Reflection from a Holy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper

Animals – are not known for skills of torture or for the sheer lust to torture, or to kill for the sheer lust to demolish, distort, destroy, harm and kill ; and when they (animals) are fed, satisfied in their needs, even as non vegetarians, they are not known as stuffing themselves up to obesity or developing bulimia or Anorexia symptoms. Or cannibalistic approaches (gulping up their own species) for the sake of gulping.

Otherwise – if they (animals) are living in precarious (captured) situations and or taken as toys (by humans)- they sadly show tendencies to copy and repeat , what the so called ´crown of creation´ does.

If only the reptile kind of brain (fight/freeze/flight) is still to function , and the so called ´rest´is given up, we come to ´augmented so called realities´ of the so called (sometimes) ´New Man`, in materialized so called everyday terms.

For sure, animals don´t create religious ideologies and popes and priests .
And yes, they don´t create world wars and the technologies that lead to such stuff.

And yes, sure, it is clear they are not known for music and literature and poetry.
They also are unable to let the idea of ´Animal Rights´ dance around the planet in less that a second.

Animals fornicate for the sake of reproduction, like humans do, but great wonder, are missing the ideology of superior races . Or superior cultures.

This is my report from the social psychological border lines of a walkabout in one of the most fabulous beautiful Bavarian landscapes imaginable, and seeing there some of the human reptiles (on their smart phones) totally into such a reality – soap actions .

My reflection – without pain killers nor ´smart´phone facility , while visiting that place at one the highest catholic celebration days (around ´The Last Supper`of Jesus´in combination with even some more ancient rituals /Celtic).

When I came to my place here again, I read your posts of the day.
And how your day was going.


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23 Responses to Reflection from a Holy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper

  1. frank says:

    “Animals – are not known for skills of torture or for the sheer lust to torture”

    You don`t have a cat,then!

    “and seeing there some of the human reptiles (on their smartphones)”

    When animals are innocent, then why call humans reptiles/animals to denigrate them?

    Madhu, you are confused.

    Why bother to go for a walk in the country just to hate people? You`d be better off staying at home and calling someone on a smartphone that you like, no?

    • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

      Frank, you ask:
      “You don`t have a cat,then!”

      Yes, I did have cats, not only one, Frank; one was poisonnd by neighbours, one was running under the wheels of a car. Long ago. As I did also then live in a big city although elsewhere and at that time in an area with a lot of greenery and a garden,

      My cats were free to come and to go. After that incident I decided not to keep cats anymore, although I am still very much fond of their independent character and fascinating eyes and relaxed way to move and to rest.

      “Why bother to go for a walk in the country just to hate people? You`d be better off staying at home and calling someone on a smartphone that you like, no?” (Frank)

      I didn’t know that this report of my Thursday in the countryside would at all reach somebody who cares. Not to speak, to be edited that way. As a thread topic.

      I am not hating people, but am a target for obnoxious stalking since quite a while. Some days are worse than others. This Thursday has been one of them. And I shared my impressions and have not given a false report concerning what I have been a target for.

      This ‘Thursday day-off-day’, visiting a place, a landscape, which I am very much and deeply connected to, it is called the ‘BLUE LAND’. Many artists survived here somehow the Nazi regime. This place has been always a very strong energetic mixture of superstitions as well as mystic power – and went the last decades through major changes.

      I am concerned about the point how civil life and places of great Beauty mutate (by humans).
      Be it in big cities, be it in the countryside, they mutate to kind of stages for event marketing and/or permanent broadcasting for a lot of people who just come for their ‘selfie’, so to say, hopping to the next spot. The next ´culisse´ for their selfies.

      I have been paining about soap-fabricating mongers – and I said what I mean, and I meant what I said. When I stopped looking, if that report is edited, it appeared like this. Today.

      You, Frank, are not the one who has been sitting by my side on that Thursday, and you are not the one who ever went, or is going in my mocassins

      So – shut up! With your interpretations.


      I wrote it because it’s everyday´s personal experience and on the other hand also beyond my very personal pain or just´personal issues.

      MOD: MADHU, WHAT IS culisse? AND WHAT ARE soap-fabricating mongers?

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:


        * Kulisse = the backdrop or artificial scenery for a theatre play.
        * reality soap mongers (see also ´gang stalking´. See urban dictionary definition below, and by interest you can find in the same dictionary the gang stalking methods).

        “1. What is gang stalking?

        Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form.

        Gang stalking is organised harassment at it’s best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc.

        It’s a psychological attack that can completely destroy a person’s life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators.”

    • Lokesh says:

      Frank says, “You don`t have a cat, then!”

      First thing that comes to mind for me also. My garden was once home to dozens of salamanders. My Siamese twin brothers soon put paid to that.

      The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats, believing them to be vehicles through which the dead could look into the world. Basically, I view cats as being totally captivated by their senses. They have great hearing, capable of picking up on the sounds grubs make under the earth. They see in darkness as well as we do in daylight, although for the most part in black and white.

