Osho Demoted from Personhood by Facebook!

 A must read… incredibly outrageous 

   “The result of this Facebook policy is discrimination against people connected to Osho as a spiritual teacher, who want to use His name to describe their work or to talk about His work on a Facebook page. Osho the person can be mentioned in page content, but people may not mention Osho in the page title – in the place that will attract people interested in Osho – or Facebook may take down the page. In other words, people associated with Osho cannot use Facebook to discuss or spread the teachings of their spiritual leader in the way all other religious groups can. Both “Jesus” and “Buddha” are trademarks in the US for specific products, but Facebook would not take down all pages with these names in the title. For example, Facebook would not take down a page for the First Church of Jesus Christ, because they would acknowledge that “Jesus” in the church name is a reference to the historical person, not a trademark use. They would not take down a page titled Buddha Sanctuary, as they would recognize this as a reference to the historical Buddha.”


Facebook Discrimination: Osho Demoted from Personhood

Osho International Foundation, Zurich (OIF) has claimed “Osho” as its own exclusive trademark in several countries around the world. In 2008 the US Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled that “Osho” cannot be a trademark in the US. In India, Osho International Foundation Pune, a completely separate Indian legal entity, claimed ownership of “Osho” as a trademark, but the claim was opposed and no registration or ruling has ever taken place. In 2010 Osho Lotus Commune in Cologne filed a case in the EU to invalidate a trademark for “Osho” that OIF registered in 1999.
Nonetheless, OIF continues to claim that no one can use the name Osho to indicate an association with Osho the person in work that is related to Osho’s spiritual teachings unless OIF gives them permission. At some point after losing the US case, OIF went out and registered trademarks in new jurisdictions like China and Venezuela, where there are not enough sannyasins to oppose the registrations. Based on these filings they claim to own an “international” trademark for Osho.
OIF now argues that no one can use Osho’s name descriptively in a business name on the Internet, because the Internet goes to the whole world, and OIF has Osho registered as a trademark in some jurisdictions.
In the EU case over 30 center leaders, therapists, and others involved with Osho’s work testified that they had used Osho’s name to describe His connection to their work, programs, and processes since 1989 or soon after. OIF did not register a trademark for those services till 1999 and did not begin attempting to license that mark until 2009, after losing in the US.
In retaliation, Klaus Steeg (Pramod) has filed complaints with Facebook on behalf of OIF against every person with a page containing the name Osho who testified in the EU case, and Facebook has taken down those pages. In one case Facebook even took down the personal page of a center’s web person.
Facebook’s terms, which appear on its website, state that Facebook will not adjudicate between parties in an intellectual property dispute. US law requires Facebook to allow people accused of copyright violations to object to the copyright claim, and if the accused responds and the claimant does not file an enforcement lawsuit within a specified time, the page must be put back up.
In contrast, if a claimant to trademark ownership fills out a scanty online form that could not possibly give enough information to actually determine the sufficiency of a trademark claim, Facebook will take down the page, will not allow the accused to respond, and will not put the page back up unless the claimant agrees to it.
In doing this, Facebook is deciding that the trademark claimant has a valid claim to a trademark, though there are many possible defenses to a trademark claim, such as that the mark is invalid (as the US has decided with “Osho”), that the registration was fraudulent, that there is no trademark where the accused is based, that the accused has priority in using the alleged mark, and that the word is the name of the historical person and being used as a name, not as a trademark (which is the case with all the pages that have been taken down).
All jurisdictions have a process for trademark claimants to bring actions for infringement, and the accused is always allowed to present a defense. None require the accused to bring an action to prove non-infringement, but Facebook has now created that situation. Rather than requiring the trademark claimant to file the infringement action in the appropriate legal jurisdiction, as a copyright claimant must do, the accused in a trademark case is excluded from Facebook until it files a legal action against the claimant in the jurisdiction where it is incorporated or against Facebook in the US. In this case, people accused of infringement by OIF may need to go to Switzerland to bring an action against OIF.
The result of this Facebook policy is discrimination against people connected to Osho as a spiritual teacher, who want to use His name to describe their work or to talk about His work on a Facebook page. Osho the person can be mentioned in page content, but people may not mention Osho in the page title – in the place that will attract people interested in Osho – or Facebook may take down the page. In other words, people associated with Osho cannot use Facebook to discuss or spread the teachings of their spiritual leader in the way all other religious groups can. Both “Jesus” and “Buddha” are trademarks in the US for specific products, but Facebook would not take down all pages with these names in the title. For example, Facebook would not take down a page for the First Church of Jesus Christ, because they would acknowledge that “Jesus” in the church name is a reference to the historical person, not a trademark use. They would not take down a page titled Buddha Sanctuary, as they would recognize this as a reference to the historical Buddha.
Yet Facebook treats Osho differently. For Facebook Osho is not a person with a name, and people associated with Osho are not allowed to refer to Him in their page names. For Facebook, Osho is only a trademark. Facebook is aware of this situation and the effect of its practices on lovers of Osho but has refused to comment on its policy or to change it.
The result has been remarkable. One of the pages Facebook took down was Osho Pulsation, which is located in California, where the law is clear that there is no Osho trademark. Other pages taken down were for Osho Uta Institut, Osho Times, and Osho Diamond Breath. All of these used the name Osho in connection to their businesses before OIF filed for relevant marks. Under EU law OIF cannot enforce a later mark against them, even if a mark for “Osho” should turn out to be valid. Over the last year or so other pages have been taken down, including those of Swami Rajneesh, now known as Ozen Rajneesh, whose activities have taken place in India and Mexico, where OIF, Zurich, has never had a trademark claim.
Those who testified in the EU trademark case are not the only one’s affected. Ursula Hoess (Vatayana) has written to other owners of Facebook pages that contain Osho’s name, telling them they must “acknowledge” OIF’s ownership of trademarks for “Osho” or their pages will be taken down. (Of course, no one can “acknowledge” ownership of a trademark. That is always up to the relevant legal jurisdiction to decide.) Phillip Toelkes (Niren) has written letters threatening legal action against Osho Uta Institut and Osho Diamond Breath and to a long-time therapist to tell her she may no longer describe herself as an “Osho therapist.” That was a blast from the past, since few, if any, therapists refer to themselves that way these days anyway. Interestingly, most of Niren’s letters have been written to people in Europe, and he has ignored the fact that he is not licensed to practice law there.
Klaus Steeg has written threatening letters to www.oshonews.com, and when they did not agree to comply with his demands, OIF had the Osho News Facebook page taken down (and he is not licensed to practice law at all). This activity is expected to continue unless legal action is once again taken against OIF. If a legal action is brought against Facebook, the terms of use may require OIF to pay their legal fees as well.

