India Makes it to Mars – Is this Mad?

India makes history with its successful maiden Mars mission

Just days after a NASA spacecraft reached the Red Planet, India has made history by successfully putting a satellite into orbit around Mars on its first attempt. Scientists broke into wild cheers early this morning as the orbiter’s engines completed 24 minutes of burn time and maneuvered into its designated place around the red planet. The Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) described the mission as flawless. The success of India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, affectionately nicknamed MOM, brings India into an elite club of Martian explorers that includes United States, the European Space Agency and the former Soviet Union. The geopolitics is significant too, as India is now ahead of China in the space race.

This is one domain in which we are at the international cutting edge. A domain in which we have pushed beyond mediocrity to achieve excellence.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was at the mission control centre in the southern city of Bangalore, said India had achieved the “near impossible”. The success rate of such complex missions is less than 50% and even the U.S. and Russia did not succeed in their maiden attempts. “The odds were stacked against us. Of 51 missions attempted in world only 21 have succeeded. We have prevailed,” Modi said. The latest U.S. spaceship, Maven, arrived at Mars on Monday. MOM was conceptualised, planned and implemented by the ISRO on a shoestring budget of about $74m (£45m). The cost has surprised many across the world – by comparison, NASA’s MAVEN mission to Mars cost around $670m (£410m).

The Hollywood movie Gravity cost more than our Mars mission – this is a great achievement.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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79 Responses to India Makes it to Mars – Is this Mad?

  1. Parmartha says:

    Totally mad, I would say!

    I still pay UK income tax…I too must be mad…How come the British Government are supporting India’s economic development programmes, treating India as an ocean of poverty. Well, it is indeed an ocean of poverty, but if people like Modi rejoice in getting to Mars and make their decisions within very limited resources, then clearly the UK needs to withdraw its international development aid.

    I am also amazed at Modi going on about India’s great achievement, etc. and spreading the absurd nationalist message – basically, we are more scientifically advanced than China! I also note where he was last week – in Bangalore at mission control soaking up the accolades, instead of being at his desk working on India’s real problems.

    What further worries me is the naive way that some factions of sannyas court this man. Why on earth are they doing this?

  2. Shantam Prem says:

    What a cynical way to look at the steps India is taking.
    Though I would really say, “UK should stop giving development aid to India and also many other countries of Commonwealth.”

  3. prem martyn says:

    If the plans for leaving Earth behind and starting out somewhere else continue to go well with cheap tickets available, we should take the best of religious thought with us.

    This is the contribution from the Stamford Hill area of London, which does very well in integrating all sorts of thoughts and cultures on the streets, mostly.

    Although occasionally, someone has a sense of humour failure, as in this attempt at making innocent asexual pavements on planet Earth become male and female.

  4. Anthony Thompson says:

    Mad is not a big enough word to describe it…psychotic would be the appropiate one. India, one of the most miserably poor countries on the planet, spends its resources sending pieces of junk to Mars in order to…?????…in order to send pieces of junk to Mars. They already did the same number with the devlopment of the atomic bomb – stupidity without limits.

    I think they should try to concentrate on getting the country out of misery, cleaning the tons of trash everywhere, unpolluting the air (last time I was in Pune I almost needed a lung transplant)…doing anything they can to get the ‘rape capital of the world’ title off their backs…or anything, anything would do…

    Going to Mars??? A sad joke…Elite of Martian explorers? Hahhahhahhahha.

  5. sannyasnews says:

    This current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is about to be in New York for five days, no doubt dining out on getting a piece of junk to Mars. He was previously banned from the USA for nine years after some dubious nationalistic Hindu behaviours to say the least, when he was in charge of some Indian state, before he became Prime Minister.

    SannyasNews will certainly keep a watch on his visit and detail any dubious behaviours and speeches there. Overtures made of friendship to this man from Indian and Nepalese sannyasins we totally oppose here at SN.

    The grinding poverty and ill-health for millions, and the more than residual caste system of India need to be ‘taken on’, but this man will only reinforce it. What did Osho say, “India, it’s just one big toilet” – and it still largely is!

    Bring back Mahatma Gandhi!

  6. Shantam Prem says:

    Because all the Indians don´t have latrines in their houses does it mean Indian space scientists should work as plumbers?

    This is the irony of a sannyas life.
    Sannyasins have got quite penetrating eyes to see all kind of moles everywhere but not the symptoms of cancer in their own self.

    Instead of putting head-based opinions on India, people like Anthony should applaud the Indian art of creating unity in diversity.

    People who get ‘tumble wash in their belly’ with the sound of Kirtan should appreciate how Indians manage the smile in the urban jungle of life.

    • Arpana says:

      This is the irony of Shantam’s life.
      Shantam has got quite penetrating eyes to see all kind of moles everywhere, but not the symptoms of cancer in his own self.

    • satyadeva says:

      “Because all the Indians don´t have latrines in their houses does it mean Indian space scientists should work as plumbers?”

      Well, yes, actually, it does. Good idea, Shantam (no need to be so diffident about such an excellent creative idea).

      Similar principle really to a randy young trainee lawyer renouncing the bar (for strictly ‘spiritual’ reasons) in favour of ‘free’ sex and a bit of typing, then bed-making and general cleaning duties in an old people’s home, before moving on to living on the dole (in order to allow adequate space and time for very important campaigning in the er, ‘spiritual politics’ field).