      I love my three cats. Very Pavlovian when it comes to dinner time. I often sit and study my beautiful felines, who think I live with them and not vice versa. Cats are not so much cruel but rather curious. The cats kill lizards out of curiosity and are fascinated when the lizards drop their squiggling tails. They are also fascinated by birds’ feathers and squeaking mice. They will poke around one of those poor dying creatures until they are dead as rocks.

      As for Madhu’s report, it makes me realize that Shantam is not the only SN commentator sniffing glue and smoking crack round the back of Lidl. Poor Maddy, I hope she doesn’t suffer a nervous breakdown, after posting her in-depth report from the Bavarian jungle on SN.

      She concludes with the following, “When I came to my place here again, I read your posts of the day. And how your day was going.”
      Madhu, you are mistaken if you believe that my posts bear any relevance to how my day is/was going.

      • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

        “As for Madhu’s report, it makes me realize that Shantam is not the only SN commentator sniffing glue and smoking crack round the back of Lidl. Poor Maddy, I hope she doesn’t suffer a nervous breakdown, after posting her in-depth report from the Bavarian jungle on SN.” (Lokesh)

        Well, Lokesh, if one came to know who is sometimes talking here, from some Scottish ´Blood and Honour´ – `Mind Bomb´ facilitating skills with underlying trance-work, adding some post-hypnotic suggestions, it would then make a difference for the receiver.

        Got a ´help from a little friend´ late yesterday…decided to watch again the long documentary movie made by Scorsese, called `No Direction Home´, on the life and work of Bob Dylan.

        Which is quite more than the documentary of a single man and an artist, but also about time wheels changing, the ways people deal with what…and much more.

        Recommend it, to change a ´gear.


  2. shantam prem says:

    I wonder at holier-than-other Sannyas mind. They know all the answers about everything under the sky and they are so sure everything was wrong till now. Madhu is one such lonely warrior.

  3. Arpana says:

    I wonder at holier-than-other Shantam juvenile mind. He thinks he knows all the answers about everything under the sky and is so sure everything was wrong till now. Typical thirteen year-old really.

  4. Kavita says:

    Madhu dear, I don’t know what exactly it is you need to convey in your posts, but I am guessing you feel very alonely (another word I coined ) most of the time.

    That’s ok as long as you don’t hate yourself & if you do I guess maybe that’s the Tao, or maybe not! Sorry if it sounds clichéd – can’t help it, it’s all thanks to my current conditioning!

  5. Kavita says:

    Speaking about animals, I can relate to cats very closely, at least regarding this, that they make themselves feel at home until they are bored and also probably think the whole of existence is created for them alone.

    For some reason I am terrified of reptiles & can’t stand any kind of reptiles. I am reminded of sharing this with an astrologer family friend from Bombay who said to me that “reptiles signify wealth & probably I have fear of wealth”, to which I said, “If this is the case I am quite happy living with this fear!”

  6. Parmartha says:

    Hello Madhu,
    Thanks for your post.

    David Icke considers there is a sub-species of men who are reptiles, including the Duke of Edinburgh! I don’t know much about Icke, but saw him once. He was a third division goalkeeper before he became a first division orator.

    I was surprised as he spoke for nearly four hours, and seemingly without much by way of notes. And mark me, even though he spoke some nonsense there was also some sense, and no one fell asleep!

    On animals and insects and other living things I am closer to the Jains than any other religion. But don’t you think they go over the top with those masks?

    Your meaningful day in the ‘Blue Land’ — and meaningful on Holy Thursday – is full of symbolism. May you have many more.

    • madhu dagmar frantzen says:

      Quite a rude shock for me, Parmartha, for what my report I posted the other day has been taken by SN folks and some contributors.

      When I spoke of the reptile brain parts, it is that which we all have neurologically, a kind of survival mechanism ruling the vegetative nervous system. We also call it auto-pilot. We all need it and we all have it as an inbuilt mechanism.

      What I was up to was to describe how I face it, to not being able to cope with the fact that pretty much all communication – wherever – seems to be given up to some algorhythm play (of mathematics).

      My path, if ever could be spoken as a path, is more a ´Soul Hunting´path, how some native Indian shamans decribe it, when they do look where some lost soul parts have disappeared to, due to trauma or shock.

      Or in situations where a whole bunch of people or even a nation goes astray, like under Nazi regimes or other totalitarian regimes; so in the collective realms such phenomena exist as well.

      The most predominant quality that´s disappearing first in such situations is what we call Empathy with another human being or the living. Or nature. That’s round about what I have been up to in my report.

      To put me even close to the UK crackpot David Icke, who is denying the Holocaust and still is an anti-semite, is more than an insult.

      And I wonder if some of you need it for your kind of propaganda. Declaring, though, they are anti-propagandists…Brave New World….


  7. swamishanti says:

    David Icke with his whole reptilian thing is a bit crazy. I think it may be some undercover Christian conditioning that he is unaware of that is giving him this idea that reptiles are somehow ‘bad’ – or intent on controlling the Earth’s population. After all, the serpent is depicted as a bad character in the Christian mythology.

    There are scores of Americans who are into this whole reptiles from outer space theory and their secret conspiracy to dominate the world. They will point out that the snake has been worshipped in many places around the world for millenia.

