

    maybe lam naive … but naive-ness is also a natural smartness isnt it ?

  448. shantam prem says:

    Being part of a ‘club’, a substitute family even, having a Sanskrit name (how exotic!), imagining one is ’special’, ’sex-drugs-rock’n’roll’ lifestyle, legitimising – even ’sanctifying ‘- a drop-out lifestyle, getting into (and often stuck in) endless therapy, getting into ‘blissed-out’ states (another sort of drug)….

    What so ever… you write SD, Amma or Meera was not the wife of Osho, that he needs to follow a certain way of life prescribed by the south Indian code of conduct.!!

    I really don´t know what repulsed you away after the Mustard seeds days. Was this because of-
    ’sex-drugs-rock’n’roll’ lifestyle, legitimising – even ’sanctifying ‘- a drop-out lifestyle, getting into (and often stuck in) endless therapy, getting into ‘blissed-out’ states (another sort of drug)….

    You can say anything to justify your new ways of search.
    For many what so ever was happening in Pune 2 around Osho, his gestures, His node of approval was there… Osho was not in silence..
    What so ever He added in Poona 2 or substraced from Poona 1 is the life and times around Osho.
    For few He is the master for life, for few he is one of two or three for few..a intelligent friend or author or ..anti christ…

    We all have our numbered glasses.

  449. shantam prem says:

    Correction by addition.
    For many what so ever was happening in Pune 2 around Osho..was part of His mystery school.
    his gestures, His node of approval was there… Osho was not in silence..

  450. shantam prem says:

    SD, When you go to South France beaches, do you wear Burqa?
    OMG.. Eyes will be still free.

    If you have the resources please invite South Indian preachers for a tour of these beaches.
    Cap d’Agde is highly recommended.
    Depravity, decadence, debauchery….may be such words will sooth their and therefore your heart. The chosen few of True spirituality.
    Shiv Shiv shiv.. Ram Ram Ram..

    PS- were you at J Krishnamurti lake at Ranch.

    After my graduation, i was applying for Law collages. During that period, Illustrated weekly of India had run a cover story on Rajneeshpuram.

    One of the finest Indian Journalist and writer than the editor of Illustrated weekly, Mr. Pritish Nandy has flown specaillly to cover the story.

    To welcome Mr. Nandy, Osho had instructed Sheela and the mayor of the town to give nude spread for this magazine.
    The beautiful double page spread was for India of 1984.
    Centuries away at that time, what we call liberation now.

  451. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, you are stuck and you play like a stuck record. Once in a while you come up with something that I feel like responding to, but for the most part it is a hot air lament that you are blowing. What I find most curious about you is why you spend so much time writing the boring shite that you do.
    If you really have so much to say and you think that someone somewhere will find it interesting, why nor write a book. At the very least it would crystalize your ideas, which currently reflect a confused state of mind owned by a person who obviously has too much time on his hands.

  452. shantam prem says:

    I am watching cricket scandal debate and looking at sannyasnews too.
    As i have heard, there are many sannyasins who have this habit, checking comments at sannyasnews.

    I think you have the similar habit.
    You write here because it is an entertainment, i write here as it is an ashram extension. I am enjoying my job, but it is not entertainment.
    I am old school of disciple. I look at awe, the churches which took centuries to construct. i draw my inspiration from Buddhist, Christian and Sikh disciples who went on pouring their heart out in much more adverse circumstances.

    I am not saying, my writing skills are of good grades, neither i am here to awake people, just a little bit of drag poetry born out of love for a Master.
    Unfortunately i cannot create Golden Temple.
    With this much money i would have offered managers to sell the property to a consortium of sannyasins who Will run the place with Transparency. By the sannyasins for the sannyasins. “Osho International Mystery School”.
    Call what so ever, the spirit of generosity. Celebrate or sleep it is your choice. The system offers you all the possibilities. Just don´t snore, as OSho was jokingly saying to His people.

    By the way, name of the series of Mere Hamdam Mere dost discourse and Osho´s other version, what people think by treating him as friend

    No mind: the flowers of Eternity Ch. 7 and next chapters

  453. shantam prem says:

    Confused state of mind is reflected in the people who have more than one master and operating version of 1979.
    Writing about Osho, thinking about Punja.

    ANd yet.. it is also very much possible i have confused state of mind. How difficult it is to watch oneself….
    and than to have this pressure, everybody is so clear.. so clean and i am the confused one.

