No News at Osho News

It has not escaped the notice of Sannyasnews Editors that the heart attack suffered by “Rajneesh” has gone unreported at “no news at Osho news”!  Whatever people think of “Rajneesh” he lived around Osho for many years, and certainly was doing his thing when many SN readers were in Poona and when Osho was alive.   Surely the news around him has more importance than the middle brow travelogues that pass for copy at Osho News. Also at Osho News there is a total lack of any participatory approach and this has never been explained.   (There is absolutely no room for comments on their articles, unless going through some kind of three line whip.)

We further note that from this week, the “great” forces of Osho World and Osho News  have conjoined and are now bannering under the same flag….  so where is the vaulted independence of “Osho World”  gone now.  Plenty of guff about their cooperation, but of course nothing about who will be the “actual real” Editor of the thing.  Such a duopoly has all the hallmarks of the narrowing of news options and opinions that have happened before within the world around Osho,  and a healthy scepticism should greet it.  We republish below part of a blog from Dhyan Raj who we knew in past times, and who at least thanks SN for its willingness to publish.

Dhanraj says by way of comment:

It is a wonder to me that the compassion of Buddhas is such that they try to bring transformation to humanity even though they are misunderstood and betrayed even by the people who are attracted to them.

I asked Rajneesh once – why are you bothering with all this ? – you can live your life perfectly well without all the hassle and trouble from an idiotic humanity – why try to help people and draw their stones on you? they dont understand anything and would rather you were dead than be helped out of their miserable game.

“That is a Buddhas job,  Dhyanraj – to be crucified !”

Anyway I thank Sannyas News for having the courage to print Rajneesh’s heart attack story – my friends at Osho News – Punya and Maneesha and all,  felt it was fitting to ignore the story and not print it in their “no osho news”  – as Rajneesh is universally condemned by all branches of organised sannyasins – even though they may be enemies to each other like OIF and Osho World – they agree on this – that Rajneesh should be prevented from doing what he sees as  his Master’s work.


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240 Responses to No News at Osho News

  1. shantam prem says:

    I think editors of sannyasnews are expecting too much from
    First of all, compared to this site is thousand times more with the pulse of the time. May be this is the only sannyas site, where under the column Voyages, due coverage is given to the sannyasins who have died or left the body or even murdered!
    Do the editors of sannyasnews think that oshonews should also create a column, “Seekers with the Doctors.”
    I think after 50, even yoga masters need plumbing and renovation, denting and painting.

  2. Parmartha says:

    you dont answer two questions, why Osho News does not allow comments on its articles, and why it has now created this duopoly with Osho World, but very much not a partnership, but under their control.
    Like many websites my own view is that it tries to cover too much because it does not have a clearly thought out Editorial line about quite what they are wanting to do. As a result they include a lot of copy that seems of mediocre quality and become like an airline magazine. I feel a sense of covert elitism around their whole enterprise.
    Happy to hear your answers to these questions Shantam.

  3. shantam prem says:

    I check oshonews only for the Voyages. It touches my heart to see those unsung heroes dying at the average rate of two per month, who took the courage to be with Osho..
    These unsung heroes made Osho, The Master. Otherwise he was an Acharya Rajneesh, religious Orator. Osho has so often called these people, MY PEOPLE.
    So for this reason, I am thankful to the team of Oshonews.
    reading about rest, sorry, I will prefer sannyasnews!
    These Delhi based Oshoworld people are kind of smug in my opinion.
    Me, me and me and my Osho, rest of the world is Scheisse.
    In that sense, Pune and Delhi people are brothers separated in train crash!

  4. shantam prem says:

    World´s top news and views websites encourage participation of readers through the comments. Naturally, many times comments are below the belt when written by the dark shadows hiding in the veil of anonymity.
    You are too the mark to realise, oshonews does not allow comments. It simply shows they are interested to preserve a frozen past rather than take the evolution further.
    Somehow, what I am writing again and again, Osho´s sannyas has gone into the foot notes of history. Just look at the world around, In the age of non stop television, hot seat of Osho in Pune is promoting Osho Radio!

    Their Osho is no more young and alive and restless but an old grand pa, whispering and sometime shouting, ” Is there someone to listen? Where all have gone?”

  5. prem martyn says:

    Dear P,

    As I type here from my Eagle’s nest, way above the cloud line I think ponderously and waxingly as the mighty eagles spread their… (get on with it , Ed.,)
    ah yes…

    the biggest disaster to have hit sannyas was it’s formatted emotive institutionalization. What’s that I hear you reply, testily ?….That’s too dense a text already and we are only three sentences in…( Well either I carry on in my well- honed forms or I shall start typing in a mid transatlantic slightly german-accented form, with a lesser lexical range which I guarantee does not fall so pleasurably upon the ears, as can be testified in group rooms, everywhere.)

    The most goddam awful piece of crap then, that sannyas (via Osho ) was responsible for was it’s secretive cloning programme , that was funded by millions of squillions of lakhs. Oh yes.
    Many of us including even those people known to sannyas newsers, (shock horror,) have been guilty of replicating physical and even emotive characteristics of the smarmy and smarmulous, whilst mouthing the words ‘Buddha’ , who was likely also a clone, or ‘Osho’ or some such similar iconostasis.

    This is institutionally all part of a secret covert plan by those who cannot tell stork margarine from real butter.

    Now being vegan-friendly I have an eye for these things, and I can verify that in my experience of spiritual energy, then the many times when visiting these parlours of self servicing ,(similar to motorway cafes), these rest rooms for the religious , I have noticed that they glaringly have one thing in common with the Ton-Up motorway cafes littered along western civilization’s fringes.

    They all offer intermediaries.

    Similar looking , with some inflated added value, well sealed for a long shelf life, but utterly tasteless.
    Now when physically famished and a bit bored from the endless nose to tail, foot down, charabanging that passes for bank holiday ‘seeking’ well into the uncharted countryside, one is often tempted to enter these Happy Advaita stereotypical milk parlours, bursting with the joys of previously unseen insights.

    Thing is, they tend to replicate the customer , not only the produce

    .Next time you are in one of them, have a look round. It often comes as a shock, that just as in today’s shopping cathedrals, (should one bear the misfortune of having to use them ) then the conversational skills of the hallowed customer are uncannily similar, perhaps even atrophying through lack of use and limited to ‘Oh look there’s 15p off sprouts this week…. Or gosh, yes , I see that now,vowwwww jaaa .

    To whit I say this prayer.

    Lord protect me from thy followers….

    Which is a roundabout way of saying, now that Osho in Flight News has merged with OshoWaltDisneyWorld, that, are you at all surprised if they are foolfilling their cloned duty to reproduce and spawn. Why be alarmist about this.?
    Or to put that very spiritual question to you….Who is In and who shall I say called ? or Who cares ?

    Now then on a more topical note I know that we have our differences here on the Rajneesh Radio Times, but if you think you can paste three blogs in a row, copied from the Lithuanianske Forestvalke NeuroPattologie Instötuttà für Nuttarse then I might seriousyl think of complaining to the management

    Their address is

    Jerry SpringParmDharm Productions

    The Trailer Trash Blogging Centre,( next door to the Ridiculously Expensive Meditation Centre)

    The Rajneesh Twin Towers.

    And with that I bid thee , adieu…….(until lateerzz ,chaps )

  6. Lokesh says:

    Osho News? Never heard of it.
    Just returned from visiting a vegan friend who lives in the woods on top of a hill…no, it’s not Johnny B Goode. Lovely chap who meditates for hours every day. I mentioned Mr Rajneesh to him, thinking that it might be of interest to him being an old sannyasin and all that. He’d never heard of him. Perhaps that is why Osho News failed to cover the story…no readership interest. We continued to chat with plenty of silences spent looking out over the splendid countryside. A lot of our silences were partly due to the fact that neither of us had any big news to report. Perhaps in the case of a meditative life no news is good news, which might be a way for Mr Rajneesh to get over the trauma of being ignored by Osho News. I’ve a feeling being ignored is something he might not be able to appreciate easily.
    The remainder of the day was spent sitting by the sea. A cormorent popped up out of the water in front of me and that was about it. I took the sea bird’s sudden appearance as a summons to dive into the water. I did just that. It was a case of instant no-mind. I thought my forehead was going to crack from the cold.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      lokesh – i see your mind came back and you were able to write again in the hope of convincing others that rajneesh is beneath you

      your friend hadnt heard of rajneesh – clear proof that he does not exist in the sannyas movement today and is not news – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

      • Lokesh says:

        Em…er…weren’t you the guy who said he feels foolish about writing on SN. Got the bug? Or is it just a case of doing Osho’s work?

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          erm – no i didnt say that lokesh – another case of chronic misinformation from you –
          yes i am doing osho’s work – something wrong in that ?

          • Lokesh says:

            Depends what your definition of Osho’s work is. In your case I’d say being a misguided fool about sums it up. You are about the worst ambassador anyone could dream up. Surely amongst Mr Rajneesh’s followers there has to be someone better than you to act as selfappointed spokesman. Or are things really that bad in his camp?

            • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

              yes lokesh – make up your own definition of osho’s work – making up things is your forte –
              by the way i am a disciple of osho since 32 years – and you have been an ex disciple of osho for 32 years – what does osho’s work now have to do with you ?
              this sannyas news is a forum for osho’s sannyasins – who mostly dont comment here due to an ex sannyasin like you continually pouring out poison for osho and his people who come and comment here

            • atikarmo says:

              his camps are the best!

  7. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    obscurantist smokescreens like this dont help anyone either do they? – it seems to be designed only to convince others that the author is a clever chappie – yes we know clevermind me “who cares”

    there are serious issues to adress in the sannyas movement today – it is a living river which flows down the ages -
    osho’s movement is in danger of becoming dry and dead – just a business – particularly as the businessmen and priests are doing all they can to dam the flow of the river in their active interference with those who bring the living truth of osho fresh and clean

    • Lokesh says:

      SSD says, ‘there are serious issues to adress in the sannyas movement today’
      No problem, address them to SN and we’ll sort them out quicker than you can say ‘Boom Shanker!’

      • atikarmo says:

        That would be very good offcourse mr the moment im a newcomer im really surprised what a nonsense here all has been written by only a few people who definitly NOT representing OSHO.

  8. prem martyn says:

    That email warned me of further spam clones with similar names. I won’t be tempted by this rusy spoof. DRS is no match for SDR anyway. SDR was shrewd , witty and testicular whereas this DRS clone is withered and not capable of D let alone NA or even FA.

    I might have to complain to the senior management here then…

    Here goes..
    Dear Dolly the Sheep,
    It has come to my attention that blah blah blah , behh behh behh, blahh blah.
    If you think I will be led around by someone who is DRS not RSD or DSR, then I’m afraid the wool over the eyes isn’t long enough. Bring back the original of the clone not the clone of the original.

    Your sincerely,

    Mr RajSheep.
    ( Shepherd and Master Flocker)

    • prem martyn says:

      I just got another email with a photo of a rather large doorman in a Tshirt , the name of the company being SDR Bouncers and Nightclub management…
      It simply read..
      You fink u r beeang cleva den…

      Signed your friend Danny Rajeone , and all da family.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        martyn – yes it suits you to trivalise the issue being raised by parmartha – the promotion of clevermindme is the only thing you show is of importance to you – this is a disgrace to the sannyas movement of osho

        • Lokesh says:

          Martyn, I wouldn’t worry too much about the ‘this is a disgrace to the sannyas movement of osho’ because on the level of disgraces perpetrated by the Osho movement you will not even rank in the top 100. Sorry to disappoint.

  9. mini kang says:

    I have travelled with Swami Rajneesh for over 6 years now.
    He has given over 90 meditation camps all over the world and has worked for free without charging anything from his side for the camps and events.
    As a new sannyasin i was shocked to see the amount of misinformation and propaganda that was being spread about him wherever we travelled to.
    It looks like sannyasins are really very jealous or bitter about themselves.

    In India Swami Rajneesh was always welcomed in all the known ashrams. Swami Anand VijayJi of Amritdham Jabalpur which is the oldest Osho Ashram always welcomes him with so much love and has been inviting Rajneesh to come and even live there with them.
    Swami Anand Teerth of Kutchwara gave us his whole ashram for Osho Birthday celebration and is always asking us to come again.
    Swami Brahma Vedant Ji of Madhavpur gave Swami Rajneesh the most warm and beautiful welcome and gave his Ashram for the 19 January celebrations. It was so touching to see them meet and how gentle and graceful they behaved.
    Swami Anand Swabhav Ji has always welcomed us to Mehasana Ashram where everyone received us with so much joy and celebration there.
    Swami Gurudev Ji has so much love and connection with us and invites us again and again to visit them.
    Swami Anand Arun ji is in contact with Swami Rajneesh and i see they are very close together in their love for one another. We have received so many invitations to travel to Tapovan and we really want to go there but Rajneesh schedules of travels were all made in advance and are waiting for this beautiful meeting to happen in Tapovan. The loving way Swami Arun and Rajneesh met in Ukraine and had dinner touched all our hearts and we can see that they both are simple and open hearted sannyasins.
    Where ever we went to any city or meditation camp in India everyone was open and welcoming.
    But we saw another side to this whole story and learnt the ugly side of sannyas politics and power games and threats and blackmail everywhere.
    It looks like Ma Neelam and Swami Tathagat are really against Swami Rajneesh. As he wrote about them in his book Tears of the Mystic Rose.
    They are very actively sending ugly messages to all India meditation centers to not allow Rajneesh to visit any Indian center with a threat that Osho World will reject their ashram and not allow Osho World people to go to those Indian centers. This propaganda was exposed to us in many ashrams and 6 meditation camps in India were cancelled last minute because they were warned by Neelam and Tathagat Nisarga. They seem to be controlling Osho World and all opinion of Indian sannyasin to become against Swami Rajneesh.
    Even advertisements were cancelled by Osho World which was sent by Indian centers.
    It is clear that Osho World is against Swami Rajneesh due to Neelam and Tathagat playing politics from Dharamsala.
    Swami Keerti who is a close friend of Swami Rajneesh and i know stayed with him in Manali and Poona and they meet many times has also been warned by Neelam to not speak in favor of Rajneesh but to officially boycott him and speak against him in public.
    This is the propaganda against Rajneesh in India.
    We also travelled to 70 cities all over the world. Again we were always received with so much open heart everywhere we went by everyone. But suddenly we always found that these places were warned and threatened by OIF poona not to allow us to meet any sannyasins in their city. And they sent private messages and Sms by mobile phones to all sannyasins to boycott Sami Rajneesh events. If they did not listen then those who met Rajneesh would be banned by Poona Resort. Also any Osho center abroad that invited Swami Rajneesh would be blacklisted and all Osho Therapists who went to those same centers would be also banned by Poona Resort. We came to know of 20 or 30 such cases where therapists were asked to cancel their events in those centers as they allowed Rajneesh to meet them in his events.
    This whole sannyas experience to me looks like one big blackmail business and threatening organization and enemies everywhere.
    Therapists are against Swami Rajneesh as he has been offering everything for Free and has also announced that all Osho Therapies will be offered Free.
    Rajneesh has received hundreds of life threats and warnings from so many that this has made Rajneesh more determined to offer Osho Free.
    You cannot imagine how many things i have learnt about the sannyasins.
    I am sure that even in Washington there is not so much politics and power games !
    So the real truth is that Osho World of Neelam and Tathagat is against Rajneesh.
    And OIF poona Resort Amrito is directly and totally against Swami Rajneesh.
    Swami Amrito has made it his life mission to attack Rajneesh !
    I know many more stories as i was close friend of Sookhi the korean girlfriend of Amrito, as i was also her korean friend.
    I was threatened from very beginning in Poona Resort not to meet Rajneesh even before he started his meditation camps. When i met him i was immediately banned and all people who met Rajneesh were banned by the Resort.
    If all the experiences i know were really written down then it will be clear that there is calculated attacks and propaganda to try to spoil Rajneesh reputation and to make sure people are warned against him.

    • Parmartha says:

      Thanks Mr Kang.
      Interesting that Rajneesh is popular in a number of Indian centres, and also with Swami Arun… As I understood it in 2009 Keerti was not so against Rajneesh, and had said some positive things said.
      Basically all these people, whether they were/are inside, or pushed out of OIF were attracted to their roles because they have unconsidered and unconscious control agendas.
      The very best of western psychotherapy does address such issues, but clearly they (like Amrito boasting sometimes of having only done three psychotherapy groups, ), “miss” such avenues of self exploration in a big way. But [psychotherapy is not the only ay to address such issues, many a hermit got further.
      Actually a little advaita always helps in these circumstances also, just “Let it Be” . Whatever the power pushers may do, the main thing is to “know yourself” and that is the irreducible priority. If one gets a little help along the way, from this teacher or that, or this circumstance or that, then that should be one’s total focus.

