Right Conduct

Osho – “When it is said, right conduct, it means right relationship with others. You need not be false. When you can be true without hurting anybody, be true. But if you feel that your truth is going to hurt many and is unnecessary, it can be avoided, then avoid it, because it is not only going to hurt others, it will create patterns of cause, and those causes will return as effects on you, they will become your karmas. Then you will get entangled, and the more entangled you are the more you will have to behave in wrong ways.


Just stop. Just see the situation. If you can be true without hurting anybody, be true. To me, love is greater than truth. Be loving. And if you feel that your truth will be hurtful and violent, it is better to lie than to be true. Wait for the right moment when you can be true, and help the other person to come to such a state where your truth will not hurt him. Don’t be in a hurry.

And life is a big drama; don’t take it too seriously – because seriousness is also a disease of the mind, seriousness is part of the ego. Be playful, don’t be too serious. So sometimes you will have to use masks, because there are children around you and they like masks, they like false faces, and they enjoy. Help them to grow so they can face the real face, they can encounter it. But before they can encounter it, don’t create any trouble. Right conduct is just consideration for others.

And look: there is a great difference. You may misunderstand what I am saying. When you lie, you lie for yourself. But I am saying: if you need, and if you feel the need to lie, only lie for the consideration of others. Never lie for yourself, don’t use any mask for yourself. But if you feel it is going to help others, it will be good for them, use the mask. And inside remain alert that this is just a game you are acting, this is not real.

Gurdjieff’s disciples have written many books about him, and every disciple describes him in a different way. This is very mysterious, it has never happened with any other person in that way. Sometimes it happened that a person went to see Gurdjieff, then left, and then his friend went to see him. They would report to each other and would both give a different picture.

Gurdjieff was a master of changing faces. It is said that he had become so capable that a person sitting by his right side would feel one thing, and a person sitting by his left side would feel differently. He may have been very loving with his left eye, and that half-face was showing love, and with the other side he may have been angry. And both persons would report to each other outside: ”What type of man is this? He was so loving.” The other would say, ”You are in some illusion… because he was so angry.”

That is possible and such a mastery is beautiful. It is said that no one reported Gurdjieff’s real face, because he never showed anybody his real face. He was always acting, but helping in a way; in many ways he was helping. He would show you the face that was needed by you for your consideration; he would never show you the face that was not needed by you.

To me, and to the Upanishads also, right conduct means just the right rules of behavior with others. You are not going to be here forever. You cannot change the whole world, you cannot change everybody; you can at the most change yourself. So it is better to change yourself inwardly, and don’t try to be in a continuous fight with everybody. Avoid fight – and faces can be helpful. Avoid unnecessary struggle, because that dissipates energy. Preserve your energy to be used for the inner work. And that work is so significant and it needs all your energy that you can give to it, so don’t waste it in unnecessary things.”


Source – Osho’s Book “Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi”


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127 Responses to Right Conduct

  1. shantam prem says:

    Inner work!
    It starts while listening discourses.
    It ends when one starts giving discourses.
    Or inner work means something else?

    Is not inner work a vague term?
    Used, reused and misused for variety of reasons.

  2. Arpana says:

    Bit rich coming from you, Osho.
    You regularly bang on about what a hard time you gave people before you were enlightened.

  3. anand yogi says:

    Perfectly correct, Osho!
    It is absolutely necessary to be an excellent liar on the spiritual path and also in everyday life!
    For example, Mrs Yogi, when trying on new sari or salwar kameez is always asking: “Does my base chakra look big in this?”
    Despite fact that Mrs Yogi has been sitting in kitchen eating puri and bharfi with extra ghee for breakfast for whole marriage and backside is already occupying area size of Himalayan foothills, of course every time I am answering: “Not at all, habibi, size is perfectly correct!”
    Then happiness is all around!
    See, love is a higher value than truth and ending up with dinner in the bin!

    Also, many times people ask me “Yogi,are you enlightened?”
    Of course I am denying! Why?
    It is pure compassion!
    If I tell truth, the vicious unconscious baboons, skinheads, alcoholics and cynics of Sannyasnews will violently and mercilessly attack! Why cause unneccesary suffering?
    You see? Lying is pure compassion!

    Also when creditors come round, it is absolutely neccessary to practise acting and the pulling faces like the Mr Gurnjeff!
    As Osho says: “Avoid fight – and faces can be helpful. Avoid unnecessary struggle, because that dissipates energy. Preserve your energy to be used for the inner work. And that work is so significant and it needs all your energy that you can give to it, so don’t waste it in unnecessary things.”

    And as perfectly devoted disciple, every time taxman, landlord and police come round, I am bowing to dictates and guidelines of Master!

    Hari Om!

  4. frank says:

    ‘The Greatest Pleasure Known To Mankind’

    (This is a story from the Hindu tradition of guru/disciple storytelling, which was the source of many of the best-loved Osho stories).

    On a warm night in ancient India, a guru sat with his three disciples.
    The guru, to better understand them, or maybe just out of curiosity, asked them: “What, in each of your opinions, is the greatest of the pleasures known to man?”
    “The drinking of wine and the eating of pork”, offered the first.
    “The love and favours of a beautiful woman”, said the second.
    The guru turned to Narada, a lazy and sometimes impossibly wilful young fellow.
    “Well?” he asked
    “Lies, hearing lies is the greatest pleasure known to mankind”,said Narada.
    The others laughed loudly in unison. “How absurd”, they said.
    “I will prove it to you”, replied Narada.
    “How?”asked the guru, with a noticeable level of reproach in his voice.
    “You will see how; just give me one year, I will show you”, answered Narada.
    Amused and possibly a little bemused by the young fellow`s impertinence, the guru agreed to this strange challenge, or maybe he could clearly see that the fellow had no aptitude for the spiritual life and was glad to see him go.

    Narada left the guru`s Ashram the next day.
    In the coming days and weeks, he gathered together a group of various odd fellows of low and lost caste and ruffians of uncertain parentage. Then one day the group left town.

    They travelled to a holy city at some distance from their home town.
    On arrival, Narada ordered his men to seek out a suitable hall, of sufficient size to contain a large throng.
    This was quickly found.
    Narada then ordered his disciples, as he had now begun to call them, to spread the word that Vishnu himself had been reborn and was now resident in the town. Furthermore, Vishnu would commence to give darshan on the very next day.
    The news spread like wildfire.
    “Krishna himself has come to our city.”
    “Vishnu is amongst us.”
    “A new Yuga is beginning!”
    The townsfolk, having up to this point been in the grip of famine, war and spiritual ignorance, were now gripped with religious fervour.
    The hall was opened to the public.

