• The Times of india published stats yesterday re foreign visitors to Pune since the German Bakery bombing. (See other string). Have not seen this on any other Osho or Sannyas site yet. So SN is as up to date or more so than many another sannyas site. In fact you could argue that the leading [...]

  • I never worried myself about what Osho said or did not say about political stuff. He needed an excuse to talk, but the transmission was always there if one was open, which i certainly was not always! As someone paying at least 20% of what I earn to the UK government in taxes I resent [...]

  • When I lived around Osho I was not particularly aware that he was so much in favour of holistic medicine. In darshans he often used to recommend taking straight medical complaints to a western style doctor… and seemed to have some faith in it. I agree with Lokesh in the other topic that for Osho [...]

  • According to Devageet, Osho’s personal dentist (in a 1998 preface to ‘Books I Have Loved’), Osho dictated three books under the influence of nitrous oxide from the dental chair. They were “Glimpses of a Golden Childhood”, Notes of a Madman” and “Books I have Loved”. In the 1985 edition of these books Devageet says they [...]

  • Kavita you write: “l wonder whether these sannyasins / disciples you mentioned above . . shall ever in their life time be able to work with the same intensity as & when he was in his body .” I am not sure what you mean here, do you mean those disciples that were in Osho’s [...]