      Such people are the true humanitarians of our time, giants among mere pygmies, are they not?

  7. alokjohn says:

    The guy was elected and has to do roughly what the people who voted for him want. They probably like the fact that India made history by successfully putting a satellite into orbit around Mars. The cost of the Mars mission was £45 million. This is infinitesimal in comparison to what it would cost to end poverty in India and clean up the environment.

    As to the development of nuclear weapons, Indians fear that the Pakistanis would nuke them in a war. India’s nuclear arsenal is meant as a deterrent; its motive in no different from that of the UK or the US in that regard.

    I am not saying that the Mars mission was a good idea; £45 million intelligently spent on primary medical care could help thousands of poor children. But Modi is constrained by the fact that millions of middle-class Indians do not care about their poorer compatriots.

    If you say the Mars mission is a symptom of madness, you’d have to say, as Osho does, that the whole world is mad (and evil in my opinion, though I think the two go together).

  8. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    “Bring back Mahatma Gandhi!”

    Dear Sannyas-News,

    That will not do…Besides, the all possibility that the Soul of Gandhi may have chosen quite another homework to absolve in the big school of Life this time.

    Otherwise, beside this playground of different concepts of Life and Death and what´s in between, before and after, points of Madness are globally intersected, that´s as far as our understanding broadened, but missing at ANY place an adjusted understanding and more enough an ACTING according to that broadened understanding.

    So this little playground, negotiable and not negotiable at all, being seated in the big, big, quite distorted global ´brain´, would be, could be a playground to practise co-operation as well as inspiring exchange – but just see what´s happening – most of the time.

    What I indeed loved about mentioning Gandhi, is for sure avoiding WAR on a big scale, which is just happening worldwide as a virus infection, coming into its obnoxious gears these days.

    So a Peace FORCE is needed which deserves the word force as strength.

    And that´s what I am not only praying for, but confronted with madness and actions of madness, there is everyday and right before the door so to say, and indoors too quite some ´homework´to do.

    Just now, taking care of the body, I also take care of the mind as best as possible – and what is not in my hands to do or to let go of, the insourcing-outsourcing stuff, I am also in a seemingly lazy but busy way involved too.

    See me humourless and German like you might ´see it´ waves to you from far or near, ever so grateful to the Master, pointing to the ´Moon stuff´* (not to speak of any ´Mars-stuff´).

    Have a Beautiful day, Friends -


    *´Moon stuff´ here in that context also used in the meaning “Live everyday as it is the last one.” much easier to say as to really let that wisdom be part of your Soul (in the body)…
    Your understanding…and so on…whatsoever levels…
    Aaahhh, I hear some-disembodied laughing aloud – Yahoo, Yaboo, Silence….

  9. Prem says:

    Things are complex, it is not so simple.

    On the one hand India sounds mad for sending a sattelite to Mars, when millions are starving and have no access to running water.

    But you have to look deeper, at the deeper implications. Where did those millions who are poor come from? They are the result of teachings of poverty and non-violence by Mahavira and Buddha.

    On the other hand, with this small gesture, India is waking up from a slumber of 2000 years, where they were conquered by everybody, and did not resist anyone. They completely ignored the outside world, focused on meditation — and the result was the massive poverty. This poverty goes deeper than whether the government spends 45 million dollars on a sattelite — it is 2 thousand years old, and it was created by all the spiritual people Mahavira, Buddha – their unintentional influence has created this poverty.

    Mahavira lived naked. Buddha was a beggar with a begging bowl. They did not do intentionally, they just spread their message and lived for another 40 years, and then they died. They were unaware of what their influence will be after death.

    India having a space programme, and an atomic bomb — it is Nationalistic pride, which is dumb, of course

    But on the other hand it is a sign of awakening after 2 thousand years of slumber and passiveness.

    In order to fly to the sky, you have to have strong roots. India had no roots, just poverty, and now She is reclaiming her roots. After Buddha and Mahavira, very few mystics of the same calibre have happened in India, because people did not have roots. Buddha and Mahavira are the outcome of a very rich, materialistic India that existed 2500 years before. The poverty has just created suffering, no enlightened people.

    So things are deeper than they seem at first glance.

  10. Prem says:

    This is India reclaiming her balls. Which is really needed, because her balls have been cut off.
    India has lived without balls for a long time.

    So it cost 75 million dollars – if you give the money to those 50 million people dying of hunger, each receives 1 dollar 50 cents. It won’t solve their problem, will it?

    But this small gesture is important as it reclaims India’s balls. She has been neutered for a long time.

  11. Prem says:

    Things are complex, it is not so simple.
    On the one hand India sounds mad for sending a sattelite to Mars, when millions are starving and have no access to running water.
    But you have to look deeper, at the deeper implications. Where did those millions who are poor come from? They are the result of teachings of poverty and non-violence by Mahavira and Buddha.

    On the other hand, with this small gesture, India is waking up from a slumber of 2000 years, where they were conquered by everybody, and did not resist anyone. They completely ignored the outside world, focused on meditation — and the result was the massive poverty. This poverty goes deeper than whether the government spends 45 million dollars on a sattelite — it is 2 thousand years old, and it was created by all the spiritual people Mahavira, Buddha – their unintentional influence has created this poverty.