    But they forget, or don’t realise that these snakes were never meant to be thought of as evil controlling aliens from out of space, but rather spiritual figures that were revered or could help people with their problems, even guide people to self-realisation, to freedom, in the Indian case.

    Unbelievable that so many people believe that Tony Blair and the Queen are Lizards in disguise, and secret groups of Satanists are controlling the earth’s affairs.

    I keep seeing this conspiracy theory stuff, often posted at the bottom of Osho qoutes from a particular blog, that some sannyasin (ex-member of inner circle?) is into.

    I think they believe that the Jews have some secret conspiracy – are they in league with the lizards?

    Or has David Icke been smoking PCP? There may be an element of truth in some of his ideas, but the guy is completely wacko.

    • Tan says:

      SS, where I live the lizards run free. They are beautiful and very colourful. Some are crocodile’s size and I love looking at them. Sometimes they are naughty, but it is how things are.

      One day, I was digging around and I notice some of them looking at me perfectly hidden. They were not afraid of me, they were looking at me like a prey. I was really scared, more scared of how they were staring at me than of the threat of them. Very weird, indeed!

      Now, about that David Icke’ s stuff, it’s a bit over the top. Totally crazy! Cheers! And, by the way, any more photos of Osho in Uruguay? XXX

      • swamishanti says:

        I love those little gecko lizards that run around on the walls, they eat mosquitoes, which is great.

        Once I observed a Nepali woman, a cleaner beating one of them to a pulp with a cloth on a porch. I kind of felt sorry for it. I hope she hadn’t been reading David Icke. I doubt it, she couldn’t speak any English.

        There are those Komodo dragons, very large lizards. David Attenborough likes talking to them.

        There’s something special about the scene, a large lake with muddy water, a flock of flamingos fishing next to the bank.

        Then…a snout and a little pair of eyes appears, just across the water…

        Then – a big Splash!! – a flash of pink feathers, and it’s dinner-time for the crocodile.


      • swamishanti says:

        I found this photo of Osho by the pool in Uruguay:

  8. prem martyn says:

    It’s a choice of mine not to post freely these days as just over a year ago I was involved in a stupid bizarre litigation case that also involved being stalked for information which I released about myself here. The stalkers’ intent was to cause fear and menace through even the use of an Osho-devoted blog. He failed utterly.

    I of course won the litigation as the contest was plainly stupid, illegal self-indulgence by the contestant and his ilk. However, even though I am happy to relate my sannyas daily days for some online chat etc. I choose not to, in the understanding that my location and private life will not now be stalked for information either on my precise whereabouts or activities or experiences. This may be seen as a success by the idiot who shadowed me into this blog and remained protected by this site’s various policy decisions at the time, but it’s my choice to live more and write less.

    Which means that I don’t give roving reports on what I do or where I go much, except in general reference. That means that unless the whole picture is given, stalkers are seemingly protected by the anonymity of blogs and the false personalities they write in with. Sad, they are.

    Just to say that I’m having a very satisfying year with a lot of Osho in me and around and in the close company of friends, both new and old, who have been very kind and loving towards me.

    I remain utterly smitten by the work and world Osho inspired us to create and am thoroughly loving turning the wheel again in company and that joy that we all know.

    I was very happy to meet with Lokesh on Ibiza a few months back because it made me and him real. Without real life happening we can be beguiled into a virtual reality that exists on its own.

    And that means that if you ever feel your well is running dry…don’t believe it for a moment. Sannyas is alive and very well and many lovely, lively friends are spreading their hearts around in truth and transparency and with courage…through the work and play that is and remains…Osho.

    Thank you, Osho, and to all of us.


    Prem Martyn

  9. swamishanti says:

    Crocodiles and turtles have been treated as gods by the South American tribal peoples for a long time. They are also hunted and eaten, like just about everything else that moves in the rainforest.

    But crocodiles from out of space? I doubt it.

  10. Kavita says:

    I just remembered how once in 1992, when my boyfriend & me were living in a higher part of Dharamshala, in a remote village where we had rented a cottage, one evening after sunset when I was in bathroom which was situated outside the bedroom, a big mountain lizard appeared on the window. I was so petrified I started to scream and went running to our bedroom, and when Shashwat inquired I told him to close the bathroom window after shooing it away.

    So he went to the bathroom to shoo it away from there, it did go away from there but now there were two of them (probably they were a couple) outside our transparent bedroom glass window (thankfully it was closed due the winter months) glaring at our every move. It was so scary I didn’t allow Shashwat to move anywhere outside our bedroom.

    I just couldn’t sleep all night and in the morning they were still sitting in the same position, glaring at us. Then I thought for a long time how to get them away and I told Shashwat that we should pray to them with folded hands and tell them that we are also a couple and it was only due to my fear that we were trying to shoo it away. It was like miracle they quietly left immediately.

    Somehow, just even a sight of them in this video makes me feel creepy. I do wonder why such a species was created, then I tell myself maybe they too think the same!

    • swamishanti says:

      Nice story.
      Perhaps the lizard couple were actually aliens, just visiting the Earth to observe human couples, or possibly they were actually a future version of ou and your boyfriend, travelling back in time.

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