Witness Statement of Jayesh

A Witness Statement from Jayesh  (Micheal Bryne) Chair of Osho International Foundation

As Jayesh rarely if ever makes any public statements, etc about his involvement with Osho and the directions Osho gave him for the continuance of his work,  SN figures that this four page statement deserves wider audience.  Not especially because of the legal case it is trying to argue, but the insight it offers into the connection between Jayesh and Osho in the last 9 months of Osho’s life.

Witness Statement
Community Trade Mark Registration
No 1224831 OSHO in Classes 41 & 42
In the name of Osho International
Foundation (“OIF”) and
Application for Invalidity No 5063
thereto by Osho Lotus Commune e.V.
(” Applicant”)

I, Michael Byrne, 17, Koregaon Park, Pune, MS 411 001, India also known as Anand
Jayesh (formerly known as Michael O’Byrne) hereby declare that:
1. I am competent to make this declaration. The statements herein are made from my
own knowledge and recollection. I believe all the statements made herein to be true.
I have read the witness statement by Klaus Steeg submitted into these proceedings.
2. I am the Chairman of Osho International Foundation and I have been involved with
the work of Osho (formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) since 1984.
Between 1985 and January 19th
, 1990, I worked closely with Osho having literally
100′s of meetings with him, often alone, sometimes together with his legal secretary
Anando (Sue Heffley), his international secretary Hasya Francoise Ruddy and his
secretary for India Neelam Dahl. Due to appointments made by Osho I have full
responsibility for the administration of Osho’s work due to the multiple functions and
positions Osho asked me to manage.
3. Nine months prior to his death, Neelam and Hasya were instructed by Osho to no
longer attend our regular meetings. During the last 3 months of his life I started to
meet with Osho alone on a regular basis.
4. On a number of occasions I also met with Osho and Osho’s physician, Amrito.
Amrito and I were the only people present when Osho died on January 19th 1990. At
Osho’s death almost his last words as he turned to me were, “I leave you my dream”.
Soon afterwards he closed his eyes and left his body.
5. It should be noted here that on the one hand Osho was a very public figure who
spoke publicly to large audiences almost every day up until a period of final
withdrawal from public life during the last nine months of his life. Even prior to that,
Osho rarely saw anyone in private other than members of a very small secretarial
team, his caretaker, his dentist and doctor, and even more rarely would he see
anyone alone. And during those last nine months, the number of people Osho saw in
his room dropped even further. In my own experience, during this time, Osho met
only with Amrito (Dr John Andrews), his physician, Anando, his legal secretary,
Avribhava – who stood in as caretaker for three weeks and myself without anyone
else present.
6. Over this same nine month period, my meetings with him increased to the point
where we were meeting in the morning, in the evening, and often in the middle of the
7. My meetings with Osho were always about his understanding of his work and his
giving me specific guidance for both the expansion and the integrity of his work. In
accordance with Osho’s specific guidance the Foundation created archives in both
digital video and audio that are used today to make Osho the publishing
phenomenon that he is in both paper and digital media. The cost of the creation of
these archives including creation, duplication, and distribution runs into many millions
of dollars. As a result of Osho’s vision of the opportunities to make his work available
in digital, Osho’s work can now be read and seen and heard in over 60 languages.
8. In our meetings together before his death Osho outlined what was to be done when
he was no longer with us. This included a direction that in spreading his work we
should focus on worldwide publication of his books; that we should have our
attention on the growth of the internet which was in it’s earliest stages of formation;
and to make his work available in each new technology that becomes available.
9. In his discussions with me, Osho was clear and confirmed that he had placed all his
rights to his intellectual property in a foundation so that the royalties from his works
could be used by the Foundation to support the expansion of his proposal of
meditation and celebration. His model for the administration of his work and
intellectual property was to create public trusts and foundations so that there is no
ownership by a private individual but rather single ownership through a trust or
foundation. This model continues to this day.
10. Osho started this model, in the 1970′s when he assigned his intellectual property
rights to a public charitable foundation created at Osho’s direction to administer all
public and publishing aspects of his work. When Osho left India in 1981 these rights
were assigned, with his personal involvement, to a US foundation. Besides the
copyrights for his work Osho assigned rights to his name and image to the
foundation, which he confirmed again in writing in 1981.
11. When Osho left the USA in November 1985 he directed that these same rights be
assigned to a Swiss foundation – today named OIF. See Annex 4 of Klaus Steeg’s
witness statement.
12. In 1985 Osho appointed me as director to the board of OIF together with
Ramateertha (Robert Doetsch) and others.
13. In 1986 while in Uruguay Osho asked me to obtain the resignation of Robert Doetsch
from the board of Rajneesh Foundation Europe (now Osho International Foundation)
which I did. See attached copy of resignation letter at Exhibit MB 1.
14. Osho personally asked me to ensure the workings of the Swiss Foundation; to
operate as his international headquarters as he wanted his work to be international
in scope. OIF assumed this mantle.
15. Osho also instructed that the name of the Swiss foundation be changed to Osho
International Foundation. This name change was initiated prior to and was completed
shortly after Osho’s death.
16. Osho explained to me on more than one occasion that the greatest risk to this, his
proposal, was that people with good intentions and no understanding would try to
turn his proposal into a new religion. In this context, he said that many people around
him had guru minds and would surface when he left his body. He said to ignore them
and not to give them any attention – “giving them attention just adds energy to their
nonsense”. Instead he said to make the content of his work available; this would
finish their guru business.
17. Already during Osho’s lifetime there were constant requests and suggestions to
make changes to his life’s work. For example people often asked Osho if they could
change the change the music for his active meditations; change the times of day
they were offered, the times of each phase and even to change the sequences of his
meditations. These were, without exception, rejected by Osho. These