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64 Responses to Osho Demoted from Personhood by Facebook!

  1. Parmartha says:

    Plain politics by OIF.
    Cowardice by Facebook, just interested in money and being free from litigation to protect their profits.
    I am very surprised that so many people are addicted to Facebook. It gives them an awful lot of power over individual lives, as here.
    Nonetheless I find it ironic, in this context, that Osho disclaimed personhood as normally understood, after his enlightenment!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      personhood is a legalistic term used in determining trademark law

      OIF are clearly showing themselves to be the enemies of osho and the sannyas movement by their continual attacks on facebook and youtube and the web in general against oshos people who dont kowtow to their false claims to own osho

      very many websites, facebook pages, youtube videos posted by oshos people who wish to share their master have been removed without any legitimate reason due to the continual bullying intimidation of OIF jayesh, amrito, yogendra and their stooges klaus steeg (pramod), niren toelkes and vatayana

      this is a sustained attack on oshos people by those businessmen who have it is estimated robbed the osho foundation of 55 million dollars transferring the money to private businesses and bank accounts owned by the trustees of the foundation – jayesh and amrito and mukesh

      osho asked his people to share his message in every way they can – and OIF are preventing this in every way they can while they profit from selling edited mishmashes of oshos discourses and engaging lawyers to to protect their business empire


  2. shantam prem says:

    This is utterly unjust to blame Facebook.
    For God sake come out from your denial.
    It is Osho´s own management people who created this situation.
    There is a complete team working round the clock in the resort to fish those sites and pages, who are violating the copyrights.
    This news you have taken is published in Oshonews. Only when someone touches the self interests of wise people, only then they scream. Otherwise I am Ok. You are OK!

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      correct shantam – until now oshonews has said nothing about the OIF actions against so many of oshos people which have been going on for years
      only now when their own facebook page oshonews is removed and they are themselves directly threatened and intimidated do they begin to expose OIF for what it has become

  3. shantam prem says:

    Is there a single instance in Osho´s life, when he uttered the names Klaus, Ursula, Denial, Brian or Arianna Bethany, Divina, Ella, Elena,(last five names are researched from a soft porn site)
    Is it not a clever trick to use western names in context of Osho so that folks back home get the impression, these are the regular people and not the brain damaged cultists.