    Narada sent out his men, who by this time had grown luxuriant beards, and were looking every inch the part of disciples of the avatar, and instructed them them to inform the townspeople thus: “Everyone is permitted to have darshan with Vishnu. Tell them simply that, on entering the hall they must take a solemn vow in the name of their own deity to tell all people that they meet in future, without fail, that they have seen for themselves the very face of God. This way can the glory of God be brought to all, and the evil ways of men change.” `

    This was done, and the people, in their burning thirst for the divine, understood well the generosity of the avatar and the importance of his incarnation.
    A spiritual revolution was under way.

    The news of the avatar’s appearance spread like wildfire, and when Narada`s former guru and disciples came to hear of these extraordinary events they set out on pilgrimage to seek darshan with Vishnu himself.

    They arrived at the darshan, took the vow – a small price to pay for seeing the face of God himself. They knew well that they could never repay it, but then “how can God be repaid?” they mused.

    Imagine their shock as they entered and saw Narada on the podium, serene and surrounded by adoring disciples!

    After the darshan was finished, the guru pushed his way through the crowds and met Narada as he was leaving the hall.
    “What is the meaning of this?” the guru demanded with difficulty, being almost completely overcome by the emotion of the occasion.
    Narada replied: “Firstly, Sir, may I remind you of the vow that you have just taken to tell all that you meet, without wavering, that you have seen the face of God himself. Secondly, look at these people…” He gestured grandly at the rows of men lost in blissful, silent meditation and the colourful crowds of women gently swaying and dancing to the beautiful melodies of the singers and musicians.

    “…and about the greatest pleasure known to mankind,” Narada continued,”It must be clear to you by now that I have spoken the truth.”

    • Lokesh says:

      Enjoyed the story, Frank.

    • shantam prem says:

      “Darshan, music, a big hall and the rows of men lost in blissful silent meditation and the colourful crowds of women gently swaying and dancing to the beautiful melodies of the singers and musicians…”

      Frank, tell me truthfully, while writing this story, you did not get inspiration from ‘somewhere else’?

      Or one can say, history repeats always in one form or another.

  5. Kavita says:

    Anand Yogi & Frank – I can’t decide which of you two Masters I could choose to be my next Master. Oh Lord, Please Help me!

    • madhu dagmr frantzen says:

      You don´t be worried, Kavita; on its ways to knock at your door is the headhunter, looking for a female with talented expression and executive
      ability “to build up an opinion and execute it”, yet screaming now and then in a fake high tone of helplessness “Oh Lord, help me, I am so helpless…”
      You will be helped, I am pretty sure.


      • Kavita says:

        Madhu, in any case I am not here on SN to chat with & have tea with anyone; of course if it does happen it’s not out of any planning and in ref. to your “Oh Lord, help me, I am so helpless…”, the exclamation mark is missing, probably you may have missed it – I guess none of us can be aware all the time .

        I do accept I do possess good executive capabilities; I have managed my life quite well up to now without much effort, if I may say so!

  6. Parmartha says:

    Worth reading, Frank. Thanks.

  7. prem martyn says:

    Frank .. Very nice contribution. You obviously have some back-room enchantment researcher in you to find these things.

    the thing is here we have two values operating. We have the lie, and the knowing of it . Which combine to give us revelation, if not insight, into how we shape reality.

    In very real personal terms we all have this need both for truth and the experience of pleasure. They can be synonymous, but in the the world of human dynamics the attainment of any one shared version of truth, held in exactly the same measure in common is a treasure that even lovers have the greatest difficulty in forming or revealing. Hence the attraction of created style or ambition or imerely invented forms of mirroring attitude/ personality as forms of managing endurance in the face of uncertainties, particularly the human to human interface ones.

    The implication is that, for some, the created belief is everything, for others the knowing of that creation is a shared privacy, held preciously in private as the bond of a relationship in truth or bonded troth and faith. For others still, truths are revealed as invitation to dissolve the singular back into the collective so as to there establish themselves and it, implicitly and accessibly so.

    One of the greatest and commonly experienced defilements of truth is the sense or evidence of betrayal (to the King or Spirit), as that story goes on to suggest in closure. From the simplest emotively contractual coherence and reliance on being trustworthy and trusting, to the resounding accusations and investment of the opposite, we all can recognise and even knowingly participate in the colours and shades of grey-in between.

    When we distil, as only people can do, from that singularity of pleasure to the understanding of its effects and constructs, we aim to achieve or be reminded of our freedom from being mere recipients of pleasure to at least co-agents of it, in a loving embrace with our own capacity for ever decreasing doses of it, for the same effect, yet in essence. Hence, self-love, the distance from here to here, in fullness and also trust in any needed foundational knowing reciprocity as being implicit in life, not life without it. That’s the gauntlet thrown down by the questing knight , but not in looking for it but in carrying it, with, as Narada (the Soul) does.

    At least, this is the Angelic or God-like part of us that harkens us back to the space in which we , apparently ,exist. Simple, undefiled. In between, the world must be managed from the highest common multiple of the myriad of choices open to us, through convulsions and convolutions. Each pleasure is , however attractive, stymied by the fear of its loss, to which no heed is ever paid. But the ferryman demands payment… always ! For in sense-’descent’ there is only gravity, doom and eventually that ‘ego-death’, which is vainly, regularly postponed by ritual and routine and over familiarity that does not address itself and cannot, preferring slow suicide instead. Understandable, but not a solution to suffering.

    There can only be one redemption and that is, like Lokesh wonderfully suggests by his swimming, as a metaphor to enter the fears and the void and the sense of that in each vital organ. This is happening anyway. Either the body will give significant indicators of the farce/tragedy being played out or life itself will have a habit of providing the ingredients for Rumi’s line ” You say you are crying now, but do you know anyone whose eyes are not hazy with smoke ?”. Shit happens.

    Thing is, we do not have, but crave and want the sense receptor or invitation open to understanding the matrix that is actually running the show, only mere suspicions of it , through moments of enquiry, crisis, loss, or, for some, intent. Does this matter ? Well empirically no, or as a deduction of the evidence,then, so what ? This is also significant as an attitude, not to care for one’s own outcome, because doing so would surely create the havoc it promises to avoid. So we are then obliged to care without caring, invite, participate whilst not believing, enjoy without possessing, and be without , within.