    Mahavira lived naked. Buddha was a beggar with a begging bowl. They did not do intentionally, they just spread their message and lived for another 40 years, and then they died. They were unaware of what their influence will be after death.
    India having a space programme, and an atomic bomb — it is Nationalistic pride, which is dumb, of course

    But on the other hand, it is a sign of awakening after 2 thousand years of slumber and passiveness.
    In order to fly to the sky, you have to have strong roots. India had no roots, just poverty, and now She is reclaiming her roots. After Buddha and Mahavira, very few mystics of the same calibre have happened in India, because people did not have roots. Buddha and Mahavira are the outcome of a very rich, materialistic India that existed 2500 years before. The poverty has just created suffering, no enlightened people.

    So things are deeper than they seem at first glance.

    And you gotta love it, it’s funny the way they did it, on the cheap – the whole space programme costs less than a Hollywood movie, and they get it right the first time.

  12. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    “Things are complex, it is not so simple.”

    So true, Prem, but also true about India´s history and vastness and complexity and History to subsume in a ten-liner – simply not possible. We all – worldwide – are mixing and merging and exchanging to an increasing amount and time of global crises put so much at stake nowadays, not only ´2000 years India´ but also ´2000 years so-called Evening Land or Orient´, not to speak of the United states…so young and so ‘vital’ (little sarcasm is allowed, isn’t it?).

    “So things are deeper than they seem at first glance.”

    Another statement you made, to reinforce that.

    The great gift of a Meditative Approach TO LIFE, not to be underestimated or simplified as hindering ´progress´, a progress that increasingly people like to question also in these realms here. So, an approach to face turbulences, injustice and stuff that is factually going so wrong for such a long time, and not to deny anymore in ALL the areas of global togetherness, I prefer very much to honour than to declassify.

    And it would be beautiful to grow together not only in cigarette advertising, to dump pictures like Marlboro or Lucky Strike as a dream of smoke (and dump text and pictures).

    What I want to say is to honuor the spirit of a land like India and its history, so poor AND so rich.
    And what brought me there long ago was this strong feeling that we here are so rich and yet so poor, if you know what I mean.

    An amazing and turbulent Time we are all living in, and all possibility to fuck up our global perspectives.


  13. Shantam Prem says:

    Irony is the best when it is on self.
    Here are delicious ones about Indians by the Indians, 15 Ironies that can exist only in India:

    - Indian parents want their children to stand out in a crowd but expect them to do what the crowd is doing
    – Politicians divide us, Terrorists unite us.
    – In our country you have to look both ways to cross a one-way road
    – It’s okay to piss in public but it’s not okay to kiss in public
    – Everyone’s in a hurry but no one reaches on time
    – Priyanka Chopra earned more money playing Mary Kom than Mary Kom earned in her entire career.
    – It’s dangerous to talk to strangers but it’s perfectly okay to marry one.
    – Swear in English and people think you’re cool. Swear in Hindi and people think you’re uncouth.
    – Most people who fight over the Gita and Quran have probably never read either book.
    – In our elections we don’t vote for the candidate we like the most, we vote for the one we dislike the least.
    – Ours is a country where sayings like “Ladki Ghar ki Laxmi” and “Ladki Baap ka Bojh hoti hai” coexist.
    – India ranks 6th in the number of Billionaires per country. It’s also home to 1/3rd of the world’s extreme poor.
    – We rather spend more on our daughter’s wedding than on her education.
    – The shoes we wear are sold in air-conditioned showrooms. The vegetables we eat are sold on the footpath.

  14. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    The wheel´s turning, much quicker and stronger as our ´stomach´ is often to take it.
    And what is happening?
    Re-actions in war and stuff (like this).
    What a shame. Knowing how to deal with ´indigestion troubles´ is an ART in itself.

  15. Kabir1440 says:

    Space travel is another theme in which Osho has been 100% consistent. Osho was against going to the moon, going to Mars.

    SN believes Osho can be made to counter-quote himself, and therefore to quote Osho is useless. I disagree. Once again, I challenge anyone to find a quote where Osho says he is in favor of space exploration.

    Osho does not contradict himself on core values. The question of inner exploration is such a core value. You will not find contradictory quotes. Osho supports inner exploration (observation, meditation) and does not support outer space exploration.

    As sannyasins of Osho we are free to decide for ourselves.

    “The attraction for the faraway is tremendous. It challenges your ego. It will make you the greatest man, the first man who reached the peak of Everest, the first man who walked on the moon, the first man who walked on Mars, and I don’t see any point in it. What is the point in it? First or second or third… a man standing on Mars for a few minutes just looks stupid. But people are trying to reach to the stars.

    The faraway has a tremendous magnetic force, particularly for the ego, because it gives you the promise of great achievement. The psychology of the ego is contained in the word achievement: achieve something.

    The truth is already there, within you; you cannot achieve it, you cannot lose it, because it is your very being. That’s why millions of people never become interested in it — what is the point? You can neither lose it nor can you attain it — it is already there.”

    – Osho, The Great Zen Master Ta Hui, ch. 23

    “Now people are going to the moon. The earth is in a mess and people are thinking of going to Mars. You cannot put your home right and people are trying to approach some other planet where living beings exist. Here in this world there is no dialogue, there is no love.”