    Poor shantam*

  454. shantam prem says:

    Is sannyasnews my property?
    I hope more and more people of Lokesh and SD kind write at this site.
    Undoubteldy there writing is not boring, crystal clear.

    Differance can be because of our up bringing. Elite students of true spirituality learn from private tutoring.
    Elites get the lessons from visiting diginiteries of spirituality. They take dinner with enlighend real estate devlopers and get the tips of awakening.

    And here is shantam from India. Dead master and that too only One, no private teacher and an old Nokia as alarm clock.

    Come on my friends. show your metal. World is hungery for thought provoking writing skills.

  455. shantam prem says:

    Loeksh, your tips about book will be very helpful.
    My articles from this site and few polished comments i wish to compile in the book format.
    It may be trashy material, Every published book is also not Tagore´s Gitanjali.

    Mine is just Premaanjali….handful of love (that to not filtered, not bottled, just like water from small town Indian well) at Master´s lotus feet.

  456. Dilruba says:

    Shantam … a lot of us are like Abhishek Bacchan (hindi film actor)… even though their father is a Great actor … they still have to prove their own mettle ..

  457. shantam prem says:

    You are very right Dilruba. Very nice analogy you have chosen.

    SD and Lokesh.. if you are feeling personally offended by me, I can take the break from this site.

  458. Dilruba says:

    And some are like Amitabh Bacchan (son of a great hindi writer .. Harivansh Rai Bacchan) … who take time .. in promoting their father’s work .. even though they have a busy schedule ..

  459. shantam prem says:

    OK.. Dilruba, i can understand lots are like us and some are like Amitabh Bacchan?

    Who are these “some”?
    What faces came in your mind, when you wrote this?

  460. Dilruba says:

    the 1st one is the family of Osho and the consumer class .. me included
    the second is.. Sw Yoga Chinmaya Sw. Chaitanya Bharti … Sw Satya Tirtha …

  461. Dilruba says:

    no not is not in the in the 2nd one Bhaskar

  462. Dilruba says:

    there are few who are like Salman Khan .. notorious actor …the one who had an infamous affair with Abhishek’s wife … Bubbie .. Prem Abhay … Frank …

  463. Dilruba says:

    then there are few like Ratan Tata … who have inherited from their famous uncle JRD Tata … these include Neelam .. Devageet …

  464. Dilruba says:

    so that’s it … Shantam … you included in the 1st one

  465. Dilruba says:

    Bhaskar is some where in middle of 1n 2 …

  466. Dilruba says:

    nothing serious … just playing ..

  467. Dilruba says:

    Variety entertainment on Sannyasnews … l was enjoying
    a Pizza from Sw. Prakasam … so jus chill guys

  468. Lokesh says:

    Shantam: Lokesh.. if you are feeling personally offended by me,I can take the break from this site.
    First of all, I don’t believe that a SN addict like you could kick the habit.
    Second, I don’t want to be in any way responsible for making you homeless.


  469. shantam prem says:

    Your reply shows.. it will take years and years Lokesh to understand the delicacy of eastern behaviour.
    I went to Church with my proposal, the inner Osho was feeling angry one me.
    This ´voice said, and insisted that i write, ” I gave you the work to write for my people and you are leaving it for entertainment type.”

    Call it my illusion.

    I am back in the business,

    Sweet, awake and true spiritualists can hire someone to create the site-

  470. shantam prem says:

    Dilruba.. you have forgotten in your playful list
    give your star value to Oshodisciple Rajneesh

    Few think he is the Badshah of innerwood(Bollywood) Shah rukh Khan.

  471. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, Call it my illusion.

    I don’t need to call it anything but some might say that you have leanings towards schizophrenia…you know hearing voices etc.

  472. shantam prem says:

    I am sure if Loeksh and Satya Deva, understand the context of my writings they can judge a bit differently.
    all my words are based on the true witness account of Osho 1987-1990 and than the phase run by His disciples from 1990 onwards till now.

    And also i have never ever put the question mark over the inner journey of the people who were or are not with Osho.
    Almost every week i write in a certain context that even the next door neighbourhood in Pune did not bother about Osho, for them Osho was a narcissistic guru of homeless yet affluent west.
    Even these people may have much more profound wisdom than all of us who boast about Poona 2.
    May Lord Ganesha offers them prosperity in this life and first row seats in heaven.

    But yes… Life around Osho in Pune 2 was an once in a life time experience, and Pune visitors can still feel the pulse of those years
    Inshah Allah… that which has been deleted by the self censor, once this is added again… it will be a spring of new era.