      • mini kang says:

        Yes Parmartha i can understand what you mean. I was just explaining what i know from my years of travels with Swami Rajneesh. Yes Swami Keerti is a wonderful human being and we all love him and know that he is sincere sannyasin and that he also loves Rajneesh and both are close friends. My long comment was just to explain how politics and propaganda plays so much in what people say in public. Swami Rajneesh has always said to me that Keerti is warm hearted and sincere but is stuck between his official role for Osho World and Neelam Tathagat Nisarga politics.
        And Yes i am a ” beautiful ” korean girl !!

        • frank says:

          yes,mini is beautiful.
          so I am not surprised that korean or other asian girlfriends seem to be the latest must-have item on the shopping list of all modern gurus,religious leaders etc..
          much better than a Rolls-Royce or a rolex,for sure!
          also,coming from korea,you must know how easy it is to blame other people who look just like you for everything that is bad in your world.
          its very convenient…..
          they could be north koreans,or therapriests,political sannyasins,power-gamers,slanderers,people acting disgracefully,and disrespectfully to osho or our sense of self etc.
          well,i would say if you want to have some good old sectarian strife or a jolly good jihad with other factions of sannyas,then at least have the realisation of the fact that battling with sworn enemies is a great way to feel good about yourself.
          part of the excitement of being a rebel is enjoying fighting those that are wrong,so don’t forget to be grateful to them for the fact that they are giving you the opportunity to be right! and also righteously angry,indignant and judgmental and still feel good about yourself!
          they are doing you a favour!
          remember,love/war…its all just part of the cosmic drama
          and a drama without a bad guy is really no story at all.

          watch out tho`:
          Freddie N said:
          “battle not with monsters,lest you become a monster.and if you gaze into the abyss,the abyss gazes also into you”

          that reminds me..i was looking at that vid of Rajneesh doing taichi that DR posted,when I had a massive realisation…
          everything fell into place and I suddenly got it!
          with a `tache,he`s an absolute dead-ringer for Freddie mercury!
          look,he could use his talent for impressions to greater effect.
          think how many people he could reach as a queen tribute act.
          with DR as brian may on guitar….
          “we will,we will rock you..”
          they could do all the classics
          “we are the champions..”
          “its a kind of magic…”
          “the o-show must go on..”
          and of course
          “sheer heart attack”………..

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            osho international foundation and osho world are doing rajneesh a favour by doing all they can to prevent him doing osho’s work?
            you know frank it seems you couldnt care less about osho
            just another clever guy who thinks its cool to trash osho and his people

            people come to sannyas news looking for osho’s people – what do they find? you frank – do you think you are helping osho’s movement of sannyas ?

            • frank says:

              bloody `ell..
              it`s the Clone Ranger…
              fighting for tonto`s vision..
              hi-ho and silver away..!

              • Lokesh says:

                Frank surely you must realize that ‘tonto’ is Spanish for stupid.
                Your second last comment was most enjoyable and I appreciate you rounding it off with Freddy quotes. Never too big on Queen myself but Mr Mercury had a great voice. Brian will have to diet a bit before he hits centre stage, but yes the resemblance is remarkable.

                • frank says:

                  stupid eh?
                  well I never….

                  yeah,queen were posers and a load of old toss.
                  but there is something about showing a bit of chest that seems to get the punters going…..
                  so there`s a kind of synchronicity there….

    • Lokesh says:

      ‘You cannot imagine how many things i have learnt about the sannyasins.’ You underestimate the readership here on SN by saying that.

    • Lokesh says:

      Trying to prove what a popular guy Mr Rajneesh is seems a bit weird to me. George W Bush was loved by millions and he was a monster. We’ve had Dhyanraj blowing Mr Rajneesh’s trumpet for a week here on SN and all he has succeeded in doing is making himself look like a sad clown.

    • swami atmo says:

      “It looks like sannyasins are really very jealous or bitter about themselves.”

      may be you already heard these osho’s words were spoken in the end of 80′s:

      I have been asked again and again why i declare people enlightened only when they die. This is simply to keep a peace in a commune. If i will declare somebody to be enlightened you will kill him. You will not be able to tolerate that this man has become enlightened. You will find a thousands faults in him, you will condemn him, and you will be very jealous (c) osho

      • prem martyn says:

        He declared a japanese zen woman enlightened in front of me and covered her with rose petals…..we all sang and celebrated like crazy that night…great fun..

        sometime in 1989 i reckon..

      • satyadeva says:

        It also depends what you or Osho or anyone means by the description “enlightened”.

        For myself, whatever depths/heights Swami R may have reached (or allowed to reach him), I remain deeply unimpressed by his ‘clone’-like appearance and behaviour and by his appallingly insensitive statement at Miasto, Italy, concerning Ma Yoga Sudha, after her premature death.

        I’m also sceptical regarding his attitude towards the wide range of therapeutic methods offered in the sannyas world and I wouldn’t trust him to know what’s best for most western ‘seekers’.

        In short, I’ve seen and heard enough to know that I’m simply not in the slightest interested in seeking him out, in fact I feel repulsed by rather than attracted to him.

        Now, you Rajneesh supporters, don’t try to tell me I’m ‘misguided, ‘wrong’, deluded’, ‘missing’, ‘projecting’, or any similar bullshione (that was a typo, but I rather like it, it has a sort of Italiano feel!), please.

        Accept (what seems a self-evident fact of life) that not everything suits everybody, that every spiritual teacher has their own ‘field’, their own particular segment of humanity, large or small, that they can help (or attempt to help). As I’ve said before, ‘One Size’ most definitely doesn’t ‘Fit All’ in these matters. And Swami R and I are a bad fit.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          clone clone clone clone clone – how long are you going to repeat the same old rubbish satyadeva?
          whatever rajneesh looks like why does it hurt you?
          and poor you so hurt by rajneesh’s comments about a ma who had died and couldnt be hurt by them – those comments were for the therapriests of miasto who were attacking rajneesh at the time as he had dared to hold a meditaton camp in an area near their miasto – sending sms to sannyasins that dont meet rajneesh or else !!!

          you dont trust him and are repulsed by him – very good !! we dont want you anyway in our growing buddhafield – why do you imagine someone is after you ?

          i comment here not to persuade satyadeva to join our group – but to expose the truth and counter the lies about rajneesh for those sannyasins who read these pages of sannyas news

          • satyadeva says:

            Dhyan Raj:
            clone clone clone clone clone – how long are you going to repeat the same old rubbish satyadeva?
            whatever rajneesh looks like why does it hurt you?

            If you haven’t understood by now, Dhyan Raj then I doubt you ever will. I’m sure that Swami R’s copycat mode is and will be a major issue for vast numbers who know Osho. That’s why he’s often called “Brian” here (do you get the joke?).

            PS: Quite amusing how this aspect of the debate seems to ‘get up your nose’! Clone, clone, clone, clone, clone!

            and poor you so hurt by rajneesh’s comments about a ma who had died and couldnt be hurt by them – those comments were for the therapriests of miasto who were attacking rajneesh at the time as he had dared to hold a meditaton camp in an area near their miasto

            Ma Yoga Sudha was much-loved, hugely valued at Miasto, where she worked extremely successfully for many years, helping and inspiring people with her skills and her very being (as she had helped me, before and during the early days of sannyas, in London) She was therefore not just some “ma who had died”, some anonymous woman, she was someone greatly missed by the community.

            So for Rajneesh to come and put her down, to insult her shortly after she’d prematurely died, to use her death in order to get at his enemies was utterly crass, profoundly wretched, unworthy of a self-proclaimed ‘God man’ – in my (and many others’) view. The more so as he clearly appeared to be enjoying himself up there on the stage.

            You appear to disagree. If so, then you too are being as much of a wretchedly insensitive little shit as Swami R on that occasion.

            Do you understand now?

            • frank says:

              SD says>
              “that’s why people call him brian here(do you get the joke?)”

              no,i don`t. that one has completely escaped me.
              could you explain please?

              the old irreversible braincell damage seems to be playing up this morning….must be all those years of wacky-baccy and all that slow wa*king meditation…

            • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

              yes i understand satyadeva
              you loved a therapriest – and couldnt listen to the truth about her

              • satyadeva says:

                Dhyan Raj, if you can’t see that Swami Rajneesh’s comments were thoroughly inappropiate at that time, thoroughly insensitive, thoroughly unappreciative of, totally negative about a woman who played a major, inspiring role in Osho’s community, during and after his life, then you too are both foolish and as much a ‘little shit’ as Rajneesh in that instance.

                I don’t care if he had a profound spiritual point to make, I don’t care if he was using her death to attack therapists, please get that much into your thick, cultish skull. He behaved as a first-degree arsehole, which simply overcame any better judgment he might possibly have had access to. And he clearly enjoyed it all – just as a first-degree arsehole would, of course.

            • swami atmo says:

              “where she worked extremely successfully for many years, helping and inspiring people with her skills and her very being ”

              I dare to ask just one question: Speaking continiously against swami rajneesh was a part of helping and inspiring people?

              • satyadeva says:

                As she was in the habit of being honest, yes, it was.

                Can you understand that she must have felt misunderstood and totally unvalued, held in contempt by Swami R’s pronouncements on therapy and therapists? (Not to mention the ‘clone’ element…). Little wonder she had a go at him.

                As a top practitioner and faithful disciple of Osho since her mid-20′s , ie for around 40 years, she, among others, deserved better treatment.

                You really need to get off your standpoint and understand there are more sides to this issue than you care to accept. But you appear to be in the grip of a ‘cultish’ mentality, where your teacher can say or do no wrong. That’s why you come across as young, a ‘beginner’, full of illusions and delusions about ‘spiritual explosions’, ‘samadhi’ through dancing, ‘next life enlightenment’ and so on. You may well need to believe all this, but it doesn’t mean it’s the truth, it could well be just a convenience.

                I wonder why you don’t want to reveal your actual age….

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  are you an old man satyadeva who imagines age as being the criteria for wisdom?

                • satyadeva says:

                  Your question seems to indicate you’re as young, naive and inexperienced as you sound. But I know you’re much older than that. And quite tricky as you attempt to deflect the question.

                  I’m 65 – and “forever young”.

                  How about you?

                • swami atmo says:

                  “As she was in the habit of being honest, yes, it was.

                  Can you understand that she must have felt misunderstood and totally unvalued, held in contempt by Swami R’s pronouncements on therapy and therapists?”

                  Please tell Me what happened with her habit to be honest when osho said in the end of 90s “All the sannyasins all over the world have to be informes: be aware of therapists. In my presence i allowed them to do anything because there are was no problem, if something had gone wrong i would have taken care. But now if something goes wrong and it bound to go wrong because they themselves are wrong – then who is going to take care?”

                  and what happened with her habit to be honest when osho said : “In the commune I had hundreds of different therapeutic schools working, but I was working to destroy every therapy. The therapists were working to destroy your problems, and I was trying to destroy therapies and the therapists!—because a therapy can be only a temporary relief, and the therapist can be only a very superficial help.”

                  did she started honestly contradict osho? did she honestly blamed him? or she cowardly waited for a moment when master will leave his body to start earning money withot any control?

                  “As a top practitioner and faithful disciple of Osho since her mid-20′s , ie for around 40 years, she, among others, deserved better treatment.”

                  according quotes above it doesnt look like osho also thoght that she deserved better treatment. He was utterly tough to his therapists declaring that they helped him in his work but totally missed a point themselves.

                • satyadeva says:

                  Atmo, your comments indicate that you have no personal knowledge of Ma Yoga Sudha, no personal experience whatsoever – you did not know her at all.

                  So I have to inform you that as well as being a highly skilled therapist and outstandingly ‘alive’ human being, she was also extremely intelligent and, right from the start of her sannyas recognised that. compared to Osho, she had been “wading in the shallows” during her years of involvement in therapeutic communities and as a self-employed practitioner.

                  She would be one of the last people to accuse of overwhelming self-importance, she was totally dedicated to helping Osho’s work and, I assure you, ‘knew her place’ in the larger scheme of things.

                  No, her criticism of Swami R would have almost certainly arisen from her distaste for his clone-like ‘copycatting’, together with his declared opposition to therapists in general. And, as I’ve said, she would have felt personally gravely misunderstood, unappreciated, under-valued by his blanket condemnation of Osho therapists, tarring them all with the same brush.(Just as he and you seem to feel in the face of the opposition you’ve been receiving, here and elsewhere).

                  Talking of Osho therapists, how about Teertha and Somendra, both of whom became spiritual teachers in their own right? Are you and Swami R trying to tell us that these gentlemen were and are also inauthentic, a drain on the integrity of the sannyas movement? I’m far from a 100% ‘fan’of either, but I wouldn’t necessarily dispute their ‘spiritual realisation credentials’.

                  The point I’m making is that Swami R (and you and others, who simply agree with everything he says, it seems) need to bother to use some discrimination when addressing such an issue, rather than condemning outright all so-called Osho practitioners. But such careful discrimination might just be rather too demanding in the world of ‘spiritual politics’, I guess…

                  Finally, the idea of not charging for therapies etc. sounds all very fine, but the reality is that people tend not to value what they don’t pay for.
                  And another salient point is the very simple one that everyone needs to make a living – including therapists. So why the hell shouldn’t they be adequately paid?
                  Do you seriously expect top practitioners – who are the only ones worth having – to always work for free, just because they’re dealing with sannyasins and fellow-travellers? Get real, get practical, for Christ’s sake!

                • swami atmo says:

                  sorry of course osho talked in the end of 80s

                • swami atmo says:

                  “No, her criticism of Swami R would have almost certainly arisen from her distaste for his clone-like ‘copycatting’, together with his declared opposition to therapists in general.”

                  So much words but you didnt answer my question. If Sudha against Rajneesh because he talks about therapiests so i gave you osho’s word where he also speaks against therapiests.

                  Now you found another reason why Sudha was against Rajneesh – because his clone-like copycatting. But why osho didnt utter a single word against rajneesh’s “clone-like copycatting” but dozens of times spoke against therapiests.

                  Very simple question. And i expect simple answer. Thanks.

                • satyadeva says:

                  See my response to Dhyan Raj earlier tonight, around 10.30pm.

                  Basically, it’s a question of discrimination, of using intelligence and viewing people as individuals rather than as part of some collective identity like ‘therapists’. I am specifically defending Ma Yoga Sudha here as I know who she was and how she operated.

                  In other words, from my own experience, Osho’s criticisms of therapists didn’t apply to her.

                  This sort of thing might not be convenient for the mind that’s taken over by what one might well term ‘religious zeal’, wanting absolute certainty at all times, especially when it comes to the Master’s own pronouncements, but that’s how it is. Life is rarely as cut-and-dried as the mind veering to a sort of fanaticism, even a type of fundamentalism, would wish it to be. Is it?

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  teertha betrayed osho badly in the mid eighties – when osho was being refused entry to countries around the world he asked to come and stay at teethas place in italy – this was inconvenient for teertha and he refused
                  i saw teertha at around this time at a big event in london – all sannyasins were feeling pretty lost at the time with the loss of medina commune and the ranch and with osho who knows where – this was teerthas opportunity – hundreds of sannyasins came to see him as a representative of osho and paid their money to do so – teertha the whole evening mentioned osho not once – blanked him completely – as if to say – now i am the master -
                  subsequently he got the rolls royce he always wanted and went around pretending to be osho – getting his money from trusting sannyasins – he never came back to osho dropped his name and became an ex sannyasin like lokesh

                  i remember somendra the hypnotist also left osho and started his own school with himself as a master – a friend of mine went there to join him and paid big for his training –
                  i remember osho saying of somendra ” the blind leading the blind – he will lead them into the ditch”

                  these therapriests you think so highly of are just exploiters satyadeva – i personally met both teertha and somendra and let me tell you they are nothing to compare with living masters osho and rajneesh

                • satyadeva says:

                  Dhyan Raj, you seem not to to have noticed that I said that I’m not a “100% fan” of either Teertha or Somendra. But both have had their ‘realisations’, of that I’m in no doubt whatsoever, although to what level I wouldn’t know, would I?