    If understanding did not provide that extraordinary capacity for self-regard, I’m sure that as a value in itself it would not be a commodity used between us.. As it is , we yearn for the slightest indication of deliverance from even our greatest pleasures, so that we can guarantee their rightful position in our myth- building life story. With a before, during and after in each reflection.

    Without comprehension, merely indulgent survivalist gloating or competition even, we are stuck in the tumble-dryer waiting for ourselves to dry out the still-moist soul by rote and routine with annoying broken trinkets of self irritating our impatient, eternally postponed, full, self-belief as we go round and round. But where can comprehending arise from when there’s only spirals of deceit and descent and inability? Well, that’s where we live, it seems to me, as the pendulum swings from this and that. Yes to this, no to that.

    But all is not lost, and we do not have to falsify our search into mere craven gods , so the story, you tell, shows. We do have an alternative and that is to know, knowingly. From there-on-in it’s up to us how much or how little is declared, investigated, revealed and for what purpose. I personally believe that Truthfulness has a compulsion in it, in myself to act as an agent of Trust, faith and devotion. However as Leonard Cohen says too, in his interview, to be in truth we often have to ‘overlook’ the other/lover/partner (what irritates us, what doesn’t immediately correspond etc) and vice versa. This means that even though there is a compulsion to declare one’s truth, then the space or context of declaration or reservation is just as valuable, if not more so, for Love to be. There are also phases and changes in the contracts between people. So Truth may or may not be loving, and love may or may not be truthful. In the end one has to assume all liability for whatever station one is in, and revere it as being full of the necessities for complete okayness in oneself and with the potential for full declaration if asked. Being means being available. Avoid those who don’t know this or are covert otherwise, if one can, as Rumi probably said somewhere or other. Don’t court trouble in unrewarding areas is the flip side of what Osho says and cut your losses.. heads and brick walls an all. Don’t be constantly playing or be forced to play hide and seek with false gods of pleasure or belief in something that isn’t yours.

    My own most faithful friendship was/is only built on complete unreserved honesty at all costs. It and we endure and my name isn’t Vishnu, I’m not offering salvation, but I do enjoy Frankness. It fits with the All.

    Cheers, I’ll have a glass of house white, make that a large.

  8. Lokesh says:

    Osho gives the following advice:
    “Life is a big drama; don’t take it too seriously – because seriousness is also a disease of the mind, seriousness is part of the ego.”
    And it is good advice.

    Taking that into account, one can see how Osho enjoyed the drama of life and played his part very well. There is no business like show business, and theatrics was a strong element in Osho productions.

    The silence is only broken by the birdsong and the swishing of the hollow bamboos, moved into motion by an early morning breeze. Osho’s Rolls Royce purrs up to the podium and there is Osho in his latest outfit, namastaeing to the seated congregation. And then he begins his morning discourse.

    The above quote from Osho, upon which this thread is based, contradicts entirely something he said in another discourse. His talks were spontaneous and I am sure the above quote ties in with a whole bigger picture. Words gain far more meaning in their context and the opposite is true when taken out of context.

    We have reached a point that words now dominate us, have so much power over us, leaving us prone to verbal manipulation. Osho was very aware of this. The above quote standing alone is well and good, but to take it as some sort of guideline within the Sannyas credo is ridiculous.

    One moment that still remains fresh in my memory relating to events that feel like a past life to me is the following:
    I was participating in Teertha’s encounter group when someone asked me to tell them what their trip was. Teertha picked up on it and said, “You are wasting your time asking Lokesh that sort of thing. He will see someone sitting in a pile of shit and instead of telling them he will have a good laugh about it.”
    Whether or not that was true at the time is not the point. Teertha was not paying me a compliment, because the whole thing was to be brutally honest with each other in the commune. Osho actually encouraged this…it was a huge encounter group. Now we have Osho saying, ‘Avoid fight – and faces can be helpful.” Gimme a fucking break.

    I rarely read anything in Osho books and almost never watch any of his vids. Osho was an energetic phenomenon in my life, not a verbal one. I see that many sannyasins still read his books and watch his vids and a lot of confusion arises in their minds as a result. The reason for this being that so much of a contradictory nature exists in what Osho said. Sannyas doublespeak enters,

    Osho contradicted himself because life is full of contradictions. Snd therefore Osho was totally tuned into life.

    Take the best and forget the rest, and remember Osho’s sound advice: ‘
    “Life is a big drama; don’t take it too seriously.” I might add, especially in regards to anything he said, because Osho’s real message lay in the silence between the words. To forget that is a big mistake.

    • Arpana says:

      Another of your delusions.
      The idea you aren’t serious.
      What a laugh that is.
      The man who’s serious about not being serious.

      • Lokesh says:

        Oh, oh, it’s that pesky sniper in the dark woods again. Whatever, you do not light a cigarette with the third light. Even though he is a lousy shot he might just get lucky one day…I kind of doubt it though.

        • Arpana says:

          Name-dropping the ashram, and Teertha (how special he thought you were) didn’t go unnoticed.

          God, but you live in the past.

          I reckon Teetha was really saying that youve got your head so far up your own bum, theres no point me wasting energy on you. LOL.

          • Lokesh says:

            Arps, forgive me for saying so, but I think you have become a trifle obsessed about me.

            • Arpana says:

              Not as obsessed as you are about yourself.

              • Lokesh says:

                Arps, I know I have said it before, your behaviour towards me, or at least your idea of what you believe I represent in your mind, is extremely negative. Ultimately, feeding such negativity will only really affect one person and that is you. Negativity always bites the hand that feeds it. One of the immutable laws of life. Carry on regardless if you wish to. I do not wish to enter a game of tit-for-tat with you as I view that as childish.

                • shantam prem says:

                  Till the last month, Arpana, the faceless Arpana, was obsessed with me, now it is Lokesh.

                  How dare someone questions the quality paper of his books stored in the memory box of brain?


                • Arpana says:

                  I repeat:
                  The negativity you spew up about Osho, Sannyas and most people at one time or other is different; and you actually believe that.

                  You’re as self-deceiving as Shantam.

                • Kavita says:

                  Shantam & he looked like Steve Jobs!

                • Lokesh says:

                  Thing is, poor Arps needs to pick on someone his own size, like Ant Man or Shaun the Leprechaun or, or, or…this guy, who just so happens to be the smallest man in Nepal.

                • Lokesh says:

                  It’s true, you know, sometimes a photograph says more than a million words.