    – Osho, Hari Om Tat Sat, ch. 23

    • satyadeva says:

      Now that’s more like it, Kabir, these quotes are relevant (rather than the ‘smokescreens’ you’ve often used).

      • Kabir1440 says:

        LOL! Now that Osho agrees with you the quotes are contextually “relevant”

        Be careful, Satyadeva, someone could say you are elevating yourself spiritually by agreeing with Osho. :)

        Of course, we know they would be wrong to say that.

        • satyadeva says:

          No, Kabir, the point is I don’t need Osho or anyone else to tell me what I should think about this particular issue. Before you put up these quotes I had no idea what Osho’s views were (although they don’t surprise me in the least, as (to coin a phrase) it ain’t exactly ‘rocket science’, is it?!).

          Besides, it’s more of an ‘external’ matter than the sort of topics in the Osho quotes you’ve often tended to publish here before, which, as I’ve said, lacking your own standpoint, your own authentic voice, have made you the favourite for the ‘Smokescreen Award’ – and is why I’ve referred to you as “the Clone” (a la ‘Brian’ Rajneesh).

          While I’m here, in response to your rather desperate-sounding plea for me to reveal the same personal details as the ones you’ve clearly been afraid to give out (and notwithstanding your attempt to ‘close’ the ‘conversation’ – and thereby avoid further embarrassment – by thanking various people here, including me, earlier today) I have no problem whatsoever with this. As long as you yourself tell us the truth about your background of work experience. of course, which I remind you is the main issue (the other things – gender, nationality, approximate age, ‘religion’(!) – are fairly obvious.

          You see, what I’m getting at is to what extent this “Oh, I’ve always been so lazy” claim is actually true, and how much of it is just a sort of pseudo-spiritual ‘fetish’, a convenient rationalisation for an ‘Osho-authenticated’ image to present to others (and to yourself). Because if you’ve actually worked for a living for many years then it can’t be true, can it? Otherwise, as an Indian, you’d have to have been either born into great wealth – or been a beggar (the latter I somehow doubt has been the case).

          So, how about ‘coming clean’ – at last?

    • Arpana says:

      Where on SN does anyone say,

      “SN believes Osho can be made to counter-quote himself, and therefore to quote Osho is useless.”


      “In fact, we don’t need as much confidence as we think we need.

      Confidence can either be a great quality or it can be a disquality to some. For example, foolish people are always more confident than intelligent people. Stupidity has a certain confidence to it.
      Foolish people are more stubborn, and because they are blind, because they can’t see, they rush anywhere – even where angels fear to tread.”

      • Kabir1440 says:

        “Where on SN does anyone say, “SN believes Osho can be made to counter-quote himself, and therefore to quote Osho is useless.” – Arpana to Kabir

        “Not learning from one’s mistakes – Osho said quite often this amounted to foolishness. You are quoting Osho, but he can be quoted against himself.” –Parmartha, 13 September, 2014 at 6:49 pm to Kabir

      • Kabir1440 says:

        Parmartha says:
        15 September, 2014 at 7:16 am
        “Kabir 1440 has questioned in this string the well-held view that Osho often talked convincingly both for and against many topics of discussion at different times, and that he was gloriously inconsistent.”

  16. anand yogi says:

    Perfectly correct, Prem!
    India`s balls will certainly be found on Mars!
    The Muslims and the British removed the balls of mighty Bharat and we have been searching for them ever since, but now, under the leadership of a great man who, as Swami Arun has put it, has imposed his will on the people, we will finally find our balls again on the surface of Mars!
    Hari Om!

    And Kabir, India is already world leader in inner space exploration.
    Now we are becoming masters of outer space also!
    I don`t see any problem!
    It is following Osho’s vision of spiritual richness on inside and outside!
    You have not understood the master’s words at all!
    For an inheritor of the spirituality of mighty Bharat, your disciplehood is very third-rate!
    It seems you are heading for a future incarnation as a parrot, bhai!

    See, Swami Arun was perfectly correct in declaring Modi to be the man to lead Mighty Bharat to its destiny.
    The American has been outdone by the Indian!
    Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow!
    There is life on Mars, and we will find it!

    Plans are now afoot to blast several holy men into orbit, Arun’s name has been mooted, Sri Ravi Shankar, Swami Rajneesh and Swami Keerti also, and whilst in orbit they will meditate egolessly and weightlessly and give 24/7 satsang and rain down blessings and holy Prasad on the whole of the planet!
    It is the only hope to avert global suicide!

    But these western baboons understand nothing!
    These racists would rather see great Indian rocket scientists working as plumbers in public toilets!
    I, for one, am perfectly prepared to renounce public toilets and to sit in a field meditating with a large crowd, which as Shantam has made clear, is the purest form of meditation, and defecate to my heart’s content with no care for the consequences, if it means that I can once again thrust my hands into my holy underwear and once again after centuries feel the jangling of the holy goolies of Bharat and the resultant swell of pride in my heart and other chakras!

    Like Arun, I hurl myself at the feet of Narendra Modi, true yogi, who has allowed me to regain my pride in my holiest of holy birthplace and if my emissions can play even a small part in following our great yogic leader to the creation of a great golden Yuga of superconsciousness with balls that can last a thousand years, I say, like the true voice of the Scottish people: YES, a thousand times yes!

