Opening Weekend Of New Osho Centre, Provence, South of France

A new Centre, amidst lovely surroundings, created and run by Swami Dhyan Pascal in Simiane-la-Profonde, Provence, has opened with a weekend celebration over Easter.
Here’s a taste of the fun
Tel: 00 33 68 59 12 865

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100 Responses to Opening Weekend Of New Osho Centre, Provence, South of France

  1. sw. veet (francesco) says:

    I send my blessings to our French friends.

    I tried to find the place with Google but it redirects me to Simiane-la-Rotonde.

    Btw, I’ve always had the feeling that proportionally the French sannyasins were a minority, compared to Germans, Italians and English, am I wrong? Are there official statistics?

  2. kavita says:

    Seems like a scene from ‘Osho’s Golden Age’!

  3. Arpana says:

    May you live long and prosper.

  4. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Grassroots grow and grassroots move; and what a surprise, when you then see some leaves of grass in some unexpected corner.

    This small vid-pic you offered, Satyadeva, edited amidst or by some amazing vid-business distributing surrounding (@ “ was indeed a surprise of Beauty.

    Loved it, that the bunch of humans, inviting us for their ´happy-Easter-birthday-event´ were so colourful in any dimension. And loved very much to see the welcome-initiation of one of all we were invited to look at.

    Second Arpana´s good wishes!


    The vid inspired me to take Walt Whitman´s ‘Leaves of Grass’ out of my bookshelf…in that there is this very beautiful chapter to be found called ‘Song of Myself’. Just a few lines of this, which accompanied me after watching the vid:

    “The atmoshere is is not a perfume, it has no taste of distillation, it is odorless.
    Its in my mouth forever, I am in love with it.
    I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked,
    I am mad for it, to be in contact with me.”

  5. Lokesh says:

    The scene looks kind of retro, but, hey, if the people are enjoying what they are doing, which they obviously are, hats off to them.

    Yesterday afternoon I went to a 50th anniversary Woodstock event at a local scene place on Ibiza, called Las Dalias. It was surprisingly good…fantastic even.

    The live bands provided music that was excellent. I joined a crowd of about 1000 ravers, going ballistic to a two hour set composed mainly of classic Santana tunes. Soul sacrifice deluxe. At one point the music hit a level of peak intensity that was truly transcendental, the whole crowd became one pulsing organism. I could have said they took the roof off, but it was an outdoor event.

    It is great how music can do that. Pure magic. In my opinion that band were better than Santana…I mean blistering hot. Today I am hoarse from yelling applause. Beautiful thing about it was that it was a free event.

    When I watch those guys doing their thing up in France it looks sweet. Innocent. I discussed this over lunch with my better half. I told her how the French sannyasins are doing dynamic and kundalini. When she heard this, she said, ‘That’s always good.’ She is right.

    Good luck to all the gang up at Simiane-la-Profonde, Provence.

  6. Arpana says:

    ”The scene looks kind of retro…”

    How would you suggest these people arrange what they are doing so, the scene doesn’t “look kind of retro”?

    • Lokesh says:

      Arpana enquires, “How would you suggest these people arrange what they are doing so the scene doesn’t “look kind of retro”?”

      I haven’t the faintest idea. Besides, I would not suggest anything of the sort. I like retro. I mean to say, I love sixties music.

      Arpana, your need to find something wrong in what I am saying knows no bounds.

      By saying the scene looks kind of retro I am stating what for me is obvious. Osho pictures all over the shop. They do not even have those in the Resort. Dancing that kind of swaying dance that developed in the seventies. Nothing wrong with it. I see the kids coming down to Ibiza to dance. A kind of shuffle that involves poking your right hand in the air while in their left they desperately clutch the latest smartphone…very modern.

      I have a feeling that retro is going to get even bigger on Ibiza. The scene I was describing at Las Dalias was in many ways retro. Imagine a rock band cranking out ‘Piece of my Heart’ replete with a Janis Joplin style vocalist…and a crowd of a thousand people singing along…my kinda scene, man…and very retro.

      Arpana, you are barking up the wrong tree. Are you bored again?

      • Arpana says:

        Lokesh, your need to make everything about you knows no bounds.

