Negative Thinking, Arhata Opines

Arhata gives a view on Negative Thinking

Arhata leads an admirable street Freedom of Speech movement, now in Washington state, USA


It’s ok to be negative …sorta!

Reset the brain! In the brain is a thing called ‘the mind’. The brain is the ‘hardware’. The mind is the replaceable ‘software’. Given that, it’s ok to be negative …sorta! The most famous person in the world was negative. He called himself, ‘the only begotten son of god’, implying that everyone else was less, and in reality were going to a place of everlasting torture that he called ‘hell’. Goodness, gracious, and billions continue to worship that!

Now the truth is also that this Jesus was very positive also in actions and words! All people are a cocktail of negative, positive, and something that fits neither category. Some of the most negative people, can be very positive, both at times and in certain behaviors. Life doesn’t exist without both and everything possible. Life isn’t black and white or just duality, but non duality or with a myriad of possibilities.

We are creatures of habit. If it were possible to measure each moment of you, and compare the amount of positive vs negative, most would likely be a close combination of both. What is, and has been rarely doesn’t become a habit  unless ‘energy’ is given to replacing one habit with a more positive one.

Expecting the best in people, brings out the best in people. The reverse is also truth. You have a choice to see the darkness or the light. See the best in people yet use your common  sense to ascertain whether ‘they’ can see it, if it’s through their negativity. Remember you are me and I am you. In the light, that can be seen, and is what we all want to see! If you do not trust life to unfold, the mind takes over and it becomes a game of strategy, motivated by anxiety. This mistrust is unfair. Life has given us so much, and yet we do not trust it.

Society has been diagnosed with many disorders, yet it’s pointing a finger at you. Brush it off and seek the light within, and let society be where it’s at. In life there is a natural order. It is in you, turn your eyes around and see your source – love.
You are the divine order that awaits your recognition. Keep the flame of love alive and growing! Don’t let negativity hijack your beauty and love. Experience the revolution of the mind and heart. Break the bondage of negativity into the light of positivity,  The time to ‘breakout is now, and for you! Welcome home!

Happiness is strange; it comes when you are not seeking it. When you are not making an effort to be happy, then unexpectedly, mysteriously, happiness is there, born of purity, of a loveliness of being. Jiddu Krishnamurti

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45 Responses to Negative Thinking, Arhata Opines

  1. Arpana says:

    “Expecting the best in people, brings out the best in people.”

    No, it doesn’t. What absolute drivel.

    The world is full of people who treat kindness as weakness, something to be taken advantage of. For many others, being a decent human being is risible. Said individuals just become someone not to be bothered with (fortunately, not all).

    The idea that life is that simple is ridiculous.

    Relationships of any sort need to be looked after; and expectations, positive and negative, are a huge barrier to decent relationships with anyone.

    Don’t expect the best or worst. Be in the middle.

    Whose best should we expect – Trump’s? Parmartha’s? Shantam’s? Lokesh’s? Tan’s? Madhu’s? Mine? Kavita’s?

    Mini bloody kang’s? She’s a classic example of someone who expects what she believes to be the best and is in a permanent psychotic rage when her expectations aren’t fulfilled.

    The best she expects of us is that we kiss Brian’s arse, and is really pissed off because we don’t.

    • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

      ” “Expecting the best in people, brings out the best in people.”

      No, it doesn’t. What absolute drivel.” (Arpana)

      I absolutely agree here with you, Arpana – and we don´t even have to leave SN as a proof – this very tiny website over the years, dedicated to Sannyas and friends, to Sannyas in UK and elsewhere.

      Otherwise, I adress you as you have been so skíllful the other day to open our ´eyes´ about some other (strange) compilation of texted article and added photo as a thread topic.

      Maybe you could help us out with this present ´mish mush´ (to quote Lokesh) about the actual content and pic too? Since 1974?? Los Angeles??


    • mini kang says:

      “Mini bloody kang’s? She’s a classic example of someone who expects what she believes to be the best and is in a permanent psychotic rage when her expectations aren’t fulfilled.”

      ???????Some form of paranoia or mental delusion, Arpana???????

  2. shantam prem says:

    One man Army!

  3. swamishanti says:

    “The brain is the ‘hardware’. The mind is the replaceable ‘software’”.

    I like that. Some creatures on this planet really do have incredible hardware, with some systems that are far more advanced than humans.

    For example, did you know that a barn owl has a hearing so sophisticated that it is actually able to hear a mouse’s heartbeat from a large distance away. This is in fact how they hunt mice, just from the sound of the heartbeat.

    And deep in the oceans, super huge whales talk, gossip and sing to each other across vast distances of thousands of miles of ocean.

  4. shantam prem says:

    It seems many sannyasins are following the thought, “Thinking Impossible Before Breakfast.” And the thought impossible is, “We are transformed. Others need to be. We are awake, others are sleeping.”

    I was checking quite an impressive website of Swami Gentleman: How many people must be visiting the website?

    In general, such people are very good human beings and I presume they sleep quite well during the night. I think one can see in almost every downtown some loving human being preaching the power of Bible and God´s son as a lonely warrior.

    After all, his Osho has said centuries ago, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

  5. sw. veet (francesco) says:

    I do not understand many things that Arhata does and says; this makes him sympathetic.
    He leaves me with a sense of disarming innocence that would make everything consistent, dropping the polarities of a judge, of course.