    When you cannot stand for your values, it is better not to claim any values! Point

    • satyadeva says:

      “A clever trick” to use a western name? Perhaps simple common sense: why be some sort of martyr, why waste energy having to explain it all to uninterested, unsympathetic, possibly downright hostile people? Why indeed “cast one’s pearls before swine”?! And for what, anyway?

  4. Lokesh says:

    Parmartha declares, ‘Facebook, just interested in money’.
    Anyone reading that and finding it in some way news must have been living in a cave for the last five years. Shareholders will be pleased to note that Facebook’s share price has finally risen to its original flotation price. Facebook is a business. So far not one that has yielded any profits, other than for the smart kid who owns it and those twins who were diddled at its conception point. Nonetheless, Facebook does generate truck loads of money. So, who wants a story with some small Indian guru cult threatening litigation. Better to give them what they want and continue generating cash.
    I don’t think that a huge amount of people will be affected by this story, and if they are…well, no use crying over spilt milk…nip out and find another cow to milk. Mooooo!
    This sort of topic is right up Shri Shantam’s back alley. We all have our problems. Currently he has been, and I quote, ‘last five names are researched from a soft porn site). I’m sure this is very exciting research for him to indulge himself in, but I wonder that he feels the need to make public declarations about it. His spiritual growth seems to be stunted in regards his root chakra. All part of Osho’s legacy?

  5. shantam prem says:

    After seeing someone like Lokesh, this saying must have taken the birth,
    ” My navel is the centre of the earth if not universe.”

    There is a recession in the world, it cannot be. I have seen enough tourists in Ibiza!
    I wonder, when Mr. Lokesh will dare to look at the world from a broader angle not from his own image.

    One sheikh goes in a lingerie boutique in London. he likes one particular cut. Must be a thong. Sales person asks for the size. Sheikh says, pack all the sizes. Something will fit someone!

    There are many ways to broaden the way!

  6. dominic says:

    My eyes glaze over, my brain goes numb…Frankly, I don’t give a damn.
    The evil empire and it’s agents strike back with their anti-social media TM attacks…oif oif..oif oif… Shooting themselves in the foot again.

    Shanty, panting. His firm reputation well in hand…crying over spilt milk…
    Finally he has reached Ella-tenment….. (but it’s all over so quick!).
    Silly boy, if you want to get a head get a Godhead, or act as if!
    You’ll have young dumb gopis (milking girls) worshipping your shivalingam till the ..er..cows come home.

  7. Lokesh says:

    Shantam wonders, ‘when Mr. Lokesh will dare to look at the world from a broader angle not from his own image.’
    You can keep on wondering, man.
    What I wonder about is people I know from the Poona One days still hanging on to some authoratarian figure, whether dead or alive, believing somehow that they will eventually become enlightened due to being in the master’s presence, real or imagined. They already have everything needed to wake up and roar but they coninue to meow like hungry kittens, or in Shantam’s case hoist a flag on a pile of bullshit, imagining themselves to be revolutionaries, when the real revolution sits silently within waiting for eternity to be discovered. I don’t give a damn about Facebook or OIF. In my opinion its kid’s stuff. I’m the last one to stop the children playing but as mature adults perhaps its time to set our sites on higher ground instead of wallowing in the mire of commerce to the extent of becoming completely identified with it.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      osho’s lovers sharing oshos message freely is not “wallowing in the mire of commerce” lokesh
      neither will they “nip out and find another cow to milk” when prevented from doing so
      to refer to osho as a cow is typical of guru loco’s attitude towards our master – because he himself is an egoist who has no love for osho he imagines that others who do love osho and are his disciples are fools to be so
      guru locoji has made it his mission to continually teach others that a connection with osho has no transformative value – a case of the grapes that he could not reach being proclaimed sour

      • satyadeva says:

        “to refer to Osho as a cow is typical of guru loco’s attitude towards our master”

        Oh dear!
        You fail to grasp the difference between the literal (‘Osho is a cow’) and the metaphorical (‘Osho is a cash cow’).

        But that’s what outraged fundamentalist zeal does, it robs the zealot of linguistic common sense, because it’s wired to be, well, outraged. Or even well outraged! Just too many ‘sacred cows’, I suppose…

        A case of disgraceful punditry indeed, Superintendent Rage (or shall I call you ‘Sheikh’?).

        • Lokesh says:

          Thanks, SD, precisely. I respect that you have the patience to explain such things. Osho warned what would happen when he left but I am only beginning to understand the full extent of what he meant now.