                  And do you really think I’m placing them on Osho’s level?! Convemient for your standpoint, of course, but a false and baseless assumption.

                  As for Swami Rajneesh v the likes of Teertha and Somendra, well, let’s bear in mind that the latter two know the western mentality inside out, whereas Rajneesh is very much an Indian, conditioned in Indian ways and also apparently having had rather little (if any) significant experience in the world beyond the confines of ashrams and communities of ‘spiritual seekers’. Generally, Indians can’t easily understand the sort of therapies originating in the West, from beyond their own culture, they have little or no use for them, so it’s no wonder he is quick to denounce their practitioners.

                  Osho criticising them is one thing, Rajneesh doing similarly is another. For Osho, after all, is Swami R’s Master, isn’t he, so Swami R is simply copying again rather than coming out with something brand new, from his own authority. It suits him, of course, as a man whose conditioning has tended to make him basically unsympathetic towards these western methods, in which he’s no expert at all. That’s why I’m sceptical of his standpoint, I don’t exactly trust where he’s coming from.

                  I repeat, more discrimination is required, rather than making blanket condemnations of all and sundry. Osho clearly wanted to make sure therapists ‘knew their place’, but as far as Ma Yoga Sudha is concerned, I doubt whether that was ever an issue.

                  And as I’ve said, the concept of free therapeutic etc. treatments and groups is all very well, but to me it belongs these days to a sort of idealised romantic vision, to a sort of ‘spiritual fairyland’. Still, if Swami R can manage it, then credit to him – as long as standards are acceptably high, as long as he can attract top quality practitioners – and enough of them – which would be a major doubt, for me anyway.

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  satyadeva – you say “As for Swami Rajneesh v the likes of Teertha and Somendra, well, let’s bear in mind that the latter two know the western mentality inside out, whereas Rajneesh is very much an Indian, conditioned in Indian ways and also apparently having had rather little (if any) significant experience in the world beyond the confines of ashrams and communities of ‘spiritual seekers’

                  better you inform yourself of rajneesh’s life – its laid out in his book tears of the mystic rose

                  rajneesh’s first language is english and he was educated at an english school
                  - he has extensively travelled the world and lived in england, in america and in hong kong
                  the only ashram he has spent a significant amount of time is is our very own poona ashram

                • satyadeva says:

                  Ok, DR, how long has he spent in England, America and Hong Kong, please? And when?

                  And what sort of life has he led in these places? Any 9-to-5 jobs, for example?

                • satyadeva says:

                  “Ok, DR, how long has he spent in England, America and Hong Kong, please? And when?

                  And what sort of life has he led in these places? Any 9-to-5 jobs, for example?”

                  Any chance of an accurate response, please, Dhyan Raj?

                • swami atmo says:

                  “In other words, from my own experience, Osho’s criticisms of therapists didn’t apply to her.”

                  I didnt say a single word about how good or bad was Ma Sudha. My question is a question of simple logic.

                  Osho’s criticism of therapists didnt apply to her personally, rajneesh’s criticism of therapists(when she was still alive) didnt apply to her personally… Then why she didnt spoke against osho but spoke against rajneesh?

                  But ok, thank you for conversation.

                • satyadeva says:

                  How about trying to work that one out yourself, Atmo?

                  Let me know when you have a clue, ok?

        • prem martyn says:

          Hey , Satyadevs,
          Wasss a hapenin bro? Longa time no-a speaka.
          Aya, rememba da good a times? But what’s all de probsi here… I see yo a gettin all da negativo energetico comin a too ya, ..wass a dissa ranjoosh. you speak abouta ? Last time I know you talk about womans with big choo choos…you like her a so mucha you sayyu ‘amma put ‘a’ after yoo big ladyboy….. Ees funny no ?
          Maybe yoo right… methink Parmarth do same he big ladyboy too. Maybe if I like Osh too much I also put in my name but then it sound Irish.. P.O’Martyn….maybe irish guru not so good a ?…
          Ey, if you have a da probs, just call a me and wee fix all yoo like with dis rajnoosh, give him ol italian osho joke treatmenta… you rememba.. joke about italian man visitin america, telephone his wife to tell he visit river and spell it for her cos she hear bad on phone….
          ‘first em I in da asS, then in da asS again then.. I have asS one more time, then i like-a Pee, Pee come twice.. then finish with one in the I..

          Hey Satyadevs, rememba if you gets the trubs with these Ranjeesh boys , you call a quick, me come fast to help yoo .. so no rubbishh with ranjeesh ….capissh, eh ?

          Lots a lovea
          Premtin Quarantino

          • prem martyn says:

            hey just big pps.. for anyone who no likea too much I in da joke,….
            no worry .. yu is da joke…
            okdokey… me go now …ladyboy appointment…

        • swami atmo says:

          It is natural…You are doing exactly what osho said – find a thousands faults

  10. shantam prem says:

    “Know thyself”, told the wise man to his disciples.
    “And then?”, enquired a disciple.
    “Then help other people to know thyself”, answered the master.

    Few are really doing it.

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam declares, ‘Few are really doing it.’ How on earth would he know that? Just because people don’t make a big noise about themselves it does not mean that they do not know themself. In fact, a wise man told me that normally enlightened people lead quiet lives and go about their business with the minimum of fuss. Something dear Shantam has obviously missed. If Arun and Rajneesh are enlightened I’m Fu-Man-Choo and I don’t even have a long drooping moustache.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        oh lokesh – you are fu man chu ? and you cut your moustache?

        i see according to you osho had the wrong idea – rather than speak and work to transform people he should have never come out of hs room and made a fuss – as you say that is proof osho was not an enlightened man

        if he had led a quiet life as enlightened people should do you say then this forum would have never existed and we would not have had to put up with your uninformed punditry –

        ha ha ha ha – you couldnt even be bothered to see what rajneesh had to say in his video – who needs to be informed – its easier to be misinformed when you wish to condemn others isnt it ?

  11. shantam prem says:

    Satyam Dhyanraj and Mini Kang in one photo.
    It is always good to know, how people look before one drafts the answer.

    • Parmartha says:

      The gentleman in the photo says it is Sw Atmo, not Dhyanraj?
      I see I made a mistake in thinking that Mini Kang was a man… apologies.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha – its me parmartha – grown older of course – it was part of atmos photo album

      • prem martyn says:

        Parmartha I always thought that you were a decent spiritual umpire, but … you’ll let anyone with a beard play as long as they bear an uncanny resemblance to your indomitable guru seen here..
        (new balls please )

        • prem martyn says:

          P.S–That’s obviously meant to read W.G DisGrace.

          ( I must be gettin old , as I just missed that one ..)

          • Parmartha says:

            Rest in non judgement, Prem Martyn. Even those who did you wrong. Of the latter I realise there were a number in the past, but you’re over that now I would think, and is it not time to journey on without the burden of those from the past who hurt you ?

            • prem martyn says:

              Is that a cricketer’s googlie ?
              I just pass the time here, and as for journeying on.. i can’t get much further than the Alps and still get an internet signal to bother everyone with. Comedy is not about singing praises, its about having a target.
              Less of the therapeee and interpreted intermediated religious purpose and more of the raw life as she is. I’m having more fun these days than ever when I thought I had to wear my heart on my sleeve a la sannyas.
              And that way I hope you may rest abroad.
              I certainly do.

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                i see from your comment that you are just passing time here martyn – and your aim is simply to be comic and clever and bother others
                this is a forum for sannyasins and parmartha has raised a serious topic for discussion – a topic you dont discuss – no wonder there are so few commentators here – seeing the drivel that passes for sannyasin discussion most just run off – that why bother talking to these people

                by commenting here you are a representative of osho’s sannyasins – now people think that osho sannyasins are only clevermemind and have no sincere interest in the search for truth at all

                • Lokesh says:

                  This comment is perfect in the sense that it shows so well how up himself poor Dhyanraj is. This from a man who talks as if he knows something about human growth potential. Shrunken heads more like.
                  ‘Parmartha has raised a serious topic for discussion’ I think what is serious is his attitude and that is about the extent of it. I don’t see him as someone who is open to any form of coherant discussion. All he is doing around here is using this forum to broadcast a corny mind-set and bathe in self justification. Come the day he wakes up to how stuck in his head he is thunder will roll in the heavens and Gabrial will blow his horn. It won’t come a day too soon.

  12. shantam prem says:

    Forget about enlightenment kind of stuff Lokesh. First try to grasp the distinction between satires and statements!
    “Uncle, do you have Truth ointment. I have read at facebook, it is very effective?”
    Pharmacist brings one tube from his cool room.
    The young customer; before he asks the price enquires, ” Does this have some side effects too?”

  13. shantam prem says:

    Dhyanraj and his Rajneesh; where is the press, where are the Tv and print journalists?
    Why there are no football stadiums full with people to get the free for all; Osho meditation and “you touch me here and I touch you there” kind of expansive therapies not even at the price of one pound fish!

    few things really repulse, even if they are good!

  14. prem martyn says:

    I am currently receiving freephone advice from the NHS new 111 service for emergency traumas.
    So I phoned them up and I said ..Look it’s like this,
    I once knew someone who may have hurt my feelings, and I’d like a second opinion about journeying on ..and the funny thing was, that a male voice replied to me, and I thought I could distinctly hear the muffled sound of a crowd in the background shouting ‘owzat’..which made me ask again if this was indeed the 111 new emergency helpline..there was this pause, and then the voice replied ..’Of course yes’, and, ‘had I thought of getting Over things’ . Well of course I had , but I told him I was feeling quite Stumped at the moment because all the memories seemed to be hitting me Square on….
    At that point there was some clapping , and a distinct sound of the pouring of tea ….
    ‘Hello’ I said, look, I don’t want to sound desperate, I said , but if I could get Over it , I would have but these Wicked feelings just won’t go away. The helpful male voice replied that he completely understood that this was indeed an emergency but that he wasn’t placing any bets on the result of me scoring well enough for the advice I needed. But then he asked if I could Stand it any longer ? Or was that a long shot in the current run of things ?
    It was then that I realised how foolish I had been, and decided to give my old feelings the Slip. There was no point playing silly or muddling on. It was time to find the room for changing, in myself, and open up a whole new field of opportunities.
    ‘Why, thank you so much , for your kind and sageful advice I said, to which he replied that it was nothing, not to mention it, that he was happy to be providing a public service, without the usual Flannel or flimsy advice for someone like me, who just happened to have been on the losing side for far too long, in the last century.

    I guess with my name though these things can hurt Deeply, however well Covered.

    All the best,

    Jock S. Trapp (Swami)

  15. Lokesh says:

    Well, if things get a bit boring around here all that’s needed is to stir the Mr Rajneesh pot and things liven up. I honestly don’t know that much about him but his followers certainly seem to be a mixed bag, ranging from what sounds like sincere seekers to raving fantatics like Dhyanraj.
    Sannyas began to be hijacked by loonies on the ranch and it seems, to a certain extent, to be continuing in that vein in some sectors of the global sannyasin community.
    Today I see sannyas for what it was…a device. I suspect that device is fasr becoming obsolete as the old boy is not around to keep a cosmic eye on things like he once did. Even while alive I think there was a point where Osho tired of his creation and lost interest for a while and hence things went pretty haywire for a time. His interest returned and he picked up the pieces in Poona Two. Now he is gone the hijackers have returned in force, marching under banners like ‘doing Osho’s work’ ‘maintaining his heritage’ etc. What a circus!
    If there is a problem within the sannyas movement today it is this. The people who got the essence of what Osho was about are religious. The ones who missed want to build a religion based around an image of Osho.(impossible to do when he was alive but now the cats away the mice are running riot) Those two camps will never see eye to eye. When I see Mr Rajneesh getting all excited about how many ashrams he wants to build I immediately know that he is doing his own work and not Osho’s. Who needs another ashram when you already live in the greatest temple ever created? Rajneesh looks to me like an ambitious man with ambitious plans. I seem to recall Osho telling me that ambition was the way of the ego. So how does that tie in with Rajneesh doing Osho’s work?

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      ah lokesh – did you finally watch the video then and inform yourself?
      i dont see any religion being created around rajneesh – yes – religiousness not religion –
      rajneesh wants to create ashrams to share osho – why do you think this is ego ? – just because you dont want to share osho it doesnt mean that no one else should –
      your own love affair with osho ended 32 years ago – the device as you call it of sannyas certainly will be obsolete and die if left in your hands – but rajneesh is not you is he? – he has a connection with osho today not a fading memory of 32 years ago and will do his masters work

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        and lokesh you say “Who needs another ashram when you already live in the greatest temple ever created?”

        rajneesh needs no ashram – but sannyasins do need ashrams – where the meditative energy of all there can create the buddhafield of energy which carries all present up and is invaluable for transformation

        you experienced the buddha field energy when you were young in osho’s ashram – we wish to create again such spaces which are so helpful for the people who participate to grow

        • Lokesh says:

          Dhyanraj says, ‘we wish to create again such spaces which are so helpful for the people who participate to grow.’
          Be my guest. Thing is, Dhyanraj, you are not delivering a very good image of someone who is growing. You come across as very narrow-minded, serious and generally uptight and outtasight. You are not even talking the talk let alone walking the walk, be it a silly walk or otherwise. Your idea of growth is superficial, scratch the surface and you explode and fire of another volley of banal self-justification. As if to say you have it all worked out when you have hardly begun the process. No need for anyone round here to give you directions, because you are obviously lost, sooner or later life will get around to you and show you the way.
          I’m always amazed how the ego gives the feeling of importance and disappropriate size in relation to the universe. We do better to see that we are in reality very small, and so very vulnerable in the face of it all. There is a beauty to that also and with it comes humility, a quality that I see totally lacking in everything you write. Ah well, we all know what happened to Humpty Dumpty.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            lokesh – you are correct in saying “we are in reality very small, and so very vulnerable in the face of it all. There is a beauty to that also and with it comes humility”

            what happened to humpty dumpty happened to me a long time ago – it holds no fears for me now

            look at your false charges of ego in relation to your own comments here please

            • frank says:

              its the Clone Ranger again.

              but seriously, he`s at a very high level of consciousness.
              word is,that his Clone Chakra has been fully activated.

              brian , DR, atmo and mini…
              the Rolling Clones…

            • Lokesh says:

              ‘false charges of ego’ I’d look for them if I knew what they were…if I was really bored, which I’m not. Sounds like 70s speak for beginners part one.

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                “I’m always amazed how the ego gives the feeling of importance and disappropriate size in relation to the universe.”

                the “70′s speak for beginners part one” is taken from you lokesh

                • Lokesh says:

                  Yeah, yeah, but what about those ‘false charges of ego’ I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find them. Could you give me a clue? Oh…sorry..I forgot that you don’t have one.

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  ” As if to say you have it all worked out when you have hardly begun the process. No need for anyone round here to give you directions, because you are obviously lost, sooner or later life will get around to you and show you the way.
                  I’m always amazed how the ego gives the feeling of importance and disappropriate size in relation to the universe.”

                  you are talking about me lokesh – this is the false charge of ego

                  i know full well how insignficant i am in relation to the universe – the direct experience of this almost led to my death – a speck like me being thrown out into the hugenesss of space without any preparation – its scary i can tell you – the fear put me directly back into the body

    • mini kang says:

      Rajneesh vision of of many small Osho communes around the world that offer Osho Free. If that is ambition then you are blind, as we see it as his love and dedication to sharing Osho and not Selling Osho.
      Poona Resort has just become one business making machine with no other aim but to suck blood and live like parasites.
      Swami Rajneesh feels that offering Osho Free is the new way now and these free communes will receive donations that they deserve.
      He says first share with open heart and then see the miracle of love.
      This act of sharing without any demand creates the right climate for the inner experience to flower. We also see his view as what is needed now in this new age, as all therapists and group leaders are only using Osho message for their own business and charging thousands from newcomers who are turned off by this business business business vibe.