    One Leader!
    One Nation!
    One India!
    Two Balls!

  17. Kabir1440 says:

    “It seems you are heading for a future incarnation as a parrot, bhai!” — Anand Yogi

    Beloved Anand Yogi, I certainly hope so!

    All my practice parroting Osho’s words on SN will then not have been in vain. :)

  18. Kabir1440 says:

    “As long as you yourself tell us the truth about your background of work experience.” – Satyadeva

    Would you believe my response? You have already cast doubt on my ability to tell the truth. You told Arpana I bent the truth. You have labelled me a coward and a pseudo-spiritual fetishist. You have said I am using Osho to make spiritual ‘boasts’ and present a false image. You have said I am not intelligent.

    All that you somehow knew from my written words without having any data about my nationality, age, gender or religion. I am convinced you must know everything there is to know about me. It is puzzling why you continue to challenge someone you have characterised as mentally deficient and psychologically ill. Would you feel it necessary to justify your life to someone who made those kinds of characteristions of you?

    I doubt it could be that you are jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, and being extremely judgmental based on nothing more than an overactive imagination which extracts non-existent information from what I have written. And what I have written, of course, you do not believe in any event.

    What you characterise as my “rather desperate-sounding plea” was an almost verbatim parroting back of your words to me. I guess that makes you “rather desperate.”

    You are not circling prey. You are detecting “bullshine” detection. You are a great defender of SN purity, protecting it from bullshit. You are performing a great service to help sannyasins who use smokescreens. You help sannyasins to stand on their own two feet, and be authentic, instead of leaning on Osho.

    But now you are going to have to take some responsibility for your actions, Satyadeva, because your words have consequences. One of the consequences to calling me a liar is that you have made any more sharing with you unlikely.

    You didn’t believe me the first time. You made a trumped-up imaginary case out of an innocent non-egoistic comment that I am a lazy man…just like Osho (before ever knowing Osho, by the way). Why should I tell you any details about my life? Why should I think you would believe me now?

    Please don’t now start discovering a host of emotions: anger, fear, boasting, pseudo-spiritual fetishism, bullshine, etc. in this message. I do not know you well enough to have any kind of emotional response to you. I just take you at your word: you believe I am a liar. Hence, future communication with you might happen, just for fun (leela), but also might not happen. OK, beloved Satyadeva. Enough for today.

    • satyadeva says:

      How perfectly, puzzlingly ludicrous that someone who says he has no ‘identity’, ie no nationality, no gender, even no age (standard claims of ‘spiritual bullshiners’) is so coy about revealing any details at all about his working life. Yet is perfectly at ease with describing himself as “lazy”!

      To say, Kabir1440, you ‘know’ I won’t believe whatever you say is such a convenient cop-out, just another way to avoid the issue, as usual. The truth is, no doubt, that your ‘Osho-authenticated’ “lazy” self-presentation is likely to be shown up as a pile of old baloney. You know it, I know it; the ‘joke’ is that you’ve dug yourself into such a deep hole now that you think you can’t get out of it without ‘losing face’.

      But hang on, aren’t you the one who was making somewhat grandiose claims about being ‘beyond’ such foolishness as normal ‘identifications’ (nationality, gender etc.)? So what’s the big deal for you about being seen to be just a bit of an over-reactive fool (in this instance)? I thought an ‘ecstasy merchant’ like you wouldn’t be too concerned about what his ‘face’ might look like to the world. Seems I was mistaken…

      I’ve changed my mind about you, Kabir1440: although you’re certainly a man, you’re definitely not an Indian, you’re far too proficient in English; you’re rather one of those westerners who likes to affect aspects of ‘Indian-ness’ (good for the old ‘spiritual image’, eh?).

      I’d also put you in your early-to-mid 60′s, probably one of the ‘baby boomer’ generation (like myself), and at an ‘educated guess’ I’d say you were some sort of semi-academic professional with a strong imagination, who’s read a lot of spiritual literature, ending up somewhat fooling yourself as to where you’re actually at in your “sannyas life” (as you call it).

      Similarly, I don’t believe for one moment that you had any live contact with Osho in his early teaching days, although you’ve deliberately (apparently) liked to convey such an impression. Again, like many of us, you’ve just read his early writings.

      Btw, what on earth is such a “lazy” one as you doing bothering to spend so much time and energy on what I’m saying? Have you not many hours of sheer, downright, bone idle sloth to catch up on?!

  19. anando says:

    Osho said to me: the new commune will be on Mars!

  20. Shantam Prem says:

    Who knows, Osho must be thinking, if he is somewhere, “For what I left so many words behind?”

  21. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    What a delicious, fabulous…out of the joke box, Arpana, I found when coming back from the walk outside –
    (Just asking, why that is not sparkling in the thread? As part of the wave?).

    Another one from Anando, but that´s a one for more grown-ups, I suppose, taking particles from the particle from the particle, more than an endless unfolding Russian Babuschka…

    Anyway, I am all with it `God loves the jokes´, when I read what you chose for today.

    Sun is setting now and autumn flavours are so intoxicating and rich; today here, some celebrate their gratitude for the harvest and its gifts, a beautiful ancient ritual.
    The sky clear and very bright today.