                • Arpana says:

                  @Lokesh, resident pompous windbag, and I quote:
                  “I do not wish to enter a game of tit-for-tat with you as I view that as childish.”


                • Lokesh says:

                  Okay, okay, Arps, if you insist. Given a choice between being childish or being a spoilsport, I will choose being childish. You see, if someone calls me a spoilsport it hurts. Here is another one, and yes, I know it is childish. Just thought it might cheer you up.

    • Ashok says:

      Lokesh wrote: “I rarely read anything in Osho books and almost never watch any of his vids.”

      Strikes me as a wise course of action as both books and vids are pretty much full of contradictory nonsense, and ranting/raving junk.

      I did, however, when first joining up, read several books and watch some videos out of choice, but soon gave up on them for reasons already indicated.

      Unfortunately, at a later time, I had to endure many more of Osho’s books when participating in the ‘Work as Meditation’ programme for a 90 day sentence (they put me in the Editing Dept.). In addition, on the same programme, I also had to endure a vid every night at ‘White Robe’. These experiences compounded the conclusions I had already drawn.

      • prem martyn says:


        I couldn’t handle being in the auditorium in late Pune because of the length of the discourses , sometime 3 or 4 hours. Sitting arse to knee, tight up against sitting fellows and fellowesses was problematic. The heat, the attention to sitting in position, the lack of decent dinner till too late, having grouped all day long., the wanting to just crash out. So often I was in the gardens instead.Sometimes I did stay in Buddha Hall though.

        I didn’t get the ‘Yahoo’ thing , the ‘let go’ gibberish thing , the ‘consciousness like an arrow’ thing at the end of the discourses, much, either. In Pune 1 the discourses were conversely in the morning. It was easier to sit in the tin roof auditorium at the back and swoon or lie down. Pleasantly zonked out in lucid quasi dream states,prone, under the baking heat of the risen sun on the tin roof and then awoken by his younger and more insistent booming voice and energy, then.

        There were times when none of this counted. Why? Because sometimes after discourse one felt utterly brief with oneself, stripped to the essential. A few memorable times my guts were reduced to jelly. I couldn’t talk to even close friends after discourse, we would just acknowledge each other with a melted smile. That and all the other forgotten times .

        Discourse, looking back, was distinctly a silent transmission phenomenon. Heart work. The reversing of the gears to inside, past the cramps of the Separation. I wasn’t ready then to understand the enormity of what was being delivered. In the videos there is a taste, or a memory if one was there. It’s a symbiotic memory of that suchness. But its not a given even in the stark presence whilst he was in the body. It all depends.

        May I venture to say , be glad that the ‘mumbo jumbo’ one heard gave permission to be a mumbo-jumboist. So many enlightened transmissioners require understanding. Osho didn’t require anything of the sort. So no need to try. But that said , then one can attend to not trying with the same intensity and with a directness that failing to try, (its near cousin) knowingly avoids but without contentment.

        His presence was not a panacea, but a joy, now dispersed amongst our own, as we would wish ours to be.

        Remembering to forget is an active passivity. not an inactive latency.

        • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

          What a Joy to read and look through your yesterday´s Kaleidoscope this morning, Prem Martyn.

          And not to deny ´Panacea´, ancient Greeks have chosen for their goddess symbol of universal remedies with four brothers and four sisters:
          “Panacea was said to have a poultice or potion with which she healed the sick. This brought about the concept of the panacea in medicine, a substance meant to cure all diseases. The term is also used figuratively as something intended to completely solve a large, multi-faceted problem.” (google-wiki)

          And you end with:
          “a joy, now dispersed amongst our own, as we would wish ours to be.
          Remembering to forget is an active passivity. not an inactive latency.”

          I just love the whole piece you shared, as there is lots of remedy in it. For me.

          Discovered some inner resistance to “remembering to forget” – will keep me busy, I guess.

          Thank you.


          • prem martyn says:

            Panacea, surely, is something you may take to cure things…whereas joy is more like infection…it spreads and replicates…

            achhoo…er, yahooo….

        • Tan says:

          PM, again, “forget is an active passivity, not an inactive latency”. Osho himself couldn’t say better.

        • Kavita says:

          Martyn, reading your pictorial memoirs, if I may say so, I felt suddenly transported to the evening Discourses in Buddha Hall, even though without His body was the beginning of sometimes an ancient & sometimes a fresh connection with oneself.

          Thank you, Ashok & Martyn.

        • Arpana says:

          Great word picture, P.M.

        • Ashok says:

          Thanks for the response, PM, which is a very interesting anecdotal piece, that I have genuinely enjoyed reading!

          You have shared some of your experience of live meetings with Osho, on a previous occasion, and therefore I will just repeat what I said before which is: I would not presume to judge your experience as I was not there.

          However, it is of importance, I believe, this ‘live’ factor you highlight, because the vids in my opinion, do not capture the sparkle and aliveness of the time in which they were recorded, nor the protagonist for that matter, which you yourself experienced – how can they?

          So, once again, thanks for that.

          Would appreciate hearing about how other people have experienced Osho, too, in a similar vein to what PM, has related here.

      • Kavita says:

        Ashok, seems you have been having quite a bit of endurance all along.

        • Ashok says:

          I suppose it might seem that way, Kavita. However, bear in mind that I did the ‘Work as Meditation’ in 2010, some 8 yrs after I began going to Pune. By that time I had experienced a lot of Osho’s meditations and therapy groups, which is what really worked for me.

          • Kavita says:

            Thank you for your sharing/response, Ashok.

            Btw, in case you don’t mind sharing, when & how did you come to this website? Just so you know, I first came across to this website in Dec. of 2008, but started active contribution only in March of 2009 when I first started using the internet. Shantam introduced this to me & I am thankful to him for that.

            • Kavita says:

              Seems your tonga didn’t get you here ?

            • Ashok says:

              I think Google came up with this Sannyas News add. when I was looking for something re. Osho publications outside of OIF, and Osho News in particular, which I find to be a rather dry and stifled organ.

              Once I got on it I was initially taken with Lokesh’s realism/groundedness and Martyn’s zany fun-loving exuberance, Moreover, what also interested me is that this site is prepared to discuss/debate Osho and his work, in ways that are not permitted at the control-freaky Pune set-up.

              • swamishanti says:

                I came across sannyasnews in 2001,after I came across a crumpled up leaflet advertising ‘satsangs’ with a bit of a space cadet called “Maitreya Ishwara.”

