Swami Arun opens three Osho centers in England.

The recent visit of Swami Anand Arun to England has brought about a new impulse in Osho’s work. During this visit four mediation camps and satsangs were organized and three Osho meditation centers were opened in different cities in England

3-5 May: The first camp was in Brighton at Swami Narayan Mandir where 30 people gathered for Osho meditations. Under the guidance of Swami Arun different Osho meditation techniques were practiced during this camp. Following this, on 8th May an evening satsang was conducted at Osho Tathagat Meditation center where Swami Arun spoke on ‘Meditation in market place’ during a sharing session which was appreciated by most of the participants.


On 10th May Swami Arun opened a new Osho Meditation Center in South East London at Welling, the Osho Sambodhi Meditation Center. The two day meditation camp at the center concluded with a sannyas celebration on the last day. This center has a big meditation hall and a facility for staying overnight. Sambodhi also conducts daily Dynamic and Kundalini meditations, special programs on weekends and a one day meditation camp on first Sunday of every month. Regular groups and camps will be conducted by different group leaders. (See Alok John review of the opening of Osho Sambodhi Meditation.)


13-14 May: Two days meditation seminar was organized at Newcastle University, Newcastle. The participants were new comers and showed keen interest in Osho Meditation. After the camp local friends decided to find a permanent place for regular Osho meditations.


16-18 May: Two days meditation camp was organized at Herriot-Watt University Edingburg. After the camp Swami Arun opened an Osho Meditation center, Osho Jagriti Meditation Center where regular weekend meditations are organized.


On 21st May Swami Arun opened another meditation center at Brighton and named it Osho Sagar Meditation Center. This center provides facility of daily dynamic meditation and weekend programs.
The last camp was organized from 23rd to 26th in London at Boston Manor hotel. A strong undercurrent of Osho’s energy was felt during the camp which led friends into myriads of experiences and wonderful celebrations.
During this trip to England 26 new friends were initiated into Osho neo-sannyas.

Contact Details:
Osho Tathagat Meditation Centre, London: ph: 07952 006 919
Osho Sambodhi Meditation Centre, Welling, Kent: Ma Prem Sarita, ph: 07886 006 768, e-mail:gd_Shrestha@yahoo.co.uk) Ma Chetna, Email:ilonathegreat@gmail.com
Osho Jagriti Meditation Centre, Edinburgh: Swami Deepak, e-mail: jkdeepak@gmail.com)
Osho Sagar Meditation Centre, Brighton: Ma Anand Amrita, ph: 07846 009 448, e-mail: pravdha@hotmail.com
Meditations in Newcastle Deva Supriya ph: 07825133929, 01912415155, e-mail: devasupriya@gmail.com

From the Osho Tapoban Newsletter

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52 Responses to Swami Arun opens three Osho centers in England.

  1. Heraclitus says:

    But are these actually “Osho” centres. Maybe they are Arun centres??

  2. Visitor says:

    In an Osho Centre you will find Osho. I suggest Mr Heraclitus visits one of these centres and the reports back what he finds.

  3. Heraclitus says:

    I met Osho in December, 1974. From that day until his death in 1990 everything was in a state of flux, and things were changing all the time.
    So Osho was change.
    To multiply centres that basically keep things in aspic as they were when he died, or even earlier than his death, seem anti-Osho to me. Had Osho lived to the present day, life for Arun and everyone else around Osho would certainly be very different to the traditions such people want to install and make a type of church. I dont exclude the circle of 21 from this, but it also includes those who would make it some kind of traditional ritualising of what is dead and gone.
    Had Osho lived, one thing is for sure, white robe would be no more!

  4. alokjohn says:

    “Had Osho lived, one thing is for sure, white robe would be no more!”

    As far as I know Osho set up the evening meeting “White Robe Brotherhood” , probably knowing that his days on this earth were limited, with the intention it should continue after his death. That is still what they do in Pune.

    I suggest Mr Heraclitus does a group with Sw Arun, and then he will see that it certainly does not feel like a church or a ritualising of the past.

    Sw Arun’s centres are certainly Osho centres. Sw Arun has only ever claimed to be a fellow traveller, a close disciple of Osho, albeit he says it is known in the East that a close disciple can be a “medium” for his master.