  16. mini kang says:

    I found some interesting messages of Swami Rajneesh from Save Osho Samadhi Facebook page about his views on free Osho Therapies and Groups as being the new way : First read then comment with some reason that makes sense instead of just the same boring repetitive attacks against him :

    instead of saying people will not value meditations offered free – i would look at stating that we should first value the seeker !!! and trust that his heart will feel love and gratitude and offer whatever is his means – love or donation or even physical participation and spreading this message – everyone is priceless – and just mere money does not prove that they value the meditation !!! that is sheer humbug !!!
    OSHO therapists who teach and speak about trust – first should also learn to trust the love and gratitude of seekers – let OSHO therapists earn out of their donations offered – that would prove that they are truly offering a priceless treasure !!!
    speaking about abundance and then asking for 4000 US$ from seekers for mystic rose experience !!! pure humbug and sheer hypocrites !!! abundance flowers from the heart of one who has experienced the blessing of love and of our beloved master OSHO
    offer OSHO therapies out of your heart and share from the inner source of compassion and see the miracle !! money cannot be the real reason for OSHO offerings – that is sheer exploitation and greed and ugly domination – reducing the seeker into a commodity for exploitation
    the deepest experiments and core meditations are kundalini dynamic nadabhrama and all such meditations which are free – so people do not value them ?? mystic rose was free in commune – now why 4000 US$ ?? those comments were in the 80′s and the world has moved far ahead into a new age – and offering free will spread the message and thousands donate out of their experience and gratitude –
    mystic rose is a delicate and deep experiment – how many young 18 – 20 – 25 have 4000 US$ for this experience ?? that too plus air tickets travel food and stay in poona costs a total of at least 6000 US$ for 21 days !!! is that the way to steal money from young OSHO lovers ?? and then what do they do with that money ?? use for personal swiss bank accounts ??
    my dream is to make OSHO available for all FREE and spread the fire of his love FREE for all those who are thirsty !! the time has come – the new millennium of the new age for the new man and new woman – to offer our beloved masters vision – spread the fire before it is too late !!
    i am just a dissolved devotee – this sacred temple is the dream of our beloved master OSHO for millions of sannyasins – his vast vision and pure compassion offers a humanity a new horizon – just to absorb and imbibe OSHO is enough !! all sannyasins need is freedom of expression of their love and gratitude without fear or banning – to create festivals of dance creativity and celebration of our master OSHO – to spread OSHO message freely without any trademarks or copyrights – and all will come together naturally gracefully – simply open the temple – the fire is there – let it burn and ignite every human heart that is seeking OSHO

  17. Anand Newman says:

    Lokesh, Well said. Jesus is gone and now his apostles are on the job to create a religion around him. But the contrast is Osho is not crucified so there is neither a wave of sympathy nor there are feudal lords who can convert their whole kingdoms into Osho-ism. Over and above these apostles fight among themselves. No wonder, In the last two decades, they couldn’t even make a dent of converting or even influencing people to Osho. Its still the old boy (as you say) who influences people either thru his audio video talks available on the free/paid electronic media or his books.

    At least, if these so called enlightened copy cats like Rajaneesh can create an ashram or two, new people can go and try and taste some active meditation techniques created by osho (or created by few genuine people after his death). I surely wish him success in that effort for sure.

    Osho is not just for the enlightenment and the seekers , he seems to have equally loved non-seekers as well. He is all for making this very earth a heaven. I would be surprised to know if all the apostles put together ever did anything towards social cause.

    Gone, gone are those times of living with living master.. he knows that priests will come and take over when he is gone. He has that’s why opened a new door to the new man to be his own master with no middle man in between.

    • Lokesh says:

      Yes, Newman, I pretty much agree with what you say. My wife was just saying last night that if there was a new bright star on the satsang scene she would probaly go visit him/her for a bit of refreshment. Currently there are not so many of those types of illuminated people around, although there are quite a few, what I would describe as, enlightened folks around…in the hood even. I’m sure that Rajneesh does good work in regards introducing people to Osho’s meditations etc. For me he simply appears as unattractive.
      As for turning this world into heaven, I see that as a very subjective thing. Heaven is already here if you have the eyes to see it. People’s ideas about what represents heaven are as diverse as the wild flowers in a field on Ibiza in springtime.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      anand newman – “Gone, gone are those times of living with living master”
      you are mistaken anand – those times are coming again with rajneesh
      whether you wish to participate or not is your business – to be around a living master is immensely helpful for seekers of themselves, of truth
      it is too difficult to go alone with every possibility of going astray – and much easier to ride the wave of the buddhafield which has to be recreated now – its an energetic wave which pulls you higher – to the level of the master – if you are receptive and allow

  18. shantam prem says:

    I seem to recall Osho telling me that ambition was the way of the ego…..
    Lokesh Ji

    And from that day onwards Ambition is eradicated like Malaria!
    Now when one looks in hindsight, Was Osho not an ambitious type?
    At least we are trying to be ruthlessly honest on this site, do Lokesh consider himself non ambitious?
    Is the tree with million branches is more ambitious than the small grass blade?

    One of the reason majority of the humanity avoids spiritual kind of people is their double standard way of life and contempt for the basic human traits.

    I think it is a fundamental right of those who want to play guru; only question should be, are they willing to pass through the stringent quality controls or they want to sell their Buddhahood like the boy in the movie slum dog Millionaire, filling tap water in the bottle of Bisleri!

    Just heard the announcement on the Indian Railway Platform, ” Please crush the water bottles after use to avoid the misuse.”

  19. Lokesh says:

    Shantam asks, ‘do Lokesh consider himself non ambitious?’ I would not go so far as to say I am non-ambitious, but what ambitions I have are fairly fundamental…to be financially independent, a reasonably good artist, a great DJ, a good vibes person etc. I certainly would not consider building ten ashrams like Brian…too lazy I guess.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      nobody is asking you to build ashrams lokesh – but you could kindly divert your energies from attempting to obstruct those who do – what business is it of yours, an ex sannyasin since 32 years who presumes to interfere into sannyasins lives by rubbishing them here in sannyas news ?

      • satyadeva says:

        And what do you think you and Swami R are up to then, Dhyan Raj?

        presuming “to interfere into sannyasins lives by rubbishing them here in sannyas news?”

        Plenty of that from you, Swami R and others, n’es-ce pas?

        Do your thing, but desist from borrowed preaching, please, it lacks that unmistakeable ring of authenticity.

      • Lokesh says:

        ‘an ex sannyasin since 32 years, an ex sannyasin since 32 years, an ex sannyasin since 32 years ad infinitum’ Either the record is stuck…time to drop the vinyl…or else the rolling clone thinks he’s on to something…He’s tellin’ me more and more about some useless information
        Supposed to fire my imagination
        I can’t get no, oh no, no, no
        Hey hey hey, that’s what I say …an ex sannyasin since 32 years…is that supposed to mean somehing? Must be a no-minder, a koan maybe?

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          lokesh is an ex sannyasin – 32 years ago he was a sannyasin – and today he posts on sannyas news – a forum for sannyasins – mostly in order to put down any sannyasin who comments here, to put down beautiful devotees of osho like swami arun and swami rajneesh, and to put down our master osho himself in so many ways.

          he is harming osho’s sannyas movement by doing this , simply in order to prove himself and his master papaji superior to osho

          • Lokesh says:

            Gee whizz! Dhyanraj’s perceptions are undoubtably coming from a state of absolute no-mind. To bravely go where no one’s been dumb enough to go before. Captain, the photon condenser tubes are full of Diet Coke and the engines’ll no take it. This ship wiznae built tae stand an attack from a chappati ray.

  20. shantam prem says:

    Tell your wife to invite me for illuminating the Satsang scene.
    You may laugh with this absurd idea, but I assure you, it will be a hit.

  21. Pingback: those recent Sannyasnews posts with all uncensored recent replies by me | Oshopirates

  22. Dhanyam says:

    Dear SN posters.
    All the postings about Osho News,, Osho World – and no mention of the Viha Connection? After publishing it for 27 years, I think we are doing a good job on reporting on the world of Osho, including Departures on Rajneesh.
    Love, Dhanyam

    • prem martyn says:

      Dear Viha Connection,
      You were on the party list but we had some last minute fracas with some ex’s being invited with their new partners.. you know how it is…

      Anyways who is this Osho chap, is he a follower of Rajneesh ? Where does it say that Osho received the sacred walk from Rajneesh in your magazine ? I’m sure he is a great guy and all but it seems to me that he hasn’t got my master’s Ozark Rajneesh’s talent for answering questions with insults. But still I wish you all the best. 27 years eh ? And you say this Osho chap knows about how to organise a legacy religion. Well maybe that might come in useful, one never knows .. There can never be too much consciousness if you ask me.

      Good luck and if you need some tips on endless arguments, give us a call.
      Our advice is free, and like all worthy new age religions, is utterly useless in any emergency or attempts at extended mutual truths. Please seek the advice of a registered practising seeker as required.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        i see you hold osho in contempt martyn “this osho chap” you call him
        how do you post here in sannyas news which is dedicated to osho and his sannyasins when your attitude is so disrespecful ? – take your poisonous clevermindme and go and jump in the lake !!

    • Lokesh says:

      Viha connection? Never heard of it. Sounds like some sort of online dating site for singles with a spiritual inclination.

  23. frank says:

    I feel sorry for the creators and consumers of osho news whose full extent of humour (the greatest spiritual quality,according to osho) is “jokes for the day”
    that`s like purporting to be an agent of sexual liberation but only knowing the missionary position!
    of course,we all know they secretly sneak over here to sn like naughty people with playboys hidden in their bibles to get a peek at some real action.

    there—caught you!!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      yes osho news is deadly dull frank – yet coming here to sannyas news and seeing all the dirty comments about sannyasins and about osho is better ? – you are simply trashing osho and his people and doing him a huge disservice by destroying his reputation to the world at large

      • Lokesh says:

        Doing damage to Osho’s reputation! That’s a good one. Now that Osho isn’t here to do it himself someone has to continue the old boy’s legacy.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          wow – what an admission lokesh – you are here to damage osho’s standing in the world –
          people are beginning to believe this is your true purpose in commenting here in sannyas news – are you working for MI5 or CIA ? certainly it seems you are doing their work for them

  24. shantam prem says:

    Be thankful, no one mentions Viha connection at sannyasnews.
    This is like, good for those British girls, who can avoid the streets dominated by the bearded dreadful guys!
    Sannyasnews has become quite ruthless.

  25. shantam prem says:

    “Wise clips and chic clips in one mobile” has written the obituary of the pharse, ” Playboys hidden in their bibles….”
    Real action is in high tech!

  26. anand says:

    i wish to try to clarify, from my own understanding, as a new generation sannyasin, some things people see or question in swami rajneesh… there are some things being said about him which sound like there’s a misunderstanding of the real message…

    why dancing?

    if you read “tears of the mystic rose”, you’ll find many answers when looking humbly and openly, i’m not saying you lack the least of those qualities, gentlemen…

    in this book, he moves our hearts with a few lines when he explains that after he got enlightened he started dancing… dancing is paramount in osho’s work, as letting go is… dynamic ends with dancing… and kundalini goes through dancing to letting go… it’s not only dancing, gentlemen, there’s also watching, dancing is the way to get you into a very receptive state… then you stop and watch… and absorb the energy… become silent… let go…

    he uses dance as other masters use koans or meditations… he dances… why would sannyasins go to him in search for a living master? because he’s dancing… and osho’s main vision was simple: my message is celebration… most sannyasins, i’m not saying all, would agree with the previous statement… we are celebrators…

    we are dancers, we enjoy life and wonder about its mystery… and why there are ones who are not dancing?… it was always an invitation to dance… to enjoy… we are not saying come to cocom to do therapies, come to break down the business of greedy therapists… no, we are saying come to cocom to dance with us… and if you “can’t” dance, you can do a therapy that you feel you need, for free… because we are not a business… we are not trying to build rajneeshpuram 2…we are neither freetherapy land… we are creating a space for sannyasins to celebrate life… and live, and be creative, and enjoy…
    so… why one could be “against” therapists?

    two m a i n reasons… first, they have become a type of “benevolent” priesthood to the thousands of new sannyasins who didn’t meet osho when he was in the body… remember, our master didn’t like priesthood… he was more into buddhas… this beautiful term, therapriest, coined by one of you gentlemen, is a perfect word to describe the “apostles” of osho, those “direct disciples” of osho…

    second reason, therapies without the meditative view, will become, in many cases, an addiction to emotional overflow…. causing the “groupie” syndrome… gentlemen, i assure you it does exist, and it’s causing spiritual havoc in the sannyasin community… everybody running around trying to get their latest group leader’s fix… and after the placebo runs out… nobody is happy… nobody dances… why?

    what swami rajneesh does is different from therapy… closer to love… he uses dancing, a joyful activity… he’s trying to convey an energetic message… no words, no mumbo jumbo about mommy being overprotective, he is delivering an energetic message through dancing and stillness in an orgasmic peak, it is an orgasmic moment when the dancing makes you disappear… gone inside bliss… adiós…

    swami rajneesh is not looking after power over the sannyasin world… but trying to open an invitation for sannyasins to join in the dance… and live in a creative new energy field, a new buddhafield… why? why did he choose to do this?

    he’s not attacking therapists, he’s metaphorically speaking, a “jesus with a whip in the temple’s market”… it’s compassion… even though you might not see it as this, gentlemen…

    i’ve known many osho therapriests… all kinds, really (some are genuinely sweet and sincere) … and i’ve always wondered why it was so “exclusive” to go through their therapy, if it’s just “creating the grounds for meditation”… yes, paying 300 euros for a two day workshop becomes rather exclusive… why it is only for some?… do these people need all that money?

    in my case, i couldn’t afford any group, but funnily, i always managed my way in, and ended up doing many many workshops… what can i say… i thought being a sannyasin was about doing therapy…

    …and many things changed, i will not deny the power of therapy to mess you up into further seeking some future happiness, yes, many things became “better”…but i could not stop trying to solve myself… fix my traumas, work on this, work on that, fix this conditioning, save money for that workshop, work with this therapist… continuously… and meditate, meditate, “meditate”, hahaha…

    the workshops are hypothetical little adventures… situations to know aspects of your ego in a controlled environment… you fight your demons, and you express your hidden emotions, and cry and scream and hit and scream again and again and again and again… there’s plenty of room in the mind to move around to imagine new issues coming up… and you do this until… nothing happens… no real transformation comes from the mind…

    therapies at best are working on the mind level… but they don’t deliver the energetic message of meditation… watching… and celebrating…

    i’ve met swami rajneesh and he has a beautiful childlike quality which is a clear sign to me that he’s relaxed and content… a buddha indeed…
    rajneesh is pointing out things which might be uncomfortable these days, as it was uncomfortable to see osho point his wise finger upon the faces of politics and religion, fierily exposing them… today big companies play politicians and therapists the priesthood… we are trying to go beyond this two by building a free commune which doesn’t have the corruption of the destructive profit driven corporations… or the politics of the self-indulging power hungry therapists…

    it’s a new vision… blessed by osho’s vision… a creative way of living… doing things from your heart, taking care of the other, enjoying and having fun, becoming simple and ordinary, living in the mystery of the buddhafield…
    gentlemen, i understand your fears, prejudices, and past experiences regarding swami rajneesh… but he has to do his part… follow his vision… for his love to our master… and the ones who agree with what he’s doing, well… will help him…

    the amount of energy spent trying to make his life difficult makes me realize that he’s really giving the chills to some fearful sannyasins… and if things get triggered in them so strongly, it means probably only one thing, meditation has not bear fruit in their lives…

    osho needed to have at least one fiery enlightened disciple… so he could clean after the mess of the black robe brotherhood… and open the way for new sannyasins to flower in his love…

    i’m with satyadeva when he says that every person has his or her own way… and swami rajneesh might not be in everyone’s path… but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong and he should be prevented from doing his work… osho’s vision getting spread and shared freely… my message is celebration… yes bhagwan, yes!… oh sorry, i got excited…

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      yes anand – thank you for your comment – what a welcome relief from all the drivel being posted by wise guys martyn frank and lokesh – who seem only to wish to big themselves up at the expense of osho and his people – calling them – well i dont want to repeat the words i have seen in the last week here on sannyas news about arun and rajneesh
      they are like me all old men – its good to hear from the new generation of sannyasins –
      i hope you dont allow their sick minded comments deter you from posting more as so many contributors to sannyas news have got tired of them and stopped commenting here in the past

      • frank says:

        hey DR.
        cool it with the neg stuff…
        you seem to be forgetting that swami rajneesh announced on the post heart attack video,that he had had the best laugh he`s had for a long while as a result of hearing my tattoo on the dick /won`t stand up in court joke.
        that`s free healing,you know…
        and if it hadn’t been for my contributions on sn where would he,and all the rest of you have got the right name to slag off the thera-priests with?
        a little bit of gratefulness from someone experiencing cosmic no-thingness(hahahaha) wouldn’t go amiss,amigo….