                There were some interesting qoutes on the leaflet, from Maitreya’s book, “The New Dawn”.
                Stuff like, “Beloveds, your awakening is not in your hands. Source is in control of everything.
                “When the time comes for rapid growth everything is programmed by source.”

                The book sounded interesting so I bought a copy. The book gave me a bit of a headache, but it was an interesting read.
                Later, I bought “Life of Osho” by Sam, and “Biography of a Buddha” by Maitreya, from the same distributor, “Sannyas” in London.

                Later I wrote to “Sannyas” and asked them if they had any more books and I recieved a reply from Pari(who I believe was the sannyas name of Sam, who wrote “Life of Osho”.
                He told me that “no, we are not doing any more books at the moment , all of our energy is going into this website, ‘sannyasnews.com’- check it out!

                So I did check it out and did indeed find some interesting articles(mainly by Sam).
                There was also a chatboard , with lots of crap on it, and an interesting dialogue between Osho’s dentist, Devageet, and Chris Calder, who paints quite a grim picture of Osho , all over the internet.
                That chatboard is gone now.

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

        You didn´t sit in His Presence, listening, Ashok?
        Just presume, by your comments on His spoken words as the space in between, your dealing with it in a role of ‘editing’ much later. After His departure.
        Just curious.

        And if you have been so reluctant to do a 90 days course in Pune, why then didn´t you quit it all, when you have been so pissed about schedules?
        Just curious.

        However, if you have been a ‘plant’´or are now a ‘plant’ here (re Prem Martyn´s creative writing), and an Irish one, how you yourself introduced yourself to the rest of us stupid folks on caravanserai grounds, then sure, then it makes that kind of marginal relative sense:
        Your elaborate work with triggers, pushings and more stuff, targeting some nuke corners of our minds (for whosoever or whatsoever means )…or just for your fun of IT-gaming).

        Easy to be seen, I guess, that I can´t stop loving IT, the Original I mean, and also the spoken words and the spaces in-between, and the numerous Invitations to enjoy the Present moment or the Reminders of Such.

        It’s a challenge for me, more than sometimes I am not able to cope with, when people come to a meeting just for gathering information (about others).

        And there are meanwhile quite tricky nasty ways to do that, aren´t there? Then I often take the mask, or it just happens: the mask of a very grumpy old, ugly woman and then I am not nice at all.

        Inspired by my knowing also that will backfire on me.

        Found out about many whose skull meanwhile got so thick and senses so insensitive and their minds so cunning that they don´t care a shit, so to say.

        So – why did you ´endure´ (your own words) or use the word ´sentence´about the ‘programme’ in Pune you participated in – or what for – and what did you get out of it?

        Please, share.


        • satyadeva says:

          Yes, Ashok, why did you get involved in Sannyas if, after not having been with Osho while he was alive, you couldn’t stand his video discourses or his books – and hated the ‘work experience’ programme in Pune?!

          What is in it for you – masochistic pleasure, perhaps?

          Or, more likely, are you a ‘chancer’, homing in on a hopefully lively psycho-sexual scene?

          (Genuine response would be appreciated, rather than would-be clever-dick wordplay, please!).

          • Ashok says:

            I ‘got involved’ with sannyas, SD, because an old friend of mine, introduced me to Osho’s work at a point in my life where I was ready for a radical change in direction.

            I decided to try the whole thing out, despite serious misgivings about the books and vids. Fortunately, the friend mentioned, had also related in detail the nature of the meditations and therapy work, which were what attracted me. Nevertheless, before throwing myself into the Pune experience, I sampled some of the ‘stuff’ for myself firstly in Europe. As the results of this probing were successful, I made up my mind to go. In short, I took the decision to go, on balance.

            You also speculate, SD, that I may have been attracted to Osho & Pune for some kind of sexual experience. I will not deny that the opposite sex, entered into the equation! I thought I might meet some interesting women there, as was in fact the case. However, it was very far from being the main reason. Besides, it soon became obvious after arriving at the ashram, there was not an awful lot going on in that respect, and therefore it definitely wasn’t sexual frolicking that kept me going back for 8 yrs.

            • satyadeva says:

              Thanks, Ashok, interesting.

              So, despite finding his books and videos boring, you took sannyas. I’m just wondering what your relationship is with Osho. As you’ve changed your name I assume you regard yourself as a sannyasin; is that correct? Or is it just for some convenient image, entry to ‘the club’, with all its benefits etc?

          • frank says:

            SD, what`s wrong with chasing a bit of punani all the way to Pune?
            Punsters saw the signs and even followed the pun to LBW Pundit Punyaji`s place and even he started pulling his disciples!

            Having sex and still being on the spiritual path was one of the main differences between Osho and the rest wasn`t it?
            Do you remember the Alan Whicker prog when he went to Poona in the 70s. He asked a bunch of sannyasins what they came here for and one guy said “Sex” and everybody laughed.

            Following the trend,your man Barry Long was a bit of shag-monster by all accounts.
            That`s the way it has gone.

            It continues.
            Arun is flogging hindu revivalism with a bit of extra sex for icing.
            All the other religions have eased off their rules to get more followers: Hari Krishnas ,TM ,Ravi Shanker and the rest are all a bit loosened up these day and are all coming out of the closet thanks to Osh`s influence.

            Meditation + sex = 21st century enlightenment ,isn`t it?

            • Kavita says:

              LBW Pundit Punyaji!

            • prem martyn says:


              If my various gf’s had asked me what did I think I was doing down there and I had replied ‘ meditating’ , then there would have been no further drinking from the cup of love.

              Still, being conscious of non attachment, whilst attached, is a tough act to swallow.

              I’ve never been valued for being a better meditator than her last boyfriend.

              I have always wondered if women consider that the size of a man’s consciousness matters or how you use it ?

              • Kavita says:

                ”Still, being conscious of non-attachment, whilst attached, is a tough act to swallow.” – not really if one is sincere enough !

                ”I have always wondered if women consider that the size of a man’s consciousness matters or how you use it ?” – if one is conscious enough , each of the woman’s/ man’s size of consciousness matters in one’s life , as only then shall the journey for both be inwardly fulfilling to a large extent , of course that may differ for each one of us , according to each one’s level of consciousness & endurance !

            • Lokesh says:

              Franco enquires, ‘Meditation + sex = 21st century enlightenment ,isn`t it?’

