Jealousy is holding back “Osho’s Work”: Shantam’s View

Sadly it is not love,  but jealousy which operates behind the scenes of  not only nations, but religions and families, and even the family of Osho.  By way of prior example,  right now on the Indian political scene, when elections are a few months away, regional leaders are playing out their little concealed jealousies before TV cameras. Personal interests are paramount,  but the call is all for the national interest and so called secular united fabric of the country.  This present national example gives the lie to what has happened in sannyas over the last 23 years.

The glorious work of Osho has gone missing,  caught in the foot notes,  because of such jealousies.  Once Osho came back to Pune in 1986, almost like a refugee in his own country; he gave his best shot during the rest of his short life to rebuilding his fractured work,  after the debacle of the American “Ranch” period.  Thousands of hours of riveting video footage from Pune two is there, which shows how much energy Osho was pouring out, how he was taking thousands of people together through Gibberish and thereby deeper and deeper into the no self.

It was during this time, he made clear that he was using all the so-called great historical religious names simply as coat hangers for his own messaging.  His wish was to find his people,  and expressing how blessed he felt to find them and rejoice with them.  It was in this atmosphere of immense trust Osho did not choose a particular successor,  but a group of  so-called close disciples to fulfil that function, called the Inner Circle.  Again there is Video footage in evidence, how these chosen ones were rolling around on the floor during that time before him. They were giving the impression that an Omnipresent, Omnipotent God is here,  and they will do anything to be showered with his grace. The History of the last 23 years however has shown up their true colours. Their orchestrated like oneness was there because the conductor was Present, but disappeared when he passed over.

It is somehow not right to say that the rift between East and West is the cause of all these multiple fractures. As an eye witness I can say, it is jealousy among the Indians which poured petrol on the last puffs of the Cigarette ends,  and partly ignited such a mess.

For example  briefly examine the jealousy among two powerful Indian  sannyas couples; one from Gujarat, the other from the Punjab. Both the Punjabis were chosen by Osho to be part of the “Inner circle”,  whereas only the Gujrati Ma was given this responsibility. This gave rise to much jealousy. But surely, Osho had seen that the one couple had capability, intelligence and the power to take bold decisions within the parameters of his vision,  and to be so entrusted.

Every one in the ashram premises knew how the Gujratis went over board to put venom in the ears of Jayesh; the man who ‘Chaired” the inner circle.. But as in the old story, in the fight among the cats, the monkey ended up with the whole cake. Sometime I wonder, whether that Gujrati couple have now got some remorse. They are still occupying their rooms, though the whole garden of Osho has in my eyes become empty.

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20 Responses to Jealousy is holding back “Osho’s Work”: Shantam’s View

  1. Parmartha says:

    It is little documented how the “Inner Circle” of 21 persons that Osho set up before his death – to continue his affairs and “work” fell apart so quickly – so Shantam’s effort here can be applauded, though he is very obscure, and needs to spell out who’s who.
    There were a few early and unexpected young deaths I understand, has anyone the details? These people were supposed to be replaced by a unanimous vote of the remainder. I dont think this happened? Anyone know?
    Then there were those, and they were quite a number, who for whatever reason, “left” the 21. In this I could fully imagine that Osho would not have anticipated people entrusted with such high office to actually leave. The kernel of responsibility in any situation is not to simply throw up one’s hands and retreat to some island or cave, but work very hard to find solutions to the problems arising, something that Osho would have hoped would have happened. It would be interesting if any of those who left choose to publish their story in full. SN is always willing to offer that facility.
    I only in small degree concur with Shantam that when the Master was alive, there was less interference in the affairs of the temporal administration by human impulses of jealousy, etc.There were always jealousies, and often arising in those who frankly did not go through any personal growth process or meditation even in Poona one. The biggest example in great measure was the jealousy of Sheela and crew for the household around Osho between 1981 and 1985. Okay maybe for a while the Master withdrew and was kind of asleep to all that, but in the end it created enormous and almost insuperable problems for the proper continuance of his work.