  22. Shantam Prem says:

    To see Modi addressing Indians (mostly Gujratis) in America, my thought went back to the time when, because of Osho, if not millions than at least few thousand westerners thought to make India their home.

    As an Indian, those were the glorious moments for me to see my country attracting foreigners because of its spiritual richness. There are very few spheres of life where we can be the givers.
    The joy of being giver is soothing. It enriches the heart.

    Moreover, these people did not want to shift to India to get some kind of success which we crave all the way to all the continents but to find the way which can take beyond the realms of success.

  23. Shantam Prem says:

    Beloved Friends,
    God Willing. my next posts will be from India.
    Going to homeland after two years, it feels like first foreign trip.



    • prem martyn says:

      Going by rickshaw or…rocket?

      When you get to the Resort. have a severe dose of amnesia so you can enjoy yourself.

      Have a blast (-off!).

    • Parmartha says:

      Have a great trip, Shantam.
      We will be pleased to receive your missives from the Resort – if you get in, which one supposes is in doubt?

      How are you financing your trip? Maybe as a few of my friends in the seventies somehow managed it, by saving up their European welfare benefits over more than a year!

      I also remember an Australian trick at that time, single mothers from Australia were able to receive their benefits anywhere in the world, and so just set up home in Poona on their monthly transferred funds!

      • Ashok says:

        Surely, Parmartha, you are not suggesting that Shantam should have a sex-change operation or something similar, so as to secure his benefits whilst in Pune, are you? I must admit, my mind is running away with the possibilities, particularly because he seemed to be showing too much of a keen interest in my own virtuous self, the other week.

        You will remember, I am sure, that he appeared to get a bit fruity after I had mentioned that I sometimes wear ladies’ nick-nacks. He even requested my photo, which in my innocence, I provided!

        Joking apart, I hope you have a good time in Pune, Shantam. Like Parmartha, I look forward to hearing about your experiences ‘in the corridors of power’, here on SN. Please don’t forget us!

  24. swami anand anubodh says:

    Maybe India thinks that Mars could provide an unlimited supply of turmeric.

  25. sannyasnews says:

    My God! The guy has become a megalomaniac.
    See this from the Guardian report:
    “Modi told the wildly enthusiastic audience that the 21st century would belong to Asia, and possibly to his own nation. “Some say, this is India’s century. India has the potential … the time has come. India is the world’s youngest country and its most ancient culture. [It] has something that other countries in the world don’t,” Modi told the sellout crowd of 20,000 at an event which many see as the highlight of the 64-year-old politician’s five-day US visit.

    Yes, to quote Modi: “India has something that other countries in the world don’t”. What is that?!
    Multiple mountains of human shit!

    • anand yogi says:

      Yes, he may be standing on a huge pile of shit
      but remember, the Lotus grows from the mud!

      All true sannyasins should join with Arun and dance in a wild celebration that India has found its balls!

      They are hanging beneath the dhoti of our great leader!
      I can hear the clanging – the Holy Om that sounds all over the world and encircles even the far-flung planets such as Mars!
      Hare Om!
      It is the music of the spheres spoken of by the ancient rishis!

      And remember, Mahavir, Buddha, Patanjali, Krishna did not use public toilets!
      Nor did they do therapy!
      So we will not be taking orders from western baboons as the Orange tide surges across the world in a wildfire of superconsciousness.


  26. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Can anyone here BESIDE ´Anand Yogi´ – tell me what all this stuff has to do with Sannyas News?
    I would very much appreciate that.

    To lose any mind does not mean to be in a no-mind state, that´s how far my understanding goes.

    And it is also not funny.


    • Parmartha says:

      The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is courted by some sannyasins in the sub-continent, in particular Arun, and the Indian sannyasins in Delhi. It is a nonsense, and it is to do with currying favour so they can get Modi to, in their eyes, close down the Resort and put themselves firmly in charge of Osho’s legacy. Modi is anti-foreigner and a rabid nationalist. Indian shrines run by Indians is his tune!

      That is why this string is here.

  27. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Anand Yogi identity,

    You ejaculate your fascist-sounding contributions since quite a while, quite regularly on this website, and maybe you have an a trickster special ´deals´ with Moderators or Editors. I don´t care about tha ‘miracle-NO-miracle’ just now, but want to tell you, that it’s OFF THE JOKE.

    Your ´Yahoo` never felt to come out of own EXPERIENCE, just a parroted one by forensic madman, and by that I mean a madman who likes to destroy and to harm inter-connectedness.

    I waited long time to tell you this, as a feedback, but now just now it´s there to be sent off:

    Come to your SENSES, if possible!


    And I know that Lokesh is enjoying kind, enjoying your style, and maybe he could share some light to that kind of stuff…me, I don´t find any and have been quite patient.

    • Parmartha says:

      Anand Yogi is a satirist, to most Englishmen it is clear that is what he is doing.
      I suppose it is a cultural thing, satire!
      But immediately recognised here in the UK.
      Satire is great, it deflates all this baloney of seriousness.
      Seriousness is a very dangerous thing.

    • lokesh says:

      Madhu, Yogi is funny, as in ha ha ha, especially if one is a baboon.

    • satyadeva says:

      Trust me (and others here), Madhu, Anand Yogi’s contributions are often among the highlights of any given thread. I rarely laugh aloud when on my own, but often do when reading them.