  5. Heraclitus says:

    Mr Alok certainly never lived around Osho. He would never have been thinking of setting something up for “after” his death!!
    Who can say who is a “close” disciple? i am sure that the likes of Anando, Amrito, Jayesh, etc consider themselves to be close disciples, and they have in a sense given up their lives for ones of service to Osho. Yet they could not disagree more with Arun, who has also given up his life in a sense for Osho.
    Nonetheless It is not inconceivabe that anyone who states publicly that they were or are close disciples of Osho are not, cos it is just an ego description and Osho is just about egolessness.

  6. alokjohn says:

    “Mr Alok certainly never lived around Osho.”

    I managed one trip of two months to Pune 2.

    “It is not inconceivabe that anyone who states publicly that they were or are close disciples of Osho are not,”

    This is of course true.

    Try a camp with Sw Arun and then you will see

  7. Dharmen says:

    When the white robe was set up Osho changed the format many times, I definitely had the feeling he was trying to create something that would remain after he’d gone. But whatever, now, i8 years later what makes a centre an Osho Centre? The trapping and rituals are only excuses. When sannyasins come together whether in mala, robes or not, something of Osho is there.

  8. alokjohn says:

    “But whatever, now, i8 years later what makes a centre an Osho Centre?”

    I would have thought having a program of Osho active meditations and Osho discourses.

    “When sannyasins come together whether in mala, robes or not, something of Osho is there.”

    This is true, Osho says so!

    “The trapping and rituals are only excuses.”

    Bit doubtful about this. I would think wearing red and white robes does aid meditation.

  9. alokjohn says:

    In ‘I am the gate’ Osho said the mala was an aid to meditation and a way of communicating with him (I don’t have the exact quote). It is true that in later discourses he seemed to contradict this. I think if you want or need to go deep into meditation, the mala helps a lot (and don’t ask me how it works!).

    Same with sannyas initiation, you get a blast of his energy, but don’t ask me how it works.

    So the mala and sannyas initiation are more than mere “excuses.”

    Of course there exist people who have been initiated into sannyas but who have no interest in meditation (perhaps I will get flak for this but I think the sentence is true.)

  10. Heraclitus says:

    There were loads of people in Pune 1 who got initiated and were not interested at all in formal meditation.
    Sadly Sheela was one of those!!
    But many were good people whose every other step was love, and many had the knack of somehow making their whole life, or large parts of it a meditation.
    It may not have been “formal” and they may have been living in huts by the river, and not involved much with the ashram, but they were as close to Osho’s spirit and more so than many inside the gateless gate!

  11. Sw. Yoganand says:

    Whoever says Osho is dead or Sw Anand Arun Jee is ritualizing and traditionalizing Osho, has to come our camps and centers to feel for what is happening. At the time when Osho centers are not so much functional and it is our practical experience that unless and until people do not have Osho centers for meditations they will not feel Osho as Osho himself wants. He always wants live centers and communes for the inner growth. And in this context what Sw Arun is doing is marvellous and praisedworthy. Things should be judged from real work and real people who feels Osho in his camps. This is our exeprience here in Nepal and others camps whereever Sw Arun does. Jay Osho Jay Arun Swami Jee!

  12. alokjohn says:

    Of course, He said that if you go deeply into love, meditation follows, and vice versa.

  13. Heraclitus says:

    No-one is saying Osho is dead here! Just that he hides in other places that official or unofficial Osho centres or Arun centres or whatever.
    Arun lived in Pune one but never took a walk on the wild side. Osho was there every bit and may be more than inside the gateless gate.
    Dont forget that osho himself said he would never have gone near the Poona Ashram if he had been a seeker at the time!

  14. alokjohn says:

    Sw Arun met Osho as a young student in the 60s. Somehow he inveigled a 45 minute interview with Osho, all alone, a very rare priviledge. Osho told him at a very early stage that he should stay in Nepal and start a centre. Swamiji was “allowed” brief visits to Pune and the Ranch but Osho basically wanted him in Nepal, not on the wild side in Pune. Being a surrendered disciple he did what he was told, with astounding fruits.

  15. alokjohn says:

    Ps did you hear the whopper about Dhyano “disclosing” that Osho had made him an Acharya and and he was “licensed” to perform sannyasin marriages. If you believe that you will believe anything!