        • frank says:

          Hey, you guys are right back in the Duck soup!
          You haven`t been listening to Egghead!
          To be fair, it`s hard work – but he does do a pretty impressive impression of a Stephen Hawking!

          Fact is, we’re not ducks.
          If we acted like ducks and didn`t think carefully about some of the pond-life in our species, we`d be duck pate by tomorrow!

          • Arpana says:

            “Somebody says you are beautiful, somebody else says you are ugly — now what to do? One mirror says you are wise, another man says you are an idiot — now what to do? And you depend only on mirrors, and both are mirrors. You may not like the mirror that says you are an idiot, but it has said so, it has done its work. You may repress it, you may never bring it to your consciousness, but deep down it will remain in you that one mirror has said you are an idiot.

            You trust in mirrors — then you become split because there are so many mirrors. And each mirror has its own investment. Somebody calls you wise? not because you are wise — he has his own investment. Somebody calls you an idiot, not because you are an idiot-he has his own investment.

            They are simply showing their likes and dislikes; they are not asserting anything about you. They may be asserting something about themselves, maybe, but they are not saying anything about you — because no mirror can show you who you are.

            Mirrors can only show you your surface, your skin. You are not on your skin: you are very deep. You are not your body. One day the body is young; another day it becomes old. One day it is beautiful, healthy; another day it becomes crippled and paralyzed. One day you were throbbing with life; another day life has oozed out of you. But you are not your periphery! You are your centre.

            The accidental man lives on the periphery. The essential man remains centered. This is the whole effort!”

            Osho, ‘A Sudden Clash of Thunder’
            Chapter 3: ‘Why Should I Grieve Over Him?’

                • frank says:

                  That`s the problem with all this ‘Eggy in the duck pond’ philosophy and the like: it hooks your ego in. Then your ego (who else can it be?) thinks: ”Yes, if I could pull this one off I would feel really good about myself!” Sometimes it works and then your ego feels good, you`re on a “spiritual high”, convincing yourself you`re on the path to “ego death” or some other melodramatic concept.

                  Realistically,if you don`t waste energy getting angry with some other duck in the pond ,you`re just a smoother, smarter ego – no need to big yourself up! “Emotional death”? LOL.

                  Then when it flops and you kick off or slide back into your “bad habits”, you vow “I must try harder, my ego has beaten me again -I`m gonna win against my ego next time; the resulting lightness will be worth it!”

                  But TO WHOM is it worth it?
                  Your “ego”!

                  All the while you have some guy in your head, a guru, an enlightened one who doesn`t have an ego (he/she, of course, is only enlightened because that`s your ego`s` opinion). You probably rationalise it: “I believe him because he is absolutely trustworthy.” But if you don`t trust yourself, which you obviously can`t because you are always struggling with your own untrustworthy “ego”, how can you trust the idea that you trust him?

                  This voice nags you: “you missed again”, “it`s your ego”, “resistance” – probably just like your Dad and all the rest did, so you`re on the ship of fools, big-time.

                • satyadeva says:

                  You seem to have a rather ‘primitive’ idea of this sort of process, Frank.

                  Haven’t you ever got stuck in an emotional/psychological position, in conflict with someone, perhaps for quite a while, and then something somehow turned it around, perhaps a word or two a friend or even anyone said (maybe even a spiritual teacher – shock/horror!), perhaps an in-sight during meditation, inspiring you to give up your hitherto ‘perfectly reasonable, absolutely justified’ stubborn stand in favour of a ‘greater truth’ (perhaps approached through simple common sense)?

                  If so, haven’t you felt the relief, the ‘lightness’ of renouncing a burden, even though you’d previously been hanging on to it with the tenacity of someone holding on ‘for dear life’, resisting ‘loss of face’ or however you’d framed the consequences of dropping your precious point of view, argument, belief, opinion, judgment etc?

                  That might be relatively insignificant in the larger picture of one’s personal inner structure, but nevertheless it represents a tiny part of self-willed ‘ego death’, however much derision you want to pour upon the concept.

                  And no, such a genuine ‘surrender’ doesn’t inevitably have to become part of one’s ego, a more ‘polished’ version, as you claim. It simply feels right, the system feels clearer, cleaner – the body speaking its mind, the mind having given up its presumption of omnipotence in favour of a greater truth.