requests/suggestions continue to be submitted to this day and to this day we
continue to stay with Osho:s clear guidance, to protect the integrity of his work.
18. Osho was particularly concerned that he would be perceived as a religious leader or
that the name OSHa would be associated with a religious movement, and he
expressed these concerns to me personally on many occasions. His denouncement
of religion was a regular subject of his public discourses and interviews. He did not
want to be viewed or associated in any way as a religious leader, spiritual guide or
the founder of a collective movement or religious tradition. One of his objectives was
to spread the scientific method of meditation without any religious ritual and that
meditation should be talked about in terms of science and not religion. That way, his
meditations were open to everybody including atheists.
19. Having read the submissions by Jonas in these proceedings, I am amazed that Osho
Lotus Commune e.V. has made reference to OSHa in a religious context because
Osho’s views on religion have been publicised very clearly in his own words through
his books and taped discourses. For example, I attach at Exhibit MB 2, true and
accurate pages from Chapter #13 of the book by Osho entitled The Sword and the
Lotus and from Chapter #20 of The Last Testament, Vol 4. confirming these views
which Osho expressed personally to me.
20. In May of 1989 Osho announced the creation of the Inner Circle, a concept we had
been discussing in private for two months prior to this public announcement. Osho
created the Inner Circle as a body of individuals responsible for the continuation of
his work in India, including operating the Osho International Meditation Resort,
formerly known as Osho Commune International. Osho appointed me Chairman of
this body.
21. Shortly after creating the Inner Circle Osho created the Osho International Presidium
- a group formed to oversee the international expansion of his work. Osho appointed
me Chairman of this body as well. The Presidium which works closely with OIF
overlooks all areas related to Osho’s and the foundation’s intellectual property,
international publishing and licensing activities, the maintaining of the Osho Archives
of documents and thousands of audio recording, video recordings, art and music.
The Presidium also overlooks Osho Meditation Center activities and licensing in
accordance with Osho’s express i-nstructions.
22. As noted I am the original chairman of both groups and continue in those functions
today. The vice chairman of both groups and also appointed by Osho is Amrito (Dr
John Andrews), Osho’s personal physician for the last 11 years of Osho’s life. Amrito
is also the Vice Chairman of OIF and was and still is closely involved with the
publication of Osha’s work. He was instructed by Osha to write a number of
biographical works regarding Osha’s life.
23. In the early meetings of the Inner Circle Osha was given an overview by me after
each of the meetings and gave specific instructions about how it was to function and
it continues to function as he directed to this date.
24. After this, Osha started to appoint me to more leadership functions in regards to the
administrative aspects of his work including the following; Head of Finance, 1985;
Chancellor of the Osha Multiversity, 1988; and as noted Chairman of Inner Circle,
1989; Chairman of Osha International Presidium 1989.
25. In working with Osha so closely over many years I was impacted at how informed he
was regarding administrative details and legal issues even though he assigned
others to take care of the day to day operations related to his work.
26. Osha was’ informed daily about the activities of the commune in Pune, India where
he was living and the work of the foundations and trusts. He was personally very
involved with the publication activities of his talks, published as books, audios and
video tapes. His legal secretary, Anando, shared every detail of the editorial, design
and publishing process with Osha right up until a few days before his death.
27. I would guess that Osha may have been the first mystic to have a personal lawyer.
Osha appeared in and gave a number of depositions in legal cases and for instance,
while giving sworn testimony in a US copyright case, stated that he had assigned his
copyright in his work to a foundation a statement later confirmed by the same court.
28. In the fall of 1989 Osha changed his name from Rajneesh to Osha. He asked that
we totally eliminate any reference to Rajneesh in his work and to replace it in totality,
in any public expression, with Osha, a term which he said he derived from William’s
James’s word oceanic.
29. Osha told me specifically that his name would become a worldwide brand and that
many people seeing this would try to come under his “umbrella”, trying to offer their
own teachings using his name. On another occasion he told me to keep his work
’24-karat gold’ as many would try to pollute his work, offering rubbish and attempting
to call it Osha. He specifically asked me to protect his name; as we had protected
Rajneesh we should use the same model to protect his new name Osha.
30. As instructed by Osha we re-branded all the meditation services, group and therapy
programs, changed and re-branded all and any Indian and International trusts and
related entities, and all meditation centers substituting Rajneesh with Osha.
31. Osha was very aware and involved in the use of OSHO as a brand and personally
initiated the re-branding to OSHO on everything that had once been branded
Rajneesh, for example creating the new Osha Multiversity and its Osha faculties. On
one occasion he went on a viewing of the re-branding of the programs offered by his
“Osha Multiversity” which included advertising for meditations and groups he directed
we rebrand. I note that Klaus Steeg has exhibited images from a video of Osha
reviewing presentation of the programs at the Osha Multiversity.
32. I personally wrote to Osho Global Connections and asked them to implement the
name change requested by Osho in all the Osho meditation centers worldwide. See
a copy of this letter at Exhibit MB 3. The Osho International Secretariat and
Global Connections instructed all former Rajneesh entities, including related
companies and the Multiversity to re-brand all of Osho’s work with the new OSHO
33. Also, in accordance with Osho’s request I asked the office of Osho Global
Connections to collate Osho’s guidance on how his centers should operate and
circulate same to all the international centers.
34. Today because of the efforts of Osho International Foundation, the Inner Circle, the
Osho Presidium and a network of hundreds of Osho centres and licensees in Europe
and worldwide, the Osho brand has become widely recognized for meditation
services that represent the unique quality that is the Osho’s proposal of meditation
and celebration.
The statements made herein are from my personal knowledge and recollection and I believe
all of the statements made to be true.