              Ehm…somehow that does not ring true. But I am sure it will ring a bell with some folks.
              Grandpa is having his 95th birthday. The kids get the cash together and send a high class hooker round to his flat. The doorbell rings, gramps opens the door and there is a naked vision of pure sexuality.
              The hooker exclaims, I am here to offer you super-sex.
              Gramps thinks about it for a few seconds and then says, I’ll have the soup please.

              • frank says:

                tbh. I would probably go for the soup myself .

                There comes a time when
                “do what thou wilt” starts to be more predicated by the wilt part.

                That`s when the size of your consciousness and how you use it becomes the thing.

                • prem martyn says:

                  Frank.. If you ask the moderators here they will have a deja-vu about some lines that i sent this morning, that were not printed, in exactly the same erm.. vein.

                  I blame the universal cosmic joke for supplying the erm.. gag lines..


                • Tan says:

                  Frank and Lokesh, you both must be joking…what do you mean by this nonsense of going for the soup? Go for the sex, sod off meditation and forget enlightenment. I can’t believe it! Cheers!

                • Kavita says:

                  I’ll go with Frank & Lokesh on this one .

                • Tan says:

                  Kavita, leave this nonsense. You are a Kama Sutra baby! ☺️

                • Kavita says:

                  Actually, Tan, I would have had a rethink about what you said! But, just a lil secret, somehow am at peace already with my passive life!

                • Kavita says:

                  P.S: :)

        • Ashok says:

          No, I never sat in Osho’s live presence, Madhu, but feel that I have in some way met the man through the meditation techniques and group therapies etc. he left with us, and for which I feel truly grateful, because they changed the course of my life in a positive way.

          No, I’m not a plant.

          As to the why of my continuing with the ‘Work as Meditation’ programme, Madhu, despite misgivings about some elements, is down to the fact that it was not all bad, as far as I was concerned. There were other elements that gave extremely positive benefits in my opinion, which I have already mentioned.

          • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

            Thank you for your sincere response Ashok,

            what happened by this for me ,is that you became more real by your response and responses here, almost like a human sitting face to face, and whenever that is happening in the virtual caravanserai , I feel more real too – its a reciprocative gift.

            Or let us say, a climate of mutual respect, which virtual realms ( also here) quite often are lacking in my eyes. Subtle or more gross.

            Sorry that I might probably have missed your sharings about benefits , you got and did mention earlier as you say.

            In a mysterious way, the string top issue does take its course, doesn ´t it ?
            Even when Lokesh rightly stated, that stuff taken out of its context falls short and even sometimes may work out contra productive .
            Even when Prem Martyn responds his ways sharing his faithful friendship and honesty ´at all costs´and frankness in homeopathic very refined dosages.

            Coming together here on the screen, got more flesh and bones to it , miraculously .
            And I enjoy that we are all so unique.

            And so are you. Unique.

            In former times, I remember, we sometimes loved chatting face-to-face about the surprises , to meet each other, coming together from so different nukes and corners of the planet and showing up with so different inner ´nukes and corners´ too.

            It was like the birds chirping , we never found out the reason ´why`.
            Although big birds chirped a lot of ´theorems´about it

            If sharing is happening instead of reacting to one each other, it feels like this.
            Just meeting. Just wonderful.

            In wonder about , how you – and that you responded,

            Wishing you very well


            and keep your request in not-only-mind

  9. shantam prem says:

    Master lied few times and to see this from closed angles privileged disciples started lying too.

    This is the story of Osho Commune International to Osho International Meditation Resort.

    They did not know if father sleeps with mother it is marriage; if they do, it is incest!

  10. shantam prem says:

    In the context of Osho´s work, is it a Right Conduct that some disciple sticks to his position as Chairman of Osho Foundation International for more than three decades?

    I think this is the fundamental issue.

    Here it depends, teachings are really golden or all those glitters are not gold. Goody goody words to catch the innocents and empathetic beings.

    Walk the talk starts from the very top.

    • satyadeva says:

      Thanks, Shantam, for elucidating your version of ‘working on oneself’ with such enlightening clarity.

      Just be a little patient, in due course, “discourses” are coming, it is more than certain!

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam declares, ‘I think this is the fundamental issue.’

      Well, if he removed the fun part, damental might relate better to the big issue.

    • Ashok says:

      Shantam wrote: “In the context of Osho’s work, is it a right conduct that some disciple sticks to his position as Chairman of OIF for more than three decades?”

      No, clearly it is not “right conduct”, Shantam! And the same applies to the rest of the lackies and hangers-on e.g. Amrito, Yogendera etc.

      Still, what can one expect from an organisation that runs itself like a fascist dictatorship?

      • Arpana says:

        What system would you replace the current system with, Ashok?

        • prem martyn says:

          4-4-3, with Nietzsche playing centre-back after half-time?

        • Ashok says:

          Good question, Arpana.

          Quite simply, something that allowed for some new fresh blood entering the system.

          • Arpana says:

            Good response, allthough there is no system that can be put in place which will not have hysterical, fascistic detractors.

            • shantam prem says:

              Arpana, why don´t you find yourself some relevant quotation from Osho´s words spoken during last years? After all, you are the Encyclopedia.

            • Ashok says:

              Please be aware Arpana, that I will not stoop to the depths that you plumb, and therefore will repay Madhu’s new-found trust in my character, by turning the other cheek!

              Thank you, Madhu, for restoring the light in me!

              On a more positive note Arpana, you have set me thinking with your query re. the kind of system I would replace the current set-up in Puna with. I am getting a few ideas together, so please watch this space.

              (MOD: POST EDITED)

              • Arpana says:

                That is so precious.

                Depths is genocide. Mass murder and all the other horrors human beings impart on each other.

                Just for the record what you went through at the ashram was in part becasue of your trips and hangups, your expectations.

                Making mountains out of molehills, but I ve been there, in a similar situation, and done the same.

                There is a hell of a lot of making mountains out of molehills amongst sannyasins.

              • Arpana says:

                I rate you.
                I am delighted to come across someone who came to sannyas after Osho had gone and is obviously in their pitching, having a go. Some evidence to suport the idea that Sannyas alive and kicking.

                To me you make a good contribution to this site. I find your writing style an odd mixture of piss taker, pompous and vaguelly deferential, but I am pretty certain that you’re sound, and I would probably enjoy your company.

                PS. This post does not override the other one.

                • Ashok says:

                  Thanks for your comments, Arpana. To be sure, we’re all having a good crack on here, aren’t we?

  11. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Lokesh ! Arpana !