  473. shantam prem says:

    To listen inner voice is schizophrenia!
    Bravo !!

  474. shantam prem says:

    During the deep conversations specally among the sannyasins, it is mentioned quite often, ” Once you cross the bridge, destroy it.”
    “If Buddha comes on your way, take the sword and cut him.”
    Don´t remember what was the price of rice in the village of yesterday. Life is here and now……

    Yes.. destroy the bridge and move on.

    But if someone goes swinging over the broken bridge, he can be like,
    Dhobi ka Kuta na ghar ka na ghat ka.

    But yes.. this is also an experience.
    Why not to have as many experiences as possible before NIRVANA really hits us.

  475. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Shantam Prem,

    You say, ” I gave you the work to write for my people and you are leaving it for entertainment type.”

    So why don’t you concentrate on your work that you think has been given to you instead of blithering on here?

  476. Dilruba says:

    Rajneesh is Akshay Kumar .. new box office hit hero … he too is a great fan of Amitabh Bacchan

  477. Dilruba says:

    actually maybe your analogy is closer ..

  478. shantam prem says:

    Dilruba, it looks like personal game. friends from west are not so identified with these names.
    Otherwise, some of them would have already written, King of Bollywood….aare He is Gulshan Grover….!!

  479. prem bubbie says:

    S.P. weren’t you the one just the other day talking about osho commandments? Now, you say he didn’t have any and laid no guilt trips on people… Make up your mind, Mr. Chameleon.

  480. prem bubbie says:

    Satya Deva, You say it’s “dysfunctional, dishonest world of man, not earth”. I believe otherwise… For man is of this earth, we have evolved into this form, ALL a product of the earth, hence, whatever we do is of a natural act, for the mind is a function of a naturally evolved brain… So blame the earth and stars, and asteroids that hit the earth and cause a change in evolution( hint: 60 million years ago there was a big piece of rock that hit the earth and the dinosaurs ceased to exist and mammals then flourished and evolved…. to present day). I also believe ALL life on this planet from the very first single cell organism, is based on “The hunter and the hunted”. We are all food for another species!! As we discussed before, why are there so few “enlightened” people, for that matter- loving and compassionate people. You guys: meditate on that for a while.

  481. shantam prem says:

    The way one cannot imagine Osho without His multi culti disciples, this site also will not be joy without Prem Bubbie.
    For example, because of Indian characters, He is not getting the joke about Mr. R.

    Dilruba, when i wrote Gulshan Grover spontaneously, in the memory was Jaswant Singh, the comedian at Great Indian laughter Channel season 4.
    Please watch that skit, where he speaks in the voices of many film actors.

    I can imagine Bubbie as Jaswant Singh
    About RAjneesh complete dialouge will be…. In Amreesh Puri´s voice…

    Beti.. tu bahut Bholi hain. Yeh admi bollywood ka badhah nahi hain.
    Aare he is Gulshan grover. Gulshan grover hain yeh… pata hain pichale mahine isne Pyari si American ladki ke sath kaya kiya tha….

  482. Satya Deva says:

    maybe lam naive … but naive-ness is also a natural smartness isnt it ?

    Not at all, look it up in the dictionary!!

    It means rather simple and unversed in the ways of the world, ie not really able to discern and deal with the world with common sense, discrimination and intelligence.

  483. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam premboy: a) Broken record; b) chasing his tail;d) wired on espresso with nowhere to go except here; e) in need of a lobotomy; e) all the above. Take along your other half- Forest Gump when you go.

  484. Satya Deva says:

    Ok, Shantam, here’s an offer for you:

    If you go ahead with your book, I’ll edit it for you, ie I’ll just make sure it makes sense, spellings, punctuation etc., nothing to do with trying to re-write it!

    If you were to send me the draft piecemeal, I’d give it a go for a while, say two weeks, then decide it it’s worth continuing.

    If you’d prefer to write it and send the whole thing in one batch, I’d read it through and see if I’d want to be involved.

    There you go – and all for free….

  485. Dilruba says:

    After crossing the bridge and destroying it .. whether one swings or repairs it .. it makes no difference ..

  486. shantam prem says:

    Danke.. Satya Deva. I will connect with you through the mail.

    Can i request you or the others, who for any reason… missed the discourses of Poona 2, if Videos are not possible please listen their free audio at oshoworld.

    It will not reverse the time clock back to Gautama Buddha´s Vaishali… but time differance between now and 20 years back can disappear.