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87 Responses to Witness Statement of Jayesh

  1. shantam prem says:

    In nutshell, Jayesh is saying, I am the crown prince, I am the chief disciple, I am the Successor….
    Whatsoever he tries to paint, fact remains the same: Osho was cleverer than Jayesh. Osho appointed 19 other people to keep tag on others’ unconscious motives…A chairman without the other members is like a Prime Minister without the members of parliament, Mr. Cameron with his wife!
    No wonder, Brand Osho has become like Orkut, like hotmail…
    And I am willing to bet, even in the western book markets, Deepak Chopra is more in demand then Osho.
    In case of doubt, one can choose randomly 5 persons in any bookshop to enquire who they think has brought Indian spiritual touch into the West.

  2. Lokesh says:

    Obviously something for Shantam to get his teeth into. I’ll pass on this thread as the subject matter is such that I cannot be bothered trying to scrape up even a little enthusiasm to write anything about it. The only thing interesting aboout it is that it is amazing that anyone at all finds it interesting. For me it represents the dead zone. See you all further on up the road.

  3. Karima says:

    My guess is that Osho wanted his “seed” to spread all over the world to impregnate as many people as possible, before and after his death. He must have chosen Jayesh, ’cause he had the money and the connections to do this via books and internet etc., and also probably fully knew that the ego will grab it, but so what , if in the greater picture His most important aim was, and is, to “enlighten”as many people as possible in these end times, not only for the individual himself, but for the whole of humanity!

  4. Preetam says:

    Three independent private investigators could at least 2 years investigate, with all due respect, whether the commune management are affected by conflicting interests. The world is almost ruled by those conflicting interests which I regard extremely destructive.

  5. frank says:

    The 24 karat gold metaphor is an interesting one.
    It’s a fact that 24 karat gold is too soft for any commercial use.
    You have to cut it with titanium, copper, silver in order to make it durable for the market, otherwise it simply doesn’t hold any form.

  6. frank says:

    Pure gold’s longevity is due to its intrinsic composition.
    Its form can only hold firm in isolated, sealed environs shielded from pressure and environmental change.

  7. Ma Prem Sangeet says:

    It’s interesting that Jayesh’s “memories” of what Osho told him are entirely contradicted by what Osho said in public about having no successor, no church, no organization, no religion, etc. We can conclude one of two things:
    Either Jayesh’s “memories” are incorrect or Osho was a bald-faced liar who said one thing to people in public and the opposite to Jayesh in private. Personally, I suspect Jayesh.

    • tehuti says:

      I suspect Osho.
      He was a bald-headed (not faced) liar…no doubt about it.
      A lia’rs testimony carries no weight.
      As you sow, so you reap.

      I’ve looked into the man and his so-called ‘followers’..as examples of aberration…they make an interesting study….

    • Tathagat says:

      First memory loss happened when Mr Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary forgot to publish Osho’s Guidelines promised by these 3 office bearers for 20 years…now it comes in form of affidavit…Slow & Steady turnaround from whatever was said publicly is what affidavit wants court to believe…It’s a conspiracy hatched by this trinity, whose first lie was the time of Osho’s leaving body…Key to this lie is in hand of Dr Gokul Gokhani who certified his death…He is the witnessing prosecution of Sannyas….

  8. Swami Anant Akash says:

    Beloved Ma Prem Sangreet … Osho also stated:

    I have told you about these three titles – siddha, arihanta, acharya – which are experiential. I have also created three groups which will be active only when I leave the body. So you will have to wait a little for them to become active. While I am here there is no need for these three groups to be active.

    But these three groups belong to Rajneesh Academy.

    The first group is the mahasattvas. These are the people who will become enlightened before my death. The second group is the sambuddhas, who are already enlightened, but because I am here, they will remain anonymous just out of their gratitude. The third group is the bodhisattvas, who will become enlightened before their death.

    So I have chosen names for these groups, and I have directed the groups about their numbers
    that these numbers should remain constant, and if one person dies, how he has to be replaced.
    I have given them all the instructions. But that is not of any use to you.
    When I am not here, then the people who will be running the commune will need elders for guidance.