                  Isn’t that becoming more real, however tiny a step? What else do you imagine spirituality is (not least in one’s close relationships)? Getting depressed, anxious, angry, up and down (etc. etc.) which seems to pass for ‘normal’ (including, it seems from one of your recent posts) for you?

                  I don’t know, perhaps at times you’re a bit too clever to be able to discern the wood for the trees, carried away by your (self)-entertaining imagination and ‘the exuberance of your own verbosity’? Maybe you’re a dyed-in-the-wool born ‘self-indulger’, with all that implies? (That’s not a ‘position’ I’m taking, btw, it’s just a thought).

                • Arpana says:

                  Frank, old bean,
                  You’re over-thinking this.

                • Arpana says:

                  “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft.

                  I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping-stone just right, you won’t have to die.

                  The truth is that you will die anyway and that a lot of people who aren’t even looking at their feet are going to do a whole lot better than you, and have a lot more fun while they’re doing it.”

                  (Anne Lamott)

                • frank says:

                  Mine`s a Perrier!

                • satyadeva says:

                  Tap water and bromide for me, thanks!

                • Arpana says:


                  “Humble” is not one of the adjectives I would use to describe you, and I didn’t call you a sacred cow.

                  I said you are obviously a sacred cow to Frank, and on reflection, probably to yourself as well.

                • frank says:

                  This “sacred cow” thing is ridiculous.
                  What is your beef with the guy?
                  I know that it’s important to you, with your ego being at steak but it`s udderly absurd, a load of bull. I think we should all take stock and simply moove on….

                • Arpana says:

                  @frank: 3 May, 2019 at 6:14 pm.

                  That’s it, Frank. You take the cow by the horns.

              • satyadeva says:

                Why place a self-destructive drink and drug addict on a pedestal, Frank? However talented he was in one area, he couldn’t deal with his ‘demons’, his emotions, and so is a negative example, ie someone who demonstrated how not to live.

                I’m not ‘mad for’ Eckhart but he comes from a crystal clear space, radiates calm, compassion and understanding, and says some good, practically useful stuff.

                • sw. veet (francesco) says:

                  “The answer was so too simple for such a sophisticated ego that he refused to love.” (Anonymous)

                  Love is the only perspective to give full and satisfying meaning to existence, all the others are attempts to find alternatives. One of Love’s side-effects is that the object of interest moves from ‘myself’ to ‘someone else’ whose ego does not hook mine.

                  Ok, sometimes it’s about memories of love, an external attitude dictated by the sometimes retro attempt to evoke past conditions, perhaps in the mistrust that new ones can be created, but in a place where you can meditate, after a while, it will emerge in awareness.

                  Excuse me if I repeat myself but in these years of grey resignation, due to the increasingly ‘subtle and intrusive’ power games of a restricted elite against humanity, for me the theme is meditate, keeping alive the flame of rebellion, feeding with trust and passion the contagious and playful vision of the inner revolution, when the heart of the world was throbbing in Pune.

                • frank says:

                  Don`t be daft, I am not “putting him on a pedestal”. I was just making the counter-point between Eggy`s ‘duck story’ and the theme of the song in the context of Lokesh and Arps squaring up again.

                  Eggy`s ok. But when you`re fighting your own ego, whether you win or lose, who is doing the fighting?
                  The ego or not?

                  Answers on a postcard please to:
                  Advaitics Anonymous, Dead-End Alley, Nowheresville.

                • Arpana says:


                  Beginning to look as though Lokesh being challenged hurts your ego.

                  You criticise everyone else, including Osho, freely, but plainly see Lokesh as some kind of sacred cow who is above criticism.

                  And what makes that more ridiculous is you are plainly, by a mile, more perceptive and discerning than he is; and more self-aware, by a mile as well. (Lokesh is only aware of who he thinks he is).

                • frank says:

                  Ok, I`ll mug him some time in the near future, just for you, darling.

                • Arpana says:

                  “You can go on denying God, but God never denies you. You can go on refuting truth, but truth never refutes you. Your denial does not become an irritation; your denial is only a childish act. Truth goes on again and again visiting you; it never tires of you. And if you watch your life, you will be surprised in how many ways it comes.