  16. Heraclitus says:

    What’s Dhyano got to do with Arun? Only that it’s all a new priesthood anyway.
    Like the early Christian Church, couldn’ t wait to become official, and elitise everything.
    How does Mr Alok square his seeming approval of the Circle of 21 with his devotion to Arun? They both hate each other cos they are rival priests! Hippies living near the river or on the road,, go there, and Jesus and Osho will be there, not within the brickwork of churches and official communes.

  17. canpolcon says:

    this that this that,
    that this that this,
    this that this that,
    that this that this…………………….

  18. Guest says:


    People who are doing the Osho’s work ( both on themsleves and to the world) are silently doing it anyway. Why waste time Heraclitus..

    Unless you have it first, you cannot drop anything.. Its that simple… Theists are always better than etheists..

    Time has come for a totally new batch of sanyasins all over the world whether you accept it or not.

  19. alokjohn says:

    “Time has come for a totally new batch of sanyasins all over the world whether you accept it or not.”

    You are probably correct. I always thought the first generation were a pretty poor bunch

  20. Heraclitus says:

    The early sannyasins were really brave, they were with a living master who changed things all the time, and burned them daily.
    Not these stuck in the wool securities about ritualising Osho that pass for sannyas nowadays.

  21. kahn says:

    Does anybody know anyway of contacting or finding this group of people who supposedly practise active mediations in newcastle?

  22. alok john says:

    Meditations in Newcastle.

    See the Community Noticeboard, they are advertised there

  23. alok john says:

    “The early sannyasins were really brave,”

    They may have been brave but I found them stupid, aggressive, amoral and arrogant

  24. dharmen says:

    ‘They may have been brave but I found them stupid, aggressive, amoral and arrogant.’

    What, all of them? And aren’t you an ‘early sannyasin’.

  25. alok john says:

    Of course not all of them, of course not you.

    “And aren’t you an ‘early sannyasin’.”

    Not so early, took sannyas in ’86 in Holland.

    Although I visited Kalptaru and Medina quite a bit, I always felt I was walking on eggshells, and had to be terribly careful not to be shouted at. Everything seemed pretty authoritarian and mad right from the start.
    It was only after the Oregon debacle and the dropping of compulsory colours that I felt just about comfortable with the movement.

  26. Divyo says:

    Arun is like a gun slinger trying to see how many notches he can add on his belt..I feel he preys on those who “feel they missed” by not meeting Osho…

  27. amrito says:

    I know Divyo personally, she lives just about a half hour away from me! She is a hypocrite, has a huge spiritual ego and wants to make some cash off of osho. She didn’t even take the time to share any of her antoganisms with Sw. Arun while he was here either.

    Infact, she told me, “Pune has advised me that I shouldn’t do Osho’s work with anyone whos from India”. This even if true should have a lightbulb go off and raise a bit of awareness about the idiocy of such an order.

    I am suprised she is writing here and am writing here because she has NO idea of what Sw. Arun does!! He was one of the most humble Osho desciples I’ve ever met and I never felt at any second that he was trying to be a guru.

    I’ll have more of my experiences stated in a formal article soon.

  28. Heraclitus says:

    I am not against Arun, he can do his trip, but I am against the past and he represents it. Very strange actually that Mr A~lok and others seem so against “old” sannyasins. Arun sure is an old sannyasin who has not moved on, his work is very much like Pune one, but they seem blindly into him.

  29. dharmen says:

    Meditation is meditation no matter how it is dressed.

  30. amrito says:

    I know sorta where you’re comming from Heraclitus, but all I can say is: go to Tapoban or attend a meditation camp. I had similar feelings like you did in the past and I coordinated a camp here in Canada, it was mind-blowing. I did an event at my university with mainly home-grown canadians, over 50 people were present (only expected 25). I thought Sw. Arun’s style might not work but I, along with the 50 people, were inspired by his passion for Osho and meditation. I will again, write a longer article about his trip here, which cleared many of my doubts about him.

  31. alok john says:

    I had a similar experience to amrito above. I assumed Arun was a charlatan until I did a camp with him. There are so many charlatans/fools “giving darshan”, I just thought he was another. Fortunately Dharmen and Nitya organised his first camp here in the UK a year ago.