    These three groups will provide all kinds of guidance. They will not have any power; they will not
    be holding any post, but they will be available to all the people who are running the communes here and around the world, for any guidance.

    When I say they will not be holding any post, that does not mean that anybody who is holding a post cannot be a member of any of the groups. As a group member, he will not be holding the post, but as an individual he can hold the post. But while he is on the post, he cannot function as a member of the group.

    Source: From Bondage to Freedom, Chapter 28, You are the Eternal, p. 341.

    There is only only one bald-faced liar here, and it’s definitely not Osho!!!

  9. Teertha says:

    I think the only thing of note in this is that it reveals something of Osho’s character, namely, that he had a pragmatic, business-like side to him.

    Clearly, Jayesh was no ‘heart-disciple’ of Osho’s (to use a term from Tibetan Buddhism that is sometimes used to describe a ‘favourite son’ – which, by all accounts, Amrito was). Jayesh was a relative late-comer. I knew his younger brother (Yogendra); both came from a well-to-do Edmonton family that had considerable business acumen. Jayesh was an expedience for Osho, clear-headed in business matters, something that Osho was interested in in his latter days. Like any worthy guru or thinker, he wanted his legacy to have lasting impact (‘I leave you my dream’) and this required a practical element to implement it.

    That said, I do hope that some of these Inner Circle guys, like Jayesh or Yogendra (or Devageet), write about their time with Osho, as Gurdjieff’s students wrote about their time with him. If nothing else, it makes for entertaining/instructive reading – provided that the student/disciple writes honestly. Sanitized accounts are not needed. Osho himself was anything but ‘sanitized’ in his views of the world, nor should his disciples be.

  10. Jaya Peralta says:

    Q: Has the above document been scanned and copied onto the net? If it has, I wonder how a court document could have such a glaring mistake calling Osho, OSHa from point 19 onwards…specially from 23 > 32…
    In pt. 27 it says: Osha appeared in and gave a number of depositions in legal cases and for instance, while giving sworn testimony in a US copyright case, stated that he had assigned his copyright in his work to a foundation a statement later confirmed by the same court.
    Q: Why hasn’t the name of the foundation been mentioned?
    Pt. 29: On another occasion he told me to keep his work ’24-karat gold’ as many would try to pollute his work, offering rubbish and attempting to call it Osha. He specifically asked me to protect his name; as we had protected Rajneesh we should use the same model to protect his new name Osha.
    My comment: If Jayesh was entrusted to keep OSHO’s work as ’24′ carat gold’, why did he take it upon himself to edit Osho’s 24 carat gold words?? Isn’t it ironical that OIF in whose hands Osho entrusted his works, turned out to be the biggest polluters?

    • Arpana says:

      Would be really good if you would share with us all the examples of polluting by the OIF, along with the evidence you obviously have, given the certainty of the way you made that statement.

      Don’t keep us in the dark. Do share.

      • Tathagat says:

        If you can lay your hands on Original text or Download Audios of Book of Wisdom…please listen and verify if it is the same and if not…what % of the text has been deleted…Decide for yourself….

        • Savita says:

          If the Book of Wisdom is the only known example of Osho’s words being cut away, then I’d like to say something I have already shared with many people anecdotally.
          First of all, let’s state the obvious: Jayesh himself does not edit Osho’s books, he appoints someone to appoint editors.
          One of Osho’s chief editors of the time was Sarito. Sarito is a friend of mine, and while I was in New York some years back, I took this very question about the Book of Wisdom, hot on everyone’s lips, to her.
          She told me that in order to successfully publish the Book of Wisdom in the US – a market everyone agrees is highly desirable – the two-volume book had to be cut down to one volume (perhaps people are not aware that the Book of Wisdom was originally in two fairly chunky volumes).
          Sarito was given the task.
          She had to cut a large amount out of the two volumes to make it work and she did this by seeing where Osho had clearly repeated himself. Sometimes this involved chipping away at it, other times, hacking.
          As we all know, Osho repeats himself all the time, and lays out his words in different formats overlapping in various ways, as is natural for any extemporaneous speaker. May I say as an editor myself that these kinds of “writers” are a nightmare to edit and any serious editing of Osho – which fortunately barely happens – takes great skill.
          Sarito is a highly skilled editor, and is responsible for scores of finely edited Osho books. I find it hard to imagine she would have taken instructions from anyone else as to what to edit out, since she is the editorial supremo and would have discerned herself what could safely be removed without damaging Osho’s words. It must have taken one very delicate and sensitive pair of scissors to do this particular job on her beloved Master.

          I believe, though I may be wrong, that the Book of Wisdom was one of the first of his books to be published in the US in this new wave of international publication. It was certainly a coup.