                  Bobby’s mother had been away for a few weeks and was questioning her small son about events during her absence.
                  “Well, one night we had a thunderstorm and I was scared, so daddy and me slept together.”
                  “Bobby,” said the boy’s pretty young French nursemaid, “you mean daddy and I.”
                  “No,” said Bobby, “that was last Thursday. I am talking about Monday night.”

                  Truth has its own ways. It may speak through your child, it may speak through a flower, it may speak through a sunray, it may speak through a distant call of the cuckoo. It has different ways of approaching you. Unless you are absolutely deaf, and nobody is absolutely deaf; unless you are absolutely blind, and nobody is absolutely blind…you recognize it, but you go on denying still. You go on avoiding it. You don’t want to LOOK at it. You escape; you know ways how to escape from it, although your escapes are not of much value. In fact, in escaping also you emphasize truth.

                  Grace and Martha were from a very prim and proper Eastern finishing school, and they were spending their vacations together in New York. They met a bohemian artist and at one of his exhibitions Grace noticed that a canvas of a provocative nude bore a striking resemblance to her girlfriend.
                  “Martha,” she gasped, “that painting looks exactly like you! Don’t tell me you have been posing in the nude.”
                  “Certainly not,” Martha stammered, blushing furiously. “He must have painted it from memory.” ”


                  ‘The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha’, Vol 8
                  Chapter 9
                  Chapter title: ‘Sannyas is for sannyas’ sake’

                • frank says:

                  We seem to be talking at cross-purposes.
                  You stick to your “ego-death” and I`ll go with my ideas.

                  You take the high road and I`ll take the low road!

                • satyadeva says:

                  “And I’ll be in Scotland ‘afore ye…!”

                  Yes, ok, I’ll drink to that.

                • Lokesh says:

                  Poor Arpana, such is his obsession with me that I no longer need to say a word and that is enough to set him off. “Sacred cow”! That at least is a new one in terms of describing my humble self.

              • satchit says:

                Johnny needs the drama and the fight in his life.

                No drama – no stuff for his songs.

      • Jivan Alok says:

        Lokesh, retro is even more adorable when you speak of the 60s-70s, the Golden Age of Rock Music, as compared to the modern crap bleating via all the media nowadays. If that is retro, I am all into it. The soul of Woodstock is still alive, as is Janis’s voice.

  7. kavita says:

    I am travelling in the north of India since nearly two months, I visit on and off a very dear sannyasin friend and his life-partner, whose commune is under construction. I do enjoy the informal commune living for a few days but can’t imagine living in a formal commune now.

  8. Shantam prem says:

    One wonders when those great gentlemen will create something in the West who were on speaking terms with their Osho!

    Just imagine, prodigal doctor/disciple coming to home country with the message to spread. Local faithful ones will rejoice as if finally, Godot has arrived.

    Satire apart, it is joy to see people following their path, whatsoever it is, and creating kind of get-together.

  9. Shantam prem says:

    The faces, the songs, the atmosphere in the video I am familiar with.
    I think around 12-15 people gathered in the living room are of retirement age or already getting pension.

    So my thought gets validation: due to mismanagement by elite bosses Neo-Sannyas was a bell-bottoms kind of 1970s fashion in the West.

    One cannot have cake and eat it all the time.
    You cannot make generations cross on paper boats.

    I wonder why British faithful ones on sannyasnews don’t create such living room centres and events!

  10. Prem Ritvik says:

    That’s great news!

  11. Prem Ritvik says:

    Anywhere such an arrangement happens which gives these techniques some space, some isolation, is great. Swami Dhyan Pascal seems wise.

  12. Arpana says:

    “Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.” (P.J. O’Rourke)

    • shantam prem says:

      Thanks, Arpana, for being well read.
      P.J. O´Rourke seems to be in the league of those political satirists and stand-up comedians who create gold nuggets. Only problem they don´t claim to be some kind of enlightened!

      “Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”
      i was not aware about this sentence; used this as cover photo of my daily paper at facebook.

      • satyadeva says:

        I read this today:

        “Recently Gallup released a poll of 155,000 people in 140 countries that revealed that we are now angrier and sadder than ever before even though we have created a life with more affluence than ever before.”