        • satyadeva says:

          Just in case you haven’t got it yet, ‘Super Sheikh’, referring to Osho as “a cash cow” is neither an insult nor a criminal or civil offence. It’s a common-or-garden phrase used to describe anything that happens to be financially lucrative, eg ‘That mini-cab business in Camden Town is a real cash cow’.

          But at least you’re demonstrating very clearly how your brand of fundamentalist zealotry (however ‘well meaning’) undermines the intelligence of the zealot – while (unconsciously) attempting to undermine that of his perceived ‘enemies’ and any other interested parties by perpetrating his nonsense on them.

          So for that, one has, I suppose, to be grateful.

  8. shantam prem says:

    Again I I I, me me me!
    Please close all the hospitals, once Mr. Lokesh is healed!
    Osho too should have gone beyond, once Lokesh found his soul and soul mate.
    Me me me, I I I, He is the finest example.
    Story says, there was one man who got it once apple he saw the apple falling. He did not spend even a single day away from his home country.

    I wonder whether Ramana Maharishi had got passport?
    If he was a Scottish, will he go that far away in Ibiza to find the right atmosphere on some mountain top?

    People are born with their unique needs, style of expressions, living conditionings, wishes to lead their lives in a certain way.

    I am sure, Lokesh is wise enough not to tell a Nunn, ” How long”, look at my wife, she got every light without being in a convent!

    • satyadeva says:

      Shantam says, “People are born with their unique needs, style of expressions, living conditionings, wishes to lead their lives in a certain way.”

      Yes, well, what people are born with and what is a result of their inauspicious conditioning are very often quite different ball games, aren’t they, Shantam?

  9. Preetam says:

    I find it correct if not every merchant can exploit Osho for his personal benefit.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      do you find it correct that OIF trustees can exploit osho for their personal benefit preetam? – setting up private businesses to transfer the foundation earnings to themselves as they have ?

      all of the facebook pages and youtube videos that i know have been removed by OIFs false ownership claims were not exploitations by merchants and no profits were being made – osho was being shared freely by his lovers

      • satyadeva says:

        “all of the facebook pages and youtube videos that i know have been removed by OIFs false ownership claims were not exploitations by merchants and no profits were being made – Osho was being shared freely by his lovers”

        That’s something that, if true, I can agree with you on, DR.

        • Preetam says:

          Interesting that in matter of profit you understand each other.

          From my standpoint, profit has more than money side. Not only money benefit – idealist profit in different ways. It includes greed for benefit through ideological success… quite confusing and perhaps corrupting.

          • satyadeva says:

            How can an ‘unknown’ person “profit” in the way you describe, simply by putting an Osho video on youtube?!

            At times, Preetam, you appear to be another sort of zealot yourself, unable to see the wood for the trees.

            • Preetam says:

              SD, where do you want to draw the line? Why a few want to post an Osho Video on Youtube? Maybe, putting responsibilities onto Osho, Ego, or good will? Osho has not fought for his legacy, more for the heritage of humanity and truth.

              • satyadeva says:

                You seem far too serious about this, Preetam, “thinking too precisely on the event”, rather like Shakespeare’s Hamlet! I can understand someone putting up a video of anything that inspires them or that they particularly enjoy, as it’s a natural impulse to share such enthusiasm, isn’t it?

                You wouldn’t be becoming too much in the grip of your own world-view, your own ideology, by any chance, would you? Which prevents you accessing simple common sense? Or, as I said, prevents you seeing the wood for the trees?

                Dangerous stuff, ideology….

                • Preetam says:

                  Yes, sharing is a natural need. Nothing against sharing Osho Videos, they anyway should be free for watching.

                  But, who will have permission to share content and who not?

                  Personally, I would not give any permission to Sw. R., the next person perhaps I would. Being fair is only possible if nobody has admission.

                  Perhaps more differentiate… no permission to share, for personal purpose. Who will judge it?

                  Anyway not my story to Discus such things, just told my position.

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            confusing alright preetam – sharing osho our master freely out of love you have turned into “greed for benefit through ideological success” and a corrupting activity

            you dont answer my previous question to you – dont you want to look at the real corruption going on with OIF resort top managers stealing a massive amount of money from sales of osho material into their private companies and bank accounts – rather than using that money to support oshos sannyas movement worldwide ?