          I don’t know if anyone else has taken the trouble to look at the examples of those exact cuts, as linked here by someone else on this thread, but if you look closely (and I’ve only examined a few chapters) you’ll notice the pattern of smaller cuts and what has been removed.
          Sadly – for my purposes anyway – but understandably, the questioners’ names are the first to go. Extra long questions (as that of my mother, Prem Joyce, for example, which orignally covered more than a page) have rightly been cut to the bone.
          Other smaller cuts involved local, contemporary and intimate material about individual sannyasins and ashram life. Even much of the reference to sannyas itself has been cut back, if not out altogether…And there’s more.
          But what’s interesting is that these cuts conform to the depersonalisation of Osho’s sannyasins as was prescribed for those few of the Darshan Diaries that were republished – something most of us know, was Osho’s personal request.

          All of these things are natural editorial devices to make the content of his books tighter, more widely accessible and more up-to-date. And although those of us who are understandably attached to our very personal memories of the period and the atmosphere in which they were spoken may well find this hard, it nevertheless makes total sense for the broader public – the new generation coming to Osho now.

          As for any other of his books that suffer from being “less than 24-karat”, I personally don’t know of any.
          Does anyone?

          • Tathagat says:

            Savita, Sarita , Anando , Narandra , SatyaVedant, Chaitanya Keerti, Yog Chinmaya and all other editors of Hindi as well as English publications are very much aware…Osho never allowed any editing of his books except factual, statistical and punctuation…But as you have stated already, “She told me that in order to successfully publish the Book of Wisdom in the US – a market everyone agrees is highly desirable….” All you guys can pat your backs being more intelligent than master himself…Do you remember Savita his statement…event after repeating one thing 4 times in one discourse…you don’t get it…HOW would you get it one time…Howsoever your great marketing skills are not needed and can save (Jayesh’s) money also since he had been repeating himself…asking just to Meditate, Be here and Now…Please also try to explain why his photos have been removed from front cover…I hope you remember?? Also, you might be remembering His books were selling in USA even before Osho went to America…You also might be remembering publishers like Harper & Row , Grove Press, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Wisdom Garden Books…all from USA, but you still call it “Book of Wisdom was one of the first of his books to be published in the US in this new wave of international publication. It was certainly a coup.”

      • krishna says:


        I never judge your love to Osho but I’m surprised a man who never dreams after enlightenment…who says the world is just our mind illusions…leaves you his dreams….
        Can u really be truthful if it’s really his dreams which u r fulfilling…All those who not agree to u one by one thrown out of Resort aka commune…u think this was also a part of Osho’s dream…?

  11. tehuti says:

    ‘I leave you my dream’.
    No thanks. I have more than enough of my own.
    The dude, who allegedly lived in ‘the moment’…and gave no thought for the morrow…and never dreamed whilst alive…has left us…a dream.
    Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

    • Karima says:

      The CREATOR also had HIs dream, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Nothing wrong with a dream, as long as you don’t take it for real! And when Osho says, “I leave you my dream”, maybe he meant precisely that: live the dream to the full, with all its angles, and he always set it up so there were lots of angles and snares to be caught in, in order for the shit to surface! But still, a dream is a dream!

      • alok john says:

        Surely “I leave you my dream” means his hope for the New Man, Zorba the Buddha, and all the rest of it.

        • satyadeva says:

          Yes, of course you’re right, Alok, and better would be to substitute ‘Vision’ for ‘Dream’. You know, “the vision thing”, as George Bush famously said!

        • tehuti says:

          Alok, hope, is thought for the morrow…too many already doing that…they wanna save, everyone and everything…but THEMSELVES…
          It means not being in the ‘moment’…ie to be concerned with the essential…the Self…being truly selfish…can’t help a drowning man MUCH, if you can’t swim…wana help with the New Man…then deal with the obnoxious Old Man..under your skin…as Michael said, “I’m Starting with the Man in The Mirror…”

          The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  12. prasad says:

    I had it in the back of my mind, he did pick them up to carry on this mishap of failed BRAND management that saw the brand’s real asset (people getting involved and staying with the play) shrink to an all-time low despite the great expansion of dead assets (books), which can only be attributed to the master himself. It’s either the final joke to disperse us all to the world and kill the RELIGION or the lack of managerial skills of enlightend people…or Jayesh got it all wrong..
    But cashram/ resort is not providing the inspiration for the new man, OSHO’s dream, new people go once and don’t return, and almost everyone who stays ends up in trouble with THE MANAGERS unless he licks.
    Let the chairman and co run the brand for a while longer, but as the master said, politicians live on our power and maybe the empty marble walkways in his place will rattle them one day. We can’t argue with Jayesh and co’s direct mandate from the master himself , but also they can’t argue with their ever so empty cashram.

  13. Gyan Ekin says:

    One most ridiculous aspect of this whole statement is that Jayesh claims that in seclusion of his room Osho told him that no one else but Jayesh can come to see him alone. Then again in the court this Jayesh guy has no legal documents signed in original by Osho as proof. If someone is transferring his rights to someone else other than next of kin, then they have to go to registrar office personally and sign in front of registrar and witenesses. LoL since Osho never did that, Jayesh is only left to his own words and court has to take his words as proof. Great, now imagine on top of that Ma Yog Neelam appears in court and disputes Jayesh’s statement, then it becomes her word against his.