        Well, to paraphrase what a wise man said 20 or more years ago, “People will increasingly bury themselves in ever more sophisticated electro-magnetic devices and the media will carry the contagion, leading to ever-increasing unhappiness in the world.” And now, here we are amidst exponentially expanding ‘mind-made effluence’!

        The article also listed the main ways people are spending their free time these days (see below). Note that 6/10 of these activities are internet and/or cell-phone based:
        “Everything that motivates us into action is the quest to find more pleasure and we will take the shortest and fastest route to it, usually with little regard of the consequences. It’s in our programming as an animal. So when we say we are busy, what we are really saying is I’m flat out searching for pleasure in SO many places. Emails, Netflix, social media, work, shopping, sport, drinking, news feeds, texting, and devouring information. I asked a client why they spend many hours late at night scouring the internet, and they replied: “because I enjoy it.” Indeed, it’s why we do pretty much most things because in some way it brings us pleasure.”

        In the light of this collective obsession, initiatives like this new Osho Centre in Provence are like oases in a vast, arid desert. Good luck to Dhyan Pascal and everyone involved over there.

        • Arpana says:

          I never think about ‘happy’ any more; and I don’t know when I stopped.

          Meaningful, worthwhile is what counts; and as long as that’s happening, which is always, I ‘take the rough with the smooth’.

          Sannyas news is worthwhile. Throwing stones at sacred cows. ✌(-‿-)✌

        • kavita says:

          Yes, SD, me too would like to convey Good Luck to Dhyan Pascal and everyone involved over there.

          • frank says:

            “Recently Gallup released a poll of 155,000 people in 140 countries that revealed that we are now angrier and sadder than ever before.”

            Is that the same Gallup that predicted that UK would vote against Brexit, said Obama wouldn`t get elected etc. etc?

            When are they comparing with?
            The death camps, in the trenches, the slave trade, industrial revolution, the potato famine, world war one or two, the Hundred years war, the thirty years war, the seven years war, the Roman empire when half the population of Rome lived underground as slaves, the Black Death, Ghengis Khan`s empire…etc. etc. etc. etc?

            • frank says:

              Survivor, by Roger McGough

              I think about dying.
              About disease, starvation,
              violence, terrorism, war,
              the end of the world.

              It helps
              keep my mind off things.

              • satyadeva says:

                Well, yes, Frank, that’s why I make a point of tuning in to the News 15 times a day. All the drama, misery and ongoing impossible-to-solve problems one could wish for…Gets things in perspective – wonderful tranquilliser!

                • Arpana says:

                  15 times a day…
                  Really, or a self-deprecating exaggeration?

                • satyadeva says:

                  Neither, Arps, although at times I think we’re perhaps witnessing the (hopefully prolonged) televised saga of ‘the end of the world’, all in the comfort of our own cosy little homes.

                  It’s really a bit odd but I suspect many people do really enjoy their daily dose of bad news – as long as it doesn’t appear to directly affect them. I notice I certainly do, in the sense of getting some sort of ‘nervous mental stimulation’ out of it – I guess it’s those “aberrant emotions” again, running the show….

                  Although as an old friend from schooldays said to me today, it’s better to ignore it all or at least ration one’s exposure to it, he himself preferring to read his ‘Cycling Weekly’ and plan trips on two wheels around beautiful areas of Europe. I find it hard to disagree with him.

                  “What a great New Year’s Resolution that would make”, says my mind, still running the show….

                • frank says:

                  Apparently, Gallup did a survey down my local pub.
                  Out of all the old blokes sat at the bar, sipping their pints and reading the back page of the Sun and the Mail, 100% of them said that life were better when they were young.
                  Shocking really.

                • satyadeva says:

                  What about the not-so-old blokes, Frank?

                • kavita says:

                  This reminds me of reading about Gurdjieff saying something like ” Newspapers have the same kind of stories every single day ” & so he discouraged reading them.

                  Wonder if that’s true about other forms of today’s news media too!