    The words and the gap between the words…
    No mind: the flower of eternity
    for example few discourses in this series are only of 35 to 50 minutes, yet so significant in the historical context..
    Master droping the dirty word Bhagwan
    and how Buddha´s soul takes shleter in Osho´s body….

    If feel so, please do listen.

  487. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Way to go Satya Deva!

    ( You must have the patience of a saint)

  488. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva now l know common sense is not common ..

  489. Dilruba says:

    Prem Bubbie .. gime me a five

  490. Dilruba says:

    Shantam sincere good wishes for your book .. Isnsha – u know what …

  491. shantam prem says:

    Every dew drop finally reaches the ocean.
    In ocean is our final home.

  492. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam, I was fairly aware of what Osho was saying in that period, I managed to follow it somehow via videos.

    In fact, I recall thinking it would be good to go back there, during what turned out to be his final months. But that was completely out of the question, mainly due to certain financial circumstances.

    However, don’t forget, you were young – early 20′s? – so it might be mixed up in your memory with your (hopefully good) feelings about that period of your life?

  493. Satya Deva says:

    Ma Prem Jenny:

    Way to go Satya Deva!

    ( You must have the patience of a saint)

    No, Jenny, I guess I’m just basically a ‘mug’!!

    Actually, I enjoy that sort of thing, I can (perhaps) impress some people when I tell them I’m involved in ‘construction’ and ‘renovation’ (of sentences and paraghraphs)…

    PS: I still haven’t watched that video you noted here recently – it’s 50-plus minutes and I don’t usually have such periods available online at present, until the weekend….

  494. Satya Deva says:


    After crossing the bridge and destroying it .. whether one swings or repairs it .. it makes no difference ..

    Another cryptic remark there, Dilruba…

    I guess it must be fraught with high significance (incomprehensible remarks are usually supposed to be, aren’t they?!!)…

    But again – please clarify!

  495. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva … …………………. !

  496. Dilruba says:

    my previous response for your 9.10 am response

  497. Satya Deva says:

    prem bubbie:

    Satya Deva, You say it’s “dysfunctional, dishonest world of man, not earth”. I believe otherwise… For man is of this earth, we have evolved into this form, ALL a product of the earth, hence, whatever we do is of a natural act, for the mind is a function of a naturally evolved brain… So blame the earth and stars, and asteroids that hit the earth and cause a change in evolution( hint: 60 million years ago there was a big piece of rock that hit the earth and the dinosaurs ceased to exist and mammals then flourished and evolved…. to present day). I also believe ALL life on this planet from the very first single cell organism, is based on “The hunter and the hunted”. We are all food for another species!! As we discussed before, why are there so few “enlightened” people, for that matter- loving and compassionate people. You guys: meditate on that for a while.

    Well, who knows, bubbs, I can’t say I do for sure, neither can you nor anyone else…

    But having read BL’s ‘Origins’ book (and this month I read it through, start to finish, for the first time, my earlier readings having been more partial), I’m happy to go along with his picture of how it’s all come about. It just has that ‘ring of truth’ for me…

  498. Dilruba says:

    clarification : this was in response to Shantam …
    ”During the deep conversations specally among the sannyasins, it is mentioned quite often, ” Once you cross the bridge, destroy it.”
    “If Buddha comes on your way, take the sword and cut him.”
    Don´t remember what was the price of rice in the village of yesterday. Life is here and now……

    Yes.. destroy the bridge and move on.

    But if someone goes swinging over the broken bridge, he can be like,
    Dhobi ka Kuta na ghar ka na ghat ka.

    But yes.. this is also an experience.
    Why not to have as many experiences as possible before NIRVANA really hits us.”

    l feel after enlightenment … one realises there is no difference between before / after … then everything is choiceless ..

  499. Dilruba says:

    Satya deva … further clarification … l feel after enlightenment … one realises there is no difference between before / after … then everything / nothing is choiceless ..

  500. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam Prem:
    If you have the resources please invite South Indian preachers for a tour of these beaches.
    Cap d’Agde is highly recommended.
    Depravity, decadence, debauchery….may be such words will sooth their and therefore your heart. The chosen few of True spirituality.
    Shiv Shiv shiv.. Ram Ram Ram..

    PS- were you at J Krishnamurti lake at Ranch.

