• (Double post, please delete the above version). Frank — you wrote, “teertha, what you say is interesting. yet, why do we assume that osho`s plan, scheme or rationale for installing therapy into his movement was any clearer and well worked out than his motives in installing a pathological liar,poisoner and criminal sheela in charge of [...]

  • Osho himself clarified that the reason he was using psychotherapy groups was due to the differences between the ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ ego. His main point was that the Western ego, with its Graeco-Roman roots in individualism and the ‘rebel’ archetype, was stronger and more defined than the average Eastern ego (the Greek god Prometheus, who [...]

  • Frank — there is also ‘money-cost’ and ‘power structure’ in meditation — at least, any meditation involving a group setting with others. For example, meditation retreats. Monastic settings with typical renunciates may not involve money, but power structure, yes. See San Francisco Zen Center, early 1980s and the Roshi Baker scandal (the Zen…[Read more]

  • A good opening piece there by Parmartha. I would agree. Therapy groups are simply meditation externalized. Instead of confronting your stupid and aggressive (active or passive) thoughts, you confront stupid and aggressive (active or passive) fellow group members. What is the difference? ‘Outer’ and ‘inner’ is all ultimately the same anyway.…[Read more]

  • Sam.Ba. — I looked at that book some time in the late 90s, when I was investigating the ‘hidden history’ of the human race along with a secret and motley cabal of Internet dudes. We were heavy into Sitchin, Velikovsky, Bramley, the Annunaki, etc. I even went with a friend to Sedona, where we camped [...]

  • Martyn — you sound like you had a bad trip in Devageet’s dental chair. But you are a ‘Prem’ (as am I), so your lesson is to forgive. Or something like that. Alok — “I was in Pune for the three weeks up to and including Osho’s death. I was there when Osho spoke about [...]

  • Martyn — you’ve got some comic-writing prowess. Should consider a novel spoofing the whole spiritual trip. Something sorely needed with all the seriousness we get into. Incidentally, does anyone know what is happening with Devageet’s book? I heard rumor of its impending publication, but that was a while ago. Back in 1984, I was roommates [...]

  • Alok — “Re heroin addiction….Is not arrogance a form of stupidity?” Have you never known an intelligent person who also was capable of showing arrogance on occasion? Intelligence is not synonymous with perfect humility. Osho himself was not exactly humble, and judging by his own account of his youthful years, was clearly capable of manifesting [...]

  • P.T. Mistlberger became a registered member 12 years, 9 months ago

  • Martyn — I’d like to see a synchronized joint demonstration of Osho’s Dynamic Meditation, Gurdjieff’s Movements, and Crowley’s Gnostic mass. Now that would be good material for a Python skit.

  • Alok — just to respond to some of the points you’ve raised. I shall do so in good scholarly point format. 1. Above you wrote that Crowley was ‘stupid’ for acquiring a heroin addiction. To be accurate, the cause of Crowley’s heroin addiction was his bronchial disease and asthma. In 1920 his doctor, Harold Shaw, [...]