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          ive been going easy on you frank for the reasons you outlined – ha ha ha- yes you are very funny – “someone else`s way,the way of the white clones”…. ha ha ha ha – thats great !!

          • frank says:

            DR, watching that swami rajneesh video,
            I noticed he related my “wont stand up in court” joke to his own situation.
            that is,he made the claim that he is celibate.
            can I just point out that, as he has just had a heart attack,he clearly suffers from some type of coronary heart disease,so does he realise that erectile dysfunction is an extremely common symptom of heart disease?
            what he takes for celibacy may,in fact be a dysfunction.
            better get to a doctor for regular check-ups and get it sorted,i would say.
            brushing it off with spiritual explanations is never a good idea.

            are you familiar with the story/case study by neurologist oliver sacks “the last hippie”?
            about a guy who took too many drugs and suffered an unusual type of brain damage,but was taken as enlightened by a group of hare krishnas.
            if he had realised the problem instead of sticking with the spiritual explanation,he could have been cured.

            • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

              he has been celibate a long time frank – not just in the last two weeks since his heart attack – he has good doctors and i dont think he needs a diagnosis from you which is basically just another insultng put down isnt it ? –

              if you met him or bothered to read any of his books or see his spontaneous video talks it would be plain and clear to you that he s not “brain damaged” as you suggest –

              be as ignorant as you like frank – soon the gloves will come off if you want to carry on this disrespectful way

              • satyadeva says:

                And what exactly do you mean by “soon the gloves will come off”, eh, Dhyan Raj?

                Are you perhaps referring to the imminent announcement that Swami R will be providing a roomful of Dental Chairs in his new centres, to give devotees the opportunity to meditate like the Master?!

                You know, to preserve the ‘integrity of sannyas’, and all that….

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  do you think you are being funny satyadeva?

                  a roomfull of dental chairs – ha ha ha ha haha ha ha – for the devotees ha ha hahahaha ha ha
                  to preserve the integrity of sannyas – ha hahaha ha ha ha hah aha hhh

                  yes very funny satyadeva – i see you hold my master osho in as much contempt as some others here

                • satyadeva says:

                  To coin a phrase, mentioning dental chairs seems to have, er, ‘touched a nerve’ there, eh, Dhyan Raj?! (Never heard such false ‘laughter’ in all me days!).

                  Next, of course, you’re going to tell us nothing ever happened in the dentist’s chair, that it’s all one big fabrication…

                  Now, from where does your anger arise, I wonder…

                  Could it be because you can’t adequately cope with the issue? That it’s sort of inconvenient that even if Osho had got up to such things – they should certainly be well out of bounds in any self-respecting commune set up to preserve ‘the integrity of sannyas’?

                  Tricky one, or not?

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  satyadeva – it seems you like to be obsessed with dental chairs – as i recall osho dictated several beautiful books from the dental chair – under the influence of nitrous oxide – laughing gas
                  i dont have any problem with that – do you ?
                  yes the laughter was false satyadeva – i dont really find your joke funny at all – it is just an attempt to discredit osho and his people from someone who holds my master in contempt

                • satyadeva says:

                  You seem to completely miss the point, by misinterpreting what I wrote as an ‘attack’ on Osho, evidence that I “hold him in contempt”. I assure you that is most certainly not the case – but perhaps you prefer to believe what’s convenient for how you perceive things.

                  You seem to be one of those who can not bear to knowledge any so-called ‘fault’in the Master, any vestige of ‘human frailty’. You have such an investment in his ‘perfection’ that it blinds you to anything not quite so ‘whiter-than-white’. Such a common approach in ‘devotees’, yet one that obscures the whole picture.

                  Do you honestly believe that Osho used laughing gas/nitrous oxide purely for dictating books (apart from dental work)? That would appear to be contrary to the evidence.

                  But whether he used it for books and/or for ‘leisure purposes’, why should it not be made freely available in Swami R’s new communities? If you think there’s something terribly ‘wrong’ about this proposal, please explain precisely why. If you’re concerned about the gas being used by those who aren’t quite up to it, then why not allow it to be taken only by those qualifying under strict guidelines?

                  Why do you imagine Osho’s Dental Chair is permanently on display at the Poona ashram (apparently, at his request, by the way)?

                  Do you see where your refusal to face reality leaves you?

                • Lokesh says:

                  Careful, SD, they’ll be putting a fatwah on you if you keep up that sort of disrespect. The fundamentalists are now in the process of trying to hi-jack sannyas. Somehow they’ve got it into their warped minds that it is some sort of religion.

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  if you want to set up an ashram full of dental chairs satyadeva then please do – ha ha ha ha – what is the problem ?

                  you say ” You seem to be one of those who can not bear to knowledge any so-called ‘fault’in the Master, any vestige of ‘human frailty’. You have such an investment in his ‘perfection’ that it blinds you to anything not quite so ‘whiter-than-white’

                  i dont find any “fault” in osho here satyadeva – or “vestige of human frailty” or imagine osho to embody “perfection”

                  osho did as he wished – why should i presume to judge him as you do?

                • satyadeva says:

                  OK, so your Osho isn’t ‘perfect’, yet has neither ‘fault’ nor ‘human frailty’.

                  Ever thought of becoming a logic-twisting theologian, you seem to be made of the ‘right stuff’? Christian theology is crying out for folks like you, DR…

                  Given Swami R’s penchant for copying Osho, or, as you would say, ‘absorbing’ his mannerisms, gestures, way of speaking etc., would you be surprised at all if he were to take ‘time out’ in similar fashion, ie take the nitrous in a dental chair and/or even drive a Roller? It wouldn’t really be that much of a shock, surely? Or would it?

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  satyadeva – you seem to be sitting in judgement of osho regarding dental chair – that he should do so is for you fault, frailty, being less than perfect
                  who are you to judge our master – did he harm you or anyone else with his dental chair ? – he didnt did he ?

                  as far as swami rajneesh you think he should also sit in dental chairs and drive rollers – why you presume to tell him what he should do ?
                  he is a free individual as was osho and he will live life in his own way as he wishes – not according to your silly ideas

                  there is no dental chair in his home – and as far as rolls royces are concerned he has no interest – on the contrary i have heard him criticise osho several times about his collection of rolls royces – rajneesh is not interested in doing this – osho came from a very poor background – rajneesh grew up in a family of billionaires and finds the whole greed game repellant – he has seen it first hand from being a child and rejected his father and his fathers money to become a sannyasin of osho

                • satyadeva says:

                  Dhyan Raj:
                  who are you to judge our master – did he harm you or anyone else with his dental chair ? – he didnt did he ?

                  No, of course not, and I personally don’t give a damn if he took the gas for fun or not. But it’s quite conceivable he might have harmed his own health, physical and even mental – not to mention his reputation.

                  And why do you think he apparently insisted on his dental chair being put on display after his death? Strange, or what? But perhaps there’s a very good reason…Do you know what that might be?

                  It’s an easy way out to accuse someone of being ‘judgmental’ – commonly considered a major personal flaw in ‘spiritual circles’ – when you’re put on the spot, isn’t it?

                  But perhaps you’d prefer to sidestep such issues, as just, well, too ‘inconvenient’ for a devotee?

                  “there is no dental chair in his home” – For some reason I’m reminded of Bill Clinton’s declaration, “I did not have sex with that woman” – and I trust the rather comic aspects of this revelation are not lost on you, DR!

                  But anyway, thanks for revealing Swami R’s attitude towards the ‘chair’ and Rollers, which shows he’s not a complete ‘clone’ after all, which is what I was attempting to get clarified.

    • Lokesh says:

      That’s all very well Anand, but what about all these rumours circulating about devil-worship, zombies, bestiality, voodoo practices, feather sacrifices, hairbrush masterbation and genetic experiments in human cloning, and many other diabolical acts? These are serious issues and SN is the place to discuss such matters. The fact that you don’t mention any of these topics indicates to me that your sweet words are a cover-up for dirty deeds done dirt cheap, and an obvious damage control effort to tidy up the terrible PR job Dhyanraj has been doing on this site in Swami Rajneesh’s name. Dhyanraj is putting young sannyasins off of visiting the Swami by posting dreadful and aggresive comments on SN, and instead these poor young people are ending up in dead-end jobs, smoking marijuana, drinking cheap booze from the local supermarket and dreaming of a weekend on Ibiza, so that they can go clubbing and indulge in premarital sex. In my weary old eyes it is just one more catastrophe in a long list of many and all in the name of doing Osho’s work. Bring back the birch rod and national service! That should knock some sense into people’e thick heads. I have to stop now. I’m becoming emotional.

      • anand says:

        are you being serious lokesh? do you want me to defend swami rajneesh from rumors?

        you can keep trashing him, that’s your business, i’m just explaining my point of view as a supporter of rajneesh’s work… i’m not his PR, i’m not clearing after “dhyanraj’s PR job”, he’s expressing his opinion and you’re appointing him PR… anyway… these are only words and what will remain after rumors and stories will be a new beautiful ashram, and celebrating sannyasins, and the birth of a new man… right in front of your snobbish self-appointed voices of the sannyas world’ noses… haha…

        now… if you want to talk about solid evidence, i will be glad to discuss it openly with you and whoever wants to add his/her two cents… surprise me with the sordid rumors…

        there are thousands of new sannyasins… and the apostles are growing old and tired… soon there will be only us dancing… and you can be sure it’s going to be much easier without the old farts trying to play self-righteous osho defenders and critics… by the way, what the beloved man actually said was…

        “I want to remind you that whether I am here or not the celebration has to continue. If I am not here, then it has to be more intense and it has to spread around the world.

        Celebration is my religion.

        Love is my message.

        Silence is my truth”.


        now a joke for lokesh:
        Mulla Nasruddin: I lost my wife.

        Inspector: What is her height?
        Mulla: I never noticed.

        Inspector: Slim or healthy?
        Mulla: Not slim, can be healthy

        Inspector: Colour of the eyes?
        Mulla: Never noticed

        Inspector: Colour of hair?
        Mulla: Changes according to season.

        Inspector: What was she wearing?
        Mula: Saree/suit. I don’t remember exactly.

        Inspector: Was somebody with her???
        Mulla: Yes, my Labrador dog, Romeo, tied with a golden chain, height 30 inches, healthy, brown eyes, blackish brown hair, his left foot thumb nail is slightly broken, wearing a golden belt studded with blue balls, he likes non-veg. food, we eat together, we jog together…

        And the man started crying….

        Inspector: Let’s search for the dog first!!!

        keep on searching for the dog lokesh, your wife went with swami rajneesh…

      • atikarmo says:

        devil-worship, zombies, bestiality, voodoo practices, feather sacrifices, hairbrush masterbation ..and these are serieus issues for Lokesh..what on earth has this to do with Osho’s is totally the opposite!It says a lot about your twisted mind.And very good there are some young Sannyasins..we are the new Osho movement!The old is very much dead thats clear.

        And why dhyanraj is posting dreadfull and aggresive posts?There must be a very good reason for it!
        And about these young people you are again talking full of loke| living with all young people here who have a connection with Rajneesh and none of them are on drugs alchohol or anything.Just honest young people with a heart for our FREE ashram!

        Reflect on yourself Lokeshi..but as i understand you stop doing that and thats why you writing all these stupid things and for what?

        Good you are emotional..shows you still human!

        • satyadeva says:

          You appear to have a sense-of-humour deficit, atikarmo. Ie, you can’t recognise when someone’s er, ‘extracting the Michael’.

          Common enough in all those of a very serious fanatical bent, of course….

      • mini kang says:

        Oh Lokesh your investigations were very poor as you forgot Brain washing, Dry cleaning, Drug dealing, Human Trafficking and Money Laundering also was on the list !

  27. shantam prem says:

    Anand is back, the twin soul of Frank is back.
    Good cop is back on the job with the bad cop!

  28. Lokesh says:

    Big up to SN editors for once more introducing Swami Rajneesh on the forum. Really some great comments that made me laugh out loud, while others made me shake my head in disbelief. Great fun. Keep up the good work.

  29. frank says:

    the Clone Ranger has called in the Clone Cavalry!
    the replicants are multiplying exponentially.
    everywhere I look I see agent Brian Smith…

    my god,my Clone Chakra is opening…….
    this morning I got my old red lunghi out of the cupboard,did my hair up in a top-knot and started to recite spontaneously in a hinglish accent from the classic: “someone else`s way,the way of the white clones”….

    • Lokesh says:

      As Osho repeatedly said before leaving the body, ‘When I am gone Sannyasnews will continue my legacy and help bring my message to humanity,’

      • prem martyn says:

        I’m being moderated by forces beyond my cognitive capacity… please see my own site’s latest blog post reply for an hilarious spiritual few minutes worth of your life… or wait for a ping back here for when big P gets back in from doing the shop-Ping..

        • Lokesh says:

          Already checked the site, Martyn. I said one word in the comments box…brilliant! Had a great laugh. Didn’t post the comment because of the agreement to share Facebook contacts etc. Keep up the good work and drop a link on SN when inspired to write something humourous.
          Best laugh I had tonight was due to Atikarmo’s comment ‘devil-worship, zombies, bestiality, voodoo practices, feather sacrifices, hairbrush masterbation ..and these are serieus issues for Lokesh..what on earth has this to do with Osho’s is totally the opposite!’
          The answer is, of course, absolutely nothing at all. Then again I’m not very sure what Osho’s work is. From what I understood from various chats with Osho the concept of work was something alien to him. He was all for having a good laugh, though. These new kids on the block sure do take themselves mighty seriously. Sign o’ the times!

      • atikarmo says:

        hahahaha and you are serious now?To good to be true!

    • atikarmo says:

      Cavalry is already to small Franky!

  30. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    Mon May 6, 2013 2:08 am (PDT) . Posted by:
    “Subhuti” subhutiii
    PYTHAGORAS WAS THE FIRST MAN TO TRY THE IMPOSSIBLE, AND HE SUCCEEDED! In him, East and West became one. In him, yin and yang became one. In him, male and female became one. He was an ardhanarishwar — a total unity of the polar opposites. Shiva and Shakti together. INTELLECT OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER AND INTUITION OF THE DEEPEST CALIBER. Pythagoras is a peak, a sunlit peak, and a deep, dark valley too. It is a very rare combination.

    BUT HIS WHOLE LIFE’S EFFORT WAS DESTROYED BY THE STUPID PEOPLE, BY THE MEDIOCRE MASSES. These few verses are the only contribution left. These verses can be written on one postcard. This IS ALL that is left of that great man’s effort, endeavor. And this too is not written by his own hand; it seems all that he had written was destroyed.

    THE DAY PYTHAGORAS DIED, THOUSANDS OF HIS DISCIPLES WERE MASSACRED AND BURNT. Only one disciple escaped the school; his name was Lysis. And he escaped, not to save his life — he escaped just to save something of the Master’s teachings. These GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTHAGORAS were written by Lysis, the only disciple who survived.

    THE WHOLE SCHOOL WAS BURNT, AND THOUSANDS OF DISCIPLES WERE SIMPLY MURDERED AND BUTCHERED. And all that Pythagoras had accumulated on his journeys — great treasures, great scriptures from China, India, Tibet, Egypt, years and years of work — all was burnt.

    Lysis wrote these few verses. And, as it has been the ancient tradition that A REAL DISCIPLE KNOWS NO OTHER NAME THAN HIS MASTER’S, these verses are not called Lysis’ Verses — they are called The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. He has not written his name on them.

    This has been happening again and again. IT HAPPENED WITH VYASA IN INDIA, A GREAT MASTER. In his name there are so many scriptures that it is impossible that one man could write so many scriptures. It is humanly impossible. EVEN IF ONE THOUSAND PERSONS WROTE THEIR WHOLE LIVES CONTINUOUSLY, THEN TOO SO MANY SCRIPTURES COULD NOT BE WRITTEN. Then what happened? They are all authored by Vyasa — they are not all written by Vyasa but by his disciples.

    BUT THE REAL DISCIPLE KNOWS NO OTHER NAME THAN HIS MASTER’S. He has disappeared in the Master, so whatsoever he writes, he writes in the name of the Master. So many theories have been evolved by linguists, by scholars, by professors — they think there have been so many Vyasas, many people of the same name. That is all nonsense. There has been only one Vyasa. But down the centuries many people loved him so deeply that when they wrote something, they felt it was the Master writing through them — THEY SIGNED THE MASTER’S NAME BECAUSE THEY WERE ONLY VEHICLES, JUST INSTRUMENTS, MEDIUMS.

