• There is a question of formal private daily meditation or practice done alone and bespeaking one’s own connection between God and you. Basically a Buddhist precept. The main problem with this to me is it becomes a sort of mental hygiene on a daily basis, and there are many who find they cannot do without [...]

  • Arpana — karma is a hugely complex topic. Hindu Vedantic scriptures cover it in the greatest hair splitting detail, far as I am aware. They describe group karma, nation karma, individual karma, etc. The way I meant it is essentially cause and effect, which seems largely how Osho was meaning it. Anyway, regarding Britain and [...]

  • chetna, how to define “beginner”? in that zen sense ,i would say that would be someone who retains a sense of joy in the activity they follow whatever “level” they imagine themselves to be at. so “beginner” would be a compliment rather than derogatory. it could be that meditation “practice” is more in line with [...]

  • The last words of the late, much-lauded and much-quoted Steve Jobs have been revealed almost a month after the Apple co-founder died at the age of 56.

    Jobs, who once memorably described death as “very likely the single best invention of life”, departed this world with a lingering look at his family and the simple, if mysterious, observation:…[Read more]

  • You are probably right about Vivek, but you say this as a definitive statement! Did someone give you inside information? I’ve only ever heard this as a speculation but then I’ve not known many insiders.

  • Hi Chetna, I have no desire to shake your faith in formal mediation. In any case it will drop away when the time is ready like fruit from the tree. On the instructions your argument is a little thin. Osho certainly did have private parts to his life that were not public when we old [...]

  • chetna, all meditation is only for beginners. thats what the zen guys were on about…. “beginners mind” that is, valuing openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions at what ever level of learning or subject as if you are a beginner…… the moment its the same old same old,its like,finding yourself doing hard drugs, meaningless sex [...]

  • By the way, if you want to appreciate what a difficult subject history is, read this http://india_resource.tripod.com/colonial.html which is what is taught to Indian schoolchildren today…this is where my quotes about India came from…. and then read the reviews (especially the two star review) to Late Victorian Holocausts here…[Read more]

  • Well that is what he told me. I have only briefly been there so I have not seen with my own eyes.

  • hoho.
    no pre war housing in germany?
    that story goes to show that germans do have a sense of humour….
    john,the bloke who told you that one must be wetting his lederhosen by now….

  • I think there is a lot we don’t know in England. I was shocked when a German friend sannyasin told me there was no pre war housing in Germany. “Allied” bombers destroyed the lot…..little villages, market towns as well as industrial and military centres.

  • the white rogue brotherhood
    the sannyas sepoy swamis

    bring it on………

  • the rioters were young guys. bored. like all teenagers they need some edgy action. that was the best night of their lives so far,for sure. that was their way of getting to live in the moment,live dangerously and feel totally alive. for sannyasins to wheel out irrelevant osho quotes to grab a headline is pretty [...]

  • Osho’s intellectual ‘weakness’, if we can call it that, was in his tendency to generalization. Any man who reads 100,000 books is bound to generalize. He was painting with a very broad canvass to speak to his huge crowd of listeners. For example, Osho said (quoting from above): “But that’s how existence functions. If you [...]

  • Unlikely to have been meditation Chetna. Any old sannyaisn worth his salt will tell you that formal meditation is just the beginning of the road, bringing meditation to all and every one of one’s activities and even sleep, yeah, now that’s something else. I am sure that Osho would have started to discourage formal meditation [...]

  • the british empire was a mass murderous usurous inhuman business,run by a lot of hypocritical psychopaths,of whom hitler was a great admirer. no question about that. have the perpetrators got their just karmic retribution,because a few wannabe gangsters nicked some trainers from jd sports,and burnt down some properties (of mostly immigrants) (the…[Read more]

  • “In Late Victorian Holocausts, Mike Davis points out that here were 31(thirty one) serious famines in 120 years of British rule compared to 17(seventeen) in the 2000 years before British rule. Not surprising, since the export of food grains had increased by a factor of four just prior to that period. And export of other [...]

  • “bobby with truncheon…symbol of law and order for hundreds of years…..civilised…” its all complete bollox. when the brit police force started out in 1820.they were attacked by a mob. i dont think they were saying: “i`m terribly sorry,after you old chap.lovely day,a spot of rain later ,oh dear…” and the met deliberately places well-spoken and [...]

  • “Life expectancy rose further in Britain in the late 19th century. By 1900 in Britain it was about 47 for a man and about 50 for a woman. (That does not mean of course that people dropped dead in their late forties. The figures are skewed because death in childhood was still common in the [...]

  • alok john, during the british industrial/colonial age “lower classes”were not much better off than slaves… for example,the factory acts of the mid 18th century generously reduced the amount of hours that children could work to 12 hours a day! and you want to karmically blame them for the starving in india? that`s weird. osho may [...]

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