    Of course I am not against all “old sannyasins” but many of the first generation were there for ulterior motives like looking for dates or to receive social support, or to have a fun life living in a commune. They were not really interested in the quite demanding process of bringing awareness to their consciousnesses.

    I don’t really understand this business that Arun’s work is like Pune 1 and we should “move on.” It may be true that his work is a bit like Pune 1, but meditation is timeless.

  32. dharmen says:

    ‘Fortunately Dharmen and Nitya organised his first camp here in the UK a year ago.’
    For the record Chetna, Nitya and Vimal did the organising.

  33. alok john says:

    Old sannyasins….

    Perhaps we are still too close in time to the events, but it is a very sorry tale how many of the first generation accepted an authoritarian regime, leading to the Oregon debacle and Osho’s untimely death. Anyone whose does not know the history would learn a lot by reading Tim Guest’s book and Anne Geraghty’s book. Perhaps it is in the nature of things that the great Buddha comes and lives at a time of great spiritual darkness, but boy was it dark.

  34. Heraclitus says:

    I am certainly not against Arun, or anyone else who feels inspired by Osho having their space, including those of the 21. No one has a monopoly of Osho’s inheritance, and i suspect he wanted all the different flavours to be out there. I notice that sannyasnews for example seems to do that which is a great Editorial policy in my view.
    I am against those who seem to want to monopolise Osho’s inheritance. Those who condemn Maitreya, Tyohar, Gurudev, etc but turn round and say that the 21, or Arun, or Keerti, or anyone else are the “real” inheritors.
    And actually I dont know where such an attitude comes from except that it certainly is not open, and can lead to subtle forms of fundamentalism.

  35. amrito says:

    hey heraclitus, i totally agree with you!! I asked Sw. Arun about this during the meditation camp here, about where Osho is really “genuine” and I liked his response. He said people should be wherever they clicked, and with whomever they clicked, a feeling a I had from before. So although certain people will criticize other flavours, thats the name of the game!! But always, its about meditation and Osho.

  36. alok john says:

    Heraclitus said

    “I am against those who seem to want to monopolise Osho’s inheritance. Those who condemn Maitreya, Tyohar, Gurudev, etc but turn round and say that the 21, or Arun, or Keerti, or anyone else are the “real” inheritors.”

    But in the “spiritual world” there are tremendous possibilities for self-delusion and charlatanism. If it is my opinion that such and such a person is deluding himself or a charlatan, why shouldn’t I say so? We all make judgments like that. I can see that out of love you might not want to say it, but I also think there is something to be said for saying what you think. Osho did say somewhere that to pretend you have reached when you have not is a great crime

  37. Heraclitus says:

    Its the judgements that are wrong. Who knows who is enlightened?
    There were plenty of people around historical figures who now walk in the respectability of enlightenment, who were totally ridiculed when they were alive.
    Why not be non-judgemental?
    The flavour od Osho is there amongst all those mentioned above, from the 21, to the Tyohar’s. It manifests in different ways, and people are attracted to the different ways it presents itself.
    You will be of course be aware that Osho said many things, some contradictory depending on who he was trying to reach or to who he was talking to at the time. He certainly once said that it didn’t matter if the master was false…. growth could occur with the disciple, maybe even more than with an enlightened man!

  38. alok john says:

    But aren’t you deceiving yourself when you say it is possible to be non-judgemental. Okay, if you don’t know much about it you can be non-judgemental. But say you had some money to spend on your “growth” and you had to decide whether to go and see the 21 or Arun or Maitreya or Tyohar. Then your decision shows your judgment.

  39. Heraclitus says:

    According to Amrito (Canada) in some string here when he asked this question to Arun, Arun said everyone will find their own flavour and path and that is what they should go for.
    Just because someone fits with oneself does not imply a judgement about others and their paths.
    The main danger you seem to miss is where some teachers who were or are genuine sannyasins are mercilessly attacked, sometimes by people who have never even met them. Such a hobby seems to me to be a futile waste of energy. Just let them be, and find one’s own guide, not attack those of others without the slightest reason except prejudice and sometimes envy.