            55 million dollars is a lot of money to be robbed by a handful of people from the trust osho left behind – considering 3 or 4 million dollars can create an ashram with all the facilities dedicated to sharing osho’s meditations and message to the thirsty people in search of some help in an insane world –
            by now we could have had 20 more large communes worldwide sharing oshos vision –
            but OIF amrito and jayesh wants that anyone attracted to osho through his books and videos should go to their one and only corrupted sauna resort to be spoiled and exploited

  10. Lokesh says:

    The Sannyban are on the war path. Remarkable how attached the likes of Shantam and Dhyanrage are in respect to their crusade to topple the axis of evil in the form of the dreaded OIF. Onward Sannyas soldiers. Quite the microcosm of the ball of confusion that we are living on. With the foe in their sights its very much a case of unity in the face of adversity. Self righteousness to the fore. Yes, and all this political struggle for what? To free up Osho’s message? Part of Osho’s message, in regards who would run the show when he left the building runs just so; ‘“I am not going to leave any successor because we have seen what happens to successors. Two thousand years of popes coming and going…. If you want to find idiots in history, it is so easy — take the names of all the popes, because other names have disappeared. These popes are representing Jesus Christ, and because they are representing Jesus Christ they are infallible. I am not going to leave any successor behind me, because in the first place I, myself, am fallible. How can my representative be infallible?”
    And quite right too, yet the OIF and the Sannyban all want to succeed. The cat is now gone forever and as a result the mice will play their silly games forever. What has any of this to do with the practice of meditation, which was at the core of Osho’s teaching? Absolutely nothing.
    I will repeat what Osho said, ‘ I am not going to leave any successor behind me’. That is very straightforward. ‘ Any successor’, OIF or Sannyban they are on the same boat and for me it does not float. Same old, same old. They talk about Osho’s message but they don’t really want to hear it.

    • satyadeva says:

      I have a lot of sympathy with this view too, Lokesh, but there shouldn’t be any issue about people’s right to post videos at youtube, surely?

      • Lokesh says:

        Meditation was central to Osho’s teaching. You tube didn’t even exist while Osho was alive, Facebook either, Everyone can close their eyes and meditate right now. All these other issues have nothing to do with meditation. You can order an Osho book anywhere in the world. Watch an Osho vid if you are really bored. Meditate right now. So I really don’t see a problem.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          if facebook and youtube had existed when osho was in the body he would have been using them for sure – these systems today are connecting the world together and he would have spread his words and videos on them had they been available at that time – as his disciples are doing today

          perhaps lokesh would rather he sat in a cave meditating his whole life like his hero ramana – never reaching out to find those who are receptive to him, never speaking out to expose the lies of the vested interests who have stunted the growth of humanity in enslaving them

          on facebook i have connections with lovers of osho and others from every country of the world – people who i would never have known existed otherwise

          although its known facebook is a creation of the us intelligence services designed to gather information on the world’s people – its also so far had its benefits to those people in enabling them to share information and friendship with each other –
          just last night one indian sikh lover of osho shared with me the video of his trip to oshos birthplace in kuchwada – and the beautiful song he and his friends sang and played on the harmonium and tablas in the tiny room in oshos family home – it touched my heart deeply

  11. prem martyn says:

    I’m very worried.

    Andi Osho the female comedian, in the UK may find fewer people following her online spiritual advice. I always wondered why she never mentioned non stop dancing for personal salvation, unlike Derek and Clive, who conversely do.

    The Ethiopian village self help association of osho may find it cannot afford the new wooden board sign following Niren’s visit to what he claimed was nothing but a front for the liberation of Oshostan.

    I think it all smacks of excessive moderation, which 0**o’s Sannyas was famed for in its search for slightly paradoxical personal liberation, via other’s opinions. Luckily nowadays we can form our opinions alone, offline away and content in the knowledge of being able to think.
    Eat that, Farcebook !
    I’m currently renaming myself Facebook and claiming the profits from my erstwhile website, via a reliable accountant in Slough.

    • prem martyn says:

      It’s those TibEton Mystery School Prefects again, handing out detentions.

    • satyadeva says:

      I expect Andi Osho’s on someone’s hit-list, as she’s clearly using Osho’s name to further her professional career.

      Disgraceful showbizzery!

      • prem martyn says:

        I’m sorry SD but I have been advised by my accountant to say I have no idea what or who you are talking about.

        This should not affect my usual output .Which has often been likened to spiritual football however, as a load of amateur drivveling up the sidelines.

  12. shantam prem says:

    Let me make it quite clear, If I have to chose Delhi based group who is financing the court cases, i will chose Jayesh and Amrito team.

    Rajneesh and his people cannot have any say in the matters of Osho Pune, just like Osho´s brother and his team won´t get any right in decision making body. These people have their own enlightenment and growing family, let they serve them.

    As one goes through Osho´s last words and his succession plan, there is no place for this or that but this and that both.

