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Subtitled 'The Magazine for Conscious Living', the Osho Times is published monthly in Pune and is available outside India for US $35 per year.

Recent issues have fascinating articles on Relating, Working and Health. There are many beautiful photos of the Resort, and Osho's objective art. The core of the magazine is of course extracts of talks by Osho.

The magazine seems to be directed towards a new generation of seekers, now in their twenties. The editors seem to have decided that one large photo of Osho is about right for each issue.

The design and production are very good, albeit not quite up to the standard of the 'old' Osho Times. But the new Osho Times is doing just the same work as the old one introducing Osho's work to newcomers. The magazine includes details of the daily meditation program in Osho Auditorium, starting with dynamic at 6am and climaxing with the two hour evening meeting of the Osho White Robe Brotherhood, in which a video of an Osho talk is played.

The magazine includes interesting articles by newcomers on their experiences of meditation and the resort. I am always struck by how much better the young people look now in comparison to my day in the 1970s. The people at Pune ONE seem to have such long and unrefined faces - probably resulting from the fact they they were only one generation removed from the European slaughter of the first half of the twentieth century. In some mysterious way Osho has been doing his work for the past thirty years, all over the planet.

The magazines also include a selection of Multiversity courses and trainings for the upcoming months, albeit without prices. To be honest I would prefer to see the Multiversity prices, also prices of entry to the Resort and estimates of daily expenditure on food if you eat in the Resort. But no doubt this would be against the rules of sophisticated marketing!

The February 2005 issue has fascinating articles on the nature of choosing. I must say this is quite relevant to me. I often get into a head trip : Should I do this? Should I do that? "Mindfucking" was the word in Pune One... Osho as always gives the answer Don?t choose. Forget about choosing. How can you choose? Meditate, become serene, still, silent. One day when there will be no thought in the mind, suddenly you will feel something has been decided. Then whatsoever it is, it is good.

The magaazine can be bought monthly over the counter at Mysteries Bookshop, 11, Monmouth street, London WC2. It can also be obtained through the UK Purnima mail order service. Unfortunately you cannot subscribe with a credit card. But it appears you can send an ordinary cheque for the equivalent of US $35 plus 50 India rupees, and wait six weeks, and the magazine will start arriving!

The Resort management do insist the place is called a Resort not a Commune, not an Ashram. Whatever one thinks of this, it is clear, notwithstanding some of the rubbish one reads on the web, that Osho's work is continuing in Pune, and this magazine is part of that work.