    • Arpana says:

      Bless you, Madhu. That’s hilarious. :)

    • Lokesh says:

      Madhu, if it’s inconceivable how do you know it’s nonsense?

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

        Because Lokesh,
        it’s not my mother tongue here – but the sound of ´inconceivable` felt so right in the moment.
        Otherwise, I am full of ´inconceivable rubbish´myself and often stuck myself, so I know.
        Being taken off and carried away by such and dealing with that in my private diary. Mostly.

        In this context, trying to relate to you – especially – I can say I know myself about your practised ‘art of long-term-swimming’ and comparables. And that has been beautiful to read your sharing about it

        There are ways where is no harm for others included; sometimes hard to find, are they>?

        Trying to get on the loop to the string issue? Maybe ?


        • frank says:

          You tell `em, Madhu!
          You remind me of my grandma.
          She was lame in one leg from a wild swimming accident, so she had to walk with a stick, which she was not afraid to use on any troublemakers, scallywags and mischief-making whippersnappers who crossed her path.

          So come on, you two ageing delinquents – listen to granma…
          and remember…if you don`t eat your meat, you won`t get any pudding!

          • Tan says:

            Frank, you have to learn with Yogi how to be funny without being mean. I don’t know if Madhu has a stick, but if she has, I think she could use it somewhere in you and I would help her. Very naughty, Frank boy! XXX

  12. Lokesh says:

    Well, Madhu, you made me laugh and in my book that constitutes right conduct.
    Inconceivable nonsense is a common enough expression and I am quite sure that everyone, including my most humble self, caught your drift.

  13. prem martyn says:

    To all who wrote in and to others who have read…

    Thanks for enjoying, I enjoyed you enjoying too.

    Here’s more to enjoy…

    “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”
    Joseph Campbell, ‘The Power of Myth’


  14. Kavita says:

    Good morning, Ashok! Seems you have enjoyed your whole Sunday without internet – or maybe it’s you know what..?!

    • Kavita says:

      Seems you still have a lot of endurance left in you !

      • Ashok says:

        I really am in Tonga, right now, Kavita, believe it or not! Tonga, is close to what I think is called the International Date Line. This might explain why it appears I missed a day without access to the Internet. It wasn’t because I was respecting the ‘Sabbath’, if that is what you implied with your comment about ‘…it’s you know what..’.

        Yes, there is indeed plenty of life left in this ‘old dog’!

  15. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Frank – and may be Shantam too and including me. _ Always

    to enjoy erotic and sex life in the body and sharing that with a partner is all good and beautiful.

    My point is, when people can´t stop bragging about it or can ´t stop peeping at others and rating what they might have ´on stage´;
    it either shows, that someone doing so (bragging I mean) , that his own erotic life is missing much, if not all, or shows that his chakras while writing a piece got topsy turby , so to say , and may need some balance for his own and may be also others ´relief.

    The whole industry being busy with sex , shows in abundance and very clearly what we are missing , collectively and individually as well .
    And shows mostly a civilisation which has lost a wide range of skills to live an erotic life , also in the bodily realms.

    My own experience with myself and others is , and has ever been, that people who are content and erotically fulfilled , neither need a constant bragging about it, nor need chasing others, nor indulging pervert up to very violent actions to perpetrate a body , or a body´s mind , or a body, s emotions of another human as a kind of competitive show.
    Or a like top dog show – so to say. In the ´Net de plus – or just by bragging about it.

    And it is these kind of humans whom, I feel Prem Martyn spoke about , when declaring , that Joy is infectious and replicates.. and it is these kind of humans whom nobody can headhunt for any war to go. And I mean, ANY…! when I say any:
    Its just not in their venes (their blood and energy and psychic system)

    Rarely, I did have seen such BEFORE Sannyas , but have seen it and had experienced it myself, what I am speaking about.

    The first bunch of numerous of this ´kind, I saw in Pune I , how we put it.

    And I have been looking for such company. Was magnetic a pull.
    A pull to join a dream about it, that the number of such embodied peace could increase to a max but at least surpass the number of those , embodying the violence and trauma after WW II. ( and many other suppressed lives..)

    That the MOB and the Media MOB took/takes it´s ways (at any time btw) to willfully and deliberately misunderstand, has much to do with our own immaturity at that time and any , but that´s not all !

    Other younger generations grew up otherwise meanwhile, apparently much less suppressed , apparently all kind of skills can be learned or fulfilled in a market like a shopping super sized market of seminars and tools and what else.

    Yet – the bragging , I spoke of, didn ´t get less but even increased as well.
    As the competition-line , what is one of the first big poisons for an erotic life that deserves that name.

    It´s not at all of yesterday , what the Master had to say about it,
    even when, – admitted , the context has changed a lot and a lot on a very global plane.
    So much more challenge – to get some essentials as the different cultural heritages have strong impact on our babylonian misunderstandings and their consequences.

    Why I addressed you in special , Frank and also Shantam ?
    Because I am sometimes really bored up to ´upturned´so to say, by your ever repetitive bragging style.
    I discovered by reading that in his response to the sex-issue , Ashok has responded quite balanced to the matter.
    And no need to start again with a male kind of territorial fight to have the last word and the again the last of the last word ., etc

    I guess and suspect, that each generation has its own dreams and it means enough inner work , not to live dreams which are not your own, but coming from another source.

    And this works stays the same; some call it Meditation, some find other words for it.

    And some like to share their dreams or about their dreams and have a meeting together.
    Or some like to share how it is going, when a dream vanishes like a soap bubble.
    I love being alone-together this way like anything !


    • frank says:

      Where have I bragged about my sex life?
      Examples please.

      • prem martyn says:

        Frank, you haven’t bragged.

        • shantam prem says:

          Frank, you have not bragged.
          In nursing home, when you look with hungry eyes at the Polish nurse, it is being seen by security staff through CTV cameras.

          Martyn works there during night shifts. He needs extra cash to buy love from east European women!

          • prem martyn says:

            And all I was trying to do was protect you from scurrilous accusations of bragging about your membership! Huh! Well, now you’ve done it, chudmeister, I’m going to tell the world what you really get up to – or should I not mention the attributes of your friend in the melon department at Lidl ? And what you do in the aisles on a late night shop with your trolley ! Go on brag – we all want to know…I have photos that could be worth millions not to publish. Here’s one you might recognise:


            • frank says:

              To Martyn, Shantam and maybe myself…

              To enjoy erotic and sex life in the body and sharing that with a partner is all good and beautiful, but this continuous bragging about the size of your melons is inconceivable.