    Here Jayesh has shown arrogance and also his CFO,the Gujrati Mukesh filled all the rumours in his ears that other Indians will make him sidelined.

    After all, Once Osho was free from Body, Jayesh and Amrito lost their special status.

    Put aside the meditation, it is all about power and control, just like in all the countries and religious organisations.

    In Osho´s case, it is even tragic because He poured his heart out, added all kind of deprogramming techniques, in the end result is the same, In India, there is a saying, ” Keep dog´s tail in a straight pipe for even 12 years, once you remove the pipe, tail will be as crooked as before.”

  13. Lokesh says:

    Hey, anyone remember Osho speaking about seriousness being a contagious disease of the soul? Bring back the funnydamentalists.

  14. shantam prem says:

    Once almost all the Indians were full with Bhakti and meditation so much so, invaders came, they raped, they looted, they converted people, but meditators remained in the watching mode.
    After all, world is an illusion. Go inside and see your soul, this eternal soul no one can burn, no one can drown.

    God´s grace, this word and concept Meditation is unbale to make inroads into the Western progressive world. Yoga yes, but meditation is cultist.
    Even the family members avoid the meditation. They have seen how India returned great meditators are no normal, may be little bit more happy.

    Meditation has become natural Prozac!

    • Lokesh says:

      Shantam declares, Meditation has become natural Prozac! Coming from a sannyasin that is a somewhat negative statement. For someone crusading to preserve Osho’s Legacy and heritage I wonder how that fits into the picture, because Osho was all about meditation. Now the thing is meditation is something that must be practised and I suspect that Shantam does not do that. In other words. he is a hypocrite.
      Quite recently, Shantam was harping on about sannyasins relating to the past. Yet the opening to his above comment relates not to the recent past but historic. Bit of a contradiction there.
      This whole east/west thing is basically a picture from the past in that it bears little relevance in relation to today’s world. We live in a global village united under the banner of mass consumerism. I think it’s stupid to trash people who are meditating, because now more than ever our world needs such people. Forget about big dreams of buddhafields. Simply sit down and remain silent for an hour, wherever you happen to be. By doing that you’ll do more good for the world and yourself than you will campaigning for change in the Resort or being concerned about Facebook. Facebook! It is a joke and far more akin to prozac than the gentle art of meditation.

  15. Parmartha says:

    The solicitors of the late Princess of Wales were Mischon de Rea. (think this is the right spelling). They were, and maybe still are the leading lawyers where “Toffs” go in the UK for protection or help, etc.
    Prem Paritosh and myself, (he wrote the book, I helped organise its editing, etc,) received a letter from the same solicitors on behalf of Osho International in 1997 regarding the copyright of Osho’s words in Paritosh’s book “Life of Osho”. They told us they would sue us if we did not immediately withdraw the book from distribution, etc.
    We ignored the letter, and as I think they could not find us with postal addresses, except a PO address, did not pursue their threat. Had they done so we intended to fight the matter in Court.
    Such lawyers do not come cheap. And 95% of the time they WIN their cases, often with large cash amounts awarded against miscreants as seen by the Courts. ISP’s, Facebook, etc have their own lawyers who know all this. They are businesses and become cowards when issues really arise, and protect their shareholders.
    Google as I recall have some “arrangement” with the Chinese government to censor any material that speaks against the Communist Chinese. All these organisations that may have been founded on “Freedom of Expression” and/or “Freedom of Information” become cowards in the end – and whatever way one looks at it it is to do with profits or protection against losses. As Dylan used to say, “When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose” and that is the way of it. In the beginning such organisations as Facebook and Google had nothing to lose, and arguably gave humanity something precious, but in the end when they have “something”, they become just like a successful straight drugs company like Roche International.

    • Lokesh says:

      Parmartha, you are stating the obvious. I don’t think it has much to do with cowardice, but rather the bottom line. The more zeros the better. The less hassles the better. I suppose you could say they have embarked on Chung Tzu’s path of easy is right, especially if you become a billionaire in the process.

      • Parmartha says:

        I have Chinese friends who were tortured and raped in China for their Falung Gong spiritual practices. This amounted to little more than doing their form of Tai Chi in a group in a public space. The Communists are very worried by Falung Gong because they have more (now secret) members than the “Party”. The Communists continually terrify people who practise their exercises and when they garner enough “evidence” for execution, as they are young, use their organs to supply the Communist Party’s old leadership when their organs fail.
        My friends consider the Google policy in China a complete betrayal. I still say that Google could have acted differently. Easy is not always best.