    Another thing that has struck me is that Jayesh is making a statement in that court that at certain point it became from Commune to Resort, well then, why still the board on campus only reads ‘Osho International’ and not ‘Meditation Resort’? Did he pay all the proper taxes for all the earnings of the Resort? For every payment made in a Resort you’re provided a ‘receipt’ and it’s a huge crime if you don’t. Plus the luxury tax is high on things in a Resort, but no receipts are provided for the payments made. I hope Anadi & Premgeet’s lawyer makes a point of it too.

    Not to mention how can they turn the property given in charity to commune into a commercial enterprise? Interesting times ahead indeed….

    The statements like, “to keep His work pure as 24 carat” makes me puke, I remember somewhere on oshoworld.com Swami Chaitanya Keerti had put up the “Book of Wisdom” showing how this book was mutilated by Jayesh by deleting 5 chapters out of 13 chapters, and he didn’t stop even there , even from these 13 chapters he removed many, many more passages. Great job.

    Anyway, he lost in US, he is going to lose it in India and then Europe too. The statement reads as if he is a special person whose word is so sacrosanct that judge has to believe without any legal documents.

  14. Gyan Ekin says:

    Here, friends, you can see how much mutilation Jayesh has done to Osho’s work, the “Book of Wisdom” is an example:


  15. Teertha says:

    Couple of observations not directly related to this thread:

    1. Sam’s book (Life of Osho) seems to be no longer available online. A note with Russian words appears, indicating that the ‘account had been disabled’. Possibly a one-time occurrence, but possibly not. Try clicking ‘read online’ and let me know what you get.


    2. Osho’s Wiki page has had some apparently recent additions that are none too flattering for him, quotations of his condemnations of various social groups (handicapped, retarded, gays, etc.). Doubtless quotes could be found by him countering these views (he was notoriously ambiguous, and any who knew him knew), but it seems no one has yet done the work to find those countering views.

    Scroll down to ‘euthanasia’, ‘homosexuality as perversion’, etc.


  16. swami anand guru says:

    Maybe not a religion, but certainly a business, with all the bullshit that goes along with it. Infighting, suspicion, jockeying for power and position, and defensiveness – not surprising, but sad for humanity and history.

  17. shantam prem says:

    i wish to write on this thread but not when tehuti kind of egg heads are allowed to bring their dog shit boots in the premises.
    Words are too sacred, when it is dealing with the matters concerning Osho.

    • tehuti says:

      “Words are too sacred, when it is dealing with the matters concerning Osho.”
      Dude, are you for real…words are too SACRED, when dealing with MATTERS concerning Osho!
      Words were not too sacred when it came to your Master…He used them lefr, right…and put them in people’s mouths…lies…things which they never said…and admitted to it.
      And if they are SUDDENLY too sacred for you…a shitty excuse… because you feel threatened…by a “little egg”…then STFU!
      WHY should my words bother you so much…don’t read ‘em…respond to the others…
      You wanna change Pune…change SN…anything but YOURSELF…you hero, man…everyone knows…now just go and create some self-induced ecstasy …and with a dripping hand…type your next comment…it might make sense…you would have just released some of that pent-up tension….

  18. chetna says:

    Just a thought: Tehuti, are you Jayesh in disguise? ha ha ha ho ho ho

  19. shantam prem says:

    Meditation – Before Osho’s arrival and now too, there are as many institutions to teach in every city as Take Away food stalls.
    Love – Before Osho and now too, there are millions of quotations and songs. To fit Osho in the crowd is quite easy but it does not do justice to Osho’s spirit.
    Osho’s spirit was in work In His ashram and therefore was pushing the buttons of Old and Rotten.
    I feel His sannyasins are courageous and intelligent enough to take care of Osho Fire together, this is possible only when 1987-1999 model is reinstated. It will make only few people less important but world will be enriched.

    • tehuti says:

      “this is possible only when 1987-1999 model is reinstated”.
      I strongly disagree; the best model is circa 1930′s Germany…you should study it..Osho did…
      Failing that,the 1300′s, Middle Ages can be tried…
      What year and century is this again ?
      And remember, be careful with your words…in case you unknowingly end up blaspheming against the Master.

      • krishna says:

        You say…he said that many people around
        him had guru minds and would surface when he left his body. He said to ignore them
        and not to give them any attention – “giving them attention just adds energy to their
        But it seems you’re not following his guideline…I see lots of attention from your side…you banning these people…writing to Osho centres not to welcome them…or even banning their books…I feel you and Resort is giving lots of attention to them….

  20. Merlina says:

    Trying to see this issue beyond all the current blaming and accusations and counter-accusations…From reading Jayesh’s statement I see a real conflict of interest here between protecting Osho’s legacy and freedom of expression. The statement that Osho is said to have made regarding people with guru-minds using his name and his words to put across their own teachings rings true.

    Look how the name and message of visionaries and mystics down the ages have been misused. If there’s no copyright control then anyone can use or misuse his words, meditation techniques and names. And it won’t be just those who love him and genuinely want to support his work….