                  SD, I agree with your friend -” Although as an old friend from schooldays said to me today, it’s better to ignore it all or at least ration one’s exposure to it, he himself preferring to read his ‘Cycling Weekly’ and plan trips on two wheels around beautiful areas of Europe. I find it hard to disagree with him.”

                • Arpana says:

                  SD, I barely watch television, but I keep up by following various online papers and magazines, special interest magazines; and I think there is more distance in that approach.

                  Video discussions of current affairs wind me up more, and I also have a friend who doesn’t keep up with current affairs, and doesn’t care. (As in “Brexit: So what?!”).

                • satyadeva says:

                  Perhaps one could choose to make watching and reading the news a meditation…

                  I recall that in my very early days of Osho meditation in London at the old Bell Street Centre, Marylebone, under the superb guidance of Veena, she suggested watching the breath while watching the football Cup Final on tv the next day, so as not to get ‘lost’ in it all. I think I might have given it a try, probably not very successfully.

                • Arpana says:

                  @satyadeva, 5 May, 2019 at 10:22 am.

                  I obviously don’t know you very well, but I definitely get that the ”beautiful game” is important to you, and I find the idea of a young man who is football-mad attempting to watch his breath rather than a football match hilarious.

                  Veena – What planet were you on in those days???

                • satyadeva says:

                  Hilarious in retrospect, yes, Arps, yet on a constant ‘high’ through regular dynamics and other high-energy stuff down in the Bell Street basement, feeling miraculously liberated from years of depression, I was more than ready to be advised by Veena, who’d been close to ‘Bhagwan’ in Bombay and whose meditative presence was such a fine testimonial to that connection.

                  It was as if, through her, he was offering the prospect of a much better, perhaps even ‘wonderful’ new life, so I happily listened and took in what she said.

                  Those were the days, my online friend (we thought they’d never end)…


                • Arpana says:

                  @ satyadeva. 5 May, 2019 at 12:45 pm.

                  Sounds great. Those heady honeymoon days of Sannyas. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

                  Here’s a yarn about that song…

                  Just after my 40th birthday I began to learn ‘Those Were The Days’ for guitar, and I had never listened to the lyrics properly until then; but because I had recently turned 40, the lyrics really meant something more to me because they certainly weren’t about a 17-year-old girl looking back on life until then, much more a 40-year-old looking back.

                  I am not and I wasn’t even then particularly given to nostalgia, but the lyrics punched me right between the eyes. ┐(‘~`;)┌

                • frank says:

                  It`s true, Kavita, but Mr G, sprinkled in amongst the genuine applicable wisdom, had some pretty quirky ideas. Like:
                  Sit-down toilets were going to bring down the western world through the resultant bowel disease.
                  Having a dish of water in the toilet to wash your willy in after going for a piss kept venereal disease under control in the East.
                  Women should not cut their hair short but keep it long so as to pick up cosmic vibrations (I wonder what he thought of women drivers).

                  I think he was well tuned to the occult wisdom that wise men have known/discovered all along:
                  Talking bollocks is loads of fun!!

                • kavita says:

                  Yea, Frankie boy, talking bollocks is not only fun but sometimes also can be a stress-buster for wise as well as unwise men & women!

            • Jivan Alok says:

              You may laugh at Gallup, just look at people all around staring madly at their devices and hectically texting or scrolling down a shitload of stupid pages. Are they feeling glad? Not a tad of emotions they pretend they have as signified by their numerous emoticons. Pleasures people hunt for are all virtual, almost dead.

              Maybe Gallup is right in that joyfulness is diminishing, because smart devices take up more spare time and fail to make users any happier in return?

              • satyadeva says:

                I tend to agree, Jivan Alok. I lost my mobile last Christmas, haven’t got a replacement and haven’t missed it in the slightest. In fact, as one less bit of ‘clutter’ in my life the loss has freed up some energy (as well as cash).

  13. kavita says:

    MOD – seems someone’s hiding a lot of the fun posts, probably due to their sacred nature I suppose!

    Kavita, do you mean posts have disappeared or that some aren’t in the right place?

  14. Lokesh says:

    So have the posters.

  15. Lokesh says:

    I tend to agree with Frank…Zappa, that is.