  40. amrito says:

    hey just wondering if you’ve met Arun though, because you were criticizing him at the beginning of the thread weren;t you?

  41. Divyo says:

    Beloved Amrito…you do not Know me….thankyou for your gift of poison….I reject it for today..but if i should want to commit suicide i will let you know..You are truely not sharing the entire story..much love to you on your spiritual journey

  42. sannyasnews says:

    I met Arun a number of times in Pune one. a good man, and very devout, which it seems he continues to be.
    I feel that he has some grandiose scheme at present to sort of bring his type of sannyas to the whole world, and is very imitative of the old times. However I am also happy to let him be. And he, noteworthy again, seems perfectly happy to let others be, except for his criticisms of the 21. But they have also criticised him a lot – so it goes!
    I feel both the 21 and Arun and Keerti are actually very competitive with each other…. so much for commune- – - ism!

  43. alok john says:

    Heraclitus writes

    “The main danger you seem to miss is where some teachers who were or are genuine sannyasins are mercilessly attacked, sometimes by people who have never even met them”

    As far as I can see merciless attacks are the exception rather than the rule.
    My impression is that most people keep their doubts to themselves, partially to have a quiet life. Such attitudes allowed Sheela to thrive, and in my opinion have been endemic amongst sannyasins right from the start.

    And what if you have a friend who asks advice where to go for their “spiritual growth.” Surely it would be unloving not to say, “Well in my opinion the best places to go are…”

  44. frank says:

    come on guys

    merciless attacks are where its at!

    so-called saints
    retarded religions
    yellow journalists
    polack popes
    holy hindu bullshitters
    homosexual prince philip
    ronald reagan`s monkey
    mentally ill jesus christ
    pygmies freud and jung
    sexist avatars
    muktananda sewage lagoon
    long-faced englishmen
    smelly bengalis
    smelly tibetans
    oregonian idiots
    khomaniacs and californiacs
    and more simply retarded and istupid idiots and fools who have `missed` than u can shake a stick at!

    this enlightenment lark is not for the faint hearted.
    most folk seem to need a good kick up the chakras just to get `em going.
    excuse me while i clear my throat.
    fuck you!

  45. yakaru says:

    Herclitus: “not attack those of others without the slightest reason except prejudice and sometimes envy.”

    Care to offer some examples? I think there may be some projection and denial going on there.

  46. alok john says:

    what about adding “unrebellious sannyasins” to the list

  47. amrito says:

    I apoligize to Divyo for all the comments relating personally to her, or that seem like personal attacks. This I realize is my shortcommings.

    But Divyo, you had all the freedom in the world to find out what as really happening during the meditation program here with Sw. Anand Arun.

    Now, to turn around without having an experience for yourself who he is “preying” on (these are your words), is indeed hypocritical.

    In fact its against the dignity of all meditators who attend camps with Sw. Anand Arun, because their main reason for being there is either Osho or meditation.

    Yes, much love to you too on your spiritual journey.


  48. Lenny Gazbowski says:

    My wife and I are both followers of Osho,I am a sannyasin, I see that there have been new centres opened in the UK,which is great! I feel that there is a need for such a centre to be opened in Liverpool to serve the North West. We would both like to help this project become an idea into reality. Please can someone contact us and maybe it will happen.



  49. Neerav says:

    Dear Lenny,

    I am Neerav and I Iive in Osho Tapoban.
    If you want some help in this regard you can visit tapoban.com and write to us.
    Sw Anand Arun would be glad to assist you with it.


  50. Ged says:

    Lenny I’m also in Liverpool and I also am really feeling the need for a centre. I’ll hunt for you but if you see this get in touch.


  51. ma pram archana says:

    I one to meet U i am will very happy if i will see U can icall u can you maill me your program thank you sw.

  52. Shiva Wakan says:

    I was in India in 1992 at Meherabad. There was a story told that 2 of Meher Babas Mandali heard a professor speak and thought he would enjoy Meher Babas books. They gave him many. Soon after that the professor claimed to now be a ” Master” This was ” Osho” who has on his own tomb an earlier quote from Meher Babas Unviersal message,” I Come Not To Teach But To Awaken”, which is engraved on Baba’s own Samadhi at Meherabad.

    You are following a fool and impostor. Wake up!

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