    I saw an interesting documentary at one point called ‘The Real Jesus’ which presented a very different view of what Jesus was really like – suggesting that he was much more political and concerned with rebelling against the Roman dictatorship – and for that reason was seen as a threat by the Romans, who feared he might inspire a Jewish uprising. I thought, if that’s the case, then it’s no coincidence that the Catholic Church that was subsequently established in Jesus’s name is the Church of ROME. Seems like this was how the establishment moved in to neutralise and sanitise Jesus and absorb him into the establishment view – and create an institution that still continues to exert power and control.

    If there’s no copyright and no protection, what’s to stop something similar happening to Osho’s name and words. For example, Osho talked about One-World Government and reducing the growth of the human population to tackle the environmental problems that threaten life on this planet. It’s said that there is a New World Order comprising politicians and others in powerful positions that have similar ideas – only not to create any ‘Golden Future’ for human beings, but to impose a global totalitarian regime. If there’s no copyright, what’s to stop these characters hijacking Osho’s words and vision of the Golden Future for their own purposes?

    At the same time, I feel there should be freedom for people who love Osho, feel connected with him, and feel inspired by his work, to be able to express themselves and create their own projects in support of his work. I think the ‘creative commons’ licence for non-commercial use of his work might be the solution – with a requirement that anything that people create that is a ‘derivative’ is clearly presented as being their own interpretation or creation that he has inspired. That way no one can claim any special status or authority on Osho, the source material will remain available for people to access.

    And this can include any edited or abridged work that OIF produces – people should know it’s the edited version and be able to access the original, or even listen to the original audio or video discourse – where something beyond the words can also be transmitted. The way I myself discovered Osho, in fact, was just through hearing him say one statement in a clip shown in a BBC TV documentary. That was enough for me to immediately feel something and go into a space of meditation. I loaned a book once to a friend who returned it reporting ‘that book was burning in my hand’ and seemed to have had some immediate recognition about Osho, without even having seen or heard a discourse!

    I also once met a local medium who informed me she just held this particular tarot deck in her hand without opening it or using it, and would feel a tremendous peace – and it was the Osho Tarot deck.

    So it seems to me Jayesh was asked to take care of the legal and practical aspects, to do how the words are to be protected and distributed through various physical media, whilst Osho is continuing taking care of the spiritual dimension and transmission of energy.

  21. shantam prem says:

    More than hundreds of times, Osho has tried to explain us about the significance of those who are honest enough to mention, “I have heard master saying” and those clever ones asserting, ” Master said like this.”
    Osho’s disciples are wise enough to see where lies the truth. Maybe they have become too wise to see Truth in Everything….

  22. tehuti says:

    “More than hundreds of times, Osho has tried to explain us about the significance of those who are honest enough to mention, “I have heard master saying” and those clever ones asserting, ” Master said like this.”
    Osho’s disciples are wise enough to see where lies the truth. Maybe they have become too wise to see Truth in Everything….”
    Are you feeling OK ?…What is actually wrong with you?…Are you becoming more retarded by the day?

    • salles says:

      Shantam refers to a saying of Gautama Buddha’s disciple, Ananda: “I heard Gautama Buddha say, because Ananda was not enlightened during G.Buddha`s lifetime”. So he put in question his own understanding of Buddha’s talk. Osho mentioned this again and again in his early lectures, it’s one of the most precious and modern/Post-post-modern narratives ever, not yet discovered and discussed as such. The interpretation of Osho is not finished, it has not even started, as Osho’s books are not transmitted knowledge but a lingual energy pattern; beyond that pattern there are unseen patterns, undiscovered yet and alsodesigned by those who will be experiencing them….

      • salles says:

        Please excuse the many language-connected faults, I am working on a very old computer, my actual one is being repaired and nothing really comes out as intended. Please excuse…Salles

        • satyadeva says:

          Would be helpful if you could explain the first two sentences, Salles, please!

          • Arpana says:

            I’m reading that as saying any phrase of Osho’s is always coloured by the reader.
            Any given phrase will be interpreted differently by a hundred people etc., and further, that if they return to that phrase they will perceive something new in any phrase, and he knows that and phrases everything accordingly.

            “Nothing is literal with me. All is poetic, symbolic. And you cannot guess what I really mean if you just catch the word and carry it in a dead way. You will be able to carry the word only if you play with it, sing with it, and continuously keep
            in contact with your Heart. The word that I throw in you is just like a stone thrown
            in the lake. Those ripples arise. That is the real work. The stone is just a device to
            create those ripples. Forget that stone; it has done its work. Now move with the
            ripples. It has started a chain; that will only be a beginning. The end is going to be
            very, very far away. By the time you have an end result you will not be able to
            relate it to the stone. You will not be able to fit them together as cause and effect.
            Thats what Jung means by synchronicity”.

            At the Feet of the Master.

            • salles says:

              The importance here is the stress on the poetic view. It means not to stick to the very outward saying but to the impulse it came from and the context in which it was said. Osho didn`t tell the truth, in my understanding his intention was to create the truth.
              It is a great pity that Osho`s books as an oeuvre has never been published by any neutral publishing house, be it Indian, British, American, whatsoever. This should have been Jayesh`s ambition to care for the future: getting Osho`s media out in a well-known publishing house, which would advance a public discussion of his work. People post here, that Osho and Sannyas is of the past and one shall move on – in fact I moved on to zen and the Integral movement around Ken Wilber – but really diving a little deeper in one’s experience discovers: Osho has not even been started to be dscovered. My understanding….