    A greeting to the homines and/or to the lupi (Hobbes).


  6. Klaus says:

    “…passed an ordinance limiting the size of “free speech activities” in public space to 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 5 feet high”.

    6 x 4 x 5 = 98 = size/volume of three-dimensional space.

    Does the shape necessarily have to be ‘like a brick’?
    Or can it be like ‘distorted’, ‘amorphous?

    Most likely the data are ‘absolute’.

    Looking at the picture here in the news:

    I feel like I know Arhata Osho. He looks so familiar to me.

    Great stance!

    • Parmartha says:

      Thanks for the link to Arhata in Court, Klaus.

      When I saw the pic I immediately thought this is a much better pic of him than the one in the article, and also I found it sort of reassuring that someone like this is willing to ‘stick up’ for something like Freedom of Speech so resolutely, and risk prison. I don’t know whether he went to prison, but you might?

      India is a funny old place, but because of the British it is currently the world’s biggest democracy, and does have at least some minimal respect for freedom of speech. Had Osho been born, for example, in China, Iran, Iraq, Burma and many other such places the ashram in Poona, that began in 1974. would not have got past a few months stay, before being closed down, and likely with the then “Bhagwan” ending up in jail.

      Such simple facts are often lost on the critics of such places as India, and also the apologists of both right and left wing politics, and the reinforced dogmatists of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc.

  7. Kavita says:

    American canary for free!

    • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

      “Canary”, you say, Kavita, and I guess you want to say: “Well, guys, he´s harmless, let him sing his song” – and on the other hand, we have here a human being, male, obviously not very supported in his stance by anybody, calling himself ´Arhata Osho´.

      And what all that means to him – or according to whatsoever messages, or Osho – we also don´t know about here, or do we, Klaus?

      All in all, it´s a sad story, I feel, very sad. And has a (long) complex context, I guess.

      And I´d like to deny to call any human being a ´canary´; here in our area, the canary, the more poor people´s pet in the cave in the flat, to have some chilling, ´nice´, chirping noise, not to feel alone so much…

      Another perspective, to look at the incident.


      • frank says:

        Yet another perspective:

        Well into the 20th century coal mines did not feature ventilation systems, so miners would bring a caged canary into new coal seams. Canaries are especially sensitive to methane and carbon monoxide, which made them ideal for detecting any dangerous gas build-ups. As long as the bird kept singing, the miners knew their air supply was safe. A dead canary signalled an immediate evacuation.

        Canary in a coal mine (idiomatic)
        Something whose sensitivity to adverse conditions makes it a useful early indicator of such conditions; something which warns of the coming of greater danger or trouble by a deterioration in its health or welfare.

        Serving as a warning to others. The actual canary had little control over its fate, but it continued to sing anyway. In one sense, living this way indicates a willingness to experience life’s dangers without compromise.

      • Kavita says:

        Madhu, actually in case you have seen this movie ‘Meetings With Remarkable Men’, Gurdjieff and his friends are seen selling a hand-painted sparrow as an American canary & they are successful!

        Anyway, Frank, this coal mine theory is very interesting too. Cheers!

      • Tan says:

        @ Madhu:
        You said: “And I’d like to deny to call any human being a canary, here in our area, the canary, the more poor people’s pet in the cave in the flat, to have some chilling, nice, chirping noise, not to feel alone so much…”

        What are you talking about? I live among the canaries half of the year and I know how they live and I can tell you that they live beautifully.

        I am sure the canaries could teach you to be happier and I deny to call any canary “some” human beings. Cheers!

        • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

          Yes, Tan,
          You are right; I´m neither Brazilian, nor ever visited your native country – so I am also sure that canaries in the wild and free like in your native country could teach me something.

          If I would be happier as a woman in your country, I don´t know though. You neither.


  8. Parmartha says:

    Swamishanti mentions the THUGEE CULT, which was a part of Indian society and horror from the 13th century to the British initiatives in 1835, and which led to the elimination of the Thugees completely by 1871.

    They murdered travellers in great numbers, usually by strangulation. When the British realised this was so widespread, they took it on.

    Mark Twain says of the history of the Thugees in one of his reflections:
    “That little handful of English officials in India set their sturdy and confident grip upon it, and ripped it out, root and branch! How modest do Captain Vallancey’s words sound now, when we read them again, knowing what we know:

    “The day that sees this far-spread evil completely eradicated from India, and known only in name, will greatly tend to immortalise British rule in the East.
    It would be hard to word a claim more modestly than that for this most noble work.”

    I mention this just to make clear as one example of how much India did actually owe to British rulers, and which when they left peacefully in 1947 the new Indian democracy inherited.

  9. sw. veet (francesco) says:

    All own something to British colonialism, not only India but also Kenya, and who knows how many of the 37 ex former colony …

    Mussolini suffered an inferiority without a colony, he has tried to imitate …

    Perhaps only the USA are so proud to do it their way, denying the debt to democratic culture inherited from the 13 colonies.
    They have no problem to put in jail and then poison a peaceful citizen of the largest democracy created by the British rulers.

    But what I do not understand then is: “Why did the UK refuse to even let him stay in the longue overnight transit at Heathrow”? (Anando)

    Mysteries of democracy for export.



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