    The same happened in Egypt to Hermes: many scriptures, all written by the disciples. And the same happened with Orpheus in Greece, and the same with Lao Tzu in China and Confucius in China.

    THE DISCIPLE LOSES HIS IDENTITY; HE BECOMES UTTERLY ONE WITH THE MASTER. But something of immense value has been destroyed by the stupidity.

    Philosophia Perennis
    Vol 1, Ch #1: The Greatest Luxury
    am in Buddha Hall

  31. roxana says:

    Punji LocoLokesh, Marty the Farty, FuFuFrankie Poo the 3 wise men went marching to Sannyas News to share their wisdom of many years of their Sannyas with OSHO.

    The Wise mutterings of these 3 Otherwise !!

    Punji LokoLokesh:

    * Then it comes out that Osho is a one-minute-quickie man who likes the chicks lubed up so he does not have to bother with foreplay.

    *Osho was, on certain levels, a complete hypocrite, who rather than practicing what he preached did quite the opposite.

    *Most holy is, of course, great Osho. He big guru wallah for many sadhaks, especially businessman spiritual you-pay-I-tell potential gurujis from all over the world, who now come India learn the ropes…like magic rope trick. Osho learn gurujis basic moves..move slowly, do big snake hiss when do lecture, do namaste for houllo good buy. He show modern India guru style, big fuck off watch, bigger fuck off cars, pretty westerngirlfriend.

    *I don’t give a hoot about his ashes, his books, his discourses or the losers who are so deluded that they actually believe they are doing Osho’s work or somehow bringing his vision into the world.

    *Osho’s cronies fucked up big time during ranch times,so its completly daft to make out that he was some kind of martyr. He wasn’t. Crucified by Ronald Reagan’s America. Come of it. Osho was not that big a player on the world stage. He may have been delusional enough to believe that he was. Life goes on and its history now and of interest to very few people.

    *Wasn’t ending up drunk in the market place the last of Osho’s Zen bullshit stories?

    *Osho was not a very sentimental man, except when he went into gas-induced rants about his over-glorified golden childhood.

    *I disagree with a fair amout of what Osho said.

    *I rarely read Osho books, never watch any of his discourses, don’t practice any of his meditation techniques, but if someone asked me if I am a sannyasin I’d answer ‘yes’.

    *Osho was a very enlightened chappie, but anyone who still believes he was enlightened in the classic buddhistic sense must be living on another planet.

    *The old boy knew how to manipulate people and the greatest tool of all is sex. Politicians use it to the max for example.

    *I doubt Osho’s impact will still be current a century from now. He’ll take his place amongst the fossils of his time but that is about it.

    *Osho’s zen mistresses number was one of the biggest bits of bullshit the old boy ever pulled off.

    *Osho was such a great showman. He actually succeeded in convincing a bunch of radical seekers and misfits to belive he was a Buddha….for a while. Such a grande illusion. Was great to be part of it. Now the star has left the stage and the building…such is life.

    *Osho was in essence a peace-loving chap, who liked talking and having quick sex with his female disciples…and ehm, driving Rolls Royces and…er…had expensive taste when it came to watches.

    *How can anyone call Osho master of masters or the awakened one, taking into consideration all the daft stunts he pulled?

    *Osho was also a con man, who made some decisions that were so bad he made himself look like a buffoon.

    *I think Osho’s slogan that he was the master of masters is pure nonsense. I’m sure he was a master of something, but it’s anyone’s guess as to what.

    Marty The Farty :

    * He Arpana is still smarting from the fact that i (once memorably) dared call osho a cunt. Being that the cunt is dead, he must also be somewhat of a dead cunt lover.

    * time for a celebratory piece of meditative vegan cake in the shape of osho’s veggy cock .. no?

    * Osho is a dead wanker cos everybody goes on and on about him by way of psychotic festivals and the sannyas galaxy as if it makes you a better person.

    * well if they have tattoos and are naughty rebel pussy rioters with veggy integrity.. then well yes I love your Osho too…have you seen mine…? Shall I show you ?
    oh,and my Osho would even recommend sucking consensual adult genitals in hell….if it helped…..( he did, if you look at the evidence).

    * and if I’m anywhere near I will be the first to sabotage any form of coercion upon others that panders to collective dystopic myopia, by my own definition, as being ‘Osho’s vision’ simply because you or someone else or even Osho called it worthy or meditative.

    *I’m also reminded of the time when orders came from on high in Pune whilst I was doing the dance training, that Dynamic was a part of the group and not doing it was ‘not on’ according to the beard.

    * personally i am a fan osho because of his taste in hats.

    * England in the sixties and seventies was just a battle ground, and thank fuck Osho and primal and waving cocks around, and shagging naked in group rooms was there.

    * Anyways..Chetna You cleaned Osho’s toilets… !!!? You mean Osho had to dump as well as not being celibate ? Blimey………the question is, did Osh have paper or……water jets or did he use fingers like the rest of us ?

    * even we at Osho farm were shocked when the big O declared he’d still be having sex if it wasn’t for his bad back….

    * An investigation into Jingling Balls and Was Osho really Santa.

    FuFuFrankie Poo:

    * and what about osho himself?
    being attacked by black magicians who were trying to kill him but could never be found?
    is that your benchmark of sanity?

    * i do feel that its possible that osho was a genuine fake !

    * gurdjieff…and he had all the charm of a rutting gorilla ,but he still managed quite a hareem…
    oshos boast about `no one has loved more women etc”…thats gorilla-speak too.

    * in the present,i dont really see osho as a myth.
    i see him more as a dreaming.
    my view is that his last words were really.
    i leave you my dreaming…”

    * but,osho sitting on his bum telling fat, high caste indians and scrounging sadhu wasters to get off their fat/skinny asses a bit more,seems a tad passe,right now….

    * lots of sex for the girls and a bit of stalinism for the guys….
    sounds like osho`s vision to me..

    * Try
    Whiter than white Osho detergent.
    With extra added bio-danza -
    The unique three-in-one whitewash…
    Keeps your white robe sparkling clean…
    Gives a complete brain-wash…
    And launders your soul…
    All in the here and now!
    (terms and conditions apply)

    * osho may have endorsed psychotherapy,but he also endorsed sheela,remember. just because you`re a reading machine and read a lot of books doesnt protect you from being completely off the mark!

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha ha – i dont think so lokesh – dream on !!
        your attitude towards osho is as disgusting as it is toward rajneesh – and you call yourself a sannyasin !
        – what are you ?

        • Lokesh says:

          DR enquires, ‘what are you?’
          I suspect that is a trick question, but out of politeness I will provide an answer.
          Basically this is a question that the spiritual practitioner must direct at him/her self. It is of little use to ask others who or what they are. It is who you are that is important.

      • atikarmo says:

        well i sure can say you are not a fan of Osho!You still call yourself a Sannyasin?Come on fanatic lokesh what is your facebook so we can promote you even more as rolmodel sannyasin…pfff….haha!

        • Lokesh says:

          Atikarmo enquires, ‘You still call yourself a Sannyasin?’
          In general if someone asks me if I am a sannyasin I answer yes. I don’t make a big thing out of it. I go under a number of names and use whatever one is appropriate in the situations that I find myself in. Most of my old friends and my beloved wife call me Lokesh. I’ve kept that name because Osho gave me the name I always wanted. He was very good at that and gave the name to many of my friends that they wished to have. To this day I don’t know how he did that. I suppose it was a kind of magic or just plain old mind-reading.

      • anand says:

        i didn’t know you were such a narrow-minded chap lokesh… i take back my offering of discussing something with you, it seems you’re not on the level of real intelligent discussions… with those statements above you call yourself a sannyasin?… everything becomes clear now… another one using osho’s life to show off his cleverness…

        please, if you are some lonely sad and grumpy intelectuals, go write a book, join a facebook group, but please, for respect to your own selves gentlemen, stop gossiping around and criticizing your master… show some decency…

        • Lokesh says:

          Anand, in regards to others I’ve always found it best to speak what you believe to be the truth, although sometimes it is better not to be too honest. Often when you tell people the truth about themselves they either don’t believe it or they resent you for it. Occassionaly people ask me how I see them. Unless they ask me three times I do not tell them. Then again I don’t see anything wrong with telling a lie if it is deemed neccesssary…something I learned from Osho.
          You declare, ‘i didn’t know you were such a narrow-minded chap lokesh.’
          Anand, you are being presumptous. You know very little about me let alone if I am broad-minded or narrow-minded. This does not bother me as I am not concerned what people think about me. That is just a matter of opinion. Having said that, I am fully aware that I broadcast my opinions also. I do so taking into account, especially on SN, that many here know that opinions are two a penny and not something to be taken seriously. In regards my opinions they are open to change, which I believe is very much in tune with life. Change, afterall, is the only constant.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            i see lokesh – you are a truth teller who finds it better to tell lies – all your comments about osho you made are your truth telling eh – or is it lie telling ? and osho is himself responsible for your lies as he taught you to lie you say

            but its all alright “because opinions are two a penny and not something to be taken seriously ”

            its not alright for me seeing you rubbishng my master osho continually lokesh -
            you do work for MI5/CIA dont you ? – an undercover pretending to be sannyasin to day after day drip drip destroy our master osho until – lo and behold – “I doubt Osho’s impact will still be current a century from now. He’ll take his place amongst the fossils of his time but that is about it.”

            • Lokesh says:

              Dhayanraj, you ask, ‘all your comments about osho you made are your truth telling eh?’
              Pick a comment I made about Osho that you feel is untrue and I will explain.
              ‘destroy our master osho ‘ This is your imagination playing tricks on you. Osho is dead, in case you haven’t heard.

          • anand says:

            i’m being falsely presumptuous, i’m tickling you back into sense… lokesh, it’s very good that you are open to change, regarding your opinions… and i think this is a subject in which you can open your mind a bit more… find new more expanded opinions…

            • Lokesh says:

              Even the most expanded opinion will still remain an opinion and as I’ve already said opinions are two a penny. Perhaps you’d be so kind as to give an example of what yo believe an expanded opinion looks like. Lead by example etc.
              Atikarmo says, ‘..had some strange experiences”out of the body”probably totally unconsious.’ Yes probably.

  32. mini kang says:

    Looks like these articles about Swami Rajneesh have really touched the desperate nerves of the Poona Resort OIF Amrito team.

    1. They complained to Facebook that ” Free Osho Therapies ” was their trademark infringement – was removed with 1,800 members.
    2. They complained that ” Osho Cocom ” of Goa was their trademark infringement – was removed with 16,000 members
    3. They complained that ” Osho Sannyas page ” was their trademark infringement – was removed with 9,000 members
    4. They complained to YouTube that Swami Rajneesh, no music , just describing in his own words with russian translator about Dynamic meditation videos were infringing Osho Trademark – was removed with 145,000 views.
    5. They complained to YouTube that Swami Rajneesh, no music, just describing in his own words with russian translator about Kundalini meditation were infringing Osho Trademark – was removed with 75,000 views.

    These are signs of great desperation of OIF and continuous attacks, lies and propaganda against Swami Rajneesh.
    We all know that OIF lost the OSHO trademark case in USA. !!!

    Abuse and misuse of power everyday…they have no other work to do it seems.
    These are the new buddhas Osho spoke about ??
    They will spread Osho message ??

    Now i can see why Rajneesh calls them bloodsuckers and parasites – oh i forgot the red bottom Baboons of the Inner Circle !!!

    • mini kang says:

      Today the our Facebook page OZEN rajneesh free ebooks got trademark infringement notice from OIF – was removed with 1200 members !!
      All ebooks of swami rajneesh are the trademark of OIF from today !!
      They even claim OZEN rajneesh books !! His talks from his world tours…really desperate for new material.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        osho international foundation – stealing swami rajneesh’s books – unbelievable isnt it ? they must really be in fear of him to go to such lengths to shut him up ! – what is in those books they dont want sannyasins to see i wonder ?

  33. shantam prem says:

    Roxana has really done an editing work.
    She has collected nice one liners written collectively by Shri Mr. Snow White Ji!

  34. shantam prem says:

    There are people who think if they offer Free therapies and Osho meditations, football stadiums will become full with Mystic Rose participants….
    Now a days even beggars don´t take just because it is given free!

    • mini kang says:

      I am sure beggars cannot even pay 3000 US$ also ??
      It is question of gratitude and compassion to offer Osho Mystic Rose Free not a question of beggars or filling stadiums like football.
      Love is the reason ! Celebration and sharing Osho is the reason !!

      And i learnt that Mystic Rose was free in Buddhahall in the beginning.
      Why is Kundalini and Dynamic and all other meditations offered free ?? To fill stadiums and look for demanding beggars Shantam ??

  35. shantam prem says:

    Spring is in the air. People also look open and charming. Water was comfortable in the lake and few sun bathers were already there.
    In Germany, where public transport system is almost perfect, it is always refreshing to sit in the tram and observe people of all kinds. Naturally women below 30 have always the power to attract the eyes.
    Just a decade ago, I had always this feeling, ” My God! How nice it would be if these people become ripe yet so innocent. Europe needs someone or something which pulls them up for the next step of evolution”.
    Other than Osho, I don´t think someone has even cared about such things..

    The way Sannyasins during last 10 years have conducted themselves, now it feels like saying, ” Thanks is fine the way people are and how they are and how collective psychology of the west is.”

  36. meera says:

    so here we go…

    whole Oshos work is in the hands of western people
    who understood NOTHING
    of Osho ´s work
    just used bogus therapies
    to make clients..
    which made people addicted
    to the therapist
    so they could boast their EGOS..
    and suck the money

    “no one was saved”..
    as the beatles sing..
    “aaahhhh look at all these lonley people..
    where do they all come from..
    where do they all belong ??!!”

    psychotherapie psychopharmca mental asylums
    have become a big business in the west..

    MYSTICISMS is unknown.. in the WEST
    what counts
    is MONEY..

    Zorba the west
    has turnded out to be a primitive primat..
    not a dancing free man
    but an ambitgious greedy cunning priest and politician
    who is ready to lead humanity into global suicide
    because he must
    the WAR ..

    he wants to inherit India again..
    monopolise on something
    which is not even material
    not of THIS world
    but something from the beyond
    still he wants to POSSESS..
    that is a sure sign
    how primitiv this barbarious western conditionend idiotic mind is..

    not to talk about OSHO´S DREAM ..
    where they all participated in rajneeshpuram
    still didn´t get it..

    is a sure sign that these people are fast asleep..

    and Osho never talked for the masses
    but for those CHOSEN FEW,,,
    and they are very rare diamonds ..

    the rest will just vanish into thin air..
    without ever knowing who they are..
    after a futile life full of greed and vanities ..
    and they do everything
    that also new generation and future incarnations
    will not be able to see the light..
    but everything will remain in utter darkness..

    these are the people of the vampire clan cap -it -all-ism .. common-wealth brainwashed and ignorant ..

    got nothing to do with the

    and they still refuse it out of JEALOUSY..

    • Lokesh says:

      Meera, let me guess. You are Dhyanraj’s grandmother, right? Please forgive me if I’m wrong. But I’d bet that I’m not.

      • atikarmo says:

        who are you meaning frank?you know its easier to destroy then to something build up aij?

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        ha ha ha ha – how funny frank – meera may look crazy to you but she is a rebel and a loving sannyasin who actually cares about osho and his attempt to transform humanity – your witty put downs only show your carelessness, heartlessness, and lack of support for osho and his people

        • frank says:

          ” funny frank …your witty…”
          DR. thanks.
          As long as you keep laughing
          I`ll keep pumpin` `em out….

          as osho said:
          “with laughter,nothing else is needed”

          glad to share the path to enlightenment with you, bro`…..