    Frank Zappa Lyrics to ‘I’m The Slime’

    I am gross and perverted
    I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
    I have existed for years
    But very little has changed
    I’m the tool of the Government
    And industry too
    For I am destined to rule
    And regulate you

    I may be vile and pernicious
    But you can’t look away
    I make you think I’m delicious
    With the stuff that I say
    I’m the best you can get
    Have you guessed me yet?
    I’m the slime oozin’ out
    From your TV set

    You will obey me while I lead you
    And eat the garbage that I feed you
    Until the day that we don’t need you
    Don’t go for help…no one will heed you
    Your mind is totally controlled
    It has been stuffed into my mold
    And you will do as you are told
    Until the rights to you are sold

    That’s right, folks…
    Don’t touch that dial

    Well, I am the slime from your video
    Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

    I am the slime from your video
    Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

    I am the slime from your video
    Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

    I am the slime from your video
    Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go….

  16. frank says:

    I tried to imagine what Billy Shakespeare might have made of it:

    TV Or Not TV

    Is this a screen which I see before me?
    Friends, Neighbours and Countryfile,
    lend me your satellite dishes.
    It bestrides the world like a colossus:
    Once more onto the couch, dear friends,
    for the world-wide web cannot wither her
    nor custom stale her infinite variety of re-runs
    of all our yesterdays on the Yesterday channel.
    The news, a tale told by an idiot:
    A digital blast of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    TV or not TV,
    that is the question.
    Whether `tis nobler in the mind
    to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous reality shows
    or reach for the remote,
    thereby ending them.

  17. madhu dagmar frantzen says:

    Did try to find some information re where this vid from an Easter event by some fellow-revellers has taken place.

    Found an amazing landscape and even more amazing. awesome habitations (connected with the Renaissance Time).
    The village has about 590 or so inhabitants…and in ancient times there was a Troubadour place and space even then.

    Good choice, I´d say, by the friends one can see singing (instead of screaming into an oblivion in mass-numbers).

    Wondering where most of you guys are taking your ignorance and arrogance from, when responding to the topic in question!


    • frank says:

      “Wondering where most of you guys are taking your ignorance and arrogance from?”

      Hang on…I know this one…that`s it…the ego.

      • shantam prem says:

        When German and English name-changed people want to create their living room as Osho Centre, I am willing to donate 8.50 euros per month to each such centre.

        This is what my one hour net salary is.

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

        Yes, Frank (with a smile); you know (as you said it).
        Btw, did you – just for a change – change your habitual pub?

        Came home from the river just now; intoxicated by the blossowing of the bushes and trees.
        Sky – heavy with loads of rain in the moving clouds, rain still to come yet…(and needed), got a little bit freezing these days…moody (the so-called ) weather.


    • satyadeva says:

      “Wondering where most of you guys are taking your ignorance and arrogance from, when responding to the topic in question!”

      What “ignorance and arrogance”, Madhu? Can you provide an example? Seems to me the video of the celebration in Provence has been treated with respect.

      • Lokesh says:

        Oh oh, Madhukins fell out of her rocker and landed on her noggin again.

        • shantam prem says:

          What stops Britishers to create Osho centres in Living rooms? After all, Britisher disciples were more blessed with the personal connection with the late master.

          • shantam prem says:

            I am curious how honestly or cleverly wise gentlemen respond to the above post.
            This is not the point to be ducked.

            • satyadeva says:

              As I said before, Shantam, if this is such a concern for you then ask yourself why you yourself haven’t bothered to do likewise.

              And claiming Brits are more ‘qualified’ to open Osho centres is just a convenient smokescreen, the sort of bullshine you’ve virtually patented here for many years.

              These are not the points to be ducked!

              • shantam prem says:

                I like it when psychoanalyst gets reactive.

                • satyadeva says:

                  I think you much prefer ducking the question, Shantam. You’ve made that an art form over the years.

                • frank says:

                  Don`t mess with the Captain…chuddypants….

                • satyadeva says:

                  This is what a chronic complainer looks like…

                  Blaming others, including the powers-that-be whom he resents yet depends upon for his well-being*, claiming he’s been betrayed, duped, taking no responsibility for his self-made plight, expecting others to provide him what he can’t manage himself*, chronically unhappy, refusing to listen to reason, emotionally screwed-up**…

                  In other words, the most damning psycho-spiritual indictment of all: totally UNCONSCIOUS!!