              STOP IT IMMEDIATELY!

              It is these kind of humans, mostly men who indulge in this misogynistic getting the last word competitions and perverts up to very violent actions with large melons to perpetrate a body, or a body´s mind, or a mind`s body, or a body`s emotions, or a mind, or a no-mind of another human – just by bragging about it.

              That the MOB and the Media MOB, the unconscious masses and those infected by the emotional plague of competitive melons took/takes/taken/will take its ways (at any time, btw) then and now to wilfully and deliberately misunderstand our Babylonian misunderstandings and their consequences.

              I rest my case.
              Sorry about that!
              I don`t rest my case, essentially.

              I love being alone/together/untogether this way and that like anything and nothing, isn`t it?

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:


        I rest my case (to use your words) re my error to hastily put your name with Shantams in one line in that response.
        Sorry about that !
        I don´t rest my case re what I have been up to yesterday essentially, and tried my best for the moment, but have to relax into finding or being found by more understandable expression(s) of mine.
        So – me also has to wait patiently – for may be better words to come.


        • shantam prem says:

          Next time before you address some post to me, be little visible.

          I don´t want to be assassinated or garlanded by the people who hide behind camouflage.
          It is also impolite and beyond any level of etiquette to communicate with no face and no personal biography.


          • shantam prem says:

            Yes, I remember bit and pieces.
            Next step will be a photo.
            As everyone knows, a photo speaks thousand times better than the words.
            It seems many bloggers have this thought in the storage of their brains, if we will be invited by Guardian or Newsweek only then we will publish our face.

            • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

              No, Shantam,

              neither a foto, nor a thousand words speak that sufficiently , or will do , what we are craving for, yet sometimes both material may give some insights for people gathering in chats ( like here) about the projections , someone is indulging in., or providing with projection material, sometimes intentionally send off.

              Just see yourself, when you have sober moments – obviously dreaming to be ´discovered´by a media , you mentioned, getting scouted by one of ´these as ´famous´ the one day (and slaughtered by the same media mob and its recipients , the next day ).
              Only one example… of numerous ways , that such happens.

              Another aspect of most of your contributions , just the time I am a witness to it – is gross stupidity and insensitivity for others.
              Loaded with ignorant – up to thoroughly contemptuous approach to the female – to the female part inside yourself as outside in the so called other , always boasting , sometimes open , sometimes covered , that you have many Facebook followers.

              Obsessed to – what ? A Fight – mostly.
              Looking for companions for a Fight.
              And very narrow minded.

              Last not least, I´d like to reassure you hat nobody is up to being assassinated or garlanded by people, who hide behind camouflage: nobody who has stored some sanity inside, would want that.

              And I am glad that such sanity still rings some temple bells in you and your mind inspite of your often kind of megalomaniac dreams, you sometimes showed and show up with – here.

              So – congratulations for this sane spot- still happening in you !
              Make it bigger, if you please.
              And don´t forget to include also others into such sanity – that will be of great benefit.


            • satyadeva says:

              “As everyone knows, a photo speaks thousand times better than the words.”

              One of your main characteristics here, Shantam, is sheer laziness. “As everyone knows”, eh? I somehow think not.

              • shantam prem says:

                Do your family members know that your another name is Satyadeva? Maybe they still think their Michael or John or Tony has no deviation.

                Whatsoever I write on this site is influenced by Osho and it is kind of worship to share the thoughts when Chief himself has retired. Therefore, I take full responsibility.

                In my psychological observation, faceless people writing here are not willing to stand behind their words therefore a kind of adulterous way of flirting. As the name suggests, Sannyasnews is not owned by the group who runs Ashley Madison, world´s No.1 site used by fake names and no photos.

                • satyadeva says:

                  Shantam, you nearly always trot out this little slice of righteous outrage when finding yourself in a corner, faced with difficult questions that you can’t answer without ‘losing face’ (to coin a phrase). Your ploy is simply transparent, face or no face!

              • Arpana says:

                “As everyone knows” is just a substitute for ‘it’s a known fact”, as in “it’s a known fact no white sannyasin has ever handled a potato.”

    • shantam prem says:

      Where have I bragged about my sex life?
      Examples, please.

  16. prem martyn says:

    Hey Ashok.. sounds Marvellous..to be in Tonga…

    Must be the Irish in you that lead you to want to find that home of the Irish lullaby.. Tuvalu valuva.. its an Irish lullaby..an intrepid explorer to be sure.

    ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw9B49epS_M )

    Don’t forget to join in with the singing down there too, in Tonga..
    Pacific Island singing is just a real gem..


    And for Madhu too from the Anti-war movie.. A Thin Red Line..

    Joy..in song.. *listen only, look away if you don’t want the images from the film

    The Pacific Island Sod Off Soup and Meditation, ( SOS&M ) Osho Meditation Centre..? mmmm nice !
    Welcome !

    …Now thats what I call an education worth having !

    • Ashok says:

      Yeh, not bad, ta, although the Tongan cousins of girls in the impressive Cook Islands vid you came up with, are considerably larger, but nonetheless, extremely charming.

      There are some awesome breath-taking starry skies to be witnessed when there are clear skies, and the regular observation of these, when they occur, constitutes my principal meditative practice.

      • Ashok says:

        OK, SD, I think I know where you are coming from now. I hope this isn’t the beginning of one of your little inquisitor numbers, is it? I shall assume for the moment that it isn’t!

        Osho to me – a very brilliant, innovative teacher who significantly contributed to my growth and transformation, and for which I feel deep gratitude!

        I actually wasn’t aware of how grateful I was until last year when I did an Osho group in the autumn. They started playing some of the typical group heart-rending music in the meditation room, before I and the other participants were allowed in, you know, the usual thing. Anyway, prompted by the music, I began to cry there and then, much to the consternation of some of the younger people waiting there, who were doing a group for the first time. Thankfully, none of them tried to comfort/rescue me!

        Upon entering the room, still crying, I immediately came across a large photo of the man himself, and began to cry even more! There was no doubt in my mind either at the time, or now, that the tears were tears of gratitude!

        Gratitude, that for several years now, I have generally managed to escape the very heavy mask I had been carrying before, which was stopping me from being just myself.

    • Tan says:

      PM, loved the dance, had a go myself and now I am making a bra out of a coconut. The second video is not of my taste, really, I would go unenlightened and in darkness! Or dead! Anyway, many thanks! XXX

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