    You have some ‘thing’ about me and who you term “South Indian preachers”, SP…

    Quite funny really, as you’ve clearly pigeon-holed me into the wrong box, wrongly imagining (as I’ve told you more than once) that I’m now a devotee of some sort of highly moralistic, ultra-conservative teaching(s), having turned my back on ‘wild and wonderful’ sannyas many years ago…

    If you’re going to be any good at all as a writer, I’d strongly advise you to be far more careful with your statements of alleged ‘fact’ and innuendo.

    Otherwise, you’ll simply have little credibility and failure will be the result.

    Btw, I’m nowhere near any beach, let alone the area you refer to. And although such scenes very clearly are of immense attraction to you, sir, they are much less compelling to me, having turned 60 a couple of years ago…

    And yes, I sure did swim in and sunbathe around Krishnamurti Lake, I remember it quite well.

    So what exactly is your point? That I might have actually SEEN or been in CLOSE PROXIMITY to NAKED or SEMI-NAKED FEMALES (hope you have your smelling salts, or at least a tot of whiskey at hand)?!?!

    Don’t worry so much about me, SP – I was watching my breathing, thinking of God, planning charitable works and performing Japa, ie carrying on as per usual, perfectly normally (according to my guru’s commandments).

    That, of course, is why I’m qualified – by divine will – to be of assistance to you now, in your great, God-inspired enterprise….

  501. shantam prem says:

    Enlightenment– Sannyasins have used this word quite often, may be more than God and less than Love.

    Once this thing becomes the part of main stream spirituality, i am sure in the census of 2030, Govt. of India will add one more word in the list of professions-Enlightend.
    Fits quite well with CEO, CFO, Doctor, Eng. etc.

    Enlightend Gobi Pakora
    Salvation Ashram 420
    A, B, C…

  502. Satya Deva says:

    And yes, my above post is contradictory – but only at first sight!

    Like all great teachings you’ll discover its essential inner harmony, its ineffable organic logic, if you will only come out of the shallows and study it, most attentively and profoundly…

    Perhaps you might eventually let me know its ‘hidden message’, although it might take you some considerable time and effort to discern it….

  503. Dilruba says:

    Shantam its true …Enlightenment .. is a generally used word … by all seekers on earth

  504. Dilruba says:

    Shantam l was wondering if free -lancer is a better word .. than Enlightened as a profession

  505. Dilruba says:

    Best is not to make it Profession .. at all …

  506. Dilruba says:

    Siesta time … Ksera … sera …

  507. Lokesh says:

    Who is Stephen Hawking?

  508. Dilruba says:

    An old man lived alone in Idaho.
    He wanted to spade his potato garden,
    but it was very hard work. His only son, Ed
    who used to help him, was in prison.
    The old man wrote a letter to his son
    and described his predicament.

    Dear ED:
    I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my potato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me.
    Love, Dad

    A few days later, he received a letter from his son.

    Dear Dad:
    For heaven’s sake, Dad, don’t dig up that garden. That’s where I buried the BODIES.
    Love, Ed

    At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local Police showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left.
    That same day, the old man received another letter from his son.
    Dear Dad:
    Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It’s the best I could do under the circumstances.
    Love.. Ed

  509. shantam prem says:

    Great.. Dilruba..
    Nice nice story…
    Facts are not so significant. Truth is; that works.
    And if you pin the baloon, it is just a plastic.

    Dilemma of modren day seeker is that he wants to walk on the untroden path. It means in my street language, “69″ is being recommanded as a source of better progeny.

    Old missionary style is criticised as old modish, Ashram type not resort style, but atleast it was providing scions to the familes.

  510. shantam prem says:

    If someone knows Christopher Hitchens, not difficult to find the address of Stephan Hawking.

    MAy be in next 2to5 years, these two will turn up for Amma´s hugs during her visit to UK.

  511. Dilruba says:

    Only in adversity is a milleu for everything / nothing is created

  512. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, Dilemma of modren day seeker is that he wants to walk on the untroden path.

    Yeah, but how did the idea of the untrodden path come about and what is it? Oh yaeh, and why would anyone want to walk on it?

  513. Satya Deva says:

    shantam prem:

    God did NOT create the Universe, says Stephen Hawking

    Read more:

    Barry Long’s ‘Origins’ book deals with such scientific theories and blows them out of the water…

    But I guess it’ll take time for scientists to catch up…

    No more on such matters from me, just read the book if you’re interested!!