    • dominic says:

      Money talks very LOUDLY. Who knew?
      The world is run by self-interested corporations and management who write themselves ‘bonus’ cheques. Perhaps their spiritual practice is also having regal tastes in watches and humongous car collections, and needs funding from the unconscious masses.
      I’m sure for those who can be sannyassed there are ways around all this, as if life begins and ends with facebook.

  16. Anand Newman says:

    I googled ” Osho Facebook” and this is the second ( after OIF) web link I found among million others.
    Are you saying Facebook is going to bring down this and other similar profiles? I don’t think Mark Zuckerberg will do the same mistake as Pontius Pilate. Or Pontius Pilate will not repeat his mistake.

    If “Facebook” bogs down to the pressure, then there will be “Oshobook.com” or some other book.com . A mere social networking site cannot put Osho down. Any such act will only boomerang at them.

    • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

      i just looked at this page osho lovers – the posts are all linked to “seekers” which looks like a christian group oddly enough – and the osho quotes and photos are all by the admin osho lovers – perhaps they are fishing for converts from people attracted to osho

      many facebook pages called osho something are affilated with OIF and fronts for them also – the independant osho pages are always at risk from OIF and often get removed – even posting a photo of osho has been enough excuse to get them removed at times – it happened to me and many others

  17. shantam prem says:

    “I am a meditator, he is not..
    Becuase he does not look like me, he does not think like me.”

    Because of such kind of junk yard minds, even a giant like Osho is being ignored.

    Janitor to the nurse, ” Sister, in the ward, five pateinets have died during the last night.”

    Nurse, ” It cannot be, fool. Just last evening Chief medical officer was visiting with Prince Philip.”

    Most of the time, reality is different than what is written in the holy texts.

  18. chetna says:

    I think OIF’s effort to stop Osho on FB is like Putin’s effort to stop gay propaganda in Russia-bloody impossible! So if they have time to waste (and of course enjoy the power games) – bring it on!

    We are about to start a website with the name Osho and so I am expecting a phone call from them. Innocent until proven guilty!

    I think the problem with sannyasins in old days is that many people have not been borthered with law, rules and regulation and frankly have no money to oppose. Thus donkeys from OIF managed to scare many people off with using big words.

    I just hope one day somone finds the energy and money to kick those money laundereers out from Pune. Perhaps the US Gov can be handy again? I just can’t belive how long they have been “milking the cow”!
    Although there is every possibility that the right people get their percentage to keep them going.

    • anand yogi says:

      “Oifs effort to stop Osho on FB is like Putins attempt to stop gay propaganda in Russia” –Chetna

      Yes,all camp followers of Osho must unite….
      It is time to usher in Homo Novus!
      Life`s not worth a damn
      Till you can shout out
      I am what I am!
      We must hammer those red-bottomed baboons until they are sore!
      Down with Putin!
      Up with Rajputin!
      You make me feel mighty real!
      Let Sunny ass-assassins,
      and al Cloneda
      trannyscend their differences and worship the Gaylord of the full moon together!
      Allah Gaybar!
      God is Gay!
      Jai Gandoo!

      Osho pride march in Koregaon Park,December 11….
      Pink robes by Lagerfelt,Giorgio Advaita underwear,Queen tribute band,jacuzzi with Buddha,leave your minds and your manbags at the door….
      Come ,come,yet again come cruising, ours is not a cottage of despair…
      What good fortune we have to have the ultimate I-con amongst us…
      a world class Freddie Mercury lookalike as a front man!
      For too long has our religion been run by oshophobic straights,siphoning off the pink rupee into their accounts in heterosho land…..
      I long for the moment when we storm the ashram gates and our hero takes to the podium and can finally belt out:
      “We are the Champions”

      • dominic says:

        “Osho pride march…”
        The goose is out of the closet.
        Perhaps less storming and more mincing.
        Coming in, through the back gate, as symbolic protest!
        Wearing pink leatherette biker robes, nipple rings, eyeliner, etc.. (easy on the perfume in case of a sniff test.)
        Bring your mandate or find one.
        What do we want?
        Redecorate and soften buddha hall…gay 70s disco nights…friends of dorothy poolside area…
        Chanting…”You touch me deep inside….”

  19. prem martyn says:

    It’s always important to carry the right thoughts with you through the day. Correct thoughts can be maintained with prudence , forethought, or a handy good thoughts chart (don’t write whilst meditating, as it’s not allowed ).
    You might also find whistling a happy tune helps as with the Colonel Bogey March which is traditionally used when feeling oppressed by nefarious forces beyond one’s control..