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            yes frank – now i dont see the cruel and heartless joke you made on meera – perhaps its been deleted – you have a talent for comedy no doubt about it – why use it to put down osho’s people ? – i am sure you are intelligent enough to create in a way to support osho

      • anand says:

        yes lokesh… yes… you are funny, witty, have a wife, and know dhyanraj’s grandmother…

        and perhaps could you see your aggressive wittiness?… in other words, you are thinking too much lokesh…

        or are you in deep silence? from where does the bitter wit come from?

        that comment written there, the way it is written, to such a heartfelt response by meera, portrays your need to be seen in a grotesque way…

        lokesh, look back inside, you’re missing the point of sannyas… is not about attacking people, it’s about celebrating, our love and freedom… and if you’re not a sannyasin, please refrain from posting in such an arrogant fashion…

  37. Anand Pushya says:

    Headlines!!! The three stooges exposed !!! and are in dire need of dynamic meditation, no mind meditation and some love and hugs!! Love and truth wins out over gossiping addicts with a flare for extreme nastiness…….silence and meditation recommended!! Looking for healing therapies for their quick recovery….Mystic Rose perhaps?? Life can be so much more fun if they get well soon!!! All wait and hope for an end to conflict!! “Love is my color, love is my flavor” ~OSHO~

  38. mini kang says:

    SatyaDeva : In answer his question about Swami Rajneesh’s experience of world travels and western world work experience :
    During 1993 – 1995 and During 2000 – 2003
    Swami Rajneesh has his ” Trip Advisor ” visits of 366 cities in 37 countries…too long to list here !!!
    Extensively traveled worldwide for the Jhunjhnuwalla group of companies based in Hongkong, Singapore and Los Angeles.
    Swami Rajneesh with earning a salary upto 300,000 US dollars yearly and with company shares earned over 700,000 US$ per year.
    In a competitive world of watch designers market in Hongkong & Switzerland
    he became a recognized international designer with established 14 design patents and received design and innovation awards and media news in Hongkong and Switzerland.

    We have book of over 200 pages devoted to News Articles about his design achievements in various International Trade journals. Being awarded 2 major
    awards in just 5 years of work abroad -
    1. Hongkong Trade Development HKTDC Design Award 2000
    2. Hongkong Federation of Industries Design Award 2001 for excellence in Commerce and Exports.

    After receiving the Hongkong Design Award he was offered jobs and headhunted by many international watch manufacturers in China Hongkong Germany Switzerland and the USA Oakley Group.

    Rajneesh always says that his Designing work was just to creatively make money to be able to meditate and he never really took his designing seriously. That it was just creative fun at his and ease. Although he had to travel to meet people over 3 cities every week for almost 6 months a year…traveling to about 72 cities a year !!

    He also appeared in various TV shows like QVC and Home Shopping Network as a Watch designer and was offered a regular talk show but retired to go back to Manali. He just worked for few years and made enough money to go back to silence in Manali. His designs were in various Design Galleries and even sold in MOMA New York.

    Taken from Tears of the Mystic Rose :
    the very first design i create for which i take out a worldwide patent becames famous and internationally recognized in the shape of the electric guitar
    this watch was a huge success worldwide and turnover touched over three million dollars sales and doors opening to all in the music world…
    fan clubs of rock stars elvis presley…graceland…dolly parton…
    disneyland…the beatles…rolling stones…bmg music…the mtv world
    of teenagers were buying them up mail order catalogues and top end to mass retailers worldwide
    from qvc television sales and reaching down to mass retailers like walmart
    this hot selling design created the next series of musical designs and another hot seller the motorbike watch line

    I guess Rajneesh is not that dumb after all !!

    • satyadeva says:

      Thanks, mini kang, that’s what I call a comprehensive reply, most informative.

      But why assume I was implying Swami R might be “dumb”? I was trying to establish exactly how much first-hand experience he’s had of the western world.

    • Parmartha says:

      Miss Mini,
      like SD I say thanks for this.
      R. should put this out more. Many think he has always been some kind of directionless hippie who hopped on the Osho roundabout.

      • mini kang says:

        For those who live in your good old england !
        Swami Rajneesh was also a successful fashion designer and was in London before he came to Osho.
        His uncle is Lord Swraj Paul of England.

        He speaks briefly about his experience as an evening wear fashion designer in Tears of the Mystic Rose.
        His sequined evening wear for women were sold to Selfrigdges ( where he had his own store concession ) Harvey Nichols, Dickens & Jones,Top Shop, in most high end designer wear Bond Street shops, and retailers in Oxford Street, and Knightsbridge.
        His company Rene’i was presented in The British Designers shows and other leading fashion events.
        Later in the USA his evening gowns were sold to hollywood Morimer Productions USA for movies Lace II and Jones Collins Dynasty TV series.
        He worked with Alma group Milan who create Gianni Versaces evening gowns and designing sequined
        appliqués for them.
        His evening gowns under his label Rene’i have been sold in various fashion boutiques in Paris, Milan, London, Greece, New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, to Tokyo.

        from his book Tears of the Mystic Rose :
        i had now been in london for a year
        i had learnt much and gained valuable experience
        so i created a shelf company started designing for my own label and importing into london
        not legally allowed to earn in the uk i created a front company with a cousin of my mothers
        my company was selling evening wear for women
        designed by me under my label renei…
        manufactured in india
        and i was soon in the christmas windows of harvey nichols selling in selfridges, dickens and jones
        in every top end store in bond street knightsbridge and oxford street sequined evening wear was a hit in london
        my designs were outrageous and modern
        i had earned the reputation of high end designer with a low price tag.

        We all know that his mother was a famous 1960′s movie star Vimmi who won 3 Indian Filmfare Awards ( equivalent to Oscars ) and over 40 various Awards out of her 6 movies.
        His father is from the industrial house of Amin Chand Pyarelal Group who are now worldwide industrial house.

        Swami Rajneesh has been very successful in his western world experiences and always left behind success as he wanted to be close to his Master Osho and focus on inner riches. His childhood saw him experience the futility of fame success and power as he describes in his book, where he rebelled against those who were rich and powerful, but boring according to him.

        Hope you enjoy this short bio of the seemingly directionless homeless dreaming misguided hippie who is now being labeled as a clown and a clone and imitator or brian…by (EDITED HERE) people who have never even met the man !!!

        Mini Kang

  39. roxana says:

    enough with thse 3!!!! i have been reading lots of comment threads up to last year !!! i was curious to see why other people don’t comment !!! let me tell you why people!! because these three jokes of a man aka lokesh, prem martyn and frank are a bunch of bullies!!!! everytime a newcomer comments something in trheir own capability of expression and speech they attack them making fun of them and always distract the attention by changing the subject !!! these 3 always abuse new commentors and belittle they’re opinions with cheap jokes and abuses untill the new commentor just gives up and doesn’t comment anymore !!! you 3
    think you took over the sannyas news spreading your vicious poison talkin shot about OSHO !!! about osho you crazy dirty fools !!! and about rajneesh just because he spreads osho message !!! ENOUGH with you !!! i see clearly who poisened our master !!! the likes of you that never support other seekers, that belittle whatever our master did and does for us and abuse the other disciples because of their love for the master !!!!! enough !!!!

    (NB: Edited in parts)

    • Lokesh says:

      What, like enough for today?

    • SCIFI says:

      this 3 or 5 to 7 people on this board are doing very good job. I have not givenUp. I have taken class of all. They are now my students. I am nothingness aka Master Shunyo aka SCIFI. This 5 to 7 are must in spiritual system. U always want goodie goodie justification and comfort , which is never possible. I request my 5 to 7 students to keep yr work on n on …. after going through tremendous FIRE of my 5 to 7 students and if u understand them than u will walk with confidence towards nothingness and will not go like handicap n blind who needs support and justification at each step.

  40. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    i feel like thanking you again for the opportunity you have given us to clear up common misinformation about swami rajneesh and show the sannyas world the truth about him – as you know he is blanked by most other organisations who represent sannyasins to the world notably “oshonews” or as i call it “nooshonews” – there is a determined effort from all sides to block and deny swami rajneesh any contact with sannyasins – just yesterday our facebook page OZEN free ebooks was deleted due to klaus steeg of OIF falsely claiming copyright on rajneesh’s original books of talks which i transcribed

    i remember those days in london in the mid eighties when we were friends and the back page of the newly created sannyas news newsletter was mine to advertise the video bhagwan showings of bhagwan’s videos from uruguay and bombay when he was unavailable for most of us and our communes including medina had been closed
    they wanted me to advertise in rival newspaper rajneesh times started by devageet bhagwans dentist of dental chair fame – but i only had enough money to advertise in one and they both had the same readership so i chose sannyas news as i was a personal friend of yours from our times together in medina commune before –
    still its coming clearly to mind an enjoyable trip we made together in the wagon to the woodyard to buy scrap wood for medinas open fires as if it were yesterday

    after my summer and autumn in london that year distributing oshos video discourses i went to poona as soon as osho arrived back there – in that time poona two i felt lucky to be able to participate in sharing osho to the world in my role as designer and picture editor of rajneesh times international, a two weekly newspaper distributed around the world to rajneesh centres

    today commenting here i still feel lucky to have the opportunity to support osho’s work and in particular that of his devotee swami rajneesh – who clearly for me is the strongest link to osho in the sannyas movement today – for me to support rajneesh is the same as to support bhagwan rajneesh -
    there is no difference in this – if osho’s sannyas movement is to survive rajneesh needs to carry it forward – left to such as OIF the sannyas movement has become a dying thing which will be dominated only by therapists and businessman politicians whose business it is to exploit only

    osho’s movement of sannyas has a living buddha – though its suits many to have a dead one – it is the living buddha who renews the river of sannyas – swami rajneesh and bhagwan shree rajneesh are in a chain of living masters which stretches down the ages – if oshos chain is broken due to the efforts of those who seek to destroy his devotee rajneesh, it does not look good for the future generations of sannyasins or the development of the future buddhas

    thats why i fight for osho and for rajneesh parmartha – i am a sannyasin and who else will stand up for truth if sannyasins cannot – do we want the human race to degenerate into the race of robots osho warned us about ? –

    sannyas is an ongoing rebellion and i feel blessed to be able to play my small part in that – its not trivial its not a joke – if we dont support the living buddhas and only make a mockery of them and kill them as OIF wishes to do –
    putting stress and pressure on rajneesh stealing his name and original books while he is recovering from a heart attack is a very black thing to do isnt it?

    well parmartha you have repaid my trust in you from those old days of sannyas news by publishing my comments here in todays newsletter in support of swami rajneesh – every bit as important to me as my support for bhagwan rajneesh was in those old days – thank you again

    • satyadeva says:

      – Dhyan Raj:
      swami rajneesh and bhagwan shree rajneesh are in a chain of living masters which stretches down the ages – if oshos chain is broken due to the efforts of those who seek to destroy his devotee rajneesh, it does not look good for the future generations of sannyasins or the development of the future buddhas

      Osho is in a chain of living masters?! Who are the others before him, please? Wasn’t Osho an original, not part of any lineage?

      And nothing wrong with offering Osho to the people, but you’re unnecessarily pessimistic. Life has a way of protecting what’s real, whether your efforts succeed or fail. Beware of getting too self-important, sir!

      Dhyan Raj:
      thats why i fight for osho and for rajneesh parmartha – i am a sannyasin and who else will stand up for truth if sannyasins cannot – do we want the human race to degenerate into the race of robots osho warned us about ?

      Who else? Plenty of people! This statement is grandiose nonsense, DR, far too collectively self-important. As if only sannyasins are privy to ‘truth’, ignoring the many tens and hundreds of thousands more in the world who are working in other ways, on other paths, with other teachers, in and outside other traditions.

      • Lokesh says:

        SD, surely you must see that people like DhyanRaj and Shantam need an enemy to fight against in order to give their lives substance. If they did not do this and simply relaxed they would be faced by their intrinsic nothingness and obviously they are not quite ready for that. Instead they invent noble causes, Dhyanraj waving a banner for Rajneesh and Osho, and Shantam attacking the baddies in the resort’s castle. Its bullshit but if that is what they need to do they’ll be hell-bent on preventing anyone stopping them. They are, in essence, the Don Quixotes of SN. What to do? They certainly do not appreciate anyone pointing their game out to them. They best they can provide are akin to that provided by clockwork soldiers. Wind ‘em up and watch them go man go!

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        satyadeva – osho is the beginning of a new lineage – there will be many buddhas coming after him in his line – he spoke about it –
        todays living buddha of osho’s lineage is swami rajneesh

        there seems to be an unwillingness in the sannyas world to consider osho’s lineage – many sannyasins prefer to believe that no one can be a buddha of his calibre after him – rather like mohammed being the last prophet of god i hear – or jesus being the only begotten son of god

        and so rajneesh who is here available today is blocked and delayed in doing his work by those whose vested interests are threatened by him – and the life of a body is short – every year lost is gone and cannot be regained – to the detriment of seekers who need the living buddha and can benefit by his existence

        and to answer your other point satyadeva – there may be many thousands of people around the world who are ready to stand up for the truth as you say – i dont know them – i am one person who is standing up for the truth

        • satyadeva says:

          “Standing up for the truth” – that sounds more like a political statement than one from a ‘seeker’, DR…

          One thing I’ve noticed is how similar are this and other sentiments to those often coming from the fundamentalists of ‘normal’ (!) religions:

          the same sort of ‘missionary zeal’, the same righteous sense that they alone hold the key to the ‘true teaching’, the same sense of an overwhelming need to ‘purify’ the religion from a perceived condition of degeneracy.

          If I were you, DR, I’d watch that such a tendency doesn’t overtake your enterprise.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            yes satyadeva – having been a seeker i am engaging in politics here fundamentally and with missionary zeal to righteously share the key to the true teaching -in order to purify the religionless religion of osho since i see it has reached a condition of degeneracy

            something wrong in that then ? are you happy for osho’s sannyas movement to degenerate into a business and therapy expoitation game the way it has ?

            • satyadeva says:

              Dhyan Raj, I’m no supporter of the questionable aspects of the ‘Sannyas organisation’, not at all, but at the same time there’s surely a danger of a crusadingly righteous attitude such as yours itself degenerating into something like the opposite of what it ultimately supposedly exists for…

              I trust your phrase “having been a seeker” is only tongue-in-cheek rhetoric, rather than an accurate self-description? Otherwise, you’d be barking up the wrong tree, wouldn’t you?!

              No matter how justified you believe your (or any) cause to be, a certain degree of humour, of self-irony, is definitely called for, otherwise the dreaded spectre of self-importance will begin to raise its head – not an edifying sight in the mirror for any ‘seeker’ (‘retired’ or not)…

              So I hope you’re surrounded by at least a few people who ‘extract the Michael’ on a fairly regular basis, as a possibly rather necessary preventative measure (think ‘inoculation’ before winter ‘flu)….

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                well satyadeva – of course you dont see the daily comedy of my life here in these comments on sannyas news – where i am commenting to counter all the propaganda against osho and rajneesh that has flourished here before – yes i tend to take seriously all these attempts to belittle my master osho and his devotee rajneesh –
                and yes – your other point – why seek when one has found ? ha ha ha ha ha – what remains is to dissolve more and more into what is – not more useless seeking eh ?

                i will post a photo of me from a couple of nights ago with my painting for you to have a laugh

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  its a self portrait

                • satyadeva says:

                  Dhyan Raj:
                  your other point – why seek when one has found ? ha ha ha ha ha – what remains is to dissolve more and more into what is – not more useless seeking eh ?

                  Well, DR, you don’t actually come across as someone who “has found”…Perhaps you just think you’ve “found”?

                  Sorry, I’m extremely sceptical, especially bearing in mind your declarations about “lineage”.

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  ha ha ha ha – yes satya deva – i only “think that i have found” you are right to be sceptical – how can you know
                  i count myself very lucky in this life to have found osho and become his disciple – bhagwan shree rajneesh as he was known then – and double lucky to have found his devotee swami rajneesh ha ha ha ha- its too much to expect in one life isnt it ?

                • satyadeva says:

                  Well, DR, no doubt that’s very good for you, so congratulations!

                  But I honestly think that ‘the way of the devotee’ is suited to very few western people, most of whom would certainly be female.

                  Furthermore, I’d also say that it’s therefore even fraught with danger for the average westerner, as it simply goes against so much cultural conditioning.

                • satyadeva says:

                  Dhyan Raj, wouldn’t the true test of your ‘finding’ be to live in a western society for a while, away from the support system of those who share your beliefs and values, away from Swami R, to see whether it actually ‘stands up’ against the multiple pressures bound to bear down upon you in such a context?

                  For one might well argue that in a way you’ve been living in a sort of ‘spiritual coccoon’ for quite a while (haven’t you?), untested by ‘the world’. I have an impression, in fact, that you’ve sort of wanted to take on a sort of ‘Indian identity’, which is itself rather suspect, isn’t it? (Of course it isn’t, you’ll say!).

                  As it is, whatever ‘crusade’ you’re on, or think you’re on, any realisation you might have had needs to be lived, to be properly tested, doesn’t it?