      Thank God for comic absurdity, how would we manage without it, eh?!

      • prem martyn says:

        Yes, you are right there, STD…why, I remember the joke-gala here on The Dandy-as news when Uncle Parm produced his traditional rib -tickler joke from a crumpled note in his shorts.

        That was a memorable evening indeed, after all, because many writers here who normally write over two or three hundred yards of invective really let their hair down on those comedy gala nights with,instead, two or even three jokes in a row being told (to a delighted audience of marshmallow-toasting aficionados outside DibDibDobDob Sannyscout Headquarters Log Cabin).

        Are you saving your jokes up like conkers this year? Because apparently they are in short supply and I myself, perhaps like you, haven’t been lucky enough to find or say any of late, though Aunty Madhu seems to be telling her German jokes (copyright©Der Contradiction in Termsen) in the usual punchline-less style, much loved in the province of Assloken in Bavaria by the local and internationally famous German craftsmen joke and mirthmakers.

      • Kabir1440 says:

        I agree, Satyadeva. Anand Yogi’s satire is brilliant!

    • Arpana says:


      Er ist sehr witzig, wir Englisch als erste Sprache Beitragszahler , und ich hoffe, dass das Lob nicht seinen Beitrag verderben, indem schnaufend sein Ego auf.

  28. Kabir1440 says:

    “I’ve changed my mind about you, Kabir1440: although you’re certainly a man, you’re definitely not an Indian, you’re far too proficient in English.” – Satyadeva.

    LOL! Last week I was in my 50s, gender unknown, Indian, and stupid. This week I am in my 60s, a man, not Indian, and “proficient in English.” Stay tuned to find out what I will be next week…in the mind of Satyadeva.

    “Enlightenment is unattainable because you are already enlightened. You have
    just forgotten it. It is not a question of attaining it, but of remembering it.” —Osho, Zen: the Quantum Leap from Mind to No-Mind, Ch. 15

    Kabir1440 (unidentified and unconcerned with nationality, gender, age, religion)

    P.S: No one has to pay for ecstasy: it is free of charge; it is your birthright; it is the nature of existence: sat chit ananda. It you are not ecstatic, you are not paying attention.

    • satyadeva says:

      ” Last week I was in my 50s, gender unknown, Indian, and stupid. This week I am in my 60s, a man, not Indian, and “proficient in English.” Stay tuned to find out what I will be next week…in the mind of Satyadeva.”

      You’re a slippery so’n'so, Kabir, but not slippery enough to escape any more via your silly smokescreens.

      Last week, you were in your 50s, MALE, Indian, and a BULLSHINE MERCHANT. I got two of them wrong: This week, you are in your 60s, AMERICAN, male – and EVEN MORE of a bullshine merchant.

      Why the latter? Because you’re deliberately and quite ludicrously hiding who you are, as you have from when you started posting here – but even more so now when you know damn well I know…

      Anyway, goodnight, ‘Uncle Sam’. Give my regards to ‘Dave’ and ‘Les’. See you here next week – or perhaps you’d prefer to get it over with sooner?


    • Parmartha says:

      You seem to be of the minority position that Osho was basically consistent – that is in what he said.
      He himself said that this was not true. For example, on the theme you are trying to highlight here, Osho said that every effort had to be made before one reached a state of let-go. Hence his personal encouragement to do 21 day dynamics, of which you must have been aware as an oldie.

      Quoting Osho has a value, as it puts one in tune with the old man and his vibration, quite effortlessly to those of us who had the privilege to sit with him.

      However, in arguing a case I myself find it less convincing than those who make a case from their own words and experience.

  29. Kabir1440 says:

    “Once Mulla Nasruddin went to a doctor — and doctors have learned the trick from the priests: they write in Latin and Greek, and they write in such a way that even if they have to read it again it is difficult. Nobody should understand what they are writing. So Mulla Nasruddin went to a doctor and he said, “Listen, be plain. Just tell me the facts. Don’t use Latin and Greek.”

    The doctor said, “If you insist, and if you allow me to be frank, you are not ill at all. You are just plain lazy.”

    Nasruddin said, “Okay, thank you. Now write it in Greek and Latin so I can show it to my family.”

    The clever have always been exploiting the common people. That’s why Buddha, Jesus and Mahavira were never respected by brahmins, scholars, clever ones, because they were destructive, they were destroying their whole business. If the people understand, then there is no need for the priest.” –Osho, No Water, No Moon, ch. 2

    There is no need for the priest, nor the encounter group leader, nor the meditation teacher, nor the dharma teacher, etc. Nor any who are selling “spirituality” “secrets” “paths to enlightenment” etc.

    Osho was very clear. There is no secret. There is no path. There is nothing to do. Meditation is simple, not a business. No money need change hands to simply be relaxed, aware, and non-judgmental. There is nothing to sell and nothing to buy. Ecstasy needs no merchant.

  30. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    “Satire is great, it deflates all this baloney of seriousness.”

    Yes, Parmartha, Satire is great.
    Gross Stupity, ever-repeating, is not.


  31. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    And thank you, Parmartha, to enlighten me a little bit about India´s recent political streams, which might be important to sustain the Resort as such (at 7.34 am today).
    I haven´t been at the Resort for quite a long time by now, and as far as I was able to read it, most of the contributors here neither.