  514. prem bubbie says:

    Satya deva; if you’re “not sure”, please go back in the closet. You, eat, drink, shit , fuck, and yes “Think”. because of and only because of your genes! That is life in this physical world. Also, animals do think, and have their own way of feeling and expressing love, compassion, and so on. Anyone who has worked on a farm, or with animals know this. Use your senses man!!! Don’t sit on them like the rest of the doe does who post here except for a tiny few. Lions, act like lions because they are supposed to , same with every creature on this earth, What, only humans are exempt from this rule? One of our flaws- arrogance. A little less of it will go a long way to improving our miserable status on earth. And yes we have that ability, it’s just easier to be lazy, arrogant and selfish and Superstitious. Got it? If you lived life with your eyes half opened, it’s easy to discover this, easier than scrabbling eggs!! Are you a closeted Parrot? You sound like one with the previous post…hey Shantam and Forest here’s some more company for you!!!!! Once again, why do most of you spend/waste time meditating? For show?

  515. prem bubbie says:

    Who the fuck is Barry Long… one fucking book and he “blows”…. past theories out of the water? You are sooooo gullible S.D. after all of this time on this site. Moron!!! Satya Deva’s NEW bible.

  516. Forest Gump says:

    Poop Bubbie,

    I paid you homage in the other thread; here it is once more, just in case you missed it:

    Bubbie the red neck asshole
    Had a very swollen ass,
    And if you ever smell him,
    you would even say it gas.

    All of the other Sannaysins
    used to laugh and call him names.
    They never let poor Bubbie
    join in any games.

    Then one foggy Christmas Eve
    Santa came to say:
    “Bubbie with your ass so swollen,
    won’t you ride my cock tonight?”

    Then some other ex sannayisns loved him
    as some other continue to pee,
    Bubbie the red neck asshole,
    you’ll go down in history!


  517. shantam prem says:

    SD, I have purchased the Barry long´s origin book , and have pushed me to read.
    For my taste, hype is bigger than the contents.
    Somewhere, he sounds to me a modest copy of L Ron Hubbard.

  518. prem bubbie says:

    The Pulitzer prize goes to forest g. dump …. for clever and thought provoking writing and commentary, by a homosexual hating, racist, psycho.

  519. Satya Deva says:

    Bubbie, there’s no use arguing, as I said neither you nor I know the truth, we can only speculate and go with whatever feels right for us, ie go with ‘the ring of truth’.

    Although I generally sympathise with your standpoints here, at times you simply waste your (‘God-given’?!) energy, spewing out hot air to rather similar effect as our ‘friend’ SP.

    Why be so dogmatic, when you simply don’t know?!

    ‘Sound and fury, signifying…Nothing’…

    (Come to think of it, that might not be a bad description of our ‘origins’…!)

  520. Satya Deva says:

    shantam prem:

    SD, I have purchased the Barry long´s origin book , and have pushed me to read.
    For my taste, hype is bigger than the contents.
    Somewhere, he sounds to me a modest copy of L Ron Hubbard.

    Well, at least you’ve’tried’, SP…

    I’ve come across Hubbard a bit as well, and believe me, he and BL are light years apart.

  521. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Satya Deva,

    I responded to your post about what sannyasins were to do without Osho but it’s “being moderated”

    god knows why!

    So I’ll post it again

  522. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Satya Deva,

    The problem though for sannyasins might well be the possibility (probability?!) that there’s no one around to put them right, so they might just go on indulging themselves and imagining they’re growing spiritually…

    Osho gives advice to sannyasins who will miss him

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  523. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    It got through this time.

    It’s pretty annoying when this happens without explanation, as when it does appear it’s totally out of context as the strand has moved on by then

  524. Lokesh says:

    I’ve had a copy of the aforementioned Barry Long book for years. I’ve returned to it many times because it provides many unique takes on life. Comparing his hypothesis to Ron Hubbard’s writing is absurd. Satya is obviously a fan and he is not the first and probably won’t be the last. I used a chapter from this book as a platform in my first novel. The chapter is called the genie is out. Here is a quote.

    ‘You see, emotion is the genie that is bottled up in our senses. The genie is by nature an excitable and callow force that seeks to experience itself in the world through our eyes. Extremely vain and narcissistic, it looks for its reflection in the mirror of emotional reaction. From almost innocuous actions, such as small child crying and making a fuss to capture its mother’s attention, to large scale acts of violence, like flying passenger planes into buildings full of people or declaring war on a country, these are all examples of what happens when the genie of uncontrolled emotion escapes into the world to wreak havoc, and in so doing draw the energy it needs to sustain its existence.’