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  well satyadeva – you may think i am not living as i should – i am living an ordinary quiet life in an ordinary house in an ordinary suburban street in the western world just now
                  should i join the army or some corporation or become a taxi driver and see how i get on there?
                  what is this ‘world” you are talking about? – that i should be tested by ?

                  i dont know why you imagine i want to take on some identity – indian or otherwise – why would i want to live a miserable lie ? – its always pissed me off that the control freaks runnng the world insist on identity – that i should be this or that – stamped and and approved passport – as if its not enough to be a simple living breathing human being

                  i know i look funny – my brother who lives “in the world” and worked for a computer programming company all his life raising a family once told me i looked like a cartoon
                  - as osho said ” be a joke unto thyself” ha ha ha ha ha – did you like my self portrait ? – good likeness eh ?

                • satyadeva says:

                  Ok, so you’re living in the western world, DR, fair enough…

                  But if you don’t understand what the ‘world’ is then you don’t understand much…The world is the man-made – ie mind-made construction that we’re all born into and conditioned by – and which we depend upon for our survival, as it happens. It’s out there in the media, the politics, the wealth, the poverty, the violence, the stress, education systems, worship of ‘success’, fundamentalist religions, ignorance of ‘religionless religion’, etc. etc. etc.

                  It’s pretty well interchangeable with ‘mind’, isn’t it:
                  World being externalised mind, mind being internalised world?

                  If you’re living a particularly quiet life, carefully removed from the ‘sound and fury’, then perhaps it all sort of passes you by? And maybe you’re just too old to dive in there and see whether your claimed ‘realisation(s)’ help you swim (or sink)…But it would be pretty instructive to find out, I suggest….

                • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                  this is all just ridiculous isnt it satyadeva ?
                  you invent some imaginary view of someone elses life and then ask them to live it it differently – ha ha ha ha

                • satyadeva says:

                  Not asking, just suggesting, DR…

                  Anyway, what else to surmise given your own description?:
                  “i am living an ordinary quiet life in an ordinary house in an ordinary suburban street in the western world just now
                  should i join the army or some corporation or become a taxi driver and see how i get on there?”

                  I mean, you don’t sound as if you’re at ‘the cutting edge’ of things out there, with your psycho-spiritual mettle tested at every turn, do you?

                  So how can you possibly know your ‘realisation(s)’ have any true validity, ie that you are indeed a “finder” rather than a mere ‘claimer’? (Gosh, I almost wrote ‘funder’ and ‘claimant’ there!). If the latter, then yes, it would really be “ridiculous”….

        • satyadeva says:

          Dhyan Raj:
          satyadeva – osho is the beginning of a new lineage – there will be many buddhas coming after him in his line – he spoke about it –
          todays living buddha of osho’s lineage is swami rajneesh

          I think you have to careful with this “lineage” stuff, DR, it’s as if you so much want to ‘legitimise’ what you’re doing you’re now beginning to actually invent a non-existent ‘tradition’. You may believe yourself to be a ‘rebel’, but the very word ‘lineage’ has all the hallmarks of a rather conservative mentality.

          Similarly, Swami R’s prediction of ’14 more clones’ coming after him…Well, I take it that has to be some sort of joke, right? If not, it sounds like a load of old cobblers, frankly – and not particularly helpful.

          A good antidote to any idea that any single person or group ‘has all the answers’ regarding Osho, or rightfully embodies his ‘true teaching’ (by implication, the rest being at best ‘misguided’, at worst utterly degenerate) is his simple statement:

          “I bless all ways of searching, on all paths.”

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            ha ha ha – the movement of osho that will carry the sannyas movement down the ages exists satyadeva – i dont have to invent it – you speak as though you think osho’s way should disappear with his body and that there should be no lovers of osho to carry on his work
            and bhagwan also spoke in olden days of the line of many rajneesh’s who would come after him – arpana can research the discourse perhaps –
            i dont think rajneesh is joking – you dont know satyadeva – osho is not to be dismissed so easily as many people think – who have no idea of the science of transference of energy from a master to a devotee- if the devotee is there who is willing to surrender himself totally to the master – the master can inhabit him – osho is not dead as many believe satyadeva – only his physical body died
            now i know all this is just science fiction to those who believe the body/mind is all there is in life – ha ha ha ha –
            i for one hope that rajneesh and osho are right and he comes again 14 times – in different bodies of course – ha ha ha ha – osho wont leave us alone so easily

            • satyadeva says:

              Dhyan Raj:
              you speak as though you think osho’s way should disappear with his body and that there should be no lovers of osho to carry on

              I think no such thing, DR, that’s all your own fevered imagination. Is that how you imagine the attitude of most other sannyasins/fellow-travellers – you know, with you (and others) being the ones to bring them to their senses, ie to the truth?

            • satyadeva says:

              Dhyan Raj:
              now i know all this is just science fiction to those who believe the body/mind is all there is in life – ha ha ha ha –

              Again, you assume things, DR. I doubt whether any sannyasins/fellow-travellers “believe the body/mind is all there is in life”. If they do, then what the hell are they doing around Osho?!

              That said, I find this extremely far-fetched, to put it mildly. It resonates with Eastern esoteric bullshine, so seductive yet potentially so misleading for westerners – but it’s doubtless convenient for your particular mind-set, with its assumed beliefs and values.

              Still, neither you nor I will probably live to see how much truth there is in this – so you, living in belief and hope – I can’t help being reminded of Christians and adherents of other religions – can simply rest in such a (no doubt comforting) notion.

              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                i came to know that some so called sannyasins advertising themselves as “osho” therapists do think they are only body/mind – i had a long discusson wth a psychotherapist and psychology proffessor vikrant sentis – best friends with swami amrito the high priest of osho OIF – he assured me that osho was dead and that there was no such thing as enlightenment – and detailed the psychological sickeness i was having if i thought differently – ha ha ha ha ha – then offered me a job as a therapist – good money and all the women i want he said – ha ha ha ha

    • sannyasnews says:

      Thanks Dhyan Raj, and especially for those memories! I do not suffer the best of health now in my 67th year, so dont always get round to looking at all comments, but just found this one now.

  41. swami rajneesh says:

    beloved paramartha
    i wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for having the courage and free spirit in reporting the news of my heart attack here on sannyasnews

    i am also supportive of the view that many sannyasins offerings like swami arun ji tapovan are also mentioned here and discussed other than the official biased OIF management vested interests and ugly attempts in monopolizing OSHO and to only take care of their financially business interests over the welfare and growth of sannyasins and the sharing and spreading of the priceless message of our beloved master OSHO

    OIF is dividing sannyasins by use of ugly blackmail and threats of banning and misuse of power and blatant abuse of the OSHO mandate given to the 21 inner circles with clear guidelines not to interfere into the spiritual freedoms of individuals which would have prevented abuse and propaganda witchhunts against individuals
    their blackmail and threats can also be witnessed by OIF continuous actions against many known therapists in europe and worldwide and by banning hundreds of innocent beautiful creative sannyasins who do not fall in line with their dictatorial orders with their court cases and continuous legal threats

    sannyasnews is serving as an independent open discussion and reporting so that there is freedom of expression for sannyasins

    i am willing to contribute regularly provided those in such discussions stick to the subject matter and respond with intelligent insights and place views and statements that reflect upon our master OSHOs message and are based on intelligent arguments and not just reactive accusations and attempts towards character assassination and propaganda against me

    i love a real debate and have always challenge anyone to face me and place their arguments with intelligence…
    i had even openly offered in italy miasto…to face all the well known OSHO therapists…facing all in one row against me…
    live on recorded video camera…
    and see how these so called elite are able to crush me and my presumed delusion…imitation…clonehood or whatever they have labeled me…

    i had offered my head on a platter for them all to cut with one stroke…
    but they were scared to take the challenge…
    they could have defeated me for everyone to see in plain sight…
    and that would have been the end of it all !!
    but alas…they retreated and ran away…
    my challenge to an open recorded debate is available 24 hours anyplace anywhere anytime…and we will all see who crumbles…

    these last few days i have been enjoying this spectacle and debate here on sannyasnews with much laughter and humour reading such diverse opinions and views against me that it is clear this world is a hilarious leela and joke of epic proportions…a great entertainment…

    the good news is that after my heart attack my eye sight has deteriorated
    and i need reading glasses which make me look seemingly wiser !!

    they all call me a clone…
    and i have to admit that with my now poor eyesight these days everything i am seeing is double…cloned !!
    every photo of OSHO i see is double…clones after clones…everywhere…
    and i read that my clone cavalry is also now infiltrated sannyasnews

    i have predicted that OSHO will be cloned 14 times in a row of his lineage…and this is my promise…so beware and be prepared…and enjoy the show…

    always open and available swami rajneesh

    • Lokesh says:

      Swami Rajneesh, I wish you a complete and speedy recovery.

      • swami rajneesh says:

        strangely lokesh i do not know whether this is your sarcasm or genuinely a turnaround and expression of a loving heart and understanding…
        i hope it is for the better…as sannyasins are also part of the one buddhafield of our beloved master OSHO and each division and enmity amongst his sannyasins also affects our masters being…who is watching silently with compassion and a dream of oneness and celebration for all those who have come to his feet….sangham sharanam gacchhami…

        • Lokesh says:

          As a rule I tend to avoid sarcasm, it being the lowest form of wit. Of course I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Why would I wish otherwise?

        • SCIFI says:

          what is dream and all crap things ??? OSHO has no time to watch you silently …. remember Alan Watts .. forget crap dreams , TATHATA … da da da da….. dadadadadadadadadada ……….

    • SCIFI says:

      OIF is doing tremendous work and exceptionaly right in its own way. OIF Pune Ashram totally roccckkkkssss …… amazing Madhushala …. total celebration !!!!!

  42. SCIFI says:

    Only due to super efforts of OIF , people around the world are enjoying OSHO radio for free on net. great …great work !!!!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      and any one else who offers osho for free is under continual attack from OIF – osho radio is a damage limitaton exercise by OIF – its good to have it – but it only came into operation after other sannyasins had made all osho audio discourses free on internet
      and after so many hard drive archives of osho audio discourses that exist now and are crculating amongst sannyasins came into being – OIF knows they cannot control the free sharing of osho audio discourses and so got the idea to make themselves look good with osho radio

      still OIF finds the time to make complaints of copyright infringement on two photos of osho one of which i created the other day to harras and get closed down a facebook page i am administrator of – free osho therapies

      if OIF wants to offer osho free then why do they attack other osho sannyasins who share osho free ? – the more the merrier eh ?

  43. SCIFI says:

    I am extremely lucky that i got to know about this website at young age of 21. lots n lots of humour , fun n entertainment. All are pushing each other towards ultimate truth in whatever language or way with lots of LOVE. friends I love u all … i am nothingness (remember) aka master Shunyo aka SCIFI.

  44. swami satyam dhyanraj says:

    well parmartha and all
    i feel its really a shame that my old friends punya and maneesha dont have the guts to print any news about swami rajneesh in their internet newspaper “osho news” which is ostensibly dedicated to news of my master osho and of his sannyasins – which clearly would include rajneesh – were there not a political campaign to ignore and blank him from sannyas circles – pretending he does not exist
    this is the same swami rajneesh who bhagwan showed so much respect for before he left the body

    i am sure both punya (an old disciple of osho who he used to experiment on when he created his famous meditations and partner of my old friend from the beginning of my sannyas days) and maneesha (of osho questions fame – we lived together in medina commune) will remember the times when osho sent his message to the commune about rajnish’s name telling him he should change it and spell it with “ee”

    they will remember the time osho had the message read out in buddha hall that swami rajneesh was the “model sannyasin” of the ashram and we could all learn from him how to be a sannyasin

    they will remember the time that osho decided to open up his glass covered walkway from his bedroom through laotsu garden for sannyasins to do vipassana meditaton and invited swami rajneesh to be the first sannyasin to visit the walkway – and do his typical style of vipassana walking for which he was so famous ( and condemned by many) around the ashram in those days (a request from osho which rajneesh declined saying it was not fitting for him to go through his beloved masters bedroom)

    even remembering these clear indications that osho loved and supported his devotee rajneesh punya and maneesha today will not print one iota of news or mention of swami rajneesh – as if he does not exist

    who are they serving with their blanking of rajneesh – they are not serving their master osho who wanted his people to learn from rajneesh’s example they way of a sannyasin

    they are not serving osho’s sannyasins who are denied even the information that rajneesh exists and is doing his masters work with seekers and sannyasins

    they are not serving their own disciplehood of osho by going against their masters guidance and trying to prevent his work in this way

    it seems they must have compromised their integrity as independant sannyasins – perhaps they have been bullied by amritos OIF that if you mention rajneesh we will send out the lawyers to close down your osho news as trademark – osho belongs to us and we have the money to preserve our lie of ownership of osho – you work only with our permission

    perhaps they have listened to the camp of osho world the ex power group who ran our ashram in poona before this current gang –

    you know i was very disturbed to hear that my old friend from medina and co worker in rajneesh times swami chaitanya keerti had been sending letters to the indian centres that dont invite rajneesh to do camps in your place or else the consequence will be blacklsting your centre or ashram and no osho books for you from osho world and no camps from keerti -
    the very same tactics that OIF has used against rajneesh. it seems keerti himself was under pressure from his osho world master tathagat and mistress neelam to betray his master osho and his friend swami rajneesh in this way

    i was so sad – old sannyasins who i have known and loved and worked with behaving like this – its enough to make me think – osho was right when sarjano asked him ” we have learned so much being with you osho – what have you learned being with us?”
    osho’s reply is as relevant today as it was then ” I have learned much. One of the most significant things that I have learned is not to feel sad when you betray, not to feel sorry when you go astray – in fact, not even to expect that you have to trust……….
    …….Jesus was betrayed only once, by one disciple. I have been betrayed continually for almost as much time as Jesus lived on the earth – thirty-three years. So many people I have trusted so totally have betrayed me so easily.”

    the betrayal of our master continues – with the continual actions of those who could help greatly yet choose to hinder greatly our master’s work in the form of swami rajneesh

    • sannyasnews says:

      I too am mystified Dhyan Raj by the type of journalism which goes on at Osho No News. And now they seem to have taken over the Osho World articles as well.
      There is absolutely no reason why they should not carry the news of Rajneesh’s heart attack. Did you ask them why? If so what was their answer?
      They do publish what seem like Sunday middle brow articles to me all over their site which is much too full, and boring to boot. Many advertise there, but I am sure they, unlike Rajneesh, are constantly out to make a buck, and Osho No News probably make plenty of profit from such advertising.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        i sent them the article – but no response from osho news – its not the first time i have sent them news of rajneesh – silence is their answer – ignore rajneesh and he will go away ha ha ha ha – osho news doesnt engage in discussion rather like OIF – they have no defence for their ugly attitude so better to say nothing

        • Lokesh says:

          Maybe OIF are simply not interested. For me that would be a good enough defence. It does not necessarily follow that they have developed an ugly attitude if they are not interested in something.
          An attitude needs a certain level of unawareness to develop. But hey, Dhyanraj should know all about that seeing as how he lives with a major attitude, which he displays perfectly here on SN. One needs to have aquired a major attitude to become such a religious zealot.
          If Swami Rajneesh is such a beacon of light he does not need OIF to recognize him. He can just kick back and seekers will flock to him like the proverbial moth to a burning flame.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            oh OIF are definately interested in rajneesh lokesh – if they werent they would not put so much energy into blocking his work and feeding the sannyas world misinformaton about him – amrito and jayesh know well who rajneesh is – and the threat he represents to their false claims of ownership of osho

      • Lokesh says:

        SN, nothing wrong in making a buck. Osho was partial to making more than a few bucks himself and encouraged his sannyasins to follow suit. I recall when there was a mass exodus of sannyasins from Poona in 81 Osho gave a clear message that he did not want his people sponging off social security when theY arrived back in the West.

  45. sannyasnews says:

    We saw this elsewhere! please note Nirguma’s answer to Sarlo below his post

    —– Original Message —–
    From: “Sarlo”
    To: Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 4:59 PM
    Subject: Re: [LivingOsho] No News at Osho News

    > That someone at Sannyas News is critical of something is also No News.
    > But someone had to do it.
    > Osho News is a Big Tent phenomenon, inclusive of all facets of the
    > partitioning of Osho’s movement. Dogs bark, and the caravan moves on.
    > Love, Sarlo

    But it seems the big tent of Osho News is not big enough to have room for
    news about Swami Rajneesh.
    And not big enough for responses of the readers.

    Love, Nirguna

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