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The following letter was sent out from the Pune Resort, it gives an account of the recent changes at Chuang Tzu. The photos were also sent with the original, Sannyasnews has put them within the text of letter.

From OSHO International Meditation Resort Management Team

Dt 3-9-2007

Dear friends,

I am very happy to connect with you after a long time. It gives me immense joy to share with you the developments of this beautiful place from time to time.

The management of Osho International Meditation Resort is entrusted with maintaining this paradise on earth so that more and more people can come and participate in The Osho proposal of Zorba the Buddha.

As part of this responsibility, recently we have refurbished the “bedroom” where Osho asked for his ashes to be placed, as he put it, “under the bed.”

We checked Osho's original instructions which were that the wording,

BETWEEN DEC. 11, 1931 - JAN. 19, 1990

were to be placed “over” the bed, not, as we have originally placed it, “on” the bed. At that time there was no reliable or beautiful way to do as he had asked, especially in the time available. So now, we have been able to do exactly as he had asked, and put this wording “over” the bed. You can see this in the photos attached with this letter

At the same time, the photo that has been there since that time was getting a little old and frayed so we have placed the bronze statue of Osho there instead. It was a statue he liked.

And when we were looking at Osho instructions at that time, it was clear that he referred to this “bedroom” as “Chuang Tzu,” it was we who called it the Samadhi, not Osho. So, we have also used the name of the room exactly as Osho has, and the sign outside now says, “Chuang Tzu.”

At the same time we were able to clean every crystal of the chandelier, and do a very deep clean of the whole area, which has never been possible before as there have been meditations in there every day for the last 17 years without a break.

Again, looking at the original instructions, it was nice to read his very simple statement about this room: “You just put my ashes in Chuang Tzu, under the bed. And then people can come in and meditate there.”

That is exactly what is happening today.

As he had already asked that his Meditative Therapies happen in Chuang Tzu and didn't ask that they be stopped, those too have continued. What better way to “meditate there” than as part of the very processes of meditation he created

Of course, despite Osho saying so clearly, “love change,” whenever anything in the Meditation Resort changes, no matter how slight, there are always those who want to keep everything static and unchanging, make a fuss.

So, we are sending these photos so you can see this beautiful space for yourself, and open that invitation to you all to come whenever you have time.

Also, we have now put up a new website, www.neosannyas.org. Now you can go to this website, and read what Osho says about sannyas:

“The sannyas movement is not mine. It is not yours. It was here when I was not here. It will be here when I will not be here. The sannyas movement simply means the movement of the seekers of truth. They have always been here.”

And the site extends Osho's invitation to everyone.

If you are such seeker, you can now go ahead and complete the process of confirming that you are indeed a sannyasin - without anyone else's assistance.

Also, we recently discovered that many of you may be unaware that you can read all of Osho's talks in Hindi online at www.osho.com/libraryhindi. And if you understand Hindi but prefer to read the sounds in your own script, you can change the text to many different Indian scripts.


Amrit Sadhana
for the management team