    Of course I’m plugging my book. What do you expect?

  525. Dilruba says:

    Jenny … l received what you said .. l can only speak on my behalf .. thank you for reminding

  526. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    you’re welcome!

  527. Ma Prem Jenny says:


    Just received your book and I’m very much looking forward to reading it.

    Haven’t read Barry Long, so I’ll give him whirl too

  528. frank says:

    so 9/11,the holocaust and fights with your wife are all neatly packaged as the “genie in the bottle,emotion”,like egghead tolle`s “painbody” or “ego”—so what?
    it`s just the “devil” rearing his ugly head again.
    for the “conscious mind” to engage in abattle with the genie ends like this:
    i heard:
    toward the end of his life barry long got the feedback in one of his meetings that he seemed a bit angry.
    he wasn`t having it and forcefully and angrily declared
    “i will not have anger in me”
    as a comedy routine,this would be extremely good and insightful.
    as the serious response of a “guru”,it`s….
    well,what do you think..?

  529. Lokesh says:

    Well, Frank, I think Barry Long had some very interesting things to say, well at least in the first 70% of the book in question. Please remember I write fiction and the quote I posted was from one of my fictional characters dialogues. Of course my writing to a certain extent reflects my views but those are changing from day to day, I’m not enlightened and therefore not stuck in a groove where what I say is absolute.
    I’m currently reading a book by another guy who sounds crazy enough to be enlightened. Very entertaing. Check it out.

  530. Lokesh says:

    Jenny, that is good news. I’ll be very interested to here your comments on Mind Bomb.
    Just finished the revised e-book version, wherin I’ve changed Hamish’s commentary to first person, because I feel it puts the reader more directly in touch with the character. That is what i love about creative writing it is a never-ending learning curve. Trust you enjoy the story.

  531. frank says:

    jed mckenna,
    always good to have an enlightened guy who gets into scrapes with the law….
    good copy,f`sure

  532. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    No teacher, teaching, book or practice could ever be as effective as simply allowing the thought of infinity to slowly devour you.

    Jed McKenna

  533. frank says:

    i have noticed jed mckenna is the latest port of call for satsang junkies who are thinking about going cold turkey…
    mostly,they manage to turn him into top grade class A and keep on shooting up!!

  534. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    I used to have nightmares as a child thinking about infinity….

  535. frank says:

    ouspenski said something like

    the wonder and terror of infinity,that every thought will eventually turn into its opposite.

  536. Lokesh says:

    Yes, and it is a funny old world and Jed Mckenna fits right in. I could relate a lot to what he had to say. Here on Ibiza we get a lot of satsang givers passing through. I usually either keep my mouth shut or else get into trouble. Last one I went to the guy gave me into trouble for trying to take over his satsang and all I did was say, ‘What exactly are you talking about? You sound vague about almost everything.’
    When it comes to the enlightenment stakes I reckon what is going on is 99.999% bullshit. It is a long journey to get down to that .0001% that is the truth.
    As for sannyas world….it is for a large part a tragic case of a lot of sannyasins worshipping the finger that is pointing to the finger that is pointing at the moon. I was quite suprised that one of Jed’s favorites is Osho, Positive sign of the times.

  537. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Yes, he uses that finger/moon thing

  538. frank says:

    there`s plenty of finger pointing around here….

    and maybe some of those guys pointing at the moon aren`t actually pointing at it
    they are giving it the finger!

  539. Lokesh says:

    Maybe there is no finger and no moon. Aieeeeeeeee!

  540. frank says:

    skinny dippers in a lunar sea……

  541. Lokesh says:

    Man is but food for the moon. Who said that?

  542. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    Well forget about the moon, I’m off to Hampstead Heath to gambol in the sun!

  543. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    sounds like Gurdjieff

  544. frank says:

    quiz night
    at the “finger and the moon” satsang pub……
    another bald macho moustachio-ed boozer i met in a pub,i think….

  545. Ma Prem Jenny says:

    good name for a pub….

  546. shantam prem says:

    Someone was gazing at the moon with soft concentraion, yet he knew who and who were looking at the finger and not at the moon.

    Parents point the fingers to their two three years old children, when the moon is full.
    Will they feel offended if child is interested not in the moon but something else?
    A time will come when there is no need of finger, no need of moon, just the face of the beloved is enough!

  547. frank says:

    freak out in a moonage daydream,oh yeah…..

  548. Lokesh says:

    …..put a burning tibura to my haed, love.