    Otherwise, I always took it as an issue and a challenge too, that the gifts having been given and shared are waiting to be confronted with any market-place, wherever.

    I remember times when ´some flag´for ecstasy and joy have just not been able to be overlooked and were tangible without ´flag´.
    Times have changed and we also changed and parameters have changed; are in constant flux.
    ´Newbies´ today might have quite other reasons to join the sannyas river than we did. Rarely there really is exchange about that – maybe meeting Vivek recently was one possibility to come to feel more about it. And share.

    To die to the past is sometimes a painful processing, as it includes also the very cherished memories about a coming together which had been happening and possible.

    Yet maybe the only way to meet those coming after us and still and every moment there’s so much to learn about the ART of communion and sharing, and meeting in the sharing, isn´t there?


  32. Parmartha says:

    I respect the Ganges river.
    My friend, Swami Prem Paritosh, who wrote ‘Life of Osho’ under the pseudonym Sam, seemed to make a point of going to the source of the Ganges before he died, and it was very meaningful for him.

    The World Wildlife Fund’s chief freshwater advisor, Dave Tickner, stated yesterday that tens of billions of tons of effluent are dumped in the Ganges each year.

    Come on, Mr Modi, you are a Hindu nationalist, make it an ambition to clean up that beautiful and mighty river so freshwater might mean something like it did when the founders of Hinduism were roaming the sub-continent.
    But no, he gives priority to the waterless deserts of Mars, and the accolades of Madison Square Garden….

  33. madhu dagmar frantzen says:


    What you wrote, addressing me in my mother tongue, I didn´t get so far -
    “Beitragszahler” means somebody who contributes (besides writing) financially.
    Did you mean that?
    And is that why you and the others are so concerned?

    I am sorry to say, I meant what i shared and I did wait long time to do this.

    Living in quite a multicultural society, growing into what we call old age AND being a woman AND being a single woman AND being known as a Sannyasin AND being neither married NOR having kids NOR being in comfortable surroundings brings me daily in more than contact (here in Germany, Bavaria) with a lot of stuff that others feel funny and me on a human scale feel not funny at all, but coming from sources of an obnoxious bad taste and sometimes even cruel, sexist and sadistic.

    I had bunkered quite some delusions about Sannyas with fellow travellers ´in old age´, which are gone by now, leaving scars, I confess.

    Amazing for me, how many I imagined to know before have settled their lives and in special – businesses – in a way, I don´t recognize them as the honest, spontaneous and heartily fellows as I knew them before.

    I joined the ´caravanserai´ this way, I did, after a long, long time just reading what you all posted and posted about issues my mind AND my heart is still busy with.
    With the way of expression I have not been familiar at all, and tried my best to ´adapt´, so to say.

    We also don´t share same taste of what is ´Satire´, I guess.

    Another painful ( for me) thread is just opened today…
    For me, some of the personal traumatic issues around meeting communal affairs around Osho and being part of a ´caravanserai´(historically) are not dissolved and maybe are not dissolvable.

    I have been feeling grateful to have a kind of ´address´ to send letters. And reading others’ contributions.
    Sometimes longing to be able to meet the one or the other for a tea and a talk, face to face; sometimes also very glad also that what I read was in so-called virtual surroundings.

    Like to share that with you tonight.


    • Arpana says:

      Google translate is hopeless.

      I said if English is your first language he is very witty, funny; and I hope all the praise doesn’t spoil things. :) )

      Do you know the expression, ‘tongue in cheek.’ ?

  34. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Arpana ,
    thank you for responding ; I use another ´search machine , other than ´google.
    found about a hundred an more ways to get closer to the idiom , you mentioned and also referring to the history , how it came into language alive in the middle ages . (where it was used as an expression of contempt and then mutating into an expression of irony ´in a thousand and one ways´…)

    At least to say, what is left in aliveness of language after big artificial ´brains´are busy overtaking human communication; so glad, that the big electronic machines still fail to translate !
    Meaning of an idiom in whatsoever language unfolds (ever changing colors) in ongoing contact , when you are able to get a bit more acquainted with the other,
    best it unfolds, when you are able to meet in the body too and see and feel the person and feel yourself too.

    Idiom is an alive stuff – belonging even more close to the person, who uses it – than his or her rationalized mask and often in use to give the inter-course of verbal communication a necessary kick.
    Didn´t you ? bring up the role of the ´Trixter´times ago ?

    Anyway , i feel , its good not to get too habituated , either the way(s)… to stay in tune with each other.

    This morning´s rain brought crystal drops on the glass of the window , they are sparkling , and it´s still foggy outside; Autumn is always good for many surprises throughout the day.
    Wish all of us an alive autumn sky inside-outside.


  35. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Yes, Arpana, I can relate to that – especially the sculpture being seen with another perspective.
    Otherwise – also the other work of this sculptor, like with ´Bent Mind´ or ´Doppelgänger´(the pink cow)…shocking insights brought into ´form´.

    By the way, did you know the American sculptor who did his pieces of art on the Ranch?
    Like ´Basho’s Pond´? Or the big `Turtle`? He was such a good Friend and a Lover of This too –

    Yes, that also was happening – IS happening.


    Had a more than less horrible day outside, city-wise, and glad to be here again, at least with ´a door I can close´, though not as impenetrable as I would love it to be).

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