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Dalai Lama, Tom Cruise, Madonna, Sting and others on Osho

(In what sometimes feels like a deluge of negativity about Osho it is refreshing to remember that many with the hallmark of a free spirit felt moved to say these things. )

"Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."

- The Dalai Lama, exiled leader of Tibet

"When we wrote and prepared for shooting Vanilla Sky, I constantly checked in with Osho's insights. It is not so easy to present the unconscious mind with images and a story. Osho is the only one who can perfectly explain it all, the inner and the outer and that helped me and my team immensely"

- Tom Cruise, actor

" I came across Osho's books which gave me another deeper shift in my life. I regret I did not met him in person, and I feel sorry the US Government missed such an opportunity back in 86."

- Madonna, Singer and Performer

"I found No Water, No Moon one of the most refreshing, cleansing and delightful books I could imagine. It is a book which will never cease to be a comforting companion."

- (the late) Yehudi Menuhin, classical musician

"Osho’s books inspire me to meditate. They give me peace of mind."

- Kapil Dev, famous Indian cricketer

"Osho is the greatest incarnation after Buddha in India. He is a living Buddha."

- Lama Karmapa, late head of the Kargyupta, (or Red Hat) Sect of Tibetan Buddhism

"His incredible taped discourse lectures and books have inspired me, and millions of others, on the path of self-evolution... He is like a great bell tolling, Awaken, Awaken, Awaken!"

- James Coburn, actor

"I was inspired by Osho's wisdom when I wrote the song 'How fragile we all are'; Reading his books gave me hope for humanity. It is a must for everybody to have a look into his words ....."

- Sting, Singer and Performer