  549. prem bubbie says:

    Satya Deva, if you were standing in the rain with just your clothes on and someone were to say to you,”you’re all wet”, you would say… “I don’t know, I don’t know whether water is wet or not”.. So what you say to me is completely idiotic, something an imbecile would say. If you were to see and smell a rose, you would say ” I’m not sure if that’s a rose”. Wake up man! Somethings are so obvious…. Then what are you using to post here.. a computer, via the internet, not sure i suppose… How are these things created? Appears out of thin air i suppose…. A magical genie blinked it to existence…. S.P. is a fool; you, on the other hand, must be a retard or brain damaged!!!

  550. frank says:

    don`t fake it baby,lay the real thing on me….

  551. prem bubbie says:

    Q: Is the earth round? A: Well, I don’t know, says Satya Deva. Q: What happens to the food I eat? A: I don’t know, says Satya Deva I guess S.D. isn’t a fan of science, all of the raving Osho gave science and scientific principles doesn’t mean much to Satya Deva. Are you a re-incarnated mountain goat? A hillbilly? Swami Uncle Jed is your new name!!

  552. Lokesh says:

    That’s a coincidence I just finished reading Jed Mckenna’s Spiritual Enlightenment. Does this mean Satya is an enlightened hill billy?

  553. frank says:

    sd is in his room repeating the mantra:
    i will not have anger in me padme hum…

    and it looks like bubbie is lonely and heartbroken now that his bum-chum anand walked out on him and left him alone in his shotgun shack…..

    it`s ok,bubbs,you`ll get over it,
    there`s plenty of other retards out there….
    there`s plenty more douchebags in the garbage can,as they say…..
    you`ll see……..

  554. frank says:

    i see abhay is back…
    one door closes,another opens….

    sufficient unto the day is the douchebag thereof…..

  555. prem bubbie says:

    Uncle Jed, I meant “Uncle Jed-Clampett” of the Beverly Hillbillies” TV show from the 1960′s , you can watch it now on the ‘net for free…. for you cheap bastards!!! Anyhooooo….

  556. prem bubbie says:

    Yes, why the sudden appearance of Prem Abhay? Which Abhay is it.. for there are two…. Abhay, how long did you spend thinking that shit you posted up? There’s water on the moon and mars… care to test the quality out? Next shuttle departs…. instead of an oxygen pack, take along some nitrous… you’ll be able to float home!!! Ciao bella!!!

  557. Satya Deva says:

    FAO Bubbie & Frank in particular:

    I’ve been either travelling or home in London with a broken computer and under the weather with an illness since Sept. 3, ie far from being available or ready to return to this ‘God-forsaken’ Hell-Hole’…

    Briefly glancing at Bubbie’s comments above, he seems to be raving on about nothing again…

    But when I’m more up to it I’ll answer properly…What a treat for all of us!

  558. Dearest Lokesh!
    I’m greatful for the sharing of such intimacy with ones being with the rest of Us,if not myself!
    Your reconnection with Osho thru Poonjaji,and I felt that rough Osho I too made connection with shri Ramana Maharishi,and Who am I(?)was the outcome of thie experience that its still going onwith others that join this enquiry(Who am I?)and tremendous joy have come out of this self discovery!Joy not just for myself but for others too,and at last there canme to my surprise a new acqaitance with a mystical french nun,*Soror Threse du petit jesus,or just the fairysaint for some!
    my dream will be that Oshos pictorial representation of his samadhi on earth will be themain enquiry amongst new generation of *neo-sanyas,together with all the other theraputic enquiries just as the music and dance and all the beautiful arts creativities that goes on there!But having left the body*(bodhy tree)the masters fotographic samadhi meditations were taken out for whatever reasons,but pray that one day they will come back again or they’lll be found hanging on those walls again,but this time will be one more to join the femenin-nature!The *fairysaint!
    *She is like the moon that reflcts the light of the sun when one needs it most or in a dark night as has been my experience!
    OSHO SAMADHI PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD ONE DAY HANG ON THE WALLS NOT BECAUSE THEY are objects of warship but becaues like a cassete player records the memories of (His) the samadhic experiences of His consciousness!
    If one seats quiatley meditating with His or any experience ones absorves those qualitatives impressions in ones pshychi!
    Please join these pledge to bring back and farther enjoin the presence of His devine daughter ther *Fairysaint!Amen
    Osho is our love,
    as the fairysait our guide to it!
    *Amritlind and crew!

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