                  Take a look in the mirror, Shantam…


                  *an infantile position
                  **like a child in a tantrum

  18. Shantam prem says:

    Not convincing. Go on projecting and avoiding vital point of all my posts.

    Anyway, I don’t blame people who went their way after initial years with Bhagwan.

    • satyadeva says:

      Thanks, Shantam. I’ll do my best to follow your advice.

      • Shantam prem says:

        Thanks, SD, for showing your humble side.

        Only bearded Indians and their trustees are immune from listening to good intentioned advice; rest of us gain valuable lessons.

        • satyadeva says:

          You seem to misunderstand, Shantam….

          • Shantam prem says:

            Yes, I am an expert in this art. With right understanding I would not be in the job of Coke seller but in the vocation of meditation plus Tantra distribution!

            By the way, if my posts were understood in the right context, it is a valid question why Osho centres in living rooms can’t grow in UK.

            As I can imagine meditation facilities are available almost in every third street of any metropolitan city in the West.

            • satyadeva says:

              Shantam, you don’t give a damn about ‘meditation centres in UK living rooms’. And neither does anyone else.

              Dissatisfied with your life, your game is concocting this spurious model in your head of how things ‘should’ be and then implicitly blaming others for not living up to your so-called ‘ideals’.

              Deflecting responsibility through a self-made fantasy. Uninspiring, to put it mildly.

              • Shantam prem says:

                You can try to be even more aggressive. Believe me, I don’t like to put simple people in the corner.

                I wonder why you’re bloody feeling offended when I ask a simple question to the smuggy cult members who criticise each and every institution of the world. Brainstorming never happens with group of mutual back-scratchers.

                People were gushing with appreciation about this living room centre in France. It is simple question why such thing cannot happen in Hyde Park!

                • satyadeva says:

                  Shantam, I suggest you watch the video again. Perhaps you’ll notice that the house in question has been specifically chosen to be a Centre, not simply a place for the owner to live in. So calling it a ‘living room” Centre is completely missing the point.

                  By the way, what has anything in the UK, re Sannyas or anything else, got to do with you? I suggest you mind your own business and if you’re that keen on a ‘living room Centre’, create one at your home, or suggest the idea to people near you and help set one up.

                  That would be a damn sight more real than swanning around online, yapping away about nothing that concerns you because you can think of nothing better to do with your time.

            • satchit says:

              Don’t worry, Shantam, Coke selling is divine.
              I hope you get a tip, sometimes?

              • anand yogi says:

                Perfectly correct, Shantambhai!

                Do not listen to these absurd, rational western baboons who know nothing of how religions evolve!

                What is happening in Britischer living rooms is of the utmost importance! Certainly, the Nine Men of Mighty Bhorat have already been sent round to inspect occult possibilities hidden behind twitching curtains, tea cups, nice biscuits and discussions about weather in Neasden!

                But, let the baboons of SN be in no doubt about the noble, heroic, selfless and inspiring sacrifice that you have made, bhai!

                You have egolessly renounced the opportunity to become Tantra and meditation distributor sitting on podium having vital ganglions titilated and titivated through timeless eternity by mango-breasted seekers, which would have been so easy for a brownskin like yourself, instead choosing to selflessly surrender to your karma and serve whiteskin masses in spiritual wasteland for minimum wage!

                The Akashik record-keepers will certainly look favourably on your case and find placement with even better social security system in next lifetime!

                Hari Om!

  19. Shantam prem says:

    Hopefully, I will compose an article to discuss why Osho centres are unsustainable in any western metropolis.

    If anyone goes out from cult mentality then facts speak better than beliefs.

    Living here now means not to believe expired lottery tickets are still valid.

    Shantam, what do you mean by “If anyone goes out from cult mentality”, please?

    And by “Living here now” do you mean living in the West these days, or Living in the ‘here-and-now’ – or perhaps both?

  20. Lokesh says:

    I say, jolly good, Shantam. SN is in desperate need of a new thread to keep the motor running. Look forward to reading your latest effort.

    It’ll have to wait until the Word Press problems are solved – and there’s a few articles already in the queue.

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