              • Arpana says:

                Osho is not of the past for me.
                Hes only of the past for those who don’t meditate.

                • tehuti says:

                  Arpana, It’s just word games…meditation/meditate…nirvana…samadhi…
                  UNLESS, you can elaborate…just a bit…what you mean…otherwise no different from the others, and their words…look how many just on this site!…and it’s not gonna end…anytime soon.
                  What meditation, you do…not only you get a little calm…but you manage to resurrect Osho!
                  Leave the hyperboles for the Easterners…enough of the long line of Chinese whispers.

          • salles says:

            Hi Satyadeva, all talks by Gautama Buddha we know of today go back to Buddha`s disciple Ananda. Ananda was living closest to G.B. and followed him everywhere. He was chosen for this position because of his excellent memory. While many sannyasins in less privileged positions attained enlightenment during G.Buddha`s lifetime, Ananda himself failed. So when reporting Buddha`s sayings after G.Buddha`s death he put in question his “right listening”, his understanding of Buddha`s talks, because of his being unenlightened then and never just said: Gautama Buddha said, but added the subtle, sincere and intelligent nuance: “I heard Gautama Buddha saying.” Jayesh is evidently missing this sincerity, subtlety and intelligence.
            Hope I could add to a better understanding, Salles

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  24. shantam prem says:

    If elephants start giving attention to every dog’s bark on the way, even an hundred miles journey will never end…

  25. tehuti says:

    “You, my pal, ROCK! ”
    – Thanks, Psycho.

  26. ch. blue says:

    Power and success are one of the most dangerous things for most people.
    Sad that we are not able to make decicions with all, for all.

    The goose is out.

  27. krishna says:

    In 1985 Osho appointed me as director to the board of OIF.

    I’m sorry to say but OSHO’s name had not even yet come that year and you say you were appointed director by Osho…He was still known as Bhagwan at this time.

  28. yashodar says:

    It just so happened, that the queue outside the Pearly Gates was long and crowded and – since the space around lay outside of space and time – the crowd awaiting entry was mostly familiar and friendly with each other and being aware of and looking back onto a lifetime of similar pursuit and experiences…

    The keepers of the Gates had their instructions and methods of check and bounce and they were very conscientious and eager to fulfil their Master’s demands as they had understood Him. Even though the queue was long, there seemed to be only a small trickle of permitted entries at this Holy Gate.

    As the sun was setting that night, the main keeper of the Gate came out to address the waiting about their needed convictions and attitudes if they so wish to enter the Gates – to his surprise there was no crowd any longer and in his irritation he ran to inform his Master. But on entering the Master’s Hall he was taken by surprise: a huge, silent group had gathered around Him, a deep silence was emanating from the space, a single throb beyond convictions and attitudes…The Master smiled, compassionately, mischievously, holding the key of the Back Door in his hands….

  29. Young sannyasin says:

    The Chinese poet, Yuan Mei (1716–1798), was heavily influenced by Buddhism but was also skeptical towards it. He was eager to learn from the very tradition he criticised. The book of his selected poems is entitled “I Don’t Bow to Buddhas.” Yuan Mei is one of my role models.
    from Rob Brezsny.

    • tehuti says:

      I just very quickly…looked at the article…then the the few comments above…not too closely, to see the CONTEXT…BUT…what on God’s earth has your comment got anything to do with what’s being discussed?
      …Oh, I see, entry through the ‘back door’…
      Yes, you’re a very learned and cultured man YS…you ‘know’ the poet Yuan Mei…good…I remember..if my memory serves me correct…you making a comment…to the effect…that your English was poor…so self-effacing and humble….and your English has improved a lot…way better than mine…almost Frankish…or should I say Frankensteinian proportions…what a misspelt mouthful that was!

      • Young sannyasin says:

        “What on God’s earth has your comment got anything to do with what’s being discussed?”
        And what’s YOUR comment got anything to do with what’s being discussed??

  30. shantam prem says:

    In every town, regulars know when to leave the pub.
    Many times it is not about closing hours but when certain kind of people enter!

    • lokesh says:

      Shantam, this could mean anything. It would be interesting to hear a breakdown and explanation from you about what you wish to convey by saying this. You come across as someone who believes that using metaphor adds to their power to communicate when nine times out of ten it does not.

  31. Swami Prem Aleef( ben tolmatsky) says:

    I feel (also think) as long as Sudheer is part of the ‘inner circle’ Osho’s vision will not be corrupted…but who knows?

    • lokesh says:

      ‘Who knows?’, asks Aleef.
      I reckon Osho did not actually have a concrete vision as such. Observing him over the years he tended to roll with the punches and play it by ear. In other words his ideas were spontaneous and often contradictory, and sometimes completely warped…think mass steralizations. Why bother with Osho’s vision when it is actually your job to create one of your own? Of course the lazy ones will always vote to have someone else’s vision to live, no mattter how confusing it might be.

    • Arpana says:

      Better a tenth rate original, than a first rate imitation.

      (Although, the Bootleg Beatles put on a great show.)

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