    Here is one I used earlier in a search for spiritual footballing tactics and seekers supporters songs when one’s very personhood existence is threatened.

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    *************** *************
    Next week: Osho’s camp followers face legal battle for truth.
    ********** ********* *******
    Heroes of sannyas and merry men and women to challenge the faceless legal agents of the Sheriff of Nothingham by advaiting them to a meaningful duel. Sheriff accused of Robbing their Person Hood and arresting their development.

  20. shantam prem says:

    “Share my message in all the possible ways..”
    And people started sharing it, but like medical representatives of Viagara; no time no money to buy one tablet for oneself.

    Right now two three types of people are spreading the message. First ones have developed some kind of self interest profession around, people who give side bar ads. in Oshonews.
    Another are mini gurus, one can say eight to ten people, 90% Indians, all with long beard.
    Most active ones are the young kids at facebook, they are expert in copying pasting. Most of the facebook groups are administered by them.

    And people at sannyasnews; are we sharing the message too?

    • satyadeva says:

      What exactly is “the message”, according to you, Shantam?

      I’ve just asked my partner who replied, “Oh, I don’t know, I’m just cutting vegetables!” Maybe she’s onto something…

      Still, no doubt you and others will come out with something far more clamorously glamorous….

      • Lokesh says:

        Maybe she’s onto something…
        She is.

      • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

        odd how when i compliment your wife on her wisdom it is deleted isnt it ? perhaps it does not fit in with the view of dhyanraj so thoroughly propagated eh ?

        • satyadeva says:

          Perhaps it was deleted as irrelevant to the topic, DR?

          Btw, you yourself choose to ignore or forget that even I have not always condemned everything that you’ve said here (just most of it). But I guess that just doesn’t square with your view of how the view of DR is propagated here….

      • swami anand anubodh says:

        Before enlightenment cutting vegetables,
        after enlightenment cutting vegetables.

        El gran maestro en México:

        Before enlightenment arrogant and egotistical,
        after enlightenment… we don’t know yet.

        • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

          anubodh the ignorant strikes again – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha – is your ego hurting anubodh ?

          • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

            anubodh – swami rajneesh and the people who are with him are oshos people – rajneesh is working day and night since three years – not for himself – he profits nothing out of it – but to help oshos people by creating a new ashram where they can come and participate in a rejuvenated buddhafield and dance in the fire of osho

            now you can help oshos people as your master asked you to do – or you can work to harm them as some ex sannyasins here like to do – look again at what you are doing to help oshos people please

            • satyadeva says:

              “…or you can work to harm them as some ex sannyasins here like to do…”

              You really believe people here are ‘working to harm Osho’s people’, DR?

              They might well be at times aiming to undermine your foolish self-importance, latent fascistic tendencies and general silliness, but that has nothing to do with harming anyone else.

              You are indeed a very odd character.


              • swami satyam dhyanraj says:

                yes satyadeva – we are all odd characters arent we – no doubt about that eh

                yes i do see that the undermining of osho and rajneesh that often happens here is a harm done to oshos people – a continual negativity which helps no one but their enemies –

                the world is not in favour of buddhas or their efforts to free humanity – they deserve the support of sannyasins who are interested in freedom, but encounter often the drip drip drip of misunderstanding and condemnation instead –

                rajneesh himself has experienced actual severe physical harm from sannyasins ( not those here though) and encounters regular harm from sannyasin organisations who actively prevent him from arranging meditation camps, work to prevent the new commune from arising, and get his websites, videos and facebook pages removed to block him

                osho was once asked what he had learned from his sannyasins – and responded that he had learned all but a handful misunderstood him and betrayed him – a sad state of affairs –

                soon after he left the body – who can blame someone if they give up trying to free people faced with this situation – a point can come when you just say fuck it, i’m off

  21. chetna says:

    anand yogi, gays in russia would have loved your enthusiasm too. shall we invite gays to our parade and start a gay revolution in Korregon Park?
    Free gays in Russia
    Free Osho from OIF
    will bring us more publicity….am up for it….ha ha

  22. shantam prem says:

    If i can condense the message, like a letter in the bottle i would have done it.
    A complete way of life, a new way of relating, new dimensions of meditation and devotion.
    It is not every year, someone gives the call of making a bridge between market and moneastry.

    • Lokesh says:

      A new way of relating. Well, Shantam, you are certainly trying to do that, even though hardly anyone can relate to it. Dhyanrage perhaps and one or two others on SN but that is about it. Keep up the good work.

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