  2. sannyasnews says:

    Shantam now adds:
    Neelam and Tathagat are the Indian couple. Once both were shown the red slip of “Not Allowed in the ashram” in 2000, they built their own world, Osho Nisarga at the foot hills of Himalyas in Dharamshala. On a seed level, they have preserved typical Poona energy which was the instrument to bring, in their view, birds from far way lands.
    The other Indian Ma represented in the Inner Circle was Zareen. She was given the task of Sannyas Initiation and to lead three days meditation camps during the second Friday-Sunday of every month; not by someone else but Osho himself. Both these creations were later scrapped by Jayesh; the “know all” master of 17; Koregaon Park.
    Zareen and her long term partner Manu still occupy their rooms in Krishna House in the ashram. In a way, they have become the longest room occupants in the history of Osho Ashram, Pune.
    At one point it was decided by the management Trustees that – “Those who own private property in Koregaon Park, should not have the rooms in the premises”. But it seems, rules are for the labourers and farmers, and not for Monarchs and the Courtesans.

  3. shantam prem says:

    Beloved friends,
    This string is not my opinion but the leaf from the history books of Osho´s second home coming. Expressions as well as observation is mine into those dark corners which have been rolled under the carpet. Nothing unusual in a way, human nature.
    Still with due respect to all, any reader who has some knowledge about the players around Osho can refute my observation, as well as make the necessary corrections.
    And also, if some one knows the real life stories about the games people play, please come forward. Sometime naming and shaming brings the required kick to shake the status quo.

  4. Preetam says:

    Jealousy in the broader sense is the same intrigue plugged onto Humans psyches. A dead structure forces almost whole Humanity in a change, from Lover to Materialist. This jealousy is result of it and divides us among each other. Maybe too understand as a layer of the Tower of Babel. I’m sure no body here thinks of it as a Tower. It is the confusion planted in human heads. Those who understand start their process towards something real.

    How ever, if Osho says “I leave you my dream”… I only take it if it’s modifiable. “I leave you my dream” from my standpoint includes modification. Never ever Osho wants us continuing what turned out to be wrong. For me, it’s more Osho like too support using the own understanding of “here and now”. I would find it intense modifying the inner Circle what already was modified into a Circle of 3. Somehow if I look at the procedure how his dream is driven. Such behavior makes me thinking if those 3 people of the modified IC are part of the structure plotting against the own kind. It simply smell’s of conflicting interests.

    Why not, from all places of the Osho world – two respectful Sannyasins become part of Osho’s 200 enlightened Circle what now takes over the work from the old people. The old people could surrender and support the 200 with their know-how.

    • satyadeva says:

      200 people running the show? That’s 197 more chances of disagreement, dysfunction, disillusion – probably exponentially many more!

      Totally and utterly impractical, unworkable.

      Anyway, exactly what “show”?

      The reality is that there are a number of different strands, groups, communities, ‘sects’, all of which are doing their own thing, running their own shows, ie ‘self-governing’, and why not simply let it be that way, rather than attempting to recreate a monolithic entity whose days were evidently essentially numbered when Osho passed away?

      Rather like the fairly recent break-up of former European ‘empires’ and countries into multiple independent nations, eg all those former Soviet states like Ukraine, Belarus etc. and the fate of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

      Why would it take 200 people to oversee the distribution of books and videos and the care of the Poona ashram? Sounds like a recipe for even more chaos.

  5. sw.prem avinashi says:

    whatever happened to ranch, pune commune or osho movement is perfect as per oshos phase wise plan. All jealousy, conflicts, unconsciousness was used for good. He himself destroyed Organised Religion, threw people on themselves, it is strange that we all want freedom and behave like the parrot in the cage(organisation) shouting freedom freedom and when master put hand in cage to free the parrot the parrot starts biting the hand of the master. All these pune critics and most of pune elite are equally unconscious. Have patience and be ready for miracle in osho movement in near future.

  6. shantam prem says:

    sw. prem avinashi writing from Nepal or Maxico or under the influence of both.

  7. Sw. Howling Wolfred says:

    I’m a young Osho admirer and it’s disheartening to see the “so called” sanyasins not talking about meditation but discussing politics.

    People reduce Osho’s philosophies to mere excuses in order to listen to their mental needs.

    Master told us to get into our hearts but people are still in the heads. And this breaks my heart.

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